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Active Member
Sep 4, 2019
East Coast
United States
Posted on another topic.

1 John 4:18 NIV​

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love.


That's exactly what this is all about. It's fear of punishment that keeps some from loving sinners. Some Christians are afraid if they accept and love sinners, they will suffer eternal torture. In fear, they sacrifice love. Our Lord faced all possible wrath out of love for us. But whose wrath was it? It was the wrath of the self-righteous and fearful. Happily, the God of love vindicated Christ, raising him up above every name because Christ is God, and God is love. Eternal love, loved sinners and showed us the way.

The irony to me is, the self-righteous are also sinners in need of grace. We will never not need grace. We might not always need forgiveness, but we will always need grace. The self-righteous fear suffering and so they sin against the homosexual. Perfect love casts out fear; to embrace suffering and become nothing means one is done with sin. See, there is no fear in loving homosexuals. Stop fretting over your own righteousness as if you didn't need grace. Jesus gave up fear and everything else to which humans cling for the sake of the self-righteous and the homosexual. To fear losing one's salvation for accepting homosexuals is to misunderstand Christ. Besides, Christ is the judge. If you're going to err, always err on the side of love, for Christ's sake.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
--- Parody ---

Conversation between Christian protester and doughnut shop patron. (customer)

Patron: What are doing picketing a donut shop?
Protester: I'm protesting the sin of gluttony.
Patron: Why on earth would you do that?
Protester: Gluttony is a sin, this has to stop.
Patron: Not everyone who buys a donut is a glutton.
Protester: We can't say that for sure.
Patron: Don't you have gluttony at your church?
Protester: No, we kicked them all out, unless they would repent.
Patron: Wow, for eating donuts?
Protester: No, gluttony takes many forms.
Patron: Right, like a church pot-luck dinner?
Protester: Exactly, they are banned at our church.
Patron: Did you know that some people are born with
weight-gain issues they will never get ahead of?
Protester: That's no excuse. Sin is sin.
Patron: You look exhausted, can I buy you a donut.
Protester: Sure, just don;t tell the church.
Patron: Your secret's safe with me.

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Active Member
Sep 4, 2019
East Coast
United States
--- Parody ---

Conversation between Christian protestor and doughnut shop patron. (customer)

Patron: What are doing picketing a donut shop?
Protestor: I'm protesting the sin of gluttony.
Patron: Why on earth would you do that?
Protestor: Gluttony is a sin, this has to stop.
Patron: Not everyone who buys a donut is a glutton.
Protestor: We can't say that for sure.
Patron: Don't you have gluttony at your church?
Protestor: No, we kicked them all out, unless they would repent.
Patron: Wow, for eating donuts?
Protestor: No, gluttony takes many forms.
Patron: Right, like a church pot-luck dinner?
Protestor: Exactly, they are banned at our church.
Patron: Did you know that some people are born with
weight-gain issues they will never get ahead of?
Protestor: That's no excuse. Sin is sin.
Patron: You look exhausted, can I buy you a donut.
Protestor: Sure, just don;t tell the church.
Patron: Your secret's safe with me.


We should protest covetousness and greed by giving what we have to poor homosexuals. Maybe, then, they'll see the light of Christ.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2019
East Coast
United States
Sounds like a good answer to the topic question. WWJD with LGBTQ?


See, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and again. Lol

What does it look like for Christians to love homosexuals? It's strange to ask that question since our love should be indiscriminate, prodigal even. But here we are trying to discover it, which is good, I think. What has been happening is not love.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
See, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and again. Lol

What does it look like for Christians to love homosexuals? It's strange to ask that question since our love should be indiscriminate, prodigal even. But here we are trying to discover it, which is good, I think. What has been happening is not love.
I suppose if Christians paused for a moment to consider what this person at their door is going through,
or has been through, We might be able to love them as Christ would.


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Ha! The rhyme in your subject just dawned on me. A lyricist at work. :)
Believe me, I know the value of a good title. - LOL

Title: Tumbleweed Vision
Music/Lyrics: Michael Odom/Steve "Sketch" Lundgren
Track time: 3:30 Tempo: 144 BPM

Verse 1
All I am hearing
Mirage appearing
And now my past is haunting me

Out on the prairie
Things look so dreary
Dark clouds are suffocating me

Tumbleweed vision
Demands decision
Suddenly it had come for me


Verse 2
Appeared out of nowhere
Then it just stands there
Waiting for me to retreat

Never again went down...
returned to that town...
Couldn't be in that place again

Streets I had fought on
Thought I had forgotten
Everything that happened to me

© Michael Odom/Steve "Sketch" Lundgren 2023

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
See, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and again. Lol
Now that's funny! - LOL

We have a pumpkin (not a Jack-O-Lantern) on our front step.
I noticed a squirrel up on it. I thought he was trying to push it off the steps.
Went to intervene. He actually took a couple of bites to see if it tasted good, I suppose? ???
That was the end of that. Not sure if he was trying to figure out
how to get it up into his tree, or what? - LOL

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
My faith is in christ and his work. I believe he promised eternal life and eternal forgiveness to all who trust him. So I am not too worried,
I agree completely.
So, why do you put so much emphasis on man-made doctrine?
Or put a magnifying glass on one passage while ignoring others?
(I do it too) Less now than I used to.

Your beautiful post above indicates a real childlike faith
and trust in a trustworthy God who loves us dearly and means the best for us.
(sorry, that was a lot to read into your post) Correct me if I overstated.



Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Christians tend to treat LGBTQ as if it is a singular thing. It's not.
It's a very complex subject that the church has, for the most part, swept under the rug.

Those who have stepped up to be inclusive have taken the heat for it.
And there is even a broad spectrum of how inclusion can play out.
LGBTQ is not a B+W issue. There is a whole spectrum of gray to be considered.

I have known for some time that this is an issue that the church needs to come to grips with.
My own wake-up call came when I went back to college in my 50's to study interior design.
Among my classmates I discovered gay Christians. Say what? How could this be?
For this straight, white, married, Protestant, evangelical male, it was quite a shock.

In my interior design class, I estimated that 10% were males. The rest were female.
Of those males I estimated that half were probably gay. So, an estimated 5% gay students.
My instructors even cautioned me that if I worked as an interior designer,
I would likely be accused of being gay.

So, I had to ask myself, WWJD with LGBTQ?

Because of another topic on the forum that has a title that asks the WRONG question,
I wanted to launch a topic that would ask the right questions.

I have done my homework as part of that other topic.
And I am still making some discoveries about the subject.
Here are a few.

- There is a 40% suicide rate among gays, which is driven by societal rejection. (genocide)
- Parental testimony shows children indicating a transgender preference as early as 3 to 5 years old.
- 1 in 1,500 children are born intersex, meaning either both, or ambiguous genitalia.
- Birth sex is determined by what is between your legs; gender identity is determined by what is between your ears.
- Christian gays that come out are at risk of losing, family, friends, church, employment, housing...
- Many gay couples are monogamous, and great contributors to our society.

There are other factors as well. This is a place to discuss them. Thanks.


/ @TinMan @BarneyFife @Chadrho @Hillsage
I'm sure Jesus would and does treat everyone the same, though with individual variations based on what an individual uniquely needs, sometimes rebuking, sometimes speaking kindly. He ate and drank with sinners of all sorts who allowed Him to. He would have preached the gospel of the kingdom and those who were willing would have been cleansed and healed of their various afflictions and oppressions and sicknesses, and admonished and taught by Him to go and sin no more lest a worse thing happen to them, and things along those lines. He certainly wouldn't have refused to go preach to them and heal them, as long as they were willing to receive Him. God is love........the question is never whether He loves anyone in that sense, the question is always whether everyone is willing to receive and love Him. A humble and CONTRITE heart He does not despise. Just that most people in this world of every stripe and walk of life, sadly, are not willing and contrite (this is why Christians get persecuted). But those who, as the apostle wrote, are appointed to eternal life and are elect according to the foreknowledge of God, are willing. Hence the net is cast far and wide without respect of persons. Whosoever will may come to Him.

(But even then, afterwards, we all undergo testing and the "bad fish" who prove themselves to be unworthy of the kingdom are thrown back. Fishermen do not eat everything that gets caught in their nets. For example the one who went into the wedding banquet without a wedding garment on was turfed out, and those who climbed into the sheepfold by another way other than by the door/gate that is Christ the Shepherd were also thrown out. And those who returned to their wallowing in the mud, or are like dogs returning to their vomit. Or who get deceived by false teachers. Etc. As the song says there are many dangers, toils and snares......along the path of the proving of our faith. Oh yes, we get tested and tried, for sure.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Did you read the OP (opening post) or are you ONLY responding to the topic title?

Didn't Jesus hang out with sinners?
Seems that you are casting judgment that He wouldn't.

Would you dare to watch this 18 minute video and give me your review? Thanks.

First of all he is Baptist, so likely cessationist and hasn't received the Holy Spirit since he believed (if he ever did truly come to faith). So limited power and limited understanding at best for that reason alone. Secondly I notice he isn't preaching or teaching the word of God, only anecdotes and going by feelings. Is that what preachers and pastors are called to do? Preach and teach their own word, rather than the word of God?? Sadly he is flying his plane by sight, not by faith and the instruments of God's word and the Holy Spirit.......so not surprised that he is crashing it.

Should Christians be unkind and rejecting of people who are still in their sins? Of course not! And God is not a respecter of persons, but He freely gives the gospel to all who are willing. But we need to understand this doesn't mean all and sundry are allowed to participate in church life....no, church is for Christians, that is the definition of church....it's a fellowship of believers. It is not a gathering of people of the world, but a gathering of born again believers. If you make it a gathering of unbelievers and sinners, what you have is no longer church, but a gathering of "anything goes" in the way of both doctrine and way of living. But by all means we are to help people who need help, and be involved in gospel outreach activities, and throw the net of the gospel far and wide without respect of persons....of course, that is our call and the mandate Jesus gave us! That's what we're here for.