Repeated dreams of my deceased grandmother's house

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I’m confused as to her timeline but...I know He didn’t say to her she had to walk alone, though she might have felt like that’s what He was saying. It almost begins to look like the witchcraft thing was a fit of hurt and anger, like...she said, no, I don’t have to walk alone, I’ll find someone or something else since You just dropped me’s pretty amazing.

Yes, felt like it. I have read major published visions where the Lord said this to someone - a couple of them actually, where they are about to have to go through a tough lesson. He will say things like, "It may feel like I have left you but I have not."
it’s like when we think back to the stupid things we did in childhood and say, it’s amazing I lived and didn’t kill myself...!

Let's not go back there. My life is riddled with having done stupid things, Lol.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
It was definitely him but it makes it a lot easier to pretend it wasn't so I don't get depressed, cause have you ever tried to do algebra while depressed and ADHD?

No, and I'm not starting today. If I do any algebra, it will only be when I'm practically drunk in the Spirit and having a Holy Ghost Hoedown.

It's like when I was in college and tried to be a Computer Science major for one semester. Talk about not my thing...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
He’s going to use your ADHD as impossible as it sounds. You move about more by impressions than anything else. It’s a touch of a prophets makeup. He’s ready to take you out of...where you are whenever you insist on complete and radical trust. I’m not saying you have to ecstatically enjoy where you are, but just trust and say, okay, yes Lord. A flat tire, okay Lord. Only crackers for dinner, okay Lord. Only a room, okay Lord. I trust You.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
He’s going to use your ADHD as impossible as it sounds. You move about more by impressions than anything else. It’s a touch of a prophets makeup. He’s ready to take you out of...where you are whenever you insist on complete and radical trust.

I do have to say, something is very different about you, Fluffy, and this may be part of why right here. You just "say" things, and it clearly comes from somewhere besides you, because I have seen you do it several times and it can be uncanny.

Now to be honest, I'm not always sure which side of the force it is coming from, LoL, but whatever is going on, you so seem to be a channel. This is again why I advise drawing closer to God. As you draw closer to Him, it helps ensure that it is Him speaking through you, and you become more adept at following the leading of the Spirit as well and can be used for bigger things.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
I do have to say, something is very different about you, Fluffy, and this may be part of why right here. You just "say" things, and it clearly comes from somewhere besides you, because I have seen you do it several times and it can be uncanny.

Now to be honest, I'm not always sure which side of the force it is coming from, LoL, but whatever is going on, you so seem to be a channel. This is again why I advise drawing closer to God. As you draw closer to Him, it helps ensure that it is Him speaking through you, and you become more adept at following the leading of the Spirit as well and can be used for bigger things.
Yeah, I have always been that way.

It got me in trouble a lot for correcting my mom spiritually as a kid but mom told me recently it made her mad then but looking back I was right.

And I do speak not from myself often, but sometimes I don't always know what it means or what it is for, but if something is meant to bring something up or click for someone then it will come up on its own or God will set it up for whatever he is doing. I just kind of roll with it and see what happens.

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I just kind of roll with it and see what happens.

That's how you follow the leading of the Spirit, and it's why I think StunnedByGrace's comment was correct. In spiritual things, a mental "deficiency" that might work against you in the natural world can actually work for you where operating in the gifts are concerned, because your mind isn't standing in the way as much. I have had to learn to do this, but the more you just step out in faith and say something the more you see the Lord work, and then you start to trust it more.

But it takes guts. You're thinking, "Ok, here comes the stupidest thing I've done yet," LoL, but you do it anyway. But that's because it takes humility to walk in the gifts, and not everyone is ready for making themselves look like an idiot.

So congratulations on being an idiot. You're doing well.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
It got me in trouble a lot for correcting my mom spiritually as a kid but mom told me recently it made her mad then but looking back I was right.

And I do speak not from myself often, but sometimes I don't always know what it means or what it is for, but if something is meant to bring something up or click for someone then it will come up on its own or God will set it up for whatever he is doing.

That thing you posted about the Gilligan's Island theme song on your Profile page screwed me up badly. I won't say how, but I still wonder what field that came out of. It wasn't Left field or Right field. It was from outer space or something, but boy did that mess me up for awhile. I thought, "What in the WORLD..."

Never mind. Water under the bridge. I don't wanna talk about it anymore, LoL.
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May 12, 2021
And then tonight, in real life, my lamp stopped working because the cord was weird. (You know, like a charger that has to turn a certain way to work) but then it just stopped working.
I often have dreams which don't make sense but, often on the same day, something happens and I realize my dream was a premonition. A couple days ago, I dreamt of an ant invasion and when I got up this morning, my house was invaded with ants.

Just curious what you guys think. What is going on in my brain that makes my late grandmother's house so weird? It wasn't like that when she was alive. It was eclectic and homey.
So I was like "what is this!" and mad because people were not taking care of it.
I would say you are processing guilt for not taking care of your grandmother during her last days, either because you didn't know she was sick or because you knew but you didn't realize how serious it was and therefore didn't act on it.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I often have dreams which don't make sense but, often on the same day, something happens and I realize my dream was a premonition. A couple days ago, I dreamt of an ant invasion and when I got up this morning, my house was invaded with ants.

Maybe you are supposed to witness to them about the Lord Jesus Christ. :)


Active Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
FYD - try not to get too torn up about it

dreams about old houses can be very weird indeed


Active Member
May 18, 2021

Normally I would ignore this but same theme keeps happening over and over and it has been multiple times now.

Backstory: I lost my grandmother and my exhusband in the same week. He stopped coming home to go elsewhere, I officially left after three days, and for other reasons, and then my grandmother passed away from pneumonia. This was in a span of a week less than 10 years ago.

Her home was my home and my safe space. It was probably my only real home growing up and she partly raised me. I was upset it didn't stay in the family so I guess that bothered me. It was the one place I could go if I needed to. Doesn't exist now.

The dreams:
Every once in a while I have the same theme to dream. I'm at her house. It is cold feeling, dark, cluttered, low saturation for color, and I'm angry that it isn't kept up. It is dark, depressing, isolated. I get the feeling something is wrong with her and she is there but always "off" or sick. But the home is not homey and it is very stale and uncomfortable.

Last night I had the same kind of dream but I was trying to plug in her lamp and I couldn't because the cord was half cut and replaced with a piece of long thin celery looking thing. So I was like "what is this!" and mad because people were not taking care of it.

And then tonight, in real life, my lamp stopped working because the cord was weird. (You know, like a charger that has to turn a certain way to work) but then it just stopped working.

Just curious what you guys think. What is going on in my brain that makes my late grandmother's house so weird? It wasn't like that when she was alive. It was eclectic and homey.

I feel like there must be some emotions behind this. I never really dealt with my grandmother's death because too much was going on, I couldn't cry, because everyone else was or fighting over "stuff" so I took a couple trivial items nobody else wanted like an ice cream spoon and a heating pad (no idea why, it was just not wanted- I wanted to "rescue" it and then I had to take care of the rest of my family.

Do you have alot of house dreams in general? In my experience, I had multiple dreams of houses and they were old, rickety, creaky and even felt demonically oppressed and I could feel it. I was always trying to find a way out, to stuff things down. This happened several times and right before the Lord delivered me and I was finally free of those horrid dreams! Sometimes a house dream can indicate that maybe your house is out of order, meaning we are out of order with God and He is trying to get our attention. Once I surrendered everything to Him, the dreams went away. I was/am renewed with the Holy Spirit and thank the Lord the dreams have stopped and I've been healed of many things! Physically, mentally and spiritually I'm still growing.

This is just my experience. I hope it might help you and I'll pray for you to find some peace along with the right answers.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You don't want to think about any of that, Lol.

You want to get your eyes focused on the Lord, on HIS provision for all you need, on HIS love for you even when no one else seems to, on HIS ability to make things right and bless your life at the proper time, and then just rest in that peace as He helps you to get stronger in all things spiritual.

Men are a mess, trust me, Lol. They need Jesus too. I am very thankful that God gave me this spiritual colossus of a woman to live with, because I honestly don't know who else could tolerate me. But she is strong, so strong that I have to remind myself not to take it for granted or take advantage of her.

But don't focus on anything along the line of "poor little old me." It may be true that you've been dealt a really tough hand, but it doesn't do you any favors to think on it. The way you get built up in hope and faith is by thinking on that which is of good report (Philippians 4:8). So set aside thinking on anything sorrowful or negative or worrisome or angry, and focus on thinking on the good things; you have friends, you have a community you can talk to, you have a brother who is surprisingly good at interpreting dreams (ok, had to throw that one in there, LoL), you have your youth still, and your looks, and you have twice the Likes as you do posts, which means a lot people in general tend to like you, and that's probably true in the real world as well (at least with those few you see).

Just think on positive stuff. This is how we walk in Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness.... you can't walk in those things if you think on the negatives, and you can't grow spiritually and get stronger either.

Ok, sermon over, Lol.
Pray for the interpretation of this dream .
In the dream I was walking through a long hall way . In the rooms i passed by there were adulteries and abominations taking place
within . I walked out and along a path that led to the top of a hill . Upon the hill i began building a fence in the front of a small house .
Then i looked out across the hill and there was a great valley . At the end of the valley was a forest .
I noticed two deer that came out of the forest . Upon their heads were two long horns . Then the horns became wooden planks .
Then i beheld all sorts of creatures coming out of the forest . I had began walking down into the valley and into the forest .
The animals were moving with speed as though being chased . Soon many people were also coming out and they too were running
from something . I looked in the eastern direction for it was the direction they seemed to be fleeing from .
Then i realized in the dream they were running and fleeing from a massive persecution that was coming and they were being chased .
I also knew that the enemy was going to cut them off . It had divided its forces and part were chasing them
and part was lying in wait to snare them farther ahead . I seen these two little girls and they were fighting and bickering
over a toy as they were running to keep up . I told them we must not fight and strive . I picked one of the little girls up
to comfort her and i was going to try and warn the people they were being set up and that the enemy was going to flank
them up ahead . The little girl looked over my shoulder and i seen her eyes grow massive with fear . She seen something .
And i woke up .

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Pray for the interpretation of this dream .
In the dream I was walking through a long hall way . In the rooms i passed by there were adulteries and abominations taking place
within . I walked out and along a path that led to the top of a hill . Upon the hill i began building a fence in the front of a small house .
Then i looked out across the hill and there was a great valley . At the end of the valley was a forest .
I noticed two deer that came out of the forest . Upon their heads were two long horns . Then the horns became wooden planks .
Then i beheld all sorts of creatures coming out of the forest . I had began walking down into the valley and into the forest .
The animals were moving with speed as though being chased . Soon many people were also coming out and they too were running
from something . I looked in the eastern direction for it was the direction they seemed to be fleeing from .
Then i realized in the dream they were running and fleeing from a massive persecution that was coming and they were being chased .
I also knew that the enemy was going to cut them off . It had divided its forces and part were chasing them
and part was lying in wait to snare them farther ahead . I seen these two little girls and they were fighting and bickering
over a toy as they were running to keep up . I told them we must not fight and strive . I picked one of the little girls up
to comfort her and i was going to try and warn the people they were being set up and that the enemy was going to flank
them up ahead . The little girl looked over my shoulder and i seen her eyes grow massive with fear . She seen something .
And i woke up .

When did you have it?

Timing is very important.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
In another dream i was walking by the ocean . It was a calm and sunny day .
I looked to the ocean to view it . Suddenly a massive wave was coming right at the land .
The nearer it got the higher it seemed . I was watching as it even blocked out the sun .
It was right over me and then suddenly it crashed and all the water never once harmed me .
Then i looked again at the ocean and another wave appears . This was even bigger than the last .
It too came right at me and as it got closer it too was so high it seemed to block out the sun
then It too crashed . Nothing i was fine . Then i woke up .
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