The Body Rejects The Transplant- AKA: Shunned By Believers

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
I don't think it is complaining as much as it is an attempt to question what else this person can do. And how do you know this person has not repented? You say go and sin no more, but remember that applies to you too. You should be a bit kinder. To God, sin is sin.

Have you got any ideas for him instead of yelling at him?

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Have you got any ideas for him instead of yelling at him?

He needs instruction too ya know...

Walking with the Lord is not all puppie doggies and ice cream cones.

Looking at kiddie porn is very serious and is not your average sin and it makes people want to keep their families away from such a person because they have a responsibility to protect their children.

The person that has done such a sin has to also understand this and have a little compassion on these folks as well along with their demand that others have compassion on this.

This is not a one way street you know
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I’ll get straight to the point. My greatest difficulty in continuing my walk with God is other believers.
Welcome to the forum.

I believe other believers are the greatest difficulty in continuing most saints walk with God. You are not alone.

Saints are still human, don’t know your heart and still make mistakes. Do you have the option of checking out a more welcoming church?

My advice: Keep your focus on Christ, pray fervently and keep working for God’s glory.
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
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United States
And don't forget to maintain an attitude of repentance being sorry for your past sins lest you be tempted to return to your old sins.

2 Corinthians 7:10
For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of

If one is not sorry for their old sins, WHY wouldn't they return to them?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
And don't forget to maintain an attitude of repentance being sorry for your past sins lest you be tempted to return to your old sins.

2 Corinthians 7:10
For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of

If one is not sorry for their old sins, WHY wouldn't they return to them?
“Not your average sin?” What is your average sin exactly?
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Feb 6, 2018
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@oncemoreintothefrey ~

Delight in the Lord is with you.
Keep looking straight ahead.
Don’t let others steal your joy.
While others scowl, contort their faces…
Plant a smile on your face and remember the Lord is with you.

God Bless you abundantly,

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
He needs instruction too ya know...

Walking with the Lord is not all puppie doggies and ice cream cones.

Looking at kiddie porn is very serious and is not your average sin and it makes people want to keep their families away from such a person because they have a responsibility to protect their children.

The person that has done such a sin has to also understand this and have a little compassion on these folks as well along with their demand that others have compassion on this.

This is not a one way street you know
If he has asked for forgiveness and is truly repentant, then the slate is clear. You cannot continue to condemn him.It is not your place.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Also, this is a classic example of why you should confess your faults to one another, and your sins to God only. IT was explained to me thusly:

Suppose you are a guy in a church and you find another man's wife attractive, and tell another member how you feel. The one you told will remember you told him that, and it may affect your relationship, even thought it was not his wife.
Take those things to Jesus. You can tell others "I judge too much"" or "pray for me, I get angry easily".Then your brethren can pray for you. They don't need to know everything. that is why I am so thankful that HE is Our Judge.

How much differently would the OP have been treated by some here, had he not revealed what he did.
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Jan 16, 2024
United States
Welcome to the forum.

I believe other believers are the greatest difficulty in continuing most saints walk with God. You are not alone.

Saints are still human, don’t know your heart and still make mistakes. Do you have the option of checking out a more welcoming church?

My advice: Keep your focus on Christ, pray fervently and keep working for God’s glory.
I found a church (in another city) that I truly feel God directed me to. Thank you for your response and understanding.
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Jan 16, 2024
United States
Wow …when I read the title of your thread …I didn’t mean to, but I think I stopped reading after the body rejects the transplant. I didn’t catch you related it to “shunned by believers”. After reading your post to me you have every right to speak up concerning the body rejects a transplant. You have every right to be grieved in the Spirit. To me it’s an opportunity for “believers” to ask why they reject the transplant? An opportunity for their doing some soul searching…instead of your coming away with questioning if you are unacceptable after being restored and “regenerated” by God …to me the bigger question is why does the body refuse the transplant? It’s like when Jesus Christ asked Saul “Saul Saul why do you persecute Me?” One of the best questions Jesus Christ ever asked someone (Imo). Your OP reminded me immediately of branches cut off but how God can graft them back in and how to not “be so high minded” that if God cut them off, He can also cut you off.

i hope you continue on with the mindset of being a new organ transplanted into the body of Christ. But I hope you look at it from the Joyful perspective of being a newly transplanted necessary part of the body… received of God. and not by the perspective of being a necessary part (joy) then rejected. instead what God has translated into the body? No man can dismember? It is admirable too that you shared what you were arrested for. That to me is what it means to walk in the Light. To me it’s not walking in perfection but instead bringing that which is imperfect into the perfect Light of Christ for the destruction of the imperfect by the Light. Men hate the light and don’t want to come to it so that their deeds be made known. Paul never justified or supported all the evil things he had done. He used it to shout “you know what kind of man I was. You have seen all that I did.” “Now I preach the Faith I once destroyed.”
Thank you for understanding and not judging. My title was exactly how I felt. I posted, not just for myself, but hopefully to get people to be a bit more introspective regarding how they view others. “The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.” Brennan Manning sums up my fears for other “newbies” in faith. I do not base my walk on the views of others, but hope that by sharing my experience things may change.
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Jan 16, 2024
United States
@oncemoreintothefrey ~

Delight in the Lord is with you.
Keep looking straight ahead.
Don’t let others steal your joy.
While others scowl, contort their faces…
Plant a smile on your face and remember the Lord is with you.

God Bless you abundantly,

Glory to God,
Thank you. I never knew God was all I needed until He was all I had.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
If he has asked for forgiveness and is truly repentant, then the slate is clear. You cannot continue to condemn him.It is not your place.

I'm not suggesting continued condemnation... but, complaining that others don't want you around after it's known one was looking at kiddie porn is not a wise thing to do, and it points to an attitude of not being sorry for their sin and demanding that others just snap to and act like this grievous sin never happened.

Would you be good with your little children or your wife being around someone like this? It's been shown that those doing this type of thing often relapse and even act out going beyond looking at pictures on the internet wanting to interact with actually children.

This is a time for spiritual warfare for the soul to be purged of these and other sinful desires, not a time to feel sorry because others don't want to hang out and be welcoming.

This is similar to Jimmy Swaggart getting caught buying hookers and later he's wondering why after he ask for forgiveness and he quit messing with hookers why his ministry cannot go back to how things were before he got caught.

It's imply because people have a hard time trusting those that have done grievous sin even if they have truly repented and are back in right fellowship with the Lord.

Maybe he should just to to men's bible study groups for a while where he's not around women and children which would be the situation when going to church. Other men would be able to fellowship and minister to him as they would not be threatened by this type of sin.

How much differently would the OP have been treated by some here, had he not revealed what he did.

Yes, sometimes it's unwise to tell all the details... one can say "I was a sinner doing sinful stuff" and that's really all everyone needs to know.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Thank you for understanding and not judging.
I do understand because I’ve been there. And I can’t judge you because, if I have no hope in a person can have a change of heart then I myself have no hope. This might be too blunt …but the argument here seems to be: any one in the right mind would not allow the OP around children after what they shared. Maybe I’m assuming wrong but I can see the eye rolls along with “yea you guys who feel sorry for them. You know you would not trust your children around them.” First of all…I haven’t heard you expecting people to let you take their children for ice cream. To me that is a pointless argument being overstated to justify the rejection. What I HAVE heard you say is you’re waiting for the Mercy and Grace Forgiveness the church says is what they have been shown and given of God.

If people knew my past …they would say I have no right as a female to lead any youth group. Based off my history as a parent, I wouldn’t let me near children either. But I’m not asking to lead a youth group.

I see things differently about sharing with others what you are now ashamed of. It makes me think of being afraid of what men will do. Will they cast you out? Too Fearful to share because of rejection. I truly mean it when I say your openness and transparency to me is exactly what He calls you to do. Even in the face of rejection or being cast out by men.

My title was exactly how I felt.
It’s an awesome title! The title does exactly what you said you hoped. It relays perfectly how you feel. I could hear it. The pain. I had never heard it said that way, so it also helps others(it helped me). I could relate having felt exactly the same…but I referred to it as being human repellent. That was one of my prayers in the beginning of going to God and asking him “why am I human repellent? That is what I feel like God…like human repellent” before people buck up and say that is complaining of others. That is not how I mean it but I had to ask what I was doing that repelled others. So to me your title is authentic and truthful and raw…and exposing.
I posted, not just for myself, but hopefully to get people to be a bit more introspective regarding how they view others. “The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.” Brennan Manning sums up my fears for other “newbies” in faith. I do not base my walk on the views of others, but hope that by sharing my experience things may change.
Your OP has helped me. After reading your OP yesterday it caused me to think a lot about that one thief on the cross with Jesus Christ. When the one thief said to the other one …we have a cause to be here. But this man is here and has done nothing wrong. He is hated without a cause.

I’m like you …I can pinpoint things that are a cause for my rejection. But I couldn’t stop thinking yesterday about how his rejection was without a cause. I take that to mean He couldn’t pinpoint a cause and they couldn’t pinpoint a cause for His suffering. They couldn’t say “he watched kiddie porn”, they couldn’t say “he neglected one child and pimped the other out like a Barbie doll as if children are nothing more than a piece of meat or an object of desire” …this fellow is here with us, without a cause. The only cause I can find for why He was there with them was for the sake of the deliverance from death.

I have felt that same question you have asked. After telling others you’ve had a change of heart and confessing openly the ugly you’ve entertained…why then am I still rejected? I thought things would be different??? I’ve experienced it too. My family, friends, even my own children all seemed to have forgiven me for my past. But those things (the past) still comes up. I’m always like “I know. I agree.” When those things are brought up again and I’m reminded again of them. “I know. I agree.” I’m not being sarcastic when I agree but those things make me sick to my stomach now and I’m ashamed of them.

My girls trust me always to babysit and watch the grandchildren but being very remindful of my past …my daughters don’t ask for parenting advice from me. I’ve been disqualified from giving parenting advice because I sucked as a parent. I’m a walking billboard for what not to do. That does bother me (not for the sake of complaining) but because it hurts but all I can do is agree and say “I know. I don’t blame you for feeling that way. Don’t do as I did. Learn from my mistakes.” …sorry this is so long but I want you to know that I’m not just blowing smoke up your rear- end. I don’t know how to put it into words but I do believe your suffering has changed. When you kept those things hidden and participated in them, you suffered for doing wrong. But now your suffering is different yes? You are rejected for being honest for maybe the first time in your life. You are rejected for doing what is right (Imo). You are suffering rejection for confessing your faults. It’s a different rejection (Imo). People covering their ears and humming over your words of confession “don’t confess to us those things. you’ll be rejected.” Im not trying to teach you but thinking of my own feelings. I would rather face rejection of men for doing as I believe God has called us to do which to walk in truth. Than to face rejection of God by living in darkness and secrets and trying to cover up and bury the truth that eats away at my insides.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Yes, sometimes it's unwise to tell all the details... one can say "I was a sinner doing sinful stuff" and that's really all everyone needs to know.
Just my opinion but I think it’s backwards. The only reason it is not bad or offensive to share with others you have stolen a pen from work but it is very offensive to others that you’ve participated in more than your average sin…is for the sake of glossing over the truth and making it more palpable. Just simply say “I’ve sinned. Don’t give all the details.” Lol …I’m not laughing at you but with you. Oh Lord don’t tell anyone the really offensive stuff. Those confessions will get you killed…not literally but tossed out you will go! Keep the worst to yourself. I mean it’s okay to talk about it while alone with God but oh my …don’t share it out in the open! The only reason I can think for doing that is to soften the blow of loss. I will give away a little of my false image but I won’t allow others to see it all. If I do…I’ll loose my entire image and looked upon as a leper or as some hideous offender. Paul shouldn’t have went into details. He should have said simply “I sinned” and left it at that. No. All was barred out in the open … with no holding or keeping back to save Saul’s image
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
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United States
Paul shouldn’t have went into details.

Paul was not involved in very grievous sin that even most that are unbelievers don't engage in!

So, if you were involved in, say... having sexual relations with pigs or some other out of the ordinary freaky thing then go ahead and tell everyone. Put up some bill boards around town with your pic on it saying "I was bonking pigs!"

And don't be surprised that nobody will fellowship with you... except for the members of the local witch coven of course as they would be all in to bonking pigs and other such perversions.

The bottom line is... our sin is ultimately between us and the Lord. On judgement day, it's going to be us and the Lord...

It's really nobody else's business concerning all the sinful behavior you have been engaged in... but if you want to publicize it, then go right ahead!

And if you share your sin confessions with others privately.... very few people won't go tell others!


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Thank you for understanding and not judging.
We all need understanding. IMO, the Greek word has been mistranslated as love. We all need compassion. And our lord commands us to unconditional compassion.

This has been an interesting thread. Too bad one contributer is the poster child of just the kind of Christian you have ralled against, judgemental, intolerant whose knowledge far surpasses everyone elses. Forgive him. He knows not what he does.

Those confessions will get you killed…not literally
No, it's literal. The literal wages of sin is literal death.

I will give away a little of my false image but I won’t allow others to see it all.
The social mask. We all have it.

I've been told the only thing keeping civilization going is 3 days of not showering, sleeping or eating.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
So, if you were involved in, say... having sexual relations with pigs or some other out of the ordinary freaky thing then go ahead and tell everyone. Put up some bill boards around town with your pic on it saying "I was bonking pigs!"

And don't be surprised that nobody will fellowship with you... except for the members of the local witch coven of course as they would be all in to bonking pigs and other such perversions.
I have bonked pigs. I have had sexual relations with pigs. I could put up a billboard around town with my picture on it saying “I was bonking pigs” …what is scary to me is I get you mean that literally. having sexual intercourse with literal animals. I get you will say no…there is not a spiritual application that makes you guilty of having intercourse or relations with swine. But to me the whole word of God is full of warnings of just that. Isaiah 66:17 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD.
there is a lot there Imo…between the literal being able to say I’m not guilty of the literal…to turn around and in the heart being guilty of the very thing we condemn others for. Is that me saying it’s okay to have sexual relations with pigs? Not at all. When Jesus Christ said if you have murdered your brother in your heart…you have already sinned and are guilty of murder. It wasn’t His saying murder is okay but He even went deeper to look upon the heart.
It's really nobody else's business concerning all the sinful behavior you have been engaged in... but if you want to publicize it, then go right ahead!

And if you share your sin confessions with others privately.... very few people won't go tell others!
If I believe God forgives all sins then why would I not want to publish it?