Knowing the Day and the Hour of the Lord's Coming

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
The problem is, you don't understand how this works...and it irritates you, obviously.
Please don't try to be a mnind readfer- you really suck at it!

And there is still one question you have been avoiding to answer now five time.

Do you believe in transubstantiation? A simple yes or no is all that is needed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Okay, that helps. I have mixed feelings on whether to believe it or not. First, I’ve known way too many that claim things. Even men claiming to be Jesus Christ. I can see how “not I, but Christ lives in me” can be “as Christ”, but that isn’t what most of these going in front of cameras or gathering followers are saying. instead they put on a show trying to look like the painted Jesus, men have made with their own hands, at best a guess at what Jesus—the man—looked like. It’s pretty clear to see people who say and do things to gain admiration for themselves, authority over others and I don’t believe them. At this point with so many false claims, I don’t know if I would believe the real thing, if He was standing in front of me. I’m not so sure I have to because—He is Spirit, and I do believe the Voice I hear from the Word, which Voice is nothing like my own voice nor the voices of and in the world.

Your sharing of as one who has been called up to the third heaven…I pause at. Second, I don’t want to be like the Corinthians who kept badgering Paul to prove Christ spoke in him. I do see Paul did prove it, in willing to be weak that they be made strong.

Third, I’ll keep an open mind. I genuinely hope you are of a sound mind, Scott. If you are not, there is a greater chance neither am I of a sound mind.
I understand and applaud your caution, and yet openness. My own position is not much different when it comes to all the claims people make.

As for sorting and navigating through it, one really only needs to look to God and understand His ways. What He has done in the past to fulfill all that is written--that is what He will do again. The unfortunate mistake that is made by so many, is to categorically dismiss everything as if God has cried wolf and is not to be believed. It is not God who has falsely made claims, but people not sent. Even so, everyone who places their hope in God and Christ should as much as expect God to do what He has done before until every promise and every revelation is complete.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Now if you would just say it in common English instead of your mystic gibberish, maybe we all could understand what you are trying to say.

Do you speak like this to all people in everyday life or just when you are having conversations here?
It depends on the reception. If you haven't noticed, I am speaking different to you and others, than I am to some others.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Please don't try to be a mnind readfer- you really suck at it!

And there is still one question you have been avoiding to answer now five time.

Do you believe in transubstantiation? A simple yes or no is all that is needed.
Your fruit is not within your mind, but is outwardly evident.

Why do YOU avoid my answer and keep asking about transubstantiation? It makes you look rather ____________.

Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
One thing at a time. acknowledge and believe that the Lord has come in the flesh at His first advent, but then deny that His coming in the glory of God is not His coming again, as the spirit is greater than the flesh?

You are not alone, for there are many who have and do even now deny Him.
Hello my friend, His 'second' coming is not stepping foot on this earth, but in the cloud alone.

Where the dead and alive raptured saints will ascend and will meet Him in the cloud on that day.

And His 'third' coming with His angels is in defense of Israel, and destroy all of their enemies, 'physical' and 'spiritual' enemies once and for all saints.

What He wrote to the churches, He did not personally visit them, and there's no scripture to 'support' that.

Spiritually John returned from Heaven, whether in the body or not, and have them all written down as the Book of Revelation.

Therefore, this 'scripture' circulated and was read in all of the churches, and each mentioned churches got their 'message' from the Lord.

On the other hand, the same 'massage' is a reminder and correction to all the other churches who get out of hand like them.

Shalom in the name of Messiah Yeshua

Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
I understand your logic and deductions, but again most of these things are askew by the "lie" foretold by Paul, and thus the timing is off. Which is not just me saying so, but that history and the church has suffered apostacy already at work during the time of the apostles. These things are written, yet were and are believed, to come only at the very end, in error.
Are you a 'prophet' to justify what Paul said about the 'end times' are 'lies'?

And even that will come only at the very end in 'error'?

Mind you, we're more connected and rooted to the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles including Paul, than you.
For confirmation, consider also that the gifts of the Holy Spirit that you mentioned, Paul said were given (even in past tense) by Jesus:

Therefore He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men. (This is what I too have been saying).​
Yes, that's what happened on the day of Pentecost.

And to all believers as the church, according to 1 Corinthians chapter 12 - chapter 14.

Shalom in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Your fruit is not within your mind, but is outwardly evident.

Why do YOU avoid my answer and keep asking about transubstantiation? It makes you look rather ____________.
I don't remember Jesus appointing you fruit inspector.

I keep asking cuz you made an implication and I want clarification from you. So do you believe in transubstantiation. why do you avoid answering?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
And His 'third' coming with His angels is in defense of Israel, and destroy all of their enemies, 'physical' and 'spiritual' enemies once and for all saints.
I have already just addressed the error of a future only return of Jesus, but this above is also in error.

There is no "third coming" per se. But as it is with "by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established”, it may appear there is, as the times of this world and of revelation are divided by seven and also by three. Even so, the third day speaks rather of Jesus/God entering into His rest, not as another advent.

Jesus, as He said, "came but for the house of Israel", then "finished" His work for Israel. As He also said, then regarding His return, He made it clear that it was for "another fold I must also bring", which is the fold of the gentiles. Meaning that those things He spoke to "this generation"--was that very generation to whom He was speaking, specifically identifying who He meant, saying "you" (of that generation, in His presence at that time).


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I keep asking cuz you made an implication and I want clarification from you. So do you believe in transubstantiation. why do you avoid answering?
So which is it, lack of reading, listening, or comprehension skills?

--Because, I answered you already, saying I don't even know what it is.

Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
I have already just addressed the error of a future only return of Jesus, but this above is also in error.

There is no "third coming" per se. But as it is with "by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established”, it may appear there is, as the times of this world and of revelation are divided by seven and also by three. Even so, the third day speaks rather of Jesus/God entering into His rest, not as another advent.

Jesus, as He said, "came but for the house of Israel", then "finished" His work for Israel. As He also said, then regarding His return, He made it clear that it was for "another fold I must also bring", which is the fold of the gentiles. Meaning that those things He spoke to "this generation"--was that very generation to whom He was speaking, specifically identifying who He meant, saying "you" (of that generation, in His presence at that time).
You're another 'error' composed in heresy of heretics!

Jesus' 'first' coming is as a child to Joseph and Mary, as from the line of David foretold.

His 'second' coming is to 'rapture' all the saints dead or alive while from the cloud.

And His 'third' coming is with His angels stepping on earth to defend Israel from all their enemies.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
You're another 'error' composed in heresy of heretics!

Jesus' 'first' coming is as a child to Joseph and Mary, as from the line of David foretold.

His 'second' coming is to 'rapture' all the saints dead or alive while from the cloud.

And His 'third' coming is with His angels stepping on earth to defend Israel from all their enemies.
You have and know much of the scriptures, but have not told it accurately, as it was to be "restrained until He who restrains is taken out of the way." Which is what I have been speaking of, which was not known, but "sealed" until now. This too is written--perhaps you know this too. In which case, why have you not expected it, but beat the same drum of those who for so long claimed heresy for lack of understanding?

Apparently, you also did not know that those who believed the "lie" Paul said would come, are also the "scoffers" foretold by Peter. Or you would not now be scoffing so.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
So which is it, lack of reading, listening, or comprehension skills?

--Because, I answered you already, saying I don't even know what it is.
YOu are not stupid so I don't buy that answer. Google it and you can learn something! then answer the Question.

I will answer you after you respond to this question.