The Public School HOAX

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
It's not just the schools anymore, it's also the internet. Young children have all their tools to be part of the internet and global communication. The internet is infected also.
My son is now twenty three years old . Any man or any woman may feel free to call him
and ask him if he ever once got on the computer at my house . Not even once was he allowed on it .
AND as for computer games and etc . ASK HIM if i ever once allowed him to play ANY games on the TV or computer .
NO .
THEN ask HIM , if he thinks HIS DAD LOVED HIM . I DID what i could for my son . His mother allowed him
on the computer , she allowed him to play those wicked games , MOST PARENTS NOW LET THEIR KIDS play . BUT NOT ME .
WE actually can do many good things with our children that dont involve them sitting for hours playing things and hearing things
THEY OUGHT NOT to ever once have done .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
It's not just the schools anymore, it's also the internet. Young children have all their tools to be part of the internet and global communication. The internet is infected also.
I have never forgotten the day my son turned twelve years old .
I had baked him a cake . His mother and their family had celebrated his party at the browns pool .
After he was to come to my house .
I had baked him a chocolate cake and had every thing ready .
He calls me from the browns pool and asks me
If he could bring a friend . SO i said of course .
The boys name was malcom .
So they came over and we had cake . And as usual i took noah on his walk with me and the kid came along .
The next morning the kid was to go home , but they called his dad . THEN they asked me if he could stay again .
SO i said yes . So we did our usual . NO games , no computer , just time spent .
Later on that evening Noah and malcom were asking each other questions .
Noah comes into the other room where i was
and he told me what malcom had said .
They were asking each other what they would do if they had a million dollars .
Noah told me malcom said , IF he had a million dollars he would buy HIS DAD
cause HE told noah your dad actually spends time with you and it not on his computer and does thing with you .
EXACTLY . ALL we need to do is spend time with them and keep them from the things which would lead them down the wrong road .
PEROID . And Noah will be the first to tell you , My dad might have been strict but HE CARED FOR ME . SO , LETS RAISE THOSE
CHILDREN UP in the way they should GO . It aint a sin to correct . it aint a sin to chasten .
And it aint a sin to correct brethren in error either . PEROID . tIME we learn our bibles . GOD BE WITH THE LAMBS .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
PS , feel free to ask my son if i ever once celebrated christmas witha big ol tree and told of santa
or ever once took him HELLOWEENING . A big fat NO on that too .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
True. For the many DECADES that the public school system has been failing parents and students, and absolutely no one has had the guts to say "This farce must end right now" and we need a totally different schooling system. (Obviously public schools will not be Christian schools so one cannot expect Bible Knowledge or the Gospel to become a part of the curriculum).

1. Children and teens DO NOT need to be in school for eight hours per day. Two or three hours maximum would be more than enough (9:00 a.m. to 12 noon).

2. For the rest of the day, they could be productively working at something else which would allow then to also earn their allowances. Even helping out in a day care would be better than sitting in a school learning nothing. But the school must involve itself in finding the right niche for each student.

3. The curricula need to be totally revised so that the essential subjects are the main focus. Readin' Writin' 'Rithmetic are still essentials. At the same time basic acceptable social behavior and manners should be automatically taught in the classroom.

4. Reading, writing, spelling, grammar, composition and penmanship are essential for proper communication, and this is where the focus should be for "English" (rather than "Language Arts"). Even adults have atrocious spelling and grammar today. Some don't even know what a paragraph is supposed to do.

5. The teaching of mathematics needs to be totally revised so that business math, tax calculations, statistics and financial mathematics are the main focus. Business management skills should also be included. [Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Trignometry should be for only those who want to study higher Mathematics (probably very few).]

6. A second language (either Spanish or French) should be taught at the same time.

7. History and Geography should be taught as specific subjects rather than "Social Studies", and the morality of historic personages should also be investigated. History should also be more accurate since too many false ideas are included.

8. Today students need some form of "Political Education" so that they understand the differences between various ideologies, and the need for Constitutions and the rule of law. Many young people are engaging in rank lawlessness because of how the politicians are setting them up.

9. A trade (or skill) should be taught from ages 12-17 and the students should choose the trade or skill for which they are best suited.

9. Skill in computer usage is almost an essential, so keyboarding should be included in the curriculum.

10. Teachers unions should be completely abolished. Teachers are not blue collar workers who need unions to fend for them. Teachers unions are now actually weapons against parents and students.

11. By the time a student graduates from High School he or she should be able to find gainful employment or become self-employed as a solid citizen.

12. College and university should NOT be the goal of the majority of students. Rather a trade or skill should be the primary objective. Colleges and universities have become breeding grounds for radicalism, Communism, Marxism, and Anarchism and should be avoided altogether.

All of this will sound radical to a lot of people, but it is really common sense.
Four hours a day . with the hour being spent in the bible and in prayer and teaching those kids about the LORD .
that is the only part you left out .
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
You cannot homeschool when you work full time.
If several parents (moms and dads) got together, surely there would be some moms who stay at home, and some dads who work shifts. They could work out a schedule for only 2-3 hours of home school per day, and rotate on the basis of availability. One does not need any more time than that. My wife and I homeschool our grandsons about 2 hours per day (and their parents do another hour or so). And they are well ahead of their peers.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
If several parents (moms and dads) got together, surely there would be some moms who stay at home, and some dads who work shifts. They could work out a schedule for only 2-3 hours of home school per day, and rotate on the basis of availability. One does not need any more time than that. My wife and I homeschool our grandsons about 2 hours per day (and their parents do another hour or so). And they are well ahead of their peers.

My step-father works and he works ten hour days and at 69 years old my mother is showing signs of progressing dementia. So, grandparents are out. What would those other parents do with the rest of the time then? Rotation wouldn't work for me. Someone would have to keep them at least eight hours a day. So, that means having to pay them to babysit.

As I said. Homeschooling doesn't work for me. It doesn't work for all people.

I am involved in my kid's schooling as much as I can be. I do virtual or phone meetings with their teachers. I work on their homework with them and see if they need any other help in school. I am not a passive parent in their schooling at all.

So, maybe not all situations with public schools are as dire as you think. I have even asked if they have heard of anything related to lgbtq or anything related to two mommies or two daddies at school and they said no. They are in fourth and second grades. I would assume that they would hear about it more in middle school. At that point I will sit with them and have a discussion.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The whole system is broken -- teachers, teachers' unions, schools, curriculums, health, safety and security, indoctrination, and now plain ATTACKS on children to destroy them mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Demons have taken control, and Christian parents who have children in public schools should remove them immediately and either home school them or place them in proven Christian schools.
My brother in law is a public school teacher all his working life, now 65yo and he is not happy with the whole system at all and he is very depressed about it all. but he can do nothing about the system as the system lords it over all.

Not to mention the system is a Marxist system in the workings for many years that slowly worked to be more dominate year by year, that's called Fabian. so it's much like boiling a frog.
The Nazis system and Russian Communist was not worked the fabian way, slowly boiling the frog ?
The workings of Nazism was a creation of attacks designed to play the people as was Russian Communist, mine you with the help of them owning the Media system it could not of been done.
They were played for fools in fact ! Lead by darkness and not the true Light Christ Jesus ! The same is the workings of the Satanist nowadays love for the darkness in fact, they work to undermine everything and dominate over all just like a mongrel dog.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Maybe the problem is with the teachers. Some don't know the difference between boys and girls. Maybe the teachers need to go back to school.
Teachers don't want to lose their incomes so they dance along with Satan's children.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
It is done this way for higher education. In College and Universities people get to decide their future career. I went to college and studied engineering. But in the end it was a trade school that I went to that I learned my career. There are many trade schools that teach things like the building careers and welding.

I think the problem these days is the liberal indoctrination that happens in schools.

Schools are supposed to teach a base line education for entry level jobs in the market. But I wouldn't want to see a doctor that only finished high school.
In 13 years only someone retarded couldn't learn to be expert in something and make a very decent living.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Teachers don't want to lose their incomes so they play along with Satan.
And that is where we draw the line .
I used to work in the public too . In the end they grew long weary with me . Telling me i could no longer bring the bible to work
Later they told me to stop witnessing to folks . Didnt work .
Later the manager told me a few day before halloween that if i did not dress up SHE would not let the store dress up .
I refused . The day before she caved in , GUESS she knew she could get in trouble for trying to force me to do something .
BUT MY POINT IS , I had sooner quit a job than to sell out . PEROID .
THIS IS OUR CHOICE . WE can either choose to live for GOD , or we can live for satan . BUT YE CANT DO BOTH .
AND that is A FACT most christains no longer believe . EITHER we stand for the truth and live it , OR prepare to hear
I NEVER KNEW YOU . THe worst place to be is IN THE MIDDLE , LUKEWARM .
Fear not man , fear not loss , GOD IS WITH US . EVEN IF WE LOSE our jobs , STILL HE IS WITH US .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I step-father works and he works ten hour days and at 69 years old my mother is showing signs of progressing dementia. So, grandparents are out. What would those other parents do with the rest of the time then? Rotation wouldn't work for me. Someone would have to keep them at least eight hours a day. So, that means having to pay them to babysit.

As I said. Homeschooling doesn't work for me. It doesn't work for all people.

I am involved in my kid's schooling as much as I can be. I do virtual or phone meetings with their teachers. I work on their homework with them and see if they need any other help in school. I am not a passive parent in their schooling at all.

So, maybe not all situations with public schools are as dire as you think. I have even asked if they have heard of anything related to lgbtq or anything related to two mommies or two daddies at school and they said no. They are in fourth and second grades. I would assume that they would hear about it more in middle school. At that point I will sit with them and have a discussion.
You better go ahead and have that discussion now . You would not believe what is going on IN some places .
They decieve children and tell children to keep this a secrete cause their own parents would not understand . THEY KNOW how to trick you kids .
YOU need to tell those children its wrong and that marriage is between one man and one woman .
You have no need to discuss sex stuff . BUT DO tell them that marriage is between one man and one woman
and HOW GOD made you is what you are and that we cannot decide one day what sex we are . TELL them that at least .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I step-father works and he works ten hour days and at 69 years old my mother is showing signs of progressing dementia. So, grandparents are out. What would those other parents do with the rest of the time then? Rotation wouldn't work for me. Someone would have to keep them at least eight hours a day. So, that means having to pay them to babysit.

As I said. Homeschooling doesn't work for me. It doesn't work for all people.

I am involved in my kid's schooling as much as I can be. I do virtual or phone meetings with their teachers. I work on their homework with them and see if they need any other help in school. I am not a passive parent in their schooling at all.

So, maybe not all situations with public schools are as dire as you think. I have even asked if they have heard of anything related to lgbtq or anything related to two mommies or two daddies at school and they said no. They are in fourth and second grades. I would assume that they would hear about it more in middle school. At that point I will sit with them and have a discussion.
They got drag queens showing up at pre schools and schools . AND THEY DONT tell the parents squat .
This is a fact . I am not saying that all schools do that . BUT YOU never know . SO tell those kids now what is right and what is wrong .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
If several parents (moms and dads) got together, surely there would be some moms who stay at home, and some dads who work shifts. They could work out a schedule for only 2-3 hours of home school per day, and rotate on the basis of availability. One does not need any more time than that. My wife and I homeschool our grandsons about 2 hours per day (and their parents do another hour or so). And they are well ahead of their peers.
The truth is , IF folks could only learn what godliness with contentment meant
they would not be working so hard to have all those pleasures in life and one could STAY at HOME and raise the kids .
THE LOVE of the WORLD and the pleasures of life has choked many . Folks keep working for bigger houses
better cars , better an faster computers and tvs and etc . YET if we know the LOVE OF GOD we could have been content in a cave
and had all joy even on the run . TIME TO PREACH JESUS and TIME TO FLEE most these churches and false leaders
who have choked the WORD right out of churches . ENOCH i know of folks who have no choice but to live day by day
they have very little , YET THEY HAVE ALL THE JOY AND PEACE THEY NEED IN THE LORD . AND THEY sure do spend the time
raising up their children in the way THEY SHOULD GO. JESUS IS THE WAY and THUS HIS EVERY WORD IS OUR MEAT .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Folks doing all to ensure a good retirement in a world that will not endure .
my vacation , my retirment , THAT COMETH WHEN I AM FINALLY WITH THE KING .
Folks all worried about this or that . All worried about finicial means and gains .
AND YET i tell us all they know nothing of the ABUNDANT LIFE .
They think IF i had but this or that life would be easier , better
they think if i had but this or that things would be much better .
WELL I GOT JESUS , I GOT ALL I NEED no matter what cometh against me . MY HOPE is not in this world
and my trust is not in the things of this world . AND Though GOD may bless one with abundance
ITS MEANT FOR ONE THING . TO GIVE and to share with those who lack , KNOWING WE HAVE A FAR better and enduring substance in heaven .
MOST have no clue what i speak about . BUT GOD is full of mercy and full of compassion and the answer is , COME TO CHRIST AND LEARN
those BIBLES WELL . AND YE shall have the abundant life , NO MATTER IF YE LACKED ALL and were on the run
YE could sing in prison as even paul and silas did . FOR JESUS IS OUR HOPE and the HOME WE long for and await
IS WITH HIM . FEAST ON THAT and may it give great joy to the souls of all .
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Folks doing all to ensure a good retirement in a world that will not endure .
my vacation , my retirment , THAT COMETH WHEN I AM FINALLY WITH THE KING .
Folks all worried about this or that . All worried about finicial means and gains .
AND YET i tell us all they know nothing of the ABUNDANT LIFE .
They think IF i had but this or that life would be easier , better
they think if i had but this or that things would be much better .
WELL I GOT JESUS , I GOT ALL I NEED no matter what cometh against me . MY HOPE is not in this world
and my trust is not in the things of this world . AND Though GOD may bless one with abundance
ITS MEANT FOR ONE THING . TO GIVE and to share with those who lack , KNOWING WE HAVE A FAR better and enduring substance in heaven .
MOST have no clue what i speak about . BUT GOD is full of mercy and full of compassion and the answer is , COME TO CHRIST AND LEARN
those BIBLES WELL . AND YE shall have the abundant life , NO MATTER IF YE LACKED ALL and were on the run
YE could sing in prison as even paul and silas did . FOR JESUS IS OUR HOPE and the HOME WE long for and await
IS WITH HIM . FEAST ON THAT and may it give great joy to the souls of all .

When I speak of work I speak of work for the essentials and maybe some extras. We go see my kids in Upstate, NY. We have Disney Annual Passes as that is mine and my fiancé's favorite place to go for entertainment.

That is literally it. Everything else is for what we need.

Everyone needs some down time to recharge, Disney is our down time.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
And that is where we draw the line .
I used to work in the public too . In the end they grew long weary with me . Telling me i could no longer bring the bible to work
Later they told me to stop witnessing to folks . Didnt work .
Later the manager told me a few day before halloween that if i did not dress up SHE would not let the store dress up .
I refused . The day before she caved in , GUESS she knew she could get in trouble for trying to force me to do something .
BUT MY POINT IS , I had sooner quit a job than to sell out . PEROID .
THIS IS OUR CHOICE . WE can either choose to live for GOD , or we can live for satan . BUT YE CANT DO BOTH .
AND that is A FACT most christains no longer believe . EITHER we stand for the truth and live it , OR prepare to hear
I NEVER KNEW YOU . THe worst place to be is IN THE MIDDLE , LUKEWARM .
Fear not man , fear not loss , GOD IS WITH US . EVEN IF WE LOSE our jobs , STILL HE IS WITH US .
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