Most New Christians Live Life With 1/3rd The Power Of Christ!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2018
United States
Show me that in the Bible please.

Quite the claim to make if not true, wouldn't you say? So where do we find this in the Bible?

Please, amadeus, please make this journey with me. Pursue the course, let's look together to see. We are sealed in the Spirit, and who can break the King of King's seal? What scripture to you says otherwise?

Much love!

Those that are truly His, are sealed until The Day of redemption. They will not be snatched out of The Fathers hand! Since my call is against the powers of darkness I will share this. I have seen the black shadows(demonic) enter into a unsaved man(even thou he professed to be saved) and I watched as that same shadow hovered over me as I laid down, but it could not enter, for I am sealed, sealed until the day of redemption. Why were the demons allowed to enter this man. This man did not give himself fully unto The Lord. The last state of this man was worst than the beginning. So yes Marks we are sealed, and because we are truly His, we can not help but proclaim The Truth. Be Blessed!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Since natural birth is a given (nothing remarkable about that), it would have no significance in connection with the spiritual and supernatural New Birth. Water is a metaphor for the Word of God (the Gospel), which is a living Word. The Gospel is the incorruptible seed of the New Birth (1 Peter 1:23-25). So the combined supernatural power of the Gospel (Rom 1:16) and the Holy Spirit produce the New Birth.

That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word (Eph 5:26)

We are first birthed through the water of The Word of God. Our ears are then opened and then the Holy Spirit touches out 'dead' soul and gives us life. IMHO
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Show me that in the Bible please.

Quite the claim to make if not true, wouldn't you say? So where do we find this in the Bible?

Please, amadeus, please make this journey with me. Pursue the course, let's look together to see. We are sealed in the Spirit, and who can break the King of King's seal? What scripture to you says otherwise?

Much love!
The seal of God is His protection of us or His covering over us. Adam and Eve were protected and covered in the garden before they disobeyed God. For me when they disobeyed God, they broke the seal. This is what "free will" is to me, to go God's Way or not. God has never taken that authority, to go with Him or Not, away from us.

You want one verse in particular on that point but I did not arrive at it my current belief based on any one particular verse. What I believe is based on my daily communion with God and my reading of the scriptures. It is also based on my own lifetime of experiences both walking with God and walking without Him.

You are certain that you are right. If what I have posted has not stirred you to reconsider I must leave you in God's capable hands. Be sure that that is where you are instead of going along what you have decided is the easiest pathway. The easiest pathway is explained here:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matt 11:28-30

It is not that there are no hard obstacles in our pathway. It is that nothing is hard for Jesus. The key is to always choose Him, but even when we have surrendered to Him that first time, He has never put a lock on the door leading away from Him. God limited Himself in the beginning when He allowed man the ability to choose any other way, but God has also always provided the means for each of us to go along His Way all the way to the end of our course. The choice has always been and remains ours. Only a fool having seen the Truth would walk away from it, but from the beginning lots of men have chosen foolish pathways. Even men who had close contacts with God, like Adam, King Saul, King Solomon and Judas, have made foolish choices.

God is not respecter of persons and God has never changed. He did not lock the door against any those men who were close to Him and neither will lock it against us. They did, in their foolishness depart. We also can although it would be so foolish to do so.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
The seal of God is His protection of us or His covering over us. Adam and Eve were protected and covered in the garden before they disobeyed God. For me when they disobeyed God, they broke the seal. This is what "free will" is to me, to go God's Way or not. God has never taken that authority, to go with Him or Not, away from us.

OK, I'm talking about being sealed in the Spirit,

Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

After we believe in the gospel of our salvation, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. That seal is unto the day of redemption. It's not broken. It is all the way to the day of redemption.

There is absolutely nothing in Scritpure that tells us we can be "unsealed". Nothing.

You want one verse in particular on that point but I did not arrive at it my current belief based on any one particular verse.

I suggest we start with a verse. I've posted many that say exactly what I'm promoting. Exactly.

We are sealed unto the day of redemption. Not unto some other day. The day of redemption. Is His seal sure? This says that's what it's for.

Be sure that that is where you are instead of going along what you have decided is the easiest pathway.

OK. Same back at ya!

But I encourage you to trust in the finished work of Christ, and not in your own ability to get you saved or keep you saved.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
This is why you need to come to understand that new life is a new creation, all things become new, all things are now of God, and we share in God's Own nature, being born His children, and we are no longer the sinner, we are children of God, through faith in Christ Alone. Not by any works we have done. All our works are garbage.
The works of our old man are garbage. When we by the power of God in us fail to suppress the works of old man, we sin. The power of God works in us according to our humility, according our surrrendering to Him, according to letting His will by means of the Holy Spirit us take the lead in us. We can always do that, but sometimes we still like too much the direction the old man wants to go. We need to ask God to help us to overcome this.

None of His works through us save us, they come only because we are born of Him. Are works cannot make us born of God, nor can they persuade God to give us rebirth.
Rebirth is salvation, but only in the moment. We need to be saved repeatedly in every instance of temptation until we have finished all of the work in ourselves preparing us to be an unflawed part of His Body. At the end of His temptations, Jesus still had to go to the cross and die, but the temptation to avoid that destiny was gone from Him. He had overcome His world of fleshly temptations:

"And now I am no more in the world,..." John 17:11 This was before He went to the cross to die.

God does not give rebirth as a reward for works, because without rebirth all works are refuse. And rebirth would become reward, not a gift, not of grace, but as the laboror receives their pay.
Rebirth puts us back where Adam and Eve were before they disobeyed God... except that we have a history of bad habits which need to overcome so that we do not repeat the sins to which those habits followed would lead us. With the power of the Word of God, we can overcome those things as well... Only overcomers can eat of the Tree of Life.

We are sons, spirit children of the Living God - IF - by faith in Christ alone, we have been born from above.
Our new Hope, our new opportunity, comes with the power of God to accomplish in us all of His will... if we will allow it.

The overcoming the flesh is through faith in Christ in you, the hope - that is - certain expectation of good to come - Christ in you, the hope of glory. We will reach the glory we seek, but only in Jesus, only by surrender to Him, not for the purpose that we can then enter a race to salvation, but from salvation we enter a race into glory.
The overcoming of the flesh and its ways is salvation, but it is not a one time experience. It continues until we run out of our alloted time. We must continue to be saved until the last temptation is overcome.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Do you truly believe that you will live on this earth and never again be tested?

Much love!
I am uncertain where you got that idea. You apparently misunderstood what I wrote.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Hi amadeus,

Do you realize, we have never jointly exegeted even one solitary passage of Scripture?
"Exegete" is one of those words I only learned on Internet Christian forums. I don't do that, at least, not in the sense that I have heard people use the word. I really strive to surrender to the lead of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I am led to receive someone's words on forums, but I seek to do that on my own. I seek rather His face. I seek rather His kingdom and His righteousness.

You speak of this new man as being someone besides me. "Does not yet inhabit the whole of us." I am the new man.

We are to mortify the - deeds - of the flesh. Being the new man.

Much love!
"That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;" Eph 3:16

"Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;" Eph 2:15

This "twain" is the double-mindedness of which James writes consisting of the old man and new man when we are born from above. At the end of our course there will be no old man. If there is a new man we live forever in and with God. If there is not new man, we are nothing at all.

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." James 4:8


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I am uncertain where you got that idea. You apparently misunderstood what I wrote.

When the overcoming process in us is complete as it was in Jesus as per John 16:33 [confessed or declared] & Matt 26:39 [last actually overcoming by Jesus] then the whole of us is new as the old will all be dead. There will be no more temptations. Jesus defeat satan on the mountain. Jesus defeated remnants of temptation in himself that time in the garden of Gethsemene [Matt 26]. We must allow the Holy Spirit do the same thing in us. Surrender!

Was that not what you meant?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
We need to be saved repeatedly in every instance of temptation until we have finished all of the work in ourselves preparing us to be an unflawed part of His Body.
I'm going to go with, It Is Finished.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
"Exegete" is one of those words I only learned on Internet Christian forums.

I learned this word long before I was on forum, as it just means to bring out what's in a passage. As opposed to eisegete, which is to put into a passage.

This just means that we are going to look at a passage to see what it says for itself.

We should not shy away from serious study of the Word.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
I learned this word long before I was on forum, as it just means to bring out what's in a passage. As opposed to eisegete, which is to put into a passage.

This just means that we are going to look at a passage to see what it says for itself.

We should not shy away from serious study of the Word.

Much love!
I thought maybe you would pick up on my comment about those who have been born from above being able to move like the wind. I asked myself why it didn't rouse any curiosity in you.

I also thought you might want to discuss some of the things I mentioned in post #31.
Last edited:


Active Member
Jul 19, 2019
United Kingdom
They have a form of Godliness but deny the power of, if this hasn't already been said already!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States

amadeus said:
The seal of God is His protection of us or His covering over us. Adam and Eve were protected and covered in the garden before they disobeyed God. For me when they disobeyed God, they broke the seal. This is what "free will" is to me, to go God's Way or not. God has never taken that authority, to go with Him or Not, away from us.
marks said:

OK, I'm talking about being sealed in the Spirit,
And what I effectively said is that that seal is the same seal that protected/covered Adam and Eve while they completely obedient. You want to speak of the "seal" in the Spirit as if it were something different. Consider what the word "seal" in your two verses cited below means:

sfragivzw Sphragizo (sfrag-id'-zo);
Word Origin: Greek, Verb, Strong #: 4972

  1. to set a seal upon, mark with a seal, to seal
    1. for security: from Satan
    2. since things sealed up are concealed (as the contents of a letter), to hide, keep in silence, keep secret
    3. in order to mark a person or a thing
      1. to set a mark upon by the impress of a seal or a stamp
      2. angels are said to be sealed by God
    4. in order to prove, confirm, or attest a thing
      1. to confirm authenticate, place beyond doubt 1d
    5. of a written document 1d
    6. to prove one's testimony to a person that he is what he professes to be
KJV Word Usage and Count
seal 22
set to (one's) seal 1
stop 1
seal up 1
set a seal 1
vr seal 1

From the definitions, I do not see something that is by nature unbreakable. Very simply man could not have broken God's commandment, if God had not allowed it from the beginning as part of the nature of man. This was a major reason for the test. When we had the option if we so chose, we could break His commandment... that is, we could disobey, we could sin.

In spite of different conditions and circumstances the essential test remains the same for us as it was for them in the Garden of Eden. God still wants to see if we will love Him by being obedient when we do have another option.

Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

After we believe in the gospel of our salvation, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. That seal is unto the day of redemption. It's not broken. It is all the way to the day of redemption.

There is absolutely nothing in Scritpure that tells us we can be "unsealed". Nothing.
According to your own definition the "seal". To me the definition is same as the one for the seals my mother used to apply to her canned goods to protect them [properly cover them] until it was time to open and eat.
It was always possible to purposely break those seals for wrong reasons. I see no difference. You have changed the definition include "unbreakable" when it is NOT there.

amadeus said:
You want one verse in particular on that point but I did not arrive at it my current belief based on any one particular verse.

marks said:
I suggest we start with a verse. I've posted many that say exactly what I'm promoting. Exactly.

We are sealed unto the day of redemption. Not unto some other day. The day of redemption. Is His seal sure? This says that's what it's for.
When is a man redeemed? When is his day of redemption? What is redemption?

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."

ajpoluvtrwsiß Apolutrosis (ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis);
Word Origin: Greek, Noun Feminine, Strong #: 629

  1. a releasing effected by payment of ransom
    1. redemption, deliverance
    2. liberation procured by the payment of a ransom
KJV Word Usage and Count
redemption 9
deliverance 1

We are released from bondage when? When was Lazarus released from his bondage. Jesus said, Lazarus, come forth" [John 11:43] Lazarus did come forth Alive, but he was still bound. Work was necessary and Jesus did not do it. He asked someone else to do it:

"And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go." John 11:44

That is our situation. We receive Life from Jesus through the Holy Spirit, but we must still be released from bondage.

amadeus said:
Be sure that that is where you are instead of going along what you have decided is the easiest pathway.
marks said:
OK. Same back at ya!

But I encourage you to trust in the finished work of Christ, and not in your own ability to get you saved or keep you saved.
Again we differ in what Jesus finished at the cross. He finished his personal work so that the Way to Life was open, but even when Life is received we must be prepared to walk through the Door/Gate and partake of the Tree of Life to make it unending. Without proper preparation [proper clothing, proper covering, a proper untampered with seal, a proper wedding garment] we will be tossed back out into the darkness of death. When Jesus described himself as no longer being in the world, he had overcome temptation and was ready for his cross. We must also overcome temptation so as to no longer be in that "world". Jesus made it a possibility. We must move forward using the tools provided to make it a reality.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
When the overcoming process in us is complete as it was in Jesus as per John 16:33 [confessed or declared] & Matt 26:39 [last actually overcoming by Jesus] then the whole of us is new as the old will all be dead. There will be no more temptations. Jesus defeat satan on the mountain. Jesus defeated remnants of temptation in himself that time in the garden of Gethsemene [Matt 26]. We must allow the Holy Spirit do the same thing in us. Surrender!

Was that not what you meant?
In that verse He declares that he has overcome the world. In the very next chapter praying to His Father, he confirms that he is no longer in the "world" [John 17:11] but that we are. Then He was ready for the cross and as he died he said, "It is finished"... that is the work which was His to do personally was finished. He had paid the price to open up the Way for us.

We are still in our little world of temptations. We have the Bible and we have the Holy Spirit so now with Sword in hand we have the necessary tools to be able to overcome our little world, the world of temptations. When it has been completely overcome then our work will be done and we will no longer be in the world. Then we with Jesus may say, "It is finished" and Jesus will have a place to lay His Head.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I thought maybe you would pick up on my comment about those who have been born from above being able to move like the wind. I asked myself why it didn't rouse any curiosity in you.

I also thought you might want to discuss some of the things I mentioned in post #31.
Thank you for directing my attention to 31. Let me get back to you.

I noticed the "being able to move like the wind", and, that is a lot like:

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

and also reminded me of:

1 John 3
1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

Was something like that what you had in mind?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
And what I effectively said is that that seal is the same seal that protected/covered Adam and Eve while they completely obedient.
And I ask for Scripture which says this. Can you show that? I don't see anything in your post from the Bible that substantiates this statement.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I'm going to go with, It Is Finished.

Much love!
It may be a small thing if you are wrong in the detail but keep on working the work anyway with what has been provided, but if you or anyone simply sits back presuming nothing more is needed, that could be a costly error or delusion.

God sends people a delusion when they lose their love of truth [II Thess 2:10-11]. Be certain that no matter what you believe or disbelieve about these details we have discussed that you have not lost that love of the truth. That part could be critical.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
We must also overcome temptation so as to no longer be in that "world". Jesus made it a possibility. We must move forward using the tools provided to make it a reality.
Let's talk about this.

We are to "make it a reality" that we will no longer be tested with any chance of us sinning. And that this is prerequisite to our actually, what, being born again? Inheriting eternal life? I want to be sure that I'm speaking in your terms.

This is your point of view? And until that time, we are, what, what happens if I die during a weakness of faith?

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I learned this word long before I was on forum, as it just means to bring out what's in a passage. As opposed to eisegete, which is to put into a passage.

This just means that we are going to look at a passage to see what it says for itself.

We should not shy away from serious study of the Word.

Much love!
Just always remembering the words of Solomon:

"And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh." Ecc 12:12

Study does not in itself bring anyone to truth. Truth comes to us through the Holy Ghost:

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26

Study is required of us an act of obedience, not in order to find the truth.