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Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Since I have focus problems also (doesn't everybody?), this might be worth a go, with the understanding that what works for somebody else might not be right for me.
The candle had no significance other than a means to focus. But even if it doesn't 'work' for you it may give you some idea of what might work.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
The candle had no significance other than a means to focus. But even if it doesn't 'work' for you it may give you some idea of what might work.
Funny you mention candles (and what may 'work' for me) - I've got a Thomas Kincaide shadow-box thingy with LEDs on my wall that somebody gave me for Christmas quite a few years back. I found that I focused better with Kincaide's lights on. It's been a while since I've done that; I had completely forgotten. (And once or twice, the Kincaide turned itself on while I was praying. Weirdsville.)

The LEDs would be better than a real candle. My wife doesn't let me play with matches ever since an "unfortunate incident" with the propane grill.

Oh, and thank you for the pointer! :)
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Yes I have had people who have said ‘ just relax, do this , this and this, and it will just happen……’
What they seem to forget is that the gift in the first place, and in their case , was governed by the Holy Spirit not by them. I think I have indirectly felt envious, but that was at a time when I considered that they must be better christians than me, so it just added to my own insecurities when I felt there was a pecking order……and I felt definitely at the bottom !!!
You know if I started talking in tongues in my home my family would have had me sectioned !! Lol

Personally I believe speaking in tongues is speaking in an others language.
We can observe an English speaker speaking to a crowd of native Spanish speakers, and an interpreter who knows both languages repeats the English speakers words in Spanish. And others that are gifted in tongues I simply believe are people who are fluent in 2, 3, 4, 5, + different languages.
Probably not what many others believe, but is my belief.

Acts 2:
[4] And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
[5] And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.
[6] Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
[7] And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?
[8] And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
[9] Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia,
[10] Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,
[11] Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues
the wonderful works of God.

That effected by the Spirit of God, IN men who were Servants OF God.

In the end of days (as we know them), during the Tribulation, those remaining who have not heard or not made a commitment to God or Satan....
Another Servant of God is sent out, with every mans native Language being spoken by That Servant of God.

Rev 14:
[6] And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people...

Glory to God,


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Like you, I have a lot of impromptu, extemporary prayers, like, "Father, that sunset sure is pretty". (And I'm glad I'm not the only one who prays while "using the facilities".) For more focused (well, I wish they were more focused) prayers, I prefer the classic child's posture - kneeling beside the bed. (Is a child's posture symbolic of something?) This is typically first thing in the morning. Or middle of the night, if there's something serious on my mind and I can't sleep. One occupational hazard with morning prayer: The Sneaky Labrador will try to lick my feet to remind me that somebody needs to go for a walk.

Oh those Labs! Love them,
Ah, yes a "Childs posture" could be habit that draws you to that....I too like that one, very much. Even Jesus kneeled before God before praying.
my mornings can be pratty harried here and rarely wake up in what most would call a "good mood". So, I just simply acknowledge Him best I can until the mind settles. By then, I usually have several things to repent of :( which would be ATTITUDE! He's molding me, little by little.
I think your prayer habits are wonderful brother.
Happy New year and may He bring good things to you and your family.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
hi there Nancy .

I must say for the last couple of decades. … - “I pray without ceasing “….:)
Sometimes I get on my knees , but not often…my prayer life is is just one continual chat .

Without sounding irreverent I hope……I don’t “ approach God “ I just continually believe that He is always with me, ly
If we call Him Father ( as I do) it removes the gulf or distance between us and God .

When I have no words to pray for a situation , I just kind of picture myself sitting on His lap and telling Him the problems.
Paul said that Jesus removed the middle wall of petition and removed the gulf .

Obviously many do not believe as I do… legalists like to feel religious and do religious things , they think it’s more Holy.

But, we are not trying to become, we already are….. “In Christ “.

just my two cents Nancy. x

"hi there Nancy .
I must say for the last couple of decades. … - “I pray without ceasing “….:)
Sometimes I get on my knees , but not often…my prayer life is is just one continual chat ." <---YES, awesome Helen, thank you. I have a friend who calls them "popcorn prayers" - the ones throughout her day. Good way to describe it. It IS easy to pray without ceasing, someone walks by the house...prayer, people at a store, church's, family, neighbors...never stops.
"Without sounding irreverent I hope……I don’t “ approach God “ I just continually believe that He is always with me, ly
If we call Him Father ( as I do) it removes the gulf or distance between us and God ." <---- Huh, did not think that way, I see not a thing irreverent here at all Helen. I suppose posture may be important to the person praying. I simply cannot get into FERVENT prayer while kicked back and all comfy...covering the side of our faces with a cloth, or even a towel, like blinders on a horse, seems to help me somehow...feels a bit like being in an empty room with just me and God. Calling Him Father, yes..."Heavenly Father"...took me a bit to really relate to having a Heavenly "father"...was NOT close to mine and grew up thinking God was always angry (like my own dad, but he did not have a good up bringing and life was tough with 7 kids and a him having to take on upwards of 3 jobs to keep us fed and sheltered) I do not want to dishonor my earthly dad as, he did what he could and, he did not leave us! :)
"When I have no words to pray for a situation , I just kind of picture myself sitting on His lap and telling Him the problems.
Paul said that Jesus removed the middle wall of petition and removed the gulf" .<---Always thought the removal of the middle wall, and the gulf between us was the rent Curtain...suppose that is prob. the same thing, lol. Sitting in his lap? Nah cannot see me doing that (in my mind even) comfortably, lol. Conversations, yeah...kind of as their really is no dialog. It's kind of like writing in a diary to me. No idea how it is to be a "daddy's girl" lol.
"Obviously many do not believe as I do… legalists like to feel religious and do religious things , they think it’s more Holy." <---hahaha...holy schmoly, I'd MUCH rather be totally alone when praying regular. On the phone with a couple of friends is a whole different thing as we both come to Him together through prayer, then take turns with our prayers and thanksgiving and worship. Hope you don't think I'm a "legalist" :eek: Might be, at least over the important issues like salvation and sinning.
"But, we are not trying to become, we already are….. “In Christ “.
just my two cents Nancy. x"
Worth way more than 2 cents Helen, thank you. There are some things you mentioned that I do need to work on, or should I say, ask HIM to help with them. Thanks for bringing them to light. Love the post and the poster!
Happy New Year to you and Dave!!
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I don’t get on my knees that often either, and I ‘ chat’ like a few have mentioned, but I also journal and write prayers and have conversations that way…..BUT I have always felt that there was something wrong in this way of communicating, that somehow ‘ it’s the wrong way ‘ …….that I should be doing something else, but it just doesn’t come natural , so I constantly feel I am failing !!!
So it’s interesting to read what others do……….and helpful.

I have always wanted to journal but, I never got the hang of it or the desire to forcer myself to write anything. But sure wish I could.
I think your prayer habits are AWESOME! I cannot see a thing off or wrong in how you talk to Him...your heart is in the right place sister and, it HAS to all boil down to that.
Satan want's us to be legalistic like the Pharisees I think, when it comes to prayer. He sure brings all kinds of distractions, or condemnation on how "wrong" you are in how you communicate with Him. I think it is different for everyone really, He knows the heart and that brings me much comfort.
Happy New Year sister!
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I don't think God cares about the formalities or the lack of them. What he cares for is your heart, my heart.....He knows whether there is respect and reverence or no and so I talk to him any which way in any place or time or circumstance....including 'the facilities'......and if he wants to change my MO I suppose he'll let me know.

What I do find interesting though is in movies where the communication is often candid to the point of surprising even rattling.....I suppose any choreographed script can perform wonders.....wonders that people in general don't live by.....theirs is all second guessing, scheming, putting their best foot forward, name dropping and look how much I know sort of thing etc etc.....except on CB where abuse easily flows like acid out of an upturned tanker......anyway, I'm getting off track, my point being, to be self honest and candid with God at least like in some movies, is a plus.....but who even knows what self honesty entails?

Self honesty...huh. I suppose yes, we can fool ourselves, but not God. When alone praying, kinda hard to NOT be honest all around, as He already knows. Character is what we do in the dark and, since He is already there...He knows so, I don't understand a Christian praying dishonestly. We should be asking Him to shine the light on the areas we need to shed from our lives, then when He does, it's honesty and truth in our face! Cannot ignore it unless, you continue to "believe a lie" about yourself. Hope that all makes some kind of sense, haha!
Happy New Year brother.


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Rita, I don't see anything wrong with that at all. Your way of praying is as natural as breathing - for you. And that's how it should be.

Maybe he-whose-name-will-not-be-mentioned wants you to feel like you're doing it wrong so you won't pray?

Hello brother,
I do believe you hit the nail on the head...Satan does NOT want us to pray so, of course he will try to derail and make us think wrongly...hence, less praying. Keep on keeping on @Rita , your heart is golden sister!


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
I think I have indirectly felt envious, but that was at a time when I considered that they must be better christians than me, so it just added to my own insecurities when I felt there was a pecking order……and I felt definitely at the bottom !!!

No not the bottom. You have what another does not, as another has what you do not.
Just a reminder...

Eph 4:
[7] But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

1 Cor 12:
[4] Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
[5] And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
[6] And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
[7] But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
[8] For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
[9] To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
[10] To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
[11] But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

Glory to God,
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
@Taken , it won’t let me quote your last post but I do know that when I really do in-depth study there is a greater awareness of something within me……..I must admit that tiredness gets in the way more these days. It’s a bit of a battle to get into really deep study like I use to when I was younger and didn’t have my job and dad to take care of……….I actually think I have been battling a depression for a very long time.
Of course, all excuses, not valid reasons to not do it x

This may or may not be helpful for you...
I notice working, jobs, caring for another, etc. is doing and thoughts ramble around in our Minds, why is this so hard, why so time consuming, how to come up with a better solution, etc. etc....The Mind is “challenging” ...IMO...the Hearts thoughts....
* The Big Picture born again person have daily is Keeping our Minds thoughts subjected to our Hearts thoughts....While hard to care for your dad (Mind), the blessing that you have your dad with you (Heart).
* When our Minds take the Lead over the Hearts...the result is always, “internal conflict” and modernly called depression, anxiety, etc.

My mom required full time care before she passed. Had dementia. Yes tiring to attend every NEED, but counter acted with, pausing, holding her hand, stroking her face, her hair, and encouraging her to talk about her, as far back as her memory would take her.
I have done genealogy for years, and knew places, cities, addresses, her friends, pets, etc. back to her very young age of 5, 6 years old and would merely Prompt her to those years, that she could remember and she do the talking, and musing, smiling, laugh at a funny time. That superseded the dole drums of tending the NEEDS to an Enjoyment.

Glory to God,
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
I also would like to go deeper Rita. I used to find that something like lighting a tea light or holding my little wooden cross helped me to keep focused, otherwise I tend to get distracted by other thoughts.

So do I get distracted, same as when talking with another person, hear a noise, glance at something that reminds me of something else...Yep do that when communicating with God. Be questioning about what this or that means, notice a beautiful tree, a broken branch, a bird fly by, the dog sniffing in a pile of brush...those thoughts interject in my conversation with God...
I trust He can handle it, sort it out, and give me direction. :)

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
OP ^

Personally via thoughts in my heart.
Sort of like a continual one sided silent informal conversation, day and night, any time, any place.

I believe my hearts thoughts are triggered via my soul, (senses), of what I hear, see, touch, smell, taste.
(Despite the crazy world, and things men invent, say and do)
Every day I am in awe of Gods handiworks everywhere.
An endless acknowledgement of thank you’s, requests for comforts for ailing persons and animals, and show me, reveal to me, put in my path the answers, knowledge, understanding, that I lack.

A fairly simple, but all encompassing, circle repeated over and over, with the injections of Gods responses, that as well, are revealed any time, any place.

When with, another person or persons, it is more formal, with verbal speech, direct calling on His Name, typically one speaker, holding hands, heads bowed, eyes closed, requests for blessings, thankfulness and praise unto Him.

Glory to God,

Thank you Taken,
"I believe my hearts thoughts are triggered via my soul, (senses), of what I hear, see, touch, smell, taste." <----- Yes, agreed. But then there are times it feels as though I should be praying for a specific person but it eludes me.

Endless thanksgiving, for sure...that should always be in the forefront of our minds. Bad on me because, there are times I find it hard TO thank Him as I do not understand why He would not answer a specific prayer that we all KNOW IS His will. Satan really attacks full on during those times. Only God is good and EVEN if some prayers (THE most important ones to myself) are not answered, we must thank Him anyway as He sees what we do not. Just don't get WHY He would not answer prayers we know would be His will like, praying for Christian friends around me (silent) prayer to be fervent in prayer and diligent in study, still have not developed study habits so, I remain a simpleton. Maybe it IS His will that some go it alone? Maybe it IS His will that some remain is lonely and sad situations? Perhaps.

Yes, it is an "all encompassing circle repeated over and over"...still wait on His responses to certain things...He has never left me hungry or without shelter. Thanks for these things is constant. It's the "spiritual" blessings we can sometimes wrestle Jacob and the angel, we cannot let go, even if it HAS been decades of silence on a couple of really important issues. Many in the bible had to wait decades to see His promises so, will cling to that.

Thank you for your input Taken.
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Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
So do I get distracted, same as when talking with another person, hear a noise, glance at something that reminds me of something else...Yep do that when communicating with God. Be questioning about what this or that means, notice a beautiful tree, a broken branch, a bird fly by, the dog sniffing in a pile of brush...those thoughts interject in my conversation with God...
I trust He can handle it, sort it out, and give me direction. :)

Glory to God,
I took my own advice this afternoon and held a small, soft felt heart that I had made during lockdown and it worked.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Yes I have had people who have said ‘ just relax, do this , this and this, and it will just happen……’
What they seem to forget is that the gift in the first place, and in their case , was governed by the Holy Spirit not by them. I think I have indirectly felt envious, but that was at a time when I considered that they must be better christians than me, so it just added to my own insecurities when I felt there was a pecking order……and I felt definitely at the bottom !!!
You know if I started talking in tongues in my home my family would have had me sectioned !! Lol

Ditto Rita!!!
Yes Some DO make those like you and I and @Lambano feel "less than". I no longer have that spiritual envy as, if God wanted to bless me with a spiritual gift then HE makes the decision. Classes to "learn" how to speak in tongues is ludicrous!


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
So do I get distracted, same as when talking with another person, hear a noise, glance at something that reminds me of something else...Yep do that when communicating with God. Be questioning about what this or that means, notice a beautiful tree, a broken branch, a bird fly by, the dog sniffing in a pile of brush...those thoughts interject in my conversation with God...
I trust He can handle it, sort it out, and give me direction. :)

Glory to God,

Oh so many things will distract my 3 mini schnauzers when ANYONE walks past the house, or kids playing out, texts, sirens galore here, people shouting, cursing and fighting. Oh Lord, I hope it is surely your will that I may move from the city! A park setting is (for myself) the BEST place for prayer...and then the lake... :)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
This may or may not be helpful for you...
I notice working, jobs, caring for another, etc. is doing and thoughts ramble around in our Minds, why is this so hard, why so time consuming, how to come up with a better solution, etc. etc....The Mind is “challenging” ...IMO...the Hearts thoughts....
* The Big Picture born again person have daily is Keeping our Minds thoughts subjected to our Hearts thoughts....While hard to care for your dad (Mind), the blessing that you have your dad with you (Heart).
* When our Minds take the Lead over the Hearts...the result is always, “internal conflict” and modernly called depression, anxiety, etc.

My mom required full time care before she passed. Had dementia. Yes tiring to attend every NEED, but counter acted with, pausing, holding her hand, stroking her face, her hair, and encouraging her to talk about her, as far back as her memory would take her.
I have done genealogy for years, and knew places, cities, addresses, her friends, pets, etc. back to her very young age of 5, 6 years old and would merely Prompt her to those years, that she could remember and she do the talking, and musing, smiling, laugh at a funny time. That superseded the dole drums of tending the NEEDS to an Enjoyment.

Glory to God,
It let me quote this time, thank you , I will give what you have relayed some thought. The difference between mind and heart is just so relevant, for its through the renewing of the mind that our hearts are changed……..they are inter connected. I had not considered the connection and effect in different ways x


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
No not the bottom. You have what another does not, as another has what you do not.
Just a reminder...

Eph 4:
[7] But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

1 Cor 12:
[4] Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
[5] And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
[6] And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
[7] But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
[8] For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
[9] To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
[10] To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
[11] But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

Glory to God,
Yes, it took me some years to realise the above xx
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I have always wanted to journal but, I never got the hang of it or the desire to forcer myself to write anything. But sure wish I could.
I think your prayer habits are AWESOME! I cannot see a thing off or wrong in how you talk to Him...your heart is in the right place sister and, it HAS to all boil down to that.
Satan want's us to be legalistic like the Pharisees I think, when it comes to prayer. He sure brings all kinds of distractions, or condemnation on how "wrong" you are in how you communicate with Him. I think it is different for everyone really, He knows the heart and that brings me much comfort.
Happy New Year sister!
Hi Nancy,
For many many years writing became my voice because I just didn’t know how to really communicate my feelings and thoughts. My journal became my meeting place with the Lord, I would just share things on paper , ask questions, weigh things up. The Lord always answered those questions. I have always loved writing
, especially with an ink pen. It’s just a natural part of who I am. However a pastor once told me that it was the wrong way to communicate, and in part he was right with certain things. Sorting out problems with others , well it’s better to talk with them. In my insecurity I took it that it was wrong for all kinds of communication, so felt I was failing in some way. At the time he was a spiritual authority in my life and I was not mature enough to work it out.
I now know that not everyone can journal, can just write or like doing either, so I count it as a valued gift and ability that I have been given. However a remnant of that wrong thinking has obviously remained with regards to prayer. Xx


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Thank you Taken,
"I believe my hearts thoughts are triggered via my soul, (senses), of what I hear, see, touch, smell, taste." <----- Yes, agreed. But then there are times it feels as though I should be praying for a specific person but it eludes me.

For you to have the thought of a specific’s already a done deal. Meaning, if you didn’t get around to a long discussion, of their specifics, of (like their in hospital, conflicting with family, loss of job, etc....) He already knows.

Endless thanksgiving, for sure...that should always be in the forefront of our minds. Bad on me because, there are times I find it hard TO thank Him as I do not understand why He would not answer a specific prayer that we all KNOW IS His will.

I have what I call my invisible “God Shelf”. It is where I “put” specific things I ask God for. For example; Most of my personal asking For myself is for Understanding For particular Scriptures.
I ask, and set my question on my “God Shelf”, and wait for whenever He reveals the answer, and then it is removed from my “God Shelf”. A continual putting on and removing from the Shelf. It works for me, as a reminder of what I ask, and patience to wait that He will give me the Answer at the Moment it will best benefit me. It’s strange, but cool. Ask one day, and a day, a week, a month later in the middle of a drive, mucking the barn, cooking, whatever, the Answer appears.

Satan really attacks full on during those times. Only God is good and EVEN if some prayers (THE most important ones to myself) are not answered, we must thank Him anyway as He sees what we do not. Just don't get WHY He would not answer prayers we know would be His will like, praying for Christian friends around me (silent) prayer to be fervent in prayer and diligent in study, still have not developed study habits so, I remain a simpleton. Maybe it IS His will that some go it alone? Maybe it IS His will that some remain is lonely and sad situations? Perhaps.

Satan is a trickster of the Mind and Patience. Trying to keep ones attention focused on Carnally challenging God. I’ve booted Satan and his “footsoldiers” out so many times... Really, I don’t feel his presence around my home, and can easily step away from his presence when in public.

Yes, it is an "all encompassing circle repeated over and over"...still wait on His responses to certain things...He has never left me hungry or without shelter. Thanks for these things is constant. It's the "spiritual" blessings we can sometimes wrestle Jacob and the angel, we cannot let go, even if it HAS been decades of silence on a couple of really important issues. Many in the bible had to wait decades to see His promises so, will cling to that.


Thank you for your input Taken.

You are welcome friend. God Bless you.
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