Preaching Hell

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Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States

You use one scripture out of context to lie to me and I used several scriptures to show you that I cannot sin because I'm born of God and have the truth in me.

I was created as the Word with Jesus, the prophets and the other saints to speak for God in the flesh. There are many biblical names to describe us such as Kingdom of Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Kingdom of God, God, Jesus Christ, Kingdom of Heaven, Counselor, Elect, Holy Ones, Remnant of Israel, Jacob, Judah, Remnant of Jacob, Two Sticks, Jerusalem, the Gospel, etc.

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, that didst lay low the nations!
And thou saidst in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; and I will sit upon the mount of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."

Isa 14:12-14


It is that which caused Lucifer to fall from grace and that which lay at the root of the original sin of Adam and Eve.
It is that which most often causes men to fall from intimate fellowship with God, that which consumes them with their own righteousness.

The words of your post are riddled with pride and completely lacking in humility.
They are an illustration of the very root and nature of sin; PRIDE.

You are doing yourself a disservice in that your are believing a lie.

Without acknowledging your sinful nature before God and without humility you cannot see the Kingdom of God.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Honestly Mr. Word, cutting and pasting the same multiple scriptures that have nothing in them that support what you say is no way to go through life.


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
The scriptures are not the word of God. The gospel that Jesus and us saints preach is the spoken Word that you need to hear. Once you are given the truth after being made sinless, then you will understand the scriptures.

If the Scriptures are not the word of God as you say, then why do you quote the scriptures to us?

In Christ,

I'll cut and paste as many scriptures as I want to teach you sinners that you're all liars.

Judging people is a sin. Bragging that one is sinless is also a sin. All these are sins of pride.

In the Bible, there was a story about a sinner and a Pharisee who prayed to God. The sinner prayed to God to forgive his sins. The Pharisee looked at the sinner and thanked and praise God for making him not like the sinner. In other words, he thanked God for making him sinless. But it was the sinner who went away justified.

In Christ,


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
My created existence in God is the Word, the knowledge of God, and the truth. Whenever I use the scriptures, they are inspired by God to admonish sinners and teach them the ways of the Lord. Sinners don't have the truth so they use them as lies. That's why I tell sinners to burn their Bibles because they're useless for them.

I am sorry to tell you, my friend but the Word of God is Truth and is not a hypocrite. He would not use scriptures as being useful and inspired and then say to burn those same scriptures because he thinks it is useless. In other words, one cannot say that Scripture is useful and then say it is useless. That is hypocracy. Only Jesus Christ is the Word and only Jesus is God.

A person who brags that he is sinless is already committing a sin. Jesus never bragged about being sinless. He was always humble about it.

In Christ,


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I'm the only saint to exist in over 1600 years who has authority to use the scriptures. Christianity was started by the Roman government after they killed all the saints. They produced a new testament with the writings they confiscated from the saints when they were arrested. They deleted anything to do with the true gospel to make sure the followers of the saints wouldn't become sinless saints like the ones God used to get them to confess and repent of their sins.

Then the Romans added pagan ideas to these writings before putting them together in this new testament. Not one Christian has ever become a sinless saint and preached the gospel that Jesus and the saints preached.

The scriptures were needed for me to gather some vocabulary from them for when God made me a sinless saint. Then he uses my vocabulary words to inspire my writings and speech so I can learn about who I am. This is called revelation and why the book of Revelation was written. it's the revealing of knowledge to Jesus and us saints while we live in the flesh.

These revelations are kept in the Word with us instead of in memory like sinners have. Our bodies die in this age and all our memories go with it but when we get new bodies in paradise, this knowledge in the Word will be available to us right away. This is how God will guide us to form a new vocabulary and language. Once we have a new language, then God can begin communicating to us again.

So what is your point? You call yourself sinless and all of us sinners and unworthy to use the scriptures - implying that Christ's sacrifice was not good enough to create more that one saint in a 1600 year period, Based on your own words you will continue to post as many verses necessary to convince us we are sinners - here is a newsflash or you - we already know we are sinners, who have been justified and are being sanctified in Christ - most Christians know this - so again, I am wondering what is your point?


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
So what is your point? You call yourself sinless and all of us sinners and unworthy to use the scriptures - implying that Christ's sacrifice was not good enough to create more that one saint in a 1600 year period, Based on your own words you will continue to post as many verses necessary to convince us we are sinners - here is a newsflash or you - we already know we are sinners, who have been justified and are being sanctified in Christ - most Christians know this - so again, I am wondering what is your point?

Have you noticed that he is using the same verses that we have written in our own bibles; yet, he claims that the Roman government changed the biblical verses. If the Roman government changed the verses, his verses should not be exactly the same as ours.

In Christ,


New Member
Aug 14, 2010
Mr Word I won't dispute the fact that something dynamic has taken place in your life, nor do I ignore sound advice, such as Pr 10:19 when words are may sin is not absent.
Proverbs 19:2
NIV - It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.


New Member
Oct 23, 2010
My created existence in God is the Word, the knowledge of God, and the truth. Whenever I use the scriptures, they are inspired by God to admonish sinners and teach them the ways of the Lord. Sinners don't have the truth so they use them as lies. That's why I tell sinners to burn their Bibles because they're useless for them.

I pray for you. If you are serious about telling people to burn their could have a mental problem, an evil problem, or both. I might be able to understand if you say you feel you can help people to understand the Bible better and help others to not sin, but to tell people to burn their Bible and that they're useless is wrong, to say the least.

I'm the only saint to exist in over 1600 years who has authority to use the scriptures. Christianity was started by the Roman government after they killed all the saints. They produced a new testament with the writings they confiscated from the saints when they were arrested. They deleted anything to do with the true gospel to make sure the followers of the saints wouldn't become sinless saints like the ones God used to get them to confess and repent of their sins.

Then the Romans added pagan ideas to these writings before putting them together in this new testament. Not one Christian has ever become a sinless saint and preached the gospel that Jesus and the saints preached.

The scriptures were needed for me to gather some vocabulary from them for when God made me a sinless saint. Then he uses my vocabulary words to inspire my writings and speech so I can learn about who I am. This is called revelation and why the book of Revelation was written. it's the revealing of knowledge to Jesus and us saints while we live in the flesh.

These revelations are kept in the Word with us instead of in memory like sinners have. Our bodies die in this age and all our memories go with it but when we get new bodies in paradise, this knowledge in the Word will be available to us right away. This is how God will guide us to form a new vocabulary and language. Once we have a new language, then God can begin communicating to us again.

So are you saying you are the leader of this new vocabulary and language to be formed? And you are saying that God does not communicate with any one?

This is really sad. I really do pray for you.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Have you noticed that he is using the same verses that we have written in our own bibles; yet, he claims that the Roman government changed the biblical verses. If the Roman government changed the verses, his verses should not be exactly the same as ours.

In Christ,

That is a great point.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States

The Romans deleted most of the teachings about the true gospel and added their pagan ideas in them such as communion, virgin birth, tithes and offerings, water baptism, tongues and other spiritual gifts, pentecost, bodily resurrections, hell, triune god, etc.

Those of us saints know the truth so we don't get deceived by these lies in the scriptures. We're only guided to the scriptures that can be used by the truth and taught to whoever will listen.

It's impossible for Christians to understand the scriptures because they're sinners and not saints. Only sinless saints and Jesus could understand the truth and with this knowledge of God, we are the only ones who can understand the scriptures that can be used for teaching with. There's a whole different message in the Bible for us saints that sinners can't see.

Sounds like only an elite group of people have access to the truth, yet that isn't what Jesus preached - His message was to be a light on a hill. You are preaching an elitist. Gnostic idea, not Christ's message.

This also brings up my same old question - why are you preaching a message we cannot see?

Are you sure you are not a Cathar?


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Christians don't understand that the Romans changed the new testament writings to make Jesus totally different than what we saints know of him. After they killed all the true saints, they had to figure out a way to deceive all the sinners who were following them and listening to the true gospel. The gospel the saints preached is the voice of God and these sinners who were chosen by God and created in Christ, (the Word), would listen to the gospel until God revealed himself to them. Then he would start the process of giving them commands through the saints voice to confess and repent of sins. This process can takes several years to make a new sinless saint out of these chosen sinners.

However, after all the saints were killed, there was no one to lead these chosen sinners (children of God) into the Kingdom, which is the truth and the knowledge of God. The Romans had their leader, Constantine figure out ways to deceive these children of God and the first thing he did was introduce them into the Roman pagan churches that were changed to the Roman Catholic name. He wrote some Christ-like creeds for them to chant and had many Christ-like idols made for them to feel more comfortable in these pagan churches. The ultimate deception was the new testament they produced from writings they confiscated from the saints as they arrested them for breaking the law of preaching the gospel. The saints were executed for not accepting the mark of the beast because they were all chosen and marked by God before they were ever created.

Ever since the Roman government started this false religion of Christianity, no sinless saints have appeared to preach the gospel until God made me a sinless saint on June 14, 2008. A few months later, I was preaching the same gospel that Jesus and the other saints preached. It has been over 1600 years since anyone has heard the truth being spoken. This is why no one can understand the words I write or speak. It's God who's using my flesh and the Word I was created as to speak for him.

So if this is true, why are you telling us something that we cannot possible understand? Also - since you have such an important message for the world - a world full of Christians who need to hear the new message, why are you wasting time arguing with 6 or 7 people that bother to engage you in conversation on a small Christian message board - shouldn't you alert the media? How about producing a thirty minute infomercial? Jesus had help spreading His message - from sinful saints, I might add, where are your disciples? So many questions.......

The fact is, you have a message that cannot be understood; erases all we know about Christ; centers around dismantling Christianity, the Bible and your sinlessness and specialness. This message goes against everything we know to be true and flies in the face of humility. So good luck with that......


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Sinners who call themselves Christians don't understand anything about Christ. They can only use their own interpretations and that's why there's over 50 english versions of the Bible and over 40,000 denominations of Christianity today. If they knew the truth, no religion or church buildings would exist.

If you can't hear the truth in what I write, then you're are an imposter and not a chosen one of God's.

You have already said that you believe we are all what is your purpose here? You refuse to answer any of my questions,,,,,



New Member
Feb 12, 2010
If you want to be born of God and have the knowledge of God, which is the truth, then you have to be sinless.

1Jn 1:8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us

You use one scripture out of context to lie to me and I used several scriptures to show you that I cannot sin because I'm born of God and have the truth in me.
Such irony!

The scriptures are not the word of God.
1 Corinthians 14:37-38 (NKJV)
[sup]37 [/sup]If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord. [sup]38 [/sup]But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
The funniest part is that Word can use any verse he wants out of context to "prove" his point, but if anyone else uses a verse - even the same verse Word has used in the past, suddenly he declares that the Romans wrote the verse to support the evil would be comical if it was not so tragic...


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I love the 3rd person narrative!! Hilarious! - I am just wondering when 'The Word' is going to realize that he has jumped the shark with his erroneous message just like 'The Fonz'


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
I was a sinner for 54 years so I never denied I was a sinner.
So then, do you obey Jesus?

Luke 11:2-4 (NKJV)
[sup]2 [/sup]So He said to them, "When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
[sup] [/sup]
[sup]4 [/sup]And forgive us our sins, For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Ok, The Word - I am seriously growing tired of you. It was fun for a short time, but that time has passed. God save you - I will continue to pray that He opens your eyes and that you will receive His saving grace.


New Member
Nov 27, 2009
North Carolina
Ok, The Word - I am seriously growing tired of you. It was fun for a short time, but that time has passed. God save you - I will continue to pray that He opens your eyes and that you will receive His saving grace.

Yeah, seems "The Word" has got some "I" trouble.


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
I was created as the Word so I can speak from any perspective I want.

OOOOOHHHHH!!!! WOW!!!! Ooooookayyyy.......Hmmmm......:blink: :blink: I've seen pride and arrogrance before, but never to the point where someone is actually proclaiming to be God Himself.