No other President of the USA has gotten such acclaim by so many

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
slave ridden....The Catholic church actually supported the south during the civil war...
racist....a Jesuit wrote 'Mein Kamph', but of couse Hitler wasn't racist...
anti-Catholic...the eazrly pilgrims into America had just recently escaped a Europe dominated by a religious power that ruled with despotic power over the consciences of all within her tyrannical grasp; shocking that those immigrants didn't want Catholicism to take root in America.
women not allowed to New Zealand where suffrage made women's vote a world first, the Catholic church opposed it outright. Views about women began to change in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as they struggled for the right to vote, to obtain education and to work outside of the home. Yet the Catholic Church remained steadfast. In 1930, ten years after women won the right to vote in the U.S., Pope Pius XI condemned women’s liberation, arguing it would produce a false redirection from their true identity as mothers and homemakers. It would not be until 1945 that Italy, home of the Vatican, granted women the right to vote .
kids working in factories and coal mines etc etc...the Catholic church at least on this matter, has had it right for a long time. 1 out of 5 aint bad I guess.
Brakelite....everyone on hear already knows you are vehemently anti Catholic. You don’t need to troll me with more bizarre lies and twisting of history to get your point across....YOUR ANTI CATHOLIC...We got it!!!



Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
far side of the moon
United States
Are you a liberal, and as such incapable of understanding facts except those manufactured by the propaganda arm of the DNC otherwise known as the Fake News Media

"Fake News" is a trumpit slogan, not a DNC slogan. You need to come up with a unique slogan

- facts like that "collusion' is not a crime, that Obama was actually CAUGHT ON TAPE colluding with Russian Dimitri Medvidev

Prove the above or else go down in history as just another republicon liar. The choice is your to make it.
that Hillary sold out a huge chunk of the U.S. uranium supply to Russian before getting massive donations for the Crooked Clinton Foundation through the "Uranium One" deal

History has proven that the Clinton/uranium one deal is just another false smear campaign by the republicons
The Alternative 'Russia Scandal'



Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
far side of the moon
United States
Brakelite....everyone on hear already knows you are vehemently anti Catholic. You don’t need to troll me with more bizarre lies and twisting of history to get your point across....YOUR ANTI CATHOLIC...We got it!!!


I added the underscore above---

This is something not printed in US newspapers and one must ask why not?

Israel's Interior Minister: 'Stop Spitting on Christians'
Avraham Poraz, Israel's interior minister, today [2004-10-13] issued a half-hearted statement condemning an increase in attacks on Christian clergy. Poraz urged Jews to "stop the repeated attacks on the religious minority."

It seems that the tradition of spitting on the cross is getting media attention outside of Israel, and fears are that it might damage the ethno-state's image.

The latest incident was last Sunday, when a Jew spit on a cross carried by Armenian archbishop Nourhan Manougian. The attack led to a scuffle in which the archbishop's medallion, worn by Armenian archbishops since the 17th century, was broken


Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them
by Amiram Barkat
A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.

The clergyman prefered not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews. Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind. For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot.



A very embarrassing and persistent problem has arisen in some of the sacred sites in Jerusalem where Christians and Jews cross each other’s paths. Teenagers from a small sector of the city’s many Ultra-Orthodox (“Haredi”) Ashkenazi Jewish communities have taken to spitting at clerics wearing prominent crosses and dressed in traditional garb.


It's "Normal" for Jews to Spit on Christians in Jerusalem, says Top Catholic

The truth will set you free :)-
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
"Fake News" is a trumpit slogan, not a DNC slogan. You need to come up with a unique slogan

Not DNC slogan. A DNC fact.

Such as claiming minority employment is going down. But look at the labor statistics. Unemployment of minorities is at a historical low.

Or walls don't stop illegals. Tell that to Israel and the other countries who have built them.

Or that Hillary didn't violate national security with their emails. As one who held a top secret plus clearance I can tell you she most assuredly did And cause a lot of death.

The liars here are the Democrats.

I live in Georgia where they claimed lunar fraud was costing Democrats elections. But an investigation clocked them hiding ballots in boxes and drawers and not counting others. So the vote total kept getting wider and wider in favor of the Republicans.

And the former mayor of Atlanta and his staff are being Charged and found guilty for all kinds of violation of law.

Stop listening to MSNBC and CNN. They lie out their teeth.

Prove the above or else go down in history as just another republicon liar. The choice is your to make it.

The daily AJC is a very liberal paper and they are proving the facts.
History has proven that the Clinton/uranium one deal is just another false smear campaign by the republicons
The Alternative 'Russia Scandal'


It was not false and after two years of investigation they have found nothing on supposed Russia accusations against Trump.

If a staffer broke the law you cannot lay them on Trump.

How about your three sweethearts from Virginia?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
"Fake News" is a trumpit slogan, not a DNC slogan. You need to come up with a unique slogan

Prove the above or else go down in history as just another republicon liar. The choice is your to make it.

History has proven that the Clinton/uranium one deal is just another false smear campaign by the republicons
The Alternative 'Russia Scandal'

Of course you dont know about Barry O’s collusion with Russia b/c your Fake News wont dare say anything negative about leftists. Watch the Allah worshiped caught on tape right here:

Obama caught telling Russia he'll have 'more flexibility' after election

As for Uranium One, no amount of Fake News spin can hide the fact that the only Russia/US conspiring happened UNDER BARRY O’s watch. After almost 2 years, not a single shred of evidence has turned up to prove the non- crime of “collusion” , but mentally disordered liberals will keep grasping at straws because “Orange Man bad, Socialism good”
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Dont know why you all speak of lies, I dont know of any honest politician. No matter what intent they may start they all end up in bed with the enemy. As far as Trump is concerned, God is using Him to delay the enemies plans, Brexit too is just around teh corner. lets see what happens when Britain tries to break away form the NWO and the enemies plans, it wont be nice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
I admit our country is not what it used to be: Slave ridden, Racist, anti-Catholic, women not allowed to vote, kids working in factories and coal mines etc etc.......We are a better country today.

What did this country used to be that you want it to go back to???

Curious Mary


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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States

I added the underscore above---

This is something not printed in US newspapers and one must ask why not?

Israel's Interior Minister: 'Stop Spitting on Christians'
Avraham Poraz, Israel's interior minister, today [2004-10-13] issued a half-hearted statement condemning an increase in attacks on Christian clergy. Poraz urged Jews to "stop the repeated attacks on the religious minority."

It seems that the tradition of spitting on the cross is getting media attention outside of Israel, and fears are that it might damage the ethno-state's image.

The latest incident was last Sunday, when a Jew spit on a cross carried by Armenian archbishop Nourhan Manougian. The attack led to a scuffle in which the archbishop's medallion, worn by Armenian archbishops since the 17th century, was broken


Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them
by Amiram Barkat
A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.

The clergyman prefered not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews. Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind. For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot.



A very embarrassing and persistent problem has arisen in some of the sacred sites in Jerusalem where Christians and Jews cross each other’s paths. Teenagers from a small sector of the city’s many Ultra-Orthodox (“Haredi”) Ashkenazi Jewish communities have taken to spitting at clerics wearing prominent crosses and dressed in traditional garb.


It's "Normal" for Jews to Spit on Christians in Jerusalem, says Top Catholic

The truth will set you free :)-
If I had to choose whether to suffer a Zionist, anti-Christian follower of the works based religion known as Judaism spitting on me, or suffer torture and murder at the hands of papal authorities like the millions and millions of innocent Christians who refused to go along with Rome's false, pagan, Sun worship, Luciferian, sex cult, the choice is really not that hard.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Hi Stranger,

I base the statement on historical truth. Here are a few various links to help you out. I like the Glenn Beck and PragurU videos the most:

History of the Democratic Party: Part I

While we're toppling offensive symbols, what about the Democratic Party?

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

The History of the Democratic Party – Rooted in Slavery - Revolutionary Workers Group

Cashing that CHECK $$$$$

Sooooo when you asked Where would the anti-Christ be found(?) and you answered your own question by saying “in the anti Christian Democratic Party” I AGREED WITH YOU by saying the logical choice would be the Democratic Party. But you don’t want me to say I agree with you ????o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O Hmmmmm.....

Lol....No whispering in my ear.....have you forgotten what I told you? You and I are both Republicans! If there is whispering in my ear it will be in yours also via the Republican Party platform !


Don't waste my time with your links Mary. Tell me yourself. Cash the check yourself, not by someone else.

Deceptive Mary, you said, don't you think the anti-christ would be smarter than that. Which means he would't align himself with the democratic party. As I said, don't say you agree with me, as you don't.

I see nothing conservative or republican in you Mary.



Brakelite....everyone on hear already knows you are vehemently anti Catholic.
No, I don't believe that is the case at all. Only you, epostle, and BoL see me as anti-Catholic. I think the reason for that is that you take everything so personally, as if I am abusing or criticising you, which I do not do. I am certainly critical of the system you ascribe to being a member of, and defender of. And I think most everyone else on this forum recognise that I am assuredly anti-Catholicism. I am not ashamed nor shy in admitting that. While there are some good things that Catholicism does, like epostle's oft repeated meme suggests, the orphanages, the food banks, the schools, ( of which I have no quarrel against having being educated sufficiently well at them) the many charities etc ...but that isn't the essence of Catholicism. It may be the part most people see and recognise, but what people do not see is the hidden secret motives and covert ambitions of the Vatican and its dogmas and long term goals that history has revealed as a blight on humanity in localised Europe during the dark ages, and will be a blight and a plague upon the world as she gains global control through the soon coming NWO. That is what concerns me. Not, as you and your friends often like to accuse me and others of, individual Catholics. I was once a part of that system, and the Bible itself calls on all of God's people to come out of it. Depart from it before its impending destruction. It is out of concern for individual Catholics that I post what I do. To inform and warn. The defensive auto-connect that ensues as a result of such warnings is not my concern, but rather a sad reflection on your willingness to see and understand truth.
For example, your attempt at diversion above in writing off what I offered as "anti-Catholic" is simply not an accurate nor is it a necessary response to what I wrote. What I wrote is easily verifiable. A matter of history. Not a history that would make you proud, but a history nevertheless that will, or should, make you wiser.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States

Sooooo the teachings of Christ encouraged Americans to prevent women from voting, enslave and beat their fellow man, force kids to work in factories, to be racist to the point of passing Jim Crow laws?

That sounds like something the anti-Christ would do. Can you explain your thought process on this?

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Don't waste my time with your links Mary. Tell me yourself. Cash the check yourself, not by someone else.

Deceptive Mary, you said, don't you think the anti-christ would be smarter than that. Which means he would't align himself with the democratic party. As I said, don't say you agree with me, as you don't.

I see nothing conservative or republican in you Mary.

Lol.....Stranger, you do keep me entertained. If I repeated the historical facts in those links I provided you still would have SOMEHOW rebutted me sooooooo why waste my time. You choose to remain ignorant....That is not my problem, that is yours.

You said: Where would the the anti-christ be found? News flash! In the anti-christian Democratic party. I AGREED WITH THAT STATEMENT AND YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT I DON’T AGREE WITH YOUo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O How bizarre.....

Does it hurt your heart and make you sad when I agree with you????

You don’t even know me soooooo how can you say you see nothing conservative/republican in me? What I have written that makes you believe this?

Patient Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
No, I don't believe that is the case at all. Only you, epostle, and BoL see me as anti-Catholic. I think the reason for that is that you take everything so personally, as if I am abusing or criticising you, which I do not do. I am certainly critical of the system you ascribe to being a member of, and defender of. And I think most everyone else on this forum recognise that I am assuredly anti-Catholicism. I am not ashamed nor shy in admitting that. While there are some good things that Catholicism does, like epostle's oft repeated meme suggests, the orphanages, the food banks, the schools, ( of which I have no quarrel against having being educated sufficiently well at them) the many charities etc ...but that isn't the essence of Catholicism. It may be the part most people see and recognise, but what people do not see is the hidden secret motives and covert ambitions of the Vatican and its dogmas and long term goals that history has revealed as a blight on humanity in localised Europe during the dark ages, and will be a blight and a plague upon the world as she gains global control through the soon coming NWO. That is what concerns me. Not, as you and your friends often like to accuse me and others of, individual Catholics. I was once a part of that system, and the Bible itself calls on all of God's people to come out of it. Depart from it before its impending destruction. It is out of concern for individual Catholics that I post what I do. To inform and warn. The defensive auto-connect that ensues as a result of such warnings is not my concern, but rather a sad reflection on your willingness to see and understand truth.
For example, your attempt at diversion above in writing off what I offered as "anti-Catholic" is simply not an accurate nor is it a necessary response to what I wrote. What I wrote is easily verifiable. A matter of history. Not a history that would make you proud, but a history nevertheless that will, or should, make you wiser.
Got it....Your “system” is better sooooo everyone should believe and practice what brakelite does???

No, the Bible does not call on all of Gods people to come out of her (the Church). That is your bizarre twisting of Scripture that you borrowed from someone else who started it 500 years ago. You follow the 500 year teaching tradition of men....I follow the 2,000 year teaching of The Church.

Thank you for your concern and efforts to save me but when you twist scripture it is to YOUR own destruction....Not MY destruction.

The Catholic History you speak of has some bad men in it that did some bad things. Over a 2,000 year period that is bound to happen. The Protestant History has bad men in it that did some bad things. They accomplished everything the CC accomplished in 500 years instead of 2,000 years.

The doctrine/dogma of the CC is solid.....Solid as a Rock!!! (Matthew 16:18) It is backed with Scripture and tradition......Just like scripture says it should be.

Continue to follow the men who are tickling your ears. Accept their dogma/doctrine to your own peril. I and BOL have given you the truth. It is up to you to accept it or reject it.



The doctrine/dogma of the CC is solid.....Solid as a Rock!!!
  • Such as the "dogma" that justifies the persecution and the killing of those who happen to disagree with her?
  • Such as the "dogma" that teaches that no state is justified in restricting the CC in forcing her doctrines upon the people?
  • Such as the "dogma" that says that freedom of religion or conscience ought never to be tolerated?
  • Or the "dogma" that placed the Bible on the list of forbidden books? (At least that one has changed, albeit with the caveat that no-one reading it is allowed to come to their own conclusions as what the Bible is actually saying, that must be done by a priest).
  • Such as the "dogma" that claims the Pope is the only legitimate ruler of the world?
  • Or perhaps the dogma that claims the Pope has the legitimate right to wield the sword that belongs to the state in order to wage war against "heretics"
  • Or the "dogma" that claims that any argument against a union of church and state as per the American constitution is anti-Catholic?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
  • Such as the "dogma" that justifies the persecution and the killing of those who happen to disagree with her?
  • Such as the "dogma" that teaches that no state is justified in restricting the CC in forcing her doctrines upon the people?
  • Such as the "dogma" that says that freedom of religion or conscience ought never to be tolerated?
  • Or the "dogma" that placed the Bible on the list of forbidden books? (At least that one has changed, albeit with the caveat that no-one reading it is allowed to come to their own conclusions as what the Bible is actually saying, that must be done by a priest).
  • Such as the "dogma" that claims the Pope is the only legitimate ruler of the world?
  • Or perhaps the dogma that claims the Pope has the legitimate right to wield the sword that belongs to the state in order to wage war against "heretics"
  • Or the "dogma" that claims that any argument against a union of church and state as per the American constitution is anti-Catholic?
Oh just can’t stop twisting the truth and history.

The only new bizarre theory you have in this list that I havn’t seen from you yet is the Bible being on the list of forbidden books....Your killing me....Please provide your evidence for that.....PLEASE

Feeling sad for you....Mary


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Sooooo the teachings of Christ encouraged Americans to prevent women from voting, enslave and beat their fellow man, force kids to work in factories, to be racist to the point of passing Jim Crow laws?

That sounds like something the anti-Christ would do. Can you explain your thought process on this?

Curious Mary

Propagandist Mary, I said a return to Christianity is what I wanted. As opposed to Christianity being removed.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Lol.....Stranger, you do keep me entertained. If I repeated the historical facts in those links I provided you still would have SOMEHOW rebutted me sooooooo why waste my time. You choose to remain ignorant....That is not my problem, that is yours.

You said: Where would the the anti-christ be found? News flash! In the anti-christian Democratic party. I AGREED WITH THAT STATEMENT AND YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT I DON’T AGREE WITH YOUo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O How bizarre.....

Does it hurt your heart and make you sad when I agree with you????

You don’t even know me soooooo how can you say you see nothing conservative/republican in me? What I have written that makes you believe this?

Patient Mary

No, you said, 'dont you think the anti-christ would be smarter than that'. Which means you don't agree with me. See your post #(149). You say you agree but you then disagree.

It worries me when you say you agree with me. I feel like I have made a mistake somewhere.

Yet you don't deny it. Or, are you telling me you are conservative and republican? Who did you vote for in the last Presidential election? Did you ever vote for Obama? Are you republican or democrat?
