Two Questions About The Temple

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You assume too much sir. Blinded by your hatred of Roman Catholics, you have made assertions that are unBiblical and unworthy of your cerebral capacity, which is sufficient to seek the truth if you wish it.

Unfortunately this post, like so many erects a monument to its own bias and then uses scripture as peripheral support. Scripture is not used as a tool to seek truth, but as a supporting argument for bigotry. So it was in Jesus' day and so it continues to the present time.

In the book of Exodus, God directed Moses in the construction of the desert tabernacle. The form and basic design of it was a pattern for the three heavens spoken of in later portions of Holy Writ. It was a holy place to be constructed by the Hebrews at the direction and design God intended. Later, during the reign of Solomon (books of the Kings) the first temple was built in Jerusalem. It followed the same pattern. In the days of Herod, the second temple was completed and polished (its refurbishment having begun generations before when the Jews returned from Babylon).

Today Jews often refer to the modern state of Israel as the third temple, even though the structure of geography, government and industry do not coincide with the Biblical standard - the Jewish standard.

According to the Bible there is virtually NO difference between 'spiritual' and 'physical' existence. They are all a part of the whole as created by Almighty God. The design of the tabernacle and temple illustrate the form, limitations and functions of each. There are barriers and properties of each that differ from one another, but they are all part of the whole. What man would deny the impact of God upon his life? What man would deny that spiritual regeneration does not also profit the physical body and its journey through life? Is not one thing part of the other? Can a man take a sword and divide himself as though by edict of Solomon and give one side to the world and the other side to the spirit? No, he cannot. All of it belongs to God.

Divisions are a tool of theologians, philosophers and scientists for understanding. It is not the way things are made. To confuse an academic device for reality is to flirt with heresy and error in truth.

As for rants against the Roman Catholic church, I can only share what one wise back woods preacher once said to me.

"God is able to pluck His own geese."

In other words, don't worry about it. It's God's business after all, isn't it? Are we not called to pray for our brothers and sisters? Or are we called to preach hate and lies against them. Let the reader judge for himself, but let him judge wisely.

and that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
Do not accuse me of hatred again, sir/ma'am, for I will not tolerate it and straightway report you. I hate false doctrine, not the people who teach it and harm others by it.

That said, the "confusion" to which you refer accurately describes your conclusions. You, like so many, have been duped into believing in the significance of a third temple, which sacrifices therein would be an official "middle finger" in the face of Jesus, and would never be the "Temple of God" in the sight of Him. For what purpose would such a temple serve, seeing that the True High Priest to which the earthly priests pointed is presently officiating in the True Tabernacle in heaven, to which the earthly tabernacles pointed, and will return to earth only when He removes His High Priestly robes and adorns His Kingly robes to forever reign as such?

If you choose to believe that an institution which has failed to gain a proper position on every single Bible doctrine, including the most fundamental of all -salvation by grace through faith alone - has somehow been able to gain a correct understanding on prophecy when it is known that the Jesuit Ribera developed your Futurist ideas by approaching the Bible, not to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit, but to have confirmed his decision to reject those of the Reformers, fine (I marvel that you overlook this most monumental fact as you accuse another of erecting "monuments to his own bias"). But, to dismiss what learned, scholarly Protestant men, who loved truth to the point that many were ready to die and did die for it, taught exclusively for over 300 years as "unBiblical" when these same measured their prayer time in hours/day, and embrace Jesuit errors which are championed by men today who measure their prayer time in literal minutes/day is astonishing to me.

BTW, Leviticus 19:17 KJV says our failure to rebuke our brothers is the evidence that we hate them, no matter how much we pray for them, but I expect you were ignorant of that truth, as well.


StanJ said:
Revelation is for the church, the real church, which is the Body of Christ. Nowhere are we instructed to bring condemnation to ANY group. Condemnation is God's to give, and His alone. If you want to debate those in the RCC then go to an RCC forum and debate them. There is no warning there unless you infer it into that text. It is a Revelation of Jesus Christ about what will happen. Unless you can show a proper understanding of Revelation, your opinion is NOT acceptable Biblically.
First, you presented a straw man argument claiming I was 'hating Catholics'. That rebbuted, now you present another in that I am 'condemning others'. I agree, that hating iondividuals and condemning others would be reprehensible. However, there is nothing in scripture that comes close to forbiding anyone from condemning an institution or organisation made by man. You asked for a proper understanding of Revelation. The following I think, although long, does in some respects compliment the OP, and touches on some things that todays deceived professed Christians need to know.

Isa 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, that didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; and I will also sit upon the mount of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;

I will be like the Most High.

Here we have a revelation into the heart and mind of Satan. We are here given insight into his most cherished ambition, to be like God, therefore to receive the worship, adoration and fidelity of his subjects. If anyone has doubt as to whether Satan still cherishes this particular ambition, one need look no further than the temptation of Christ in order to confirm this. Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth and their glory, if only Jesus would fall down and worship him. Imagine, the Creator worshiping His creation!!! Although Satan failed in that particular exercise, he has not failed when it comes to enticing man to worship him. I am not speaking here of those who are involved in the occult, or in Satanic rites. No, no. I am speaking of people who consider themselves Christians, those who sincerely believe and are convinced they are worshiping God. Allow me to explain.

Satan can not enter the church of course and introduce himself and make a polite request that the congregation worship him. He knows that will not work; we know that will not work; such an attempt would be met with a less than favorable response. Therefore, in order to gain the advantage over those who believe in God, he must use deception. The apostle Paul alluded to this very thing when he wrote:

2 Thess. 2:3-10. Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that when I was with you, I told you of these things? And now ye know what with-holdeth, that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work; only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming....

Reading to this point, one might think that Satan has competition. Someone else vying for the adoration of man. But let us read further;
….. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

“Whose coming is after the working of Satan!!?” Not competition, but his own child! Here is Satan’s baby. Here is that creation of his which enters the church and in his place accepts man’s worship by proclaiming himself God, but it is in fact Satan who receives the ultimate glory.

Satan could not himself enter the church, but he could very easily use someone else to do that for him, and through him, receive the worship he desires. By misrepresenting God, and introducing a counterfeit God and a counterfeit religion to worship that God, Satan has deceived millions. Allow me to make a point regarding deception, using counterfeit money as an example. People are not deceived into believing that it is acceptable in the eyes of the authorities to use counterfeit money. The deception operates by way of blinding the people that it is a counterfeit. It is fake, but they believe it to be real. It is the same with religion. Satan would deceive very few into thinking that it is acceptable to God for man to worship Satan. But he has had resounding success in deceiving many into thinking they are worshiping God, when in fact they are worshiping Satan.

How does this work? Jesus explained it very clearly throughout His ministry, warning us repeatedly of false Christs and false prophets. Important to notice that if there be a false Christ then his followers must be false Christians. The expression ‘Antichrist’ means that precisely; “one who stands in the place of Christ”. Therefore the followers of Antichrist must also be professing Christians, the Antichrist being the counterfeit of the true Christ, and his followers deceived into believing they are worshiping the true.

Jesus alluded to this very thing here; Matt. 15:9. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching for commandments the doctrines of men.

Notice here that Jesus was not saying these people were not worshiping, they were just not worshiping Him!

Most would be also familiar with the following; Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto Me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.(lawlessness).

Now if Jesus didn’t know them, it would be fairly safe to conclude that they didn’t know Him. Even though they would have sworn black and blue that He was their best friend!! They were doing all manner of religious stuff, including one would presume worship, but it certainly wasn’t Jesus they were worshiping, even though they believed it was, and when they came face to face with Him, called Him Lord!!!!

So who was it they were worshiping? Let us look at Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey…

According to this text, we are servants to whoever we obey. Regardless of our profession, it is in our acts that we define who we worship. As Jesus said, in vain do they worship Him, when they obey the commandments of men which override the commandments and doctrines of God. And later, as we just saw, only those who do the will of the Father will be entering the kingdom of heaven. How eternally important is doctrine! How essential it is to understand truth!!! How critical it is that we be absolutely assured that what teachings we follow are based on sound Biblical truth rather than the teachings, interpretations, or traditions of man.

Doctrine is an integral part of worship. Jesus is here telling us that the creator of the doctrine is the object of our worship, regardless of the intent, sincere or otherwise, of the worshiper. It is through false doctrine that Satan has deceived millions into believing they are worshiping God when in fact they are worshiping him. It is through false teaching- doctrines that are the invention of Satan and taught by man, that Satan has established his counterfeit God, and his counterfeit religion of worshiping that god.

The book of Revelation reveals this to us clearly.

The true things of God have Satanic counterparts. There is a false trinity; the dragon, sea-beast (Antichrist) and false prophet. This false trinity has a false message (Revel 16:13) – a counterfeit of the true 3 angels messages of Revel. 14:6-12. The false trinity is associated with a false city, Babylon. This city, like the New Jerusalem, has a river, and is called ‘great’. (18:10). The Antichrist himself is a counterfeit Christ. Jesus proclaimed His threefold ministry in Matthew 12:6,41,42. He proclaimed Himself as the ultimate Priest, Prophet, and King, and rightly so. However, there is an entity living upon the earth as we speak who also claims, falsely, these very same prerogatives, and claims them to be his universal right. By claiming to be the sole arbiter and interpreter of scripture, by claiming the power to forgive sin, by claiming universal authority in religious matters, (thus subverting Christ’s ministry of High priest): by claiming the power to change God’s times and laws,and claiming the sole right to speak upon the earth as God’s representative, and claiming the right to judge who does or does not enter the kingdom of God, (thus subverting role as Prophet): by claiming the right and seeking secular authority over all the earth,(thus subverting Christ’s role as King) the Catholic Church has indeed “opposed and exalted himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he as God sits in the temple of God, (the church), showing himself that he is God.”

The messages themselves also have parallels. Both the true and the false are designed to gather people together to their makers; the false to Satan,(Revel. 16:14), the true to Jesus (Revel. 14:7). Both are also designed to go to all mankind (Revel 14:6; 16:14.) It is no coincidence that the true message, that of Revel. 14:6-12, is focused on worshiping God, the Creator of all things. Right throughout the book of Revelation, we are confronted by worship. In particular we see in Rev. 13 several references to the deceptive practices of the Antichrist and the false prophet, through whom Satan deceives the whole world, resulting in false worship. In contrast, the true worshipers are described as those who keep God’s commandments. (Revel. 12: 17; 14:12.) See how neatly all this falls in with Jesus declaration that those who enter heaven must be obeying God, doing the will of the Father. Elsewhere Jesus said “If ye love Me, keep My commandments.”

With this in mind, and remembering Romans 6:16, the big question is, and the one we must all ask ourselves if we are to have any assurance of eternal life, is, whose commandments are they which I am surrendered to? Who am I obeying? Many hold the word of God as the authority in religious matters. Others, a combination of scripture and tradition, and others, the church. Many churches today don’t even teach doctrine any more, as they think because it tends to divide, then they must avoid it. Many mega churches have been built on this premise. If they don’t study doctrine however how can they discern the real from the false? Doctrine matters. Our eternal destiny hinges on our correct understanding of Biblical truth. Of course the RCC teaches that they have the inherent right to decide what true doctrine is and what is false, by referring to the traditions handed down from the church fathers. Those traditions however, Sunday sacredness being the prime example, are in direct contradiction to the revealed word of God as shown in scripture. The RCC themselves readily admit that there is no Biblical foundation for Sunday sacredness, claiming that because the early church fathers were the ones who changed the day and said change accepted by the majority, Protestants included, therefore the authority of the RCC has been established in the minds and hearts of those obeying that particular doctrine. And it isn't the only one. Many other traditions handed down from antiquity but having no basis in scripture, are accepted blindly by many.

Truth is progressive. It builds on foundations already established, but nowhere must it contradict what God has previously been pleased to reveal to His people through His word. An example of one surrendering to false teaching and suffering as a result is found in 1 Kings 13:1-34. Believing the lie brought to him by a false prophet did not excuse the unnamed man of God from Judea for his disobedience.

The teachings of churches, ecclesiastical institutions such as seminaries and Bible colleges, or church councils be they great or small, are valid only in as much as they agree with scripture. All else is vain.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Sorry brakelite, but your post is not only onerous, it doesn't even bother to cite the author, and pretty much fails to address the issue I brought up.
I'm not here to debate unknown authors. What I DID was address what I read by you. The onus is on you to ensure your posts are clear on intent.
The OP is about the Temple of the OT, and despite the OPs inability to own his own words, I see no reason to broaden this into your obviously pet peeve.
Speaking against false teaching is of course our responsibility, but speak against the actual teaching or teacher, not against an institution. Those are all over the place and are just as prevalent in Protestantism as they are in the RCC.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
StanJ said:
Sorry brakelite, but your post is not only onerous, it doesn't even bother to cite the author, and pretty much fails to address the issue I brought up.
I'm not here to debate unknown authors. What I DID was address what I read by you. The onus is on you to ensure your posts are clear on intent.
The OP is about the Temple of the OT, and despite the OPs inability to own his own words, I see no reason to broaden this into your obviously pet peeve.
Speaking against false teaching is of course our responsibility, but speak against the actual teaching or teacher, not against an institution. Those are all over the place and are just as prevalent in Protestantism as they are in the RCC.
Not sure what you mean by my "failure to own my words".
As for condemnation, teachings are what define an institution, do they not? Is it possible to speak against a teaching that claims a certain church leader is "God on earth...Jesus Christ hidden under the veil of flesh" while simultaneously singing the praises of the institution to which that teaching belongs?

Condemnation of erring individuals like the Pope is forbidden because we can't tell if he's a Caiaphas or an Aaron. But failure to condemn sin and false doctrine or the institutions who author and disseminate them is a violation of the Old Testament (Leviticus 19:17 KJV) and the New Testament (Ephesians 5:11 KJV).


StanJ said:
Sorry brakelite, but your post is not only onerous, it doesn't even bother to cite the author, and pretty much fails to address the issue I brought up.
I'm not here to debate unknown authors. What I DID was address what I read by you. The onus is on you to ensure your posts are clear on intent.
The OP is about the Temple of the OT, and despite the OPs inability to own his own words, I see no reason to broaden this into your obviously pet peeve.
Speaking against false teaching is of course our responsibility, but speak against the actual teaching or teacher, not against an institution. Those are all over the place and are just as prevalent in Protestantism as they are in the RCC.
Sorry you found it so hard to read and understand. Sorry also for being so remiss in not citing the original author. Here is a link to the original article.... here is a link revealing the authors identity....

Reducing teaching which reveals the antichrist to the level of someone's "pet peeve" is insulting to God. There is more written in scripture describing and identifying the antichrist than any other character apart maybe from Abraham, and of course Jesus. God went to great lengths to include in scripture at least 10 identifying characteristics which plainly and clearly reveal just one entity. No-one in the history of the church since Daniel has come close to fulfilling every critieria, except the papacy. Therefore if its important to God that we know who antichrist is then its important to me.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
brakelite said:
Sorry you found it so hard to read and understand. Sorry also for being so remiss in not citing the original author. Here is a link to the original article.... here is a link revealing the authors identity....

Reducing teaching which reveals the antichrist to the level of someone's "pet peeve" is insulting to God. There is more written in scripture describing and identifying the antichrist than any other character apart maybe from Abraham, and of course Jesus. God went to great lengths to include in scripture at least 10 identifying characteristics which plainly and clearly reveal just one entity. No-one in the history of the church since Daniel has come close to fulfilling every critieria, except the papacy. Therefore if its important to God that we know who antichrist is then its important to me.
Thanks, but I didn't ask you to be facetious.

I agree that it is important to God that we know the difference between false teaching and His teaching. Rev 1:1-3 is very clear as to why Jesus gave John His FINAL Revelation. It is the ONLY book in the Bible where we are promised a Blessing as we read it. We are NOT instructed to use it as an ammunition dump for our own personal biases against denominations.
Bottom line is denoms do not have feelings and cannot take instruction, so the only people that are hurt by your type of vitriolic rhetoric, are the actual people.
That may be important to you but it is more important to Jesus that we get along as believers, not point out our differences. Defending ones own faith is not the same as publically castigating a defined group of believers.


StanJ said:
Thanks, but I didn't ask you to be facetious.

I agree that it is important to God that we know the difference between false teaching and His teaching. Rev 1:1-3 is very clear as to why Jesus gave John His FINAL Revelation. It is the ONLY book in the Bible where we are promised a Blessing as we read it. We are NOT instructed to use it as an ammunition dump for our own personal biases against denominations.
Bottom line is denoms do not have feelings and cannot take instruction, so the only people that are hurt by your type of vitriolic rhetoric, are the actual people.
That may be important to you but it is more important to Jesus that we get along as believers, not point out our differences. Defending ones own faith is not the same as publically castigating a defined group of believers.
On what grounds do you classify the Roman Catholic Church a Christian denomination?


StanJ said:
On the grounds that their SoF is the following;
Mmmm, okay, that's the official statement, and a very short summary of belief, one must remember however that on top of all that is a great big ugly heap of canon law and doctrine, all of which sublimely negates any truth found n that statement, and of course you and I know that is not all it takes to become a Christian, for the devil believes all that also. As for you....quote....I don't follow the teachings of the RCC and have not even when I was one. I was saved OUT of the ummm, if the RCC is Christian because of her statement of faith, and you disagree with her teachings, what then do you classify yourself as? Or am I being too obtuse? My point is, if such a declaration is all that is required to create a Christian institution or individual, then why would you diagree with her teachings and leave her in order to live what you believe, I presume, to be a more 'Christian' life? Just seems to me to be a little contradctory to be saved 'out' of a Chistian denomination.

BTW, I also was saved out of the RCC. Unlike you I have no emotional attachment or misgivings. I know why I no longer count myself Roman Catholic, it is because I remain in obedience to God's call to "come out of her My people". Why would God desire so earnestly that His people come out if they are in a "Christian" denomination? Why is it that He is going to judge her for the evils she has unloaded upon mankind if she is a follower of Christ?


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
brakelite said:
Mmmm, okay, that's the official statement, and a very short summary of belief, one must remember however that on top of all that is a great big ugly heap of canon law and doctrine, all of which sublimely negates any truth found n that statement, and of course you and I know that is not all it takes to become a Christian, for the devil believes all that also. As for you....quote....I don't follow the teachings of the RCC and have not even when I was one. I was saved OUT of the ummm, if the RCC is Christian because of her statement of faith, and you disagree with her teachings, what then do you classify yourself as? Or am I being too obtuse? My point is, if such a declaration is all that is required to create a Christian institution or individual, then why would you diagree with her teachings and leave her in order to live what you believe, I presume, to be a more 'Christian' life? Just seems to me to be a little contradctory to be saved 'out' of a Chistian denomination.

BTW, I also was saved out of the RCC. Unlike you I have no emotional attachment or misgivings. I know why I no longer count myself Roman Catholic, it is because I remain in obedience to God's call to "come out of her My people". Why would God desire so earnestly that His people come out if they are in a "Christian" denomination? Why is it that He is going to judge her for the evils she has unloaded upon mankind if she is a follower of Christ?
Most SoFs are short brakelite. We have the Bible to give us all the details. You seem to think Protestant denoms don't have doctrines/dogmas, and you would be wrong. Calvinism and Arminianism separate a great many Protestants, and that is just ONE difference/doctrine. When I was in the RCC, I was NOT a Christian. I was slightly religious. I was saved OUT of it means just that. I was saved and got OUT of the RCC, but my indoctrination enabled me to see what was true and false about the RCC teachings. I didn't throw out the baby with the bath water. Yes I would say you are being obtuse or deliberately evasive. I'm pretty sure you KNOW the difference. What it takes to be a Christian is very succinct and clearly shown in Rom 10:9-13. A SoF and salvation are NOT the same thing.

You're quoting out of Jeremiah and Revelation here brakelite, and sadly OUT of context. Your POV is that this is God's greatest desire, but in fact it is, in Revelation, something that WILL be. It's prophetic. God's greatest desire is shown in 2 Peter 3:9
Why God judges or doesn't judge anything is not for us to determine or agree with. Our responsibility is to "rightly divide the Word of Truth", and not make fallacious statements.


Stan, it seems we are going round in circles playing a game of one-upmanship and forgetting the topic at hand. The OP was about the two temples...which one would the antichrist rule from? A literal building in Jerusalem, or the church. My response was to show, from another perspective, that Phoneman's proposal was correct, that a literal temple building would not, could not, fulfill Paul's prophecy as per 2 Thess. The extension to that concept was the actual identification of the 'man of sin', which I sugested could only be the papal church. Why would I say such a thing? For one reason, and one reason only. And this reason you ignored. That is that the papal church has met, to a tee, every single criteria demanded of the prophecy. Not just in 2 Thess, but in Daniel re the 'little horn', and in Revelation in the chapters 12 through to 14. It is in fact the only entity that does fit.
Apart of course unless one invents a system of prophetic interpretation that places the 'man of sin' or the little horn, and the beast of Revelation 13 in the future, and creates a fictional series of books and movies to establish the fairy tale. This the Jesuits began in a highly successful attempt to divert the unerring finger-pointing of the reformers, and which modern day protestantism has swallowed hook, line, sinker, and boat.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
StanJ said:
On the grounds that their SoF is the following;
Statement of faith?
What about these official Roman Catholic Statements of Faith:

"Holy Father"
("Holy and Reverend are HIS names." - Psalm 111:9 KJV)
"Vicar of Christ"
(Vicar = "in place of" Christ = Antichrist)
"We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty"
("For thou being a man makest thyself God." John 10:33 KJV)
"Lord God the Pope"
"The Pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the Vicar of God"
"The Bible AND Sacred Tradition"
("Thus ye have made of none effect the commandment of God by your tradition...In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matthew 15:6-9 KJV)

Brother Stan, you, like all professing Christians who suffer from what Michael Savage calls the "mental disorder" of Liberalism, fail to understand that Christians are commanded in Scripture to "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them" (Ephesians 5:11) so that souls who are trapped in that darkness may escape it through the light of truth, but you Liberals instead wish for everyone to join in the darkness of an "ecumenical free for all" where truth is relative and so called "love of God", which is really nothing more than saccharin sentimentalism, drips from everyone's mouth.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I'm just responding brakelite. But I agree we are OFF topic, so I'll let my original response to the OP stand, and as the OP is on my ignore list now, I'll bow out of this unless something more ON topic comes up.

Feel free to start another thread on your issue and I'll lookout for it but rest assured all of this IS in the future.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
StanJ said:
I'm just responding brakelite. But I agree we are OFF topic, so I'll let my original response to the OP stand, and as the OP is on my ignore list now, I'll bow out of this unless something more ON topic comes up.

Feel free to start another thread on your issue and I'll lookout for it but rest assured all of this IS in the future.


Aug 14, 2013
United States
He had done told them about these things so we hear this letter of confirmation to them in 2 thessalonians 2.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

woulda been nice to of heard the first time he speaks on this.

Facts God created all things, when the son of perdition comes in the open he will say that he seeded the earth, he was the one. This is already in the main stream now. They give wicked counsel to the nations of the world they have made them weak and they hear lies. They are But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. They have taught us to war and kill each other and have pit us against each other taught us the knowledge of weapons.

Ezekiel 11:2
Then said he unto me, Son of man, these are the men that devise mischief, and give wicked counsel
in this city:

Even when Christ was offered the kingdoms of this world he still hides with his craft's so that he is not seen. Yes hes comming but is still already here.
He will come from another planet whom the people are call ancient Israel in the book of Ezekiel. His Technology is above what you may believe. But these things are nothing for none can get you to heaven. For salvation has been held back from them.
Ezekiel 2
4 For they are impudent children and stiffhearted. I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God.

They will rob earth and mark us like cattle after all he thinks its he's. Isaiah speaks well of this time in the whole chapter of 33 and also of other things.

33 Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled; and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.


Just a little more on 2 Thess 1-4,8 There are in these few verses three distinct criteria which point to the Antichrist. If any of these criteria fail, then the identification process has failed, and we may look for another. If however the criteria apply, then until someone comes up with a specific criteria from elsewhere in the scripture that negates the former conclusion, then the identification remains. So, in this short passage, what are the criteria?
1. A falling away.
2. An opposing and exalting of oneself against and above God from within the church..the temple of God. ( A literal temple would not be the temple of God.)
3. Will be destroyed at the second coming.

The falling away must precede his appearing. There is debate concerning this 'falling away'. Is it a falling away of the church, or of paganism? During the persecutions by pagan Rome, the church was never stronger. It was in fact the persecutions that strengthened the church, and gave it the impetus it needed to grow. It wasn't until pagan Rome began to fall apart under the raids of the barbarian tribes such as the Goths, that imperial Rome began to lose its interest in persecuting the church. And of course when Constantine made Christianity the official state religion the persecutions ceased. Add to that the fact that Constantine moved the capital of the empire to the east away from Rome, and there was left a vacancy or vacuum that the bishops pf Rome filled. Then came the falling away of the church. Thus the falling away could apply to both pagan Rome or the church. Political power weakened the spiritual power of the church and apostasy resulted. So as Rome was removed from the scene, the church fell from its original exalted position through fornication with the kings of the earth, and thus the man of sin was revealed, the papal power. And throughout the dark ages this power continued her slide into deeper and deeper apostasy.
Of course more impetus is given to this argument when you take into consideration the criteria in 2 Thess. 2:4. Here is a power that sits in the temple of God, the church, exalts himself above God by claiming the prerogatives of God such as the power to change divine law and to forgive sin.
The final criteria can only be met by a power that is still present today, and remains till the Lord comes, because verse 8 specifically says that he will be destroyed at the second coming. Any Caesar being identified as the Antichrist as per the beliefs of many preterists, must be discounted on this verse alone.
So far, the RCC has fulfilled perfectly two of the 3 criteria demanded of the prophecy. For anyone to so strongly come out in defense of the RCC and demand that such a conclusion is wrong, flies in the face of scripture.

But there is so much more scripture that we have to use as evidence for the identity of this man of sin, the antichrist, from Revelation and Daniel. Further study reveals that the papacy meets the criteria for those prophecies also. The evidence is in fact so conclusive that anyone not accepting the obvious must do so in spite of what the scriptures clearly reveal.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2 Thess 2:4 refers to ONE individual, NOT an institution. The falling away is 'apostasy'.
The preterist view is not an issue here. It is who the restrainer is. Clearly the restrainer is the Holy Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
StanJ said:
2 Thess 2:4 refers to ONE individual, NOT an institution. The falling away is 'apostasy'.
The preterist view is not an issue here. It is who the restrainer is. Clearly the restrainer is the Holy Spirit.
Both "man of sin" (2 Thessalonians 2:4 KJV) and "man of God" (2 Timothy 3:17 KJV) refer to a plurality, not one single man, yet you insist that the first one MUST refer to "one single man", Because of your willful ignorance of church history and the Great Apostasy that took place when the Papal Antichrist set itself up as the "in place of Christ" and began dragging every stripe and type of paganism into the church, you have fallen victim to Jesuit diversionary ideas of a future apostasy and a future Antichrist.


StanJ said:
2 Thess 2:4 refers to ONE individual, NOT an institution. The falling away is 'apostasy'.
The preterist view is not an issue here. It is who the restrainer is. Clearly the restrainer is the Holy Spirit.
The Antichrist is revealed to us through scripture in several different ways. In Daniel 2 he is the mixture of iron and clay. In Daniel 7 he is the little horn. In 2 Thess the man of sin and son of perdition, and in Revelation 13 the first beast.
In Daniel 2:38 Nebuchadnezzar was told by Daniel "thou art this head of gold". However, whilst it is true of course what Daniel was saying, it is also true that the head of gold represented the entire Babylonian empire, thus as Nebuchadnezzar was the representative of the entire empire, so also with the ‘man of sin’. Below is an excerpt from a sermon by the renowned preacher and writer Puritan Thomas Manton in the 17th century. Charles Spurgeon testified to Mantons works as being “a mighty mountain of sound theology”

But because he is called the man of sin, here it cometh fitly to be inquired whether Antichrist be an individual person? for ‘that man of sin’ would seem to be some single person. No; he is put for a society and succession of men, that make up the head of the apostate state. As one lion figured the whole kingdom of the Babylonians, and one bear the kingdom of the Medes and Persians, and one leopard the kingdom of the Grecians, Dan. 7, — and there the fourth beast is the fourth kingdom, — so one person that succession of men that head the revolters from Christ. So Dan. 8, a goat figured a succession of kings; so the Assyrian, Isa. 10:5, several kings in that empire; so Isa. 14:9, the king of Babylon, meaning not one but many. So this man of sin doth not note a single man, but a succession of men, a body politic or corporate, under one opposite head to the kingdom of Christ: so the ‘man of God’ is put for all faithful ministers, 2 Tim. 3:17; so ‘honour the king,’ I Peter 2:17, series regum. So o arciereus, Heb. 9:25, ‘The high priest every year entereth into the holy place;’ meaning not one, but the succession of the order; and in reason it must needs be so here. Because Antichrist, from his beginning to his end, from his rise and revelation, till his ruin and destruction, will take up such a long track of time, as cannot fall within the age of any one man, even from the time of the apostles till the end of the world. Antichrist is the head of the apostasy; for here the apostasy and the revelation of the man of sin are tied together; now the mysterious apostasy could not be perfected in a short time.
In this sermon, Manton, like many reformers before and after him, was applying the prophecy of 2 Thess. concerning the man of sin directly to the papal system.

It must also be remembered that this Antichrist is represented by a beast in Revelation 13:1-3. Everywhere else in scripture prophetic beasts represent kingdoms or empires. Without exception. God is consistent with His symbolism.