New World Order

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Stranger, How do you see Matthew 23:38 'Look, your house is left unto you desolate'
In its context it says to me that Israels time as a chosen nation has reached its end point. The rejection of all of Gods promises, promises which culminated in Jesus, ensured their removal from their privileged position as a nation as foretold.

Yes, without a doubt Israel has been removed from her privileged position as a nation of God. It was and is desolate to this day. But it is a temporary move. God will establish Israel again.

It is interesting to note in (Matt. 23:31-36) that God is letting Israel fill up her cup of judgement in all these rebellions and rejections of God and Christ. (23:32). And God does this so He can give a full measure of judgement to them. But God not only judges Israel for the prophets she has killed, but for those that existed even before she existed as a nation, all the way back to Able. (23:35)

Why? Because that generation (23:36) of Israelites was so full of the spirit of anti-god and anti-christ that Israel represented all the anti-god sentiment that has ever existed by satan in the world.

Therefore, the Kingdom of God is taken from them. (Matt. 21:43) And it will be given to a nation instead which will bring forth the appropriate fruits of it. This does not mean it will be given to another nation of people other than Israelites. This means it will be given to another generation of Israelites yet to be.

So God at this time deals with Israel much like you see in the book of Esther. There is no mention of God in Esther. The Jews at this time are under the judgement of God. Yet God constantly and miraculously intervenes, watching over Israel, even though they are in unbelief and under His judgement.



Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
which is why you should be posting on a Catholic forum imo; so now what, some Christian needs to come and explain how you are wrong here, and then has to put up with your strident objections, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Israel does exist, she just exists in unbelief.
For Israel to exist today, they would:
  • have had to repent in order for God to gather them back to the land (repentance first, then gathering second)
  • have to reestablish their God-ordained ancient borders, which they do not even being to approach
  • have to be descendants of Abraham, which they are not - they have been genetically proven to be descendants of the ancient Khazars from the 8th century Khazarian kingdom, though those Khazarian imposters have bent over backwards attempting to debunk this - and for good reason: When you've duped one seventh of the globe into supporting you financially, politically, and strategically, you'll do whatever is necessary to hold onto that support.
Though Israel did not exist as a nation, there are an abundance of Scriptures indicating that God will never leave Israel and will bring her back from her captivity, which hasn't happened yet.
She returned right on time with the decrees of Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes and remained until 70 A.D. when Jesus' words that they would be "desolate" were fulfilled.
Even though she is in the land, she is in it in unbelief and under the heel of the Gentiles. It will only be the times of the Gentiles are over, that she will brought to the place of repentance and be established again a the Nation of God.
The "Israel of God", which phrase Paul undeniably uses to refer to the church, was horribly persecuted "until the times of the Gentiles" - the reign of the Papacy - came to an end, after which the most powerful explosion of global evangelism to ever take place occurred as the Last Warning Message of Revelation 14:-12 began to be preached "to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people."
(Gen. 12:1-3) are important verses concerning Israel of course.
Yes, and "Israel" is anyone who belongs to Christ (Galatians 3:29), which people you call Israel do not belong to Him.
But there are a multitude of verses throughout the Old Testament where God assures Israel that He will never leave her fully. That she will be brought back from her captivity. That He will establish her again as the Nation of God.
Many of those verses pertained to the return of the Babylonian captivity.
The rest pertain to the church.
"What is Literal and Local in the O.T. is Spiritual and World-wide in the N.T."[/QUOTE]

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
legalism? doubt it

should be all the clue one needs imo--that "most" of any group believe it i mean
Islam is winning now under Political Correctness we don't have a hope of dealing with such, it's like having a feather duster if that to deal with the problem.

As for the point about most Christians, is that the problem is they are mainly just dilettantes.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yes the Jews in Israel despise Jesus Christ. But, no, that does not, and should not affect the way one interprets prophecy. You believe what the Bible says though the outward situation looks totally against what the Bible says.

I believe this is part of the problem today of why there is so much 'spiritualizing' of prophecy concerning Israel. Because Israel up until 1948 didn't exist. So all the Christians are seeing things in the Bible promised to Israel, but there is no more Israel. So they spiritualize the text and make it apply to the Church.

Yes, I know what you are trying to emphasize and I disagree with you. It doesn't matter to God if they repent or not if He wants them back in the land. As I have said before, He wanted them back in the land in 1948. But they are still in unbelief. But He will judge them in the land. They are not going to go willingly. So He sends a Hitler and a Stalin to make life miserable for the Jews. And when the war is over the boats are full to get back to Israel.

Israel will definitely repent one day. But it will be during the Tribulation period. And God will fulfill all His promises to Israel. He has never completely abandoned them, and never will. Israel has some very difficult days ahead. But so do the Gentile powers who come against Israel.

The State of Israel is not Israel at all in fact, just go ask a true devout Jew who is in depth and truly follows the OT, Plenty of Jews in the State called Israel do not claim it to Be Israel you know, we are not talking about dilettante Jews hear you know.
The True Jews voice is not heard, be it in the State called Israel or even New York as they have demonstrated against the so called Zionist and there lies, but it's all hushed up because the Zionist are a Socialist Nazis Talmud type of cunning manipulating stand over type that works to brainwash people, that's there bag not to mention own most of the Media, they are Satanist who only work to corrupt all they can, what do you expect from an Anti-Christ.

A true devout Jew to the OT is not Anti-God, they just do not know who Jesus Christ truly is, but they will come to Jesus when there eyes are opened and they will be born again.

Stalin had a Government with 80% of them who were Jews and he is a Jew.
Hitler is a Jew and his Leadership was mainly all Jews as well.
The Zionist Jews were killing Jews who opposed them in the late 1930's and early 40's and many Zionist Jews were in Hitler's regular army proudly supporting him you know.
The Zionist Nazi Jews had medals given to them with a Satanic Jewish Star on one side and a Nazi swastika on the other.
Not to mention that the Jews first had the swastika symbol, it has it's roots in nonsense like horoscopes that Hitler totally believed in and this rubbish was around before Jacob became Israel.
Not to mention anyone who has read the Bible knows what that Star represents, Jesus and St Stephen pointed it out. it represents not only that but it's the 666, it has 6 points on the outside and 6 on the inside and 6 in the central, it represents one from perfection, but rejects the number 7 that represents perfection of God, so God is not in it, this nonsense came from Egypt and is a work of man, it has noting to do with God at all. it's a mans works religious symbol and all the creep show that that involves like we are seeing nowadays with abortion on demand = worshiping Moloch and more of the same nonsense that is empowering peoples ultra ego to claim that they are free to do what ever they will, like gods of political expedience. political is never correct but licence.

The true Jewish symbol is the Menorah and it's a work of God, one sees this working in with the oil and the Olive trees, it's wonderful.


The NWO is not entirely of an unknown character. Prophecy is clear that in the final days the entire planet will be under the control, for a short time, of a union of church and state. Religion and/or worship will be enforced by the legislative power of the state, and enforced. One more thing. The people of the world will welcome this with open arms, because they are deceived into believing that God is in it, and their problems therefore solved. One can easily deduce from the aforementioned that this coming NWO will NOT be Islam. None will be so deceived into believing Islam will solve the world problems that are now exponentially increasing in magnitude, frequency, and intensity.
Whatever form the NWO will take, and however it will be implemented, it will need to be popular, AND have the moral mandate to bring peace and security to mankind. Only one power possesses this in the eyes of enough people to begin a popular movement to crown this institution as ruler on earth as a vicar of Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
For Israel to exist today, they would:
  • have had to repent in order for God to gather them back to the land (repentance first, then gathering second)
  • have to reestablish their God-ordained ancient borders, which they do not even being to approach
  • have to be descendants of Abraham, which they are not - they have been genetically proven to be descendants of the ancient Khazars from the 8th century Khazarian kingdom, though those Khazarian imposters have bent over backwards attempting to debunk this - and for good reason: When you've duped one seventh of the globe into supporting you financially, politically, and strategically, you'll do whatever is necessary to hold onto that support.
She returned right on time with the decrees of Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes and remained until 70 A.D. when Jesus' words that they would be "desolate" were fulfilled.

The "Israel of God", which phrase Paul undeniably uses to refer to the church, was horribly persecuted "until the times of the Gentiles" - the reign of the Papacy - came to an end, after which the most powerful explosion of global evangelism to ever take place occurred as the Last Warning Message of Revelation 14:-12 began to be preached "to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people."
Yes, and "Israel" is anyone who belongs to Christ (Galatians 3:29), which people you call Israel do not belong to Him.

Many of those verses pertained to the return of the Babylonian captivity.
The rest pertain to the church.
"What is Literal and Local in the O.T. is Spiritual and World-wide in the N.T."

Even under Joshua's or David's rule Israel has never obtained the borders God gave to them. I guess they were not really Israel either? Foolish them to think they were. Yes, lots of people claim to be the lost Jews in some way or another. Makes no difference to God, He knows who the Jews are and will establish them again as a Nation of God.

And the Jews returned after WW2 at the time when God wanted them to.

The term 'Israel of God' means what it says. The Israel of God. Just as God had a true believing remnant in the nation of Israel at times when apostasy was ripe, so He has now a true believing remnant of Israel in the Church. (Rom. 11:4-5) "But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace." This is the 'Israel of God'. They are part of the Church, but they are the remnant of Israel, whose faith carries on through the time that the nation has been set aside.

Israel is in relationship to God as both a son and a wife. As a wife, Israel has been given a bill of divorcement. (Is. 50:1) (Hos. 2:2) But as a son, God has never disowned her. (Ex. 4:22) (Hos. 11:1) And that wife relationship shall be reestablished by God. (Hos. 2:14-23).

Through all of the apostasy and rebellion of Israel, (Hos. 7-10), the heart of God is toward them still. "How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? how shall I deliver thee Israel? heart is turned within me, my repentings are kindled together. I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee: and I will not enter into the city." (Hos. 11:9)

And the promises of bringing Israel back from her captivity, had eternal consequences. (Jer. 31:33-35) "But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people....for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name; If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."

(Gal. 3:29) says we become Abraham's seed and thus heirs to the promises. It doesn't say we become Israel.

So, 'literal and local' is how you interpret the Old Testament? And 'spiritual and world wide' is how you interpret the New Testament. No wonder you are so confused.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
The State of Israel is not Israel at all in fact, just go ask a true devout Jew who is in depth and truly follows the OT, Plenty of Jews in the State called Israel do not claim it to Be Israel you know, we are not talking about dilettante Jews hear you know.
The True Jews voice is not heard, be it in the State called Israel or even New York as they have demonstrated against the so called Zionist and there lies, but it's all hushed up because the Zionist are a Socialist Nazis Talmud type of cunning manipulating stand over type that works to brainwash people, that's there bag not to mention own most of the Media, they are Satanist who only work to corrupt all they can, what do you expect from an Anti-Christ.

A true devout Jew to the OT is not Anti-God, they just do not know who Jesus Christ truly is, but they will come to Jesus when there eyes are opened and they will be born again.

Stalin had a Government with 80% of them who were Jews and he is a Jew.
Hitler is a Jew and his Leadership was mainly all Jews as well.
The Zionist Jews were killing Jews who opposed them in the late 1930's and early 40's and many Zionist Jews were in Hitler's regular army proudly supporting him you know.
The Zionist Nazi Jews had medals given to them with a Satanic Jewish Star on one side and a Nazi swastika on the other.
Not to mention that the Jews first had the swastika symbol, it has it's roots in nonsense like horoscopes that Hitler totally believed in and this rubbish was around before Jacob became Israel.
Not to mention anyone who has read the Bible knows what that Star represents, Jesus and St Stephen pointed it out. it represents not only that but it's the 666, it has 6 points on the outside and 6 on the inside and 6 in the central, it represents one from perfection, but rejects the number 7 that represents perfection of God, so God is not in it, this nonsense came from Egypt and is a work of man, it has noting to do with God at all. it's a mans works religious symbol and all the creep show that that involves like we are seeing nowadays with abortion on demand = worshiping Moloch and more of the same nonsense that is empowering peoples ultra ego to claim that they are free to do what ever they will, like gods of political expedience. political is never correct but licence.

The true Jewish symbol is the Menorah and it's a work of God, one sees this working in with the oil and the Olive trees, it's wonderful.

Just because most are not believers in God, the State of Israel still exists. It has always been true that not all who are in Israel are Israel. That doesn't mean God does not acknowledge the State of Israel.

As to your history of unbelieving Jews, who cares? That doesn't change anything God will do with Israel.



Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
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sounds like mostly Global Warming type problems, you mean?
Crime, social disorder, debt, unbelief, fear, in the secular world, with apathy, worldliness, pleasure seeking, covetousness and selfishness among God's professed people.
Then climate change. (Not convinced on global warming). Increasing natural disasters. But if we are talking about the signs of the times, that is precursors of you will to the second coming, I think the biggest is the difference, the widening gap,between the worldviews of God's true people and that of unbelievers. And the reducing difference in the worldviews of unbelievers and church folk who don't take their faith serious enough.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I think the biggest is the difference, the widening gap,between the worldviews of God's true people and that of unbelievers. And the reducing difference in the worldviews of unbelievers and church folk who don't take their faith serious enough.
so then "same as it ever was" iow
i guess the eye really is the lamp of the body, wadr.
NWO is Babylon the great. Bogy woman.
that's new?
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