This really grabbed me today!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
You guys seem to have an "excuse" for so many verses...not the right version, they changed this or that...blah blah blah.
You seem to be an intelligent woman, and you are very faithful to the JW's. I know you think that the Arc angel, Michael was, is Jesus...God NEVER called an angel His son. You are too swift for me and I won't take you on.

You say JW are making excuses for so many verses, or that it's not the right version of the scriptures. It's not only JW that say certain things have been added to the scriptures or certain version of the scriptures have translated certain scriptures differently from many other versions of the scriptures. This, what you're talking about, has been going on for centuries. Stop trying to make out this has only started up in our day. Plus all I hear from people is complaints concerning JW. These who are complaining have offered to scriptural proof that any Scripture said Jesus Christ is God or where Jesus Christ said he was God. All I've seen people do is take scriptures out of context to prove their belief. Anybody can take any scripture out of context to prove anything they want, which is why I'm against taking scripture out of context. I don't let anyone's interpretation of a scripture influence me to believe what a group of people are saying is true. When Peter said you are the Christ the son of the living God when Jesus ask his disciples who they believed he was, that what Peter said is what I believe, not anybody's interpretation of that scripture. When Jesus Christ himself says after his resurrection that he has a Father and God who is his apostles and disciples Father and God that's what I believe not somebody's interpretation of that scripture etc.

The name of this Michael appears only five times in the Bible. The glorious spirit person who bears this name is referred to as “one of the chief princes,” “the great prince who has charge of Daniel’s people,” and as “the archangel.” (Daniel 10:13; 12:1; Jude 9) Michael means “Who Is Like God?” The name evidently designates Michael as the one who takes the lead in upholding Jehovah’s sovereignty and destroying God’s enemies.

At 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the command of Jesus Christ for the resurrection to begin is described as “the archangel’s call,” and Jude 9 says that the archangel is Michael. The question should be asked, "Would it be appropriate to liken Jesus’ commanding call to that of someone lesser in authority?" I believe it to be reasonable that the archangel Michael is Jesus Christ. Also, what i find nteresting is the expression “archangel” is never found in the plural in the scriptures, implying that there is only one.

Revelation 12:7-12 says that Michael and his angels would war against Satan and hurl him and his wicked angels out of heaven in connection with the conferring of kingly authority on Christ. Jesus is later depicted as leading the armies of heaven in war against the nations of the world. (Rev. 19:11-16) So again I question, "is it not reasonable that Jesus would also be the one to take action against the one he described as “ruler of this world,” Satan the Devil? (John 12:31)
Daniel 12:1 associates the ‘standing up of Michael’ to act with authority with “a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time.” That would certainly fit the experience of the nations when Christ as heavenly executioner takes action against them. So the evidence that is in the scriptures indicates that the Son of God was known as Michael before he came to earth and is known also by that name since his return to heaven where he resides as the glorified spirit Son of God. It's not unreasonable that the scriptures refer to a person with more than one name in the scriptures. So the son of God having another name such as Michael isn't unreasonable to me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
John 5:18
"Because of this, the Jews tried all the harder to kill Him. Not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God."

-The Jews sure understood that one, yes??

Philippians 2:6
"who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,"

This seems to be saying (to me) that, Jesus could have taken on equality with God and had men serve Him when He came. But, He became a servant TO His own creation.

Sry SBG, this touches a bit o the trinity but, it gets the point across :)
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."
1 John 5:7

You don’t have to apologize to me sis. The trinity is not some soul killing doctrine. I think it’s untenable but I don’t rail against it. That Jesus is not God, now that I’ll do some railing against.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2020
I find it ludicrous when someone asks "HOW" God can do something. Is there anything He cannot do?

Not everyone believes God is "almighty". Or if they proclaim God is almighty, there is still a limit to His power and what He is capable of doing. I guess this all depends on one's faith in God.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You guys seem to have an "excuse" for so many verses...not the right version, they changed this or that...blah blah blah.
You seem to be an intelligent woman, and you are very faithful to the JW's. I know you think that the Arc angel, Michael was, is Jesus...God NEVER called an angel His son. You are too swift for me and I won't take you on.
I find lengthy and convoluted arguements, and I find simplicity in Scripture. The Jews Jesus spoke to know full well what He was saying, and murdered Him because they refused to believe Him. That's the simplicity side. You already know the convoluted side! Well, you already know both!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Isaiah 9.:6 ( context 4-7 )
V6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a SON is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, THE MIGHTY GOD, the everlasting FATHER, the prince of peace.
This was the prophesied promise made to the Jews that God would break the yoke and rod of the oppressor. This was their victory of promise, but they refused to acknowledgem him as their Messiah.

In perusing scriptures, I can see why many DO NOT believe in God the Father, God the Son,Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, especially those of whom have ONLY been taught by man and NOT the Spirit, whom is OUR teacher.

However to deny his deity is a first step of being cast out and denied by Jesus to the Father !
Ep.2:13 ( context 11-14 )
But NOW in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes FAR OFF are made NIGH BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST. How can one state they follow Jesus and deny he is God, for it is BY HIS BLOOD WE ARE SAVED. It is the divine deity of Jesus that makes His blood able to bring us before God.

Col.3:1 ( context 1/2 )
If ye being risen WITH CHRIST, seek those things which are ABOVE, WHERE CHRIST SITTETH ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD.
Why would Jesus be seated at the right of of God if he was merely God's son ?
The right hand in any kingdom represents the power and authority of the King. If that is exercised then that makes one the same as a king. Jesus seated on God's right hand give him authority as God .

I will leave it for the Catholics, the SDA, and the Jehovah's Witness to argue, as well as any others whom deny Christ is God.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Isaiah 9.:6 ( context 4-7 )
V6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a SON is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, THE MIGHTY GOD, the everlasting FATHER, the prince of peace.
This was the prophesied promise made to the Jews that God would break the yoke and rod of the oppressor. This was their victory of promise, but they refused to acknowledgem him as their Messiah.

In perusing scriptures, I can see why many DO NOT believe in God the Father, God the Son,Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, especially those of whom have ONLY been taught by man and NOT the Spirit, whom is OUR teacher.

However to deny his deity is a first step of being cast out and denied by Jesus to the Father !
Ep.2:13 ( context 11-14 )
But NOW in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes FAR OFF are made NIGH BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST. How can one state they follow Jesus and deny he is God, for it is BY HIS BLOOD WE ARE SAVED. It is the divine deity of Jesus that makes His blood able to bring us before God.

Col.3:1 ( context 1/2 )
If ye being risen WITH CHRIST, seek those things which are ABOVE, WHERE CHRIST SITTETH ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD.
Why would Jesus be seated at the right of of God if he was merely God's son ?
The right hand in any kingdom represents the power and authority of the King. If that is exercised then that makes one the same as a king. Jesus seated on God's right hand give him authority as God .

I will leave it for the Catholics, the SDA, and the Jehovah's Witness to argue, as well as any others whom deny Chris is God.
The one thing that most churches now have in common is , The attack on the simple truth in that BIBLE .
Due to a well planned out event to organize all religions to become as one with a common mindset and purpose ,
THEY intentionally had to remove ANY kind of recognition that JESUS is GOD in any way . Cause so long as that stands
THE RELIGOINS cannot blend to be as ONE . THAT is why they began transforming our churches YEARS and years ago from within .
THEY planned this all out . THEY have to have all religoins be seen as equals and as just another path to GOD .
FAT LIE that i am gonna stand against no matter the cost .

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You guys seem to have an "excuse" for so many verses...not the right version, they changed this or that...blah blah blah.
Do you know the difference between a reason and an excuse? Don’t mistake one for the other or serious misconceptions can take place.

If you recall, when Jesus walked the earth, the Pharisees (those who led the nation of Israel in worship) were not teaching the people the correct understanding of the word of God. (Matthew 15:7-9) When Jesus began exposing their lies, they accused him of being a heretic and told the people that he was a fake, and this ended up convincing the majority that he was some kind of threat and deserving of death.

Who did Jesus say was the “father” of these men who were misleading God’s nation to commit the most despicable miscarriage of justice ever carried out in man’s history....the murder of God’s own son. (John 8:44)

Do you think it is not possible for the devil to repeat what he had already accomplished in the first century? You think he can’t make the truth look like a lie and vice verse? Think again....history repeats because humans are short sighted. They fail to see that the devil has no new tricks...his methods are tried and tested over many generations and thousands of years. Gradually, over time he morphs the lies into acceptance and makes the worship of otherwise sincere people, unacceptable.

When the people were told that Jesus was a phoney and not to listen to him, they were so convinced that they actually cursed themselves and their children with his blood. (Matthew 27:25) How misled would you have to be to do that? Do you think it can’t happen again?

It isn’t the “many” who will be is the “few”. (Matthew 7:13-14) The majority will never have the truth because the devil will make sure of it. Be aware of that, and understand that the “weeds” that Jesus himself warned about, would be planted by satan in the same field as the “wheat”. Will we be able to discern which is which? Are people always able to see through propaganda? The one who rules the world counts on the fact that the majority are like sheep....they will believe whatever they are told if they are taught to trust the source. (1 John 5:19; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4)

Things are not always as they seem......

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You seem to be an intelligent woman, and you are very faithful to the JW's. I know you think that the Arc angel, Michael was, is Jesus...God NEVER called an angel His son. You are too swift for me and I won't take you on.
As THE Archangel, Michael was never just an angel. He is the commander of the angelic forces. Only two personages in scripture are ever said to command the angels.....Micheal and Jesus. Since Jesus is given many names, according to the many roles he plays in the Bible, why can’t he be Michael, who is called “the Great Prince” in Daniel’s prophesies. (Daniel 12:1) His actions on behalf of God’s people are tied in with “the time of the end” and a description of the “great tribulation”....this is when Jesus marshalls his angelic forces to dispense with the those who oppose God’s incoming Kingdom.

Only a thorough study of the Bible will reveal the details necessary to discern the truth. It isn’t about being “swift” is about knowledge of the scriptures. God promised that the necessary knowledge will be available to all in “the time of the end”. (Daniel 12:4) But only those who accept the spiritual cleansing and purifying that God provides at this time, will get the sense of any of it. (Daniel 12:9-10)

We are all in this together as God’s purpose unfolds and he reveals more and more about the times we are living in.....Jesus is about to finally “separate the sheep from the goats” and give each their due reward......where will we find ourselves? (Matthew 7:21-23)
That is the question....


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Isaiah 9.:6 ( context 4-7 )
V6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a SON is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, THE MIGHTY GOD, the everlasting FATHER, the prince of peace.
This was the prophesied promise made to the Jews that God would break the yoke and rod of the oppressor. This was their victory of promise, but they refused to acknowledgem him as their Messiah.

In perusing scriptures, I can see why many DO NOT believe in God the Father, God the Son,Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, especially those of whom have ONLY been taught by man and NOT the Spirit, whom is OUR teacher.

However to deny his deity is a first step of being cast out and denied by Jesus to the Father !
Ep.2:13 ( context 11-14 )
But NOW in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes FAR OFF are made NIGH BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST. How can one state they follow Jesus and deny he is God, for it is BY HIS BLOOD WE ARE SAVED. It is the divine deity of Jesus that makes His blood able to bring us before God.

Col.3:1 ( context 1/2 )
If ye being risen WITH CHRIST, seek those things which are ABOVE, WHERE CHRIST SITTETH ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD.
Why would Jesus be seated at the right of of God if he was merely God's son ?
The right hand in any kingdom represents the power and authority of the King. If that is exercised then that makes one the same as a king. Jesus seated on God's right hand give him authority as God .

I will leave it for the Catholics, the SDA, and the Jehovah's Witness to argue, as well as any others whom deny Christ is God.
@L3astAm0ngManyB13ss3d God in thee Persons is clear and basic in Scripture


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Since Jesus is given many names, according to the many roles he plays in the Bible, why can’t he be Michael, who is called “the Great Prince” in Daniel’s prophesies.
For the simple reason that Michael is a CREATED BEING and Jesus is the CREATOR. But you don't believe that therefore you will remain in your delusions.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The one thing that most churches now have in common is , The attack on the simple truth in that BIBLE .
Due to a well planned out event to organize all religions to become as one with a common mindset and purpose ,
THEY intentionally had to remove ANY kind of recognition that JESUS is GOD in any way.
Stand back and see that the majority of churches of whatever denomination, hold the trinity, immortality of the soul, and hellfire in common.... They are already united in these core doctrines which were all added later. None of them originated from Jesus or scripture.

Cause so long as that stands
THE RELIGOINS cannot blend to be as ONE .
In the core doctrines of Christendom...they are already "ONE" how easy is it to manipulate those who already hold lies as truth?
Who was going to sow the seeds of counterfeit Christianity in the world of mankind? (Matthew 13:24-30) They were not sown recently.

THAT is why they began transforming our churches YEARS and years ago from within .
THEY planned this all out . THEY have to have all religions be seen as equals and as just another path to GOD .
FAT LIE that i am gonna stand against no matter the cost .
You have to know the truth in order to rail against the lies.....the devil has spread his counterfeit, imitation "Christianity" which he has manipulated for centuries.....are you yourselves part of HIS plan?

Sister NANCY WAS RIGHT . Folks stop reading the bible through your watchtowers or etc .
Just learn that bible for yourselves .
We were never to learn the Bible for ourselves because that is the main cause of division....."I think"...has no place in Bible study. Nor does cherry picking verses out of context to "prove" what the Bible does not say. There are no 'stand alone' Christians. We must be part of a brotherhood who all believe the same things. (1 Corinthians 1:10; Hebrews 10:24-25)

Jesus said that he would appoint a "faithful and wise slave" in this time of the end to "feed" his fellow slaves their "food at the proper time". (Matthew 24:45) This is not physical food but spiritual food, and it must come from the right table, or we will be feeding at the only other table there is.....(1 Corinthians 10:21)

The "Faithful Slave" exists, and we receive the food he serves "at the proper time" so that all in Christ's household of fellow slaves will all eat the same spiritual food together, uniting them, no matter where they live in the world......and these will be fulfilling the "great commission". (Matthew 28:190-20)
When it comes to doing that all important preaching of the "good news of God's Kingdom", (Matthew 24:14) almost all of Christendom's churches are MIA. Jesus said he would back this who is doing it in every nation on earth?

The counterfeit set up by the devil looks authentic enough to many people, but it's food is laced with spiritual poison. If you don't identify the appointed slave and feed on what he is serving, you will never, on your own, arrive at the truth.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
In perusing scriptures, I can see why many DO NOT believe in God the Father, God the Son,Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit
In perusing the scriptures, did you happen to notice that there is "one God the Father" (1 Corinthians 8:5-6) but I will assure you that not once in any passage of scripture will you find "God the Son" or "God the holy spirit"....because that is three "gods" and the Bible never mentions them.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
As THE Archangel, Michael was never just an angel. He is the commander of the angelic forces. Only two personages in scripture are ever said to command the angels.....Micheal and Jesus. Since Jesus is given many names, according to the many roles he plays in the Bible, why can’t he be Michael, who is called “the Great Prince” in Daniel’s prophesies. (Daniel 12:1) His actions on behalf of God’s people are tied in with “the time of the end” and a description of the “great tribulation”....this is when Jesus marshalls his angelic forces to dispense with the those who oppose God’s incoming Kingdom.

Only a thorough study of the Bible will reveal the details necessary to discern the truth. It isn’t about being “swift” is about knowledge of the scriptures. God promised that the necessary knowledge will be available to all in “the time of the end”. (Daniel 12:4) But only those who accept the spiritual cleansing and purifying that God provides at this time, will get the sense of any of it. (Daniel 12:9-10)

We are all in this together as God’s purpose unfolds and he reveals more and more about the times we are living in.....Jesus is about to finally “separate the sheep from the goats” and give each their due reward......where will we find ourselves? (Matthew 7:21-23)
That is the question....

"For unto which of the angels said God at any time, “Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee”? And again, “I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to Me a Son”? Heb. 1:5

Cherubim, Seraphim, Archangels are STILL ANGELS o_O


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Not everyone believes God is "almighty". Or if they proclaim God is almighty, there is still a limit to His power and what He is capable of doing. I guess this all depends on one's faith in God.
I suppose it does depend on ones faith, my bible say's "nothing is impossible for Him" so to me, even just that one verse say's it all. He can stop the sun! He placed EVERY star in the sky and named them all, He holds the universe together. I see no deficit in Him at all, no "thing" He cannot do. "He is perfect in ALL His ways"...we serve a perfect God in ALL ways. Of course it is your option to believe that or not, don't think it is a salvation issue.
Welcome to CB, BTW!
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