Why Civilization Should Defend Zionism

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
United States
Do you actually know what Zionist believe? You can read there own manifestos, and writings. Calling them a political movement only shows you have not looked into debt concerning them (Zionists)

You seem to be conflating Zionism with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which has a very dubious origin. Frankly, I don't put much credibility into The Protocols. It's equivalent to a modern-day blood libel.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
You seem to be conflating Zionism with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which has a very dubious origin. Frankly, I don't put much credibility into The Protocols. It's equivalent to a modern-day blood libel.
The protocols are merely an outlier for Zionism, and what is this dubious origin?

The book in which they are embodied was first published in the year 1897 by Philip Stepanov for private circulation among his intimate friends. The first time Nilus published them was in 1901 in a book called The Great Within the Small and reprinted in 1905. A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of its reception, August 10, 1906. All copies that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerensky regime, and under his successors the possession of a copy by anyone in Soviet land was a crime sufficient to ensure the owner's of being shot on sight. The fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuineness of the Protocols. The Jewish journals, of course, say that they are a forgery, leaving it to be understood that Professor Nilus, who embodied them in a work of his own, had concocted them for his own purposes.

Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York WORLD, February 17th, 1921, put the case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus:

"The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW."
Indeed they do!

The word "Protocol" signifies a precis gummed on to the front of a document, a draft of a document, minutes of proceedings. In this instance, "Protocol" means minutes of the proceedings of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion. These Protocols give the substance of addresses delivered to the innermost circle of the Rulers of Zion. They reveal the converted plan of action of the Jewish Nation developed through the ages and edited by the Elders themselves up to date. Parts and summaries of the plan have been published from time to time during the centuries as the secrets of the Elders have leaked out. The claim of the Jews that the Protocols are forgeries is in itself an admission of their genuineness, for they NEVER ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THE FACTS corresponding to the THREATS which the Protocols contain, and, indeed, the correspondence between prophecy and fulfillment is too glaring to be set aside or obscured. This the Jews well know and therefore evade.

In the 1905 edition of The Jewish Encyclopedia (Volume X, p. 252, edited by Isidore Singer), under the heading "Magan Dawid" (Star of David), we read that: "A pentacle in this form (i.e. inverted), is found on the ancient synagogue at Tell Hum. Charles IV prescribed for the Jews of Prague, in 1354, a red flag with both David's shield and Solomon's seal, while the red flag with which the Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the fifteenth century showed two pentacles with two golden stars (Schuandtner, Scriptores Rerum Hungaricarun; ii 148). The pentacle, therefore, may also have been used among the Jews. It occurs in a manuscript as early as the year 1073. . ."

This upside down five-pointed star is well known to all occultists as their symbol of Satan. And the red flag, signifying Edom, was well known to the millions of Christians who were slaughtered by the Jewish Bolsheviks of our present century. The David spoken of here does NOT refer to King David of Ancient Israel, or to Messiah, the coming Son of David, but to the twelth century Khazar pseudo Messiah, Menahem ben Duji, who changed his name to David al-Roy, and was assassinated on his way to "liberate" Palestine. If David al-Roy is the King of the Jews, King of Israel and King David mentioned in the Protocols, it is a further mark of their antiquity.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
You seem to be conflating Zionism with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which has a very dubious origin. Frankly, I don't put much credibility into The Protocols. It's equivalent to a modern-day blood libel.
You seem to suggest that Zionism is a separate entity to itself, having no influence on religion, which is incorrect after one discards the smoke and mirrors..

A former Zionist wrote….

Three Faces of Israel​

From what I have told you so far, you must have the idea that Israel is a Marxist (socialist/communist) country. This would be correct. But, Israel has three faces: Communism, Fascism and democracy. The Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Israel from Russia brought with them the ideology of socialism/communism and have put into practice much of that ideology. The Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Israel from Germany, while sympathetic to communism and support it, tend to favor the practices of Nazi-style fascism. During World War II, in Germany these elite Zionist Ashkenazi Jews worked closely with Hitler's Gestapo in persecuting the lower class German Jews and delivering them to concentration camps.

Now living in Israel, these elite Zionist Jews, who were well trained in Nazi-style fascism and favor it, have imposed many facets of fascism on Israel. To give the impression that Israel is a democracy, members of the Knesset (Israel Congress) are elected -- an odd type of election. This is where Israel's so-called democracy stops. It doesn't make any difference which party wins an election, the LIKUD or LABOR, the elite Zionist Jews rule in a dictatorial manner -- giving favors to the elite clique and brutally suppressing any dissent.

In the Zionist/communist scheme of world domination, it is Israel's role to continually stir up trouble in the Middle East. Since wars are a big part of this scheme of aggression, it is only natural that from early childhood on, Israeli youth are trained mentally and physically for war. For instance: Israel has its equivalent of Hitler's youth group. It is the Gadna; and all high school and junior high students are required to participate -- boys and girls. Like Hitler's youth group, the youth in Israel's Gadna are dressed in khaki uniforms. They take training and engage in paramilitary exercises.

Even at play, guns and thoughts of war are present. When on a picnic, instead of taking along baseball or soccer equipment, they take sub-machine guns and assault rifles and practice shooting and playing military games.

Once graduated from high school, all young boys are required to serve 3 years in the army (2 years for girls) or 4 years in the navy or air force (3 for girls). Ultra orthodox religious Jews are exempt from military service.

Once out of the service, a number of the ex-service people join the Shin Bet, the equivalent of Hitler's Gestapo. Like the Gestapo, they engage in repressing anyone who acts or speaks out against the Marxist/Fascist government of Zionist dominated Israel.

Like in Nazi Germany, all people in Israel are required to carry identity booklets called "Teudat Zehut" in Hebrew.

One day I changed jackets and forgot to take out my ID booklet when I went down town in Tel Aviv. A police officer approached me and asked for my "Teudat Zehut". I told him I had left it in my other jacket. Because I didn't have my ID booklet with me, I was taken to the police station. At the police station, the desk sergeant informed me that for not having my ID booklet with me, I could be jailed for up to 16 days without even being taken before a judge. All that was necessary is for the Police Lieutenant to sign a "Remand Order".

I asked permission to make a telephone call to my wife and tell her to bring my ID booklet to the station.

The sergeant allowed me two hours to have my "Teudat Zehut" produced. I called my wife and she brought my "Teudat Zehut" -- arriving just minutes before the 2 hour deadline expired. If she had been late in arriving, I would have been jailed for 16 days for not having my ID booklet with me. This is just one indication that Israel is a 'Police State' and not a democracy.

Concerning Nazism/Fascism, please let me clear a point. Germans are an admirable people -- I dare say even great. But in Germany, the general population were victims of the Nazis who through cunning and brutality gained power. In Germany, the average Jews were victims of the Zionist elite who worked hand in hand with the Nazis. Many of those same Zionist Jews who, in Germany, had worked with the Nazis, came to Israel and joined hands with the Zionist/Communist Jews from Poland and Russia. It is the two faces of communism and Nazi-style fascism that rule Israel. Democracy is merely an illusion.

Regarding the tie between the elite Ashkenazi Jew and the Nazis, take a look at the word 'Ashkenazi' -- look again 'Ashke-NAZI'.

Interesting isn't it?

There is a great confusion regarding the relationship of fascism to communism. Fascism is national socialism. Communism is international socialism.

What is all of this leading to? A religious movement in which the world worships the false messiah.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
Yes, antisemitic.
It remains debunked.

You copied that from the Book, Hitler's Doubles.

Found at Google Books:
No, I did not get that from Hitlers book, I thought that I had posted the source… my apologies..

Here ya go…

The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry…

The Khazars’ sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.

...but that does not alter the fact that the large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European — and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar — origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
― Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe; pg.17.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
Yes, antisemitic.
It remains debunked.

You copied that from the Book, Hitler's Doubles.

Found at Google Books:
Antisemitic huh? The word means nothing, clearly you don’t know who and what a Semite is. Which means you don’t know who is who.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
On what do you base these beliefs?
After a life long study of everything i have looked into.

If you bother to study the Bible you will come to understand the issues.
After having a handle on the OT one can see that all is leading to a good, such is the foundations of what Christianity is based on, in that this is the blue print ? So the more one truly understands the OT then one has a better handle on the NT.
I worked out that nothing was truly wrong with the Jews ? as to the foundations ! but that the cunning deceptions and delusions of this world that Jesus pointed out is why the Jews had always failed through history and it was that the leadership was corrupted ? For such people worked their way in and the majority were blinded in this regard, bar for them Jews who looked to Holy Moses ! for they were worthy of God.

So we see in our last 100 years etc clearly that Governments are not to be idolised, just as the leadership of the Jews were idolised ? and that's the problem !
When one reads Acts you will find that the Government was exposed by Stephen and they killed him for exposing them as not worthy of God in fact !
Governments work to try and dominate over the people regardless and their are worse people within all such. A worthy person in Christ Jesus like Stephen did as any worthy Christian would do and expose them for undermining Christ Jesus in fact and Look to today, such is the case and who exposes such ? What Christian calls them out ? Not the Pope Francis that's for sure, non of the Protestants leadership do as well.

Just as the Jews history shows is that they had a fault as we do today ! The trash is not exposed ! the trash rule !

I got int politics and found out that not all is as the majority think such is in fact, example if i was the leader of the Country ? i could not do as i wanted to really at all in fact, one is tied down by many factors that dominate and you have to be corrupted in fact or you would be killed of come under attack from within and out ? Any one who thinks Governments are clean is a total fool ! It's a cesspit ! full of vipers and corruption ! If one is not corrupt before hand you will be, as they will work on one, with a bag of tricks 24/7.

So bro i do understand what Jesus is saying that this world is Full of Deceptions and Delusions ! if one rejects such one is not a Christian.
The Political world does not look up to Christ Jesus at all in fact !

I do like W Churchill in some regards but not everything as he is a great fat slob and of his ilk of stuck up outright snobs and people who would look down on others for no good reason in fact, but to dominate over them all. not to mention that they had little real moral fortitude ? Just as it is in Australia political and business world, it's full of the lowest life form, not all but the majority is nothing to look up to. they are a creep show !
It's like a sewer and they all flow in the one direction down hill only ! I am looking for moral fiber ? and their is no true worthy fiber in fact ! they do not have a back bone, but a yellow streak running down their back !

At the end of the day if you do not abide in Christ Jesus one is a enemy of Jesus in fact !
Christ Jesus must be your number one above everything in your life in fact !
But people like WC do not serve Jesus at all, but his Freemason gods in fact !

People who live a life of secret society's are not worthy of Jesus in fact ! why the secrets ? no real morel class ? something to hide ?

They who claim Zionism in the last 100 years, are a whore ! for it has nothing at all to do with Biblical Zion at all in fact ! Many of the Jews in Israel claim such is full of Nazis !
If you ever bothered to look into the likes of Hitler you can see where he is truly coming from, He clearly sold out the German people in fact and played them all for total fools in fact ! and such is being done nowadays easy as pie ! why because the majority is uneducated on such a subject and anyone who looks to Political Correctness is a total fool ! such only enslaves the people in fact body and Soul !

PCness should of been number one thing to expose in the school system, but such was corrupted so as to dumb down the people because both the far left and far right demanded such because they are both one in the same monster that leads the people astray, that's their mantra !


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
After a life long study of everything i have looked into.

If you bother to study the Bible you will come to understand the issues.
After having a handle on the OT one can see that all is leading to a good, such is the foundations of what Christianity is based on, in that this is the blue print ? So the more one truly understands the OT then one has a better handle on the NT.
I worked out that nothing was truly wrong with the Jews ? as to the foundations ! but that the cunning deceptions and delusions of this world that Jesus pointed out is why the Jews had always failed through history and it was that the leadership was corrupted ? For such people worked their way in and the majority were blinded in this regard, bar for them Jews who looked to Holy Moses ! for they were worthy of God.

So we see in our last 100 years etc clearly that Governments are not to be idolised, just as the leadership of the Jews were idolised ? and that's the problem !
When one reads Acts you will find that the Government was exposed by Stephen and they killed him for exposing them as not worthy of God in fact !
Governments work to try and dominate over the people regardless and their are worse people within all such. A worthy person in Christ Jesus like Stephen did as any worthy Christian would do and expose them for undermining Christ Jesus in fact and Look to today, such is the case and who exposes such ? What Christian calls them out ? Not the Pope Francis that's for sure, non of the Protestants leadership do as well.

Just as the Jews history shows is that they had a fault as we do today ! The trash is not exposed ! the trash rule !

I got int politics and found out that not all is as the majority think such is in fact, example if i was the leader of the Country ? i could not do as i wanted to really at all in fact, one is tied down by many factors that dominate and you have to be corrupted in fact or you would be killed of come under attack from within and out ? Any one who thinks Governments are clean is a total fool ! It's a cesspit ! full of vipers and corruption ! If one is not corrupt before hand you will be, as they will work on one, with a bag of tricks 24/7.

So bro i do understand what Jesus is saying that this world is Full of Deceptions and Delusions ! if one rejects such one is not a Christian.
The Political world does not look up to Christ Jesus at all in fact !

I do like W Churchill in some regards but not everything as he is a great fat slob and of his ilk of stuck up outright snobs and people who would look down on others for no good reason in fact, but to dominate over them all. not to mention that they had little real moral fortitude ? Just as it is in Australia political and business world, it's full of the lowest life form, not all but the majority is nothing to look up to. they are a creep show !
It's like a sewer and they all flow in the one direction down hill only ! I am looking for moral fiber ? and their is no true worthy fiber in fact ! they do not have a back bone, but a yellow streak running down their back !

At the end of the day if you do not abide in Christ Jesus one is a enemy of Jesus in fact !
Christ Jesus must be your number one above everything in your life in fact !
But people like WC do not serve Jesus at all, but his Freemason gods in fact !

People who live a life of secret society's are not worthy of Jesus in fact ! why the secrets ? no real morel class ? something to hide ?

They who claim Zionism in the last 100 years, are a whore ! for it has nothing at all to do with Biblical Zion at all in fact ! Many of the Jews in Israel claim such is full of Nazis !
If you ever bothered to look into the likes of Hitler you can see where he is truly coming from, He clearly sold out the German people in fact and played them all for total fools in fact ! and such is being done nowadays easy as pie ! why because the majority is uneducated on such a subject and anyone who looks to Political Correctness is a total fool ! such only enslaves the people in fact body and Soul !

PCness should of been number one thing to expose in the school system, but such was corrupted so as to dumb down the people because both the far left and far right demanded such because they are both one in the same monster that leads the people astray, that's their mantra !
It is my belief that there were no Jews during the time of Moses word changes and translations have played a big role in how we look at the people of the Bible.

Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
After a life long study of everything i have looked into.

If you bother to study the Bible you will come to understand the issues.
After having a handle on the OT one can see that all is leading to a good, such is the foundations of what Christianity is based on, in that this is the blue print ? So the more one truly understands the OT then one has a better handle on the NT.
I worked out that nothing was truly wrong with the Jews ? as to the foundations ! but that the cunning deceptions and delusions of this world that Jesus pointed out is why the Jews had always failed through history and it was that the leadership was corrupted ? For such people worked their way in and the majority were blinded in this regard, bar for them Jews who looked to Holy Moses ! for they were worthy of God.

So we see in our last 100 years etc clearly that Governments are not to be idolised, just as the leadership of the Jews were idolised ? and that's the problem !
When one reads Acts you will find that the Government was exposed by Stephen and they killed him for exposing them as not worthy of God in fact !
Governments work to try and dominate over the people regardless and their are worse people within all such. A worthy person in Christ Jesus like Stephen did as any worthy Christian would do and expose them for undermining Christ Jesus in fact and Look to today, such is the case and who exposes such ? What Christian calls them out ? Not the Pope Francis that's for sure, non of the Protestants leadership do as well.

Just as the Jews history shows is that they had a fault as we do today ! The trash is not exposed ! the trash rule !

I got int politics and found out that not all is as the majority think such is in fact, example if i was the leader of the Country ? i could not do as i wanted to really at all in fact, one is tied down by many factors that dominate and you have to be corrupted in fact or you would be killed of come under attack from within and out ? Any one who thinks Governments are clean is a total fool ! It's a cesspit ! full of vipers and corruption ! If one is not corrupt before hand you will be, as they will work on one, with a bag of tricks 24/7.

So bro i do understand what Jesus is saying that this world is Full of Deceptions and Delusions ! if one rejects such one is not a Christian.
The Political world does not look up to Christ Jesus at all in fact !

I do like W Churchill in some regards but not everything as he is a great fat slob and of his ilk of stuck up outright snobs and people who would look down on others for no good reason in fact, but to dominate over them all. not to mention that they had little real moral fortitude ? Just as it is in Australia political and business world, it's full of the lowest life form, not all but the majority is nothing to look up to. they are a creep show !
It's like a sewer and they all flow in the one direction down hill only ! I am looking for moral fiber ? and their is no true worthy fiber in fact ! they do not have a back bone, but a yellow streak running down their back !

At the end of the day if you do not abide in Christ Jesus one is a enemy of Jesus in fact !
Christ Jesus must be your number one above everything in your life in fact !
But people like WC do not serve Jesus at all, but his Freemason gods in fact !

People who live a life of secret society's are not worthy of Jesus in fact ! why the secrets ? no real morel class ? something to hide ?

They who claim Zionism in the last 100 years, are a whore ! for it has nothing at all to do with Biblical Zion at all in fact ! Many of the Jews in Israel claim such is full of Nazis !
If you ever bothered to look into the likes of Hitler you can see where he is truly coming from, He clearly sold out the German people in fact and played them all for total fools in fact ! and such is being done nowadays easy as pie ! why because the majority is uneducated on such a subject and anyone who looks to Political Correctness is a total fool ! such only enslaves the people in fact body and Soul !

PCness should of been number one thing to expose in the school system, but such was corrupted so as to dumb down the people because both the far left and far right demanded such because they are both one in the same monster that leads the people astray, that's their mantra !
While ignoring those Neo-Nazi, and White Supremacists on this site is wise, I will say the cursed life Israeli Jews suffer to this day is due I think to the curse their ancestors invited upon themselves and the future generation.
After killing Messiah. "Let his blood be on our heads and those of our children."
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
As well as completely disregarding the reasons civilization should support Zion in the OP.
Christians should support Zion ! but the so called Zionist are just as Jesus said, of this world in fact, IT is full of deceptions and delusions !

Any carnal idiot atheist could look to the so called Zionist and idolise such Anti-Christ morons ! for such is clearly not of God at all ! for such as they are Lost and can not see through the facade ! Religious dolts as well can not see for they do not have eyes to see ! for they are not truly Saved !


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
Christians should support Zion ! but the so called Zionist are just as Jesus said, of this world in fact, IT is full of deceptions and delusions !

Any carnal idiot atheist could look to the so called Zionist and idolise such Anti-Christ morons ! for such is clearly not of God at all ! for such as they are Lost and can not see through the facade ! Religious dolts as well can not see for they do not have eyes to see ! for they are not truly Saved !
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Ask a Zionist if they believe this is true.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
It is my belief that there were no Jews during the time of Moses word changes and translations have played a big role in how we look at the people of the Bible.
The Tribe ? the people who followed the religion.
I believe that their was a remainent regarding Moses days, that's why he went to bring them out of the slavery in fact ! For Gods people are not to be Slaves to this world !
Many were bastards as we see in how they tried to kill Moses in fact.
The Jipos are like the world we have now Trash !

But at the end of the day, it's all about Salvation ! for if one is not Saved then one is a Slave to this world, that Jesus said was full of deceptions and delusions ! Lost ! and a abomination to God in fact !

Who want's to be a Slave ? Enslaved too bastards ? good for nothings that only cause people to be spinless yellow streak trash that only abuse people dragging them down 24/7 and never bother in helping one up so they can help themselves up to be worthy of being inspired by the workings of Christ Jesus.
Religion does not Save ! they can be just as carnal as the atheist is religious.

From Christ Jesus on their is no Jew or Gentile, when one is in Christ Jesus, because one is Saved, you become as one ?

Nowadays the o called Jews is all BS !
Anyone who looks to the so called Jews is clearly not Saved in fact.
We have everything that we need regarding the Jews in the OT.

People who idolise the so called Jews of today are retards ! who are clearly not Saved, for they are Anti-Christ in fact !
What did Jesus say about them who were for him and they who were against ? So one who idols so called Jews must have a Demon in them and i have seen such be exposed in one that i know that claims to be a Christian but is not at all but is only into a so called Jew idolitry because he is carnal religious moron. who is hellbent ! He does not have Christ Jesus in fact but is looking for him and working to drag him down so as to fix this world ?
But what he does not get is that you must work in Christ to bring about the Kingdom of God ! It's not you who is doing the work but Christ in you who does it ! but he rejects that he should have a back bone.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
While ignoring those Neo-Nazi, and White Supremacists on this site is wise, I will say the cursed life Israeli Jews suffer to this day is due I think to the curse their ancestors invited upon themselves and the future generation.
After killing Messiah. "Let his blood be on our heads and those of our children."
The real Jews became Christians in fact, when Jesus went to Heaven, they have faith in Jesus and Moses, but the rest were lead astray in fact !

Such Jews nowadays are not worthy of the OT in fact.

The 6 million Jews Nazis killed was on orders from Rothschild's and Co and their so called creation of a Zionist Mob !
Why well because them German Jews were a huge threat to the so called Zionist in fact, why well because the German Jews looked down on the so called Zionist and would of exposed them in fact !
So Hitlers Political Correct Socialist went and shut them Jews up in fact, for they were not allowed to Print Media in fact, only the so called Zionist Jew was allowed to Print Media in fact.
The so called Zionist tried for years to brake the back of the Jews in Germany with their cunning propaganda but the German Jews would not bend to such a whore, so that's why the Zionist killed the German Jews in fact and offered them up in a burnt offering to their gods in fact !
Go have a look at the names of the top Nazi running the prison Camps, they are all Jewish and Zionist !

Look at the MSM nowadays what does it peddle Degenerates rights and so much stupid filth, it's trying to undermine the Nations on every level, so as to become worthless trash Slaves to their Devil !


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
The Tribe ? the people who followed the religion.
I believe that their was a remainent regarding Moses days, that's why he went to bring them out of the slavery in fact ! For Gods people are not to be Slaves to this world !
Many were bastards as we see in how they tried to kill Moses in fact.
The Jipos are like the world we have now Trash !

But at the end of the day, it's all about Salvation ! for if one is not Saved then one is a Slave to this world, that Jesus said was full of deceptions and delusions ! Lost ! and a abomination to God in fact !

Who want's to be a Slave ? Enslaved too bastards ? good for nothings that only cause people to be spinless yellow streak trash that only abuse people dragging them down 24/7 and never bother in helping one up so they can help themselves up to be worthy of being inspired by the workings of Christ Jesus.
Religion does not Save ! they can be just as carnal as the atheist is religious.

From Christ Jesus on their is no Jew or Gentile, when one is in Christ Jesus, because one is Saved, you become as one ?

Nowadays the o called Jews is all BS !
Anyone who looks to the so called Jews is clearly not Saved in fact.
We have everything that we need regarding the Jews in the OT.

People who idolise the so called Jews of today are retards ! who are clearly not Saved, for they are Anti-Christ in fact !
What did Jesus say about them who were for him and they who were against ? So one who idols so called Jews must have a Demon in them and i have seen such be exposed in one that i know that claims to be a Christian but is not at all but is only into a so called Jew idolitry because he is carnal religious moron. who is hellbent ! He does not have Christ Jesus in fact but is looking for him and working to drag him down so as to fix this world ?
But what he does not get is that you must work in Christ to bring about the Kingdom of God ! It's not you who is doing the work but Christ in you who does it ! but he rejects that he should have a back bone.
The Tribe ? the people who followed the religion.
I believe that their was a remainent regarding Moses days, that's why he went to bring them out of the slavery in fact ! For Gods people are not to be Slaves to this world !

Not sure I follow… Perhaps you can elaborate. Im of the opinion there was no such thing as a Jew, better said, no one was actually called a
Jew in Moses time nor Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
The real Jews became Christians in fact, when Jesus went to Heaven, they have faith in Jesus and Moses, but the rest were lead astray in fact !

Such Jews nowadays are not worthy of the OT in fact.

The 6 million Jews Nazis killed was on orders from Rothschild's and Co and their so called creation of a Zionist Mob !
Why well because them German Jews were a huge threat to the so called Zionist in fact, why well because the German Jews looked down on the so called Zionist and would of exposed them in fact !
So Hitlers Political Correct Socialist went and shut them Jews up in fact, for they were not allowed to Print Media in fact, only the so called Zionist Jew was allowed to Print Media in fact.
The so called Zionist tried for years to brake the back of the Jews in Germany with their cunning propaganda but the German Jews would not bend to such a whore, so that's why the Zionist killed the German Jews in fact and offered them up in a burnt offering to their gods in fact !
Go have a look at the names of the top Nazi running the prison Camps, they are all Jewish and Zionist !

Look at the MSM nowadays what does it peddle Degenerates rights and so much stupid filth, it's trying to undermine the Nations on every level, so as to become worthless trash Slaves to their Devil !
You bring up some really good points… what makes you think 6 million Jews were killed?
If you crunch the numbers that doesn’t add up.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Not sure I follow… Perhaps you can elaborate. Im of the opinion there was no such thing as a Jew, better said, no one was actually called a
Jew in Moses time nor Jesus.
You are correct that no one was called a Jew in them times.

Nowadays clearly we use the word Jew in many ways.

But if one claims to support the Jews nowadays, regarding the OT ? People who claim to support the OT ? But not the NT !

So we have so called Christians who are truly not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact and some of such look to the so called Jews of today ?
But why would a Saved Christian look to the Jews of today ? such a one must be stupid ! or not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact, for they have no real regard for him in fact and are being lead astray by this godless so called Jew BS !

The Jews who did not take to Christ Jesus back in the day ? what could we truly call them nowadays ? for they are not truly worthy of anything regarding Moses ?
Maybe Talmud Whores ?
Anti-Christ for sure ! 100% in fact.

You know i had this idiot mate who is an atheist then come so called Christian supporter :rolleyes: ? demand to me that the Jews do not hate Christians and are not Anti-Christ ! I dismissed him directly for being a total moron who knows nothing at all what he is talking about. He does not understand facts ! for he is a new age idiot fool !

When tying to talk to most people one has to use such words.
The word Jew can mean so many things nowadays Just like the term Anti-Semitic is so vast that it becomes another stupid term as well that people can miss interpret. that such can become totally delusional. why because it's a working of the Devil in fact.

So one says Anti-Semite and nowadays we see everyone turn into radical morons on an issue that they have no idea about in fact, for such is only due to brainwashing tec that they can not see through such. they are just like tossing pearls to swine in fact ! they just go mental and want to fight ! But if I said Anti-Christ ? Nothing at all Zip ! this does not offend morons in fact !
Same with if you do not idolise Gay people 100% then you get the same retard reaction of the Anti-Semite deal ?

But i could say hey moron, do you all now what a Semite is and most would not have a clue at all in fact !
Such people are totally brainwashed in fact, for they can not see past the indoctrination in the schools, Just like Nazi Germany was brainwashing the kids and all, same class of nonsense is peddled, like by rote ? ingrained into their head to fight directly or use malice directly, it's drummed into them, just like Hitlers tactics were it's the same toxin that everyone has to drink or else ? you become the enemy !


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
You are correct that no one was called a Jew in them times.

Nowadays clearly we use the word Jew in many ways.

But if one claims to support the Jews nowadays, regarding the OT ? People who claim to support the OT ? But not the NT !

So we have so called Christians who are truly not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact and some of such look to the so called Jews of today ?
But why would a Saved Christian look to the Jews of today ? such a one must be stupid ! or not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact, for they have no real regard for him in fact and are being lead astray by this godless so called Jew BS !

The Jews who did not take to Christ Jesus back in the day ? what could we truly call them nowadays ? for they are not truly worthy of anything regarding Moses ?
Maybe Talmud Whores ?
Anti-Christ for sure ! 100% in fact.

You know i had this idiot mate who is an atheist then come so called Christian supporter :rolleyes: ? demand to me that the Jews do not hate Christians and are not Anti-Christ ! I dismissed him directly for being a total moron who knows nothing at all what he is talking about. He does not understand facts ! for he is a new age idiot fool !

When tying to talk to most people one has to use such words.
The word Jew can mean so many things nowadays Just like the term Anti-Semitic is so vast that it becomes another stupid term as well that people can miss interpret. that such can become totally delusional. why because it's a working of the Devil in fact.

So one says Anti-Semite and nowadays we see everyone turn into radical morons on an issue that they have no idea about in fact, for such is only due to brainwashing tec that they can not see through such. they are just like tossing pearls to swine in fact ! they just go mental and want to fight ! But if I said Anti-Christ ? Nothing at all Zip ! this does not offend morons in fact !
Same with if you do not idolise Gay people 100% then you get the same retard reaction of the Anti-Semite deal ?

But i could say hey moron, do you all now what a Semite is and most would not have a clue at all in fact !
Such people are totally brainwashed in fact, for they can not see past the indoctrination in the schools, Just like Nazi Germany was brainwashing the kids and all, same class of nonsense is peddled, like by rote ? ingrained into their head to fight directly or use malice directly, it's drummed into them, just like Hitlers tactics were it's the same toxin that everyone has to drink or else ? you become the enemy !
Agreed, such confusion can only be by design.

What I find rather interesting is the Jewish religious idea of eternal bliss. If they were to have it their way, we would spend the eternity being slaves for those who run around today calling themselves “Jews.” But alas, there is a problem for the endtime Jew (other than the obvious when Jesus Christ returns at His Second Advent); the Jews have this whole carnal eternity planned where they entertain delusions of grandeur for themselves, and servitude or death to all other races of man.

But these deluded people, because they reject and won’t read the New Testament; don’t even realize that in the book of Revelation, the antichrist, the Jew’s messiah, whom they help into power; shall turn on them, and kill them (Rev 17:16-17).
And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
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