The Devil has many religions, the Lord has a relationship (relating?)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
Hi there,

So I just want to call out "false religion". False religion, is a work of the Devil - as such, it is to be resisted. False religion is not something you should entertain by degrees - the Devil will snare you in false religion, whether you are a novice or an expert. As scripture says "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" (letters, from memory), we don't go to false religion so that we can laugh at God, because God is important to us; we don't learn multiple religions, because one relationship with God is enough. The Devil will attack you more, if he finds that your relationship with God is hurting the attendance to his false churches - it is expected of you that you stand for your relationship to God.

This is not meant to scare you, but the Devil seeks whom he can devour (letters, from memory), the fear of God that the Devil provokes may serve our spirit, but we must still keep him at a distance, lest he overpower us. Can false religions be gradually fixed? No! They are fit for the oven and nothing else; but do we hate the disciples of other religions? No! Everyone is capable of a relationship with God, in fact, we must love those of other religions more, for God has more work to do to save them! The point is that false religion can only grow in numbers, if those numbers come to God, then it doesn't matter what the religion was, its members now serve God.

The fruits that follow a true relationship with God are laid out in the Gospels: "they shall cast out demons, cure the sick and be invincible to deadly drink" (gospels, from memory). In the letters of the Bible it is more specific - we will have love, peace and joy (from memory). What this calls us to, is to develop our relationship with God - forget false religions (!), what we need to do is get a stronger relationship to God (false religions can't give that). Even if we are in a faithful Church but we feel God is leading us to a stronger relationship elsewhere, we must go. This is the power of God, that He works with specific people at specific times. If we have been touched by this, it is up to us to serve it and remember it (as the Holy Spirit leads).

Our relationship to God will be judged in the end, but those we free from being ensnared to our religion, will never call us false. Rather they will want love that only our relationship to God can bring. I hope this has been of some encouragement.

God bless.


Jan 22, 2024
God has only one "religion", the Devil has many religions to capture as many souls as possible.
And that would be the Truth. Not defined by Christianity or anything else.

Truth and truth only. No room for dogma.

But even still, there is always a little bit of truth in a lie. The male contains parts of the female, and the female male. God and Truth are omnipresent and exist all around you not limited to anything. So it is that we may find God in many different ways and that God is not a possession of one thing, rather he is the reason for all things.

A person who see's God truly, sees his presence in all things, as God created all things. People who claim they know God but reject him in all other things have no part in God. Only possession.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
The Devil has many religions, the Lord has a relationship (relating?)

Nice title for an OP. But do we really understand it?

Religion is men's understanding of God/gods. As men/women, we all have the ability to think, consider, and reach some conclusions of our own. Therefore our thinking, considering, and reaching some conclusions about God/gods, is our religion! And that does not make any difference if we call it Islam or Christianity. It basically is "OUR" thinking, considering, and conclusions.

So how can a person have thinking, considerations, and conclusions about God/gods that are not their own. Well the obvious answer is that they can go by someone else's thinking, considerations, and conclusions. So it is that we people tend to have corporate religion, and that is what we call our 'religion'. And it can be subdivided up. For example I tend to follow Christianity, and more specifically Charismatic Christianity, and we all have a church also that is in our subdivision of religion. And from there we listen to teachers, preachers, pastors and such which are more than willing to explain their "religion" (understanding of God).

So is there any other way to do it?

Yes there is. The other way is to actually seek the Lord God for ourselves. Of course, in doing that a person might find, and would, that there is not just one spirit around. Indeed, I have found that we live in the midst of very numerous spirits. Yet also in my search I found that there is One who seems to be above all. The first words He told me were, "Read Your Bible" but we have talked back and forth for almost 25 years now. I believe Him to be Jesus Christ, or at least the Spirit of Jesus Christ, because I am told He has the words of God, which are from Jesus Christ who was given them by His Father. That matches up with what is written in the Bible (Jn 16). So the other way is to make it about seeking HIs voice and His words, and His understanding.

Another way of putting the above is to say the my religion (understanding of God/gods) is my relationship with that One, whom I know as my Lord and Saviour, Jesus. We talk though His Spirit and my spirit communicating back and forth. Everday we talk. Not that I listen to Him as much as I should, but we still talk everyday called Today. And with that I get instructions, teaching, wonderful counsel. and such.

Now to be sure, I still have my own thinking, considerations, and conclusions, based upon my talking back and for with Him. So I still have my own "religion" (understanding of God/gods) My understanding is that anyone can seek Him, find Him, talk back and forth with Him, and get to know Him personally! Therefore I consistently preach Him, and that we men and women, need to seek Him, so we might listen to Him, and get to know Him personally - ie: it is a personal relationship with Him that is important!!

So in general, I like the OP - but what about the actually writing in the OP? Things like:

The fruits that follow a true relationship with God are laid out in the Gospels: "they shall cast out demons, cure the sick and be invincible to deadly drink" (gospels, from memory).

Our relationship to God will be judged in the end, but those we free from being ensnared to our religion,


Now to be sure I have cast out demons in His name, but not really. I mean I asked that demons be removed as needed, and have even been instructed by my Lord, to use His name in those request, and have seen them shut up and be removed, but it really wasn't me dong it. Rather it was just me being included in His works. And that is also true with healing. He even had me work in a Christian healing ministry for five years. I have seen Him performs many hundreds, if not some thousand miracle healing around me. And even concerning me a couple of times. He instantly heal a knee I had hurt surfing and He removed a growth pretty much instantly when I put my hand on it and prayed - it went down under my own hands and completely disappeared in about 10 to 20 seconds. But being able to testify to numerous incredible miracles, I still learn that it was never, ever, ever, about the miracles!!!

Mat 11:23 “And you, Capernaum, will not be exalted to heaven, will you? You will descend to Hades; for if the miracles had occurred in Sodom which occurred in you, it would have remained to this day.

So I can tell you that I would never write "a true relationship with God are laid out in the Gospels: "they shall cast out demons, cure the sick..." To me that is just silly and 'religious' writing. My 'true relationship with God' it better presented with the things He tells me when we walk and talk together. Thing like:


He give me teachings like the above, and with those I get understanding from Him personally. Indeed, He personally gives me 'INSTRUCTIONS', like when He told me to open up a Christian bookstore for Him, and 'WISDOM AND PARABABLES' like that saying above, and He will give me 'JOKES' like 'How does the fox get the chicken to cross over to his side of the road?', and best of all He tells me, "Karl, I love you." That is what a true relationship with Him is about, not the miracles!! Yeah, He does miracles and cures people, but we are not talking about having a relationship with God like you have a relationship with your doctor, but rather it is like have a relationship with a very very very special person who loves you and loves being with you - and I don't really see that in the OP> It seems to be in the title of the OP, but not in the text of the OP.

So let me ask that chicken joke He gave me again:

How does the fox get a chicken to cross to the other side of the road??

The answer is that he uses a crowbar!

One of the things about knowing God is that you know a very very smart being! And I did not get His chicken joke. So I asked Him to explain it to me. And He told me, "Well Karl, if you are going to get a chicken to cross over to your side of the road you are going to need to make a sound like the rooster. So the fox went cock-a-doodle-doo."

I still didn't really get it, so He explained further. That old fox, to get us to cross over to his side of the road makes a sound like the Lord, our rooster/leader. And religion is such a sound. It might sound good to say that we know we are a Christian and have a relationship with Him because we see the miracles He does, but that is not what a relationship is based on!!! I can go down to the hospital and get a doctor there to fix a broken bone, but that does not mean I have a personal relationship with the doctor. If I show up at his house at Thanksgiving or Christmas, it does mean the doctor will let me in!! But if he comes into my house and eats with me and I with him, so that the doctor and I become good friends, then I might be able to dine with Him on Christmas day at His house.

The title of the OP seems very good to me, but the writing in the OP does not really seem to point to the same thing. It kind of seems to, but not really. Because it is not about our love for others, but about His love for others. It is not about the miracles and such, though He does those because He love people. And if you have a relationship with Him you have already passed out of judgement!! It's not that He will not keep going over what's right and wrong, or even offering up a spiritual spanking at times, but you have become like a son or daughter to Him, and not a criminal that you should be judged.

Jn 5:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

A person who walks and talks with Him knows this, do they not?

So I read something like:

if we are in a faithful Church but we feel God is leading us to a stronger relationship elsewhere, we must go

And while it sounds like good old time religion - that is not exactly how it is. It is Him and I walking and talking together. Does my walking and talking with Him result in a stronger relationship with Him? Probably, but can tell you one thing, and that is "we must go" has never, ever, ever, been part of that relationship!!! It is always more like, "Come sit at My feet and we will talk."

So in my opinion, I like the title of the OP, but did not like the writing under it. That part sound like "religion", someone understanding of God and not God's understanding of Himself.
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