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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
...to think what pleases God is the accuracy of your doctrine

You can worship God, and praise him, sing to him, etc., but if your doctrine is false, it is all for naught:

"The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth." (Psalms 145:18)

"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." (John 17:17)

"Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine." (1 Timothy 4:13)

With much respect my man!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
If you ever get the chance to experience the real thing,

I was teaching Pauline Theology when you were crawling around in your diapers.
ive posted over 200 Threads here, and you've done what ??
What is that?
You show up here to try to talk people out of God's Grace.
You never talk about the Cross, or the Blood Atonement.
But you'll climb walls to tell us that "losing faith is losing salvation".
So, your Cross avoiding heresy speaks loud and clear, everytime you are here.

And you'll do what now?
You'll make a passing reference to the Cross or to the Blood of Jesus?
Save it.
No need top pretend, more, deceiver.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Does the lack of unity among believers today bother anyone else?

Whether we are OSAS or NOSAS, or in a specific denomination, the fact remains that the Church is under attack by dark forces and principalities that are united in their efforts to silence Christians.

Is there no way for us to come together, hungry and seeking God, so that revival and an outpouring of the Spirit comes with miracles and healing?

Can we not pray in one accord for the sake of the lost and against evil in high places?

Do our arguments about doctrine quench the Spirit? Im not saying they always do but its something to think about. Its hard to pray and argue at the same time.

Im not trying to say that doctrine isn't important but I just feel like with everything that is going on, its time we put some of that aside and storm the gates of heaven with our prayers because were in a battle against evil from those who want to silence the Church.
Fear not, God is in control. It is the beginning of sorrows - close to or actually in the Great Tribulation.
It is a spiritual war so you need to put on your armor: Shield, Helmut and Sword. Persevere, you will get through this, it will get much worse though.
Looking on the bright side of it is what comes after this period of time, The Millennial Kingdom ushering in real peace that the world has never know before, with sin and evil defeated and locked up, Paradise reborn and new eternal bodies! I'm due for an upgrade, mine is getting old and falling apart.
Satan is only given a few years to do his thing. It is not like we are all okay with it, rolling over and taking it. We won't make it easy for him. He is already defeated. All that are written in the Book of Life will be saved. Just realize many will not be - probably about 5 billion. ??
Realize also that you may have to die for your faith. Christians in Muslim countries are getting their heads chopped off, so you just never know what test you will have to go through. More pestilence is on the way, probably nuclear war, famine. This is minor compared to what is coming and Americans, the richest country, have not suffered like the rest of the world - yet.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You never talk about the Cross, or the Blood Atonement.
Every believer knows all about the cross. That's not what the church is ill informed about. Living for him is what the church is not educated in. You show that. You'll hate and divide over non-essential doctrines. And you make essential what is not essential. That's exactly what we need to get over.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Every morning, since I first started my personal warfare 21 years ago, I do this:
I put on the full armor of God, with the truth belt tight about my waist;
The righteous breastplate fit firmly into place, my feet fitted with the gospel shoes of peace;
I quench the evil one's fiery darts with the faith shield, with the salvation helmet on my head;
I take up the Spirit's sword, which is God's word, and the glory of the Lord is my rear guard.
It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me, and the life that I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God, who died for me.
If you had experienced what I had that Thursday morning in March, 2000, you would too. Perhaps you do!
Inaccurate doctrine has kept much of the church as immature believers, rather than true disciples of Christ.
Lord Jesus, open our eyes to Your truth. Amen.
P.S. Some extremists cut the heads off of others.
Most Muslims want to raise their families in peace...like us.
The Muslims I know are kind to me...and they're great cooks!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Thinking about what, perhaps, lies ahead, is hair-raising. From an eternal perspective, it will only last an instant. :)

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Does the lack of unity among believers today bother anyone else?

Whether we are OSAS or NOSAS, or in a specific denomination, the fact remains that the Church is under attack by dark forces and principalities that are united in their efforts to silence Christians.

Is there no way for us to come together, hungry and seeking God, so that revival and an outpouring of the Spirit comes with miracles and healing?

Can we not pray in one accord for the sake of the lost and against evil in high places?

Do our arguments about doctrine quench the Spirit? Im not saying they always do but its something to think about. Its hard to pray and argue at the same time.

Im not trying to say that doctrine isn't important but I just feel like with everything that is going on, its time we put some of that aside and storm the gates of heaven with our prayers because were in a battle against evil from those who want to silence the Church.

You can, but it is difficult. While I was still working I was able to hold a prayer meeting one day a week during our lunch break. We had 6 people from 5 differing denominations. Rules were simple, no denomination specific prayers allowed (I.E. the Hail Mary etc.) We did it for two years.

But otherwise divisions are inevitable. Doctrine is very important and the divisions over doctrine must be. the OSAS vs. lose your salvation crowd is a perfect example of the church needing to be divided as Paul said.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Every believer knows all about the cross. That's not what the church is ill informed about. Living for him is what the church is not educated in. You show that. You'll hate and divide over non-essential doctrines. And you make essential what is not essential. That's exactly what we need to get over.
To most the cross they preach today sounds nothing like the cross paul and others preached .
The one which , by which , We are CRUCIFIED UNTO THE WORLD and the WORLD UNTO US . Dead to sins .
I dont hear that cross . DO you . Most folks do not truly understand what it means
when it is written that our sins were nailed to the cross in HIS FLESH , so that we being DEAD TO SIN
should NOW LIVE UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS . Most folks do not know this , and have not experienced it .
And how can they when they heed the doctrines of men .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
This is exactly what divides and ruins the church. I can tell who is in intimate fellowship with God and filled with the joy of his ways, and who is not by how they post and what they post about.
Exactly my friend . Those who love Christ would speak HIS doctrine , All of his reminders as well as the apostels .
And they would love the brethren and exhort with biblical doctrine daily . To build the church up .
To many its a sin to now say the very words JESUS Did . About having to ENDURE TO THE END
or about having to be hearers and doers of the Word . WHEN folks call those who remind us of these things an anti Christ
they may as well call paul and the apostles and even the biblical Christ an anti Christ . We are living in seriously dangerous times .
We must return to bibles and flee the doctrines of men , including acroymns and all and just learn that biblical JESUS /

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
If you want "unity" on a Christian forum, then all you have to do is stop 4 Topics.

1. ) You can lose your salvation ( Legalism)

2. God chooses some for hell, and some for heaven, (Predestined elect heresy)

3. Mary

4. Acts 2:38

IF you want instead, to see a Christian forum infected and infested with devil led deceivers, then just keep allowing those 4 topics to keep setting fires of confusion and chaos.
Heretics will praise you for it.
If one wants unity , then learn and follow the biblical JESUS and the biblcal apostels doctrine . leave what men have confused the masses with
and never look back .


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
We have a man in our church who used to pastor Riverside Church, Porto in Portugal. It is an international church with a congregation of people who speak about eight or ten languages and come from many diverse religious backgrounds. He told us that since moving to Portugal and being involved for many years in International churches he has learned a lot about church unity, and what really matters.

He very wisely divided the teachings of the various branches of the church into Essentials and Non-essentials. The Essentials, on which all Christians should agree and be united and the non-essentials, on which we could agree to differ.

I thought it made a lot of sense out of a tricky subject.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
#31 is a video of where I came from. It is the Spirit of the song that I am promoting.
We need revival, which I believe begins when my heart cries out to God for more of Him, regardless of the personal cost to me. :)
Paul , Christ and others gave good and stern reminders of what the last days would look like .
FALLING AWAY , INQUITY SKYROCKETING . Speaking of refining , The church is about to hear
I counsel thee to buy of me GOLD TRIED IN THE FIRE . The lambs are about to get POUNDED in the FIREY IRON FURNACE .
And most all others will simply continue on in the falling away and will be co helpers OF the persecution that is to come against us .
There is no great revival in the last days , only a falling away . Though for sure many will be refined in the coming fiery furnance .
Here is a hint . IF we really wanted revival , THEN ALL WE HAD TO DO was do as the early church had done .
GET UP and preach CHRIST . But instead the churches are being lulled to sleep under a false awakening .
Can you imagine paul telling the church , or peter , or others telling the church SOME big awakening is coming .
NO they were too busy actually getting up and out and preaching JESUS . THEY were not focused on a false dead unity
for world peace . THEY KNEW JESUS and HE had said , DO YE THINK i have COME to bring peace on earth , NAY .
BUT there is another one who is coming , and through THIS PEACE HE shall destroy many . ANTI CHRIST .
WE better return to bibles my friend . cause most our churches are focused on the wrong peace , the wrong unity the wrong love
the wrong direction . IF we want souls saved , GET UP and PREACH JESUS .


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Whether I stand outside my front door, guitar strapped on, and sing the good news to the heavens, the squirrels, and my neighbors, take a bus to the park and do the same, or stand downtown in another city at a protest, worship God, kneel in His presence for all the world to see that I believe I am interacting with an unseen power, I will spend the rest of my life for my King. As He leads, of course.
I am finally free of self, I am not afraid to live, and I am not afraid to die.
Of one thing I am sure, is that there is a wave coming, a harvest wave. A great revival, unlike any other seen before. The Lord's been telling me this since the '90s. He spent 20 years preparing me for something. He has kept me alive for a reason greater that myself. He has commissioned me an apostle, and though I'm not sure what that is, He has a purpose for me, greater than myself, that I have not yet seen. Whether it is to help 10 people or many more, I am not holding back any more. Yeshua reigns in majesty! He'll come in glory for all to see! Shalom. :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
What kind of unity? Without correct doctrine there can be no unity.
Yes there can. We can be united in praise and worship and thanksgiving. And we can be united in prayer. We have all been taught the gospel and the scriptures by people with different view points which we now hold to, but there are some areas of Christianity where we can be united. We should be concentrating on those areas instead of the ones where we disagree.

Argument and disagreement and a lack of harmony between brothers and sister who are all heirs of the Kingdom must be very unpleasing to God, especially when it is these differences which are prioritised and fought over with very little love on either side.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
New Zealand
Exactly my friend . Those who love Christ would speak HIS doctrine , All of his reminders as well as the apostels .
And they would love the brethren and exhort with biblical doctrine daily . To build the church up .
To many its a sin to now say the very words JESUS Did . About having to ENDURE TO THE END
or about having to be hearers and doers of the Word . WHEN folks call those who remind us of these things an anti Christ
they may as well call paul and the apostles and even the biblical Christ an anti Christ . We are living in seriously dangerous times .
We must return to bibles and flee the doctrines of men , including acroymns and all and just learn that biblical JESUS /

Like you said... all reminders, The Gospel is Good news your post hasn't good news you don't offer good news...read it, you teach against it, your message is to Christians and you try condemn them to hell, you don't take it to the world, You purposely scheme about other Christians at your forum , then come and purposely attack them even in groups, this is a fact, Ive known you for a few years now Ive seen you scheme it and ive seen you do it, you wont talk openly you talk under your breath and around people, and have a huge problem with false persecution complex, I have notice you mention anti Christ 3 times since I spoke to you a few days ago, look at what I said "How can you give Jesus all Glory if you say he didn't pay for all Christians sins, you are saying he failed and Christians go to hell, That's anti Christ and that's an accuser of the brethren" You where offended at those words you wouldn't even answer me, And I even got accused of calling you anti Christ by your friend, Look at what I said If you are going to be offended about it I guess the shoe fits

The lambs are about to get POUNDED in the FIREY IRON FURNACE .

Here is your wicked imagination getting carried away, this is what you really love to confess