What does it mean to be born again?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Theological discussions have never been of much practical help to me. I mean, I’ve had many discussions over these almost 17 years and they don’t often provide me help with my daily life. It never has helped me to hear most of them. What helps me is to hear about the struggles of others and what brought them through it.
We are so banged up and wounded and trying so hard to get over all of the rejections we’ve suffered and to not be wounded any more and to not look to men for acceptance and to break free. Everyone else is just as hurt and wounded as I am, they can’t help me by theological debates. Those debates are, largely, busy brickmaking that keep me slogging along in miseries. They aren’t discipling. They don’t help me to deal with my ego or to forgive or to get clarity or to heal or to give up my life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Theological discussions have never been of much practical help to me. I mean, I’ve had many discussions over these almost 17 years and they don’t often provide me help with my daily life. It never has helped me to hear most of them. What helps me is to hear about the struggles of others and what brought them through it.
We are so banged up and wounded and trying so hard to get over all of the rejections we’ve suffered and to not be wounded any more and to not look to men for acceptance and to break free. Everyone else is just as hurt and wounded as I am, they can’t help me by theological debates. Those debates are, largely, busy brickmaking that keep me slogging along in miseries. They aren’t discipling. They don’t help me to deal with my ego or to forgive or to get clarity or to heal or to give up my life.

"Jesus came to heal the broken hearted".

Jesus said "My peace i give unto you is not like what the world gives".

"come unto me all that are burdened down by the hardship that is just being ALIVE, and i will give you MY REST". "And you will find comfort for your weary mind and your torn emotions"...(soul).


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Following this, you are now a child of God, in progress.........having become sanctified and justified and redeemed already.. = BORN AGAIN.

So, heretics teach that you are to try to work on that, to try to become it, so that you are in the process of trying to save yourself and keep yourself saved.

NOTE who teaches this Cross Denying JUNK, and do not listen to their HERESY, as they are trying to ruin your faith in Christ.
This is their MINISTRY.
Brother, you keep on misunderstanding me, when I say we must cooperate in the PROCESS of our salvation, it is OBEDIENCE to God, Christ, Holy Spirit and the scriptures...it is the OBEDIENCE part you have a problem with

"for good works" Believers' lifestyles after they meet Christ are an evidence of their salvation (cf. James and 1 John). They are saved by grace through faith unto works! They are saved to serve! Faith without works is dead, as are works without faith (cf. Matt. 7:21-23 and James 2:14-26). Salvation is a gate and a way/road. The goal of the Father's choice is that believers be "holy and blameless" (cf. Eph. 1:4).

Paul was often attacked for his radically free gospel because it seemed to encourage godless living. A gospel so seemingly unconnected to moral performance must lead to abuse. Paul's gospel was free in the grace of God, but it also demanded an appropriate response, not only in initial repentance, but in ongoing repentance.
Which you are vehemently against....

Godly living is the result, not lawlessness. Good works are not the mechanism of salvation, but the result.

This paradox of a completely free salvation and a cost-everything response is difficult to communicate, but the two must be held in a tension-filled balance.

American individualism has distorted the gospel. Humans are not saved because God loves them so much individually, but because God loves fallen mankind, mankind made in His image. He saves and changes individuals to reach more individuals. The ultimate focus of love is primarily corporate (cf. John 3:16), but it is received individually (cf. John 1:12; Romans 10:9-13; 1 Cor. 15:1).


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Theological discussions have never been of much practical help to me. I mean, I’ve had many discussions over these almost 17 years and they don’t often provide me help with my daily life. It never has helped me to hear most of them. What helps me is to hear about the struggles of others and what brought them through it.
We are so banged up and wounded and trying so hard to get over all of the rejections we’ve suffered and to not be wounded any more and to not look to men for acceptance and to break free. Everyone else is just as hurt and wounded as I am, they can’t help me by theological debates. Those debates are, largely, busy brickmaking that keep me slogging along in miseries. They aren’t discipling. They don’t help me to deal with my ego or to forgive or to get clarity or to heal or to give up my life.
Join the club, I am as banged up as you are, stuck in Rom 7, emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, as you are.
So what should we do?
Listen to the super heroes and their testimonies?

Here's my advice, I have more respect to a person who can say to me: I don't have all the answers, let's look this up, together, than those who have all the answers to life's questions, I am very weary of them.
If you have never read the book Pilgrim's Progress, do so>

Or, watch the movie.....enjoy Stun, see if you can relate to this

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Brother, you keep on misunderstanding me,

You were not named in the post, you are referring to...
You didnt notice?

What i did was define, on your post, how a heretic teaches "enduring" = as their means of Cross Denying.
See, when a heretic teaches any type of WORKS to be saved or stay saved, (Legalism) then they just ripped Jesus off the Nails with their SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Every Heretic does that when they teach "their" Salvation. Galatians 1:8
"christian" forums are INFECTED with these deceivers.
Be careful, Johann, or they'll have you teaching that salvation can be lost. That Salvation is only as good as you works and behavior.
They'll have you on a forum teaching good works in place of the Blood of Jesus., as that's the Devil's Gospel.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
You were not named in the post, you are referring to...
You didnt notice?
No, I didn't noticed, and when I address other members, I am not referring to you, what we discuss, stay between us.

Seems there is a mix up, and most of the time I don't receive any notifications when someone is posting on one of my posts.

Shalom LaChem


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Join the club, I am as banged up as you are, stuck in Rom 7, emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, as you are.
So what should we do?
Listen to the super heroes and their testimonies?

Here's my advice, I have more respect to a person who can say to me: I don't have all the answers, let's look this up, together, than those who have all the answers to life's questions, I am very weary of them.
If you have never read the book Pilgrim's Progress, do so>

Or, watch the movie.....enjoy Stun, see if you can relate to this

I read the book a long time ago. I’ll check out the movie, thanks.
I can say, by experience, that once He calms your flesh it gets better. But I’ve never heard any man speak about that other than David - my soul is like a weaned child within me.

I also found a verse that describes it here: 10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
At rebirth, you are born from God, and you have a new nature, because you are God's child, so you share His nature. You still live in a fleshy body that is corrupted by sin, but that's not "you" any longer.

This is jumping way ahead in the process of salvation. We retain our responsibility for our own sins after conversion. Gnosticism...which you are espousing...claims that the body means nothing, and sins no longer count. It's the received KNOWLEDGE of salvation that counts. In that scheme you simply reckon yourself to be sinless...and VOILA....you are sinless (at least you think you are). But the gospel is about truth in reality...not a mind-game. So that's where the fable breaks down.

We are warned of those who turn aside to fables.

If you don't believe you have been actually crucified in Christ are are therefore dead to the flesh, you won't act according to your new nature, because you don't believe it's real. So you go on like you always have, in the fleshy ways you are used to.

Dead to the flesh...or impervious to logic? Believing something is real doesn't give you power over reality. You are confusing a good attempt at doing right with the perfection that is in Christ. Sure, you don't sin like you used to....now you just sin like you do now. And religious sins are actually WORSE than carnal sins. The Pharisees were not sinners like the common folk. Yet, their sins were seen as worse by the Lord. Assumptions and presumptions affect holiness. And God is holy. So then a proper honesty and fear are necessary to survive in the process of salvation.

If you do believe, you will live according to your believing, because the Spirit of Christ is in us, He is already empowering us in His life. The just shall walk by faith.

I believe therefore I am? You put too much stock in your own ability to believe and reckon. It is all on a human level. Are you not trying to elevate your own efforts into the domain of the divine...by reckoning it to be so?

I think the common experience is that God trains us into this faith walk through the trials that box us into corners with no exit, that we have to rely on Him. And we come to the point where we more naturally rely on Him. And as we do we are putting off the old man, and his works.

This is true. We get boxed in because we are walking in our own power. There is no need to box in one who is walking in resurrection life. That one has perfect freedom...the freedom and peace that comes directly from God.

So you are making no distinction between a human effort at right doing and the perfect works of those who walk in resurrection life. And I suspect you do so from a lack of any experience beyond what a human can do of himself.

Sometimes this training is long and arduous to say the least!

The flesh is stubborn.

The fact is, you can choose to walk in love and joy and peace and all the rest by trusting in Jesus to empower you, that you don't improve your standing with God if you do, and He won't "love you more" if you do, but it's the right and best way to live, what we were reborn for.

A walk in one's own strength never culminates in holiness. One can never be more righteous than righteous....on the human level. One is either righteous or not. On the holiness level, one is either walking in resurrection life and His perfection or not.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
I also found a verse that describes it here: 10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
great verses, I also find solace here...

Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
Heb 2:18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.
Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.

And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,

1Pe 2:20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.
1Pe 2:21 For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.

1Pe 4:1 Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,
1Pe 4:2 so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God.
1Pe 4:3 For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry.
1Pe 4:4 With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you;

Seems like we are called to suffer, how long? I don't know.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Join the club, I am as banged up as you are, stuck in Rom 7, emotionally,

Now im speaking to you., Johann


Here is a reality.

"as a person thinketh in their heart".....so they become.

You have 2 things working on you, and its keeping you in a dark place where the devil can beat you up.

1.) you've been taught the lie that you are to sin, confess, and expect it,..... and then run to 1 John 1:9 and make it all better.

Notice it doesn't?
Notice it does not make you better? Does not free you from that sin.
That is because this theology is a LIE....its not TRUE.
NetChaplin is lying about that...., and not just him.
So, when you try to heal, and walk in victory over your lust, your flesh..... using the 1 John 1:9 Cult theology dance, you dont heal, you dont recover, and all you do is grow weary and burn out.

That is the effect of Roman's 7, wrongly divided.

Part 2) : of your issue is....... you read......."that which i want to do, i dont do....so i find a law, warring against the law..."
See that?

That is Paul explaining what YOU ARE DOING WRONG, and the effect of it is slow torture, and no relief.

All this, is to be caught up in a wrong belief system.....as that's how it FEELs to try to do what can't be done.
You can't live the victory over your flesh, by WILLPOWER + 1 John 1:9 that is written to unbelievers.
See what happens when you try.?

What is the answer?
How do you get here........>"Christ always gives me the VICTORY", over my flesh, the world, and the devil", as Paul explained as He continued Romans 7, in 1 Corinthians 15:57, Johann.

That is the other part of Paul's Testimony and explanation that is the ANSWER.
We are not left in: "i can't do it, and it gets harder when i try"., as that is the FLESH trying to do something Spiritual.
And when you try to do that, you are this.....Jesus said...>"Apart from me, you can do nothing".
"nothing".... is...>"that which i would do, i can't do, and that which i want to do..."" ""Who will deliver me from this BODY OF DEATH".

See that?

Now Look :

""""O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? [25] I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

See how Paul RESOLVES Roman 7 where you live? ?

Here is the KEY.."with the MIND i serve the law of God..... This is the RENEWED MIND that understands that you are become the righteousness of God, and Romans 4:8, is meant for you to BELIEVE.

AND....That is to understand that you are made righteous, and kept so, by Jesus's BLOOD....... and so now you can RELAX in God's Grace and REST from all that self effort and self righteousness.

The law of God for the BORN AGAIN, is = You are "not under the law, but under GRACE"........ = Grace is the LAW for the born again.

And when you are trying to be good and strive against sin, you are "but with my Flesh the law of sin", you are under that dominion , and that can't be done.
"The power of SIN< is THE LAW".......and that means "when i try to be good, the "curse of the law" becomes a chain"
The good news?
"Jesus came to deliver us from the CURSE OF THE LAW"..... Not 1 John 1:9.

See, you believe that as long as you are not doing something wrong, then you are A-OK with God., and that is the wrong mind.
That is the mind of the FLESH. "If i do good, then i am good".

But that is not SALVATION.
Salvation is...."im MADE RIGHTEOUS by Jesus's BLOOD, and that is = the Gift of Salvation and the Gift of Righteousness"..

If you have gone to the Cross of Christ and believed by faith, then you went there as a SINNER.
God instantly made you a SAINT, as if you had never ever sinned.
That is the Grace of God, and the Blood Atonement.
5 Mins earlier you were a hell bound sinner.... and 1 second later, you are an Heir of God, a SAINT< seated in heavenly places, "made righteous".
And did you work for that?
Did you live holy before God made you so?
You did not....so, now you are trying to do for yourself, what was done for you already on the Cross of Christ, 2000 yrs ago.

See that?
When you believe it, you will find God's Grace as your place of REST...... and Roman's 7 wont ever harm you again., nor any heretic who wants you to stay there, and suffer there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
OHHHH The IRONY! You actually quote the lie of Satan and then turn right around and promote it! You discombobulate the Tree of Life with some mythical reference to it that is not in scripture. Let's look at what the bible actually says about the tree of life:

Rv 22:2-3
In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Is there any reference as to what happens if one fails to eat of it? However, we are told that to eat from the tree of knowledge is certain death. Stop excusing sin. It is death. There is grace and forgiveness in Christ that should not be taken for granted.

Your tit-for-tat pitting of one scripture against another--which I did not "discombobulate" but quoted--is an offence to God...as if He contradicted Himself. Blessings indeed!

On the contrary, I showed the error and the truth by scripture, that whether in death or in life, "today is the time of salvation"--not the rest of one's life. And I didn't mention "sin"--you did.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
This is jumping way ahead in the process of salvation. We retain our responsibility for our own sins after conversion.

If Jesus has not died for your sin, """as the one time eternal sacrifice for sin"", because "God hath made Him to be SIN for us",... then what you are teaching is true.

If He did, then you are not born again according to you post...., and what you are teaching is Anti-Cross and Anti-Christ, Episkopos.

Romans 4:8 and 2nd Corinthians 5:19, explain that God in Christ has dealt with sin, and you are denying this and trying to put the burden of sin on a believer, when the Cross of Christ has dealt with it., 2000 yrs ago.

And running to 1 John 1:9 wont help, as that is not written about the born again.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
1.) you've been taught the lie that you are to sin, confess, and expect it,..... and then run to 1 John 1:9 and make it all better.
If we confess (ean homologōmen). Third-class condition again with ean and present active subjunctive of homologeō,

“if we keep on confessing.”

Confession of sin to God and to one another (Jas_5:16) is urged throughout the N.T. from John the Baptist (Mar_1:5) on.
Faithful (pistos). Jesus made confession of sin necessary to forgiveness. It is God’s promise and he is “righteous” (dikaios).
"If we say" See note at 1 John 1:6.

"we have not sinned" This is a PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE which implies that one has never sinned in the past nor in the present.

The term "sinned" is SINGULAR and refers to sin in general. The Greek term means "to miss the mark." This means that sin is both the commission and the omission of the things revealed in God's Word. The false teachers claimed salvation was related only to knowledge, not to life.

"we make Him a liar" The gospel is based on the sinfulness of all mankind (cf. Rom. 3:9-18,23; 5:1; 11:32). Either God (cf. Rom. 3:4) or those who claim sinlessness, is lying.

"His word is not in us" This involves the dual aspect of the term "logos," both as a message and a person (cf. 1 John 1:1,8; John 14:6). John often refers to this as "truth."

2:1 "My little children" John uses two different diminutive terms for "children" in 1 John.

teknion (cf. 1 John 2:1,12,28; 3:7,18; 4:4; 5:21; John13:33)
paidion (cf. 1 John 2:14,18)

They are synonymous with no intended theological distinctives. These affectionate terms probably come from John's advanced age at the time of the writing.

Jesus used the term "children" to refer to disciples in John 13:33.

"I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin" This is an AORIST ACTIVE SUBJUNCTIVE.

John is making a definite distinction between PRESENT TENSE, an ongoing habitual lifestyle of sinning (cf. 1 John 3:6,9, i.e., a sect of the Gnostic false teachers) and individual acts of sin committed by struggling and tempted Christians. He is trying to bring a balance between the two extremes of

taking sin too lightly (cf. Rom. 6:1; 1 John 1:8-10; 3:6-9; 5:16)

Christian harshness and brittleness over personal sins
These two extremes probably reflect two different schools of Gnostic teachings.

One group felt that salvation was an intellectual matter; it did not matter how one lived because the body was evil. The other group of Gnostics also believed the body was evil and, therefore had to be limited in its desires.

"And if anyone sins" This is a THIRD CLASS CONDITIONAL SENTENCE which speaks of potential action. Even Christians sin (cf. Romans 7; Eph. 4:14; 6:10-18).

"we have an Advocate with the Father" This is a PRESENT ACTIVE INDICATIVE which refers to Jesus' ongoing intercession as our heavenly Advocate (paraklētos).
This was a legal term for a defense lawyer or "one called alongside to help" (from para, beside and kaleō, to call). It is used in the upper room discourse in the Gospel of John, for the Holy Spirit, our earthly, indwelling advocate (cf. John 14:16,26; 15:26; 16:7). However, this is the only use of the term for Jesus (although it is implied in John 14:16; Rom. 8:34; Heb. 4:14-16; 7:25; 9:24).

Paul used this same concept for the intercessory work of Christ in Rom. 8:34. In this same passage he also speaks of the intercession of the Holy Spirit in Rom. 8:26. We have an Advocate in heaven (Jesus) and an Advocate within (the Spirit), both of whom the loving Father sent on His behalf.

See, you believe that as long as you are not doing something wrong, then you are A-OK with God., and that is the wrong mind.
That is the mind of the FLESH. "If i do good, then i am good".

@Behold you are really reading me wrong...I have an Advocate with my Abba, interceding for me in my daily shortcomings. I don't commit ACTS of hamartia with impunity!!
See that?
When you believe it, you will find God's Grace as your place of REST...... and Roman's 7 wont ever harm you again., nor any heretic who wants you to stay there, and suffer there.
I'm getting a bit tired of being reminded, over and over again, that I'm a/like/is...a heretic


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
If we confess (ean homologōmen). Third-class condition again with ean and present active subjunctive of homologeō,

“if we keep on confessing.”

I cant read your cut and paste.

But i can tell you this..
You are on a forum teaching the very problem you have.
Episkapos and Netchaplin will help you keep your misery.
You've told us you sin and confess a lot, and that Romans 7 is a THORN To you, and i have shown you how to escape your wrong belief system in about 50 posts or more.
You can only continue to cut and paste what is making you suffer.
It wont make me suffer, as i dont have your issue, Johann.
See.....I read the rest of what Paul teaches, and he said..>"Christ always GIVES ME THE VICTORY", and "ALWAYS" is not , sometimes.
Paul is telling you the truth.
Its up to you to BELIEVE IT and do what he told you to do that ive shown you for a while now.

So, the rest is on you..
If you want to keep that Spiritual misery then just keep doing what you are doing., and you'll keep it for as long as you do.
It wont get better, and you'll just get worse.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
And running to 1 John 1:9 wont help, as that is not written to the born again.
I beg to differ.........


A. Tradition asserts that this book was written to the Roman Province of Asia Minor (western Turkey), with Ephesus being its major metropolitan area.

B. The letter seems to have been sent to a specific group of churches in Asia Minor which were experiencing a problem with false teachers (like Colossians and Ephesians), specifically

1. docetic Gnostics who denied the humanity of Christ, but affirmed His deity

2. antinomian Gnostics who separated theology from ethics/morality

C. Augustine (fourth century a.d.) says it was written to the Parthians (Babylon). He is followed by Cassiodrus (early sixth century a.d.). This probably came from the confusion of the phrase "the elect lady," 2 John 1, and the phrase, "she who is in Babylon," 1 Peter 5:13.

D. The Muratorian Fragment, an early canonical list of NT books written between a.d. 180-200 in Rome, asserts that this letter was written "after the exhortation of his fellow disciples and bishops" (in Asia Minor).


A. The letter itself is obviously a reaction against a type of false teaching (i.e., "If we say. . ." 1 John 1:6ff and "he who says . .." 1 John 2:9; 4:20 [diatribe]).

B. We can learn some of the basic tenets of the heresy by internal evidence from 1 John.

1. a denial of the incarnation of Jesus Christ

2. a denial of the centrality of Jesus Christ in salvation

3. a lack of an appropriate Christian lifestyle

4. an emphasis on knowledge (often secret)

5. a tendency toward exclusivism

You are not going to tell me where to "run" in scriptures.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I beg to differ.........


A. Tradition asserts that this book was written to the Roman Province of Asia Minor (western Turkey), with Ephesus being its major metropolitan area.

You write what others wrote and pretend its yours.

Does this impress anyone here? No? Then there goes your ministry.

See, all that is not very honest, Johann, but its indeed the work of someone like you as you keep showing us here.
And will again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
I cant read your cut and paste.
You can't read my copy and paste? Are the letters blurred?
But i can tell you this..
You are on a forum teaching the very problem you have.
You've told us you sin and confess a lot, and that Romans 7 is a THORN To you, and i have shown you how to escape.

So, the rest is on you..
If you want to keep that Spiritual misery then just keep doing what you are doing., and you'll keep it for as long as you do.
It wont get better, and you'll just get worse.
No, @Behold you can tell me nothing, you are not my rabbi, where I have to stand on one foot, and you "expound" the Torak/Tanack for me, I am not about to recant Messiah, and embrace Judaism with the 7 Noahide mitzvot.

I am on a public Forum, and before my Judge, Christ Jesus.

I don't have to be accountable to you, in fact, I am not accountable to you at all.
Why can't you read my cut and paste? Is it coming out wrong?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2018
United States
Theological discussions have never been of much practical help to me. I mean, I’ve had many discussions over these almost 17 years and they don’t often provide me help with my daily life. It never has helped me to hear most of them. What helps me is to hear about the struggles of others and what brought them through it.
We are so banged up and wounded and trying so hard to get over all of the rejections we’ve suffered and to not be wounded any more and to not look to men for acceptance and to break free. Everyone else is just as hurt and wounded as I am, they can’t help me by theological debates. Those debates are, largely, busy brickmaking that keep me slogging along in miseries. They aren’t discipling. They don’t help me to deal with my ego or to forgive or to get clarity or to heal or to give up my life.
I do not say listen to me, but only consider the words. I have leaned the hard way, to put my trust only in the Lord. The Lord is the only One that will not fail us. Of all the people on these boards I was the worst. I was the least worthy of His love. Every bad thing that a man could be, I was. But when the perfect time came, The Lord came and knocked on my door. "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any one hears My voice, and opens the door I will come into him and sup(eat) with him." With tears in my eyes and a sincere heart(which He saw) I opened the door. This is the true meaning of being born again(from above). On that day my life began anew. The Lord(The Holy Spirit) had entered into me. On the very first day He said, "Put not your trust in man, for he will fail you, put only your trust in Me for I will never leave you nor will I forsake you." In the beginning, I fought against The Lord, but the more I fought, the more He showed me His love. Oh how unworthy I was of this. There finally came a day I just surrendered, and stopped fighting. Him. His love had won me over. That was long ago. And during this journey my teaching has only come from Him(The Holy Spirit) just as He promised to do. There has been no extra books, only one book,(His Word The Bible) there has been no extra teachers, only Him, The Teacher above all teachers. There has been no middle man, which can corrupt that which is Holy. And The Lord is Holy. It is said that two can not walk together, unless they agree. When I stopped fighting Him back then, it was then that we agreed as One and walked together as One(John 17). The Lord's (The Holy Spirit's) teaching is the same teaching found within the pages. Understanding comes, as The Holy Spirit reveals it in it's time. So you see, I come, not as anyone"s enemy, I do not say listen to me, or follow me, but I point to Jesus and Jesus alone. Listen to Him. Allow Him to teach you and guide you unto all righteousness.. And yes it is true, what a man believes in his heart, so he is.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I think he was taking offense at you not citing the source of what you copied. For instance, to say, “from Bible.org” or “from C. S. Lewis.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
You write what others wrote and pretend its yours.
The one here making the Scriptures out to be a liar is you, sitting in the seat of Moshe with your rod, you told another member that 1 John is not written to believers, I have proven you otherwise, and to no avail are you, the accuser of the brethren, going to stop me from quoting secondary resources, since you cannot give a rebuttal on those sources.

You are a slick kind of person, trying very hard to make me lose all credibility, yet my sources are telling you that you are a liar.
You are a And EVEN NEGEF U’L'TZUR MICHSHOL ...Yiddish, giving you a head start.
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