Hi there,
So I just want to call out "false religion". False religion, is a work of the Devil - as such, it is to be resisted. False religion is not something you should entertain by degrees - the Devil will snare you in false religion, whether you are a novice or an expert. As scripture says "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" (letters, from memory), we don't go to false religion so that we can laugh at God, because God is important to us; we don't learn multiple religions, because one relationship with God is enough. The Devil will attack you more, if he finds that your relationship with God is hurting the attendance to his false churches - it is expected of you that you stand for your relationship to God.
This is not meant to scare you, but the Devil seeks whom he can devour (letters, from memory), the fear of God that the Devil provokes may serve our spirit, but we must still keep him at a distance, lest he overpower us. Can false religions be gradually fixed? No! They are fit for the oven and nothing else; but do we hate the disciples of other religions? No! Everyone is capable of a relationship with God, in fact, we must love those of other religions more, for God has more work to do to save them! The point is that false religion can only grow in numbers, if those numbers come to God, then it doesn't matter what the religion was, its members now serve God.
The fruits that follow a true relationship with God are laid out in the Gospels: "they shall cast out demons, cure the sick and be invincible to deadly drink" (gospels, from memory). In the letters of the Bible it is more specific - we will have love, peace and joy (from memory). What this calls us to, is to develop our relationship with God - forget false religions (!), what we need to do is get a stronger relationship to God (false religions can't give that). Even if we are in a faithful Church but we feel God is leading us to a stronger relationship elsewhere, we must go. This is the power of God, that He works with specific people at specific times. If we have been touched by this, it is up to us to serve it and remember it (as the Holy Spirit leads).
Our relationship to God will be judged in the end, but those we free from being ensnared to our religion, will never call us false. Rather they will want love that only our relationship to God can bring. I hope this has been of some encouragement.
God bless.
So I just want to call out "false religion". False religion, is a work of the Devil - as such, it is to be resisted. False religion is not something you should entertain by degrees - the Devil will snare you in false religion, whether you are a novice or an expert. As scripture says "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" (letters, from memory), we don't go to false religion so that we can laugh at God, because God is important to us; we don't learn multiple religions, because one relationship with God is enough. The Devil will attack you more, if he finds that your relationship with God is hurting the attendance to his false churches - it is expected of you that you stand for your relationship to God.
This is not meant to scare you, but the Devil seeks whom he can devour (letters, from memory), the fear of God that the Devil provokes may serve our spirit, but we must still keep him at a distance, lest he overpower us. Can false religions be gradually fixed? No! They are fit for the oven and nothing else; but do we hate the disciples of other religions? No! Everyone is capable of a relationship with God, in fact, we must love those of other religions more, for God has more work to do to save them! The point is that false religion can only grow in numbers, if those numbers come to God, then it doesn't matter what the religion was, its members now serve God.
The fruits that follow a true relationship with God are laid out in the Gospels: "they shall cast out demons, cure the sick and be invincible to deadly drink" (gospels, from memory). In the letters of the Bible it is more specific - we will have love, peace and joy (from memory). What this calls us to, is to develop our relationship with God - forget false religions (!), what we need to do is get a stronger relationship to God (false religions can't give that). Even if we are in a faithful Church but we feel God is leading us to a stronger relationship elsewhere, we must go. This is the power of God, that He works with specific people at specific times. If we have been touched by this, it is up to us to serve it and remember it (as the Holy Spirit leads).
Our relationship to God will be judged in the end, but those we free from being ensnared to our religion, will never call us false. Rather they will want love that only our relationship to God can bring. I hope this has been of some encouragement.
God bless.