Who is the Antichrist? Let's Put a Name on Him.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The Roman Empire is not the fourth beast, however, it was possibly one of the four heads of the third beast. after it had subdued the Grecian Empire
Alexander's rule, after several skirmishes and squabbles within the leadership, shirtless itself down to 4 generals who divided the empire between themselves. Ptolemy, Lactantius, Cassander, and Seleucus. After time these 4 became 2... King of the North, and king of the south as described in detail in Daniel 11. The empire of Rome was not a little offshoot of Greece. Unless you are Catholic and attempting to duvet truth.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Alexander's rule, after several skirmishes and squabbles within the leadership, shirtless itself down to 4 generals who divided the empire between themselves. Ptolemy, Lactantius, Cassander, and Seleucus. After time these 4 became 2... King of the North, and king of the south as described in detail in Daniel 11. The empire of Rome was not a little offshoot of Greece. Unless you are Catholic and attempting to duvet truth.

Your rebuttal does not disprove what I had posted.

Dan 8:8: - the large horn was broken, and in place of it four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven.​

What I had said was this: -
The Roman Empire is not the fourth beast, however, it was possibly one of the four manifesting heads of the third beast. after it had subdued the Grecian Empire.

Please note that the four kingdoms of the Grecian Empire was a manifestation of the Third Beast, which was also one of the four winds of heaven.

A wrong determination of the entities of the four winds of heaven that stirred up the sea to cause manifestations of the four respective winds of heaven operating in the dominate characteristic of the respective beast/wind of heaven.

SDA understanding, like the reformation understanding, is not worth holding onto. It paints the understanding that Satan wants Christians to hold onto. This wrong focus will be shown to be wrong in our near future when the winds of heaven, i.e., fallen angels who have spiritual giftings, will be judged at the same time as the Kings of the earth are at Armageddon.

Time will prove this truth is so, no matter how much you disagree with it.

The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
Does Nimrod fulfill the requirements to be the beast of the sea?

Was he a King of Babylon? Yes, Nimrod was the first King of Babylon

Was he an Assyrian? Yes, Nimrod built it and is referred to as the Assyrian several places in the scripture.

Is his number 666? Gilgamesh was considered 2/3 god. 2/3 = 66.6

And why would the fir trees and the cedars of Lebanon rejoice when he is laid down? As for the cedars of Lebanon, they were cut down to build cities. Nimrods throne was from a cedar of Lebanon. As for the fir trees rejoicing when he is laid down, for those that don't know, the Christmas tree has nothing to do with Christ. The Christmas tree was around long before the time of Christ. Of course it was not called a Christmas tree. The evergreen tree represented eternal life. After Nimrod was killed he was claimed to be the sun. That's the origin of the sun god. His mother, who was also his wife, claimed to have gotten pregnant by a ray of the sun and had a child called Tammuz. (This is the same story as the Mary being impregnated by the holy spirit) Tammuz was the claimed reincarnation of Nimrod. Tammuz was killed by a wild boar and blood was said to have spilled on a tree stump. The next day an evergreen tree was claimed to have grown evernight. So the fir tree was cut down and decorated from that time. (there are other versions of the fir tree being cut down also) That is another example of the Babylonian religion merging with Christianity when the Romans took control of the Church and claimed to be Christian. The origin of the Catholic lent is actually 40 days of mourning the death of Tammz.
Ezekiel 8
13 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do.
14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
How many fir trees have been cut down honoring Nimrod. Nimrod is also the yule log that is burned on December 25th. So when Nimrod is laid down at the end, the fir trees will rejoice as millions and millions and millions and millions have been cut down since the time of Nimrod.

Is he in the bottomless pit? Nimrod was considered a mighty man and he as Gilgamesh was considered 2/3 god. Nimrods DNA was not pure man. Those spirits went to the bottomless pit.

Did he have a deadly wound of the sword? Nimrod was killed with a sword and his body was cut up.

The tomb of Nimrod was found in 2003. One month later we invaded Iraq. There is talk of cloning. And that is how he is the eighth and is of the seven is possible. The beast was and is not and yet is.



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Through most of its history, Latin has been the official language of the papacy. Today, at least ecclesiastically, it still is. Its most important works, like the sixteen Documents of Vatican II (1963–1965), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994), and the pontifical encyclicals are even these days written in it, with translations into English and other languages. For Christmas 2006, Benedict XVI celebrated mass in Latin. Admittedly its oral use has declined, and only a few of its priests can really speak it. Nevertheless, it is the language of the Roman Church. Vicarius Filii Dei, with a numerical value of 666, is a Latin name.
You can't apply Western English grammatical rules to ancient Roman Latin

That still ignores how heavily manipulated 666 is from vicarious filli dei. A third of the letters are not even used. The truth is that anyone can use various systems to force 666 from almost any name or title. Scripture doesn't say partially count to get 666.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Does Nimrod fulfill the requirements to be the beast of the sea?

Not even close. No singular person can because that beast is a global kingdom not a man. 66.6 is not 666 either.

The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
Not even close. No singular person can because that beast is a global kingdom not a man. 66.6 is not 666 either.
Is a global kingdom, the king of Babylon? Is it the Assyrian.? Does it come out the bottomless pit? It that global kingdom the 8th king that is of the seven? Do the fir trees rejoice when the global kingdom is laid down. Is the global kingdom a man? And most of all will the kingdom be cast into the lake of fire. You need to rethink. Your conclusion is not correct.

The seven heads are world empires. Each one of these empires had one thing in common, Nimrod as the sun god. The ruler was god on earth. All of them were under the banner of the sun god, who is Nimrod. The Pharoh was considered god on earth. Nebuchadnezzar was considered god on earth, and was considered the reincarnation of Nimrod. Alexander the great was considered god on earth. Caesar was considered god on earth, as Pontifex Maximus. When Hitler tried to take over the world his banner was the swastika an ancient sun sign. When the 7th king comes he will come under the banner of the sun god and not the God of his fathers. Look on the back of the dollar bill and you will see the pyramid wilth the eye of Horus. The world is waiting for the false savior Horus. Horus is Tammuz in Babylon, Apollo in Greece, Thor in Norway, Mithra in Persia, Krishna etc, etc, etc.

Will the beast of the earth cause the world to worship a global kingdom? Nope.
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The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
It is the little horn who is the beast of the sea. The 10 kings of the final empire will be under his control.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Is a global kingdom, the king of Babylon? Is it the Assyrian.?

No because those things are unrelated to the ten horned beast kingdom.

Does it come out the bottomless pit?

Yes, through satan who is portrayed as that beast before it's rise from the sea.

Is the global kingdom a man?

No but you are trying to say it is.

And most of all will the kingdom be cast into the lake of fire.

Yes just like hell and death will be. Your point falls apart when those things are brought up.

You need to rethink. Your conclusion is not correct.

Take your own advice...

The seven heads are world empires.

Not according to Rev 17 which says they are mountains. It's the ten horns which are kings with kingdoms or "world empires".

Each one of these empires had one thing in common, Nimrod as the sun god. The ruler was god on earth. All of them were under the banner of the sun god, who is Nimrod. The Pharoh was considered god on earth. Nebuchadnezzar was considered god on earth, and was considered the reincarnation of Nimrod. Alexander the great was considered god on earth. Caesar was considered god on earth, as Pontifex Maximus. When Hitler tried to take over the world his banner was the swastika an ancient sun sign. When the 7th king comes he will come under the banner of the sun god and not the God of his fathers. Look on the back of the dollar bill and you will see the pyramid wilth the eye of Horus. The world is waiting for the false savior Horus. Horus is Tammuz in Babylon, Apollo in Greece, Thor in Norway, Mithra in Persia, Krishna etc, etc, etc.

None of this matches the actual text found in Rev.

Will the beast of the earth cause the world to worship a global kingdom? Nope.

Wrong, he will do that. See this analogy:

To make a point, I will present some of Rev 13 but with Hitler and the Nazi's:

13:11 And I beheld another beast (HITLER) coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the NAZI PARTY before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the NAZI PARTY, whose deadly wound was healed.

13:13 And HITLER doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the NAZI PARTY; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the NAZI PARTY, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the NAZI PARTY, that the image of the NAZI PARTY should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the NAZI PARTY should be killed.

13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast (HITLER BEAST), or the number of his (HITLER) name.

13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the (SECOND) beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Here a man is causing worship of the political party he owns, so it's really about worshiping him, not another man.

Of course Rev 13 is about a new man and party/government not Hitler but this is how I see the first beast as a government, and the second as the AC man who wants his government to be worshiped.

Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

Remember that satan himself is described as a ten horned beast in Revelation 12 BEFORE the final ten horned beast rises from the sea. All we see the land beast doing is directing worship to satan through the ten horned beast kingdom!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
It is the little horn who is the beast of the sea.

Nope. The little horn is the 11th horn on Daniels ten horned beast. That beast is a kingdom, and the little horn rules over it. Guess what? The land beast who just happens to have two little horns also rules over a ten horned beast. Think that is a coincidence??


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The RCC cannot be the beast. The woman that rides the beast dressed in purple and scarlet with a gold cup in her hand is the RCC. The great city, Vatican City, that reigns over the kings of the earth is destroyed by the 10 horns under the direction of the beast.
There are different beasts symbolizing different powers at different times, having several similar characteristics that unite them in goals, philosophy, and satanic Genesis, yet they are represented in reality by different governments, rulers, territories and time. Remember, beasts are not individual kings. Never have been. God isn't trying to confuse us by representing empires in the OT by various beasts, then one individual by several different beasts in the NT. That makes no sense when one realizes the purpose of the prophecies are to warn and inform.
The prophecies are accurate... They are consistent in the symbols used... And they are readily understandable and applicable to history.
I agree with you that the woman is the RCC, but one needs to remember that the RCC is a union of church and state. The state in this instance is the beast being ridden by the church. The church holds the guiding reigns... Power over what is legislated... The state is supported by the church. Revelation 13 is particularly interesting in this respect... The first beast represents medieval Papacy, from 538 to 1798. It was in 1798 when the Papacy received it's mortal head wound. The Pope of that time was arrested by French troops and taken into captivity where he died 2 years later. This incident also involved the confiscation of the Papal states, and the disbanding of the college of Cardinals. Europe celebrated. It wasn't the death of the church. But it was the temporary death to the union of church and state that for over 1000 had seen Europe in captive to tyranny. The wound was healed in 1929 when Mussolini reinstated Catholic political power with an autonomous state within the Vatican city. All the details of that beast have significance in history, and significance in certain spiritual and philosophical characteristics, particularly in relation to Greece, from which Rome inherited many of her traditions and beliefs.
The second beast came up in power as the first one went down. Late 18th early 19th century. The beast we are informed will in the future restore global influence on behalf of the first beast, the RCC. Is there a political power with a dominating interest in religion, and a global influence such as to bring the Catholic Church to a place of universal authority such as the woman wields in Revelation 17? Yes. Only the United States of America has this kind of global influence. A nation that had it's beginnings in a sparsely populated region in contrast to the seas from which the first beast arose. There is much more that can be gleaned from these prophecies. The devil is in the detail. In fact, he's in everything.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
There are different beasts symbolizing different powers at different times, having several similar characteristics that unite them in goals, philosophy, and satanic Genesis, yet they are represented in reality by different governments, rulers, territories and time. Remember, beasts are not individual kings. Never have been. God isn't trying to confuse us by representing empires in the OT by various beasts, then one individual by several different beasts in the NT. That makes no sense when one realizes the purpose of the prophecies are to warn and inform.
The prophecies are accurate... They are consistent in the symbols used... And they are readily understandable and applicable to history.
I agree with you that the woman is the RCC, but one needs to remember that the RCC is a union of church and state. The state in this instance is the beast being ridden by the church. The church holds the guiding reigns... Power over what is legislated... The state is supported by the church. Revelation 13 is particularly interesting in this respect... The first beast represents medieval Papacy, from 538 to 1798. It was in 1798 when the Papacy received it's mortal head wound. The Pope of that time was arrested by French troops and taken into captivity where he died 2 years later. This incident also involved the confiscation of the Papal states, and the disbanding of the college of Cardinals. Europe celebrated. It wasn't the death of the church. But it was the temporary death to the union of church and state that for over 1000 had seen Europe in captive to tyranny. The wound was healed in 1929 when Mussolini reinstated Catholic political power with an autonomous state within the Vatican city. All the details of that beast have significance in history, and significance in certain spiritual and philosophical characteristics, particularly in relation to Greece, from which Rome inherited many of her traditions and beliefs.
The second beast came up in power as the first one went down. Late 18th early 19th century. The beast we are informed will in the future restore global influence on behalf of the first beast, the RCC. Is there a political power with a dominating interest in religion, and a global influence such as to bring the Catholic Church to a place of universal authority such as the woman wields in Revelation 17? Yes. Only the United States of America has this kind of global influence. A nation that had it's beginnings in a sparsely populated region in contrast to the seas from which the first beast arose. There is much more that can be gleaned from these prophecies. The devil is in the detail. In fact, he's in everything.
Continuing... The woman riding the beast of Revelation 17 is the next stage. Still we have the church dominating the state power and forming a union with it. This final union of church and state is Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, a global tyranny that will persecute God's people immediately prior to the second coming.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
It is the little horn who is the beast of the sea. The 10 kings of the final empire will be under his control.
The ten horns of the 4th beast of Daniel 7 and not the same horns that destroy the whore. Remember, 3 of the first 10 were destroyed before the 6th century. Spiritual Babylon that rules globally in the future will have 10 kings incorporated in it's administration, likely ruling over 10 regional areas, but these kings quickly realize how deceived they were, and turn on the woman, the RCC, to destroy her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
That still ignores how heavily manipulated 666 is from vicarious filli dei. A third of the letters are not even used. The truth is that anyone can use various systems to force 666 from almost any name or title. Scripture doesn't say partially count to get 666.
The letters not counted had no numerical value. That's the nature of Latin.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
SDA understanding, like the reformation understanding, is not worth holding onto
Many scholars had the same mindset well before the reformation. And the SDA understanding is the only eschatological system of prophetic interpretation that incorporates an unbroken chain of harmony that links all prophecy together. I was studying prophecy for 25 years before approaching the Adventist eschatological framework. Today, after seeing what I've seen, there no going back. You cannot unsee truth
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Many scholars had the same mindset well before the reformation. And the SDA understanding is the only eschatological system of prophetic interpretation that incorporates an unbroken chain of harmony that links all prophecy together. I was studying prophecy for 25 years before approaching the Adventist eschatological framework. Today, after seeing what I've seen, there no going back. You cannot unsee truth

Fair enough, that is your POV. However, both of us have to accept that what we believe is "God's truth," may be our own hogwash, whereby we have set up a story where we have linked prophecy together in a manner in which we believe that it makes perfect sense. Having harmony does not mean that it is true at all.

After some consideration I do not believe that Jesus' second permanent advent is a near future event. However, Jesus has told us that in our near future, there will be a fleeting observance of Christ as He judges the Kings of the earth on the earth, before he returns to heaven after providing to Israel the terms of His peace with them. This fleeting event happens at the end of this age and Christ will reign from Heaven until His actual second advent at the end of the seventh age.

We will probably just agree that it is best to agree to disagree with each other's POV and simply get on with our lives.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
The letters not counted had no numerical value. That's the nature of Latin.

Only when one chooses to only use letters that relate to the Latin numbering system. Other systems don't skip like that. Just saying it's relatively easy to come up with 666's everywhere.