Would Jesus Wear a red Maga hat?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2020
central Florida
United States
Yeah, it mostly has to do with someone joining a forum and immediately acting superior by talking down to people. Anyone who can pull that one off strikes me as being pompous at best, whether their post is well-worded or not.

When it comes to established members who have become solid contributors, I have always demonstrated all the decency I was capable of towards them, and that goes for any subject.

But showing up and immediately taking a "holier than thou" stance while peddling their own website on Post #1? Let's put it this way: I would have no problems with Pro-Biden members here jumping on someone if the first words they posted were that Biden-supporters needed to go hang their head in shame and "assess" themselves.

As for the behavior of other established members here who are Trump people, I don't know that I could ever police everything that gets posted here, Rita. I usually only have time for doing so when it involves something that is either over-the-top egregious or a personal affront, although there have been instances when I have defended someone's right to speak their minds even though I personally did not agree with them. I recall Bukka was really rubbing everyone the wrong way when he first joined - I think over a Trump issue as a matter of fact - and I jumped in to defend his right. But the above "contributor" in the OP strikes me as being a snob, and I have no intentions of letting it slide when someone joins this community and immediately insinuates that they are morally and intellectually superior to me.

They will find out otherwise.

Are you a Rajun Cajun fan?

John Caldwell

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2019
North Augusta
United States
In the long run, I think Trump's kind of pandering harms Christianity. There appears to be an effort by Trump supporters to paint anyone who doesn't support him as an atheist, a Communist or socialist, or maybe even someone being controlled by demons. I think that portrays Christians as intolerant and aiming for political control -- and some of the ministers who support him brag about their influence. If I wasn't a Christian, that kind of behavior would make me want to run away from Christianity as fast as I could.

I can't say there is a connection; but Bibles made the news twice recently. Trump held one up, and a protester burned one. Are they connected? They could be. Someone who hates Trump thinks burning Bibles is a way of showing it. Attacks on churches are up -- could that be by people who hate Trump? I don't know. I see both sides as being wrong -- and I can see how they feed each other. The more Trump waves the Bible, the more other people want to burn Bibles and attack churches; and the more they do that, the more Christians feel threatened and hope Trump will save them.

It seems more bad news comes about Jerry Falwell Jr. daily. He touted Trump in 2016 and was instrumental in getting Trump elected. Now he's enmeshed in his own scandal -- a sex scandal too like Trump was. Paula White, another Trump supporter, had her three marriages and sex scandal. Sorry but those kind of ministers are not helping Christianity.

Recently too, we saw how many churches got money from the government. They were called "businesses." Paula White got on the phone and called Trump supporting ministers to make sure they knew they could get money. It reeks. I want churches that are independent of the government, not churches that act like prostitutes, spreading their legs for the rulers of this world. We're on a slippery slope. It's not as bad as it was in Germany; but we should remember Hitler got support from the Catholics and Lutherans by giving them money for their schools. Churches should not bow down to the state so they get favors.
I think the issue is deeper than President Trump. Long before he was elected president we had Christians that took a political rather than Christ-centered focus to their faith. I do not blame President Trump for supporting Christianity for political purposes. But I do blame the churches that have replaced Christ with secular politics (especially when implemented in a church).

That said, we cannot just assume Trump is lying (that he has not changed). I have my doubts but that's how I am. At the same time we have Democrats presenting Trump as a racist (which we pretty much know is false based on his history) while putting Biden up as a candidate (we pretty much know he is a racist based on his history).

In the end it is all about power as far as the parities go. I am not sure why Donald Trump wanted to run for presidency. He did not need the money (and gives away his presidential salary). He did not need the power. He does have a big ego, but that does not justify a need to enter politics...except perhaps he has been asked to enter politics for decades (by the Democrats, he was not a welcomed candidate by the GOP).

It's interesting anyway. I looked back yesterday and was amazed at what President Trump had actually accomplished. Some of it I did not hear about (but should have). Some things just got overshadowed by COVID-19. I was amazed that Biden and Harris claimed Trump ignored the virus early on when it was such recent history (most should remember the Democrats condemning Trump for "overreacting" to the virus, Pelosi's China Town party, etc.). But as a nation we have very short memories and a short attention span.

As far as policies, he is one of the best presidents we have had, IMHO. But as far as character he is too much a politician to not be a politician.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
A few days ago I wrote the following essay which can be found here https://www.verticalpathway.com/post/ask-yourself-the-following-question

The purpose was to as Christians like myself this question - Would Jesus Wear a Red Maga hat?

There is division among Christians. Some insist that Trump is a Christian hero standing for religious rights. At the same time, others who counter that evangelical Christians have entered into a corrupt yet beneficial pact with a depraved leader whose affinities are dictatorial, not religious. And that's primarily what Christians in the United States did. Believing they were under assault, and this powerful man pledged to defend them. And in doing so, he has made great strides.

Trump's religious beliefs are not even relevant nor even equivalent as those of Christians; his value proposition is being a protector, not as a model to be emulated. A vast majority of evangelical Christians have lined up behind Trump; Trump has repaid them with constant attention to abortion and religious liberties. There's little outward sign of any religious devotion on Trump's part. Still, leading Christian figures, writers, and preachers, including many Canadians churchgoers, have defended his good Christian intentions and insisted that he is not just an ally of evangelical Christians but also a true believer.

But a few prominent evangelicals have remained deeply critical of Trump. They contend that Trump displays zero signs of Christian faith or morality and that Christians who align themselves with this president are making a crude deal with a flawed man to reach the safe refuge. Christians portray themselves as being an oppressed minority that needs a strongman to liberate them. This is by which Trump has encouraged evangelicals to see themselves. He has handled evangelicalism as an interest group requiring protection and elevation.

Why are so many Christians loyal to this president, a man that is so transparently not Christ-like? He lies, he cons, and he incites racism. He would do anything to further his selfish interests. Jesus preached love, forgiveness, humility and acceptance; Trump is the root of selfishness, narcissism, hate and divisiveness. He is simply the worst example of Christian values. Trump's connection is rooted in the abortion issue, which governs all everyday Christian voters.

Because Trump and his Republican followers remain on the anti-abortion side of the aisle, they consider themselves as the defenders of Christian principles.

As a Christian, I find it challenging to comprehend how those who encourage love, acceptance and the equal protection of every member of society neglect to understand that there is more to being "pro-life" than merely standing against abortion.

I am in favour of gun control. How can we state we care about the sanctity of human life while doing nothing to reduce the rising rates of gun violence in the US? Unrestricted access to guns is not "pro-life." Our gun laws might not be perfect here in Canada, but I'm certainly proud of what is in place.

I am in favour of universal health care. This is a fundamental human right. If you genuinely value the sanctity of all human life, the availability of affordable healthcare for all people is a must. Thank God we have universal health care in Canada.

You can't be "pro-life" without believing we must take care of this planet, which sustains all life as we know it. Shouldn't we all be good stewards of this planet?

Finally, I am in favour of fundamental decency and kindness. Everyone is worthy of simple human respect.

Christians believe that everyone is a unique creation of God. In contrast, Trump is crude, condescending and despicable. Constant disrespect towards other people isn't consistent with respect for life.

No one individual or political party has a monopoly on Christian values. There are good Christians on both sides of the aisle Democrat/Liberal and Republic/Conservative, but it is quite clear that the party more closely aligned with Christian beliefs is not the party of Trump. Christians who endorse Trump continue to distance themselves from the very heart of Jesus' teachings.

So, I say to church leaders, elders, and preachers who consistently lift Trump as chosen by God now is the time to take your seat near the back and assess yourselves.

Ask yourselves, If Jesus were walking the earth today, would he be donning a red MAGA hat?

Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.
Yes, but Jesus' MAGA hat would mean Make ACTS Great Again.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
You're off the deep-end with this.

I take it you're voting for Biden, a guy who is neck-deep in corruption having stolen huge sums of money from the American people through his schemes in Ukraine and China when he was president. I take it that you're an atheist as well. It seems that you have been blinded to many truths.

Corinthians 2:12
The OP isn’t voting (if he’s telling the truth about where he lives). He says he’s a Canadian.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
What I have seen is Trump vilifying people who have disagreements with him. Some of his supporters sometimes do it too. Your post is a case in point. That kind of talk is not going to heal divisions. It makes things worse.

A real leader does not spend his time on Twitter responding to every little thing that he finds insulting. A real leader can ignore insults when they come his way. When Trump responds to a black politician angrily, it makes other blacks think he hates all black people. So it goes. He alienates people all the time. It may make amusing melodrama for people who enjoy reality TV shows, but it's no way to run a country. A smart politician understands what Solomon wrote:

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

You can't win everyone over with soft words, but you can win a lot over. Trump doesn't know how. He takes things too personally. If AOC says something unpleasant about him, why respond at all? Why not find another Latino that he can say something nice about? When he responds angrily to her, he's playing her game and losing the support of Latinos. You and he can blame her for it, but he doesn't have to play along.
A “real leader” implements policies that benefit ALL Americans, and this is what Trump has done!!!
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I wonder if we should expect a flood of new members showing up more for political reasons than anything else? I can see people on both sides doing it. Who knows? I raise an eyebrow myself when a relatively new member posts links to his site or You Tube channel. I can't be sure what's going on, but it makes me wonder.

Yeah, it has been that way more lately. To his credit, at least VerticalPathway wasn't like that Antifa guy who showed up and immediately started posted profanities left and right, and then a picture of Antifa demonstrators holding up a sign endorsing NAMBLA.

I noticed also there was an apparent Trump guy who joined, saying he was "looking forward to many stimulating conversations." His conversations amounted to not actually responding to a single soul here, but simply posting numerous links to his videos so we could boost his viewership. The videos weren't that great either.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Are you a Rajun Cajun fan?

Somewhat : ) I don't always keep up. I'm more of a New Orleans Saints and LSU Tigers fan myself, but I have a neighbor who is a ULL alumni and posts signs for them in his yard, so I'll have him keep me up to date on if they're doing any good.

Why? You have a college in your area that's in the Sunbelt Conference or something? : )


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
And then the same people who jump on you complain about how they are censored. Go ahead, smile or even laugh -- or you could get depressed or angry. . . .

The sad thing is that Trump sets this tone of intolerance, and he had some really good people working for him, but he got heavy-handed and got his feelings hurt when they didn't agree with him. Now he's surrounded by flatterers who make him feel good about himself but who don't tell him the truth he should know.

I don't see how Melania lives with him. Look at what she said in her speech to the convention:

Melania Trump says US deserves 'total honesty' from president despite husband’s 20,000 untruths in office

“We all know Donald Trump makes no secrets about how he feels about things. Total honesty is what we as citizens deserve from our president, whether you like it or not, you always know what he is thinking.”

But the first lady’s comments about her husband’s “honesty” will have bemused fact-checkers at the Washington Post. Just over a month ago, the team revealed that the president had made 20,000 false or misleading claims since assuming office in 2017.

I looked at her statement from the personal angle. How could she be serious? Did Donald tell her about his affairs when he was cheating on her? I think I have it figured out now: She says whatever she has to say to keep the peace, even if that means she lies telling us how he's so honest. Oh my!
The article about 20,000 untruths has already been debunked. It is a fraud; it is fake news... Nazi-style Liberal propaganda!

You run to it like Democrats to the Fake Russian Dossier. Pathetic!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
The OP isn’t voting (if he’s telling the truth about where he lives). He says he’s a Canadian.
A Canadian? Well bust my buttons, paint me black, and paste an eyebrow on me!
Canadian leadership must be so superior to Donald Trump!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Doesn't everyone have the right to food and clothing and shelter?

Much love!
What was meant by these words penned by Paul?

"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." II Thess 3:10
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
"Jesus said to fish out of the RIGHT side of the boat.":p

Good one!

John 21:5-6
5 Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.

6 And He said unto them, "Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find." They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
What was meant by these words penned by Paul?

"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." II Thess 3:10
Just so. And if someone should be working just to have daily food, doesn't it make sense to expect they would likewise work to pay for doctors?

Much love!
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I never claimed he was saved, nor has he! Yet how long ago was the quote? Keep in mind that Saul, (Later called Paul) led mobs to kill Christians early on in the Book of Acts. Do we stand in judgement of his actions and say after he becomes a Christian... but, but, but you did this last year! Can I give any better proof that Paul was never a Christian?

Many people have "faith" yet are "not yet" Christians. Tonight, he appealed to God frequently; perhaps God is working on him. Scripture says to pray for our leaders.

I pray for him......May God forgive me, my heart is not in it.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
I pray for him......May God forgive me, my heart is not in it.....

I get it! Personally, I would not want to chum around with Trump! I do not believe that I would have much in common with him and his personality. It would be amazing if Trump were to have that "conversion" and be Born-Again. His policies have been Christian friendly already; I can't imagine what good he could do if his heart was aligned with God!

Pray for Joe Biden also! He needs this to! If he gets the nomination, our Country needs something to change his mind on anti-Christian policies.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
"In the long run, I think Trump's kind of pandering harms Christianity. There appears to be an effort by Trump supporters to paint anyone who doesn't support him as an atheist, a Communist or socialist..."

Because it is true? Do you really believe that open opposition and a hatred of Christianity and Christian values does not hurt Christianity in the long run?

Trump is not "pandering," he has put his agreement with these values into action. Unlike Democrats who pander for the Minority vote, and rarely ever do anything to fix things for their communities. They groom minorities so they can keep them "victims" so they can run on the same lies they gave four years before!
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