Surviving as a Christian business owner when targeted by LGBTs

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
A acquaintance that runs a ministry slash soup kitchen deals with the tax filing status all the time. In the case of church ministries he says there is two ways one can file for tax exempt one is a old school way and there is another that is just about the only way today’s gov will recognize. This status (sorry I don’t know what it is) is the way gov has gained control, by filing this status you can’t preach on politics nor anything that is specified by the gov or you loss that status and probably brake some law. In other words, a man like Martin Luther King wouldn’t be able to use the Churches to rally the civil rights movement today, he would be braking the law. See, the Gov has learned it’s lesson, and uses its ability to keep the cash flow a little more prosperous to manipulate the opponent into an unfavorable agreement, corrupting the purpose of a thing like the church or a foreign government. It has become SOP on the church’s part, to value the money more than the freedom to speak and preach and act freely on any subject.

I say, pay the tax like anyone else, and then you have the right as anyone else. The issue disappears. If the church doesn’t do that, then it willingly agrees to the terms of the agreement, to receive the tax brake.

If filing taxes as everyone else does, hurts financially, then maybe you are doing it incorrectly. The Lord doesn’t require you to go in over your head, just so you can focus on avoiding bankruptcy, by modifying the Gospel Truth to keep your head above water. Money is the way the secular will silence the Spirit, if those who have been given charge thereof bow to the money.


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
You are right on DPM....the denominational organizations who call themselves "christian" have been effectively neutered and muzzled by their dependence on the tax exempt status they have obtained...and most of them, if not all, enjoy the extra financial rewards too much to reverse it and get out of the control of big governments....sad, but Jesus said "you cannot serve God and mammon" ...they have to make up their minds are they going to serve God? Or bow to the worldly monetary rewards..which they have already done!


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
pom2014 said:
Again it boils down to God will cause the rain to fall on the just and the unjust.

But these Jews posing as Christians would only cause the rain to fall on their own kind.

If you read the Jewish Talmud religious book you will see there hatred for all gentiles (non Jews), and for Jesus whom they denigrate and blaspheme in this book...who do you think is undermining society in USA and other countries? Destroy the family unit through homosexuality, abortion, porno, and every other conceivable evil acitivity and you destroy the country... The gentile world will destroy themselves by all this filth and garbage..Maybe it is .time for a taste of Sharia Law to straighten out the mess in the USA and other western countries, as "christianity" has failed at providing a moral compass for these countries to live by!


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
Why don't these "christian" business owners, which cater to weddings, and specifically the cake making business put scripture verses on ALL cakes supporting man and woman relationship, and those such as Lev 18 and 20 which call homosexuality "an abomination to God"...put on all cakes....also anyone catering to complete weddings, plaster the building with the same kind of Bible quote signs, promoting verses which support normal man and woman relationships....if the homosexuals can't live with that, then find another place to try and enable their perverted activities!


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
There is a “profound difference” between refusing to serve a gay person and the right to a moral and religious conviction that gay marriage is wrong. There’s a profound difference between saying to a person ‘I’m not going to serve you a cake, pizza or a drink because you’re gay. Those people should not have the right to do that.
Should a Jewish baker be forced to put a swastika on a birthday cake?
Should an African American baker be forced to put the “N-word” on a cake?
Should a gay baker be forced to put “Gays Are Sick” on a cake? If not, why should a pizza owner, who has a religious objection to gay marriage, be forced to service a gay wedding?
Gay activists and their elite supporters need to practice more tolerance for the diversity that people of faith have to offer. They also need to reread the First Amendment.



New Member
Oct 11, 2014
It's not about cakes and pizzas, it's about undermining christianity. The governments who are supposed to serve the people are non christian and therefore support the homosexual/sodomy activities, against christianity. The homosexual/sodomizers account for less than 1 percent of the population, and are now in control of the government agenda..think about less than 1 percent can set the perverted values and norms for the other 99 percent...incredible..incredibly stupid!

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
kepha31 said:
Should a Jewish baker be forced to put a swastika on a birthday cake?
Should an African American baker be forced to put the “N-word” on a cake?
Should a gay baker be forced to put “Gays Are Sick” on a cake? If not, why should a pizza owner, who has a religious objection to gay marriage, be forced to service a gay wedding?
Because those are different issues. In all the cases that I've seen to this point, the gay couples aren't asking for special cakes with pro-gay messages on them. They're merely asking for the same cake or pizza as everyone else.

OTOH, the hypotheticals you came up with involve people requesting special items with specific speech on them. That's a very different sscenario.

Gay activists and their elite supporters need to practice more tolerance for the diversity that people of faith have to offer.
Do you believe that gays have a right to walk into public businesses and purchase a product just like everyone else?

They also need to reread the First Amendment.
Which part?

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
heretoeternity said:
It's not about cakes and pizzas, it's about undermining christianity.
From what I've seen over the last few months, conservative Christians are doing a pretty good job of undermining themselves.

The governments who are supposed to serve the people are non christian and therefore support the homosexual/sodomy activities, against christianity. The homosexual/sodomizers account for less than 1 percent of the population, and are now in control of the government agenda..think about less than 1 percent can set the perverted values and norms for the other 99 percent...incredible..incredibly stupid!
Exhibit A


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
Discrimination over a person's sexual orientation is wrong. But that is not the issue.
The right to exercise your religious convictions is the issue, which is denied by our homofascist culture.
People are being fined or thrown in jail and it has nothing to do with discrimination.
It has to do with religious freedom that is eroding before our eyes.

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
kepha31 said:
Discrimination over a person's sexual orientation is wrong. But that is not the issue.
The right to exercise your religious convictions is the issue, which is denied by our homofascist culture.
Oh come on....really?

So the gay couple who lives in a state where discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is illegal, goes into a place of public business, asks for a cake, and is denied because of their sexual orientation (and told they are "abominations").....they're the fascists? For doing what? Daring to try to buy a cake?

It saddens me deeply to see the public black eye Christianity is taking the last couple of years over this issue. It's horrible to watch ridiculous rhetoric like this come from the mouths of Christians, the media be all to glad to broadcast it, and the public be so eager to read it and shake their heads and laugh at us.

People are being fined or thrown in jail and it has nothing to do with discrimination.
It has to do with religious freedom that is eroding before our eyes.
What a strange, upside down way of looking at this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
River Jordan said:
Oh come on....really?

So the gay couple who lives in a state where discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is illegal, goes into a place of public business, asks for a cake, and is denied because of their sexual orientation (and told they are "abominations").....they're the fascists? For doing what? Daring to try to buy a cake?
Calling it discrimination is homofascist propaganda that has been drilled into the head of every gay radical. It's a smoke screen that seems to be effective on you. I said, "There is a “profound difference” between refusing to serve a gay person and the right to a moral and religious conviction that gay marriage is wrong. There’s a profound difference between saying to a person ‘I’m not going to serve you a cake, pizza or a drink because you’re gay. Those people should not have the right to do that."

Again, I said, "Discrimination over a person's sexual orientation is wrong. But that is not the issue. The right to exercise your religious convictions is the issue."

It saddens me deeply to see the public black eye Christianity is taking the last couple of years over this issue. It's horrible to watch ridiculous rhetoric like this come from the mouths of Christians, the media be all to glad to broadcast it, and the public be so eager to read it and shake their heads and laugh at us.

It saddens me to see such a small number of people dictate to the public that it is a matter of discrimination when in fact it is not. That is what makes them cultural fascists.



Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
River Jordan said:
Oh my in the world does this help bring the message of Jesus Christ to people?

Watch the news video. I'm sorry, but it just plays into every negative stereotype of Christians. This is disgusting. :(
Christians should not have a negative stereotype and the store owner is wrong. He confuses being gay with doing gay things. Many "Christian" communities do not have the size or the expertise to offer their gay members the spiritual nourishment they need to live a fuller life in Christ. Suicide rates, drug addiction, STD's, mental disorders and short life spans are, statistically, through the roof in comparison to the population. There is nothing "gay" about being gay. They carry a heavy cross. They need to be treated with respect and compassion, as they are a mission field and not to be condemned. That does not mean Christians must be forced to condone their behavior or facilitate same-sex "marriages". motto:
Move beyond the confines of the homosexual label to a more complete identity in Christ

WARNING: COURAGE has a Catholic premise and is intended for Catholics, but as with all Catholic ministries, anyone can benefit from it.

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
kepha31 said:
Calling it discrimination is homofascist propaganda that has been drilled into the head of every gay radical.
Seriously? Are you trolling, or do you really believe this garbage?

I said, "There is a “profound difference” between refusing to serve a gay person and the right to a moral and religious conviction that gay marriage is wrong. There’s a profound difference between saying to a person ‘I’m not going to serve you a cake, pizza or a drink because you’re gay. Those people should not have the right to do that."
And that's exactly what they did. They even referred to the gay couple as "abominations".

Again, I said, "Discrimination over a person's sexual orientation is wrong. But that is not the issue. The right to exercise your religious convictions is the issue."
Yeah, and that's where Christianity is taking a public beating. Somehow people like you have managed to give the public the impression that being a Christian means you have to discriminate against gays. That's not going to end well.

It saddens me to see such a small number of people dictate to the public that it is a matter of discrimination when in fact it is not. That is what makes them cultural fascists.
Do you think gays have a right to walk into public businesses and be served just like anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
River Jordan said:
Seriously? Are you trolling, or do you really believe this garbage?

And that's exactly what they did. They even referred to the gay couple as "abominations".

Yeah, and that's where Christianity is taking a public beating. Somehow people like you have managed to give the public the impression that being a Christian means you have to discriminate against gays. That's not going to end well.

Do you think gays have a right to walk into public businesses and be served just like anyone else?

Yes. But the store owner in the video of post #72 is of an obscure sect and not representative of Christianity in general.

I gave two different replies to two different topics.

Discrimination over a person's sexual orientation is wrong. Post 66
I said the same thing in post 70
I had to repeat myself again in post 73, so it's obvious you either refuse to see it or ignore my posts, then make senseless remarks about what you didn't comprehend.

Post 74 is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT REPLY. It's about the store owner video selling anti-gay products and I said he is wrong. It may be a lot of work for you to scroll up all the way to post 74 but it might be worth your while to actually read it.

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
Maybe you could take some time and figure out the quote function in this forum. Because right now, it's really difficult to follow your posts.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
River Jordan said:
Maybe you could take some time and figure out the quote function in this forum. Because right now, it's really difficult to follow your posts.
Even if I knew how to use it, I don't like the quote feature, there is not sufficient contrast.

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
Well, as it stands now it's extremely difficult to follow a conversation with you. The easiest way to use the quote function is when you're ready to reply to a post, just copy the text of the post you're replying to and paste it into the reply box at the bottom of the thread. Then all you have to do is highlight the portion of the text you want to quote an hit the quote button (the one that looks like a little cartoon word bubble with a quotation mark inside). Then you can post your response to that right underneath. Then when you're ready to reply to another part of a post, repeat. You can start your post like a letter, so we all know who you're talking to.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
Well, as it stands now it's extremely difficult to follow a conversation with you. The easiest way to use the quote function is when you're ready to reply to a post, just copy the text of the post you're replying to and paste it into the reply box at the bottom of the thread.

Then all you have to do is highlight the portion of the text you want to quote an hit the quote button (the one that looks like a little cartoon word bubble with a quotation mark inside).
Thanks RJ, that helps.

Then you can post your response to that right underneath. Then when you're ready to reply to another part of a post, repeat. You can start your post like a letter, so we all know who you're talking to.
I still like my blue text. :p