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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
People often disagree , but ultimately, one person gets it right and the other person gets it wrong.... The Bible is the final arbiter in the debates that we see in Christian Forums .....What Behold says is worthless unless he can back it up with Chapter and Verse, and He always does.He reminds me of me in that regard! Lol......You seem to Know a thing or two about the Bible.....you just don’t know or understand it as well as he does....it’s obvious to a guy like me who also knows the Bible better than you do....no brag— just fact....I know nothing on my own.....I’ve just been extremely well taught for 40 years by God - Gifted Teachers Of The Word .....my constant prayer over the years has been that God would guide me to His best Teachers....God answered my prayers....

I got this next thing upside down.....pretend it is at the top of this post ....lol...being well- taught does not guarantee that you won’t do dumb things....especially on computer related things.....lol....

So, you have decided you are right. That makes you like other men according to Solomon. Are all men who believe that they are right, right... even when they disagree?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
One of the worst heresies that the Devil has people preaching in these end times... is this one..

"you get a 2nd chance in Hell"

"hell is only for a short time, and God will get you out".

"dont worry about Hell....its not forever....its just a sort of waiting station....a holding tank.....a temporary situation"

"My priest can pray for your loved ones in Hell and they can get out"....

"there is no such thing as hell"... Its really just a mistranslated word."""

See all that? That is The DEVIL hoping you will believe this so that you end up there.... Reader.

Jesus spoke more about HeLL then the spoke about HEAVEN. !

I recall years ago, i was giving out a Tract that was titled. "Somebody Goofed".
The story was......A young man met this smart, rich, sophisticated, cunning man, who had all the answers to all his questions. And this young man was just astounded by the Elder's knowledge. He knew everything. He was a genius at math, science, religion, music, art, history, geography, .... you name it and the Elder had all the answers, .. such a deep thinker......such a brilliant speaker... astounding.
One day, a few months into their close relationship, they are taking a drive at night.
The elder is driving and they are coming closer and closer to a TRAIN that is blocking the road.
Red light warnings are flashing ahead.
The Elder just keeps driving, not slowing down.
At the same time, the Young man said......"do you think i should believe in Jesus and be born again, as i dont want to go to Hell".....
The Elder smiled and pressed the accelerator to the floor. The car is now flying toward the moving Train...
Just before the speeding car Hits the Train, the Elder reaches under his chin and takes off a Mask.
Underneath the Mask that looked like a human face, was the Devil's HEAD..smiling.
They Hit the Train.
The boy went to hell.


There are devil's who teach the bible and build churches and start denominations and write "christian" books. Some of them have translated "new" bibles.
You can find these people, easily.
Just ask them if they can lose their salvation.....and if they say..."yes"....you have found one.
Now, listen carefully.... they might be a good person, but their BELIEF is of the Devil.
Its called "deception", and what they believe is heresy....so defined by Paul the Apostle in : Galatians.

These deceived teach that Water washes your sin away.
They teach that you have to keep commandments to go to heaven.
They teach that God chooses some for Heaven, and maybe He chose you for hell.
They teach that if you go to Hell, you can get out later.

Now, let me show you why you can't get out of hell at all.

Lets say you die water baptized, but never born again, Spiritually
Jesus said you MUST be born again spiritually..
So you die, and You instantly go to Hell.
Like a bullet..
Why are you there?

You are THERE because you were never born again ON EARTH....reader.
Jesus told you that you must be born again.
You were never born again ON EARTH.....and Jesus told you that you must be born again.


So, now you are in Hell, because you were never born again, on earth.
That is why you died and went to hell.

Reader, you can't be born again in Hell.
There is no CROSS of CHRIST raised for you in Hell.
There is no Bloody Savior on THE CROSS who died for you, found in Hell.
Christ is found ON EARTH, where He lived and DIED on the Cross and is coming back again soon.

The reason you went to hell, is because you were not born again on Earth.
So, you can't be born again IN HELL....and that is why you will stay there, until God brings you to the Great White Throne Judgement.... Revelation 20:11, and you will be JUDGED there for never being born again on earth....... and then you will go to the Lake of Fire.
Thats a promise from God and He means what He said.
You dont have to believe it, but if you go there to find out it is true, you have no way to change it.

You can't be born again in Hell.
So....Dont try it.

"all that call on the name of Jesus, shall be saved"....on earth.
"All that believe in me, ...Jesus says....I give you eternal life"....on earth.

You dont get that IN HELL.
You cant have that in HELL.
You only get that SALVATION on EARTH while you are breathing.
There is no Cross in Hell.
There is no 2nd chance to be saved, in Hell.
Never !!

Listen to me..
If someone tells you that hell is temporary, then you are listening to a Devil led Devil.
If someone tells you that their church can "pray you out of hell", then you are listening to a Devil led by the Devil's Denomination.

Believe it.
There is NO 2nd chance to be born again in Hell.

I didn't know Jesus died on the cross so you could be made Judge.

Isa 42:6-7
6 I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;
7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.


The above was prophecy about Jesus preaching The Gospel to those in the heavenly prison, and leading those out that believed. That is what the following Scripture is about...

1 Peter 3:18-20
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
19 By which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

1 Peter 4:5-6
5 Who shall give account to Him That is ready to judge the quick and the dead.
6 For, for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.


That heavenly prison is about the abode of hell (haides) where the wicked are. It is not the "lake of fire", which is a future event.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
So what did Jesus announce or proclaim? Not sure why Jesus was in spirit prison if it wasn't for the atonement to deliver souls out. Noting that he has the keys of hell. Also what are the keys for then?

You are correct, and I am not a Catholic.

The 1 Peter 4:5-6 verses reveal that Jesus DID PREACH THE GOSPEL to those "spirits in prison", and thus they were judged according to men in the flesh and lived according to God in the spirit.

1 Peter 4:5-6
5 Who shall give account to Him That is ready to judge the quick and the dead.

6 For, for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

Some still hold to the Old Testament Jewish theory of 'dead in the ground', the idea that our soul part is also of our flesh, and is resurrected with our flesh. In Matthew 10:28, Jesus showed that idea is false, because He showed man cannot kill our soul, that only God can. Our soul with spirit is a separate operation from our flesh body. Our spirit/soul is always connected, but can be separated from our flesh body.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
No 2nd Chance in Hell.
Cast iron fry pans are unforgiving?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Also, because Revelation 20 declares a "first resurrection", that automatically suggests there will be at least one more LIKE THAT FIRST ONE, i.e., in Christ's Salvation.

This is why the books are compared at the GWT Judgment, to see if any names of the unsaved nations during the 1,000 years are found in it, and THUS SAVED.

It is ignorance to think that God is going to cast anyone in the future "lake of fire" without their knowing beyond all doubt Who He and His Son is, the full Truth being revealed to them. Everyone... MUST be held accountable, and that cannot happen if a soul is spiritually blinded, or never even heard of Jesus Christ and The Gospel. This is why... there is to be a "thousand years" reign by Jesus and His elect starting at His future return.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
( ^◡^)
dont make Theological assumptions. I only teach Pauline Theology very clearly.
I leave the theological assumptions to the deceivers who infect this forum.
As you know.
is that so? then it's not yours but pauline's


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
( ^◡^)
If all of the unsaved dead are already in hell... but not without hope?

All of us were there, but Jesus was sent into this place of death, this grave, this hell, this prison of our own sinful ways and he preached to us. Some of us listened and are listening. Some of us have done something right with what we heard.

Jesus did talk to me and visit me in my hell. He is helping me replace all of that hell with heaven. The resultant new man of me must increase and the old man of me must decrease!

"He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30

Jesus came down from the glory that He had with His Father before natural birth to born with a corruptible body in Bethlehem. He came down to the place where the dead dwelt, the dwelling place of the carnal man: hell. Jesus came to bring Life to the dead!

"...but quickened by the Spirit:
By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;" I Peter 3:18-19

Who else might those spirits in prison be, but you and me and everyone else not born again. We all needed Life... which was where or whom?

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

Everyone here who has not been born again or born from above [John 3:3] is blind to the things of God and remains "dead". As Jesus put it:

"... Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead." Matt 8:22

The first ones to die in scripture were Adam and Eve when they disobeyed God and suffered the

"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Gen 2:17

God does not lie. They did eat and they did die. Would not any and all of the offspring of dead people be dead?

In the eyes of God and of Jesus, anyone who could see none of the Truth of God was effectively dead! Jesus came down to this death, but he then overcame everything that stood between him and his place with His Father. This included His corruptible body. He also made it possible for those who had already sinned and earned the death that they were in to have Life as well:

"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Did he not come to preach to us, we, who were captives in this prison of sin and sinful ways?
but the prison of the dead and the prison of the living are two different things if they are not any different then you should also believe in purgatory and so it still remains a mystery to me

what @Behold preach do make sense but it's too deep not in meaning but on the way logic goes it's getting too far away from what was written it's like jesus himself is the one speaking with authority


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
but the prison of the dead and the prison of the living are two different things if they are not any different then you should also believe in purgatory and so it still remains a mystery to me
Who is dead and who is alive? To God physical men walking around without the Holy Spirit within are dead.

"But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead." Matt 8:22


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
( ^◡^)
Who is dead and who is alive? To God physical men walking around without the Holy Spirit within are dead.

"But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead." Matt 8:22
then does that mean
you believe in purgatory?
i meant the equivalent value
that we can still save the salvation of physically dead?
if we pray for them
then we can just do our thing willfully without repentance until 1st death then our beloved will pray for us then we can change our ways we can still repent even though we have died and the invisible things are visible now... okay that sounds off it feels like it's not meant to be like that you have seen the invisble things yet you can still have your chance to have a 1 way ticket to heaven


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
then does that mean
you believe in purgatory?
i meant the equivalent value
that we can still save the salvation of physically dead?
if we pray for them
then we can just do our thing willfully without repentance until 1st death then our beloved will pray for us then we can change our ways we can still repent even though we have died and the invisible things are visible now... okay that sounds off it feels like it's not meant to be like that you have seen the invisble things yet you can still have your chance to have a 1 way ticket to heaven
If there is a purgatory, it is right here and men walking around us are already being purged... or they are not. Will their vessels be purged by the Holy Spirit? That, I believe, is up to them. God made a way for every man to become clean and to endure to the end with Him. Many will choose instead the wide way that leads to destruction. and I am not really talking about unbelievers. Unbelievers are already dead and unless they repent, they have no hope.

There is no 2nd chance. This is mankind's place of trial and cleansing. If he remains unclean at the end, then that is for each man his end.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
( ^◡^)
If there is a purgatory, it is right here and men walking around us are already being purged... or they are not.
what i meant about purgatory is the 2nd chance after 1st death
There is no 2nd chance. This is mankind's place of trial and cleansing. If he remains unclean at the end, then that is for each man his end.
so the prison of the living and the dead are both different


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
what i meant about purgatory is the 2nd chance after 1st death

so the prison of the living and the dead are both different
What carnal men see is what there is for them. People serving God for real are seeing something very different even if at the moment it may be as through a glass darkly. Without a vision, people perish. Unbelievers are blind and many who call themselves believers in God are also very blind. How good must our vision be to make it to the end with Him?
Give God the glory!
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