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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Really you think I don't study the Bible with all the verses I have use?

verses cut and pasted only impress the children here.

Let me show you what impresses God.

"wisdom" "Knowledge" "spiritual discernment", "discipline". "study".

You posted a lot verses that you dont understand.
You have also proven that you have no idea what the KOG is..........in fact, you told us that we can't define it, and then i defined it for you, using the NT, Paul's verse and now Lukes.

So, that is the limit of your theological knowledge.
You dont even KNOW these verses are in the New Testament.

Luke 17:20-21
20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

What will you do now?
You'll pretend that you knew, even tho you just told us that "we cant define the KOG".

Yet there it is DEFINED, and that is OTHER VERSE< karl.

So, you dont know what you are doing.
But if you like, you can contact a mod and maybe they can rescue you, as you are not able to do it for yourself.
Did you want to try that next?

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
The Lord once told me, "Karl, people want to tells others all about God instead of about God.'

People - you can't tell people all about God!!

I am not saying you should tell people about God - you should. But you are telling them about God so they seek Him. If you start trying to tell others all about Him you are into pride!!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
verses cut and pasted only impress the children here.

Let me show you what impresses God.

"wisdom" "Knowledge" "spiritual discernment", "discipline". "study".

You posted a lot verses that you dont understand.
You have also proven that you have no idea what the KOG is..........in fact, you told us that we can't define it, and then i defined it for you, using the NT, Paul's verse and now Lukes.

So, that is the limit of your theological knowledge.
You dont even KNOW these verses are in the New Testament.

Luke 17:20-21
20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

What will you do now?
You'll pretend that you knew, even tho you just told us that "we cant define the KOG".

Yet there it is DEFINED, and that is OTHER VERSE< karl.

So, you dont know what you are doing.
But if you like, you can contact a mod and maybe they can rescue you, as you are not able to do it for yourself.
Did you want to try that?

Let me tell you what impresses the Lord.

Gen 15:6 hen he believed in the LORD; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.

Your knowledge is never, ever, ever, going to impress God!!!!!!!!!

We are sooooooooo far from being God is it just silliness that a person might think our knowledge from study, or our wisdom, or our spiritual discernment is ever going to impress Him. It just isn't!!

What is wants is for us to believe He is there to be hear from. If you believe in Him, that He is there to be heard from, like Abram - then He can work with you, teach you, give you some of His widsom, and His understanding. But if you insist on leaning on your understanding you are never going to be what He needs you to be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Your knowledge is never, ever, ever, going to impress God!!!!!!!!!

Karl, reply to me, vs, replying to my Thread, as if you do that, i wont see it.

So, the Knowledge that impresses God, is not yours or mine.....Its His, that we learn as this as Paul teaches...>"Work out your Salvation"....>"As many as BE Perfect". "all having the same MIND".

See that KNOWLEDGE? That is not what you get from reading. That is what you learn from the Spirit of God.
That's the knowledge that impresses God, and we are supposed to learn it.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I understand that people historically have not wanted to hear from the Lord. When Moses took the people to the mountain to hear from God they responded by saying "Let not God speak to us!" Yet that is not what God wants! His desire and even the work of God is that all should come to know the Son.

Ps 81:13 “Oh that My people would listen to Me,
That Israel would walk in My ways!

That is how the Lord feels. If you really want to understand that then start listening to the Lord Jesus Christ. That is exactly how His is!! He wants us to listen to Him. So perhaps someone might not know what impresses God, but those who listen to Him do. He loves it when people actually turn to Him and listen to Him. You would know that we work out our salvation by listen to Him, then doing what He asks. Yet if a person is still saying in their heart, "Let not God speak to us." they will not understand this.

So it is that the Lord once told me, "Karl, I want you to preach the Word but not as it is so often preached today. I want you to preach I Am the Word of God." When He told me that, the "I Am" sent me falling towards the floor. I caught myself before hitting the floor but His words as the "I Am" has power.

To go back to earlier in this post - He is not a what - so we don't ask "What is Jesus Christ". He is a person and that person, Jesus Christ, has a name which is "The Word of God" because He as the great "I Am" is still trying to speak to us "Today". The question then is "Who is Jesus Christ" - and the answer is that He is the Word, and God, who was not only in the beginning with God but also the One who said He would never leave us. So we can hear from Him - if seek Him and His voice. We might need to test the spirits, but there is an easy test to us - see 1 Jn 4:1-3.

Again, He wants that we would listen to Him. He stands at the door and knocks with His voice, and if ANYONE hears His voice and opens the door He will come into them and speak with them and them with Him. Go reason with Him and though your sins are scarlet He will count them as being as white as snow. It does mean you will be doing everything right, but it will mean that He can start helping you by teaching you, counselling you, and giving you instructions that will make you better.

Still, you don't have to seek Him and listen to Him. He gave you free will. But not seeking Him and listening to Him means that you will not come to know Him and He will not then know you. Then in that day you will correct hear from Him "I never knew you." You don't want to hear that. Your religion is not going to save you on that day. Your study of the Bible is not going to save you on that day. However, your hearing Him today by faith will change all that!! By hearing Him by faith you will clearly understanding that Jesus Christ is not a "What", but a person whom you come to know!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That is how the Lord feels. If you really want to understand that then start listening to the Lord Jesus Christ.

You should read my Threads.
There are about 200 of them.
If you have "ears to hear", then they will provide you with a lot you can learn.
I suspect tho, that you wont find this out, as it is apparent that you like to hear yourself talk, more then anything else, karl.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
You should read my Threads.
There are about 200 of them.
If you have "ears to hear", then they will provide you with a lot you can learn.
I suspect tho, that you wont find this out, as it is apparent that you like to hear yourself talk, more then anything else, karl.

You should really read my posts!!

I don't want of need you to listen to me - but rather I have been continually telling you to listen to the Lord!! That is what I would like - that people would listen to Him!! You just have to believe that - but if you think I like to hear myself talk you are always missing the purpose of any of my posts!
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
If you were listening to Him, you would never have said that.

If a person is listening to Him they would have loved to hear that.

In the "born again" conversation we read where Jesus told Nicodemus:

John 3:11 “Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony.

If I find a person who accept my testimony about hearing the Lord I rejoice

Ps 40:16 Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; Let those who love Your salvation say continually, “The LORD be magnified!”

That is how it is when you find another person who loves to listen to the Lord. When you heard from Him, you have to just tell others about Him, because He is just that incredible. And when you find someone else who hears from Him it makes you happy. And you know when someone else knows Him and listens to Him, because they too like to talk about what He has to say to them.

Now some are afraid to tell others about Him, because so many don't and want to listen to Him. They might say things like "What is God", because they don't listen to Him, the person who is the Word of God. And they will tell you things like you just want others to listen to you, or like:

you like to hear yourself talk

When all along you were just hoping they would start listening to Him. It is not easy to get people to just listen to Him, when they don't want to.

Heb 5:11 Concerning him we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing.

Still, you say much, because He is worth listening to, and you know that.

And again - if you they finally do listen to Him, they will testify about that, as seen in John 3:11 - and that will cause you to rejoice. It just makes you happy to find someone who does practice listening to Him.

Still, there are those how like to put God to the test. That doesn't work. If you hear, who will you hear? That is not seeking God with all your heart!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I rejoice if you are hearing from the Lord.
And i hope you will rejoice for me also.., for the same reason.

Ps 115:2,3 "Why should the nations say, "Where, now is their God?" But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases."

People don't have Understanding, because they read the Bible with their understanding instead of Understanding, understand?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Ps 115:2,3 "Why should the nations say, "Where, now is their God?" But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases."
People don't have Understanding, because they read the Bible with their understanding instead of Understanding, understand?

1st Corinthians 2:14

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
1st Corinthians 2:14

1 Cir 2:14-16 But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.
But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one.

I used to be a surfer. In fact, I surfed a lot, went in contest, got some trophies, and hung out with a number of other good surfers, living just a couple of blocks from the beach. Of course, people who rarely surfed would often come to the beach for a day on the weekend. That was ok by me. Yet it was not hard to tell who the surfers like us were and who were weekend surfers. A brief conversation was really all that was needed, and of course just watching them surf would tell you the same thing.

Now in some places, the local surfers got protective of "their beach", but that was not me and my friends. Partly because we lived by a big long opened public famous sand beach. We actually kind of enjoyed the crowd. It was entertaining.

I write this because this Christian forum can be a lot like that. I don't just see come to the Lord on the weekend; Him and I talk every day. Because of that I would never write "What is Jesus Christ?", because He is soooo obviously a person - the person who I talk to everyday. You cann't miss that or make that mistake if you indeed are (surfing) taking with Him every day.

Another thing is that if you are haning out with the King every day, then you are also hanging out with the King's Kingdom every day. Which is to say that you regularly see and hear from angels - meaning every day! And because of all that you obviously can and will actually talk about (surfing) being with the Lord.

When I get together with other surfers, even to this day (and my surfing days are long gone due to my age) we still talk about actually waves and events that happened while surfing. Which is to say we testify about the specifics of what happened. You are not just saying that the beach and waves existed but rather you tell stories, like the time we were surfing down in Baja and a couple of big sharks came swimming along the surf line, so we had to go part way in and Rick and I considered getting onto a big rock there. That is a true story.

I can and have somewhere on the forum, already told a story about how the Lord asked me and my wife to go to a particular fast-food place. When we got there, we found a man loudly yelling and scarring the people in the place. The Lord asked me to go and talk to that man about Him. People, when the "Shark" shows up we have a "Rock" to get on to. So, I calmly walked up to the man who had just loudly yell, "We are going to kill em'!" And asked the man who the "we" were. He looked at me with wild eyes and said that he "had 3,000 friends. Ok, this guy was obviously talking about demons as his friends. He looked to be a loner on off the streets. I heard my Lord tell me to bind up the demons. So I exclaimed, "I bind up those spirits in the name of Jesus Christ." The man started to laugh but got instantly shut up so the sound he made was, "H....". Then this crazy looking and sounding man instantly was sitting there calmly. I was then able to talk to Him about Jesus Christ. If you indeed know Jesus Christ well, you know that there are more with us than against us, and that the Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of power. Never-the-less, keep the King close to you.

Now I run across all sorts of Christians, just like I used to run across all sorts of surfers back when I lived a couple of blocks from the beach. My friends happened to be the surfers that really liked going out in the water and surfing. I liked to encourage everyone I knew to go out in the water and actually go surfing. It was fun!! In the same way I to encourage Christians to actually spend time with the Lord. It can be pretty strange. He might have you go to a fast-food place when you are not hungry, just so you can talk to a man heavily influenced by demons about Him. Still, really being with Him is not about quoting a verse - or even three verses. It is about living with Him as your friend, and that is what your are going to testify about.

I made a post:

Ps 115:2,3 "Why should the nations say, "Where, now is their God?" But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases."

People don't have Understanding, because they read the Bible with their understanding instead of Understanding, understand?

The Lord actually specifically asked me to post that verse and that saying from Him that He had told me a few years back. So it got a response without understanding (a word from the Lord) which was not like that post that He asked me to make. So while we got a verse, we did not get a testimony about Jesus Christ, nor was understanding present. Does not God give understanding???

Yeah, He does. It is just one of those things you get to know about Him. It's kind of like knowing that the water is wet and moves around a lot, when you go surfing. Really knowing the Lord mean you know that He is Understanding, just like knowing the water is wet, and that He is always moving around in the medium of understanding. Posting just a verse, and not even the verse but just a reference to a verse is not Him moiving around in the medium of understanding. That is a medium of trying to hide things, not disclose things. That is what He please and does - give you understanding - but only if your listen to Him. The person that He hides from is the person hiding from Him!! But as for us He says, "What you hear whispered in your ear, shout on the house tops"!

So it was that I am shouting "People don't have Understanding, because they read the Bible with their understanding instead of Understanding, understand?"

And then the person not telling you anything He is telling them is not hearing Him!! What we all need to do is actually spend time with Him. It will show. You will testify about Him. You will hear things whispered in your ear and will want to be shouting those things on the house tops, in order to help people understand that He is there with them to go surfing with or whatever else they have in their lives.

Why should that nations say, "Where, now is their God?" since we are saying that He is near us always to talk with!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
1 Cir 2:14-16 But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.
I used to be a surfer.
Why should that nations say, "Where, now is their God?" since we are saying that He is near us always to talk with!

I have a home in Netanya since 2011.
Its on Rishon Le Zion Street.
Its near the Mediterranean Sea, 40 mins north of Tel Aviv.
IN the Spring, and all during the summer and into the late autumn, there are a lot of Surfers who surf near the beautiful beach that is near where i live.
Most people would not think that a "Jew" likes to surf.. when in fact they love it.
Thing is also...... Israel is very much like the United States.....its very democratic, its very liberal, its very religious, and its filled with artists.

Also, you mentioned spiritually discerning the word.
I posted a Thread about that topic today, in the "Spirituality" section.
If you have time....

Here is the interesting thing about spiritual discernment.
Unbelievers have it, its called intuition.
The born again have it like that, but also, in a way that the unbelievers can't ever have it.
And that is.....the born again, have Christ in them.....>He is eternally joined to their Spirit, as their spirit became Born again when He joined it to His own = as SALVATION and as their Eternal Life.
"Christ in you, the hope of Glory"....>"The righteousness of God, In Christ"....>"Seated in heavenly places In Christ"...."As Christ is ... so are the born again in this world"..

So, Christ , = in Him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, hidden.
And He is the WORD, and the bible is the word of God.
Spiritual Discernment is Christ in you, spiritually revealing to you, as revelation knowledge.
Its His knowledge, as He is the Word, and He submits it to you as spiritual discernment.

How do you block it?
How do you stop Christ from giving you any revelation Knowledge?
Simple, just fall from Grace.
Just stop believing that Christ KEEPS YOU SAVED, and start trying to do that for yourself.
You instantly become this...>"Apart from me you can do NOTHING"< Christ told you..... and that is where you will stay until you again "obey the truth" Paul teaches.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Most people would not think that a "Jew" likes to surf.. when in fact they love it.
Thing is also...... Israel is very much like the United States.....its very democratic, its very liberal, its very religious, and its filled with artists.

Here is the interesting thing about spiritual discernment.
Unbelievers have it, its called intuition.
The born again have it like that, but also, in a way that the unbelievers can't ever have it.
And that is.....the born again, have Christ in them.....>He is eternally joined to their Spirit, as their spirit became Born again when He joined it to His own = as SALVATION and as their Eternal Lif

Well - I am now finding the above post interesting.

First of all, I do know of "surfers" who find surfing "Liberal", "Religious", and "filled with artist" - yet that is not really what surfing is about! It is about catching waves and riding them on your surfboard!!!!

Now it is nice that you do that in the sea because you do feel closer to nature. Still, being closer to nature is not the same thing as being closer to God!!! It may feel like it is, but it is not!

So, some "surfers" I have meet go out in the ocean on their surf boards to get that closer to nature feeling, and they like to relate it to being closer to God? I understood that feeling as a surfer, but I was over 40 when the Lord actually did come into my life and that feeling was simply a misleading feeling!! Someone might think of that to be sometime like our intuition, and I suppose someone thinking they are actually getting closer to God by getting closer to nature might mistakenly think that feeling is God, but it is not!!

The simple reason is that our Lord Jesus Christ is a person!!

So when Jesus Christ that His sheep hear His voice, it is a voice that you hear!!!!

Jesus had to explain this to a very religious people by saying:

Jn 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.

What gets missed in the above verse is "the words"!!

That is to say that some think because His words are spirit that they are not actually words! They are like a feeling - something like a person gets when they get close to nature. Yet Jesus said "the words", and what He says does come across as "words" from Him if we are hearing from Him!

Now I admit that His words don't always come across as "word", but they should always come across as words! When they don't it is because we are not really paying attention to Him, or because we are dull of hearing! So, a person could actually hear from Him while in the ocean surfing, but they can just as easily hear from Him while in a busy store shopping. And the opposite is true also. A person can hear from Him while in a busy store shopping or they can just as easily hear from Him while surfing. The problem is to reason that surfing is a religious experience!! That is actually idolizing "surfing" - or that getting close to nature feeling! Again, surfing is just catching waves, even if being in the ocean is a nice place to catch waves and ride them on your surfboard. It does get you closer to God!! Seeking the Lord and actually listening to His words that come via His Holy Spirit gets you closer to God!! That is because He is a person, not a "What", but a "Who"!

Yeah - I knew lots of surfers who thought of surfing as a artistic religious experience but didn't have a clue about the Lord Jesus Christ. For many of them that experience got even better when they got high on drugs.

The group of surfers I mostly hung out with were indeed surfers; meaning that their interest was catching and riding waves for the fun of it. We loved the ocean, and the sunsets, dolphins, and numerous other things help make it enjoyable, but we surfed for that sake of surfing the waves. Some of us were artist, like a friend of mine which once did the airbrush designs on most every surfboard sold in the Santa Barbara Ca. area. But most of us were not artist nor would ever think of ourselves as artists. We were surfers. And not a one of us would have ever had any thought anything about whether a Jewish person might surf of not. Why wouldn't they? 'They should if they didn't', would have been are thoughts if asked, simply because surfing is fun.

And in the same way I think also about Jesus Christ, except knowing Him is more than just fun, thought He is fun. Isaac means 'laughter' and that was the promise son to Abraham. So, if you do indeed hear words from the Lord, understand that laughter is the promise. You also get wisdom, knowledge, counsel, teachings, and instructions which make you a better person. Of course, it is also written that He reproves those He loves, so you should expect a bit of that too.

The point of all this writing is that I hear from my Lord in words!!! His words are not intuition, nor are they a close to nature feeling, nor are they a "religious" experience!! He speaks to our spirit in words, what is often called that small voice. Some are dull of hearing, so they have trouble hearing His words. Of them it is written, 'with their ears they barely hear'.


I got up this morning and He asked me to go on a walk with Him. It was not a feeling - I heard Him tell me several times, "Karl, let's take a walk." He like to call me by name "Karl" which is a word that I specifically hear from Him! Yes- I that word is spiritual and it comes from the Holy Spirit to my spirit, but never-the-less I hear my name "Karl" spoken to me by the Lord! And I never ever heard Him call me by name while surfing, simply because I did not know Him, the person Jesus Christ, until after I stop surfing because a piece of cartilage in chest that was poking away from my rib cage got hard and stopped me from surfing. It felt like I had a marble on my chest while trying to paddle the surf board, and so it was no longer fun.

The Lord is not a "religious experience"! He is not some feeling you get while you get closer to nature! He is not some artistic impression!!

So to the question asked early in this thread which asked, "What is Christ?" He is not a what!!! He is a person that talks to you. That is why in the beginning of the gospel of John we read:

Jn 1:1:2 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.

And He said, Rev 3:19,20 ‘Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

"Anyone" means Jew or Gentile. The poor to the rich. The black or the white. The surfer on the football player. He wants everyone that is "anyone" to seek Him and what He has to say to them. If you do that you will become His friend, and you will actually hear Him tell you He is your "friend"! That of course does not happen the first time you talk to Him, but you will start to actually get to know Him, the person Jesus Christ, as soon as you and Him start talking back and forth! Hearing may start by you thinking that He voice is kind of like a feeling or intuition, but that is only because you are dull of hearing and can scarcely hear. By spending time with Him everyday your hearing with your spiritual ears gets better and better.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
First of all, I do know of "surfers" who find surfing "Liberal", "Religious", and "filled with artist" - yet that is not really what surfing is about! It is about catching waves and riding them on your surfboard!!!!
The Lord is not a "religious experience"! He is not some feeling you get while you get closer to nature! He is not some artistic impression!!

Life is a wave, and we should get on board and ride it, instead of watching it.

Life is short
Soon will pass
Only what's done for Christ will last.

Life is given to us by God for us to live, not to sit around and watch it go by while we are planning on doing something else.

People worry about.....>"well, what if i fail".
Instead they should think....."what if this is my last day here on earth, maybe i should get busy LIVING instead of waiting to get started".

Christians think...>"well, i wonder if i should , what if its not's God's will...tho i feel that it is..."
Well, what if its not?.....It still might work, and isn't it better to try and find out, then to keep sitting and waiting to start?

And someone says...>"but what if i fail"....
Well, you are already failing by not trying......so, give it a try, and in trying, even if you fail, you have learned WHY you failed, and that is the rule of success, reader.

Experience is the College of LIFE, and you'll never graduate into the big leagues for God, unless you fail to get there,.......= until you arrive.

See here is the thing...... the RESULTS are up to GOD, but the EFFORT is up to you.

You are reading what im writing, many of you.
You see me laboring here, on this forum......so many Threads, so many posts,.....its a lot of EFFORT.... and im not just on this forum.
I have a LIFE ALSO, with people in it, that i TEACH.....
And the end results?
Thats not my part, ... my part is the Preparation and the WORK...... God's part is the FAITH changing and the Light of REVELATiON.

Dont worry about the end result....as that is Up to God........you just focus on the EFFORT, and leave the rest to the Almighty.

No worries. He won't let you down.
God is good all the time., and He can't fail.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Life is a wave, and we should get on board and ride it, instead of watching it.

Life is short
Soon will pass
Only what's done for Christ will last.

Life is given to us by God for us to live, not to sit around and watch it go by while we are planning on doing something else.

People worry about.....>"well, what if i fail".
Instead they should think....."what if this is my last day here on earth, maybe i should get busy LIVING instead of waiting to get started".

Christians think...>"well, i wonder if i should , what if its not's God's will...tho i feel that it is..."
Well, what if its not?.....It still might work, and isn't it better to try and find out, then to keep sitting and waiting to start?

And someone says...>"but what if i fail"....
Well, you are already failing by not trying......so, give it a try, and in trying, even if you fail, you have learned WHY you failed, and that is the rule of success, reader.

Experience is the College of LIFE, and you'll never graduate into the big leagues for God, unless you fail to get there,.......= until you arrive.

See here is the thing...... the RESULTS are up to GOD, but the EFFORT is up to you.

You are reading what im writing, many of you.
You see me laboring here, on this forum......so many Threads, so many posts,.....its a lot of EFFORT.... and im not just on this forum.
I have a LIFE ALSO, with people in it, that i TEACH.....
And the end results?
Thats not my part, ... my part is the Preparation and the WORK...... God's part is the FAITH changing and the Light of REVELATiON.

Dont worry about the end result....as that is Up to God........you just focus on the EFFORT, and leave the rest to the Almighty.

No worries. He won't let you down.
God is good all the time., and He can't fail.

Who tells us this stuff?

Is life a wave does life come from listening to the Lord?

Jn 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.

Jn 14:6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

So, life is person (Jesus Christ), that you hear from! It is not some "wave" you ride!

Life is short
Soon will pass
Only what's done for Christ will last.

Is it only what you did for Christ that goes on? What about you, personally?

Jn 3:36 “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

According to the verse above it is not the deeds we do that have eternal life, but "He who believes", and they that believe obey the Son. So if actually obeying the Son, don't you actually have to hear words from Him giving you instructions so that you can obey Him?

And if then you hear from Him, do what He tells you, and you get eternal life, is then "life short"?? There is something about all men dying once, but then that implies we get resurrected!

And the following does not describe what I think as a "Christian"!! :"Christians think...>"well, i wonder if i should , what if its not's God's will...tho i feel that it is.."

That is not it at all!! I hear words from my Lord, so I believe or choose not to believe that is my Lord talking to me. It is NOT a feeling, it is a relationship that I have with my Lord Jesus Christ! Yet Jesus spoke to a people explaining to them that they did not hear His words! And Moses also spoke to a group of people trying to tell them that the word of God was near them!! And Paul talked to a people explaining that the Word of God we preach is hear us. So what's with preaching a feeling? That is not what I preach. Like Moses, Isaiah, Paul, and Jesus Himself, I preach that the Word of God (not feeling that might be from God) is near us! Yeah, His words are spirit, but they can and should still be picked up in your spirit as "words".

How do you stop Christ from giving you any revelation Knowledge?

Now have different answer to the above question than the one presented in that post as the answer. To how do we stop Christ from giving us any revelation, the answer is that we just don't listen to Him!!!

Since it takes faith to believe that He is there to talk to us, I can if I choose, to simply tell myself that He is not there to talk to me. Maybe He is a feeling, so I can ask myself "What is Christ", but that is not believing that He is a person who can and wants to talk to me - in words!! That would make it easy to believe what I want - so I can say that I like that feeling that I have so I will do that. If instead He does speak to me in words, and I hear those words, then He might tell me things that might not align up with my feelings!! And indeed, His thoughts are not my thoughts. So His feelings are not my feelings either!!

I can't tell you how many times I had a feeling thinking that it might be my Lord trying to tell me something, so I asked Him if He was trying to tell me something with that feeling of mine, only to be told "No". But He often had something else to tell me. Do take all thoughts captive to Him, but don't start thinking that your thoughts and feeling are His thoughts and feelings!!! Seek Him for the words of God that He has for you!

So people - if you get a feeling that you think might be from God


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
[QUOTE="Karl Peters, post: 1236814, member: 10659"

Is it only what you did for Christ that goes on? What about you, personally?

What about me personally?
Well, Karl, ... take a look at this Forum. On it i have posted over 200 Threads. They are a seminary semester regarding Soteriology and other such studies.
Or, you can look at this Thread.
You are on it.
I wrote it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
According to the verse above it is not the deeds we do that have eternal life, but "He who believes",

Jesus Himself is Eternal Life. John 14:6

Jesus said....also.. "all that believe in me HAVE eternal life".

John wrote, that "you can KNOW you have eternal life".

How do you know?

1.) Jesus Himself IS Eternal Life.

2.) All the born again, have Jesus in them.....>"Christ in you, THE Hope of Glory".