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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Here is a simple teaching regarding understanding God's Salvation......

1.) Each of us is this one... "all have sinned, there is none righteous..... no not one"..

And this situation, is not something that we can resolve, of ourselves.
We are at the mercy of The LAW, that demands righteousness, and we have none, because "all have sinned".

Who then will deliver us from this "curse of the Law" ???? = that judges us and defines us, as "sinner's sinning"?
How can a Sinner become forgiven and righteous, so that God can accept us and keep us, forever. ?

2.) Enter Jesus, ......who was made under the law...."God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, that JESUS might redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons/daughters""".

Notice that Jesus was sent to deal with the Law for us, to rescue (redeem) us from it...... and the verse says... that "Jesus MIGHT" do it..

So, why does it say "Might"?

Its because what He has accomplished has to be received by you, ... as our : "faith is counted by God"..

See that?
3.) So, The Cross is where Jesus has made it possible for all who have sinned (all of us)..... to be made free from sin, forgiven all sin, and rescued from THE Law.

How does this happen?
Well, Christ lived a sinless righteous life, and upon The Cross, He offers this LIFE = to God, for each of us... as our (Sacrificial) forgiveness.

So what has Jesus now accomplished?
He has accomplished what the Law required of US... .in that He never sinned,... and His Death, has paid for our lifetime of sin... and His Righteousness, is now offered to "all who will believe".

4.) Here is how to simply understand all this...

God sent Jesus into this world to live a sinless life, and then offer this on the Cross, for us.

End result?

Its amazing... Its God's GRACE....... As this LIFE of sinlessness and Righteousness that Jesus The Christ has accomplished, is now given to us, as a "GIFT...... as if WE LIVED IT,.... once we give God our Faith in Christ.

The Cross, is where Holy God is able to Join Sinful man to Himself, based on the finished work of Jesus.

A.) This is a Divine Exchange.....whereby Jesus because our sin bearer and dies for us... and we are given His righteous life as "The Gift of Salvation" as if we lived it, always.

This is what it means to become "born again".....as "The Righteousness of God, in Christ".

So, when God now sees the CHRISTIAN, He only sees us as what Christ has accomplished for us, that God accepts on our Behalf, forever.

The born again is now..

1.) Sinless
2.) Righteous
3.) Perfected

= "IN Christ"

AA.) The New Testament describes our Eternal TRANSFORMATION as us becoming a "NEW CREATION in CHRIST".... "old things are passed away and behold, all things are become NEW"..

Welcome to : God's SALVATION

Its a "Gift" from God.

And Its Eternal.
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