So what is this all about?:
But many that are first will be last, and the last first. Matt 19:30 RSV
A wealthy man asks Jesus what more he must do to gain eternal life, and Jesus suggests that he sell his possessions and give to the poor, because it's difficult for those who hoard wealth to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 19:20-24). This prompted the apostles to ask, "Who then can be saved?" since poverty often makes one sin, through envy and lack of respect for other people's property, and through lack of confidence in Providence, and riches are an obstacle to perfection. (Matt. 19:25)
Jesus said in reply, "What is impossible for men, is possible for God, because everything is possible for God" (Matt. 19:26). It is sufficient for man to help his Lord with his good will. And it is good will to take the advice given and strive to achieve freedom from riches. To achieve complete freedom, in order to follow God. Because this is the true freedom of man: to follow the voices that God whispers to his heart, and His commandments, not to be the slave of himself, or of the world, or of respect of public opinion, and consequently not to be the slave of Satan. To make use of the wonderful free will that God gave man to wish Good only and freely, and thus attain the very bright, free and blissful eternal life. Man must not be slave even of his own life, if to gratify it he must resist God. Jesus had said to them: "He who loses his life for My sake and to serve God will save it forever" (Matt. 10:39;16:25, Mk. 8:35, Lk. 9:24;17:33, Jn. 12:25, Rev. 2:10)
"Well! We have left everything to follow You, even what was lawful. So what about us? Shall we enter Your Kingdom?" asked Peter. (Matt. 19:27)
Those who have followed Jesus thus and those who follow Him—because there is always time to make amends for laziness and sins committed so far, there is always time while man is on the Earth and has days in front of him during which he can redress wrongs done—those will be with Him in His Kingdom. The twelve apostles, who had followed Him in the regeneration, will sit on thrones to judge the tribes of the Earth with the Son of Man Who will be sitting on the throne of His glory. And once again, there is no one who in His Name has left house, fields, father, mother, brothers, wife, sons and sisters to propagate the Gospel and continue His work, who will not receive one hundredfold at that present time and eternal life in the world to come.
If we lose everything how can we centuplicate what we have?
I repeat, what is impossible for men is possible for God. God will give one hundredfold of spiritual joy to those who from men of the world became sons of God, that is spiritual men. They will enjoy real happiness, both here and beyond the Earth. And not all those who seem to be the first, and ought to be the first having received more than everybody, will be such. And not all those who seem to be the last, and even less than the last, as they do not appear to be Jesus's disciples or to belong to the chosen People, will be the last. Truly, many who were first will become last, and many who were last, least, will become first... (Matt. 19:28-30, cf. Potmg: V5 )
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