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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Satan has invaded 'Christianity'! 'Christians sit in church and listen to a preacher and don't STUDY their Bibles.

2 Corinthians 11:14-15

14 Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness,

Now I clearly see this as an agenda. If you agree how would you convince someone of that when they will come right back basically saying it does not apply or they dont see it


Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States

We gave them an inch, they took a mile--therefore, I DO care what adults do, and I don't think they should be permitted to do immoral things. If people live in immorality in one area, they will live in immorality in other areas. They are actively trying to make it illegal for us to be Christian--
well that is complete bull
and brainwashing kids,
and that
and now showing porn to kids,
you speak of how "they should be permitted to do immoral things" and then tell blatant lies...or is it now moral to present false witness?
and soon they'll mainstream pedophilia as an acceptable "orientation"--
See above for homophobic stereotypes.
so why should I have any qualms about restoring the former standards?

Is it a surprise that it's always the godless warring against "God given" rights? They're committed to destroying this country and the purpose for which the country existed (freedom to worship God with a clear conscience). They invent "rights", forgetting where "rights" were said to have come from, God doesn't grant them. Rather, God condemns what they do.
What does God have to say about false witness?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I see it as everything that is over and above what would have been considered normal say in 1960 has an agenda about it.

I mention 1960 because that is a year that I was well aware of what was happening and the "norm" was considered to be a man and a woman, who would marry, and after that point would have a family.

Should a girl get pregnant before marriage, there either was the rushed marriage, or adoption. (or back street abortions)

When I was in highschool my public speaking teacher left for Christmas break and never came back because she was fired. She had gotten married over Christmas, but that was not a fault. The fault ws she was pregnant and had to and they could not expose the students to that.

6 years later the would started to turn upside down."free" sex was becoming the norm and so was drug usage, or the beginnings of it and I blame my generation for that. For the pushing and insistence of every single thing that would never have been in a "Father knows Best" show or even an Ozzie and Harriett.

If you are old enough to remember those, then you know what I say to be true.

There was a slow indoctrination into the full acceptance of homosexuality. Psychological studies came about
that claimed bi-sexual people were better adjusted then mono-sexual. So by the time the sitcom Will and Grace was airing weekly starting in 1998 and ending 8 seasons later people were only too happy to tune in and laugh.

It was the desensitizing that brought people to that point.

A very slow seduction that might well have started with 3s Company and 1 guy and 2 girls sharing an apartment and those who would frown on the guy living there ws told he was gay... so all was right in the world , even to the one girls dad who played a minister, who was ok as long as the guy was gay.

I could go on but till stop with these because I lived through it as many of you did.... and it was just going in a downward spire until the next part of the plan emerged.

I have no idea exactly when the next trend started .... but i became acutely aware of it maybe 10 years ago or so and that is the Tucking and Taping of young boys penises done by their mothers. Many articles of how
could be had back then. And there were supplies mom could buy. And they would start with their babies...

And I never knew why....other then they wanted girls and felt they would make these boys into girls.

And the term WOKE became part of vocabulary.....

These moms grew into moms who would take their young children to watch drag shows, and even give them money to tip the drag artists.

And many of these moms are month those in the teaching profession who will take a child and give the child anything it wants from changing the child's gender... after brainwashing into those young minds or seeing the an older one can get an abortion, illegal or not and mom and dad need never know.

I am stopping now because these things did not just happen. They were systematically ingrained into society
in a slow methodical way... but fairly muchwith in a lifetime when we are only promised 6score and 10.
So it seems to me that one of worst things that we can do is to allow ourselves to become indifferent or desensitized to homosexuals because that is obviously their agenda.

So if one needs help and is wanting to repent from their sins and be free from it, then we should welcome them and help them. But if they are not seeking repentance but acceptance instead....Sorry sir but you have to leave right now. Security! Escort this man out please...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
So that is a "No" on the honest answer then.
Take it however you like. I just stated a FACT!

"I was referring to gays / Dems overall. They LOVE accusing others of what they LOVE to do!"


Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
I hear you.
No one gave me authority over other people's choices. I can choose for myself to live a moral or immoral lifestyle.
I do however have a voice through voting for the education and crimes against children.

It's coming, you know it is. Lot vexed his soul daily and one day God came and took them all away.
Just don't be on that boat with them.

This country is a cesspool of pedephilia and child trafficking. Their only power is against the weak and innocent and ignorant.
Educate your children and make them strong in the knowledge of right and wrong. Build them up with the knowledge that they are the prey.

Their agenda is to shame us and silence us, so they do whatever they want without any consequences. Another form of censorship.
The enemy has a lot of weapons. Deception and lies. They work through media, schools, advertisements, hollywood, disney, the music industry. Wherever children are you can find them. In the libraries, in the classrooms, in the locker rooms, on the internet, on the tv, in the cartoons and the kids shows. In commercials, in clothing, in the medical industry, the pharmeceutical industry. Even in the churches.

They don't realize their time is short. And the Law is coming for them.

I don't care what adults do between themselves. This is a free country. But there are laws against abuse of children. And those laws will be shortly coming into effect.
There are a lot of people advocating for this because they believe if they cry enough the government will condone it, create programs and "safe spaces" , and fund them. They use the legal system for their own advantage, and use the law against law abiding citizens.

Most of the "Elite" class are pedophiles and child abusers. They have whole industries pushing their agenda.
All I can do is be aware of them, protest against them, boycott those that subsidise and promote them, and use my vote to stand against them.

Go Woke, Go Broke.

I don't have any issues against the Gay and Lesbian communities. Most that are in this group usually have monogomous relationships.
If two guys or two women want be together in whatever fashion for their life, then that's up to them.
It's the rest of the alphabet that is extremely dangerous. They have severe mental disorders, they're on pharmecutical drugs which effect their minds and their bodies. They have been poisoned and they don't even realize it.

First they allowed the kids to take ritalin in schools, injecting them with 100's of "vaccines" from the time of birth, turning them into nothing more than experimental petri dishes.
The fault lies with the government and the medical/pharmeceutic indrustries, psychiatrists, doctors that pushed this on the kids for their own financial gain.

Then came the education system indoctrinating them, convincing them that they didn't have to respect themselves and their bodies, and just do whatever society tells them. Go along to get along.
There is a whole generation of those who have been the experimentors and those who have been experimented on.

You want to attack the enemy then attack the government and the industries they support.
Use your money to support or protest what you believe. Because in this world money is the almighty power that speaks to those who know not God.

They are sick and they are told that it is normal. And they don't know the difference because they were brought into a falling world.
They are infecting some as young as 6 years old. And what we are seeing today are the side effects.

Ritalin may cause new or worsening psychosis (unusual thoughts or behavior), especially if you have a history of depression, mental illness, or bipolar disorder.
Call your doctor right away if you have: signs of heart problems - chest pain, feeling light-headed or short of breath; signs of psychosis - paranoia, aggression, new behavior problems, seeing or hearing things that are not real; signs of circulation problems - unexplained wounds on your fingers or toes.

Ritalin is not approved for use by anyone younger than 6 years old.

"In the 1970s, when Ritalin was introduced, Ciba sponsored a great deal of research" on ADHD medication, Wender says, putting its brand name first in the public eye. By 1975, more than 1 million U.S. children had been diagnosed with ADHD. Of the half-million patients being treated with drugs, approximately 265,000 were prescribed Ritalin.

In the mid-1990s, ADHD diagnoses nearly doubled to 2 million, prompting public fears of misdiagnosis and overmedication. Ritalin fast went from a brand name to a punch line as advocacy groups began to question ADHD's validity as a disease and charged drugmakers with pushing unnecessary medications.

The brand name Ritalin stands out as the most recognized medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But Ritalin's generic form, methylphenidate, has been off-patent since the 1960s, and a combination of other brands and generics compete for market share. In addition, several other stimulant drugs are approved for ADHD treatment.

So we're looking at almost 50 years of children being given drugs to modify their behavior.
Is it their fault they are what they are today?

The NIMH been playing this game for a long long time. And our children are nothing more than mice in a cage that they experiment on.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the disorder that would eventually be dubbed ADHD first gained serious attention in 1902. That year, English pediatrician Sir George F. Still published a series of lectures describing children with significant behavioral problems that could not be attributed to the way they were raised. He proposed their behavior was instead caused by a neurological disorder. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted to define the disorder and identify the best treatments.

Disney and Hollywood, the Pharmeceuticals, and the government all work to profit off it's people.
You can see them if you look for them, and if you know where to look.

NIHM, National Institue of Mental Health.
The Secret of NIMH

"Lee" is an Old English word that means "sheltering space." The phrase "lee of the stone" refers to the fact that the size, shape, and angle of The Stone creates a sheltered space directly behind it that remains dry and protected from the high winds and harsh rains of a seasonal storm.

Safe spaces.

I can show you, but I can't make you see.

I thought it ironic that in the middle of all this you tried to claim "I don't have any issues against the Gay and Lesbian communities."


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Lying about LGBT+ people seems like a good start.
What's to lie about? God said it clear about LGBT's.

Romans 1:26-27
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful,
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
What's to lie about? God said it clear.

Romans 1:26-27
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful,

Yes God is very clear
Exodus 20:16 You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
Deut 5:20 You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
Proverbs 19:5 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.

But you don't seem to be at all concerned about the false witness being presented in this thread. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Yes God is very clear
Exodus 20:16 You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
Deut 5:20 You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
Proverbs 19:5 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.

But you don't seem to be at all concerned about the false witness being presented in this thread. Why is that?
You don't seem to be concerned what Jesus said. Why is that? You're saying that gays are Christians? That is worse than "false witness". It's calling God a liar.

I Cor 6 Homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God. I guess that's why He called gays VILE and SHAMEFUL!
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
What's to lie about? God said it clear.

Romans 1:26-27
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful,
You know... People protesting, if they are not leaning that way themselves most likely have family or friends that do and wanting the best for them are looking for that possible escape.

I am tired of the argue ment that people are born that way. I agree, some are. But at the same time I wonder what the parents or grandparents did to their own bodies such as drug abuses when they were young that started down the family gene pool.

Bible says some were born eunuchs. So no idea what the reasoning would be that one wouold be born gay
other then it is in God's master plan and so we suffer for our lives.

I digress.

We are told that is it is an abomination and shameful that we need to avoid it.

But sex is that one thing that practically no one is willing or wanting to give up.

Heck. About 10 years ago I met a penpal and after a while he wanted to meet with me. He had told me he was a very good "born again" Christian... but I wanted to set some rules. I said I would not have any kind of sexual contact before I walked down the aisle.

Well, we never met because he, beining in his early 60s said abstinence is fine for the young, but not at this stage of the game.

I digress again

As you said... God said it clear.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
You don't seem to be concerned what Jesus said. Why is that? You're saying that gays are Christians? That is worse than "false witness". It's calling God a liar.

I Cor 6 Homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God. I guess that's why He called gays VILE and SHAMEFUL!
Actually it is not the people... it is the act. All they need to do is abstain... BUt they wont
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
You know... People protesting, if they are not leaning that way themselves most likely have family or friends that do and wanting the best for them are looking for that possible escape.

I am tired of the argue ment that people are born that way. I agree, some are. But at the same time I wonder what the parents or grandparents did to their own bodies such as drug abuses when they were young that started down the family gene pool.

Bible says some were born eunuchs. So no idea what the reasoning would be that one wouold be born gay
other then it is in God's master plan and so we suffer for our lives.

I digress.

We are told that is it is an abomination and shameful that we need to avoid it.

But sex is that one thing that practically no one is willing or wanting to give up.

Heck. About 10 years ago I met a penpal and after a while he wanted to meet with me. He had told me he was a very good "born again" Christian... but I wanted to set some rules. I said I would not have any kind of sexual contact before I walked down the aisle.

Well, we never met because he, beining in his early 60s said abstinence is fine for the young, but not at this stage of the game.

I digress again

As you said... God said it clear.
I had a family member who was blatantly gay. God saved him and he spoke VERY conservatively the rest of his life. He made the right choice! He even spoke against homosexuality!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I thought it ironic that in the middle of all this you tried to claim "I don't have any issues against the Gay and Lesbian communities."
I don't. I said it was the rest of the alphabet that was dangerous.
Apparently you didn't read what I wrote.
And then you commented on it. Now that's ironic.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Now I clearly see this as an agenda.
Yeah, but it goes deeper than what we think.
These people, these children are being coerced into believing the medical industry can save them.
If you just take this pill, cut off that, modify this....
The agenda isn't the sexuality itself, even though the industry knows that christians oppose it. So they create an enemy and overcome them through legislature and funding and pharmeceutical industries.
This goes deeper than just the symptoms we see on the surface.

Most these people don't even know why they feel the way they do. They been programmed from birth to do whatever the establishment tells them or they will be rejected.
So they create a people that gets rejected by the very people that should be trying to save them, that way they have nowhere to go but into the arms of the ones that decieved them in the first place.

Satan has been working overtime. And he already has most of the children in his grip.


I say this all the time. But I don't think a lot of people understand how serious this is.

We are going to face some trouble, and the first ones they coming for are the weak and unstable. They won't care about the color of your skin or what gender you think you are. Your just fodder in the war that's on our doorstep.
And the people that should be saving you will sit back in their chair and say "served them right"
And the ones that decieved them will be having a hayday with their human sacrifices.

You Have No Idea How Deep This Goes.


And if your LGBTQA+++ whatever.. understand that your use for them is coming to a close. They don't need you anymore because they already shut the mouths of the churches which now support them.
And they will be coming for you next.

You aught to repent and pray. Because nobody in this world can save you. They got you by the .....


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You can't produce this "gay agenda' just random writings.

You are not one who is able to realize what has happened.
If you were able, then you'd realize that in the USA, ... Barak Obama, (Not Bill Clinton).. = started this "Homosexuality Tolerance" trend, during his very 1st day in Office, 1st "Executive Order" which was..>.. Barak ended the """ Don't ask Don't Tell""" police that had been in the Military.. and it has just continued to gain momentum, resulting in Gay Marriage, Gay Adoption, Gay Curriculum being taught to 6-10 yr old's in School.
Its even to the point now that so called "christians" show on Forums and take a STAND FOR Homosexuality.... by using the "gay agenda" nomenclature, itself.
Its really sickening, what is happening, but, Thank GOD, Jesus is coming soon to end a lot of situations that deceived people BELIEVE and TOLERATE, that God REJECTS @100%...forever.

Thats a Fact.
Believe it, @MrNoir
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
I don't. I said it was the rest of the alphabet that was dangerous.
Apparently you didn't read what I wrote.
And then you commented on it. Now that's ironic.
you said: "Their agenda is to shame us and silence us, so they do whatever they want without any consequences. Another form of censorship.
The enemy has a lot of weapons. Deception and lies. They work through media, schools, advertisements, hollywood, disney, the music industry. Wherever children are you can find them. In the libraries, in the classrooms, in the locker rooms, on the internet, on the tv, in the cartoons and the kids shows. In commercials, in clothing, in the medical industry, the pharmeceutical industry. Even in the churches.....they believe if they cry enough the government will condone it, create programs and "safe spaces" , and fund them. They use the legal system for their own advantage, and use the law against law abiding citizens."


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
I hear you.
No one gave me authority over other people's choices. I can choose for myself to live a moral or immoral lifestyle.
I do however have a voice through voting for the education and crimes against children.

It's coming, you know it is. Lot vexed his soul daily and one day God came and took them all away.
Just don't be on that boat with them.

This country is a cesspool of pedephilia and child trafficking. Their only power is against the weak and innocent and ignorant.
Educate your children and make them strong in the knowledge of right and wrong. Build them up with the knowledge that they are the prey.

Their agenda is to shame us and silence us, so they do whatever they want without any consequences. Another form of censorship.
The enemy has a lot of weapons. Deception and lies. They work through media, schools, advertisements, hollywood, disney, the music industry. Wherever children are you can find them. In the libraries, in the classrooms, in the locker rooms, on the internet, on the tv, in the cartoons and the kids shows. In commercials, in clothing, in the medical industry, the pharmeceutical industry. Even in the churches.

They don't realize their time is short. And the Law is coming for them.

I don't care what adults do between themselves. This is a free country. But there are laws against abuse of children. And those laws will be shortly coming into effect.
There are a lot of people advocating for this because they believe if they cry enough the government will condone it, create programs and "safe spaces" , and fund them. They use the legal system for their own advantage, and use the law against law abiding citizens.

Most of the "Elite" class are pedophiles and child abusers. They have whole industries pushing their agenda.
All I can do is be aware of them, protest against them, boycott those that subsidise and promote them, and use my vote to stand against them.

Go Woke, Go Broke.

I don't have any issues against the Gay and Lesbian communities. Most that are in this group usually have monogomous relationships.
If two guys or two women want be together in whatever fashion for their life, then that's up to them.
It's the rest of the alphabet that is extremely dangerous. They have severe mental disorders, they're on pharmecutical drugs which effect their minds and their bodies. They have been poisoned and they don't even realize it.

First they allowed the kids to take ritalin in schools, injecting them with 100's of "vaccines" from the time of birth, turning them into nothing more than experimental petri dishes.
The fault lies with the government and the medical/pharmeceutic indrustries, psychiatrists, doctors that pushed this on the kids for their own financial gain.

Then came the education system indoctrinating them, convincing them that they didn't have to respect themselves and their bodies, and just do whatever society tells them. Go along to get along.
There is a whole generation of those who have been the experimentors and those who have been experimented on.

You want to attack the enemy then attack the government and the industries they support.
Use your money to support or protest what you believe. Because in this world money is the almighty power that speaks to those who know not God.

They are sick and they are told that it is normal. And they don't know the difference because they were brought into a falling world.
They are infecting some as young as 6 years old. And what we are seeing today are the side effects.

Ritalin may cause new or worsening psychosis (unusual thoughts or behavior), especially if you have a history of depression, mental illness, or bipolar disorder.
Call your doctor right away if you have: signs of heart problems - chest pain, feeling light-headed or short of breath; signs of psychosis - paranoia, aggression, new behavior problems, seeing or hearing things that are not real; signs of circulation problems - unexplained wounds on your fingers or toes.

Ritalin is not approved for use by anyone younger than 6 years old.

"In the 1970s, when Ritalin was introduced, Ciba sponsored a great deal of research" on ADHD medication, Wender says, putting its brand name first in the public eye. By 1975, more than 1 million U.S. children had been diagnosed with ADHD. Of the half-million patients being treated with drugs, approximately 265,000 were prescribed Ritalin.

In the mid-1990s, ADHD diagnoses nearly doubled to 2 million, prompting public fears of misdiagnosis and overmedication. Ritalin fast went from a brand name to a punch line as advocacy groups began to question ADHD's validity as a disease and charged drugmakers with pushing unnecessary medications.

The brand name Ritalin stands out as the most recognized medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But Ritalin's generic form, methylphenidate, has been off-patent since the 1960s, and a combination of other brands and generics compete for market share. In addition, several other stimulant drugs are approved for ADHD treatment.

So we're looking at almost 50 years of children being given drugs to modify their behavior.
Is it their fault they are what they are today?

The NIMH been playing this game for a long long time. And our children are nothing more than mice in a cage that they experiment on.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the disorder that would eventually be dubbed ADHD first gained serious attention in 1902. That year, English pediatrician Sir George F. Still published a series of lectures describing children with significant behavioral problems that could not be attributed to the way they were raised. He proposed their behavior was instead caused by a neurological disorder. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted to define the disorder and identify the best treatments.

Disney and Hollywood, the Pharmeceuticals, and the government all work to profit off it's people.
You can see them if you look for them, and if you know where to look.

NIHM, National Institue of Mental Health.
The Secret of NIMH

"Lee" is an Old English word that means "sheltering space." The phrase "lee of the stone" refers to the fact that the size, shape, and angle of The Stone creates a sheltered space directly behind it that remains dry and protected from the high winds and harsh rains of a seasonal storm.

Safe spaces.

I can show you, but I can't make you see.

Yes, we do make choices for others. Men aren't allowed to murder one another, steal from one another, etc--and the moment homosexuality was accepted a countdown to them coming after kids started--so why should we let them sodomize one another?

No, it shouldn't be permitted.

America is an experiment in self govt--if we hold to tenets that seem to be upending self govt, we're free to amend the Constitution, so that the experiment can get put back online.

Freedom of religion threatens self govt, bc ungodly people have no self rule, so they, for instance, collude with power hungry businessmen to run this country for their aims, not those of The People. They create a country of lawlessness.
The Constitution should be amended, and only Christians should be able to influence culture and state, but the rest have no voting right, no right to make art, write a book, etc, they can only work manual labor jobs--must not be mistreated, as that is not Christian, but, also, must not have a voice in society.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
you said: "Their agenda is to shame us and silence us, so they do whatever they want without any consequences. Another form of censorship.
The enemy has a lot of weapons. Deception and lies. They work through media, schools, advertisements, hollywood, disney, the music industry. Wherever children are you can find them. In the libraries, in the classrooms, in the locker rooms, on the internet, on the tv, in the cartoons and the kids shows. In commercials, in clothing, in the medical industry, the pharmeceutical industry. Even in the churches.....they believe if they cry enough the government will condone it, create programs and "safe spaces" , and fund them. They use the legal system for their own advantage, and use the law against law abiding citizens."
It's the Globalists and the Corporations. That is the "Their" in their agenda.
I don't know you. I don't know if or where you fall along the spectrum or if your just a hetero watching on the sidelines.
I don't care. It's your life you figure it out.

But I'm letting you know. They been using these communities for their (Globalist and Corporate) own benefit.
And those who have fallen victim to this melevolent vicious people who sit in high places playing god with our emotions and our lives,
have to wake up and smell the coffee.

I don't care what you are. I care who you are. And who you are is far more important than your sexuality.
But they got people brainwashed and convinced that only their sexuality matters. And that is the lie. That is the deception.
You are more than your genitals.

They are in it for the money and they don't care how much you suffer, while they hold their hand out saying trust us, trust us.

Trust God.
He cares about you way more than I ever could.
He loves you. He wants you to be a part of his family, not the world's family.
The world don't care if you live or die.
God does.
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