new version of OSAS?

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Active Member
Apr 30, 2021
Los Angeles
United States
I just read this on another thread... and I thought it fit well here... It was shared by @GRACE ambassador

Precious friend(s), CHRIST Died for our sins, but HIS Precious BLOOD Is
Insufficient for God’s ETERNAL Salvation? God’s EVERLASTING Salvation?

Why is it, Since “God IS SATISFIED” With HIS SON’s Payment, that some are not?:

Isa 53:10 "Yet it pleased The LORD to bruise Him; He hath put him to grief: when
Thou shalt make His Soul An Offering For sin, He shall see his seed, He shall
prolong his days, and the pleasure of The LORD shall prosper in His Hand."

Isa 53:11 "He Shall See of The Travail Of His Soul, and Shall Be Satisfied: By
His Knowledge Shall My Righteous Servant JUSTIFY many; for He Shall Bear
their iniquities."

Apparently some ignore "The Travail Of HIS SOUL," thus making
HIS Precious BLOOD INsufficient for themselves! Ah, LORD, how tragic!!

This is brilliant.... and so very true... HOW tragic that the BLOOD ATONEMENT of CHRIST is deemed by some as NOT ENOUGH... when GOD HIMSELF was VERY PLEASED.
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Now it's about being saved by His life....who ever wrote that shows....they View Justification as all of Salvation?

But we are santified[saved] by His Spirit too...

If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live” Romans 8:13

Is this not something you are part of?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
In the military if you find yourself being court martialed, you are not sentenced, you are awarded, because you earned your punishment.

Can we get away from the word "work" LOL...nope.
Salvation is not by our own means....but salvation is just the beginning of the Christian walk with Christ.
From the point of salvation we can either....
Work to go to heaven or work to go to hell.
There is no way of getting around actions and we will be held accountable for our actions both good and bad.
So Beeee Goood! Do gooood!

2nd Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

1st Peter 1:17
If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth;

Colossians 3:25
For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality.

1st Corinthians 3:8
Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

Revelation 20:12
And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds.

What is being judged on Judgment Day?
Is Christ being judged on how well He saved us? No.
Are we being judged on what we did before we were saved? No.
Are we being judged on what we have done after we were saved, both good and bad? Yes.
Is the determination of whether we are going to heaven or hell decided at the point of salvation or Judgement Day? Judgment Day of course.

Can we be held accountable for what we have not done? See the parable of the Talents. Matthew 25:14-30

According to Scripture, we are going to be judged by “ Paul's Gospel”.....Did you Believe it to the point that you Rested in it or did you have the urge to “ ADD” to it because even though it may have been Essential for your Salvation, it just was not “ adequate” for your Salvation....Jesus didn’t get ALL of the Glory for your Salvation—- He has to split it with His “ Co- Savior”.....YOU! ..... let’s see how that flies, come Judgement Day,..

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I'm breaking my rule here... but you have taken the time to address my words... so I think I owe you a response at this point...

The difference between the two beliefs is that one is based on self-achievement... ( what I call legalism ).... We must do this and that to be HOLY and PLEASING to God... we MUST "remain" diligent and obedient and must always stay ALERT in our DOINGS... This to me is fear-based army-style OBEDIENCE.... Fear of losing something is NOT the motivation that GOD requires...

God wants us to LOVE HIM... TRUST HIM... COME to HIM with our BURDENS... He delights in us... even sings over us with JOY.... All these beautiful promises are given to those who will BELIEVE in HIM...

A soul that is FREED by Grace... is FREED to PURSUE the Living God with absolute confidence.... Come as YOU ARE...( broken... weak... tired... frustrated... angry... sick... filled with sin and needing RESCUE ) Come to ME.... Come... and I WILL HEAL YOU.... RESTORE YOU and REDEEM YOU.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to FOCUS on GOD and sin... It is a promise.... a PROMISE that God will be faithful to finish what it is HE has begun.

It is a Promise that If I only BELIEVE in HIM and HIS FINISHED WORK ( His finished work... on the cross... NOT my works )... that I shall inherit the kingdom of God.

So the focus is just opposite... Those of us who believe in GRACE are FREED to simply LOVE GOD.... Those who believe in "keeping themselves saved by their works" are continually focused on sin/their behaviour... and they are always looking/judging those around them... comparing themselves to others to see where they stand...

I LOOK to CHRIST.... I understand that from the get go... I CANNOT achieve any kind of GREATNESS... I am not worthy to even lay in HIS SHADOW.... but.... HE has INVITED me... HE has made me HIS BRIDE... HE is DELIGHTED in those who simply WORSHIP HIM for who HE is.... ALMIGHTY GOD.

God wants our love .... He wants our hearts.... The more we focus on/contemplate on/dwell in/saturate ourselves in the LOVE of GOD... the more we are FREE.... We are FREE from all bondage through CHRIST.... Sanctification plays out in a life time... God is wide AWAKE... and HE does much of his work in the invisible realm... therefore what we THINK we see in our brother... and what we think we need to condemn them for is NOT a concern to GOD.... HE is NOT finished YET... and what is left unfinished.... will be JUSTIFIED by CHRIST... so that we can enter GLORIFICATION... DEBT paid in full ... It was paid in full the moment we became believers. That is the difference.... Grace says... DONE DEAL... and legalism says.... I have to prove I am worthy.... So.... I shall delight in the fact that it is a DONE DEAL... and nothing to do with what I try to ADD...

My response to God... my relationship with God is MY gift to HIM.... and the more I fall in love with Christ... the less I sin... I don't think about sin... I think about GRACE... I marvel at GRACE... I am in AWE of His OUTRAGEOUS GRACE... and I WORSHIP HIM with all my heart... mind and soul....

THAT is what HE REQUIRES of me.... simply to come to HIM.

I cannot explain it better than I have so if you have anything else to say.... SORRY but... I'm truly done... LOL

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I do get it... I honestly do GET IT.... I think my frustration comes because of how difficult the journey was ( because of the legalistic accusations thrown at me by my own family )... NOW that I GET it... and BELIEVE it.... I get so offended by those who would DARE try to continue to remove it from me. I am just as grounded as you are BB in my view of GRACE.... but perhaps I am not as saturated as you in the CONFIDENCE aspect of it.

I am at the stage of JUST give me JESUS... and everyone else.... just GO AWAY and LEAVE ME BE... Christianity has been so mis-represented. So many doctrines that come to STEAL the JOY and PEACE that CHRIST came for and died for....
For me... it is so SIMPLE.... It's all because of HIM.... It's all about HIM... It's all HIM... I cannot do anything... not one thing... It is all like dirty rags to think I could possibly ADD to the ATONEMENT of CHRIST... It is a slap in the FACE of God to PRESUME I could possibly be GOOD enough for HIM... Therefore I live my life in AWE of HIS GOODNESS.... I stand AMAZED that HE would desire... even DELIGHT in me.... Those thoughts capture me and I swear I could float away in the clouds.... the GRATITUDE and THANKFULNESS that fills my soul.

So... upon my return... I will pop in periodically... but like I said earlier... this topic is NOT a place I desire to DWELL in... I've done my time... I've suffered greatly because of the lies told to me... It's TIME to enjoy my FREEDOM in CHRIST.

Much love to you my precious BROTHER in CHRIST.

You are IMMENSELY Blessed.... like me , you get Angry when you see others trying to Usurp any of the Glory and Honor That belongs rightfully and exclusively to is a “Righteous Anger”....God shares it.....Like you, I just want to hear about Jesus.....Jesus Plus NOTHING ....I am so impressed with what “ HE” did , I don’ t give a Rat’s Patooty about what me or anybody else “ did” in regard to Salvation....the ONLY thing that “I” do is cling to the Cross....anybody want to go beyond that and boast a little about what “ they” have done? Shut your self- righteous mouth disgust me.You disgust God also...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Do you notice that your list gives No credit and gives no thanks to Jesus
Well in case you did not notice the topic is about they are saved, this is about what you do after you are saved,
Judgment Day is not about judging Christ. Judgment Day is not about rating salvation. Judgment Day is judging what you did after you are saved. Going to heaven or hell based on what you did...your works...your deeds...for good or bad. An no Christ will not be asking too many questions because He knows.

You are not going to heaven or hell based on your salvation through are judged according to your sins and according to your works. After you are saved you have a long journey ahead, and you can head for heaven or you can head for hell...either way you will earn it. An no, you really do not have to do anything to earn it....a paraplegic in a bed can be saved...but he is not doing much sinning in a bed.

If you want to go to good.
Only Satan would want people to think that you can sin your whole life and join all the evil that would be in heaven.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
LOL @ rat's patooty.... I usually remark that I don't give a bat's bottom... hahaha...

Anyways... I think I am finished for the day... BB is in the house... if not for a moment... You can stand up for yourself... LOL... Night shift is done!
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States say we do nothing...but Jesus after He heals or forgives always tells the person to "Go in Peace and Sin no more

Simply not true....go learn your Bible...maybe I will elaborate with some examples later...


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
According to Scripture, we are going to be judged by “ Paul's Gospel”.....Did you Believe it to the point that you Rested in it or did you have the urge to “ ADD” to it because even though it may have been Essential for your Salvation, it just was not “ adequate” for your Salvation....Jesus didn’t get ALL of the Glory fir your Salvation—- He has to split it with His “ Co- Savior”.....YOU! ..... let’s see how that flies, come Judgement Day,..We

There is no check off list or gage for salvation. These scriptures pertain to all Christians.
This is Paul's Gospel and these scripture are not from Blood Brought
  1. 2nd Corinthians 5:10
    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

    1st Peter 1:17
    If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth;

    Colossians 3:25
    For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality.

    1st Corinthians 3:8
    Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

    Revelation 20:12
    And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I'm breaking my rule here... but you have taken the time to address my words... so I think I owe you a response at this point...

The difference between the two beliefs is that one is based on self-achievement... ( what I call legalism ).... We must do this and that to be HOLY and PLEASING to God... we MUST "remain" diligent and obedient and must always stay ALERT in our DOINGS... This to me is fear-based army-style OBEDIENCE.... Fear of losing something is NOT the motivation that GOD requires...

God wants us to LOVE HIM... TRUST HIM... COME to HIM with our BURDENS... He delights in us... even sings over us with JOY.... All these beautiful promises are given to those who will BELIEVE in HIM...

A soul that is FREED by Grace... is FREED to PURSUE the Living God with absolute confidence.... Come as YOU ARE...( broken... weak... tired... frustrated... angry... sick... filled with sin and needing RESCUE ) Come to ME.... Come... and I WILL HEAL YOU.... RESTORE YOU and REDEEM YOU.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to FOCUS on GOD and sin... It is a promise.... a PROMISE that God will be faithful to finish what it is HE has begun.

It is a Promise that If I only BELIEVE in HIM and HIS FINISHED WORK ( His finished work... on the cross... NOT my works )... that I shall inherit the kingdom of God.

So the focus is just opposite... Those of us who believe in GRACE are FREED to simply LOVE GOD.... Those who believe in "keeping themselves saved by their works" are continually focused on sin/their behaviour... and they are always looking/judging those around them... comparing themselves to others to see where they stand...

I LOOK to CHRIST.... I understand that from the get go... I CANNOT achieve any kind of GREATNESS... I am not worthy to even lay in HIS SHADOW.... but.... HE has INVITED me... HE has made me HIS BRIDE... HE is DELIGHTED in those who simply WORSHIP HIM for who HE is.... ALMIGHTY GOD.

God wants our love .... He wants our hearts.... The more we focus on/contemplate on/dwell in/saturate ourselves in the LOVE of GOD... the more we are FREE.... We are FREE from all bondage through CHRIST.... Sanctification plays out in a life time... God is wide AWAKE... and HE does much of his work in the invisible realm... therefore what we THINK we see in our brother... and what we think we need to condemn them for is NOT a concern to GOD.... HE is NOT finished YET... and what is left unfinished.... will be JUSTIFIED by CHRIST... so that we can enter GLORIFICATION... DEBT paid in full ... It was paid in full the moment we became believers. That is the difference.... Grace says... DONE DEAL... and legalism says.... I have to prove I am worthy.... So.... I shall delight in the fact that it is a DONE DEAL... and nothing to do with what I try to ADD...

My response to God... my relationship with God is MY gift to HIM.... and the more I fall in love with Christ... the less I sin... I don't think about sin... I think about GRACE... I marvel at GRACE... I am in AWE of His OUTRAGEOUS GRACE... and I WORSHIP HIM with all my heart... mind and soul....

THAT is what HE REQUIRES of me.... simply to come to HIM.

I cannot explain it better than I have so if you have anything else to say.... SORRY but... I'm truly done... LOL

Most poorly taught and confused religious people try to “ be “ worthy” ....that is where people simply turn Christianity into another’s mainly a continuance Of Judaism with a little bit of “ Jesus” sprinkled on top of it....God won’t have it.

We can never be “ worthy” of Salvation.....The men and woman of the True Faith That Saves realize and thank their Lord Jesus that we are “ MADE WORTHY” by the Blood Of The Lamb.....To Understand the difference is Heaven or Hell.....Remember this: the song has it really “ IS” Nothing But The Blood.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
We can never be “ worthy” of Salvation.....The men and woman of the True Faith That Saves realize and thank their Lord Jesus that we are “ MADE WORTHY” by the Blood Of The Lamb.....To Understand the difference is Heaven or Hell.....Remember this: the song has it really “ IS” Nothing But The Blood.....

You're my brother from a different mother... LOL
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Nobody is raised to life with Christ who did not first satisfy the condition of believing.
Being raised to life with Christ is something that has happened already for those spoken of in the passage.

These are things we need to pay attention to.

The one who has been raised with Christ, this one WILL appear with Him, none lost, none left, none lacking. First we believe, and we receive, and then God gives us rebirth, and we live our lives here, reborn, knowing, knowing, that when He appears, we WILL appear with Him. No exceptions.

That's why just this one verse, all by itself, though it is not alone, sufficiently refutes your teaching. You cannot believe what you claim while still believing what that passage says.

Unless you change it, that is.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I don't disagree with that in the least. And you remain a person risen with Christ as long as the word remains in you.
"and you remain risen" . . . you must just be making this up as you go along.

You say you don't disagree in the least. Completely disengenuous statement. You agree with your version, not the Bible.

IF you are raised with Christ (now), you WILL appear with Him (then). Simple. Easy. Understandable.

Just like what John wrote. Now we are His children. When we see Him we KNOW we will be like Him. In your version, you cannot know, because, in your version God's children might die. Totally contrary to Scripture. But it's what you claim. You cannot know, because when you consider salvation changeable based on you, you are changeable, so, that's that.

Much love!
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Active Member
Apr 30, 2021
Los Angeles
United States
I'm breaking my rule here... but you have taken the time to address my words... so I think I owe you a response at this point...

The difference between the two beliefs is that one is based on self-achievement... ( what I call legalism ).... We must do this and that to be HOLY and PLEASING to God... we MUST "remain" diligent and obedient and must always stay ALERT in our DOINGS... This to me is fear-based army-style OBEDIENCE.... Fear of losing something is NOT the motivation that GOD requires...

God wants us to LOVE HIM... TRUST HIM... COME to HIM with our BURDENS... He delights in us... even sings over us with JOY.... All these beautiful promises are given to those who will BELIEVE in HIM...

A soul that is FREED by Grace... is FREED to PURSUE the Living God with absolute confidence.... Come as YOU ARE...( broken... weak... tired... frustrated... angry... sick... filled with sin and needing RESCUE ) Come to ME.... Come... and I WILL HEAL YOU.... RESTORE YOU and REDEEM YOU.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to FOCUS on GOD and sin... It is a promise.... a PROMISE that God will be faithful to finish what it is HE has begun.

It is a Promise that If I only BELIEVE in HIM and HIS FINISHED WORK ( His finished work... on the cross... NOT my works )... that I shall inherit the kingdom of God.

So the focus is just opposite... Those of us who believe in GRACE are FREED to simply LOVE GOD.... Those who believe in "keeping themselves saved by their works" are continually focused on sin/their behaviour... and they are always looking/judging those around them... comparing themselves to others to see where they stand...

I LOOK to CHRIST.... I understand that from the get go... I CANNOT achieve any kind of GREATNESS... I am not worthy to even lay in HIS SHADOW.... but.... HE has INVITED me... HE has made me HIS BRIDE... HE is DELIGHTED in those who simply WORSHIP HIM for who HE is.... ALMIGHTY GOD.

God wants our love .... He wants our hearts.... The more we focus on/contemplate on/dwell in/saturate ourselves in/ the LOVE of GOD... the more we are FREE.... We are FREE from all bondage through CHRIST.... Sanctification plays out in a life time... God is wide AWAKE... and HE does much of his work in the invisible realm... therefore what we THINK we see in our brother... and what we think we need to condemn them for is NOT a concern to GOD.... HE is NOT finished YET... and what is left unfinished.... will be JUSTIFIED by CHRIST... so that we can enter GLORIFICATION... DEBT paid in full ... It was paid in full the moment we became believers. That is the difference.... Grace says... DONE DEAL... and legalism says.... I have to prove I am worthy.... So.... I shall delight in the fact that it is a DONE DEAL... and nothing to do with what I try to ADD...

My response to God... my relationship with God is MY gift to HIM.... and the more I fall in love with Christ... the less I sin... I don't think about sin... I think about GRACE... I marvel at GRACE... I am in AWE of His OUTRAGEOUS GRACE... and I WORSHIP HIM with all my heart... mind and soul....

THAT is what HE REQUIRES of me.... simply to come to HIM.

I cannot explain it better than I have so if you have anything else to say.... SORRY but... I'm truly done... LOL
Addy-The difference between the two beliefs is that one is based on self-achievement... ( what I call legalism ).... We must do this and that to be HOLY and PLEASING to God... we MUST "remain" diligent and obedient and must always stay ALERT in our DOINGS... This to me is fear-based army-style OBEDIENCE.... Fear of losing something is NOT the motivation that GOD requires...

The that you must believe a particular OSAS

You misunderstand legalism....from the misunderstanding that Justification is all of Salvation....

You most likely see salvation as heaven when you die, instead of life that begins now in Christ and never ends.

You might also see Justification as pertaining to heaven when you die, instead of Things pertaining to life Abraham's Justification was dealing with things pertaining to His life on earth....

The key is after You are given THE Spirit, what you will you do with it...with Jesus behind you and in the front having already conquered the world.

In Sanctification we are like is what we do "with" Jesus that transforms our lives. Be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind.....

So you misunderstand as many do....
God wants to save the Body, soul and spirit... Yes we have been brought near by the blood...but there is a reason? We have a life to live here where we are to be the light of the world in Christ.

So the legalism is about Doing in ref to Judtification...but we know no man is Justified by His flesh, natural abilities, but by faith in Jesus;faith in Jesus is about becoming the type of person that naturally does what their new character has become....and that is not legalism...

So I am not talking about anything done without faith and reliance on Jesus...

Even our model Jesus did what was pleasing to the father:

27They did not understand that He was telling them about the Father. 28So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and that I do nothing on My own, but speak exactly what the Father has taught Me. 29He who sent Me is with Me. He has not left Me alone, because I always do what pleases Him.”

So just can be saved from different things.
For example one being dead in trespasses was made alive.....the saving was not about heaven when you die....but being made alive with Christ...

And can be saved by His can have Joy and peace in the mist of any storm knowing God is with you if you put away the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit you can "live" have abundant life that looks passed any fear.

Sorry but there are too many scriptures that show we play apart in being delivered...but notice we are not speaking of Justification, but after receiving the Spirit of life from above.

But even before one is Justified they are told to repent and believe.

So that leaves me to present this definition of DW, "Divine grace is God acting in our life to accomplish what we cannot do on our own.

It informs our being and actions and makes them effective in the wisdom and power of God. Hence, grace is not opposed to effort (our actions) but to earning (our attitude).”

-Present your body as a living sacrifice
-Love the Lord with your whole heart and soul
-Pursue peace with all men for without it you can see the Lord.
-Take up your cross

1 Tim 4:16

Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

1 Tim 2:15
But women will
be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

Anyway I'm done for now...peace to you!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Being saved and Judgment Day are two different things.
After you are saved you have a whole life to live...and that is what is judged on Judgment Day.
Being saved is not a ticket to heaven.
Being saved is not an inoculation against sin.
Christ nor Christianity condones or tolerates sin.
Christianity is a moral religion, a prescribed character that is defined by description and example throughout the New Testament.
We find no example by Christ or the Apostles that Christianity is about sin and sin some more and expect to go to heaven.
There is certainly forgiveness for sins but you cross the line by making a career of sinning, by making sinning a lifestyle.
You damn yourself with lifestyle sins and you will be held accountable for those lost souls that take your example.
If you want to go to heaven be good and do good to others.

You see on Judgment Day I do not have to worry about what I say here on this forum, because I tell people to be good and do good.
OSAS preach lies that will lead to hell and worse than that can lead others to hell. This they well be judged for on Judgment Day.
People come to Christianity to know a good God, to change their lives and leave behind their sinful ways. To start fresh and to learn "the Way" to heaven. OSAS tries to damn them by saying they are going to heaven no matter what they do.

OSAS is a doctrine of Satan...who else would preach you can go on sinning and expect a reward for it. Who else would want you believe that you can go on sinning.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
HA... I did not realize that Graily was contributing to this thread as I had him on ignore until just now... as I thought I was missing part of this conversation... IGNORE feature really DOES ignore....
Anyways... time to move on... and back to IGNORE.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
HA... I did not realize that Graily was contributing to this thread as I had him on ignore until just now... as I thought I was missing part of this conversation... IGNORE feature really DOES ignore....
Anyways... time to move on... and back to IGNORE.
It makes for some interesting moments, does it not?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
It makes for some interesting moments, does it not?
NOPE... not for me... there are two people on here who have absolutely EXHAUSTED my patience and tolerance...
I was however wondering why it was so quiet in here.... It WASN'T... LOL... When you place someone on IGNORE...
you cannot see anything they post... I felt like I was missing something in the conversation and low and behold...
I was ... but I really wasn't... LOL.... I have no patience for those who come to condemn and steal joy...
AND... this issue of GRACE believers giving license to sin is ATROCIOUS... it gets thrown into EVERY conversation.

IGNORE is the way to there are some people who in my opinion do not deserve to be heard.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
NOPE... not for me... there are two people on here who have absolutely EXHAUSTED my patience and tolerance...
I was however wondering why it was so quiet in here.... It WASN'T... LOL... When you place someone on IGNORE...
you cannot see anything they post... I felt like I was missing something in the conversation and low and behold...
I was ... but I really wasn't... LOL.... I have no patience for those who come to condemn and steal joy...
AND... this issue of GRACE believers giving license to sin is ATROCIOUS... it gets thrown into EVERY conversation.

IGNORE is the way to there are some people who in my opinion do not deserve to be heard.
I'm sorry, I meant, it makes for some interesting moments to try to follow along a thread with some of them on ignore. Too many gaps, and I forget I'm not reading all the posts.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I'm sorry, I meant, it makes for some interesting moments to try to follow along a thread with some of them on ignore. Too many gaps, and I forget I'm not reading all the posts.
Well that is what happened... I felt like I was missing something... AND... I am just returning after about 6 weeks gone... so I even forgot about the Ignore. Anyways... I have spent my quota of contributions on this thread for a bit... This topic angers me... and so I need to be careful. Be blessed.