What is the role of christians in the modern era

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Monks and nuns are content to live away from the world and not get involved with it, so perhaps they're good role models for us all?..:)
PS I wonder if they vote?

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Monks and nuns are content to live away from the world and not get involved with it, so perhaps they're good role models for us all?..:)
PS I wonder if they vote?
Can you find me any words of Jesus that recommended becoming a nun or a monk? We are not to seclude ourselves away from others, wearing special garments, remaining unmarried, and suffering in self denial......but we are commissioned to take the word of the truth, i.e. the message of salvation out to the whole world....how is cloistered living going to accommodate that? :doldrums:


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Can you find me any words of Jesus that recommended becoming a nun or a monk?...we are commissioned to take the word of the truth, i.e. the message of salvation out to the whole world....how is cloistered living going to accommodate that? :doldrums:

The prime duty of every human being on earth is to-"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Philip 2:12 KJV), so if monks and nuns think they'll achieve that, who's to say they're right or wrong?..:)

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
What would happen to the world if you didn't vote Bob?
AFAIK its not compulsory in your country....it IS compulsory in mine, and there is a stiff fine if you don't vote.....
JW's don't vote, but the government allows us an exemption because it is a vote of conscience to refrain, and to maintain our neutrality....we simply don't take sides....we stay right out of it.
My vote could mean the difference between a country led be Democrats or a country led by Republicans. The Democrats thumb their noses at the Lord's commandments.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
In our current era of questionable politics and economic decline.

What should the role of christians be during this time?

Crisis and hardship bring out the best and worst in people. Will the best or worst sides of christianity become prominent here? Will we be proud of our choices, or ashamed of not doing as well as we had hoped?

Somewhere along the line, christians appear to have become demoralized and depressed. None have big plans or goals anymore, which they are actively working towards. There isn't much of a support group, community or family anymore.

Most have an "army of one" isolationist mentality, where they will try and fail to do everything on their own.

How is it that christians have become a regressive and downtrodden demographic? Christians are supposed to be God's chosen who are a reflection and example of the amazing things people can achieve through faith, fellowship and belief. But somehow we've arrived at a point where we do not achieve much of anything. We can't seem to learn the basics or get our facts straight on many important topics and current events which are negatively affecting our own standard of living.

Where did we go right and where did we go wrong. How do we fix things and restore balance to nature, the world and society.

What do people think about this?
Each and everyone of us plays a unique role, prepared by the Holy Spirit, Who has planned and prepared things for us to do at precise moments, orchestrated to accomplish His perfect plan. You must believe that GOD IS SOVEREIGN, He has everything under control. So there are in fact millions of roles,M assigned to us (functions and activities - if you will) in the Body of Christ.
For the purpose of giving perspective; if you were to examine a physical body, it breaks down into operating systems, organs, fibers, cells, each doing their part. So it is with the Body of Christ.
Everything is on course and His will has, is and will be done.
Obviously some do more than others, so it is just a fact that the workers are few. The Gospel has been spread to every nation and so the end is near (Matthew 24:14).
You see more of what is actually going on when you attend a Church that is proactive, growing - filled with the Spirit. Then again there a weak, worldly, corrupted and dead churches like in the first century as well (read the Letters to the Seven Churches in Rev. 2-3). Only two of those were faithful and without rebuke. The others needed to repent.
Sometimes just the example that you give, your life and testimony to family, friends, co-workers is all that God needs you for. You believe with conviction and others know. You don't hide your faith. So that is your role. Not everyone is an evangelist or pastor, nor can be. God gives us spiritual gifts in different capacities (Eph. 4:11; 1 Cor. 12).
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The prime duty of every human being on earth is to-"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Philip 2:12 KJV), so if monks and nuns think they'll achieve that, who's to say they're right or wrong?..:)
They are not obeying Christ....they are following the traditions of “the church”....the one that Jesus said was like “weeds”...counterfeit “Christianity”. That is Catholicism....not what Jesus taught...in fact the very opposite.

Unless you are “working out your own salvation” by adhering to all that Jesus taught, you will be found wanting on the day he comes to judge all of us. We have to be found “doing the will of the Father......not mindlessly following the doctrines and traditions of a corrupt church. (Matthew 15:7-9; Matthew 7:21-23)

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
My vote could mean the difference between a country led be Democrats or a country led by Republicans. The Democrats thumb their noses at the Lord's commandments.
Since “the whole world” is under the complete control of the devil, (1 John 5:19) that means that it won’t matter who you vote for....nothing will ever be what we really need. Because we are living under satan’s rule, no matter who promises to bring about the change that people hope for...it never materializes....does it? It never has....and it never will. Humans have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they have no capacity for self rule.....they were no designed to rule each other because power always corrupts them. We are designed to be ruled by our Creator. Can we see the value of the lesson? Could anyone ever dispute this fact?

God is about to step in and finish off satan’s failed rulership (Daniel 2:44).....he will be looking for those who did not compromise by trying to be “friends” with those ruling satan’s world. (James 4:4)

If Jesus is our King, why would we need any other?

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Since “the whole world” is under the complete control of the devil, (1 John 5:19) that means that it won’t matter who you vote for....nothing will ever be what we really need. Because we are living under satan’s rule, no matter who promises to bring about the change that people hope for...it never materializes....does it? It never has....and it never will. Humans have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they have no capacity for self rule.....they were no designed to rule each other because power always corrupts them. We are designed to be ruled by our Creator. Can we see the value of the lesson? Could anyone ever dispute this fact?

God is about to step in and finish off satan’s failed rulership (Daniel 2:44).....he will be looking for those who did not compromise by trying to be “friends” with those ruling satan’s world. (James 4:4)

If Jesus is our King, why would we need any other?
I'd rather have the Republicans rule the world I'm part of than Democrats. Democrats are mutilating teenagers bodies in the name of sex change, and allowing boys to shower with girls at school, when the boys say they want to be girls.

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
op: role of believers?

not Exhaustive...
  • Examine yourself whether ye "be in the faith...(and)...Christ Liveth in you"
  • (2Co 13:5), by "Grace Through faith in Him, His ALL-Sufficient BLOOD
  • And His Resurrection" (Eph 2:8-9; 1Co 15:3-4; Tit 3:5; Rom 3-5). (IF NOT,
  • Then, believe This Greatest Of All News), and, once accomplished:

  • Praise and thank God For HIS Gracious Operation on you, bestowing HIS
  • Free Gift Of ETERNAL Life, then:

  • Serving Him In the law of "faith, which worketh by love" (Gal 5:6),
  • "Present your body a living sacrifice...(daily)...renewing your mind"
  • (Rom 12:1-2).

  • Graciously "Love thy neighbor" fulfilling all the law (Rom 13:8-10; Gal 5:14)

  • "Study to shew thyself Approved Unto God" (2 Timothy 2:15 + TTD)

  • (2Co 10:5) "Bring every thought into the obedience of Christ" (ALL
  • 'Grace Commands' (...Exhaustive) in Romans - Philemon), and:

  • live The Grace Of God With (exhibiting 'fruit') The JOY OF The Holy Ghost,
  • "running the Grace race" (1Co 9:24), being "ministers/ambassadors
  • of God's Word Of Reconciliation" (2Co 5:18-20), in:

  • The High Life!

  • A Higher Life!!

  • The Highest Life Imaginable!!! Amen?
Grace, Peace, Love, and JOY!

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I'd rather have the Republicans rule the world I'm part of than Democrats. Democrats are mutilating teenagers bodies in the name of sex change, and allowing boys to shower with girls at school, when the boys say they want to be girls.
Do you really think that a person's morals are dictated by their political preference? :IDK:
I can tell you now that immoral people occupy all sides, levels and positions of the political arena....where have you been hiding?
Do you really believe their propaganda? :doldrums:

Please tell me what President or ruler (in the past 50 years) of any persuasion, has ever given the average person a better and more secure life.....?

Can you not see that the homeless are no longer just those who are unemployed dope addicts? So many of the poor and homeless now are working two or three jobs, but they cannot afford a place to live any more because of greedy Landlords, so they live in their cars in specially designated parking lots overnight, and get dressed and park somewhere else through the day while they go to work. Many live under bridges in homeless camps.....trying to eke out a living as best they can.

Is this what the most prosperous countries on earth do to their most vulnerable citizens? Relying on any political party to supply what is really needed is a pipe dream my friend....they always have unlimited funds to spend on weapons to kill people....but nothing to alleviate the suffering of the living, many of whom can't even make ends meet no matter what they do. The living need help that is never forthcoming. No wonder the suicide rate is through the roof....!

Illegal immigrants are seeking a better life, but they won't find it in any country that is struggling to take care of its own citizens.

We don't need politicians....we need God's Kingdom to "come" so that God's will can "be done on earth as it is in heaven"......what does the Lord's Prayer mean? What was Jesus asking us to pray for? Do you know?


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
..Unless you are “working out your own salvation” by adhering to all that Jesus taught, you will be found wanting on the day he comes to judge all of us. We have to be found “doing the will of the Father......not mindlessly following the doctrines and traditions of a corrupt church. (Matthew 15:7-9; Matthew 7:21-23)

I'm non-denominational because I like to think for myself without having to follow any churches doctrine,.:)
But you JW's are told by your church bosses stuff like this-


Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I'm non-denominational because I like to think for myself without having to follow any churches doctrine,.:)
But you JW's are told by your church bosses stuff like this-

View attachment 27953
My goodness...this again...?
We have been through all of these issues exhaustively from the Bible's perspective. Can you not remember that we have already discussed these things at length with an clear explanation provided foe each one? Memory issues or just dismissal of the stated facts?

If you wish to do any of those things, you are free to choose to do so....I am not your judge.

But perhaps you can tell me what "non-denominational" actually means in real life? It sounds like an excuse to believe whatever you wish.....is that the way Jesus taught? Were those he taught allowed to believe whatever they liked? What about Paul's admonition....that which would identify genuine Christians....(1 Cor 1:10)....Unity of belief.....with no divisions.
AFAIK, non-denominational churches are full of people with different beliefs...they just don't talk about them....


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
..But perhaps you can tell me what "non-denominational" actually means in real life? It sounds like an excuse to believe whatever you wish...

It simply means we non-denoms follow Jesus himself, not any church doctrines or beliefs..:)
Jesus said:-"You have one teacher, me" (Matt 23:10)
"And the common people heard him gladly" (Mark 12:37)
"There is one mediator between God and men - the man Jesus Christ" (1 Tim 2:5)
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Heb 12:2)

"There is no other name under heaven that can save us" (Acts 4:12)
Bear Grylls nicely sums up what being non-denom is-


Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Do you really think that a person's morals are dictated by their political preference? :IDK:
I can tell you now that immoral people occupy all sides, levels and positions of the political arena....where have you been hiding?
Do you really believe their propaganda? :doldrums:

Please tell me what President or ruler (in the past 50 years) of any persuasion, has ever given the average person a better and more secure life.....?

Can you not see that the homeless are no longer just those who are unemployed dope addicts? So many of the poor and homeless now are working two or three jobs, but they cannot afford a place to live any more because of greedy Landlords, so they live in their cars in specially designated parking lots overnight, and get dressed and park somewhere else through the day while they go to work. Many live under bridges in homeless camps.....trying to eke out a living as best they can.

Is this what the most prosperous countries on earth do to their most vulnerable citizens? Relying on any political party to supply what is really needed is a pipe dream my friend....they always have unlimited funds to spend on weapons to kill people....but nothing to alleviate the suffering of the living, many of whom can't even make ends meet no matter what they do. The living need help that is never forthcoming. No wonder the suicide rate is through the roof....!

Illegal immigrants are seeking a better life, but they won't find it in any country that is struggling to take care of its own citizens.

We don't need politicians....we need God's Kingdom to "come" so that God's will can "be done on earth as it is in heaven"......what does the Lord's Prayer mean? What was Jesus asking us to pray for? Do you know?
Yes, it is mostly the liberals that are promoting homosexuality, sex change, sexualizing children, and the like.