Revival is not intellectual.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Sounds like you have never been in the presence of God.

And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. (Isaiah 6:3)

And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: (Revelation 1:17)

I Will gladly take the moniker of a "nut job" from you. When You see Him You to will fall at his feet and worship Him.... A thrice Holy God in your presence will cause this and you too will be totally irrational when you do so.
LOL to a "nut job". They have called me and mine "Holy Rollers"!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I found that my faith is a bridge to the reality of God. This reality has, at times, caused me to have powerful emotional responses.
I thank God for my faith and my emotions, which are both gifts from Him, from whom all blessings flow! Hallelujah!
This whole process, for me, began when someone read John 3:16 to me.

God Who commands us to rejoice always clearly has an interest in our emotions.

But we mustn't mistake emotionalism for faith, or base our faith on our feelings.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
We believe with the heart, that is true faith.
That's speaking of our faith in our core being, not faith arising out of emotions, or some emotionalism. When the feeling fades it reveals it's weakness as a foundation.

Actually, it's a rational volitional receiving of Truth, a choosing to trust, that we come to faith in Christ. And our emotions follow that. We rejoice because we believe, not that we believe because we rejoice. We believe not in our feelings, but in the truth of the Word. We receive God's truth, choosing to believe, and go on to rejoice because of His goodness in saving us.

. . . as I see things.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Being in the Presence of God causes our Passions to come in Line with His Glory.

Galatians 5:22-23 KJV
22) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23) Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I guess you already asked. Lol
One Sunday during July, 1994, I decided to drive the hour and a quarter drive from Delhi to Cambridge. I'd been told that there was a church there that wouldn't look down on me because I wore jeans or had long hair. So I mapped out my route and away I went.
I arrived to find a warehouse with lots of cars and people around it. A sign out front said, "Cambridge Vineyard Christian Fellowship." I remember it had a picture of a cluster of grapes on the sign. I parked around back and entered through the back door.
I entered a large room, and recognized it as a warehouse, since I'd worked in them before. It was full of chairs. I sat down in the back row, close to the door in case I wanted to leave unnoticed. The room filled up with several hundred people. I waited for the Reverend.
A guy in jeans, running shoes, and a golf shirt came to the front, and picking up the mic, started talking. I thought he was probably the janitor and had been told to keep us distracted. He started talking.
I recall he said that it was like we had a pond inside of us. And that if we allowed the water to flow out but not let more flow in, the pond would dry up. That If we allowed water to flow in but not out, it would become stagnant. But that if we let it flow in and out, the water would stay fresh. Made sense.
Then he said that when we came up for prayer, that we should not focus on the manifestations, but on Jesus. Having only heard the word manifestations in the movie, "Poltergeist," I actually looked up in the rafters, half expecting to see ghosts. Lol
Then everyone got up and started moving to the front. I thought, "He means know?" Decision time!
I'd been seriously looking for God for 4 months and had driven a ways to get there, so I made myself get up and go forward, not quite knowing what to expect, if anything. I'd gone to a church years before and when you went for prayer, you stood in single file. So I made sure I was last in line, in case I changed my mind. As we got closer to the front, I realized something was wrong. Oh, no, they're lining up side by side and since I was at the back, that would put me on the left end. I looked up to see where the church guys were and 2 of them were walking right at me, looking me in the eyes, and smiling! I was trapped! Bummer!
I got to the front and one guy stood in front of me as the other guy walked past me. I looked at him and as he looked at me, I saw golden light rays shine over his right shoulder. I also felt a gentle weight pushing down on me. A light ray started talking, saying, "God is eternal, He is holy, He is all-powerful; He could destroy the universe and recreate it in a second, if He wanted to."
Then behind the guy, I saw a tall, thin, mountain rise up out of sight. It had fire swirling around it. From up higher than I could see, a voice came down and touched the edge of my being, and said, "All things are possible, if one only believes."
I then saw a rainbow stretching from my left to my right. Except it looked like clear glass covered in fresh blood. Then from over to my left, something shot towards me and when it hit my chest, I realized the fulfillment of every desire I'd ever had, and a few I didn't know I had. At this point I felt like I was hanging in mid-air. Though I wasn't.
Then, on the ground and to the right of the guy in front of me, I saw what I now realize was a small bush, with fire in it. (don't look at me like that lol). From it came my Father's love for me! It was the greatest moment of my existence! He knew everything about me and accepted me unconditionally. Our hearts met and have never separated since. Now I'm crying!
Then I looked at the guy in front of me. He reached out a finger and touched my shirt. I was violently rocked back on my heals. It took all my strength to stay on my feet. A voice behind me said, "Relax!" The guy in front of me touched my shirt again and this time I went over.
When I came to, I was laying on the floor. Several people to my right were laying on the floor. The church guys were over a bit. I thought, "Great, they moved away from me because they think I'm a nut for falling over!" Which is what I thought about people who fell over. I don't think that anymore. Lol
I tried to get up but I couldn't! I was stuck to the floor like it was fly paper. I was really perplexed. I kept trying but finally gave up. Awhile later I tried and was able to get up. I found the "janitor" (he later was pastor of a Vineyard church plant I was part of) and explained to him what had happened. He said, "I see the glory of God resting on you." This also perplexed me as I had no idea what that meant!
Anyway, I was part of that church for 3 years and then I left. It's time was about over. I think part of the reason for it was a party God threw for me! It was the best 3 years of my life.
Since then I relate to some things that A.W. Tozer writes about. Ouch! Lol God is awesome!

Now that is what I call a testimony! Something very similar to that happened to a Holy Ghost church called Glad Tidings.
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Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
I'd love to hear more if you want to share!

And of course we have a picture of a true revival in Scripture, in Ephesus, when they burned all their magic books. They repudiated their former way of life, incurring great personal cost not only in the price of the books, but that would have been their livelihood also.

Much love!
The incident where the magic books got burned in Ephesus was not a revival because those people were not apostates who fell away from God. That was a conversion. The true gospel had only been preached in that city for for the first time. People desperately need to learn what a "revival" actually is instead of carelessly tossing the term around as religious lingo to sound holy. A revival refers to somebody returning to keeping God's commandments after a period of apos(Ezr. 9:9-10). Experiencing a revival isn't about having a shallow religious or emotional experience.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
In the above vision, I met my heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Father of my Savior Jesus Christ, and our hearts united. This happened in July of 1994. My heart has never turned away from Him since! Where would it go!
I've turned away from people, I've turned away from churches, I've even tried to turn away from myself, but the one thing that hasn't happened is Him leaving me! He is my faithful Father. And I don't care what anybody thinks, says, or does, this, I know, will never change! This is my testimony:
I died, He lives and dwells inside of me
I am finally assured of eternity
He never left my side, not even when I died
He was with me in the dark, right by my side
Faithful is His name!
"Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you!"
He keeps His promises.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
In the above vision, I met my heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Father of my Savior Jesus Christ, and our hearts united. This happened in July of 1994. My heart has never turned away from Him since! Where would it go!
I've turned away from people, I've turned away from churches, I've even tried to turn away from myself, but the one thing that hasn't happened is Him leaving me! He is my faithful Father. And I don't care what anybody thinks, says, or does, this, I know, will never change! This is my testimony:
I died, He lives and dwells inside of me
I am finally assured of eternity
He never left my side, not even when I died
He was with me in the dark, right by my side
Faithful is His name!
"Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you!"
He keeps His promises.
"From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?
Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God." John 6:66-69

David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
That's speaking of our faith in our core being, not faith arising out of emotions, or some emotionalism. When the feeling fades it reveals it's weakness as a foundation.

Actually, it's a rational volitional receiving of Truth, a choosing to trust, that we come to faith in Christ. And our emotions follow that. We rejoice because we believe, not that we believe because we rejoice. We believe not in our feelings, but in the truth of the Word. We receive God's truth, choosing to believe, and go on to rejoice because of His goodness in saving us.

. . . as I see things.

Our core being is our passions not our emotions. Revival invokes Passions, not merely emotions. Passions are what guide our actions more so than our rationality, both for good and for bad.... Our rationality does suppress our passions but in so doing it suppressing our true desires which is what the religious mindset does. But in the Presence of God, Our passions come into line with His Glory.

In other words we see where our heart is when the presence of God manifests, and we see how wicked our heart is next to His holiness, that the only reaction we can have is to fall on our face in repentance and brokenness, and then he revives and quickens us. The rational man is just along for the ride.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Our core being is our passions not our emotions. Revival invokes Passions, not merely emotions. Passions are what guide our actions more so than our rationality, both for good and for bad.... Our rationality does suppress our passions but in so doing it suppressing our true desires which is what the religious mindset does. But in the Presence of God, Our passions come into line with His Glory.

In other words we see where our heart is when the presence of God manifests, and we see how wicked our heart is next to His holiness, that the only reaction we can have is to fall on our face in repentance and brokenness, and then he revives and quickens us. The rational man is just along for the ride.
You are making an end run around emotions. Passions, as if this isn't feelings.

Revival invokes passsions, what does that even mean?

If we were to use Scriptural language, and speak of Scriptural topics, then it could be easier to communicate about Scriptural things.

Maybe your "rationality" suppresses your "passions" but I don't really have an indication you know what these described based on what you are saying here, separating "passions" from your emotions? And from your volition?

Isn't what you are really describing is something that you choose that you feel strongly about?

Or are you thinking here the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you find yourself suddenly thinking and feeling differently? That can happen too, I don't put anything past God, I already know He doesn't just work one way.

But as a general way of working with is, I think it's more by the renewing of the mind over the process of time.

We can look for those sudden changes, but I suggest continuing with the day to day choosing and trusting.

Much love!