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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

The Born again exist IN the Kingdom OF God.

What is that?

Its this.. ,"God is A Spirit".

A.) "Spiritual Kingdom" = Kingdom of God.

So, what part of you, is THERE ???
What part of you is "seated in Heavenly Places, in Christ'.........right now???

Its not your body, as you can see it, so that is not : SPIRITUAL.

Its your BORN AGAIN...."new creation"... that is Spiritual, and is "'ONE with God""...
This is Spiritual UNION with God, that was lost by 1st Adam and restored to you, by The Cross of Christ who is the 2nd Adam.
When you believe in Jesus and are born again, you have become "ONE with God'.... = Spiritual Union established "in Christ" = Forever.

Welcome to : ETERNAL LIFE

"God is A Spirit" and your born again SPIRIT is now become a part of God.
(That is not water baptism),
So, to become born again SPIRITUALLY = This is how the born again exist in the Kingdom of God, as a "new Creation".... Son/Daughter of God.
See that?
That is not your body or your mind or your feelings.

Now, think about that which i just taught you..... so that when you SEE it... then what i'll write below, is going to help you end your striving to be good and failing.... issue.

Notice this partial verse.. Romans 6:6

1.) ""knowing THIS.... our OLD MAN is crucified with Christ"..

Now, do you know that your old man is your carnal mind and your "flesh".
You have to understand this.. or KNOW THIS>.. as Paul teaches.... or you will not be able to come to the renewed mind that is the first part of the Thread that explains your born again spirit, being in the KOG.
So, where is your "old man of sin"

Notice this verse...2 Corinthians 5:17

2.) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: OLD things are passed away....; behold, all things are become new.

Now what is "passed away"?
Its mean DEAD....
Look at #1... "Our OLD MAN is CRUCIFIED with Christ".
Reader, if you are crucified you are "passed away"..

So, what is now the "ALL things have become NEW"? A.) = That is you as the born again "NEW Creation, in Christ"..child of God.

See it?

Now here is the CONTEXT.. of this Teaching..

Romans 6:2

"""""How shall we, that are DEAD TO SIN, live any longer therein?”

Now, if you are dead to sin, then why are you breathing?
Its because Paul is talkig about your sin consciousness and your "old man of sin".. not your body or your mind or your feelings.

So, Where is your old carnal mind "flesh"... "old man of sin"?
Its Dead.
You just read that in a couple of verses.
Now Believe it.
Why is it dead?
Because its "Crucified with Christ", Reader.

And Where is Christ?
Is He dead?
No......He is RISEN, and if you are born again, you are also risen with Him in "newness of LIFE"... (Eternal life) Born again.. as a "New Creation".
= "Seated in Heavenly Places" in the KOG.

Now you can't see any of that, Reader.
However, that is ALL THAT GOD SEES of you, if you are born again., as that is You as the "Son/Daughter" of God.
Do you.....See that MIND of God, regarding you ??
Now you have to learn to only SEE yourself, as HE SEES YOU... at all times..
You have to get that renewed mind.
And when you get it, and you have it, then you have= "worked out your Salvation". You've seen the LIGHT. You have the Revelation. regarding who the born again have become "IN Christ".

Now how do you get the old man who is crucified, behind you, and out of your thinking?

Its not by striving.
Its not by resisting carnality.
Its not by trying to be good.

Here is how you do it.

Romans 6:11

Paul teaches us...

"""" RECKON yourselves to be
DEAD indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

That means to see it that way, .. period.

And how do you do that?

All you have to do is see yourself as God sees you.
Get HIS MIND... as your perception of yourself.
Reader, if you are born again... then GOD sees your sin as eternally forgiven, and your old man of carnality as DEAD and Crucified, and you as ALIVE UNTO GOD, as a born again,= "A New Creation in Christ".

If you will get that understanding, as your MIND< then God's Grace that has removed the curse of the Law from you, will empower your Holy Living, every day.

Now once you SEE this revelation and you get that mind, you have for the very first time.. "put on the Helmet of SALVATiON".
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States

The Born again exist IN the Kingdom OF God.

What is that?

Its this.. ,"God is A Spirit".

A.) "Spiritual Kingdom" = Kingdom of God.

So, what part of you, is THERE ???
What part of you is "seated in Heavenly Places, in Christ'.........right now???

Its not your body, as you can see it, so that is not : SPIRITUAL.

Its your BORN AGAIN...."new creation"... that is Spiritual, and is "'ONE with God""...
This is Spiritual UNION with God, that was lost by 1st Adam and restored to you, by The Cross of Christ who is the 2nd Adam.
When you believe in Jesus and are born again, you have become "ONE with God'.... = Spiritual Union established "in Christ" = Forever.

Welcome to : ETERNAL LIFE

"God is A Spirit" and your born again SPIRIT is now become a part of God.
(That is not water baptism),
So, to become born again SPIRITUALLY = This is how the born again exist in the Kingdom of God, as a "new Creation".... Son/Daughter of God.
See that?
That is not your body or your mind or your feelings.

Now, think about that which i just taught you..... so that when you SEE it... then what i'll write below, is going to help you end your striving to be good and failing.... issue.

Notice this partial verse.. Romans 6:6

1.) ""knowing THIS.... our OLD MAN is crucified with Christ"..

Now, do you know that your old man is your carnal mind and your "flesh".
You have to understand this.. or KNOW THIS>.. as Paul teaches.... or you will not be able to come to the renewed mind that is the first part of the Thread that explains your born again spirit, being in the KOG.
So, where is your "old man of sin"

Notice this verse...2 Corinthians 5:17

2.) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: OLD things are passed away....; behold, all things are become new.

Now what is "passed away"?
Its mean DEAD....
Look at #1... "Our OLD MAN is CRUCIFIED with Christ".
Reader, if you are crucified you are "passed away"..

So, what is now the "ALL things have become NEW"? A.) = That is you as the born again "NEW Creation, in Christ"..child of God.

See it?

Now here is the CONTEXT.. of this Teaching..

Romans 6:2

"""""How shall we, that are DEAD TO SIN, live any longer therein?”

Now, if you are dead to sin, then why are you breathing?
Its because Paul is talkig about your sin consciousness and your "old man of sin".. not your body or your mind or your feelings.

So, Where is your old carnal mind "flesh"... "old man of sin"?
Its Dead.
You just read that in a couple of verses.
Now Believe it.
Why is it dead?
Because its "Crucified with Christ", Reader.

And Where is Christ?
Is He dead?
No......He is RISEN, and if you are born again, you are also risen with Him in "newness of LIFE"... (Eternal life) Born again.. as a "New Creation".
= "Seated in Heavenly Places" in the KOG.

Now you can't see any of that, Reader.
However, that is ALL THAT GOD SEES of you, if you are born again., as that is You as the "Son/Daughter" of God.
Do you.....See that MIND of God, regarding you ??
Now you have to learn to only SEE yourself, as HE SEES YOU... at all times..
You have to get that renewed mind.
And when you get it, and you have it, then you have= "worked out your Salvation". You've seen the LIGHT. You have the Revelation. regarding who the born again have become "IN Christ".

Now how do you get the old man who is crucified, behind you, and out of your thinking?

Its not by striving.
Its not by resisting carnality.
Its not by trying to be good.

Here is how you do it.

Romans 6:11

Paul teaches us...

"""" RECKON yourselves to be
DEAD indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

That means to see it that way, .. period.

And how do you do that?

All you have to do is see yourself as God sees you.
Get HIS MIND... as your perception of yourself.
Reader, if you are born again... then GOD sees your sin as eternally forgiven, and your old man of carnality as DEAD and Crucified, and you as ALIVE UNTO GOD, as a born again,= "A New Creation in Christ".

If you will get that understanding, as your MIND< then God's Grace that has removed the curse of the Law from you, will empower your Holy Living, every day.

Now once you SEE this revelation and you get that mind, you have for the very first time.. "put on the Helmet of SALVATiON".
I don't see you giving out the formula on how to become a "born again!"

To God Be The Glory
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I don't see you giving out the formula on how to become a "born again!"

To God Be The Glory

The Thread isn't describing "how to be born again".

Its detailing the eternal maternal spiritual relationship that has been created by the Blood of Jesus, that removes "the Law", and places the born again believer...

"Not under the LAW..... but under Grace".


Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Which is a Spiritual Act, ( Supernatural ) that only God can do, you cannot bring yourself to becoming “ Born Again “ that like everyone else, is my opinion and belief, just like everyone else posts their opinions and belief on the matter.

That’s all it is...ones opinion and belief and most on here interpret scripture very differently...I guess to meet their own spiritual understanding of God’s word.

God speaks to us via his Spirit , one must be Born Of The Spirit for that to happen.


Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The Thread isn't describing "how to be born again".

Its detailing the eternal maternal spiritual relationship that has been created by the Blood of Jesus, that removes "the Law", and places the born again believer...

"Not under the LAW..... but under Grace".
The Blood Of Jesus was needed in order for us to be reunited back to God, we also need to be Born Of The Spirit, therefore both are / were needed.

We are not under grace, not until we are Born Again, Spiritual rebirth/ regenerated...our spirit needs to be Born Again.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Which is a Spiritual Act, ( Supernatural ) that only God can do, you cannot bring yourself to becoming “ Born Again “ that like everyone else, is my opinion and belief, just like everyone else posts their opinions and belief on the matter.

That’s all it is...ones opinion and belief and most on here interpret scripture very differently...I guess to meet their own spiritual understanding of God’s word.

God speaks to us via his Spirit , one must be Born Of The Spirit for that to happen.

A Hyper Calvinist here, @brightfame52 is claiming that you are born again before you can believe in Jesus.

That's impossible., as God is not going to SAVE anyone and give anyone the new birth, BEFORE they have trusted in Christ, as He is claiming.

God requires us to BELIEVE, before He gives us the New Birth...

Its "all who believe"... not "all who i have forced to believe".

Jesus said "all that BELIEVE In me, I give them eternal life".

Not... "once i cause you to believe in me, then i do it"., as Lying Hyper Calvinists teach.

See, this nonsense all comes back to John Calvin's teaching that God makes you believe, or you dont.
This is that "God cursed" "pre-destined elect" doctrine of devils that is created by one of the worst ones = John Calvinism.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States

A Hyper Calvinist here, @brightfame52 is claiming that you are born again before you can believe in Jesus.

Correct, one must be born into the Spiritual Kingdom of God, in order to believe and understand its Gospel Jn 3:3

3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Its the Gospel of the Kingdom Matt 24:14

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Ps 87:5

And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall establish her.


Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
A Hyper Calvinist here, @brightfame52 is claiming that you are born again before you can believe in Jesus.

That's impossible., as God is not going to SAVE anyone and give anyone the new birth, BEFORE they have trusted in Christ, as He is claiming.

God requires us to BELIEVE, before He gives us the New Birth...
Yes!..I 100% agree here...we must believe in Jesus..on saying that as you know, God drew me to Jesus, but, it was me who believed in Jesus...that’s something we must do.imo/ belief.

I don’t understand @brightfame52 ..some of his posts I understand, the majority I don’t..he’s entitled to voice what he believes though...don’t you think?

Ps..God NEVER forces anything..absolutely NOT.

What are the consequences of not being obedient to his will?....


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I don’t understand @brightfame52 ..some of his posts I understand, the majority I don’t..he’s entitled to voice what he believes though...don’t you think?

Actually i agree that anyone is entitled to free will.
But, should they be allowed to live on a Christian forum, trying to shove John Calvin's lies into the mind of the members?

I dont think so.

I think that a Christian forum needs to be a Theological SAFE ZONE, and not a place for heretics to park and preach and keep going and going and going and going and going.

If you read Titus 3:10, .. Paul says that when you find someone who is insulting the Grace of God, BECAUSE they are "subverted within themselves".. because they are a LUKE 11:35 and can't be returned to TRUTH< then you take that one by the EAR, and you put them outside the Church Door, and lock them out.
Because if you dont, the Devil will keep using them to harm the BODY, the Membership, the BELIEVERS.

Wolves eat sheep.

Now, a Forum like this one, and most others, permit lies to be taught continually., and that is why christian forums are the last place a New Christian ever needs to join, as people like this Hyper Calvinist, will ruin their faith and enjoys it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Now, a Forum like this one, and most others, theological permit lies to be taught continually., and that is why christian forums are the last place a New Christian ever needs to join, as people like this Hyper Calvinist, will ruin their faith and enjoys it.
Quoting just the last paragraph, but I agree with your entire post, brother!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
The Thread isn't describing "how to be born again".

Its detailing the eternal maternal spiritual relationship that has been created by the Blood of Jesus, that removes "the Law", and places the born again believer...

"Not under the LAW..... but under Grace"
Does this mean we don't follow the "Ten Commandments" any longer because we are under grace?

To God Be The Glory
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
We follow Christ who kept and honored all the commandments of God perfectly on our behalf
Then why do some go to hell? Have you not read about the parable of the "Wheat and Tares" how they were allowed to grow together? (in a church setting?).

To God Be The Glory
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
Then why do some go to hell? Have you not read about the parable of the "Wheat and Tares" how they were allowed to grow together? (in a church setting?).

To God Be The Glory
People go to hell who Christ didnt represent in His Life and Death and Resurrection. So they had nobody to save them from their sins, they were left condemned in unbelief.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
People go to hell who Christ didnt represent in His Life and Death and Resurrection. So they had nobody to save them from their sins, they were left condemned in unbelief.
But that is not the doctrine of the Bible, and it came after the fact. In other words, Scripture teaches that God the Father, in eternity past and before the foundation of the world, elected and named those He planned to save and gave them to Jesus to redeem their sins at the cross (Matthew1:21).

To God Be The Glory


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
But that is not the doctrine of the Bible, and it came after the fact. In other words, Scripture teaches that God the Father, in eternity past and before the foundation of the world, elected and named those He planned to save and gave them to Jesus to redeem their sins at the cross (Matthew1:21).

To God Be The Glory
Yes it is the doctrine of scripture, you cant see it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
Yes it is the doctrine of scripture, you cant see it.
If you agree then why can't you see it,? Lol.

This is the problem with Christendom!! They don't really understand and know Bible doctrines and it's interpretations. let alone teach them,
(Hosea 4:6).

To God Be The Glory


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
If you agree then why can't you see it,? Lol.

This is the problem with Christendom!! They don't really understand and know Bible doctrines and it's interpretations. let alone teach them,
(Hosea 4:6).

To God Be The Glory
Again people who go to hell for their sins in unbelief, its because Christ didn't die for their sins and remove their debt before Gods Law and Justice. Nobody Christ died for has a debt of sin against them, their slate is clean, just as they never sinned, debt paid in full
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Again people who go to hell for their sins in unbelief, its because Christ didn't die for their sins and remove their debt before Gods Law and Justice. Nobody Christ died for has a debt of sin against them, their slate is clean, just as they never sinned, debt paid in full

I clicked the like button accidently, however, I do not agree with the theology expressed in this post.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
I clicked the like button accidently, however, I do not agree with the theology expressed in this post.
You dont agree ? So unfortunate, may God be merciful to you and grant you repentance to acknowledge the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus.