What Does It Take to Convince You WHERE We Are In Time???

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Breaking! Pastor Tim Stephens Arrested After Police Helicopters Find Secret Church Location - Protestia

Breaking! Pastor Tim Stephens Arrested After Police Helicopters Find Secret Church Location
7 hours ago Staff Writer

Canadian Pastor Tim Stephen of Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary has been arrested again for the great crime of holding a church service in Canada, being led away by the police and taken to jail in what will be his second arrest for insisting that Christ is the head of the church and determines how and when they gather, not the government.

This new arrest comes a month after his previous incarceration, where he spent a few days in jail before being released, with the charges being dropped several weeks later.

In Alberta, it is against lockdown orders to have churches at more than 15% capacity.

The church was gathered at an undisclosed location when a police helicopter discovered the gathering. It made several passes over them, crisscrossing the skies, and then left, with police cars showing up at the service minutes later. No arrests were made at that time.

After his first release, Alberta Health Services and the Calgary police showed no signs of letting up their persecution, locking the door to the church and physically shutting it down only a little over a week ago.

Pastor Stephens tweeted out on social media that he got a tip that police may be coming to arrest him, a heads up that was proven true when he was arrested mere hours ago in front of his family.

... and they'll be coming for us, so be prepared.

Bobby Jo

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Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
United States
You might have equally noticed that I don’t respond to many posts either…..if you consider that your answers responds to my question, then that’s fine. My point was really that you often put other Christians down when you don’t consider that they act in certain ways, you were critical of many Christian men ….so I was curious as to what group you fitted in to ……..after all typing about things on a forum is not the same as actually making a stand publicly, in person ( like the young person in the video )

by the way I am happily single…….

I am somewhat like you Rita.
Unhappily widowed. But, now, some 10 years later?
Happily single!


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
United States
Lke 17: 33 Whoever seeks to gain his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it.

Peter "saved himself" from persecution THREE TIMES, and subsequently REGRETTED EACH INSTANCE. People rationalize WHY they're cowards, even accusing others to justify their cowardice, but GOD sees our hearts and knows whether we stood for HIM, -- or bowed our knee to avoid the fiery furnace; accepted the mark of the beast to keep our job; or as simply watched as Stephen was stoned.

We recently seen MANY arising to STAND against tyranny in the streets, at School Boards, with Election Audits, phoning our Government Officials, and even at the Doctor's office where we REFUSE to accept a poison labeled: "vaccination". And EACH exhibition of RESISTANCE Encourages Others, and Discourages Those who would Violate our FREEDOMS.

And I'm not saying our only choices are to be as Peter in the courtyard, or as Stephen in the streets; but we should conduct a "fighting retreat" with "counter-attacks" to delay and even destroy those who would steal our GOD Given Freedoms.

Bobby Jo


Might I suggest to you that you get out in the streets and brighten the corner where you are!

Don't be so afraid of the persecution! :mad: Cuz, it's out there! :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Breaking! Pastor Tim Stephens Arrested After Police Helicopters Find Secret Church Location - Protestia

Breaking! Pastor Tim Stephens Arrested After Police Helicopters Find Secret Church Location
7 hours ago Staff Writer

Canadian Pastor Tim Stephen of Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary has been arrested again for the great crime of holding a church service in Canada, being led away by the police and taken to jail in what will be his second arrest for insisting that Christ is the head of the church and determines how and when they gather, not the government.

This new arrest comes a month after his previous incarceration, where he spent a few days in jail before being released, with the charges being dropped several weeks later.

In Alberta, it is against lockdown orders to have churches at more than 15% capacity.

The church was gathered at an undisclosed location when a police helicopter discovered the gathering. It made several passes over them, crisscrossing the skies, and then left, with police cars showing up at the service minutes later. No arrests were made at that time.

After his first release, Alberta Health Services and the Calgary police showed no signs of letting up their persecution, locking the door to the church and physically shutting it down only a little over a week ago.

Pastor Stephens tweeted out on social media that he got a tip that police may be coming to arrest him, a heads up that was proven true when he was arrested mere hours ago in front of his family.

... and they'll be coming for us, so be prepared.

Bobby Jo

We will be in good company Brother,

Heb 11:32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
Heb 11:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
Heb 11:34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.
Heb 11:35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
Heb 11:36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
Heb 11:37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
Heb 11:38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.

Luk 17:33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

We have something that the bad guys don't.
God's promises


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Might I suggest to you that you get out in the streets and brighten the corner where you are!

Don't be so afraid of the persecution! :mad: Cuz, it's out there! :)
And in here too.
Here meaning online, social media.
You don't have to get a punch in the nose to get abused and humiliated.
What happens to the body is not the issue. It's what they do to your spirit.
They discourage you, they mock you, they cause unseen wounds.
You don't need to get out and brighten a corner,
You need to brighten the corner you are in.

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Might I suggest to you that you get out in the streets and brighten the corner where you are!...

I'd propose that there have always been too few of us who are ALL KNOWING, and ALL WISE. And it's REFRESHING that where a single GOD's PRESENCE has been INSUFFICIENT throughout history, we now have MORE joining HIM to help guide humanity.

So forgive me for asking, but would you please share with this audience exactly what I've been doing for the past dozen years when I though I was following the Holy Spirit, so that I can be CORRECTLY guided BY YOU?

And THANK YOU for volunteering to be a CO-GOD! :)
Bobby Jo


Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Here's an EXCELLENT exhortation to take back our own Government WITHOUT the use of arms:

Blame the Constitution? Words on Paper Don't Enforce Themselves
Tenth Amendment Center
Published Wednesday

A small, but vocal faction would have you believe that the Constitution itself is the cause of the monster state today. Another wants you to believe that the solution is to just get the words right in the document. But this defies the expectations and views of many leading founders, who considered even their own work a mere “parchment barrier.”

.. and the Powerful and Persuasive argument for DIRECT CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT in our Government is powerfully presented at the 21:35 mark, -- as we are FINALLY starting to see with Parents confronting their School Board members; Citizens confronting the Police; Voters confronting a Fraudulent Election; etc.

To quote Mao: "Sitting on the fence will not do"; -- which is to say to be either be hot or cold but not lukewarm.
Bobby Jo

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Here's a SPOOF on biden:

Biden's Earpiece Audio Feed .....Biden Speech at the NATO Summit [Behind the Scenes]
Jun 14, 2021

President Biden took questions today from reporters at the NATO summit. What might they be telling him in his ear?

... of course HUMOR is based on REALITY ...

Bobby Jo

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I am somewhat like you Rita.
Unhappily widowed. But, now, some 10 years later?
Happily single!
I was married for 27 years, it was challenging !
Divorced for over ten years , adapted !
My ex passed away two years ago………but I have been happily single once I adapted !!
Sorry that you were unhappily widowed xxxxx


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
Breaking! Pastor Tim Stephens Arrested After Police Helicopters Find Secret Church Location - Protestia

Breaking! Pastor Tim Stephens Arrested After Police Helicopters Find Secret Church Location
7 hours ago Staff Writer

Canadian Pastor Tim Stephen of Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary has been arrested again for the great crime of holding a church service in Canada, being led away by the police and taken to jail in what will be his second arrest for insisting that Christ is the head of the church and determines how and when they gather, not the government.

This new arrest comes a month after his previous incarceration, where he spent a few days in jail before being released, with the charges being dropped several weeks later.

In Alberta, it is against lockdown orders to have churches at more than 15% capacity.

The church was gathered at an undisclosed location when a police helicopter discovered the gathering. It made several passes over them, crisscrossing the skies, and then left, with police cars showing up at the service minutes later. No arrests were made at that time.

After his first release, Alberta Health Services and the Calgary police showed no signs of letting up their persecution, locking the door to the church and physically shutting it down only a little over a week ago.

Pastor Stephens tweeted out on social media that he got a tip that police may be coming to arrest him, a heads up that was proven true when he was arrested mere hours ago in front of his family.

... and they'll be coming for us, so be prepared.

Bobby Jo


resisting government isn't the job, spiritual support is the job, and that can be done with out a "church building" so pastor Stephens is a fault. if its the pastor's position to not work around the present circumstances, and its supposed to be done his way, then he gets what he deserves.

we get on this site all the time and social media is a very powerful tool in today's world, what's his problem other than seeking attention for himself.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
United States
I'd propose that there have always been too few of us who are ALL KNOWING, and ALL WISE. And it's REFRESHING that where a single GOD's PRESENCE has been INSUFFICIENT throughout history, we now have MORE joining HIM to help guide humanity.

So forgive me for asking, but would you please share with this audience exactly what I've been doing for the past dozen years when I though I was following the Holy Spirit, so that I can be CORRECTLY guided BY YOU?

And THANK YOU for volunteering to be a CO-GOD! :)
Bobby Jo


Kinda goes something like this:
John 1:12
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the (adopted) sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
1 Peter 2:5
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.


A whole LOT of never knowing if believing is a blessing or a curse!
(keeps one humble) :)

btw....not co-God......jez adopted


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
United States
I was married for 27 years, it was challenging !
Divorced for over ten years , adapted !
My ex passed away two years ago………but I have been happily single once I adapted !!
Sorry that you were unhappily widowed xxxxx

Thanks Rita!
Took about 3 er 4 years to adapt.
But, after that? For the first time in my life, I was truly alone. Not lonely, just alone.
Some people can't handle that.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
So when can anyone recall that a News Reporter OUTED their "news agency"? -- I can recall PLENTY of instances where "reporters" BLATANTLY LIED, but this is the FIRST I'm aware of where the Reporter DEFIED their "news agency" TO TELL THE TRUTH:

BREAKING: Fox 26 Reporter Releases tape of ‘Corruption,’ ‘Censorship.’ Fox Corp Boss told Hecker “cease & desist” posting on Hydroxychloroquine & ‘Poor African-Americans’ don’t care about Bitcoin. “Viewers being Deceived”
Project Veritas, June 15, 2021

BREAKING: Fox 26 Reporter Releases tape of ‘Corruption,’ ‘Censorship.’ Fox Corp Boss told Hecker “cease & desist” posting on Hydroxychloroquine & ‘Poor African-Americans’ don’t care about Bitcoin. “Viewers being Deceived”

Fox 26 reporter Ivory Hecker was suspended today, after announcing live on-air that she had decided to come to Project Veritas for what she described as pure “corruption” at the Houston affiliate – She said the station’s actions are an affront to real journalism and claimed leadership prioritizes corporate interests over the viewer.
Wouldn't it be REFRESHING if our Government, our "News" Agencies, our Businesses, and our Churches ALL had integrity? -- But sadly it's only on and INDIVIDUAL Basis, and VERY FEW Individuals have such INTEGRITY!

Bobby Jo

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
EXCUSE ME, -- YOU SAID WHAT??? -- "ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs", and to "surrender our rights"?!?

Obama [all of US Government] lets slip what they truly think of "we the people"
Shane St. Pierre Jun 15, 2021

"This video has been deleted from every platform (including google) years ago. It took me along time to find it. make it go viral!" Original Video was on Brighteon, I threw it up on my [14thj] YouTube Channel. It will prob get taken down but ill just make my 15th channel and keep on trucking. Easy to share!

Perhaps this individual will be "too small minded" when his head is lying in a basket at the base of the machine.

Bobby Jo


Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Reports that Washington DC has gone "dark" with all the publicly accessible video camera feeds NOT AVAILABLE. And apparently the FBI BUILDING has Chains across it's hand-rails to the steps, and Shutters on the Entrance Doors:

FBI Headquarters in Washington DC - Boarded-up, Stairs Chained off - No one in Building

FBI Headquarters in Washington DC - Boarded-up, Stairs Chained off - No one in Building
Nation NewsDesk 15 June 2021

Video below from a Citizen Journalist reports that the FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC is vacant this morning, June 15, 2021, and the entrance doors are BOARDED-up.

No one can even walk-up the entry stairs which have a small chain across them to keep everyone out.

I have no idea why this is taking place but it sure seems ominous.

Why is everyone gone?
[see the Video]

... and earlier reports have shown PLYWOOD over some random windows, but certainly strange circumstances.

Bobby Jo

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Here's a SPOOF on biden:

Biden's Earpiece Audio Feed .....Biden Speech at the NATO Summit [Behind the Scenes]
Jun 14, 2021

President Biden took questions today from reporters at the NATO summit. What might they be telling him in his ear?

... of course HUMOR is based on REALITY ...

Bobby Jo

Sad so sad
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
EXCUSE ME, -- YOU SAID WHAT??? -- "ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs", and to "surrender our rights"?!?

Obama [all of US Government] lets slip what they truly think of "we the people"
Shane St. Pierre Jun 15, 2021

"This video has been deleted from every platform (including google) years ago. It took me along time to find it. make it go viral!" Original Video was on Brighteon, I threw it up on my [14thj] YouTube Channel. It will prob get taken down but ill just make my 15th channel and keep on trucking. Easy to share!

Perhaps this individual will be "too small minded" when his head is lying in a basket at the base of the machine.

Bobby Jo

I saw this video some years ago...
and honestly, you have to listen what was said BEFORE he said that.
People cut and splice things all the time to make people upset.
It happens all the time.

Remember when Candace Owens was testifying in congress and Representative Lew/Lui.. took her words out of context and she confronted him right there with that?

Ted Lieu

I like Candace Owens :)
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States

LOL, -- I sent a small "encouragement" to MTG's campaign a month ago; and sent another small "encouragement" to AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers for her support of the AZ Audit:

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers: DOJ "Will Be LEGALLY DEALT WITH - The Nation Is Looking To Arizona" (Video)

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers: DOJ “Will Be LEGALLY DEALT WITH – The Nation Is Looking To Arizona” (Video)
By Jordan Conradson
Published June 14, 2021

After the Biden DOJ targeted audit officials in Arizona, AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers punched back HARD with the threat of imprisonment if these gangsters intrude on her turf.

The US Constitution specifically gives the power to the states to regulate federal elections as they see fit.

Where SO MANY Christians FAIL (? because they're too cheap ?), -- is when they PRAY for someone's hunger instead of FEEDING THEM, -- making their Faith WORTHLESS. And so where I pray for our Government, I also SUPPORT Righteous Candidates and VOTE Accordingly.

MTG and so many others DESERVE our Prayers and Support, and I'm glad to be an encouragement and exhortation!

ELAM (and bobby jo busy watching TV :rolleyes: )
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