Are you a Christian confused about taking the vaccine? Part 1

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Sgt. Pepper

Active Member
Oct 31, 2021
North Texas
United States
I was vaccinated, and I didn't have any ill-effects from it, except I had a sore arm for a couple of days. It was a few weeks after the vaccines were out before I decided to get it. I still feel like I did the right thing. It gets old being shamed for it, though. I wish that wouldn't happen to me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I was vaccinated, and I didn't have any ill-effects from it, except I had a sore arm for a couple of days. It was a few weeks after the vaccines were out before I decided to get it. I still feel like I did the right thing. It gets old being shamed for it, though. I wish that wouldn't happen to me.
Personally, I would suggest someone not get it, though that is a personal choice. Shaming someone for getting it is, in my opinion, out-of-bounds.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
that is some bad stuff. i experienced some it my self
God will offend the mind to reveal the heart. I don't know how many people are aware of this. It is an opportunity for increased freedom. Your avatar is correct.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2021
United States
NO BODY should shame you i took both shots had no issues .if someone wants try shame or ridicule me.. they may like what i have to say

What you and the others fail to realize is what the censored scientists are saying (but you're not watching their videos, apparently).

This poison drug filled with some creepy stuff (watch the videos that have been posted from Dr. Carrie Madej; Dr. Bortho; Dr. Jane Ruby; Dr. Fran Zelewski, Dr. Bryan Artis, pharma analyst Karen Kingston) is a slow death. It does not happen for most instantly, although the number of deaths are over 100,000 and the horrible side effects are hideous and more numerous).

Also, confirmed from several sources (doctors who examined the big pharma vials independently) 2 out of every 5 bottles are saline solution. Which is clever. This is why there are roughly 40% of the people who testify "Oh, it's fine. I had no side effects and I'm doing wonderful."

If you had studied the various videos and sites that people have been bringing to your attention, you would learn that there is indeed a conspiracy afoot. It will reveal itself worse in the years ahead, especially as they keep insisting on getting additional boosters.

And lastly, OP, foolishness is indeed listed as sin, according to Jesus. See Mark 7:20-22
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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
United States
Also, confirmed from several sources (doctors who examined the big pharma vials) 2 out of 5 bottles are saline solution. Which is clever. This is why there are roughly 40% of the people who testify "Oh, it's fine. I had no side effects and I'm doing wonderful."
Would they still be doing "controls" this late in the game?
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Active Member
Sep 13, 2021
United States
Ask yourself this question, people:

Do you believe what Jesus, the apostles and prophets said when He foretold a one-world ruler on earth before He returned?

Well do you?

Well let me make it abundantly clear by what He meant by a "one-word ruler". This means that one guy would have all the governments of the world subservient to himself (through many decades, or even centuries, of preparation by men who serve Satan for money and power).

Again, do you believe Jesus and the holy writ when He foretells the evil agenda that will transpire before He returns? Do you?

If so, then why are you so willing to believe that your government has your best interest at heart? This makes no sense.

All governments serve Satan and his man, the coming false prophet. This is prophesied. How could you ever believe that the governments (which are comprised of evil men and in the power of Satan) would be concerned with your well-being?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
United States
All governments serve Satan and his man, the coming false prophet.
Until such a man arises,

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.
For there is no authority except from God,
and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.​
Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God,
and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves." Romans 13:1-2 NKJV​

(That isn't a defense of vaccination peer-pressure,
but it should be our default attitude toward government.)​


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
I was vaccinated, and I didn't have any ill-effects from it, except I had a sore arm for a couple of days. It was a few weeks after the vaccines were out before I decided to get it. I still feel like I did the right thing. It gets old being shamed for it, though. I wish that wouldn't happen to me.
When I was a young boy a wise old Christian took me aside and said, "You don't have to be stupid to be a Christian. But sometimes I think it sure helps!" The truly sad thing is that so many thoughtful young people have been driven away from Christ because of the insipid anti-science attitudes of evangelicals.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
United States
I still feel like I did the right thing. It gets old being shamed for it, though. I wish that wouldn't happen to me.
I am sorry that you were shamed for it.
Being experimental vaccines, either decision should be treated as "live and let live."
(That it isn't, is quite suspicious to me.)

I received my shingles vaccine about two years ago.
Its pros & cons were easily available, presented in a matter-of-fact fashion and pretty consistent.*
There were two versions, of which one was ethical. The other was less effective and, I believe, is no longer available.

The firestorm surrounding the currently available covid vaccines suggests that one or both proponents is lying and I must proceed cautiously (even before we consider our existing medical conditions...).
The truly sad thing is that so many thoughtful young people have been driven away from Christ because of the insipid anti-science attitudes of evangelicals.
The controversy about covid vaccines is not primarily scientific. It is political.
No such controversy surrounds the shingles or flu vaccines.
There is no one yelling at people to get them or to not get them.
Said back-and-forth yelling does not inspire confidence.

You can certainly disregard those who oppose ALL vaccines,
but not those who have received every routine vaccine prior to covid.​

*This has been true for flu vaccines, too.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
What you and the others fail to realize is what the censored scientists are saying (but you're not watching their videos, apparently).

"This poison drug filled with some creepy stuff (watch the videos that have been posted from Dr. Carrie Madej; Dr. Bortho; Dr. Jane Ruby; Dr. Fran Zelewski, pharma analyst Karen Kingston) is a slow death. It does not happen for most instantly, although the number of deaths are over 100,000 and the horrible side effects are hideous and more numerous).

Also, confirmed from several sources (doctors who examined the big pharma vials) 2 out of 5 bottles are saline solution. Which is clever. This is why there are roughly 40% of the people who testify "Oh, it's fine. I had no side effects and I'm doing wonderful."

If you had studied the various videos and sites that people have been bringing to your attention, you would learn that there is indeed a conspiracy afoot. It will reveal itself worse in the years ahead, especially as they keep insisting on getting additional boosters.

And lastly, OP, foolishness is indeed listed as sin, according to Jesus. See Mark 7:20-22

I work with a guy, as matter of fact it's the lazy I'm always talking about, well to make a long story short, he didn't want to take the vaccine, but was forced to take it because he had to take his elderly Mother back to his home country in Poland, so they both had to get it in order to travel to Poland, well this is going on 4 months when he took the vaccine I think it was the Pfizer one, he is still suffering from the side effects from it.

His head builds up pressure inside his cranium and he keeps getting hot flashes, and he says his equilibrium is off at times, so he went to his Doctor did a blood test and a physical and nothing came up, so he is now going to see a neurologist to cat scan his head, he said it comes and goes and hasn't gone away, he said some days are better than others but he's still feeling the after affects and that the pressure in his skull builds up so bad he feels like his head is going to explode.

He said he wishes he never got it but had no choice or they wouldn't have let him fly and take his mom back to Poland.

He's worried and scared now because he doesn't know what the long term effects will do to his brain and he's waiting to do the tests his neurologist sent him to do, because so far his Doctor has found nothing wrong with him according to the blood work he did.

We are talking about almost 4 months after the vaccine, that's some pretty scary stuff.

I agree with you NewMusic, I advise people to watch the videos first and evidence before you even consider taking this poison, I don't need to watch it because I have my mind made up already, I'm not taking it, I'm putting my faith and life in God's hands, no matter the presure from my Doctor who keeps insisting I get the Moderna one because I'm diabetic or my company who keeps sending out emails asking the employees for their proof of vaccination card.

I always delete the email I don't even respond to it, no one is going to make me do something against my will and beliefs.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2021
United States
Until such a man arises,

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.
For there is no authority except from God,
and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.​
Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God,
and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves." Romans 13:1-2 NKJV​

(That isn't a defense of vaccination peer-pressure,
but it should be our default attitude toward government.)​

Go ahead and take the mark of the beast, too, when it's mandated. I'm sure you will, and will justify it with the same "logic" as that.

And you quoted that Romans passage incorrectly. Try reading and quoting the whole paragraph to understand it, instead of chopping it into pieces and arriving at false positions.

And you can also tell Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that they too, were resisting God. lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Go ahead and take the mark of the beast, too, when it's mandated. I'm sure you will, and will justify it with the same "logic" as that.

And you quoted that Romans passage incorrectly. Try reading and quoting the whole paragraph to understand it, instead of chopping it into pieces and arriving at false positions.

And you can also tell Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that they too, were resisting God. lol
"…2with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3and with diligence to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;…"
- Ephesians 4:2-4

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Go ahead and take the mark of the beast, too, when it's mandated. I'm sure you will, and will justify it with the same "logic" as that.

And you quoted that Romans passage incorrectly. Try reading and quoting the whole paragraph to understand it, instead of chopping it into pieces and arriving at false positions.

And you can also tell Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that they too, were resisting God. lol
This is not the mark of the beast man.

Please study what the mark really is.. Saying things like this is no good. especially when the mark in no way even remotely looks like this


Active Member
Oct 8, 2021
United States
If you are a Christian, like me, who is confused about whether or not to take the vaccine, where can you go to find the answer?

The Bible seems to be oddly silent about it. It’s not a cut and dry subject because taking the vaccine or not isn’t actually a sin, and it’s also not the mark of the beast. To confuse the matter even more, there are respectable Christians and pastors on either side of the matter whom some have taken and support it and some have not taken or support it. There are even pastors within the same church who have different views and have acted on them. Where can we turn to and what answer is right or wrong?

If taking the vaccine isn’t actually sinful then we need to treat each other’s decisions with respect, grace, and love and not condemn and divide people or the church and families over it.

Some of us are in turmoil over the matter and feel pressure from friends, family, spouses, coworkers and even fellow Christians. Some of us are scared to make a mistake and get sick and pass the virus on or to even go against God’s will. Whether or not the vaccine is evil the attitude behind the mandated agenda is.

We as Christians should not make our choice based on science alone, and no one should ever decide for you what to put into your body, which is a Holy temple of God that God gave us dominion over.

If taking the vaccine isn’t actually a sin, maybe it’s not actually about the vaccine after all. Maybe there is a much deeper reason for all of this and a greater lesson behind it. While talking to my wise wife last night, I came to the conclusion that it’s about fully trusting Gods will for you and putting God first. It’s about taking a journey with God and seeking His personal will for you. What else could it be if it’s not a sin whether or not to take the vaccine? It would be a much easier decision if it was sinful.

It’s all about obedience and taking a journey with God and spending time seeking His will for you through reading the bible, praying, and conversing with God or even journaling. There is no overall right or wrong answer, only searching and listening to God for His personal answer for you.

God is faithful and if we seek Him on this journey, He will guide us through it. God knows our hearts and He also knows the future and what is best for each of us individually. When God takes us on a journey, we always end up better at the end of the journey than when we began, and what matters most is who we are when we get to the end of our journey. Each person’s journey is different and personal.

When coming to the end of your personal journey with God about the vaccine and hearing Gods answer for us, we can have different decisions and both can be right and not let it affect our relationship with our spouses, parents, children, siblings, friends, coworkers, pastors and fellow Christians.

Whether or not we take the vaccine and it hurts our body, or we catch Covid-19 and get sick or even die, it’s not our fault there’s no guilt but freedom in that. God has a plan for each of us in this matter and He can have different reasons for His choices for us.

One reason could be our health whether the vaccine can help protect us or harm us as our bodies are all different and react differently. Another reason is that God wants to pull us out of our current situation because He has a bigger better plan for us or even a better new job. One other reason is that He wants to keep us in our current situation with the blessed life and job He has already given us.

Although God didn’t give us Covid-19, He has allowed it and used it for His greater purpose. Today there are people up in heaven who wouldn’t have been without the virus. Because of Covid-19, there are Christians today who have come to Christ during this season and many Christians who have come back to or even drawn closer to Jesus as He has, in some cases, woken up a sleeping Church. God has used Covid-19 because of His grace and mercy, as He is always in control.

God wants our obedience in this matter and can protect us even though He doesn’t always promise us protection. It may be the hardest thing to do but we have to trust God and give our entire life over to Him even onto death for His greater purpose, just like we see examples of in the Bible.

If you have already decided or even acted without seeking Gods will for you in this matter, it’s never too late you can still repent and trust God you don’t have to live with regret.

To take your own personal journey and seek Gods will takes the pressure off of you and your decision and brings great freedom.

Romans 12:2
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Jeremiah 29-11-14
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord,
No confusion about the vaccine here.

Suicide is a sin.