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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

Once agan......Im talking to people here who know some verses., who read their bible...who study it.
If you spend more time reading commentaries or someone's Greek Text explanation, then im not talking to you.
If you only know what the Pope said, or how to pray to Mary, or want to talk about how water saved you, then im not talking to you, and you are not going to hear me, unless God gives you ears to hear.
Thats the spiritual reality.
So, if you know some bible, some NT..... then you are going to recognize that im using verses in the teaching that is to follow....., tho im not quoting or numbering them...
Sometimes when i teach online, a noob, or a carnal baby believer, will say...>"you don't post the verse".....Yet, i just gave 40 of them in the teaching that they dont recognize, because they really do not study the word.,,,,they are just here to try to argue their self righteous POV.
But if you do know some WORD, and you read what i teach, on Forums all over the world, then you'll recognize that i write the verses, but dont quote them, as i teach... usually.


To the born again, and not to the water baptized (ONLY)< who are not actually born again.... Yet.


Jesus said...."without me you can do nothing". and another way to think of this statement ... "without me" is.....= "apart from me".

Saint...... to have a renewed mind, is to walk in the Light, as HE is in the Light and as Jesus IS the Light and Life.

The Light, is the revelation of who you have become, AS a child of the Light, and a Son of God or a Daughter of Christ.

If you do not have the correct understanding regarding who you have become IN CHRIST, then you are not walking in the Light, you are in the dark, and are probably fallen from Grace.
What is Grace?
Grace, as "the gospel of the Grace of God" that is to become an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ..... is the LIGHT of the knowledge regarding the Truth that God, as Christ on the Cross...has made you righteous, and that not of yourself.

God's righteousness is not you trying to be good. God's righteousness is not commandment keeping, law keeping, Shabbat keeping, or church membership.
God's righteousness, is God's death for your sin, in your place, and you receive this GRACE by faith, as it is the GOSPEL, and upon believing it you are born again.

Now, the next step, is not to try to work to stay saved, as if you have fallen into that FAITH, then you are in wrong faith, and you are now up on the Cross trying to save yourself, and Jesus is ripped off the nails.
Think about that....as that is what happens when a person who is justified by faith, and born again, .... leaves this Grace of God and starts trying to keep themselves saved, by SELF.

This is what Jesus is talking about, and these are the redeemed he's talking to, when He says....>"without me, apart from me, you can do NOTHING">

See, you can be born again, and be able to do NOTHING..........except not lose your salvation. In other words, you are in the work of trying to do for yourself, what God as Christ has already done for you.
You are trying to STAY SAVED, which is to "fall from Grace"......... As this is a BELIEF issue, whereby a person who is born again, has left faith in Christ, and now has faith in FAITH, or faith in SELF, or faith in WATER or faith in the Law and Commandments. (Works).
Notice that this person has left the simplicity that is in Christ, and is now pursuing "here is how i go to heaven".. "here is how i keep myself saved".....>"here is what i must now DO, to go to heaven".

Notice Saint that Jesus is left out.
There is no Cross in that broken faith.
There is only "me me me me, what i i i i I I I , am doing for ME, to try to save ME".
See that?
That is SELF Righteousness that is trying to be God's Righteousness. = FAIL.....= "fallen from GRACE".

And THAT, is how the born again become..>"without me you can do nothing"....>"Apart from me, you can do nothing" ...Jesus says.
Welcome back...be in Christ and remain in him so he can do good works in you for the glory of our Father


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
John 6:39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And someone says...

"How do i remain "In Him".., as Christ says to : "abide" in me.

Well, this is not Chinese Rocket Science, but you would think, based on so many "believers" who are trying to not go to hell, that the answer is..."self effort". "law keeping" and "commandment keeping" and "water baptism".

So, Jesus says.....>" did your self effort cause you to be born again"? "If it did, then why did they nail me to the Tree"?
"""If it did, then keep going with that works based salvation that rejects the Grace of God and omits the Cross and my Blood".


IN the OT, there was continuing animal sacrifice, because there was no eternal clearing of or eternal redemption from, Sin.

Jesus has now become the eternal clearing and redemption from sin.
This is the "preaching of the Cross".
This is the "blood atonement".
This is the "one time sacrifice, that is eternal, once applied to you by God through Grace through faith".

Do you have it?

Listen, if you are "ONE with God" and "In Christ" because you have been birthed INTO the Spirit of God, BY the Spirit of God, then welcome to your Salvation and your Eternal Life.
Now, for the rest of your days on this planet....ONLY and ALWAYS Give Jesus ALL the credit due Him alone = for what He has done for you, that is the "gift of God", and the "gift of Righteousness".
Never try to take this credit for yourself, talking about your enduring and your water and your self-abiding commandment keeping-law keeping, self deception.

So, let me nail sin on the Tree and raise the dead incorruptible by speaking the truth, in simplicity.

Listen.......Atheist, Agnostic, and water baptized 13 times but not born again yet.......here it how you have to SEE IT to believe it to become it.

= God is holy and you are a sinner.
Heaven is pure and free from sin.
To go there, you have to be the same.
Can you become RIGHTEOUS, which is to become set apart by the blood of Jesus, as "made righteous" by your works, your pope, your church, your self effort, mary, or law and commandments"?


Listen !

There is a reason that this phrase is true.

"Jesus SAVES".

See that?
Notice it does not say.

your church
your lifestyle.

Do you want to go to heaven?
ONLY Jesus Saves.
Do you want to be free from the consequences of your lifetime of sinning?
ONLY Jesus Saves.
Do you want to join God and Christ forever, right now, today, and this become your eternal life?

ONLY Jesus Saves.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Once agan......Im talking to people here who know some verses., who read their bible...who study it.
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow Me; And I give to them eternal life; and they shall not perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand."
John 10:37-28.

It is good to quote exactly what He said. He is the Word and so the more you paraphrase it in a teaching, the less powerful it is.
"So then Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD of God". Rom. 10:17
The actual WORD transforms the soul.

If you spend more time reading commentaries or someone's Greek Text explanation, then im not talking to you.
If you only know what the Pope said, or how to pray to Mary, or want to talk about how water saved you, then im not talking to you, and you are not going to hear me, unless God gives you ears to hear.
Thats the spiritual reality.
This is funny. You criticize commentary and yet that is what YOU present.

So, if you know some bible, some NT..... then you are going to recognize that im using verses in the teaching that is to follow....., tho im not quoting or numbering them...
"All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." 2 Tim. 3:16
A good teacher quotes word for word and then comments. If I went into a church where the Pastor never actually read from the Bible and just said, "Listen, this church is only for those who already know their Bibles, because I am not going to actually read from it, just give you my advanced
commentary that expresses everything in it", I would expose him, rebuke him and try to warn as many people before I left.

But if you do know some WORD, and you read what i teach, on Forums all over the world, then you'll recognize that i write the verses, but dont quote them, as i teach... usually.
Paraphrasing is okay, but word for word is stronger.
Again you talk as if you value the WORD, yet don't quote it as if that is rudimentary, for babes.

To the born again, and not to the water baptized (ONLY)< who are not actually born again.... Yet.
A born again believer is familiar to me, especially in view of their works, that is to say the Holy Spirit working through them or speaking through them. The fruit is clearly seen. By their fruit you will know them. But what if you do not see fruit? Unless we really know this person, we can't see their heart. They could be saved, an infant who has not grown to yet bear fruit. We don't know. God's seed could be growing in them and we just don't see the fruit yet.
Also, those who practice their faith and are actually involved in loving others, being servants, are cooperating with God and believe this to be essential in being a Christian. They often quote, "faith without works is dead." No, they did not earn their salvation, just are working it out.
So just because they may believe their faith requires effort and cooperation, working alongside with God, does not mean they are not born again. Maybe their perspective and understanding of salvation is off?
It doesn't mean they aren't saved. Understanding and sorting it all out will come later. They are first saved and then their works are a result of salvation.

"The wind blows where it wished and you hear the sound of it but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." John 3:8
So we don't know and can say whonus ir who is not born again.

Saint...... to have a renewed mind, is to walk in the Light, as HE is in the Light and as Jesus IS the Light and Life.

The Light, is the revelation of who you have become, AS a child of the Light, and a Son of God or a Daughter of Christ.
True. We renew our mind by reading the WORD ... word for word.

If you do not have the correct understanding regarding who you have become IN CHRIST, then you are not walking in the Light, you are in the dark, and are probably fallen from Grace.
What is Grace?
No, those who are new believers are in Christ have much to learn and need to grow in understanding. Our vison is blurry and about some things, we are in the dark - so we pray and ask God to enlightens us about all things.

God's righteousness is not you trying to be good. God's righteousness is not commandment keeping, law keeping, Shabbat keeping, or church membership
So you are advocating that righteousness is not keeping the commandments or not going to church?
What is wrong with trying to be good, practicing love. What is the Christian life then once you are saved? Doing nothing?
God accomplishes all that He has planned and btw, uses us to do that.
It is His righteousness that is imputed to us for salvation, His work. But then from that point, then what? His works through us, fruit of the VINE, is also righteous.
Now, the next step, is not to try to work to stay saved, as if you have fallen into that FAITH, then you are in wrong faith, and you are now up on the Cross trying to save yourself, and Jesus is ripped off the nails.
This is what Jesus is talking about, and these are the redeemed he's talking to, when He says....>"without me, apart from me, you can do NOTHING">
And with Me, you will do something - hopefully.

See, you can be born again, and be able to do NOTHING..........except not lose your salvation. In other words, you are in the work of trying to do for yourself, what God as Christ has already done for you

I am saved, but sometimes I feel like I am doing nothing, not serving as I should, loving as I should. I would never boast about being saved and not needing to bear fruit.
Salvation can happen at the end of your life and obviously you won't be able to bear much fruit. But we who are alive in Christ need to bear fruit, otherwise what is our purpose?
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Once agan......Im talking to people here who know some verses., who read their bible...who study it.
If you spend more time reading commentaries or someone's Greek Text explanation, then im not talking to you.

So someone who merely reads off an English translation actually studies the Bible, but someone who studies the Greek texts of scripture does not...

This is the sort of thing I didn't miss, Lol.

Hello, Behold. How's life?
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
This is funny. You criticize commentary and yet that is what YOU present.

I can very rarely read Behold's entire posts, so I admire you for treating one in its entirety. But like many of his posts, I couldn't even get through the first few lines without balking. I think his opening assertion that "If you study commentary on the Greek texts, I'm not talking to you" is a crude attempt at saying, "You're hard of hearing spiritually, so I'm not talking to you." What it actually says, however, is, "I don't want to be refuted by someone who actually studies scripture in the original languages. Instead, I wanna come off like a 'teacher' to those who CAN'T go to the original texts and refute me, or point out how off I am" Lol...

Which tends to make me wanna respond. :rolleyes:

Never a dull moment around here.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

So you are advocating that righteousness is not keeping the commandments or not going to church?

Im simply teaching that God's Righteousness is : Christ.
The end.
So, If you have Him in you, then you have God's righteousness.

See, "Salvation" is "The Gift of Righteousness", and to be a real believer is to be "made righteous" by the BLOOD of JESUS and the DEATH of CHRIST, proven to be true by the RESURRECTION of the 2nd Adam.

Notice Salvation its not.....start with the Cross....... and you do the rest.
Its not, "Jesus started my salvation, and now i finish it".
Did you notice this yet, reader....seeker, sincere searcher?

See that?
So, to teach a works based redemption..... proves that the person is "fallen from Grace" and their faith is broken.
Its also an insult to the Grace of God, and its a defiance against the Cross of Christ, to insert into the Blood Atonement, mary, water, works, law, and commandments.

Let me show you what i mean, reader.

Satan, is the author of all religion.
Religion, is man's attempt to reach God or to become like God, that is a device of Satan.
See that?
So, when a person is caught up in "here is what i have to do", vs....."here is what Christ did for me, so that God will accept me, as there is no other Salvation offered by God""'...... then this person who is pretending to understand the Cross of Christ, is actually offending the Holy Spirit, by denying God's Grace is a = "free gift".
"the GIFT of Salvation".. The GIFT of Righteousness".
Now notice, reader.... The way Satan preaches it, is...."sure, Jesus saves, but then here is what you have to DO so that God will accept you".
See that?
That is CHRIST REJECTiON by Christ Negation, pretending to be a believer, who is in fact, led of the devil, and deceived, and "fallen from Grace".
Paul said these people are "bewitched".
Paul said of these, """"they went from us, =because they are not of us.""""

God is very Specific, regarding the only reason He will take us into His family and keep you.
Its this...
Jesus (who is God) explains it as..."you must be born again".
Notice, that is not something you can do for yourself, so, out go works, water, lifestyle and commmandments... because only God can cause your spirit to have the new birth and become a "new creation in Christ".
If you are not a born again SPIRITUAL "new Creation", and you are only water baptized......then you are still this.......John 3:36

See.....All other ideas, theologies, churches, doctrines, commentaries, and pretend bibles and pretend believers, that do not reveal that God's Grace is God on the Cross as Christ, are not of God. So, no other self righteous religious situation need apply to get you born again, redeemed, and give you eternal life.
Its like this reader.....all other theories, doctrines, churches, commentaries, bibles, and people.....are not of God, who teach you that the "gospel of works and water" is the way to heaven.
They are of the unholy one, at least in their FAITH and Theology, .... proven so by their Christ rejecting self righteous preaching and teaching of "another gospel" which is the "gospel of works, law, commandments, and water".

Reader....This is the ONLY Way to Heaven. John 14:6
All other liars, fakir, fools, fake bibles and false greek texts, and similar, need not apply.

Reader.....God's Gift of Salvation, is not one part Cross and one part works.....to get into heaven,.... tho the DEVIL will preach this false Gospel on every forum, using his own.
And he also has plenty of them preaching "works based, water based, law and commandment based" salvation, instead of God's Grace Based Atonement, in his churches lying directly from his pulpits.

Believe it.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
See that?
See that?

Behold, you unfortunately haven't changed a bit. You're still just as shallow and pompous as you have ever been, presuming with every post to be everyone's "teacher," and that anyone who disagrees with you just isn't smart enough to "see" the brilliance of your posts.

Reader, "Behold" is a theological quack. You would do very well NOT to read his posts.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Some post personal attacks when their error is pointed out!!=Sad!!

Then let's discuss it, gismys. What error of mine has been pointed out?

As for "personal attacks," you apparently think that if a person sins it should be passed over as nothing. That is not, however, the way I see things.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Posting personal attacks is ALWAYS error!!

"Personal attacks" was in parenthesis, which meant that's only what you are labelling it. What I'm "attacking" is is sinful behavior, which goes on unabated since the day he first joined. Since he has been a member here, Behold has been a continual antagonist, incessantly stirring up strife with petty, superficial debate-goading threads, especially against the Catholics, as if doing so is "teaching" anyone anything. He thinks it accomplishes something when in fact all it does is turn this forum into more of a Devil's playground than it already is. In the name of refuting Catholics, in his blindness he is actually feeding and promoting the very doctrines he is against in his ignorance, as he opens up a platform for them to teach their falsehoods even more so. In the process, he argues against them very poorly, which makes them actually look good by comparison, which in turn creates a self-perpetuating situation where he stirs up even more strife by posting material that no one of the spiritual age of 3 hasn't already read dozens upon dozen of times or more, and do nothing to convince anyone of anything other than himself, and all in the name of "teaching."

You, meanwhile, are generally so superficial that you don't know the difference, nor do you have any real concern for the welfare of this site or others. Since I've known you, your only real concern is repeating yourself over and over again with the same tired old threads about how the rapture is coming or how the Faith people could never get anything wrong if their lives depended on it, and everyone else is just too clueless to have caught up to the brilliance of it all yet. You have nothing strong theologically to answer anyone when they respond, except silly little one liners that stir up even more antagonism, and this would essentially explain why you would defend someone like Behold who is little different than you.

If you have a problem with me telling both of you to stop posting like spiritual children, get used to it. Until you grow up and start changing your behavior, you leave the more adult members of this community no choice but to call you on it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Enough!!! Who would say this post is not a personal attack???
"""Behold, you unfortunately haven't changed a bit. You're still just as shallow and pompous as you have ever been, presuming with every post to be everyone's "teacher," and that anyone who disagrees with you just isn't smart enough to "see" the brilliance of your posts.

Reader, "Behold" is a theological quack. You would do very well NOT to read his posts."""

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Enough!!! Who would say this post is not a personal attack???
"""Behold, you unfortunately haven't changed a bit. You're still just as shallow and pompous as you have ever been, presuming with every post to be everyone's "teacher," and that anyone who disagrees with you just isn't smart enough to "see" the brilliance of your posts.

Reader, "Behold" is a theological quack. You would do very well NOT to read his posts."""

Just like I have chosen to generally skip over what you post, GISMYS_7, and as for Behold, I believe I give his posts the same treatment.

In another thread, the question was asked, "What is found in your Bible?," To which I replied in essence with, "the poorly understood source material to generate a lot of hot air."

There is nothing new under the sun. All is but vanity.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Just like I have chosen to generally skip over what you post, GISMYS_7, and as for Behold, I believe I give his posts the same treatment.

In another thread, the question was asked, "What is found in your Bible?," To which I replied in essence with, "the poorly understood source material to generate a lot of hot air."

There is nothing new under the sun. All is but vanity.

I normally skip over as well. But occasionally I speak up because my concern is over what such posting tends to generate.
Enough!!! Who would say this post is not a personal attack???
"""Behold, you unfortunately haven't changed a bit. You're still just as shallow and pompous as you have ever been, presuming with every post to be everyone's "teacher," and that anyone who disagrees with you just isn't smart enough to "see" the brilliance of your posts.

Reader, "Behold" is a theological quack. You would do very well NOT to read his posts."""

It's been since like 2017 back at CF.com when I truly went after someone in a way that could be rightly called "attacking" them. This is just simple correction, gismys, nothing more. As for my address to the reader, if Behold can take it upon himself to address them on a continual basis, so can others. You may feel no need to warn them that they are getting bad "exegesis" (if you can call it that) when they read Behold's posts, but I do.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
I normally skip over as well. But occasionally I speak up because my concern is over what such posting tends to generate.

It's been since like 2017 back at CF.com when I truly went after someone in a way that could be rightly called "attacking" them. This is just simple correction, gismys, nothing more. As for my address to the reader, if Behold can take it upon himself to address them on a continual basis, so can others. You may feel no need to warn them that they are getting bad "exegesis" (if you can call it that) when they read Behold's posts, but I do.

I am sure that readers have enough discernment to be able to determine when a load of BS is being spoken. Sometimes we have to let God be God and chose to become the Watchers on the wall so to spruik.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Im simply teaching that God's Righteousness is : Christ.
Yourm are not _ only _ teaching that.
A true Christian realized that their ways didn't work, so they repented (turned to God) for forgiveness.
This is a profound change in a person, to come to Christ in humility and ask Jesus to save them. This is an admission that they can't do it by themselves, they cannot remove their sins and they need Him.
You seem to have overlooked that part in the believer whom you are so quick to judge. They may hold onto some pride issues and attempt to play the super-spiritual holier than thou attitude. I think these are just insecurities. We are still sinners so we naturally try to be more obedient to make up for it and pridefully show others our good works. This does not discredit Christ. They know deep down they can do nothing to merit heaven. They are just trying to do something good. We are commanded to love one another and that comes in many forms. Love is an action word. You can't just say you love someone and do nothing to demonstrate it. You can't say, "I'm born again, I don't have to ... not required to love that person ... Jesus loves them ..."
If you have no love in your heart towards others, God is not in you!
"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains and have not charity (love), I am nothing." 1Cor. 13:1, 2

See, "Salvation" is "The Gift of Righteousness", and to be a real believer is to be "made righteous" by the BLOOD of JESUS and the DEATH of CHRIST, proven to be true by the RESURRECTION of the 2nd Adam
Yes, and then we are to love.

Notice Salvation its not.....start with the Cross....... and you do the rest.
Its not, "Jesus started my salvation, and now i finish it".
Did you notice this yet, reader....seeker, sincere searcher?
True. But once you are saved, then you have all these things the Bible is instructing you to do and how to live. Otherwise, we would have a short Bible and life - just get saved and die would be our purpose. Spreading the gospel with love is work that God calls us to participate in.

So, to teach a works based redemption..... proves that the person is "fallen from Grace" and their faith is broken.
Its also an insult to the Grace of God, and its a defiance against the Cross of Christ, to insert into the Blood Atonement, mary, water, works, law, and commandments.
Eph. 2:8, 9
Then comes fruit.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, against such things there us no law." Gal. 5:22-23

Satan, is the author of all religion.
Religion, is man's attempt to reach God or to become like God, that is a device of Satan.
See that?
Yes, I read the book, "How To Be A Christian Without Being Religious" a long time ago. I get the concept, just don't entirely agree. It's not all black and white.
It defined Christianity as God's way of reaching man through Christ and religion as man's way of reaching God by all other means. We all try to reach God, it is a fundamental need although our rejection of Him is more powerful - which is why we need His help. He enables us to reach Him.
I can't agree that Satan wants man to reach God through Christ. I believe he wants man to stay away from Christ at all costs and so has created false religions, evolition, atheism - whatever keeps man away.

So, when a person is caught up in "here is what i have to do", vs....."here is what Christ did for me, so that God will accept me, as there is no other Salvation offered by God""'...... then this person who is pretending to understand the Cross of Christ, is actually offending the Holy Spirit, by denying God's Grace is a = "free gift".
"the GIFT of Salvation".. The GIFT of Righteousness".
Salvation is a gift. But again, after you are saved ... fruit should be growing.

Now notice, reader.... The way Satan preaches it, is...."sure, Jesus saves, but then here is what you have to DO so that God will accept you".
See that?
I think you are being over critical of Christianity. And since God is sovereign and THE Judge of all, you should just be concerned about your fruit - are you bearing fruit???
Don't answer that, just ask yourself.
Remember, if you do not have love, you have nothing!

That is CHRIST REJECTiON by Christ Negation, pretending to be a believer, who is in fact, led of the devil, and deceived, and "fallen from Grace".
Paul said these people are "bewitched".
Paul said of these, """"they went from us, =because they are not of us."""
Are you referring to 1 John 2?
You should apply it.
"Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments". 1 John 2:3
"He who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in the darkness until now. He who loves his brother abides in the light." 1 John 2:8, 9
This is the verse you are referring to:
"They went out from us, but they were not of us ..." vs. 19
This is a reference to unbelievers, people "who deny Jesus is the Christ". (vs. 22)
You cannot include any believers in this group!

If you are not a born again SPIRITUAL "new Creation", and you are only water baptized......then you are still this.......John 3:36
Why don't you stop judging who you think is or is not born again - YOU DON'T KNOW!

Reader....This is the ONLY Way to Heaven. John 14:6
All other liars, fakir, fools, fake bibles and false greek texts, and similar, need not apply.
Jesus is the only way but you seem to be bashing those who actually believe in Jesus. STOP!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Im simply teaching that God's Righteousness is : Christ.
The end.
So, If you have Him in you, then you have God's righteousness.

See, "Salvation" is "The Gift of Righteousness", and to be a real believer is to be "made righteous" by the BLOOD of JESUS and the DEATH of CHRIST, proven to be true by the RESURRECTION of the 2nd Adam.

Notice Salvation its not.....start with the Cross....... and you do the rest.
Its not, "Jesus started my salvation, and now i finish it".
Did you notice this yet, reader....seeker, sincere searcher?

See that?
So, to teach a works based redemption..... proves that the person is "fallen from Grace" and their faith is broken.
Its also an insult to the Grace of God, and its a defiance against the Cross of Christ, to insert into the Blood Atonement, mary, water, works, law, and commandments.

Let me show you what i mean, reader.

Satan, is the author of all religion.
Religion, is man's attempt to reach God or to become like God, that is a device of Satan.
See that?
So, when a person is caught up in "here is what i have to do", vs....."here is what Christ did for me, so that God will accept me, as there is no other Salvation offered by God""'...... then this person who is pretending to understand the Cross of Christ, is actually offending the Holy Spirit, by denying God's Grace is a = "free gift".
"the GIFT of Salvation".. The GIFT of Righteousness".
Now notice, reader.... The way Satan preaches it, is...."sure, Jesus saves, but then here is what you have to DO so that God will accept you".
See that?
That is CHRIST REJECTiON by Christ Negation, pretending to be a believer, who is in fact, led of the devil, and deceived, and "fallen from Grace".
Paul said these people are "bewitched".
Paul said of these, """"they went from us, =because they are not of us.""""

God is very Specific, regarding the only reason He will take us into His family and keep you.
Its this...
Jesus (who is God) explains it as..."you must be born again".
Notice, that is not something you can do for yourself, so, out go works, water, lifestyle and commmandments... because only God can cause your spirit to have the new birth and become a "new creation in Christ".
If you are not a born again SPIRITUAL "new Creation", and you are only water baptized......then you are still this.......John 3:36

See.....All other ideas, theologies, churches, doctrines, commentaries, and pretend bibles and pretend believers, that do not reveal that God's Grace is God on the Cross as Christ, are not of God. So, no other self righteous religious situation need apply to get you born again, redeemed, and give you eternal life.
Its like this reader.....all other theories, doctrines, churches, commentaries, bibles, and people.....are not of God, who teach you that the "gospel of works and water" is the way to heaven.
They are of the unholy one, at least in their FAITH and Theology, .... proven so by their Christ rejecting self righteous preaching and teaching of "another gospel" which is the "gospel of works, law, commandments, and water".

Reader....This is the ONLY Way to Heaven. John 14:6
All other liars, fakir, fools, fake bibles and false greek texts, and similar, need not apply.

Reader.....God's Gift of Salvation, is not one part Cross and one part works.....to get into heaven,.... tho the DEVIL will preach this false Gospel on every forum, using his own.
And he also has plenty of them preaching "works based, water based, law and commandment based" salvation, instead of God's Grace Based Atonement, in his churches lying directly from his pulpits.

Believe it.
We all need to re-examine our righteousness, if it is in us from Christ and not from ourselves. The spirit of truth within us, the same as Christ in us, is there to work, to grow us, to set the course of our lives and rid us of all the extra baggage and trimmings of religion and its devices that only weight us down and stunt our spiritual growth, or worse yet, to keep us away from the genuine righteousness of Christ in the first place. I want to keep growing in Christ's spirit, as he, and be him in spirit, to not settle for the ways and opinions of the world, even if they 'sound' - 'good', civil, 'trendy,' spiritual or highly pious and religious.

When you 'see' people often rebuke you for your words and your delivery alone, and are then quick to follow-up with a cry for fakery or quackery, then you know you are preaching truth to these that you have seared in mind and heart. They are either denier of the truth or immature in the Spirit. They want only for you to play their religious songs that do not condemn or upset their compromising lifestyle with the world. Many have an agenda, and a fixed gauge of the truth already, set in for life, from pride and self-righteousness.

I wonder if those who are quick to attack the 'Is' not dotted, or the 'Ts' not crossed and with usage of simple and yes at times, abrupt bold language that some of not accustomed to, are they really wanting to look 'behind ' to the heart and spirit of the human writer, to hear the words in spirit as truth? I wonder....