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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
How then does this comment below that you made earlier come into what you said above:
What is it that you mean by this statement, and "not all (about Christ)?"

And if this is the problem that you are here to address, what was it that was or was not "all", that went against your purpose?

Sometimes I really do enjoy this forum. Not enough, but this time for sure.

The difference has to do with your change from "semantics" to "pet peeves. They are quite different things and not "a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another."!!

Pet peeves grieve the Holy Spirit, because they are linked to unforgiveness. Whereas semantics has to do with confusion over words of phrases we are using.

Now perhaps you think and a discussion over semantics and pet peeves is the exact same thing. If that is the case, then it is indeed an argument of semantics. So, to discuss the real issue it was necessary to point out that the discussion is about what grieves the Holy Spirit!! What really grieves the Holy Spirit is that we fail to listen to our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit!!

If it really is a discussion about either semantics, where to people just have an argument of the meaning of a word or phrase, or even if a person argues with another because they have a "pet peeve" (something about someone else that they don't like), then both would grieve the Holy Spirit because both mean that the Holy Spirit is not being listened to! They would also both be works of Law according to the understanding of that person.

However, if it is an attempt to get ourselves to listen to the Holy Spirit to pick up what the Lord has to say to us, then take does grieve the Holy Spirit. Indeed, that is the message the Holy Spirit is actually bring all the time, because even He will not speak on His own but only speaks what He hears because He is also trying to get us to listen to Jesus Christ through Him!!

So, both posts, and indeed all the post I make, are intended to encourage people to seek the voice of the Lord. It's not that I am perfect at listening to the Lord! In fact, the opposite is true. So it is also to my own benefit, because if I encourage others to listen to Him it also encourages me to listen to Him.

It should be apparent, but perhaps it is not, that you are thinking my discussions are about semantics or perhaps some pet peeve, but it is neither!! My discussions are about getting people to listen to the Lord.

So if I express a problem that I have with someone writing "What is Christ" as opposed to "Who is Christ", the "What" or "Who" is not important, but whether a person writing "What is Christ" listens to the Lord. Do you not understand that man's problem has always been whether we listen to the Lord or not! That is why I wrote "if I express a problem", because that is all men's problem, that we start thinking of God as other that someone (a Who) that talks to us!! That problem is the very problem that grieves the Holy Spirit!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Sometimes I really do enjoy this forum. Not enough, but this time for sure.

The difference has to do with your change from "semantics" to "pet peeves. They are quite different things and not "a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another."!!

Pet peeves grieve the Holy Spirit, because they are linked to unforgiveness. Whereas semantics has to do with confusion over words of phrases we are using.

Now perhaps you think and a discussion over semantics and pet peeves is the exact same thing. If that is the case, then it is indeed an argument of semantics. So, to discuss the real issue it was necessary to point out that the discussion is about what grieves the Holy Spirit!! What really grieves the Holy Spirit is that we fail to listen to our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit!!

If it really is a discussion about either semantics, where to people just have an argument of the meaning of a word or phrase, or even if a person argues with another because they have a "pet peeve" (something about someone else that they don't like), then both would grieve the Holy Spirit because both mean that the Holy Spirit is not being listened to! They would also both be works of Law according to the understanding of that person.

However, if it is an attempt to get ourselves to listen to the Holy Spirit to pick up what the Lord has to say to us, then take does grieve the Holy Spirit. Indeed, that is the message the Holy Spirit is actually bring all the time, because even He will not speak on His own but only speaks what He hears because He is also trying to get us to listen to Jesus Christ through Him!!

So, both posts, and indeed all the post I make, are intended to encourage people to seek the voice of the Lord. It's not that I am perfect at listening to the Lord! In fact, the opposite is true. So it is also to my own benefit, because if I encourage others to listen to Him it also encourages me to listen to Him.

It should be apparent, but perhaps it is not, that you are thinking my discussions are about semantics or perhaps some pet peeve, but it is neither!! My discussions are about getting people to listen to the Lord.

So if I express a problem that I have with someone writing "What is Christ" as opposed to "Who is Christ", the "What" or "Who" is not important, but whether a person writing "What is Christ" listens to the Lord. Do you not understand that man's problem has always been whether we listen to the Lord or not! That is why I wrote "if I express a problem", because that is all men's problem, that we start thinking of God as other that someone (a Who) that talks to us!! That problem is the very problem that grieves the Holy Spirit!
Thank you for taking the time to clearly state the issue as you see it.
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New Member
May 7, 2022
United States
What gave you these thoughts? I have been studying the Bible since childhood, and I will be happy to discuss this topic with you. The term "kingdom of the LORD" appears twice in the Hebrew Bible, in 1 Chronicle 28:5 and 2 Chronicles 13:8. The kingdom of God, Jesus replied, is not something people will be able to see and point to. At church Portland Pentecostal Apostolic Church | First Church Love Oregon we often read the Bible, which says that at the right time, all believers in God will enter the Kingdom of God.
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Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
which says that at the right time, all believers in God will enter the Kingdom of God.

The "right time" is when you are born again, FunaayBetterr
That's when you enter it, and it enters you.

Try studying this.....

ROMANS 14:17

and then go here..

LUKE 17:21

And the reason that Jesus said (2000 yrs ago) that the KOG is "among you"< is because the KOG is The presence of God and the Spiritual Kingdom... So, you have GOD COME DOWN, who is Jesus
MANIFESTED IN THE FLESH....... and that is the KOG "among you".

NOW understand....when Jesus unites in Spiritual UNION with the born again Spirit, the KOG is within you.

And one more revelation for you Reader....

"translated from DARKNESS..... TO Light".

See that?
That is to be born again, and become "ONE with God"... who exists "IN LIGHT".
And Jesus in you, ... He is ""the LIGHT OF THE WORLD"".... and because He has joined your spirit with His..."in Christ"...... all the born again become "Children of the LIGHT".

THE LIGHT = the Kingdom of God.

Now, do you see how you GET THERE ???????

This is all Spiritual, yet LITERAL, regarding everyone who is born again.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
What gave you these thoughts? I have been studying the Bible since childhood, and I will be happy to discuss this topic with you. The term "kingdom of the LORD" appears twice in the Hebrew Bible, in 1 Chronicle 28:5 and 2 Chronicles 13:8. The kingdom of God, Jesus replied, is not something people will be able to see and point to. At church Portland Pentecostal Apostolic Church | First Church Love Oregon we often read the Bible, which says that at the right time, all believers in God will enter the Kingdom of God.

First - it is not "What gave you these thoughts?" but "Who gave you these thoughts?"

"What?" - "Who?" that's is just an argument over semantics, right? --- wrong - it is a discussion about the King and His Kingdom vs His enemies, and/or idols.

God is spirit, the Scriptures are writings! So if we seek the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, we seek a "who". The same can be said of His kingdom! When we are talking about the Kingdom of God we are talking about the spirit (angels and such) which make up the heavenly host which serves the King of kings and Lord or lords, Jesus Christ, and there might be a question of discernment of spirits. After all we battle with the dark spiritual forces of this world - evil spirits!

Now one of the ways those dark evil forces use against us is to get us to serve idols as opposed to our King, Jesus Christ. And idol is a "What" - which is to say that it is an inanimate object that we raise up as being God. And one of the idols that we read about in the Scriptures are the Scriptures!!

Jn 5:39,40 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.

There were people when Jesus was on earth that searched the Scriptures (which are an inanimate object) because they thought the Scriptures would give them eternal life. If a person thinks an inanimate object (something that does not have life) can give them life then they have clearly made an idol out of that object! So it is possible to make an idol out of the Bible (a What) instead of seeking Jesus Christ and hearing from Him! Now you can get ideas and thoughts from writings Indeed those whom Jesus was talking to then had gotten there thoughts and ideas from the Scriptures, but their ideas did not include actually listening to the Holy Spirit of God ( a Who, who is part of the Kingdom of God). Nor did it include talking to the heavenly host (the angels) which are ministering spirits sent by the Lord to those who will inherit salivation, are they not?

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?

And since we battle with the dark evil spiritual forces of this world, there is a question about "Who is give us the thoughts we get!"

2 Cor 10:5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,

So if I may, I will answer the question of "Who gave me thoughts about the Kingdom of God?" Which I would love to discuss with you. Oh yeah - I read the Bible and got some thoughts about a Kingdom of God from it - however that did not help me find the Kingdom of God, but the One who seems to be the King did! In fact I would have never even read the Bible except that on morning back in the summer of 1999 a voice from seemingly know where suddenly spoke to me saying "READ YOUR BIBLE". Believing that was God who spoke to me I did read the Bible. And later I got to know the One who told me "READ YOUR BIBLE", and we have been talking since then. It seems that He is a King, because He clearly has those (spiritual beings) who He often sends to minister/talk to me also. So while He, Jesus Christ (according to my belief) is my Lord and One who gives me instructions along with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, I also hear other spirits with my spiritual ears. And applying what I read and which has been pointed out to me, I try to test the spirits (1 Jn 4:1-3). You can't use that test unless you have ears to hear what spirits tell you. So I have spiritual ears to hear, and like you can hear various people at the market, be they a robbers or a cashier, so too can you hear good and evil with your spiritual ears.

So I hear from my King, Jesus Christ, and those who serve Him as their King also, angels. I sometime pick up evil spirits who do not serve Him. They might tell a person to lean on their own understanding - even their own understanding of the Bible - but they do not want you seeking Jesus Christ and believing you can hear from Him via His Holy Spirit talking to your spirit. So you might ask yourself "Who told you to write 'What gave you these thoughts' as opposed to "Who gave you these thoughts?" If you do believe what is written in the Bible you will be seeking Jesus Christ and what He has to say to you! And you will the Kingdom of God. Yet if you buy into a thought from some evil spirit that knowing the Bible without actually knowing the Teacher, will give you eternal life, that will be a problem!

I will be glade to talk to you about the Kingdom of God, but first lets start taking those thoughts to Jesus Christ, because He (a person that can be referred to as a 'who') will send His Holy Spirit with His words for you. Then your question will be a question of discernment of spirit "Who gave you the thoughts?"

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome to the Board.

Please Be Very RICHLY Encouraged, Enlightened, Exhorted, And Edified In
The LORD JESUS CHRIST, And In His Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided!

GRACE And Peace! The apostle of GRACE (2 Min With The BIBLE)

The LORD JESUS CHRIST, And In His Word Of Truth,?????

Is not Jesus Christ the truth and the Word according to the Scriptures??? So why the "and In His" as if He is not the Word but there is something separate from Him that He has that is the Word of Truth??

Have you not failed to rightly divide Him from the Bible?

When Jesus Christ took on flesh He encountered religious leaders who had studied the Scriptures and He tended to call them white washed tombs. We don't want to be that. He also told them that they searched the Scriptures thinking in them they had eternal life as opposed to actually coming to Him. We read all this if we do actually study the Bible. So studying the Bible is of some value, but if don't actually listen to Jesus Christ, as the Word of God, we don't divide thing up correctly. Suddenly we find that the Bible is the Word of God to us as opposed to Jesus Christ. We make it about reading the Bible and leaning on our understanding as opposed to reading the Bible and talking to the Truth (Jesus Christ) about it. Then we present our understanding as some holy and righteous thing - that as opposed to actually sending people to Jesus Christ find out what He says!!

It happened back then and it happens today!

So is Jesus Christ the Word of God, or is the Bible the Word of God?

In the Bible we read:

Jn 5: 46,47“For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. “But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”

So Jesus Christ called the sacred writing of Moses (first five books in the Bible) the writings of Moses!! So not His writings, but Moses's writings!! Now since Jesus Christ is and always has been the Word of God, Moses wrote what he did because Moses talked to Jesus Christ, as the Word of God, back when he wrote the sacred Scriptures. Therefore Jesus clearly showed that He knew how to rightly divide "The Word of God", but what about us?? Is Jesus Christ the Word of God or not??

Gen 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not fear, Abram,...

So was "the word of the LORD" who showed up in a vision and who was saying, "Do nor fear, Abram..." The Bible or was He Jesus Christ? Can we rightly divide that up???

Now I count myself a "Christian" because about 20 years ago I woke up one morning and heard a voice tell me, "READ YOUR BIBLE". I did and wound up getting to know the One who told me "READ YOUR BIBLE" and since He told me "READ YOUR BIBLE" I knew that He was not the Bible but the person who told me to "READ YOUR BIBLE". He was the Word of God, was He not?

Yet I started going to Christian churches only to heard people who were leaders and authorized to get behind the podium that were calling the Bible the Word of God and giving other people the impression that to know Jesus Christ they needed to read their Bible. So the One who told me "READ YOUR BIBLE" was not the Word of God to them, but the Bible was the Word of God to them... and they were leaders in positions to either point people to the One who speaks to us or not - and what did they do? They did not seem to be able to rightly divide the difference between the Sacred Writings, written by people who did know the One who spoke to me and the writing those authors of the Bible wrote to try and get people to seek the Word of God (Jesus Christ).

So who are the real Christians? Are they the ones reading the Bible as the Word of God thinking that someday they will get to heaven - or they like me who talks to and hears from the Word of God (Jesus Christ) so that we get instructions personally out of heaven from Him?

How are we presenting this? Are we rightly dividing the Word of God (Jesus Christ) so that people will turn to Him personally and listen to what He personally has to say to them? Do we not know that He will personally talk to each of us about the things in our lives, including but not limited to the Bible we should be reading?

Maybe that was what was meant when "Grace" wrote: "The LORD JESUS CHRIST, And In His Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided!" - but that is not how it reads! It reads like there is Jesus Christ and there is something else that He has that it the Word of God. Do we not know that when He speaks to us with what we sometimes call "That still small voice" that we are talking to Him? It is Him!! Him!! The person of Jesus Chrsit! His sheep hear His voice!! You will probably start reading the Bible after you hear His voice, if you are like me, because again the first thing I hear from Him (The Word of God) was to read my Bible. That just proved that He was not the Bible but was the Word of God that we read about in the Bible!!

And since this thread is about the Kingdom of God, I assure you that if you do talk to Him, the Word of God who is also the King of kings, you are going to wind up getting to know about His Kingdom! He is going to send ministering spirits (His holy host of heaven, angels) to talk to you. So He is going to open up your spiritual ears to hear. His Holy Spirit is not the only spirit out there, which you find out from being able to hear with your spiritual ears. There are evil spirits, but there are more with you (angelic spirits) than are against you. So you enter the heavenly realm (the Kingdom of God) through Jesus Christ. And you will be able to enter and exist as you wish!

Jn 10:9 “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

People - if you hear His voice you now have access to the Kingdom of God. You can "go in and out"!! You can start up a conversation with your Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings who resides in the Kingdom of God, and He will send angels to also minister to you. Did we not read where Jesus told His disciple that they would see the angels of God descending and ascending on Him?? Did we not read where the servant of the prophet got prayed for and then saw the chariots of fire in the army of God and realized that there are more with us than against us? So how did we read all about this and still not know? Is it because we are leaning on our own understanding instead of listening to our King who said He was the Truth?