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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What is the ESSENCE of the Gospel?
What is the Fulcrum.?
What is the Centerpiece.
What is the Foundation?

Its this....

The essence of the Gospel, is "the GIFT of Righteousness".

Why do we tell people about Jesus?
What is the Goal of sharing the Truth of Christ : as The "Gospel"

The goal is simple.
We know that they have no righteousness. They are fallen. They are sinners. They are hell bound. .. BECAUSE....they are UN-Righteous.
The Gospel is the sharing of the Good News regarding How God came here to solve that problem for the world. John 3:16
And we the born again, know that its impossible to become righteous of yourself or by yourself.
We know that God had to resolve our "unrighteousness" situation, if we are going to be allowed to exist in peace with God and end up in Heaven.


So, With God, the BIBLE is all about RIGHTEOUSNESS.

= 1. What happens when you are not righteous.
= 2. What happens when you are righteous.

You have the Old Testament, and you learn about the law, and in the NT you find out how to stop being damned and judged by that same Law.
So, the bible, is Revelation and its Explanation, and all this is LIGHT.
To understand it correctly is to have REVELATION.
Its....The word of God being revealed over time.
Beginning <> End

Adam lost Righteousness, and Jesus, the 2nd Adam, recovered it for us, by offering Himself.

Saints, God did something very lovely and very profound.
He took responsibility for the fact that we are born into such a horrible situation.= SIN.
See, we didnt ask to be born, and yet here we are, and we are stuck with a situation.... We are SINNERS on our way to hell, from our very first sin.

So.....What God did, was take responsibility for our situation by becoming a human and enduring The Cross, so that we can become His Righteousness as Born Again Children of the Most High.

How did God resolve our unrighteousness?
By becoming our Sin and dying for them all.
You can't have any sin and be righteous or go to heaven.
The only way to solve that, is for God to resolve all your sin for you, Himself.
So, THAT resolves all our SIN.
But that does not resolve our unrighteousness.
Its through the BLood and Death and Resurrection of Christ that all our sin is dealt with, but what about our fallen nature, which is our very unrighteousness? ???

Well, that is resolved by the Essence of the Gospel.

God resolves our SIN by shedding His own Blood for them all and NEXT He resolves our unrighteousness, by giving us : "THE GIFT of RIGHTEOUSNESS"

See that "GIFT"... That Gift is many names..

1. "IN Christ"

2. Made Righteous

3. Redeemed

4. Sanctified

5. Justified

6. Eternal Life

7. Saint

See all those descriptions of "RIGHTEOUSNESS"?

If you are born again, then you have become and remain all of those, because you have been given God's Gift of Righteousness.
This gift, just like God, is ETERNAL.

Now, how to understand this is critical, is KEY, because if you believe wrong about this, then you will fall from Grace and end up as a Galatians 1:8

So, how do you understand and comprehend the "Gift of Righteousness" that you have been GIVEN by Eternal Holy God? ???

It very simple, but you have to believe it.
You have to BELIEVE RIGHT.

Its this..

God has made you, as righteous as He is and you remain, always.
The "Gift of Righteousness" is for us to be given the same exact Righteousness that God possesses.
The "Gift of Righteousness" makes you EQUAL to GOD, in Righteousness.
The "Gift of God" is to be "MADE RIGHTEOUS", and this is the essence of the Gospel.

Salvation is a gift that is created by God on The Cross.... and by God giving you His very own Righteousness, as "the GIFT of Righteousness".

So.....How Righteous, how SINLESS are you, if you have God's Gift of Righteousness?

You are "made complete" and "made Righteous"... And this means you remain as Righteousness and as Sinless as God, because God's Holy Spirit has recreated you to become a "new Creation".

God THE Creator, has made a NEW CREATION Out of your Born again Spirit.
You , the New Creation, the born again, are as Righteous as God's Gift of Righteousness.

= EQUAL to God's Righteousness....Always.

This is SALVATION. "the GIFT of Salvation".
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