The Born again exist IN the Kingdom OF God.
What is that?
Its this.. ,"God is A Spirit".
A.) "Spiritual Kingdom" = Kingdom of God.
So, what part of you, is THERE ???
What part of you is "seated in Heavenly Places, in Christ'.........right now???
Its not your body, as you can see it, so that is not : SPIRITUAL.
Its your BORN AGAIN...."new creation"... that is Spiritual, and is "'ONE with God""...
This is Spiritual UNION with God, that was lost by 1st Adam and restored to you, by The Cross of Christ who is the 2nd Adam.
When you believe in Jesus and are born again, you have become "ONE with God'.... = Spiritual Union established "in Christ" = Forever.
Welcome to : ETERNAL LIFE
"God is A Spirit" and your born again SPIRIT is now become a part of God.
(That is not water baptism),
So, to become born again SPIRITUALLY = This is how the born again exist in the Kingdom of God, as a "new Creation".... Son/Daughter of God.
See that?
That is not your body or your mind or your feelings.
Now, think about that which i just taught you..... so that when you SEE it... then what i'll write below, is going to help you end your striving to be good and failing.... issue.
Notice this partial verse.. Romans 6:6
1.) ""knowing THIS.... our OLD MAN is crucified with Christ"..
Now, do you know that your old man is your carnal mind and your "flesh".
You have to understand this.. or KNOW THIS>.. as Paul teaches.... or you will not be able to come to the renewed mind that is the first part of the Thread that explains your born again spirit, being in the KOG.
So, where is your "old man of sin"
Notice this verse...2 Corinthians 5:17
2.) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: OLD things are passed away....; behold, all things are become new.
Now what is "passed away"?
Its mean DEAD....
Look at #1... "Our OLD MAN is CRUCIFIED with Christ".
Reader, if you are crucified you are "passed away"..
So, what is now the "ALL things have become NEW"? A.) = That is you as the born again "NEW Creation, in Christ"..child of God.
See it?
Now here is the CONTEXT.. of this Teaching..
Romans 6:2
"""""How shall we, that are DEAD TO SIN, live any longer therein?”
Now, if you are dead to sin, then why are you breathing?
Its because Paul is talkig about your sin consciousness and your "old man of sin".. not your body or your mind or your feelings.
So, Where is your old carnal mind "flesh"... "old man of sin"?
Its Dead.
You just read that in a couple of verses.
Now Believe it.
Why is it dead?
Because its "Crucified with Christ", Reader.
And Where is Christ?
Is He dead?
No......He is RISEN, and if you are born again, you are also risen with Him in "newness of LIFE"... (Eternal life) Born again.. as a "New Creation".
= "Seated in Heavenly Places" in the KOG.
Now you can't see any of that, Reader.
However, that is ALL THAT GOD SEES of you, if you are born again., as that is You as the "Son/Daughter" of God.
Do you.....See that MIND of God, regarding you ??
Now you have to learn to only SEE yourself, as HE SEES YOU... at all times..
You have to get that renewed mind.
And when you get it, and you have it, then you have= "worked out your Salvation". You've seen the LIGHT. You have the Revelation. regarding who the born again have become "IN Christ".
Now how do you get the old man who is crucified, behind you, and out of your thinking?
Its not by striving.
Its not by resisting carnality.
Its not by trying to be good.
Here is how you do it.
Romans 6:11
Paul teaches us...
"""" RECKON yourselves to be DEAD indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
That means to see it that way, .. period.
And how do you do that?
All you have to do is see yourself as God sees you.
Get HIS MIND... as your perception of yourself.
Reader, if you are born again... then GOD sees your sin as eternally forgiven, and your old man of carnality as DEAD and Crucified, and you as ALIVE UNTO GOD, as a born again,= "A New Creation in Christ".
If you will get that understanding, as your MIND< then God's Grace that has removed the curse of the Law from you, will empower your Holy Living, every day.
Now once you SEE this revelation and you get that mind, you have for the very first time.. "put on the Helmet of SALVATiON".
The Born again exist IN the Kingdom OF God.
What is that?
Its this.. ,"God is A Spirit".
A.) "Spiritual Kingdom" = Kingdom of God.
So, what part of you, is THERE ???
What part of you is "seated in Heavenly Places, in Christ'.........right now???
Its not your body, as you can see it, so that is not : SPIRITUAL.
Its your BORN AGAIN...."new creation"... that is Spiritual, and is "'ONE with God""...
This is Spiritual UNION with God, that was lost by 1st Adam and restored to you, by The Cross of Christ who is the 2nd Adam.
When you believe in Jesus and are born again, you have become "ONE with God'.... = Spiritual Union established "in Christ" = Forever.
Welcome to : ETERNAL LIFE
"God is A Spirit" and your born again SPIRIT is now become a part of God.
(That is not water baptism),
So, to become born again SPIRITUALLY = This is how the born again exist in the Kingdom of God, as a "new Creation".... Son/Daughter of God.
See that?
That is not your body or your mind or your feelings.
Now, think about that which i just taught you..... so that when you SEE it... then what i'll write below, is going to help you end your striving to be good and failing.... issue.
Notice this partial verse.. Romans 6:6
1.) ""knowing THIS.... our OLD MAN is crucified with Christ"..
Now, do you know that your old man is your carnal mind and your "flesh".
You have to understand this.. or KNOW THIS>.. as Paul teaches.... or you will not be able to come to the renewed mind that is the first part of the Thread that explains your born again spirit, being in the KOG.
So, where is your "old man of sin"
Notice this verse...2 Corinthians 5:17
2.) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: OLD things are passed away....; behold, all things are become new.
Now what is "passed away"?
Its mean DEAD....
Look at #1... "Our OLD MAN is CRUCIFIED with Christ".
Reader, if you are crucified you are "passed away"..
So, what is now the "ALL things have become NEW"? A.) = That is you as the born again "NEW Creation, in Christ"..child of God.
See it?
Now here is the CONTEXT.. of this Teaching..
Romans 6:2
"""""How shall we, that are DEAD TO SIN, live any longer therein?”
Now, if you are dead to sin, then why are you breathing?
Its because Paul is talkig about your sin consciousness and your "old man of sin".. not your body or your mind or your feelings.
So, Where is your old carnal mind "flesh"... "old man of sin"?
Its Dead.
You just read that in a couple of verses.
Now Believe it.
Why is it dead?
Because its "Crucified with Christ", Reader.
And Where is Christ?
Is He dead?
No......He is RISEN, and if you are born again, you are also risen with Him in "newness of LIFE"... (Eternal life) Born again.. as a "New Creation".
= "Seated in Heavenly Places" in the KOG.
Now you can't see any of that, Reader.
However, that is ALL THAT GOD SEES of you, if you are born again., as that is You as the "Son/Daughter" of God.
Do you.....See that MIND of God, regarding you ??
Now you have to learn to only SEE yourself, as HE SEES YOU... at all times..
You have to get that renewed mind.
And when you get it, and you have it, then you have= "worked out your Salvation". You've seen the LIGHT. You have the Revelation. regarding who the born again have become "IN Christ".
Now how do you get the old man who is crucified, behind you, and out of your thinking?
Its not by striving.
Its not by resisting carnality.
Its not by trying to be good.
Here is how you do it.
Romans 6:11
Paul teaches us...
"""" RECKON yourselves to be DEAD indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
That means to see it that way, .. period.
And how do you do that?
All you have to do is see yourself as God sees you.
Get HIS MIND... as your perception of yourself.
Reader, if you are born again... then GOD sees your sin as eternally forgiven, and your old man of carnality as DEAD and Crucified, and you as ALIVE UNTO GOD, as a born again,= "A New Creation in Christ".
If you will get that understanding, as your MIND< then God's Grace that has removed the curse of the Law from you, will empower your Holy Living, every day.
Now once you SEE this revelation and you get that mind, you have for the very first time.. "put on the Helmet of SALVATiON".
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