The Judgement of Nations: Millennium Proof

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Jesus leaves heaven and Returns at the Seventh Bowl. Revelation 16:16-18

When he returns, the bowls pour so it is more accurate to say he returns at the 1st bowl.

Real Death is Eternal separation from God.

Commonly believed but it has zero biblical support. Death is the lack of life or ending of life in various forms. There is physical death and spiritual death.

You oppose plainly stated scripture.

No, you.

Thinking that anyone receives immortality before the GWT Judgment and the commencement of Eternity, is in direct opposition to what the Bible says.

That is false.

The second death of those resurrected martyrs, will be a mortal, natural death.

No, they will never die again after being resurrected.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Because scripture indicates that He will return at the last trumpet and the seventh trumpet is the last trumpet to sound.
The book of Revelation actually indicates that Jesus des not return at the Seventh Trumpet. That event Prophesies and confirms His eventual Return and rule as King of the world.
This occurs AFTER the thousand years and Satan's little season. So, that means the seventh trumpet will sound AFTER the thousand years and at the end of Satan's little season.
A classic demonstration of confusion and error.
Eternity comes after the Millennium, Satan's little season and the final Judgment.

Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
The book of Revelation actually indicates that Jesus des not return at the Seventh Trumpet. That event Prophesies and confirms His eventual Return and rule as King of the world.

A classic demonstration of confusion and error.
Eternity comes after the Millennium, Satan's little season and the final Judgment.
You clearly didn't even read my post since you didn't specifically address anything I said.

Again, Revelation 11:15-18 indicates that at the sounding of the seventh trumpet "The time has come for judging the dead". When are the dead judged? When Revelation 20:11-15 occurs. When will that occur? After the thousand years (and Satan's little season). You are clearly afraid to even attempt to address this. You just respond with your typical rhetoric instead.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
When are the dead judged?
I should never have to point out plainly stated scripture. But I guess that I give too much credit for peoples understanding.
Revelation 20L11-15 is the only and final Judgment of all the dead people, good and bad, into immortality or the Lake of Fire.
Which will happen a thousand years AFTER Jesus Returns.

It surely does not happen at the time of the Seventh Trumpet. The grammar of the present tenses used there, are a common thing in Bible Prophecy. It is just a way of confirming the surety of eventual fulfilment.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying: “We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. 18 The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small—and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”

The "time has come for judging the dead"? When does the judging of the dead happen? It is described here:
The dead are those left on the earth at the sound of the 7th Trumpet. They are those left after the final harvest. They are those left after the sheep and the goats. They are those left after the wheat and tares. They are those that will either take the mark or cut their heads off. Those dead will be destroyed who are still alive destroying the earth.

This is when Daniel 9:27 starts. Jesus will confirm the Atonement Covenant with those dead about to be judged. The rest of the living: the sheep, goats, wheat and tares were already judged. Now the rest of the dead will be destroyed. Unless in the midst of the week of the 7th Trumpet, there is a 42 month stay of execution. This 42 months is provided for those who will chop off their heads to avoid the mark. They are the ones compared to the rest of the dead in Revelation 20:4-6. If there are 42 months those dead will be killed at Armageddon, at least those who have not killed themselves or were beheaded. Those beheaded are resurrected prior to the thousand years. The rest of the dead killed after this point and by Armageddon, will remain dead until they are cast into the LOF after the thousand years. These dead should have been judged, but they are not, as there was a 42 month reprieve. But this judgment is now postponed because of the 42 months mentioned in Revelation 13. Now they are all dead, so the judgment is now after the thousand years for all the dead, and those still in sheol.

The judgment for those alive on earth at the Second Coming is the one found in Matthew 25:31. But that is not the same as the GWT after the 1,000 years. At the Second Coming those alive are judged, those in Adam's dead flesh, those dead. Not the physically dead people since before and from the Flood. Adam and his descendants died as the dead prior to the Flood, unless they were found righteous. We are only told that Enoch and Noah were righteous. As far as we know the dead included all of Adam's family except Enoch and Noah.

But all since Shem, Ham, and Japheth have been "the dead" who destroy the earth while physically alive. Then they are "the dead", physically dead, waiting in sheol. But whether alive or dead, physically, they are "the dead". Only those in Christ are "the living". The sheep are changed from death to life while still living never having physically died. They faced the judgment before Jesus as King. The same with the tares and the wheat. The wheat are those whom Jesus sowed as good seed. They are judged and changed before physical death. Some may call them the left behind after the Second Coming. But they are still the dead judged and changed by Jesus after the Second Coming.

Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
I should never have to point out plainly stated scripture. But I guess that I give too much credit for peoples understanding.
Revelation 20L11-15 is the only and final Judgment of all the dead people, good and bad, into immortality or the Lake of Fire.
Which will happen a thousand years AFTER Jesus Returns.
Yes, exactly. That is the time for the dead to be judged. And Revelation 11:15-18 indicates that the time for the dead to be judged arrives at the sounding of the seventh trumpet. So, that places the timing of the sounding of the seventh trumpet AFTER the thousand years. So, you're not putting two and two together and not interpreting scripture with scripture. Instead, you change the timing of the seventh trumpet to fit your doctrinal bias.
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New Member
May 8, 2023
Lake Houston
United States
It always surprises me how obvious prove of well-known Scripture, is overlooked during seemingly endless debates looking elsewhere.

When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

This is called the judgment of nations, because it's the Lord judging the nations of earth after coming in His glory.

It's the nations being judged between sheep and goats.

It's not a judgement of saved saints, that are already resurrected to meet Him in the air, with power given to reign with Him over those nations.

The judgement of nations on earth, is the judgment of nations, not the judgement of resurrected saints.
Personally I'm not looking to be judged with the nations. I'd much rather be in the resurrection and ruling the nations with Jesus.
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