Missing from bible

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
the pineal gland. if you mention this little thing around mainstream Christians many will start screaming devil! third eye and all the rest.
Really? What a bizarre reaction to a perfectly ordinary part of the brain. It secretes melatonin, which regulates our circadian rhythm.

Every part of our brain is amazing and mysterious. Why single out the pineal body? Why revere it? God made it, it's no more sacred than anything else just because we don't altogether understand it.


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
jaybird said:
1. why are some things missing from the bible such as chakras, energy fields, sound, frequencies,pineal gland and things of this nature? and if not missing where are they.

2. i think there are many truths in the eastern beliefs. these people know all about these things in their belief system yet in the west our bible says nothing of these things. when i mention these things to other Christians they think i am crazy and call this devils work. Tibetan Buddhist devote majority of their lives to spirituality and

3. yet most western main stream Christians spend less than one day a week, with most of our focus on our job, our money, shopping and television. this makes no sense to me.
1. If these exist, knowledge of them is pointless. I believe aliens exist. Doesn't affect what actually matters. The bible is quite focused on what is really important. This is what separates Christianity from other religions. We cut to the heart of practising a God fearing life. We don't play religion. Well we shouldn't. I can't defend all denominations on this. Many add to scripture.

2. I should hope Christians don't spend a second on any spiritual endeavour. We pray to a real God that has revealed Himself to us 1 Cor 12:3. We don't pray to a Santa Claus. We could not give two hoots about how spiritual we feel. Our body tingles with emotions when we talk to God. Just as it does when our spouse kisses us or says they love us. The spiritual talk in scripture has to do with alligning our will with God's. Walk by the spirit, do not fulfil the lusts of the flesh = consider God hearts behind all we do, His will, look beyond the nose, don't just carry on like an animal. Nobody, least of all God gives two hoots about how positive or glowy our aura is.

3. Thats not true. A Christian thinks about God's will every second of every day. We are in a live war with our flesh and demons. Considering our chakra etc is like taking time out to play chess when ISIS is around the corner.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
Deborah_ said:
Really? What a bizarre reaction to a perfectly ordinary part of the brain. It secretes melatonin, which regulates our circadian rhythm.

Every part of our brain is amazing and mysterious. Why single out the pineal body? Why revere it? God made it, it's no more sacred than anything else just because we don't altogether understand it.
i dont revere it and im not claiming its the one true path or anything like that. i am only repeating things i have read. i thought it was curious.

lets say it is like you say, nothing more than a gland that makes a sleep hormone. why would ancient cultures consider it part of their belief system? why would they even care about sleep hormones?
you may be right and maybe its nothing, i just thought it was interesting.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
jaybird said:
i dont revere it and im not claiming its the one true path or anything like that. i am only repeating things i have read. i thought it was curious.

lets say it is like you say, nothing more than a gland that makes a sleep hormone. why would ancient cultures consider it part of their belief system? why would they even care about sleep hormones?
you may be right and maybe its nothing, i just thought it was interesting.
I know you don't - but you did say that some cultures do, and you did talk about "mainstream Christians" (which would probably include people like me) having a superstitious fear of it. We know that it's just a gland that makes sleep hormone, but that was only discovered relatively recently in human history. The ancients didn't have a clue what any part of the brain did.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
KingJ said:
1. If these exist, knowledge of them is pointless. I believe aliens exist. Doesn't affect what actually matters. The bible is quite focused on what is really important. This is what separates Christianity from other religions. We cut to the heart of practising a God fearing life. We don't play religion. Well we shouldn't. I can't defend all denominations on this. Many add to scripture.

2. I should hope Christians don't spend a second on any spiritual endeavour. We pray to a real God that has revealed Himself to us 1 Cor 12:3. We don't pray to a Santa Claus. We could not give two hoots about how spiritual we feel. Our body tingles with emotions when we talk to God. Just as it does when our spouse kisses us or says they love us. The spiritual talk in scripture has to do with alligning our will with God's. Walk by the spirit, do not fulfil the lusts of the flesh = consider God hearts behind all we do, His will, look beyond the nose, don't just carry on like an animal. Nobody, least of all God gives two hoots about how positive or glowy our aura is.

3. Thats not true. A Christian thinks about God's will every second of every day. We are in a live war with our flesh and demons. Considering our chakra etc is like taking time out to play chess when ISIS is around the corner.
1. i dont believe in aliens but lets say i do or we both do. wouldnt you want to know how these things incorporate with our Lords will? i would. i enjoy finding connections with science, mysteries etc with our bible.

2 / 3. IMO spirituality is what is missing from many in todays church. not directed at you or anyone in general, im just going by my own experience. church became to me nothing more than going through the motions, listening to how others understand the bible. everything seemed to be buried in doctrine and dogma, these can be useful but IMO can have bad effects as eventually one will not be able to read and understand scriptures for themselves, they will only see them as how others see them. how can one have a closeness with the Lord when they can only see Him the way others see Him. i think this is why Jesus stressed praying in silence and solitude, He wanted us to have a unique relationship with the Lord.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
Deborah_ said:
I know you don't - but you did say that some cultures do, and you did talk about "mainstream Christians" (which would probably include people like me) having a superstitious fear of it. We know that it's just a gland that makes sleep hormone, but that was only discovered relatively recently in human history. The ancients didn't have a clue what any part of the brain did.
im very sorry Deborah. i did not mean to direct anything at you or anyone here. i think our church in general has lost a lot from when Jesus and the 12 started it. the Christians i was referring to probably wouldnt be here. you and i and im sure everyone else here are here because they we want more from our walk with the Lord.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
mjrhealth said:
Hi Jaybird,

Good on you for thinking outside the box, Far to many put God inside there box and close the lid, and wont let Him out. There is so much to God that we in our meager lives could never learn nor understand it all, but to find it one needs to ask God, after all He is teh creator.

Now God did not create evil, evil was always here, it just had no hold until the fall of man, which opened teh door to let it in. Lucifer, teh devil was created in honor and glory as one of God angels, but he let pride come in and fell from his first estate, he and his fallen angles where what is behind the evil spirits not God.

As for all these religions, even christianity as a religion keeps man from God it is the devil that seem to be so good and finding alternative ways for man to save himself,but it is all folly.

I have a friend who could tell you much about the workings of the human body by things that the Lord has shown her and she is no doctor or nurse. God gives to those who ask, if one does not ask, how can one receive.
yes i am an outside the box thinker, the biggest problem is it gets me in trouble and most the time i wish i could crawl back in the box.

if our Lord didnt create evil then where did it come from? there had to be some force that sparked it into existence.

as far as the details of how these things work, its interesting, but what i think about is why are they so closely tied in to other beliefs and not so much with ours? i have found many forbidden things in the bible but nothing on these things i mentioned. there are some that believe the wheels of ezekiel are the chakra points. but ezekiel seems to be speaking from a point of infinity and i am trying to understand him from a finite world. i couldnt begin to interpret it.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
jaybird said:
let me say that i am the worst when creating titles for post. i dont put much thought in them cause im thinking of the question / discussion thats following.
i dont think we are missing out on anything outside our bible. but i think the answer to all things are in the bible.
let me pick one example out of my OP and explain. the pineal gland. if you mention this little thing around mainstream Christians many will start screaming devil! third eye and all the rest. but yet its real, if you looked inside a human brain there it is. why is it there?
ancient belief systems knew all about this gland, they drew pictures of it and such.
todays science knows little about it. the few things they know are very interesting. its about 90% water, it puts out more energy than anything else in our body, it has vision type receptors like the ones connected to our eyes, its connected to dreams, if its damaged it leads to schizophrenia.
i think its strange this gland is so tightly connected and revered in other beliefs, yet ours says nothing about it. its not a false god or custom, its a real thing in our body.
i have my own thoughts, we have a body, soul and spirit. body is here, soull is somewhere else, spirit connects the two. maybe this gland is the physical connecting point of our spirit. just a thought.
Well then I suggest you make a more concerted effort in creating titles for your posts otherwise you will continue to be misunderstood, and waste a lot of time here.

You're talking biology here you're not talking theology. Anyone who has a basic understanding of biology knows about the pineal gland and what it does. It's nothing mystical or magical it simply regulates the melatonin in our body and helps us to sleep. This is learned in high school biology, so saying that most Christians don't know anything about it is not accurate at all. As we are imperfect humans and subject to the law of sin and death, then that gland doesn't necessarily work properly in every person. That is the way the proverbial cookie crumbles. I would suggest you look to some respectable sites in regards to finding out exactly what it does, instead of approaching it from a theological perspective. It is nothing mystical no more than eating Rhino horn accomplishes anything in your body. The whole point here is that you're bringing up issues that have nothing to do with our Christian walk or theology or the understanding of the Bible, so to say you don't understand why it's not in the Bible just means you really don't understand why the Bible is there and what it is actually for.
It is definitely not a Gray's Anatomy textbook.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2012
United States
jaybird said:
why are some things missing from the bible such as chakras, energy fields, sound, frequencies,pineal gland and things of this nature? and if not missing where are they.

i think there are many truths in the eastern beliefs. these people know all about these things in their belief system yet in the west our bible says nothing of these things. when i mention these things to other Christians they think i am crazy and call this devils work. Tibetan Buddhist devote majority of their lives to spirituality and yet most western main stream Christians spend less than one day a week, with most of our focus on our job, our money, shopping and television. this makes no sense to me.

Nothing wrong with meditation I guess, and Christianity is spiritual, but the only 'energy field' I'm aware of is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.. Nothing is missing from the bible, its what Christians meditate on, the written word is a source of understanding and strength which energizes us.. Metaphysically focusing on other aspects of our being by seeking to find ourselves in some self-induced trance is a vain attempt to put Christ on a shelf and find answers elsewhere. Imo, spirituality is not something you gain by devoting yourself to it 7 days a week, but rather, spirituality is already a constant part of yourself when you take on the spirit of Christ.. Its something you are, and not something secret that's found by discovering chakras or mantra's geared towards self-discovery. Those traditions take on a meaning of "Physician, heal thyself".
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Jan 17, 2016
United States
StanJ said:
Maybe you can tell us exactly what the real spiritual values are in eastern mysticism? Phil 4:8 tells to keep an open mind and think in all good things, but that does not include mysticism. Christians know that everything that is in the Bible is everything we need to know God and our Savior Jesus Christ. It lacks nothing in that regard which includes whatever you may feel is lacking. The Bible is meant to deal with one thing in it's historical and Theological content, and that is God. BTW are you EO or RC? I'm trying to understand why you would encourage this line of questioning?
Phl 4:8 (KJV) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

My Bible doesn't have the words; "but that does not include mysticism" in that verse. What version are you using?
BTW: Christianity is an Eastern, (Jerusalem) mystical (includes sacramental union with God) religion whose adherants actually believe that they communicate with God.

<<Christians know that everything that is in the Bible is everything we need to know God and our Savior Jesus Christ.>>
Everything we need to know is not the same as "everything there is to know."
When a Tibetan Buddhist Lama says that war is evil, he's right isn't he? Or is he wrong because he's not a Christian and it doesn't specifically say "war is evil" in the Bible?

<<The Bible is meant to deal with one thing in it's historical and Theological content, and that is God.>>
Agreed. The Bible is about God's self revelation, salvation and the eternal life He offers to all mankind. That doesn't mean that all other sources of in formation about all other topics are wrong and/or evil. The fact is that there is actual, bona fide truth to be found in the teachings of Buddha, Gungfutsu, (AKA Confucius), the Bagahavad Gita and Upanishads, the Greek philosophers and other sources. I see them as mankind's attempts to discover what the scriptures finally reveal after a period of 2000 years of progressive revelation.

Only the Bible has the revelation of Jesus Christ and, if a believer knows the other sources, he can draw what is useful from them as did the Early Church Fathers when they worked out the doctrines of the Trinity and the divine/human nature of Christ. They drew from their knowledge of the Greek Philosophers' writings to use their technical language and concepts.

Knowing something of those other sources also provides a means of identifying interesting but destructive deviations from the teachings of the Bible into dead ends of speculative and self-destructive philosophies which we find constantly arising around us in popular culture and politics.

<<BTW are you EO or RC?>>
I'm a Christian. I might not quite fit in to any of your pigeon holes. And I'd rather that you not attempt to roost me in one of your neatly formed conceptions of what I might "be."

<<I'm trying to understand why you would encourage this line of questioning?>>
I wonder why you would not!
Is there such a thing in your belief system as too much prayer? Wie schade!
Is meditation on the name of Jesus a problem according to your understanding of Christianity? Say it ain't so!
Is Christianity only an intellectual exercise for you or do you allow for the concept of engaging body, soul and spirit in seeking perfect union with God? (Eph 5:31-32)

I find too many people think of Christianity as a set of precepts to believe and to argue about with people who don't believe exactly as they do. Christianity is, as I see it, the way of life of the new race of people who bear the real presence of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) within them as they strive to more perfectly manifest the Kingdom of God on earth in these last days.

iakov the fool

[SIZE=9pt]You have chosen to subject yourself to the rantings of iakov the fool. No warrantee is declared or implied. Individual mileage may vary. Enjoy the rest of your day. [/SIZE]


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
iakov said:
Phl 4:8 (KJV) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
My Bible doesn't have the words; "but that does not include mysticism" in that verse. What version are you using?
BTW: Christianity is an Eastern, (Jerusalem) mystical (includes sacramental union with God) religion whose adherants actually believe that they communicate with God.
<<Christians know that everything that is in the Bible is everything we need to know God and our Savior Jesus Christ.>>
Everything we need to know is not the same as "everything there is to know."
When a Tibetan Buddhist Lama says that war is evil, he's right isn't he? Or is he wrong because he's not a Christian and it doesn't specifically say "war is evil" in the Bible?
<<The Bible is meant to deal with one thing in it's historical and Theological content, and that is God.>>
Agreed. The Bible is about God's self revelation, salvation and the eternal life He offers to all mankind. That doesn't mean that all other sources of in formation about all other topics are wrong and/or evil. The fact is that there is actual, bona fide truth to be found in the teachings of Buddha, Gungfutsu, (AKA Confucius), the Bagahavad Gita and Upanishads, the Greek philosophers and other sources. I see them as mankind's attempts to discover what the scriptures finally reveal after a period of 2000 years of progressive revelation.
Only the Bible has the revelation of Jesus Christ and, if a believer knows the other sources, he can draw what is useful from them as did the Early Church Fathers when they worked out the doctrines of the Trinity and the divine/human nature of Christ. They drew from their knowledge of the Greek Philosophers' writings to use their technical language and concepts.
Knowing something of those other sources also provides a means of identifying interesting but destructive deviations from the teachings of the Bible into dead ends of speculative and self-destructive philosophies which we find constantly arising around us in popular culture and politics.
<<BTW are you EO or RC?>>
I'm a Christian. I might not quite fit in to any of your pigeon holes. And I'd rather that you not attempt to roost me in one of your neatly formed conceptions of what I might "be."
<<I'm trying to understand why you would encourage this line of questioning?>>
I wonder why you would not!
Is there such a thing in your belief system as too much prayer? Wie schade!
Is meditation on the name of Jesus a problem according to your understanding of Christianity? Say it ain't so!
Is Christianity only an intellectual exercise for you or do you allow for the concept of engaging body, soul and spirit in seeking perfect union with God? (Eph 5:31-32)
I find too many people think of Christianity as a set of precepts to believe and to argue about with people who don't believe exactly as they do. Christianity is, as I see it, the way of life of the new race of people who bear the real presence of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) within them as they strive to more perfectly manifest the Kingdom of God on earth in these last days.
iakov the fool
Total deflection and equivocation. I'm not surprised you've gone back to Orthodoxy, but that doesn't mean you understand Christianity even more, you just like to frame it behind all kinds of mysticism, which is not in the Bible and which we don't need. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and that takes away all the vagueness and darkness that would be in mysticism.
Your refusal to answer direct questions with direct statements just proves you don't really know what you're into.
Josh 1:8 encourages the children of Israel to meditate on God's word, day and night.
This is nothing new and has been around right back to Gen 24:63. There is nothing mystical about meditation if it's done in the biblical way. If it's done in any other way the causes us to stray from God and away from his word, then yes it is wrong and non-productive and non-biblical.
If you don't really understand the context of what Paul was stating in 1 Cor 4:10, then you really shouldn't use it because it makes you absolutely look foolish.
The point Paul was trying to make there, and then obviously self-deprecating manner, was not something that he wanted other people to claim, he was making an observation and a point about being a true apostle. Are you trying to say that you are a true apostle?


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
Dan57 said:
Nothing wrong with meditation I guess, and Christianity is spiritual, but the only 'energy field' I'm aware of is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.. Nothing is missing from the bible, its what Christians meditate on, the written word is a source of understanding and strength which energizes us.. Metaphysically focusing on other aspects of our being by seeking to find ourselves in some self-induced trance is a vain attempt to put Christ on a shelf and find answers elsewhere. Imo, spirituality is not something you gain by devoting yourself to it 7 days a week, but rather, spirituality is already a constant part of yourself when you take on the spirit of Christ.. Its something you are, and not something secret that's found by discovering chakras or mantra's geared towards self-discovery. Those traditions take on a meaning of "Physician, heal thyself".
tesla was one of the first that recognized these energy fields. he wrote about them and at the time everyone thought he was crazy. 2000 years before him plato wrote about it and people thought he was writing fiction. today we know these fields exist and can see them when viewed through special equipment. the fields more or less take the shape of the object they come from so they are kinda like an invisible outline whats interesting is if you lose an arm, leg or finger and look at someones energy field, it will still have the outline of the lost limb. some scientist think these could explain things such as a school of fish that move as one unit.
i agree with you on the "Physician, heal thyself" concept but do you think there may be a balance to all these? Jesus was a teacher and he wanted us to learn from those teachings, we cant bond with the Father independent from Jesus but we cant expect Jesus to do all the work for us , if that were the case then why would He have bothered teaching at all.


Jan 17, 2016
United States
StanJ said:
Total deflection and equivocation. I'm not surprised you've gone back to Orthodoxy, but that doesn't mean you understand Christianity even more, you just like to frame it behind all kinds of mysticism, which is not in the Bible and which we don't need. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and that takes away all the vagueness and darkness that would be in mysticism.
Your refusal to answer direct questions with direct statements just proves you don't really know what you're into.
Josh 1:8 encourages the children of Israel to meditate on God's word, day and night.
This is nothing new and has been around right back to Gen 24:63. There is nothing mystical about meditation if it's done in the biblical way. If it's done in any other way the causes us to stray from God and away from his word, then yes it is wrong and non-productive and non-biblical.
If you don't really understand the context of what Paul was stating in 1 Cor 4:10, then you really shouldn't use it because it makes you absolutely look foolish.
The point Paul was trying to make there, and then obviously self-deprecating manner, was not something that he wanted other people to claim, he was making an observation and a point about being a true apostle. Are you trying to say that you are a true apostle?
<<Total deflection and equivocation.>>
Some of your question s don't rate answers.
<<I'm not surprised you've gone back to Orthodoxy>>
How graciously condescending of you. You must be very pleased that you are better than those ORTHOdoxies.
<<that doesn't mean you understand Christianity even more,>>
Even more than what or whom? I never said I understood it more than any what or whom. What are you talking about?
<<you just like to frame it behind all kinds of mysticism,>>
You have no idea what I do and do not like.
I certainly do not like "all kinds" of mysticism.
Much of it is total crap. Just like your idea that there is no place for mysticism in Christianity.
<<mysticism, which is not in the Bible and which we don't need.>>
Your personal opinion is duly noted.
<<Your refusal to answer direct questions with direct statements just proves you don't really know what you're into.>>
As is, I suppose, the list of references and source material I provided.
What I am "in to" is what the Church has practiced for 2000 years.
<<Josh 1:8 encourages the children of Israel to meditate on God's word, day and night. This is nothing new and has been around right back to Gen 24:63.>>
And yet you have a problem with that and call it "non-Biblical mysticism that we don't need." You're not making any sense.
<<There is nothing mystical about meditation if it's done in the biblical way. If it's done in any other way the causes us to stray from God and away from his word, then yes it is wrong and non-productive and non-biblical.>>
AH! Yet another personal opinion based on your very, very, limited knowledge of the subject and a total lack of experience. Thank you for sharing.
<<If you don't really understand the context of what Paul was stating in 1 Cor 4:10, then you really shouldn't use it>>
I didn't use it.
<<Are you trying to say that you are a true apostle?>>
I didn't say anything like that either.

"Hey 19", we can't talk about the subject because you have decided that you already know all about a subject of which you quite obviously know very nearly nothing.

It you want to have a conversation (not just tell me what's wrong with me) then do your homework first.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
iakov said:
Phl 4:8 (KJV) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

My Bible doesn't have the words; "but that does not include mysticism" in that verse. What version are you using?
BTW: Christianity is an Eastern, (Jerusalem) mystical (includes sacramental union with God) religion whose adherants actually believe that they communicate with God.

<<Christians know that everything that is in the Bible is everything we need to know God and our Savior Jesus Christ.>>
Everything we need to know is not the same as "everything there is to know."
When a Tibetan Buddhist Lama says that war is evil, he's right isn't he? Or is he wrong because he's not a Christian and it doesn't specifically say "war is evil" in the Bible?

<<The Bible is meant to deal with one thing in it's historical and Theological content, and that is God.>>
Agreed. The Bible is about God's self revelation, salvation and the eternal life He offers to all mankind. That doesn't mean that all other sources of in formation about all other topics are wrong and/or evil. The fact is that there is actual, bona fide truth to be found in the teachings of Buddha, Gungfutsu, (AKA Confucius), the Bagahavad Gita and Upanishads, the Greek philosophers and other sources. I see them as mankind's attempts to discover what the scriptures finally reveal after a period of 2000 years of progressive revelation.

Only the Bible has the revelation of Jesus Christ and, if a believer knows the other sources, he can draw what is useful from them as did the Early Church Fathers when they worked out the doctrines of the Trinity and the divine/human nature of Christ. They drew from their knowledge of the Greek Philosophers' writings to use their technical language and concepts.

Knowing something of those other sources also provides a means of identifying interesting but destructive deviations from the teachings of the Bible into dead ends of speculative and self-destructive philosophies which we find constantly arising around us in popular culture and politics.

I find too many people think of Christianity as a set of precepts to believe and to argue about with people who don't believe exactly as they do. Christianity is, as I see it, the way of life of the new race of people who bear the real presence of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) within them as they strive to more perfectly manifest the Kingdom of God on earth in these last days.

iakov the fool

You have chosen to subject yourself to the rantings of iakov the fool. No warrantee is declared or implied. Individual mileage may vary. Enjoy the rest of your day.
i never got why mysticism was such a taboo subject. i was taught that it was painting symbols on the ground and channeling spirits. yet i watched a presentation on Christian mysticism the other day and they guy mostly talked about Jesus, monastic living and the way many of the early church fathers understood His teachings. it didnt sound evil, rebellious to our Lord or anything of that nature.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
i never got why mysticism was such a taboo subject. i was taught that it was painting symbols on the ground and channeling spirits.
Leviticus 20:6
“Whoever turns to mediums or spiritists and prostitutes himself with them, I will turn against that person and cut him off from his people.

Deuteronomy 18:10
No one among you is to make his son or daughter pass through the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery,

2 Chronicles 33:6
He passed his sons through the fire in the Valley of Hinnom. He practiced witchcraft, divination, and sorcery, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did a great deal of evil in the Lord’s sight, provoking Him.

Isaiah 8:19
When they say to you, “Consult the spirits of the dead and the spiritists who chirp and mutter,” shouldn’t a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?

Galatian 5
19 Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger,selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, 21 envy,drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I tell you about these things in advance—as I told you before—that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
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Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
iakov said:
<<Total deflection and equivocation.>>
Some of your question s don't rate answers.
<<I'm not surprised you've gone back to Orthodoxy>>
How graciously condescending of you. You must be very pleased that you are better than those ORTHOdoxies.
<<that doesn't mean you understand Christianity even more,>>
Even more than what or whom? I never said I understood it more than any what or whom. What are you talking about?
<<you just like to frame it behind all kinds of mysticism,>>
You have no idea what I do and do not like.
I certainly do not like "all kinds" of mysticism.
Much of it is total crap. Just like your idea that there is no place for mysticism in Christianity.
<<mysticism, which is not in the Bible and which we don't need.>>
Your personal opinion is duly noted.
<<Your refusal to answer direct questions with direct statements just proves you don't really know what you're into.>>
As is, I suppose, the list of references and source material I provided.
What I am "in to" is what the Church has practiced for 2000 years.
<<Josh 1:8 encourages the children of Israel to meditate on God's word, day and night. This is nothing new and has been around right back to Gen 24:63.>>
And yet you have a problem with that and call it "non-Biblical mysticism that we don't need." You're not making any sense.
<<There is nothing mystical about meditation if it's done in the biblical way. If it's done in any other way the causes us to stray from God and away from his word, then yes it is wrong and non-productive and non-biblical.>>
AH! Yet another personal opinion based on your very, very, limited knowledge of the subject and a total lack of experience. Thank you for sharing.
<<If you don't really understand the context of what Paul was stating in 1 Cor 4:10, then you really shouldn't use it>>
I didn't use it.
<<Are you trying to say that you are a true apostle?>>
I didn't say anything like that either.

"Hey 19", we can't talk about the subject because you have decided that you already know all about a subject of which you quite obviously know very nearly nothing.

It you want to have a conversation (not just tell me what's wrong with me) then do your homework first.
Again, denial, deflection and equivocation....same old same old.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
jaybird said:
i never got why mysticism was such a taboo subject. i was taught that it was painting symbols on the ground and channeling spirits. yet i watched a presentation on Christian mysticism the other day and they guy mostly talked about Jesus, monastic living and the way many of the early church fathers understood His teachings. it didnt sound evil, rebellious to our Lord or anything of that nature.
That much is apparent so maybe you should learn what the definition of mysticism is and see how it is not compatible with Biblical principles whatsoever?
The Bible says that the devil appears as an angel of Light so what does that tell you?


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
Angelina said:
Leviticus 20:6
“Whoever turns to mediums or spiritists and prostitutes himself with them, I will turn against that person and cut him off from his people.

Deuteronomy 18:10
No one among you is to make his son or daughter pass through the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery,

2 Chronicles 33:6
He passed his sons through the fire in the Valley of Hinnom. He practiced witchcraft, divination, and sorcery, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did a great deal of evil in the Lord’s sight, provoking Him.

Isaiah 8:19
When they say to you, “Consult the spirits of the dead and the spiritists who chirp and mutter,” shouldn’t a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?

Galatian 5
19 Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger,selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, 21 envy,drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I tell you about these things in advance—as I told you before—that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
yes, like i said i get that sorcery, channeling, mediums are forbidden. such things were tightly connected with the canaanite kings who were rebellers of the Lord. they were evil in its purest form IMO. but is that mysticism? many say its about union with the Lord, surrendering yourself to the Lord, fasting, meditating to get deeper understanding. did Jesus not teach these things?


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
jaybird said:
1. i dont believe in aliens but lets say i do or we both do. wouldnt you want to know how these things incorporate with our Lords will? i would. i enjoy finding connections with science, mysteries etc with our bible.

2 / 3. IMO spirituality is what is missing from many in todays church. not directed at you or anyone in general, im just going by my own experience. church became to me nothing more than going through the motions, listening to how others understand the bible. everything seemed to be buried in doctrine and dogma, these can be useful but IMO can have bad effects as eventually one will not be able to read and understand scriptures for themselves, they will only see them as how others see them. how can one have a closeness with the Lord when they can only see Him the way others see Him. i think this is why Jesus stressed praying in silence and solitude, He wanted us to have a unique relationship with the Lord.
1. God gave us a brain that craves knowledge. Study whatever interests you. Just don't be ignorant to the fact that many religions, spiritual and intellectual theories exist for a purpose of being distractions to the truth from devils.

2. I don't agree. What is missing is actual love for God. I can be in the dry as hell desert reading a boring as hell stone tablet and still be so alive and thrilled because I love the Lord. You are making the pendulum swing in the opposite direction to just another equally sad position. Kind of touching on this scripture: Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

I like what Stan said. Differentiate between theology and biology.


Jan 17, 2016
United States
StanJ said:
Again, denial, deflection and equivocation....same old same old.
OK! Time out!
This went sideways and it's my fault.
I took offense at your first response and answered unkindly.
I ask your forgiveness.

I say that Christianity is a "mystical" religion because, in baptism, we are united with Christ in His death and resurrection. (Ro 6:3-5) It's not a physical union; it's a "mystical" union. It's not as metaphor, it's a reality.

We are also "mystically" made "one flesh" with Christ as the church which is the "bride of Christ." (Eph 5:30-32) It's not a physical union; it's not a metaphor; it's a "mystical" union and it is a reality.

The meditation methods of the Buddhists are meant to teach the practitioner to exclude from their consciousness all distracting thoughts. In Transcendental Meditation (TM), the instructor will give each person a "Mantra" to repeat which is designed to replace all other thought. That "mantra" is the name of one of the 350 million names of (the Hindu concept of ) God and is most likely a demon.

If I meditate upon the name of Jesus, I expel distracting thoughts and draw close to Christ. I do so by repeating the Name as I breathe in a manner pretty much the same as the Buddhists. (Without focusing on the navel.) I can do that all day. I can pray the Name of Jesus with every breath although I have to keep coming back to doing so because I'm easily distracted by shiny objects and the world in general. When I make the effort to do so, repeating His Name becomes habitual and I find myself doing it in my sleep. It brings great peace.

When I neglect to meditate on His Name, the "terrible tempered Mr. Bang" comes back and i am drawn into the ugly things of the world, like Trump and Hillary.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

iakov the fool

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