The Public School HOAX

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
You better go ahead and have that discussion now . You would not believe what is going on IN some places .
They decieve children and tell children to keep this a secrete cause their own parents would not understand . THEY KNOW how to trick you kids .
YOU need to tell those children its wrong and that marriage is between one man and one woman .
You have no need to discuss sex stuff . BUT DO tell them that marriage is between one man and one woman
and HOW GOD made you is what you are and that we cannot decide one day what sex we are . TELL them that at least .
Much of all this is Just like on par with what Nazi Germany was doing, but the only real difference is the tactics use for this age ? just as it was in the days of Hitler, same deal with Communist Russia being tailored for the people their, they needed a different tactic ! so as to fool the people into becoming dupes for the leadership that only wanted to dominate over the people.

Anyone who believes in Communism or Nazis is a Dupe !

Sadly the majority do not understand the workings of such things, why because they were never truly informed or educated on the subject, so they do not recognize or can not identify the symptoms of such workings of such a pox. so they get infected with the curse that is at hand in all the games played out by such deranged people.

The same Anti-Christ Mob have worked to bastardise the Churches, this was done from within, so as to lead one to a Church that such men created that does not have Christ Jesus as it's Head ! Such lead to people leaving in droves.

The thing that carnal people do not understand that their is a huge difference between a partnership and a Marriage under God, but the carnal do not understand the difference in fact, because they are of this world, under delusions and deceptions and that is why such fail

When one gets a divorce, it's due to the hardness of their heart as to why, as the key to the problem. Jesus said so !
But as to the Jews such was given due to the hardness of their hearts, so they buy and sell such, it's ownership ? of a product, like a contract !

Only fools and idiots believe that God makes contracts between People. only the carnal or a Jew would swallow that God makes contracts with men. One abides in Christ Jesus or you don't, their is no contract at all with God, does one think God has to do deals with people :eek::rolleyes::confused: haha !
Only this world does deals with the Devil. That's who they are truly dealing with in fact.

Think of it ? I am going to do a deal with Jesus ? Haha ! :rolleyes:. Only this world does deals ! do you think that one will do deals in Heaven ? Haha ! No way ! but does one who truly is Saved have to do deals ? No ! why ? well because one is not of this world, such a one is Saved ! and is not going to play games on you.

Hey Jebus, yo dawg ! I want's to make a deal wit you ! Yo dawg !:rolleyes: Haha.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
Folks doing all to ensure a good retirement in a world that will not endure .
my vacation , my retirment , THAT COMETH WHEN I AM FINALLY WITH THE KING .
Folks all worried about this or that . All worried about finicial means and gains .
AND YET i tell us all they know nothing of the ABUNDANT LIFE .
They think IF i had but this or that life would be easier , better
they think if i had but this or that things would be much better .
WELL I GOT JESUS , I GOT ALL I NEED no matter what cometh against me . MY HOPE is not in this world
and my trust is not in the things of this world . AND Though GOD may bless one with abundance
ITS MEANT FOR ONE THING . TO GIVE and to share with those who lack , KNOWING WE HAVE A FAR better and enduring substance in heaven .
MOST have no clue what i speak about . BUT GOD is full of mercy and full of compassion and the answer is , COME TO CHRIST AND LEARN
those BIBLES WELL . AND YE shall have the abundant life , NO MATTER IF YE LACKED ALL and were on the run
YE could sing in prison as even paul and silas did . FOR JESUS IS OUR HOPE and the HOME WE long for and await
IS WITH HIM . FEAST ON THAT and may it give great joy to the souls of all .
Please the LORD.

No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
North America
United States
The whole system is broken -- teachers, teachers' unions, schools, curriculums, health, safety and security, indoctrination, and now plain ATTACKS on children to destroy them mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Demons have taken control, and Christian parents who have children in public schools should remove them immediately and either home school them or place them in proven Christian schools.
Your intent is genuine and I do agree with you, but parents also encounter issues with it.

1. Not every Christian (in title) school is Christian.
2. Some religious schools are the very same that give Christ a bad name for the hate they spew. Religion’s doctrines vary. What do you want your kids to learn and not learn?
3. Not everyone lives near a good Christian school
4. Not every family can afford it
5. Not every family can homeschool when it interferes with work

The issue is a complicated one. For me, my kids go to a Christian school where I know the teachers and the Principal personally. I wish everyone could have that same opportunity…