Understanding The Flow of Our Lord's Book of Revelation

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New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
I had once originally thought that I could sit down and go through study of our Lord's Book of Revelation in chronological order, like each chapters events naturally flow from one chapter into the next, and so on. It took a while, but I learned that approach was wrong.

The way our Lord Jesus gave John to see the visions of Revelation are not always in the order they actually occur.

And within some chapters, the timeline of events jumps back and forth between past, present, and future.

If you don't understand this is how our Lord's Revelation is laid out, then its events will remain jumbled up to you.

It's by understanding the timeline and meaning... of the events given, regardless of what chapter or order they are given in, where the correct order will begin to unravel for you.

The ultimate reality of the events of Revelation, is that our Lord Jesus was only giving events about 7 Signs for the end. It's about events that occur with each of those 7 Signs.

In Matthew 24 and Mark 13 is where He first covered those 7 Signs. The very last Sign He covered there is about the time of His second coming and our gathering to Him. So what do you think the very last Sign of His Revelation ought to be? That's right, the time of His coming and our gathering to Him on the last day of this world.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2012
Good day to all,

I agree with veteran on Revelation. Sometimes you will notice that while in a middle of a particular vision here in Revelation, the biblical image of the Father or of our Lord Yeshua or of other entities or just a voice from heaven will come and interact with John and give him some additional information, hints and clues. Sometimes these additional information, hints and clues belong to the time setting of the owner vision like in Revelation 7:13 – 15; sometimes they could still be future for a particular vision. Sometimes they belong to the time when John sees the vision. We must also know its structure to understand it.

I'd like to share an article about another way of understanding Revelation. You'll see the "movable" sections of it and how they could help us understand this book. It includes the parallelisms between the Letters to the Churches, the Seals, the Trumpets and the Last Plagues based on the Creation days. And also the mystery of the man of Revelation 13:18 and his number 666. Here's the link: Revelation And Its Mysteries


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
United States
Hi Vet, Your words: "In Matthew 24 and Mark 13 is where He first covered those 7 Signs. The very last Sign He covered there is about the time of His second coming and our gathering to Him. So what do you think the very last Sign of His Revelation ought to be? That's right, the time of His coming and our gathering to Him on the last day of this world."

In a way I agree with you and in a way I don't. The last day of this world? No!

That the 7 signs of Matt. 24 and Mark 13 parallel the seven seals? I agree whole-heartedly.
That the trumpets and vials parallel the seven seals? No way! They are chronological. You were right the first time. isn't there some adage about never second-guessing one's self?

That the last sign, the 6th seal is just prior to the rapture, the end of this age for believers? Yep, I agree.

Arnie Manitoba

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2011
Manitoba Canada
Veteran .... just a quick comment from me ...... (I hear what you are saying) ....... at one time I started (and never finished) a timeline for revelation.

I quit because I realized to do it properly would require it be laid out on a huge chart (I am talking about 3 feet wide by at least 20 feet long).

With a set of arrows connecting the duplicate descriptions (happenings) (within the book of revelation).

Then a set of other bible references (prophecies) that appear to parallel the book of revelation

And connecting lines to each.

Hope that makes sense. In other words it would give a "complete picture" of all the (unfulfilled) prophecy in one spot and at one glance.

It would take a lot of work and a scholarly approach.

I do not feel our minds can keep all the information intact simply by reading all the bits and pieces.

I think Hal Lindsey made a decent (written) attempt in his 1970's book "Late great planet earth" .

Now it needs to be laid out as a 3' X 20' scroll type of document.

My opinion anyway Veteran. Think about it and i look forward to your thoughts.


ps: to everybody else :
(I do not need lectures regarding Hal Lindsey) (I have heard them all) ( prophecy was a dead baby until he came along) (everything happens for a purpose) (Hal Lindsey is a friend of Christianity) (he did a good job of kick-starting our interest)


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
This might be a little off-topic, but I think the 6th seal is about to be opened. I know it sounds crazy, and because I'm off topic, I'll keep it short and let you do the reseach yourselves. 1st seal: White is the official color of Catholicism, red is the official color of communisum, black (the 3ed seal) is the official color of capitalism, and pale (actually the word is green) is the color of Islam (one fourth of the world's poplulation is islamic)

the 1st trump was WWI--scorched earth by hitler in 1941-42 and as far back as nepoleon. 2nd trump WWII one third of all the ships used in WWII were distroyed, 3rd trump (bare with me here) the nuke pwr plant that blewup in USSR Chenopel??? how ever you spell it, it means wormwood and people are still dying from the poision waters from that. the 4th and 5th probably the desert storm war the smoke was from the bombed oil wells and refineries. The locuses were the choppers used--don't recall their names but the king over them in hebrew is Abaddon, and in greek Apollyon both mean destroyer. So does Saddam. very few people were killed in the 5 to 7 month war (like 135 people). It just seems to fit very nicely together.

I don't believe the Revelation is written in any order except the obvious 1st trump will come before the 2nd, but the all 7 seals don't need to be opened before the first trump sounds. However, I do believe the viles will not come until the Church is raptured, and I also believe we here on earth will not see it as dramatic as the Bible spells it out, but i bet in the spiritual realm, it is very dramatic.

Doesn't that make it seem like His return is close?


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
Revelation is confusing because it is made up of parallel accounts. Because action can be repeated between various accounts as they cover the same timeframe, it seems to go back and forth.

Ch 1: Intro
Ch 2-3: Churches
Ch 4-11 exclusive of 11:1-13: The broad overview of the end-times.
11:1-13: a sidebar account of the Temple and the Two Witnesses
Ch 12: dual parallel timelines: the Woman Israel 1-6, the serpent, Satan, 7-17.
Ch 13-16: the second major, detailed account of just the one 'seven.'
Ch 17 & 18: explanatory with some fine detail
Ch19-22: the final progression starting right before the end of the one 'seven' and going past the Millennium.

There are five mentions of one-half of the one 'seven' in three chapters (11, 12, and 13).
There are four mentions of the "end" of the one 'seven': 11:13; 11:19; 16:18-21; and 19:19 matches 16:16 with the battle of Armageddon.

Repeated events are clues to parallel construction.

P.S. There is no "last day" with the one 'seven;' days go on beyond it - the 30-day period, the 45-day period, and the Millennium.

P.P.S. No one can know when the last day is to come. To say it comes on the 2,520th day of the one 'seven' is to go against the very Word of Jesus. The last day comes whenever the Day of the Lord comes - whenever the Father has determined that the number of Elect killed by the Great Tribulation is right, and then He will abruptly cut off that time with events out of the sixth Seal.


When looking for parallel construction, perhaps because of a repeated event, look for a change of scene and focus.


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
This might be a little off-topic, but I think the 6th seal is about to be opened. I know it sounds crazy, and because I'm off topic, I'll keep it short and let you do the reseach yourselves. 1st seal: White is the official color of Catholicism, red is the official color of communisum, black (the 3ed seal) is the official color of capitalism, and pale (actually the word is green) is the color of Islam (one fourth of the world's poplulation is islamic)

the 1st trump was WWI--scorched earth by hitler in 1941-42 and as far back as nepoleon. 2nd trump WWII one third of all the ships used in WWII were distroyed, 3rd trump (bare with me here) the nuke pwr plant that blewup in USSR Chenopel??? how ever you spell it, it means wormwood and people are still dying from the poision waters from that. the 4th and 5th probably the desert storm war the smoke was from the bombed oil wells and refineries. The locuses were the choppers used--don't recall their names but the king over them in hebrew is Abaddon, and in greek Apollyon both mean destroyer. So does Saddam. very few people were killed in the 5 to 7 month war (like 135 people). It just seems to fit very nicely together.

I don't believe the Revelation is written in any order except the obvious 1st trump will come before the 2nd, but the all 7 seals don't need to be opened before the first trump sounds. However, I do believe the viles will not come until the Church is raptured, and I also believe we here on earth will not see it as dramatic as the Bible spells it out, but i bet in the spiritual realm, it is very dramatic.

Doesn't that make it seem like His return is close?

You've been listening to Irving Baxter. That's not such a good thing to do as the man has a host of contradictions in his teachings.

I don't know how you associate WW1 and 2 but it has nothing to do with end-time prophecy.


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
Irvine Baxter is very good, but I hardly agree with much of what He says. Though He knows a lot. Perry Stone is very good, too, He knows a lot of Old Jewish stuff and a lot about the Hebrew Text. You can learn a lot from people who don't share your same views--you just eat the meat and spit out the bones. I believe both men truely love the Lord and are commited to Him, but I don't think either have perfect revelation, but neither do I so I won't judge them. I know there are plenty of things I believe that are not true, and I pray regurlarly that God would take everything out of me that keeps me from fully trusting Jesus. He has taken a lot of it away, but He's not done with me yet.

If you really research this stuff it really does follow close to what Revelation points out. I haven't finished my research, but I have found many, many parallels. Read my previous post again, and really look at it if that stuff interests you.

WWI is where they had the Scorched Earth Policy,but that started as far back as Nepolian. The second trump all it really mentions is the 1/3 the see turned to blood and 1/3 the ships were distroyed. Check the facts on the number of ships used in that war, then how many were distroyed. That's what it has to do with it. Did you even read my post? :)


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Hi Vet, Your words: "In Matthew 24 and Mark 13 is where He first covered those 7 Signs. The very last Sign He covered there is about the time of His second coming and our gathering to Him. So what do you think the very last Sign of His Revelation ought to be? That's right, the time of His coming and our gathering to Him on the last day of this world."

In a way I agree with you and in a way I don't. The last day of this world? No!

That the 7 signs of Matt. 24 and Mark 13 parallel the seven seals? I agree whole-heartedly.
That the trumpets and vials parallel the seven seals? No way! They are chronological. You were right the first time. isn't there some adage about never second-guessing one's self?

That the last sign, the 6th seal is just prior to the rapture, the end of this age for believers? Yep, I agree.

The time of our Lord Jesus' second coming is when the resurrection spoken of here will occur...

John 11:24
24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

John 6:54
54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

The "last day" those verse refer to are the last day of this 'present' world time. It will be the end of this 'present' world as we today know it. So I don't know how you be confused with such a simple matter as that, especially in light of weightier Scripture about the end of this present world on "the day of the Lord" per 2 Peter 3:10, which is when our Lord Jesus returns also.

To put it into plain speech what is going to occur on that day of Christ's 2nd coming, all still alive upon this earth are going to go through an instant literal 'change', the change at the twinkling of an eye which Apostle Paul declared in 1 Cor.15. Both the just and the wicked here on earth will go through that change to a "spiritual body". At the same instant, man's works upon this earth are going to be burned off it by God's consuming fire, which is what 2 Peter 3:10 is about. It's not a destruction of the material earth, it's a destruction of man's things on the earth to end this present world time, just as how God before cleansed the earth in Noah's days, except using fire this next time. This matter is what Peter's main lesson in 2 Pet.3 is about.

2 Pet 3:10
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

In 1 Thessalonians 5, Apostle Paul linked that "day of the Lord" and "thief in the night" with the time of our Lord Jesus' coming and our gathering to Him. He even revealed how the deceived on earth will be saying, "Peace and safety" right up to that event of "sudden destruction" upon them.

As for the 7 signs of Matt.24 and Mark 13, they parallel the trumpets and vials also, because events in the 7 Seals also parallel the trumpets and vials.

For example, the 5th Seal timing parallels the 5th and 6th Trumpets, especially the 6th Trumpet. Our Lord Jesus gave 3 Woe periods with the last 3 Trumpets. The 2nd Woe period happens with the 6th Trumpet, and the 3rd final Woe period happens with the ending of the 6th Trumpet going into the 7th Trumpet, which is the trumpet of His return per Rev.11 (as also hinted as the final sign in Rev.10:7). What I'm getting at with that, is that the event of the 5th Seal involves a time when some of Christ's servants are delivered up to give a witness for Him, and those are the ones which God told the souls under the altar they must wait until they are killed as they were. Our Lord Jesus gave us that as one of the 7 signs in Mark 13. And that event is especially linked to the killing of God's two witnesses within the 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe period of Rev.11.

In Rev.16:15, a verse I've well covered in many threads here already, Christ is giving a warning for His servants still on earth, His Church, DURING the 6th Vial timing, that His coming will be "as a thief", which is the very same... time marker that Paul gave in 1 Thess.5:2 & 4, and Peter in 2 Pet.3:10 about the "day of the Lord" event which is when Jesus returns to gather His Church and end this present world time, and the wicked's reign upon it.

One can easily look at the 6th Trumpet and 6th Vial events and see the wicked still reigning on earth, so this is not that difficult to understand per the Scripture as written. It's doctrines of men only that will stand in the way of grasping this.

Veteran .... just a quick comment from me ...... (I hear what you are saying) ....... at one time I started (and never finished) a timeline for revelation.

I quit because I realized to do it properly would require it be laid out on a huge chart (I am talking about 3 feet wide by at least 20 feet long).

With a set of arrows connecting the duplicate descriptions (happenings) (within the book of revelation).

Then a set of other bible references (prophecies) that appear to parallel the book of revelation

And connecting lines to each.

Hope that makes sense. In other words it would give a "complete picture" of all the (unfulfilled) prophecy in one spot and at one glance.

It would take a lot of work and a scholarly approach.

I do not feel our minds can keep all the information intact simply by reading all the bits and pieces.

I think Hal Lindsey made a decent (written) attempt in his 1970's book "Late great planet earth" .

Now it needs to be laid out as a 3' X 20' scroll type of document.

My opinion anyway Veteran. Think about it and i look forward to your thoughts.


ps: to everybody else :
(I do not need lectures regarding Hal Lindsey) (I have heard them all) ( prophecy was a dead baby until he came along) (everything happens for a purpose) (Hal Lindsey is a friend of Christianity) (he did a good job of kick-starting our interest)

I assure you, our Lord Jesus Christ intended that all His servants living in the last days understand it, that is, those who take the time to study all of His Word.

I won't say a specific number, but a great percentage of our Lord's Book of Revelation comes from what had already been written in earlier Books of God's Word, especially the Old Testament Books of the prophets.

Many brethren are lacking in Bible study of the OT prophets, and that's why those tend to treat Revelation kind of like an 'independent' study, when it is not meant to be. When I speak of our Lord Jesus giving only 7 Signs of the end in His Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24 and Mark 13, and how those 7 signs directly parallel the events and even given 'order' of the 7 Seals, that was our Lord Jesus Who made that link between those Bible Chapters. Very much so then, He was giving us a major 'hint' on how to unravel the timing and events of Revelation making it 'easy' to understand.

Some just stumble upon that direct link between the 7 signs in His Olivet Discourse and the 7 Seals of Rev.6, meaning, some don't have to hear someone (like myself) teaching about that direct link. That has to mean it's easy to discover, which makes sense as to how our Lord teaches. We just have to pay attention.

So what other links has He provided past the Olivet Discourse - 7 Seals link? Are there more... links like that which make His Revelation easy for us to understand? Yes. And it does not require that we do some war room type of chart layout, and call in the world's great scholars to do it for us. Simply stay in study of all His Word with self-discipline, and try to keep in mind what you learned from earlier Bible study when opening His Revelation, and it's proper order and timing of events will be revealed to you, according to your Faith and prayer for it to The Father through His Son Jesus Christ.

This might be a little off-topic, but I think the 6th seal is about to be opened. I know it sounds crazy, and because I'm off topic, I'll keep it short and let you do the reseach yourselves. 1st seal: White is the official color of Catholicism, red is the official color of communisum, black (the 3ed seal) is the official color of capitalism, and pale (actually the word is green) is the color of Islam (one fourth of the world's poplulation is islamic)

the 1st trump was WWI--scorched earth by hitler in 1941-42 and as far back as nepoleon. 2nd trump WWII one third of all the ships used in WWII were distroyed, 3rd trump (bare with me here) the nuke pwr plant that blewup in USSR Chenopel??? how ever you spell it, it means wormwood and people are still dying from the poision waters from that. the 4th and 5th probably the desert storm war the smoke was from the bombed oil wells and refineries. The locuses were the choppers used--don't recall their names but the king over them in hebrew is Abaddon, and in greek Apollyon both mean destroyer. So does Saddam. very few people were killed in the 5 to 7 month war (like 135 people). It just seems to fit very nicely together.

I don't believe the Revelation is written in any order except the obvious 1st trump will come before the 2nd, but the all 7 seals don't need to be opened before the first trump sounds. However, I do believe the viles will not come until the Church is raptured, and I also believe we here on earth will not see it as dramatic as the Bible spells it out, but i bet in the spiritual realm, it is very dramatic.

Doesn't that make it seem like His return is close?

His return is very, very close. But even from other Bible Books than our Lord's Revelation we should already know certain required events on earth still are yet to happen before He will return.

The 6th Seal is not yet, but mainly the events of the 5th Seal are next, which is about "great tribulation" timing. The event of "great tribulation" our Lord Jesus mentioned in His Olivet Discourse has yet to occur today. When it does, it will parallel events of the 5th Seal (and a very small portion of the 6th Seal), and the events of the 6th Trumpet and 6th Vial. Then our Lord Jesus' coming will be after that.


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
1.The idea of a "last day" being the absolutely last day is not true.
There are going to be days after the last day...
There is no single day when it all happens at once and we move into the New Earth and the New Heavens where God gives the light and the Lamb is the lamp.
There is a process.
You don't just go from man's rule to Christ's iron rod rule instaneously.

2. The idea that you can determine when Jesus is coming based on it being the "last day" of the one 'seven' is also not true.
If you figure the coming parousia of our Lord so simply, you would know more than Jesus who doesn't know when that Day is coming.
If you figure the coming parousia of our Lord so simply, you would make Jesus out to be a liar since He said only the Father knew.
If you figure the coming parousia of our Lord so simply, you have to invert prophecy and have it happen simultaneously.
The "Last Day" is not so simple.

Who is left after the Church is gone? The Jews and the rest of mankind: the wicked and the meek.
What happens to those not dressed in Rev 16:15? They are not left behind; they just suffer the shame of being naked - they are still shepherded by Jesus.
When Jesus comes on the clouds in Revelation 14, who is left to be visited by Jesus in Rev 16? The Remnant Jews, the one-third that "make it" through the one 'seven.'

The "Last Day" is whenever Jesus comes.
The "Last Day" cuts off the Great Tribulation, suddenly and abruptly.
The "Last Day" shortens the Great Tribulation so that it does not run the whole course of the second half of the one 'seven.'
The "Last Day" comes before all the Elect succumb to execution, starvation and exposure because of the Great Tribulation.
The "Last Day" is associated with the "Day of the Lord."
The "Last Day" is like "last call" for the Church - it will be the last opportunity for people to get "saved" so they are "saved" when Jesus comes on the clouds.
The "Last Day" is preceded by three Angels who complete the Gospel message around the world - so that everyone who will be selected by God is selected by God by faith.
The "Last Day" is the last day of the Church Age.

The Great Multitude show up in Heaven before the Wrath of God goes forth when the Scroll is finally opened.
The Great Multitude show up in Heaven after the sun/moon/star event which heralds the Day of the Lord.
The Great Multitude show up in Heaven out of the Great Tribulation.
Everything about the sixth Seal of Revelation with the Great Multitude comports perfectly with God's Word as given by Jesus to the Disciples in the Olivet Discourse.

Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) are a broad overview to the end-times.
Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) show the Seals in order preceding the Trumpets which also come in order.
Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) do not describe the desolation which happens with the thrird Woe.
Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) do end up at the end of the one 'seven' when all is completed.
Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) show the Great Multitude in Heaven before the Wrath of God goes forth.

Revelation chapters 13-16 are a detailed account of just the one 'seven.'
Revelation chapters 13-16 show Jesus coming on the clouds for the Harvest before the Wrath of God goes forth.
Revelation chapters 13-16 show the Bowl Judgments to be last.
Revelation chapters 13-16 reveal the Bowl Judgments as the third Woe: what happened before in thirds, now happens in total.
Revelation chapters 13-16 also detail the end of the one 'seven.'


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
1.The idea of a "last day" being the absolutely last day is not true.
There are going to be days after the last day...
There is no single day when it all happens at once and we move into the New Earth and the New Heavens where God gives the light and the Lamb is the lamp.
There is a process.
You don't just go from man's rule to Christ's iron rod rule instaneously.

2. The idea that you can determine when Jesus is coming based on it being the "last day" of the one 'seven' is also not true.
If you figure the coming parousia of our Lord so simply, you would know more than Jesus who doesn't know when that Day is coming.
If you figure the coming parousia of our Lord so simply, you would make Jesus out to be a liar since He said only the Father knew.
If you figure the coming parousia of our Lord so simply, you have to invert prophecy and have it happen simultaneously.
The "Last Day" is not so simple.

Who is left after the Church is gone? The Jews and the rest of mankind: the wicked and the meek.
What happens to those not dressed in Rev 16:15? They are not left behind; they just suffer the shame of being naked - they are still shepherded by Jesus.
When Jesus comes on the clouds in Revelation 14, who is left to be visited by Jesus in Rev 16? The Remnant Jews, the one-third that "make it" through the one 'seven.'

The "Last Day" is whenever Jesus comes.
The "Last Day" cuts off the Great Tribulation, suddenly and abruptly.
The "Last Day" shortens the Great Tribulation so that it does not run the whole course of the second half of the one 'seven.'
The "Last Day" comes before all the Elect succumb to execution, starvation and exposure because of the Great Tribulation.
The "Last Day" is associated with the "Day of the Lord."
The "Last Day" is like "last call" for the Church - it will be the last opportunity for people to get "saved" so they are "saved" when Jesus comes on the clouds.
The "Last Day" is preceded by three Angels who complete the Gospel message around the world - so that everyone who will be selected by God is selected by God by faith.
The "Last Day" is the last day of the Church Age.

The Great Multitude show up in Heaven before the Wrath of God goes forth when the Scroll is finally opened.
The Great Multitude show up in Heaven after the sun/moon/star event which heralds the Day of the Lord.
The Great Multitude show up in Heaven out of the Great Tribulation.
Everything about the sixth Seal of Revelation with the Great Multitude comports perfectly with God's Word as given by Jesus to the Disciples in the Olivet Discourse.

Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) are a broad overview to the end-times.
Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) show the Seals in order preceding the Trumpets which also come in order.
Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) do not describe the desolation which happens with the thrird Woe.
Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) do end up at the end of the one 'seven' when all is completed.
Revelation chapters 4-11 (exclusive) show the Great Multitude in Heaven before the Wrath of God goes forth.

Revelation chapters 13-16 are a detailed account of just the one 'seven.'
Revelation chapters 13-16 show Jesus coming on the clouds for the Harvest before the Wrath of God goes forth.
Revelation chapters 13-16 show the Bowl Judgments to be last.
Revelation chapters 13-16 reveal the Bowl Judgments as the third Woe: what happened before in thirds, now happens in total.
Revelation chapters 13-16 also detail the end of the one 'seven.'

Still trying to fabricate even more stuff to fit your pre-wrath rapture are you?

It's not that difficult to figure out and yes there are going to be days after the last day of this age which aren't a 24 hour time period.

The last day is the time period at the end of tribulation that it takes our Lord to accomplish the removal of the elect, judgment and reward of the righteous, judgment of the nations, the separation of the sheep and goats, to do battle, and the marriage supper of the Lamb...and maybe a few other things. If the author's of God's Word wanted to imply anything other than the last days of the age they would have used another word for last other than the last day He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

The word for last in the following verse is 'eschatos' and it means the very 'extreme' last!

1) extreme

a) last in time or in place

B) last in a series of places

c) last in a temporal succession

2) the last

a) last, referring to time

B) of space, the uttermost part, the end, of the earth

c) of rank, grade of worth, last i.e. lowest

If the author wanted to mean something other than the extreme last he would have used one of these other words for last.

4070. perusi per'-oo-si adverb from 4009; the by-gone, i.e. (as noun) last year:--+ a year ago.
4218. pote pot-eh' from the base of 4225 and 5037; indefinite adverb, at some time, ever:--afore-(any, some-)time(-s), at length (the last), (+ n- )ever, in the old time, in time past, once, when.
5305. husteron hoos'-ter-on neuter of 5306 as adverb; more lately, i.e. eventually:--afterward, (at the) last (of all).

'Eschatos' is also the same word used here...

Rev.22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

You'll never convince me that last doesn't mean last when the word eschatos is used!

Rather than accept the truth you go on fabricating more stuff to fit your false beliefs.


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
To somebody who cannot quote the Hab 1:9 correctly, or even get the gist of it right -

- 1. Prove any statement I provided as being false.
- 2. Charges of fabrication weigh heavily against you when you make up words and put them in Scripture.


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
To somebody who cannot quote the Hab 1:9 correctly, or even get the gist of it right -

- 1. Prove any statement I provided as being false.
- 2. Charges of fabrication weigh heavily against you when you make up words and put them in Scripture.

As far as Habukkuk 1:9 goes all I can say is I take responsibility for it and we'll see in the end 'what is truth'.

I'm not saying that all the statements you've made are false. I know and God knows I've made up no words. You just don't like being 'debunked'!

Seems to me the burden of proof is on you!


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
For someone who inserts words into the Word of God which goes against the meaning of the verse, and then says that you know you haven't made up any words - and then says I don't like being "debunked" = is off the scale for hypocrisy having been thoroughly debunked, discredited and exposed for the very crime you accuse me of committing!

I didn't say prove everything false. I said prove ANY statement as being false. I can go to Scripture and source every statement.
You make a blanket statement that I fabricated stuff for a false belief. Okay - what did I make up? Be specific.


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
For someone who inserts words into the Word of God which goes against the meaning of the verse, and then says that you know you haven't made up any words - and then says I don't like being "debunked" = is off the scale for hypocrisy having been thoroughly debunked, discredited and exposed for the very crime you accuse me of committing!

I didn't say prove everything false. I said prove ANY statement as being false. I can go to Scripture and source every statement.
You make a blanket statement that I fabricated stuff for a false belief. Okay - what did I make up? Be specific.

I know and God knows I am inserting no words. The word inspired means God breathed or God spoke. When God spoke to his prophets he spoke to them in the language they knew and understood. That's also the language they wrote the bible in. All I'm doing is defining those words in the language it was spoken and written in. If it debunks your theory all I can say is reconsider what you believe.

What did you make up?
I've already proven false...

YOUR DEFINITION OF THE WORD LAST and timing of the rapture!


New Member
Oct 21, 2008
Orlando, Fl
The entire sequence in the order it will occur:

1. Seven weeks (49 days), the first part of the 70 weeks. (Dan 9:25)

2. The First Woe, 5 months (150 days) (Rev 9:5)

3. 62 weeks (434 days), the second part or middle of the 70 weeks. (Dan 9:25)

4. The Second Woe, An Hour, day, month and year (396 1/4 days plus 1 hr) (Rev 9:15)

5. One Week (7 days), this being the last part of the 70 Weeks. (Dan 9:27)

6. The Beast's rule, 42 months (the same as 1260 days and 3 1/2 times) (Rev 11:2-3, Rev 12:6 & 14 and Rev 13:5)

7. Death and Resurrection of Witnesses (3 1/2 days) (Rev 11:9-11)

Total: 2300 days to the Cleansing of the Temple. Forces of Good and Evil finally defined and the Beast revealed for what he is clearly for all to see. (Dan 8:14)

30 days after the killing of the Witnesses, but Beast assaults the stronghold of the Holy People for the final time, causing Jesus' Return. At this time the First Resurrection occurs. This is the 1290th day of Daniel 12:11

35 days after that, those of the First Resurrection will be tested one last time and those who pass will be allowed in the inner court, to stand before the face of God, while those who fail will be in charge of the outer court, serving them and the people of the earth for the next 1000 years under the reign of Jesus Christ. This is outlined in Ezekiel and is the 1335th day of Dan 12:12.


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
The entire sequence in the order it will occur:

1. Seven weeks (49 days), the first part of the 70 weeks.

2. The First Woe, 5 months (150 days)

3. 62 weeks (434 days), the second part or middle of the 70 weeks.

4. The Second Woe, An Hour, day, month and year (396 1/4 days plus 1 hr)

5. One Week (7 days), this being the last part of the 70 Weeks.

6. The Beast's rule, 42 months (1260 days)

7. Death and Resurrection of Witnesses (3 1/2 days)

Total: 2300 days to the Cleansing of the Temple. Forces of Good and Evil finally defined and the Beast revealed for what he is clearly for all to see.

30 days after the killing of the Witnesses, but Beast assaults the stronghold of the Holy People for the final time, causing Jesus' Return. At this time the First Resurrection occurs. This is the 1290th day of Daniel 12:11

35 days after that, those of the First Resurrection will be tested one last time and those who pass will be allowed in the inner court, to stand before the face of God, while those who fail will be in charge of the outer court, serving them and the people of the earth for the next 1000 years under the reign of Jesus Christ. This is outlined in Ezekiel and is the 1335th day of Dan 12:12.

I have to wonder what it is your trying to prove.


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
Seems pretty straight forward. I think you guys are totally wrong on how you look at this and I am trying to show you whats right.

That kind of post could be debated until the Lord returns.

Especially debating with somebody who thinks they have everything all figured out!
And everybody else has everything wrong!

The big question...
How do you arrive at your conclusions! And considering all the things you've said, "I don't want to know"!


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
Last means last eh?

So NO other day can come after it - or it wouldn't be last.

Do you really want to go there mister I have completely misappropriated Habakkuk 1:9 and made it say something it doesn't say?

In Revelation chapters 13-16, the last day happens before the Bowl Judgments.