Who is Jesus Christ?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
The verse containing the phrase 'Today I have begotten you', is found in (Ps. 2:7). " I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee."

If you have a study Bible, there should be a note with that verse that directs you to (Acts 13:33). There we are told that the 'when' of the Son being begotten is at the resurrection of Jesus Christ. "God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus again; as it is also written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee."

God the Son always existed with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. He was never begotten as He always existed.

The Son's entrance into the human race at the virgin birth is not the time when God said 'today have I begotten thee'. He was the Son, yes, with a human body, who we know as Jesus Christ. But 'being begotten by God' was an action reserved for the resurrection.

There, at the resurrection, the Holy Spirit meshed or welded, for lack of a better word, that Spirit of Christ with His body raising Him from the dead. The resurrection is the birthing room. Jesus Christ is literally born-again. Thus, the Son is begotten. And now other sons and daughters will be born unto God also, in this same way. (1 Peter 1:3) "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."

So, the Son being 'begotten' refers to the Son partaking of a body, and more specifically, to the resurrection of that body. The Son as God, was never begotten.

first thanks for the post but please explain 1 John 5:1 vs the resurrection


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
No, I do not have a problem.
Nor did I talk about Greek Speak.

So? I didn't mention that.

I did not mention verbal.

God Created for His Pleasure.
HOW God created is With His Word and Power.

Gods Word came forth out of God's Mouth.
By Study of Scripture, you would find revealed, when Gods Word out of His mouth;
Is Verbal
Appears as something Visible;
A Writing, A Spirit, A Man

Isa 45
[23] I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.

[3] I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass.

[11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

No. You have clearly said;

I didn't.

You quoted the Bible where the word meaning of what you said is Logos.

You cannot redefine the word to something you did not mean.

And you did mention verbal. God spoke it from his mouth. That is verbal.

The Bible speaks much of the words that came out of God's mouth. It never says the Word came out of his mouth.

And you still trying to equate word and Word. Cannot be done.

The Word is not a writing.

Your verses talk about words, not The Word.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Remember; God is Everywhere.
Remember; God is not Divided FROM Himself.
Remember; A man shall prosper, when Gods Word IS in a man.
Remember: God Named His Word, JESUS, and Jesus notifies us, God Word IS STILL IN God, even when His Word is sent forth out from His mouth.

Isa 55:[11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Correct, God is never divided, nor separate. God is Spirit, and his Word is him ... Spirit, (John 1:1c).

and as Spirit, he manifested in a body of flesh and blood. that which is Spirit, (unseen), is "MADE", John 1:14 (seen) or concrete. and since the Spirit is never divided, nor separate, but is intrinsically shared in a body or Spatial.


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
You quoted the Bible where the word meaning of what you said is Logos.

You cannot redefine the word to something you did not mean.

And you did mention verbal. God spoke it from his mouth. That is verbal.

The Bible speaks much of the words that came out of God's mouth.

Already established...elaborating for you.

Gods word comes froth out from Him..
Verbal, speaking
Written, on stone tablets
Something SEEN, ie likeness as a spirit, call an Angel, Angel of the Lord..ie likeness as a man, called Jesus.

It never says the Word came out of his mouth.

Yes it does.

Isa 45
[23] I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.

And you still trying to equate word and Word. Cannot be done.

The Word is not a writing.

Look. Gods Word IS GOD. Gods Word is IN GOD and comes forth Out from God, while remaining IN God.

Gods Word, may be heard by men.
Gods Word, may be written by men.
Gods Word, may be quoted by men.
Gods Word, was SEEN by men, in the likeness as an Angel, and in the likeness as a man.

It is Gods WORD that does the audible speaking FOR God.

It is Gods WORD that takes upon himself the likeness as an Angel, and the likeness as a man.

I do not require Greek speak, to know Gods WORD, "IS NOT" a stone, or ink and paper.

A Stone tablet; ink and paper; are purposed for a man, to have for reading, for learning, for remembering, for copying, for distributing, to other men, things the Word of God has revealed.

Your verses talk about words, not The Word.

Actually I am. But you would have to continue studying to find Revealed, "WHO" the Word of God IS.

You are impatient, wanting the ending before the beginning is completely revealed.
I have no need to quote the entire Bible in one fell swoop for your benefit.

Glory to God,
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
God Mouth, head, Arm, Eyes are all anthropomorphism

Uh, I do not agree with that.

That term is when MEN take something that is NOT HUMAN, a sponge, a playing card, a tree, etc., and animate it to make it have Human characteristics.

Gods mouth, eyes, arm, thoughts, emotions, ideas, mind, speech, etc....is not Because He is mimicking His own creations.

God created some of His creations IN HIS Likeness, "with things" He has.

When God appears IN the LIKENESS of one of His creations,..ie an angel, or a man...
It's not like oh boy, God can "then" fly, or speak, or have emotions....So not sure what you are saying?
God has no body, or mind, or arms, etc.?

God Bless,
Merry Christmas,


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
God Mouth, head, Arm, Eyes are all anthropomorphism
Unless they apply to Christ, in which case they are not. It is theological liberalism which tries to dismiss everything as anthropomorphism, but Scripture does not do so. When God spoke the universe into existence, He literally spoke and it was done.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Already established...elaborating for you.

Gods word comes froth out from Him..
Verbal, speaking
Written, on stone tablets
Something SEEN, ie likeness as a spirit, call an Angel, Angel of the Lord..ie likeness as a man, called Jesus.

Yes it does.

Isa 45
[23] I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.

Look. Gods Word IS GOD. Gods Word is IN GOD and comes forth Out from God, while remaining IN God.

Gods Word, may be heard by men.
Gods Word, may be written by men.
Gods Word, may be quoted by men.
Gods Word, was SEEN by men, in the likeness as an Angel, and in the likeness as a man.

It is Gods WORD that does the audible speaking FOR God.

It is Gods WORD that takes upon himself the likeness as an Angel, and the likeness as a man.

I do not require Greek speak, to know Gods WORD, "IS NOT" a stone, or ink and paper.

A Stone tablet; ink and paper; are purposed for a man, to have for reading, for learning, for remembering, for copying, for distributing, to other men, things the Word of God has revealed.

Actually I am. But you would have to continue studying to find Revealed, "WHO" the Word of God IS.

You are impatient, wanting the ending before the beginning is completely revealed.
I have no need to quote the entire Bible in one fell swoop for your benefit.

Glory to God,

I know who the word is. But the Word did not come out of the mouth of God, words did.

You cannot quote anything in the Bible that support your position.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
I know who the word is. But the Word did not come out of the mouth of God, words did.

You cannot quote anything in the Bible that support your position.

You keep defining The Word as a word. False.

Just like saying fallen Angels had sex.

I notice you never claimed any fallen angel was female.

If there are male and female fallen Angels, then there must be babies as well.

A Greek philosopher named Heraclitus first used the term Logos around 600 B.C. to designate the divine reason or plan which coordinates a changing universe. This word was well suited to John's purpose in John 1.

The KJV New Testament Greek Lexicon
Strong's Number:
3056 Browse Lexicon
Original Word
Word Origin
lovgoß from (3004)
Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
Logos 4:69,505
Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
log'-os Noun Masculine

The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon
Strong's Number: 01697 Browse Lexicon
Original Word Word Origin
rbd from (01696)
Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
Dabar TWOT - 399a
Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
daw-baw' Noun Masculine
  1. speech, word, speaking, thing
    1. speech
    2. saying, utterance
    3. word, words
    4. business, occupation, acts, matter, case, something, manner (by extension)

Word in John one does not mean the same as word in the rest the Bible. It is a different word. So you can claim their the same all you want but they're not.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I know who the word is. But the Word did not come out of the mouth of God, words did.

You cannot quote anything in the Bible that support your position.

Funny. Just did!
I Believe what Scripture says.
No one says you have to BELIEVE, what Scripture says.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
In Brief.

The WHOLE of Scripture is about discovery of Knowledge, and like a human babe, who gets little bits and pieces of information at a time, so also do humans, regardless of age, when learning about this Spirit we call God.

The Father is distinguished as this Eternal unseen, unheard, Heavenly Holy thing, sitting in His Throne (which is Heaven), who has created and made things for His pleasure, that He sits and keeps watch over.

The term FATHER, was a term God gave to mankind, to distinguish the male parent from the female parent, and the Father, as the Head of the Household/tribe, family, servants, etc.

It was Moses who First referenced the Heavenly God as "THY FATHER" over all.

Gods teaching referenced MEN as a father.
Gen 2
[24] Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Moses' teaching referenced God as Thy father.
Deut 32
[6] Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he "thy father" that hath bought thee? hath he not made thee, and established thee?

God had not introduced Himself or called Himself "thy Father".

So what about "the Son" ?
Well first the history is, ancient OT believing men, who were supposed to be teaching others, became frustrated, teaching Gods Words and people couldn't grasp, without SEEING something. Moses, asked, Job asked God, show us SOMETHING. And that is where the "Messiah" comes in. A promise from God, that He would reveal "something" for men TO SEE.

"SOMETHING" to SEE...God as He is...uh, a human man would instantly become burned to ash. Humm.
Scripture tells us;
1) Gods WORD is in HIS MOUTH, and comes forth out of HIS own MOUTH.
2) Gods WORD was sent to the earth, IN THE FASHION as a MAN.
3) God PREPARED a BODY for HIS WORD, for WHEN it would COME into this World.
4) Gods WORD took that BODY upon Himself.

(Clue, something is UNDER that body, He took upon Himself)...something we CAN NOT SEE.

The Son is called the Son, BECAUSE God said so! God Declared it. God said He (GOD), would BE a FATHER, to He (GODS WORD) whom GOD Sent to earth in the likeness as a man TO be SEEN and HEARD. And God said...CALL HIM JESUS.

WHILE Jesus was on Earth, bit by bit, His Power is revealed. He speaks with authority of God, He heals, He performs miracles....


Remember...God said to HONOR thy FATHER?
Yet thee Father God in Heaven reveals He HONORS "His" Son, and the Son on Earth reveals He HONORS "His" Father in Heaven.

They (Father & Son) ARE ONE SAME GOD, And the same ONE Christ, that is Gods POWER.

God did not HAVE A BABY, He can not LITERALLY have a BABY. That is impossible.
Because God has no Beginning, THUS, He can not reproduce something, with NO Beginning.

Jesus is the Name of Gods Word, that came forth out from God.
Christ is the Name of Gods Power, that comes forth out from Jesus, forward to any man who elects to be Baptized with the Holy Spirit.

INANUTSHELL, it is the principle that men are corrupt, and God is TOO HOLY to be contaminated by being in the EYE view of a man, (WITHOUT a sheid, cover, cloud, prepared body....Something, to shield a mans natural eyes from looking upon God).

One day, when a mans body is Glorified, He will see the Lord God and HE IS, and HIS NAME WILL BE ONE.

If there is a statement here you can not find verified in Scripture...Quote me the Statement and I look up the Scripture and show you.

May the Lord God Almighty, bless you wholly,
Merry Christmas,

Very good post!
"Because God has no Beginning, THUS, He can not reproduce something, with NO Beginning." <---Except, Himself :D . I know that God "cannot" do certain things, like go against His own nature...Goodness, Love, Justness, faithfulness, etc. But, did He not in a way "re-produce" Himself in The Person of Jesus Christ?

"The Father is distinguished as this Eternal unseen, unheard, Heavenly Holy thing,..."

<---I kind of like the term "being" over "thing", lol. That's just me though. Is there though, any scripture that states that God is a "person"? Or, the Holy Spirit for that matter :)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Uh, I do not agree with that.

That term is when MEN take something that is NOT HUMAN, a sponge, a playing card, a tree, etc., and animate it to make it have Human characteristics.

Gods mouth, eyes, arm, thoughts, emotions, ideas, mind, speech, etc....is not Because He is mimicking His own creations.

God created some of His creations IN HIS Likeness, "with things" He has.

When God appears IN the LIKENESS of one of His creations,..ie an angel, or a man...
It's not like oh boy, God can "then" fly, or speak, or have emotions....So not sure what you are saying?
God has no body, or mind, or arms, etc.?

God Bless,
Merry Christmas,
the Spirit has not this Naturally. only until after he came in his body did he aquire them. for the Spirit need not to eat and drink, nor see when he's everywhere. ... ect.

only a term applied to that which is not seen.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Unless they apply to Christ, in which case they are not. It is theological liberalism which tries to dismiss everything as anthropomorphism, but Scripture does not do so. When God spoke the universe into existence, He literally spoke and it was done.
The Spirit did not physically speak as with a tongue. ... thought.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
They did. Read Genesis 6, 2 Peter and Jude.

Because they are exclusively male.

Say what you claim.

An exclusively male is an absurd idea. Male has a function that you are claiming males cannot fulfill unless the Republicans God.

Same thing as saying God is a male when he is not.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
The Spirit did not physically speak as with a tongue. ... thought.

Remembering the timeframe in which these verses were written, the only forms of communication they had were writing and speech.

So we don't know how God "spoke." But I think we can dismiss writing.

Realistically, when he spoke from heaven to someone on the earth, was he screaming?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Remembering the timeframe in which these verses were written, the only forms of communication they had were writing and speech.

So we don't know how God "spoke." But I think we can dismiss writing.

Realistically, when he spoke from heaven to someone on the earth, was he screaming?
no one was around when he did, and when he did speak from heaven, it was in a vision


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
no one was around when he did, and when he did speak from heaven, it was in a vision

Interesting. I had always felt that when God spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses etc that it was an inner knowing....I had never ever thought of it being by vision. Mainly because when it is dreams or visions , the bible says so..

When Gideon was 'speaking and hearing' from God on the matter of the fleece ...I don't believe it was by vision or dream at all.
