The Jews are first the gentiles are last.
The Jews rejected Jesus but the gentiles accepted Him therefore the reversal.
Luke 13:28-30,
- There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God
And yourselves thrust out
They will come from the east and the west from the north and the south and sit down in the kingdom of God
And indeed there are last who will be first and there are first who will be last
i also take note for some of you, it refers to the Jews first and the Gentiles last.
This verse Jesus addressed to the Jews who were leaders of Israel in disbelieve and contending Him in Israel.
And, also those who believe and rejoice merely based on all the glorious things that were done by Jesus in Israel.
That's why He said, when the Master of the house shall
be risen up the door will be shut to these in Israel, who've heard and seen already. (verse 25)
Therefore the Gospel will depart from them in Israel, and apparently will go to the Gentiles and Jews outside of Israel, who've not heard and seen.
Since He was addressing to the Jews in Israel, was He not referring to the remnant of Jews saved by grace in Israel shall be first? (Romans 11:6)
Also on the day of Pentecost, there were also devout Jews from east to the west, and north to the south present and were saved added to the remnant as well?
Wasn't Paul a chosen 'instrument' of Christ, who will bear His name before the Gentiles, and kings,
and the children of Israel outside of Israel?
Since he is the most wanted fugitive in Israel, where at one time a basket was used to have him escape from Israel?
And, finally until the fullness of Gentiles be come in, and
so all Israel shall be saved, aren't they the last?
Again apparently scripturally, when the Gospel is done with the Gentiles and the fullness of them be come in already.
Finally, there'll be 'two witnesses' sent to Israel and will minister to the Jews there during the reign of 'anti-Christ'.
By these, how can we testify the Gentiles are last, when all Israel are last to be saved??
Shalom in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord