The COVID death protocol - no early treatment

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
It is so sad to tell people this who have lost loved ones in the hospital, but it is absolutely true!

My elderly father had a dizzy spell and some mild breathing issues and his assisted living facility called an ambulance. They gave him fluids in the ambulance and he said he felt much better, but they were reluctant to let him go. The moment he got to the hospital they started into their assumed Covid protocols, running all kinds of tests and ordering all the treatments for Covid to begin. He was able to get to his cell phone and call me and told me they wouldn't let him leave and I got on with the nurse and told her that I was coming to get him and to have him ready to go. She might have been concerned about lawsuit because she immediately complied and had him sign his refusal to be treated paperwork and I was there in 15 minutes and he was at the door in a wheelchair.

I took him home and explained to him the gravity of his situation - if he was actually very sick, that he'd end up right back in the hospital. He never felt bad again and he is just fine today. I'm convinced I saved his life - from the procedures they were about to begin performing in the hospital - not from any illness.

My good friend's mother became ill and went to the hospital and he told me the moment she got there it was immediately assumed she had Covid and they began the usual protocols for it. Within a week, she passed away. He admitted he didn't trust the hospital at all or anything they had done to/for her.

My mother became ill recently and I absolutely refused to contact her Dr. or allow her, by any means, to be sent to the hospital. She was ill for about 10 days and I treated her at home with OTC meds and prayed like crazy. I even fasted and prayed for 3 days straight. She recovered just fine and is alive and well today.

It is scary, dangerous and probably illegal to advise anyone else not to go to the hospital, but I can tell you that I, personally, will keep myself and my family members AS FAR AWAY FROM HOSPITALS AS POSSIBLE for many years to come.

I didn't trust them before Covid madness.


Thanks for sharing my friend... Some people would dismiss your testimony as anecdotal evidence but its that very evidence that is truthful

Its good to hear your parents are doing well


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Thats horrible. You've had close unwanted interaction with them. I remember reading about it.
I appreciate you being brave enough to share your bad experiences.
Thank you. I may have written about this in my SRA/MK thread. I may share it again in case I haven't. But it will be a long post.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Yes, that is the graphene oxide, it is extremely small hard sharp edge plates. It cuts the vessels, it may be why people get clots.
They do not aspirate for the covid vaccine, but they do for IV drugs.
I haven't seen anything on Graphene since early in its discovery of being in the jabs, but my understanding is that it is magnetic and not only attracts the other Graphene particles to itself, but also is attracted to the iron in blood cells. So that is how it causes blood clotting, by the combination of attracting the other Graphene particles to clump together as well as the blood cells themselves.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I haven't seen anything on Graphene since early in its discovery of being in the jabs, but my understanding is that it is magnetic and not only attracts the other Graphene particles to itself, but also is attracted to the iron in blood cells. So that is how it causes blood clotting, by the combination of attracting the other Graphene particles to clump together as well as the blood cells themselves.

Ye i think thats right. Also, Dr Andreas Noack released his findings and said these graphene nano particles are like razor blades that cut your veins from the inside... This cause blood to leak inside into your organs spreading spike proteins into your organs

That doctor was murdered the next day... Coincidence... I think not

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Anyway its 2.30am here, I better get some sleep.

It's good to hear from people who are seeing and thinking the same things. It's just a good reassurance and confirmation that I'm not going insane and to stick to my guns and stay strong.

Thanks guys and God bless


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Not true at all!!!

Early treatment is a very well known protocol for the flu, which also causes death from lung problems, for just one example.

And since they had experience with treating SARS 1 in 2002, they already have a database on treating it.

You really have no clue what you’re talking about, as you try to defend the death protocol that has killed many tens of thousands of people.

Dr. Zelenko the now famous NY doctor, right from the start used early treatment protocols on his Jewish community patients, and not even one of his 1,500 COVID patients died, or had to go to the ER.

And the doctor I cited in the OP already has a successful early treatment, along with many other doctors who are using common sense, instead of the malevolent do nothing protocol.

I’m not even a doctor, and I knew that COVID patients need early treatment you’d give anyone with an upper respiratory virus that causes severe lung inflammation.

Wake up and smell the coffee. The treatment you mention that they are developing will be one that’s expensive compared to treatments used by the doctors I’ve cited, that will make big pharma a lot of money.

As the INVENTOR of mRNA vaccines is warning us and you, WE ARE BEING LIED TO.

And as the former VP and chief science officer for Pfizer Michael Yeadon warns, the vaccines are evil.

Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon warning to humanity:

A Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon
I'm quite sure that I know more about it than you. I have a bachelors of science degree in biological sciences, studied physiology (which includes a limited study on virology and the immune response), neurology, comparative anatomy, evolutionary theory, organic chemistry, and just this year reviewed a current text on microbiology. I have close friends from my university days that are active in medicine and have been discussing the pandemic openly on line since early 2020, and I've been closely following the pandemic since the first reports of an outbreak in WuHan in December of 2019 and have posted facts about virology and the professional studies that were in progress since the Bush administration about the SARS virus and corona viruses. I've advised on line how to take measures to protect yourself and what is ineffective since the virus was identified in the US and unlike the medical experts, my predictions and advice have been consistently accurate since December of 2019, a perfect record.
I even posted a link early on from the NIH describing the efficacy of treatment with hydroxycloraquin in treating SARS, but the potential side effects were understood to pose the threat of coronary failure. Other proposed treatments were not proven by blind case studies and "cures" were just as likely to be the result of the placebo effect as biochemical interaction, or coincidental to natural immunity.
Thanks for your uninformed opinion about me, but its as foolish as it is inaccurate. Grow up.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Colloidal silver is also a good way to fight viruses. I have a nebulizer that can deliver it to the lungs at the first sign of respiratory problems. Colloidal silver is antiviral, and antibacterial.
It may be effective but silver is to some degree toxic. Most metals are toxic to varying degrees based upon their chemical valances. Its actually that toxicity that makes them useful in medical treatments. There is a disease condition known to medicine (Argyria) caused by silver exposure that was common among photographic developers because of the silver emulsions used in early black and white photography. It typically isn't lethal, but is recognized by its effect in turning the skin, eyes, and internal organs a blue/ gray color. I don't know the full physiological effect, but the accumulation of metals inside cells usually leads to apoptosis (cellular death) at the very least. Lead was once used as an antibacterial, but we now know that it causes permanent brain damage, aggressive behavior, and in large enough doses, death.
Some researchers believe that the madness of Caligula and Nero was the direct result of lead exposure through repeated ingestion of wine stored in lead containers and water contaminated by Roman plumbing (which utilized rolled lead pipes.) We have an FDA specifically to determine what is safe to ingest or administer intravenously. With pharmaceuticals, there is always inherent risk in their use, and the job of modern doctors includes weighing risk against benefit.
I'm sorry for your loss, but treatments are determined by doctors, not by nursing staff, and assuming malice in medical treatments misunderstands those inherent risks, some of which are so high as to be questionable. A 50-50 chance of survival with a prognosis of death if untreated, may seem like a best shot at saving a life, but amounts to a coin toss. With a new and highly lethal disease variant, treatment protocols don't exist except for generalized treatments (such as broad spectrum antibiotics or antivirals) and what people are obviously missing in this thread is that SARS stands for SUDDEN acute respiratory syndrome. The onset is SUDDEN and can lead to total cardiopulmonary failure in a number of days, especially in individuals with a compromised immune system, or a blood disorder like anemia or sickle cell anemia. The fatalities in people I know occured within less than a week from infection to death.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
The fatalities in people I know occured within less than a week from infection to death.
Not so in the cases I know. My mother wasn't near as ill before she went in, as after she went into the hospital. After 2 and a half difficult weeks, with tons of meds, her symptoms worsened. At the time of her death 3 weeks later, she was cleared of Covid symptoms for almost a week, but the meds had done their damage. Her BP was so low from internal bleeding, and her organs failed. They murdered my mom. This has happened to another person I know (my daughter's father-in-law) as well as many many others. I have seen the testimonies.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Not so in the cases I know. My mother wasn't near as ill before she went in, as after she went into the hospital. After 2 and a half difficult weeks, with tons of meds, her symptoms worsened. At the time of her death 3 weeks later, she was cleared of Covid symptoms for almost a week, but the meds had done their damage. Her BP was so low from internal bleeding, and her organs failed. They murdered my mom. This has happened to another person I know (my daughter's father-in-law) as well as many many others. I have seen the testimonies.
Dead people don't give testimonies, and survivors tend to be biased by grief. My own father died some years ago, not from respiratory failure directly, but because he couldn't eat or drink after recovering from a respiratory infection and had signed a living will that instructed his medical providers to take no extraordinary measures to keep him alive. I visited him in his nursing home just 2 days prior to his death and wet his tongue repeatedly by holding water in a straw by sealing the end with my thumb and releasing the seal with the straw in his mouth, but he could not swallow and had a coughing fit when he tried. Because of his living will, the nurses only provided glasses of "thicky", a milky thick liquid which he couldn't swallow, and no intravenous supply. He literally died of thirst, but starvation would've taken longer.
It was a horrible way to go, but he'd made it his legal choice (though I doubt that he'd anticipated such an awful death.)
Anecdotal stories don't always present the facts accurately, but I believe what you've said.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Dead people don't give testimonies, and survivors tend to be biased by grief.
Living people like myself who witnessed the killing of their loved ones do.
You have a cold heart.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Live people like myself whose witnessed the killing of their loved ones do.
You have a cold heart.
Perhaps I do, but death is only a loss to the living and those who believe the Lord never die. I'm one of the youngest in my extended family and I've been witness to a lot of physical death, even ministering comfort to the families of the dead or dying. Grief is an emotion we experience at our loss and it fades in the light of faith, but hatred takes work, malice, and an unforgiving spirit. Of the two of us, who do you think has the more serious spiritual issue?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
@michaelvpardo are you in the medical field by the way?
I work in a hospital but in a IT-related role.
How did you come to believe the Lord in your profession?
Dealing in exact sciences I came to believe that the universe didn’t come from nothing and that we’re not a cosmic accident of arranged molecules that evolved.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
I'm quite sure that I know more about it than you. I have a bachelors of science degree in biological sciences, studied physiology (which includes a limited study on virology and the immune response), neurology, comparative anatomy, evolutionary theory, organic chemistry, and just this year reviewed a current text on microbiology. I have close friends from my university days that are active in medicine and have been discussing the pandemic openly on line since early 2020, and I've been closely following the pandemic since the first reports of an outbreak in WuHan in December of 2019 and have posted facts about virology and the professional studies that were in progress since the Bush administration about the SARS virus and corona viruses. I've advised on line how to take measures to protect yourself and what is ineffective since the virus was identified in the US and unlike the medical experts, my predictions and advice have been consistently accurate since December of 2019, a perfect record.
I even posted a link early on from the NIH describing the efficacy of treatment with hydroxycloraquin in treating SARS, but the potential side effects were understood to pose the threat of coronary failure. Other proposed treatments were not proven by blind case studies and "cures" were just as likely to be the result of the placebo effect as biochemical interaction, or coincidental to natural immunity.
Thanks for your uninformed opinion about me, but its as foolish as it is inaccurate. Grow up.

No, you don’t know more than me on this topic, and hydroxychloroquine has been used for sixty years by lupus patients, and there’s zero problems with the heart, except for a minority of people who were on it for very long periods of time, that far exceeds the length of time needed to get over a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Not to mention nations with malaria where hydroxychloroquine useage is so widespread and so safe that it’s available over the counter - with no heart problems.

And with your Bachelors degree, you don’t know more than the Nobel prize winning virologist, ( Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine); an expert vaccinologist who once worked for the “mr vaccine” Bill and Melinda Gates foundation,(Geert Vanden Baossche); and the guy who INVENTED the mRNA vaccine, (Dr. Robert Malone), AND MANY MORE with expertise who are warning about the dangers of the vaccines, and telling the truth about the evil going on that is responsible for the release of the virus from a bio weapons lab in Wuhan after gain of function enhancements to the bat Coronavirus, and the blocking of effective, safe, and cheap treatments: hydroxychloroquine with zinc, ivermectin with zinc, and budesonide.

Dr. Zelenko in NY used early treatment that included hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and and antibiotic to prevent secondary lung infections, on 1,500 patients, with not even one of them having to be hospitalized.

When they blocked the use of hydroxychloroquine in NY, he found another zinc ionophore to replace hydroxychloroquine, that is also effective and he’s currently using it successfully on his patients.

I’m betting they didn’t cover ionophores in your 4 year curriculum.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
@michaelvpardo are you in the medical field by the way?
I work in a hospital but in a IT-related role.
How did you come to believe the Lord in your profession?
Dealing in exact sciences I came to believe that the universe didn’t come from nothing and that we’re not a cosmic accident of arranged molecules that evolved.
No, while an undergraduate I had an interest in pursuing an academic career and was accepted into a masters program in physiology, but had second thoughts because I'd already accumulated a student debt of about $10,000 (which was worth a bit more in 1980 than now) and while examining open jobs as an associate professor, I realized that the salaries were insufficient to justify the expenditure.

Instead, I opted to talk to Airforce recruiters, took aptitude tests, and was offered a place in the missile command (basically as a rocket scientist) , but elected to simply enlist rather than take a commission. I wanted to just learn radio electronics, but helped my recruiter out by agreeing to training for a specialty job, cryptologic linguistic specialist, because he indicated that I could switch specialties later which is what I did. I'd kept something from the recruiter about my past experience and told my interrogator for security clearance the truth, automatically disqualifying me for a top secret SCI clearance for at least 4 years, but not for a secret clearance, so I got exactly what I wanted, radio school and a spec in ground radio equipment repair.
That became my career path and after my discharge and about 6 years in a few jobs in the digital and test equipment fields, I landed in a 25 year career as a communications equipment specialist with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and retired with a disability 4 and a half years ago.

While I got a first hand look at government institutionalized corruption, there were a substantial number of professing Christians employed by the agency and some faithful coworkers patiently discussed scripture with me for a few years, harmonizing scripture that seemed contradictory to my carnal mind.

I always loved the teaching of Christ from my youth, but reading scripture from a very early age, I was unable to reconcile the God of the Old Testament with our Lord through carnal reasoning. I enjoyed reading and grew up in the middle of the space race, so I took to the sciences readily, wanting to understand the nature of creation and the truth of our existence.

What I found out over time from both my education and experience is that reality can't be completely quantified, that people will accept bad science over faith if it lets their conscience "off the hook", that the supernatural is real, and that God's word is absolutely true, regardless of whether or not its factual.

None of these things ever kept me out of trouble. Though I thought of Jesus as my master, it wasn't until I was fully convinced that scripture was in agreement with itself, that I was ready to stop doubting whether or not He is God. I never sought a sinful life style, but the pursuit of good times will generally put you in the middle of it, when you ignore the restraining influence of the law (any law.)

It wasn't until I was desperately feeling lost, condemned to hell even, that I was prepared to believe the gospel. A faithful brother in the Lord and coworker, one from a completely different background but with remarkably similar experience, after explaining the meaning of what a street evangelist words actually meant in scriptural terms, agreed to pray with me to receive the Lord. That time I said a prayer to receive Him both in desperation and in faith, believing in the promise of His word. My experience of the moment was stunning and visceral (because of my previous training in an arcane system of martial arts). We'd prayed in an employee parking lot, and even before shifting my vehicle into gear, the Lord brought to mind the parable of the fig tree and gave me the understanding that it referred to the rebirth of national Israel. Turns out that this was already a commonly held belief by many evangelicals, but it was a first confirmation of the teaching of the Holy Spirit and a first hint at my calling and mission.

Its not unusual for people familiar with my background to question how I came to believe the gospel or what they might consider a fiction, but I've found real atheism to be very rare, with the majority of my friends and acquaintances being agnostic, confused between the contradictions of life's obvious truths, and the atheism of what is now deemed pure science (most of the great discovery of the past was fueled by believers desiring to understand creation in the face of religious opposition and dogma, but vocal atheists in the scientific community redefined " pure science" in just the last century, to exclude any consideration of the supernatural or the existence of a creator .)

When science turned to foolishness, real advancement became technological rather than theoretical, and life has a way of revealing the folly of the created who deny their creator. It becomes obvious to those whom have had their eyes opened by the Lord, even as He teaches all things through the abiding presence of His Spirit.

I've read a number of pop science books written by reputable scientists and its surprising to me that many advanced thinkers come to the conclusion that there must indeed be a God and creator of the Universe, yet these stumble over the cross. You can't arrive at the truth while rejecting the embodiment of the truth, but some do eventually hear His call and respond in faith. I would hope that they wouldn't have to fall so far as I did before reaching up for His hand. Just the same, this life is a little thing in the light of eternity and God has greater plans for all of us.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
Amazing journey @michaelvpardo and thank you so much for sharing. I agree with you on everything and especially your assessment of science and attitudes towards spirituality in today’s world. At my job we do have a few good Christians in our team and I do Bible study with one of them once a week. I find the younger folks 20-30 to be more shy about expressing their beliefs but I don’t see any hardline atheists despite being in fields like Computer Science or Medical Science.
The doctors however are trained in a very compartmentalized way. They only know their specialty and unfortunately don’t know how to talk to patients positively or spiritually or to give them hope when they have a bad disease. They essentially treat them like a lump of cells and not as a human with feelings and emotions. This I think, is about as atheist as one can get.
This approach however is not shared in other countries like Greece where the doctors are highly trained to deal with the patients in a more hopeful and positive manner and sometimes don’t even share the bad news with the patient but they do tell the family members.
They do this so they don’t discourage or demoralize the patient.
Thanks again for sharing!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
No, you don’t know more than me on this topic, and hydroxychloroquine has been used for sixty years by lupus patients, and there’s zero problems with the heart, except for a minority of people who were on it for very long periods of time, that far exceeds the length of time needed to get over a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Not to mention nations with malaria where hydroxychloroquine useage is so widespread and so safe that it’s available over the counter - with no heart problems.

And with your Bachelors degree, you don’t know more than the Nobel prize winning virologist, ( Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine); an expert vaccinologist who once worked for the “mr vaccine” Bill and Melinda Gates foundation,(Geert Vanden Baossche); and the guy who INVENTED the mRNA vaccine, (Dr. Robert Malone), AND MANY MORE with expertise who are warning about the dangers of the vaccines, and telling the truth about the evil going on that is responsible for the release of the virus from a bio weapons lab in Wuhan after gain of function enhancements to the bat Coronavirus, and the blocking of effective, safe, and cheap treatments: hydroxychloroquine with zinc, ivermectin with zinc, and budesonide.

Dr. Zelenko in NY used early treatment that included hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and and antibiotic to prevent secondary lung infections, on 1,500 patients, with not even one of them having to be hospitalized.

When they blocked the use of hydroxychloroquine in NY, he found another zinc ionophore to replace hydroxychloroquine, that is also effective and he’s currently using it successfully on his patients.

I’m betting they didn’t cover ionophores in your 4 year curriculum.
Malaria is treated with quinine, pharmaceutically called Qualaquin, a completely different organic compound. Try again, or just grow up.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I think the point is that there are early treatments that have been suppressed.
Probably intentionally in order to push the vaccines.
Its far more profitable to inject everyone than to traditionally treat just the people that get sick.
That decision has been taken out of the doctors and patients hands and into the governments hands. Not good.
Informed consent has been violated along with the Nuremburg codes and many other laws like ones in the Geneva convention, medical laws, local laws

They've crossed the line in terms of ethics, law, morals in many ways

Censorship of free speech is a huge problem. Western democracy is founded on it
Promoting it as "safe and effective" when its not effective at providing immunity and people are dying from it
The forcing of vaccines through coercion, bribery, extortion, threats, blackmail and such. All criminal offences
The discrimination of the unvaxed and the suppression of our fundamental God given rights

These are the issue that im most concerned about...
Many people are trying to either justify them, normalize them or ignore them...:(
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Probably intentionally in order to push the vaccines.
Not "probably" but very definitely. For those not familiar with Alinsky, he was the Communist mentor of Obama, Clinton, and may other Leftists.

Attacks On Ivermectin And HCQ Are Textbook ‘Alinsky’
"In every leftist Democrat dominated jurisdiction across America, authorities were not merely disparaging and dismissive of the effects of HCQ, they were openly venomous and hostile, to the point of actively suppressing its use, and threatening legal action against any medical professional who dared prescribe it. On cue, the leftist Fake News crowd immediately jumped on board, parroting the attacks in a coordinated effort to denigrate any mention of HCQ and the stunning results being reported by doctors worldwide."

Attacks On Ivermectin And HCQ Are Textbook ‘Alinsky’ | GOPUSA