Timing of the abomination of desolation

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Infinitely more proof than can ever be furnished by df's vacuous cultic fantasies and fallacies.
Now more childish rhetoric. You don't even seem to be able to make your own case known.

All you can do is call humans pointless names and or labels.

It would seem throwing around accusations is easier than defending one's own position.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
The 42 months takes place at the future tribulation, yes the antuchrust filled with Satan has control of the world through deception

The two witnesses of Revelation chapter 11 will rule the earth through plagues, a remake of Mises/Aaron against Pharaoh of Egypt

Does it look like the Beast and his Kingdom has full control seen below, absolute pain from the plagues of the two witnesses

Revelation 16:10-11KJV
10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

Exodus 9:10-11KJV
10 And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and it became a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast.
11 And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils; for the boil was upon the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians.
The 7 vials are poured out after the 42 months, while the 2 witnesses lay dead for 3.5 days.

Of course Satan has full control. Read about what they are allowed to do in Revelation 13. Satan can even kill people who refuse to worship him. Do you deny this time of utter desolation? The only reason it happens is because some are still alive on earth whose names remain in the Lamb's book of life. All those souls beheaded to avoid the mark.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
The 7 vials are poured out after the 42 months, while the 2 witnesses lay dead for 3.5 days.

Of course Satan has full control. Read about what they are allowed to do in Revelation 13. Satan can even kill people who refuse to worship him. Do you deny this time of utter desolation? The only reason it happens is because some are still alive on earth whose names remain in the Lamb's book of life. All those souls beheaded to avoid the mark.
I Disagree, The 7th Vial is (The End) just as the 7th Trump is (The End) parallel teachings of the same event, in Revelation 11:18 you see the final judgement, also in Revelation 20:11-15, same event in parallel teachings

The second coming takes place immediately after the tribulation Matthew 24:29

We disagree, the two witnesses have control during the tribulation, as clearly seen below

Why does the beast and his kingdom blaspheme God, because he's in control, it's that simple

Revelation 16:10-11KJV
10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
I never said the AC was an AoD. That is as bad as saying armies are the AoD. Daniel 9:27 is not an AoD.

"And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."

This does not mention setting up an AoD. That is a faulty conclusion based on your calling verse 26 an AoD.

I come to the opposite conclusion. What you just quoted is expressing an AoD! And yes, I assume the AoD is the "people of the ruler to come" who will "desolate the temple and the city of Jerusalem" (paraphrased). A ruler's "people" who "desolate" is an *army!*

When the Assyrians and Babylonians destroyed Israel and caused the first Hebrew diaspora, that was desolation but no AoD was set up. Just destroying Jerusalem in 70AD was not an AoD, but again a diaspora and desolation.

You're making the false assumption that a *people,* namely an *army,* cannot be an "abomination." But clearly, they can be! Normally, an abomination is thought of as some object, an idol or something that is sacrilegious to the Jewish faith. But in context, it can apply to pagan peoples who Israel was not to mix with. As such, they become the object of "abomination."

No! An AoD is when Satan or a FP controls Israel from their very temple and sets up a satanic cult instead of the daily sacrifice. There is a huge difference. One leaves people under the control of abominations and desolations. The other removes any means of control period.

When you say Satan or a FP controls Israel, it sounds like you're describing the Reign of Antichrist? But now you're denying that you believe the AoD has anything to do with the Antichrist?

What happened in 70AD was not an act of control over them. It was only destruction and the area made desolate.

"Only destruction??" That was the whole point--an abominable people of a certain ruler would destroy the temple and the city of Jerusalem. That is the express meaning of the AoD, which is what it is stated to be in Dan 9.27.

All you can point out is an historical event which is pointless, because it does not effect any one living today. It is an attempt to impose a belief of what might have happened. There is no proof nor even a logical reason to make such a point. It merely exist as as a thought argument.

That's absurd. Most of the Early Christians believed this. And the early Jewish believers saved their lives because of it! How do we benefit from it? Many prophecies have already been fulfilled in history and still benefit Christians today!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
You are arguing that there is an Antichrist predicted in the NT. I said there is no *AoD representing Antichrist* predicted in the NT.
Jesus said there would be an AoD standing in the Holy Place. Matthew 23:15
To say it happened in 70 AD; simply does not relate to the Biblical and historical narratives about the Roman conquest.

Revelation 13:5-8 sets the scene for this desecration of the Temple, the 'beast' is allowed to blaspheme God and His dwelling place.
The end times events follow a logical and sensible chain of events, that will result in the winnowing out of all the ungodly people and Jesus will Return to a world populated only by true believers, ones who have proved their faith. THEY will go with King Jesus into the Millennium.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Your teachings are 100% preterist in 70AD historical fulfillment, you can deny this all you want

I'm futurist, your preterist, it's that simple

You're rude and wrong, and incorrigible. Preterists do not merely believe the AoD was the 70 AD event--they also believe the book of Revelation was fulfilled in the Early Church. I do not believe that. Therefore, I'm *not* a Preterist.

Your definition is self-created, but a common misconception. The Early Church believed the AoD was in the vicinity of 70 AD and were not called "Preterists," because Preterism is a theological system that had not yet been developed. And once it was developed it required more than belief in a 70 AD AoD--it required belief that most of Revelation was fulfilled in the Early Church as well.

As such, it is a system that believes most future prophecies were actually fulfilled in the past. I do not believe that, and therefore, am *not* a Preterist. I believe in a future Antichrist, in a present Tribulation of the Jews, and in the restoration of Israel at Christ's Coming. I believe the rise of 10 nations in Europe, first to be Christian, and later to fall from Christianity, is also a future prophecy in the process of being fulfilled.

In your abject ignorance and pride, you wish to do harm to me, because you don't like anybody who disagrees wit you. But you're on full display, brother!

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Jesus never mentioned the destruction in Matthew 24:4-34 once. If He had, you would quote the verse.

I have many times give you the applicable verses. "Abomination of Desolation" contains the word "desolation." Jesus began his Address by declaring that the temple would fall. Luke clarifies that the desolation to take place would be the abominable pagan armies of Rome surrounding Jerusalem and laying siege to it.

Josephus already recorded an event that would resemble the army as being an AoD example. It happened back when Pilate was put in control. So as pointed out, Josephus would have made a deal out of 70AD if he recognized an AoD. Why would he allow the army as being an AoD in one case but not make the same accusation in another case?

Josephus did not follow Jesus and was not a Christian. He was a Jew, but did not necessarily see OT prophecies fulfilled in the way Christianity sees it. Josephus was good for verifying certain historical events, but not for interpreting the Bible nor prophecies from a Christian pov.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
It is only your insistent argument that Matthew 24 is about 70AD. That is the whole Preterist argument. If you continue to claim the AoD is the armies mentioned in Luke, your attempt to claim Matthew is an army instead of an actual AoD as written, people will continue to point out you are in error.

The point is, the Early Church believed the AoD was something akin to the Roman armies surrounding Jerusalem and were not *Preterists!* This is a blatant attempt to divert away from a particular interpretation using "name-calling."

Go ahead and point out my "errors" without name-calling, if you can?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I'm not a Preterist, and will answer you when you learn what defines a Preterist properly.
I know exactly what the definition of a preterist is, you openly teach of 70AD fulfillment concerning events that are future and unfulfilled

Once again, I'm futurist in my eschatology, your preterist, it's that simple
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I have many times give you the applicable verses. "Abomination of Desolation" contains the word "desolation." Jesus began his Address by declaring that the temple would fall. Luke clarifies that the desolation to take place would be the abominable pagan armies of Rome surrounding Jerusalem and laying siege to it.

Josephus did not follow Jesus and was not a Christian. He was a Jew, but did not necessarily see OT prophecies fulfilled in the way Christianity sees it. Josephus was good for verifying certain historical events, but not for interpreting the Bible nor prophecies from a Christian pov.
Right here you teach Matthew 24:15 in Daniel's AOD was fulfilled in 70AD armies surrounding Jerusalem, 100% "Preterist"

The event of armies surrounding Jerusalem will be seen in the future, your preterist claims of 70AD played no part in fulfillment

Matthew 24:15 in Daniel's AOD starts the great tribulation of Matthew 24:21, immediately after this "Future" 3.5 year tribulation, the literal, visible, second coming takes place as seen in Matthew 24:29-30, future events unfulfilled, as you claim 70AD fulfillment
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
I Disagree, The 7th Vial is (The End) just as the 7th Trump is (The End) parallel teachings of the same event, in Revelation 11:18 you see the final judgement, also in Revelation 20:11-15, same event in parallel teachings

The second coming takes place immediately after the tribulation Matthew 24:29

We disagree, the two witnesses have control during the tribulation, as clearly seen below

Why does the beast and his kingdom blaspheme God, because he's in control, it's that simple

Revelation 16:10-11KJV
10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.
The 7th Trumpet is what gets interrupted in the midst of. The 7th Trumpet starts the 42 months. Please explain what starts the 42 months if there is nothing that is interrupted.

You just don't wake up one day, and say, "Hey, this has been reality for over 3 years". There has to be a reason for a starting point. Satan is cast to earth at the 7th Trumpet.

Satan is not cast to earth, after ruling over Jerusalem and the world for 42 months. That makes literally no sense at all. Satan has not been reigning in Jerusalem during the first 6 Trumpets. The pit is not even opened until the 5th Trumpet. This claiming the Trumpets and vials run in parallel has no merit whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
I come to the opposite conclusion. What you just quoted is expressing an AoD! And yes, I assume the AoD is the "people of the ruler to come" who will "desolate the temple and the city of Jerusalem" (paraphrased). A ruler's "people" who "desolate" is an *army!*

You're making the false assumption that a *people,* namely an *army,* cannot be an "abomination." But clearly, they can be! Normally, an abomination is thought of as some object, an idol or something that is sacrilegious to the Jewish faith. But in context, it can apply to pagan peoples who Israel was not to mix with. As such, they become the object of "abomination."

When you say Satan or a FP controls Israel, it sounds like you're describing the Reign of Antichrist? But now you're denying that you believe the AoD has anything to do with the Antichrist?

"Only destruction??" That was the whole point--an abominable people of a certain ruler would destroy the temple and the city of Jerusalem. That is the express meaning of the AoD, which is what it is stated to be in Dan 9.27.

That's absurd. Most of the Early Christians believed this. And the early Jewish believers saved their lives because of it! How do we benefit from it? Many prophecies have already been fulfilled in history and still benefit Christians today!
Then you have to agree the Romans were an abomination for several hundred years, not just one very long summer in 70AD.

There is no AC mentioned in Revelation 13 by description or name.

There are 3 in control during these 42 months. The dragon, the FP, and the beast. Satan is clearly the dragon. The FP is the one human in charge. That leaves you with the beast as your AC. Do you claim 4 are in charge? Who is your 4th monster in Revelation 13?

Are you going to say there is no future AoD, no future GT, no future Second Coming?

You literally want us to accept all these things happened in 70AD? Jesus said the fig tree bloomed. That generation would see, the Second Coming, the GT, and the AoD. Now you want us to forget about an AoD, it already happened many generations ago.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
The 7th Trumpet is what gets interrupted in the midst of. The 7th Trumpet starts the 42 months. Please explain what starts the 42 months if there is nothing that is interrupted.

You just don't wake up one day, and say, "Hey, this has been reality for over 3 years". There has to be a reason for a starting point. Satan is cast to earth at the 7th Trumpet.

Satan is not cast to earth, after ruling over Jerusalem and the world for 42 months. That makes literally no sense at all. Satan has not been reigning in Jerusalem during the first 6 Trumpets. The pit is not even opened until the 5th Trumpet. This claiming the Trumpets and vials run in parallel has no merit whatsoever.
The 42 months of tribulation starts, when the antichrist is revealed in Jerusalem proclaiming to be God Messiah

"I Strongly Disagree" with your views on the 7th trump

Once again, the 7th Trump is the time of "Final Judgement" as seen in Revelation 11:18 below, (The End)

No further debate here on the 7th Trump, we have explained out positions, the horse is dead, it's all yours

Revelation 11:15-18KJV
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Then you have to agree the Romans were an abomination for several hundred years, not just one very long summer in 70AD.

The term is AoD--not just A. So what makes it an AoD is the act of desolating, which happened in 70 AD.

There is no AC mentioned in Revelation 13 by description or name.

A rose by any other name is still a rose. The Apostle John referred to the "Little Horn" of Dan 7 as the Antichrist. The same "Little Horn" in the book of Revelation is referred to as the "Beast." The Beast is both the Empire under his control and the one who controls it.

There are 3 in control during these 42 months. The dragon, the FP, and the beast. Satan is clearly the dragon. The FP is the one human in charge. That leaves you with the beast as your AC. Do you claim 4 are in charge? Who is your 4th monster in Revelation 13?

Brother, I'm just giving you my opinion--not demanding you agree with it. The dragon is Satan, The False Prophet is probably an evil pope. And the Antichrist is both the Emperor and the Empire he presides over.

Are you going to say there is no future AoD, no future GT, no future Second Coming?

Certainly not. The Beast Empire began without the Antichrist in the days of the Roman Empire. But in the last days the Antichrist will appear and come to rule over the last stage of the Roman Empire.

You literally want us to accept all these things happened in 70AD?

No, I wish people would stop calling me a Preterist because you're describing people who believes those things, that everything in the book of Revelation and in the Olivet Discourse happened in the past. I don't believe that.

Jesus said the fig tree bloomed. That generation would see, the Second Coming, the GT, and the AoD. Now you want us to forget about an AoD, it already happened many generations ago.

No, I agree with you in a future rise of the Dragon, False Prophet, and Beast. I just think Jesus, in his Olivet Discourse, spoke about his own generation, which started the endtimes. The endtimes correspond to Israel's age of tribulation, which ends with the Return of Christ.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
I have many times give you the applicable verses. "Abomination of Desolation" contains the word "desolation." Jesus began his Address by declaring that the temple would fall. Luke clarifies that the desolation to take place would be the abominable pagan armies of Rome surrounding Jerusalem and laying siege to it.

Josephus did not follow Jesus and was not a Christian. He was a Jew, but did not necessarily see OT prophecies fulfilled in the way Christianity sees it. Josephus was good for verifying certain historical events, but not for interpreting the Bible nor prophecies from a Christian pov.
Name 2 other historical sources for the events of 70AD? The Bible never states a 70AD event. Josephus and Tacitus were the only historians to mention 70AD. Give me one more quote from an early church father referencing 70AD.

The word desolation does not define the AoD. When Assyria and Babylon decimated Israel it was the cause of much desolation. Just saying armies makes countries they attack desolate does not even begin to describe what the AoD literally means. Antiochus Epiphanes made life desolate and abominable through the rituals committed in the temple. That was the AoD Daniel claimed would be set up.

Removing all the stones from all the buildings in Jerusalem and making it desolate is not the same thing. That is not setting up an AoD in the temple and declaring years of subjugation on a people. Rome did not set up an AoD in 70AD and continued to use that AoD to subjugate Israel. That would have fulfilled Daniel 9:27.

What was fulfilled was verse 26:

"And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined."

Jesus was the Lamb of God. The Cross happened. Jesus left the earth. The fulness of the Gentiles was experienced and Jerusalem was left desolate. Largely impart to Jesus' own people destroying their own way of life. Those Jews who crucified Jesus claimed His blood on their children and grandchildren. They agreed that if Jesus was innocent, they would damn the lives of their own children. God held them to that oath. Their children and grandchildren brought down the wrath of the Roman's which ended in 70AD with total desolation for hundreds of years.

One claim is that a Jew set fire to the temple. One claim is that a high ranking officer defied Titus and did it himself. Clearly it was not Titus' intention to level any of Jerusalem. But when Titus finally entered the city, he was so disgusted by how the Jews themselves were defiling their own temple, he allowed the whole city to be leveled to prevent it to remain as any reminder of a once holy place.

The Jews themselves had turned the temple into an abomination and desolation. They had no need of any Roman armies. This has already been quoted and posted somewhere. Yet you keep insisting that Luke's armies are Matthew's AoD. An AoD was never set up as Daniel described. And Daniel never described such an event in chapter 9 being some armies. Verse 26 happened at the first coming. The coming Prince happens at the Second Coming. Only then will verse 27 happen, if at all. During the days of the 7th Trumpet we will find out. Only at that point will we even see if prophecy will happen or not. We were given the worse case scenario. I am hoping for the best case scenario.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Right here you teach Matthew 24:15 in Daniel's AOD was fulfilled in 70AD armies surrounding Jerusalem, 100% "Preterist"

Right. Preterists 100% agree that the AoD happened in 70 AD. But that is not 100% what defines a "Preterist!" A Preterist is one who believes that most all "future" prophecies were already fulfilled in the past. I don't believe that. I believe in a future Antichrist, a future False Prophet, a future Reign of Antichrist, a future restoration of Israel, etc. etc. Furthermore, I believe that not *all* in the Olivet Discourse was fulfilled in 70 AD. Preterists don't agree with me that the Great Tribulation of the Jewish People was not completed in 70 AD and thereabouts. I believe the *entire age* is the Jewish Tribulation Jesus spoke of. And finishing that is a *future* fulfillment.

The event of armies surrounding Jerusalem will be seen in the future, your preterist claims of 70AD played no part in fulfillment

Sorry, the criteria necessary to be a true Preterist does not fit me. But you can believe Satan is the Messiah for all I'm concerned. You can believe good is evil, and evil good, for all I'm concerned. If you want to act like a child and call me names, go for it.

But if you want to have an adult conversation, I can do that too. Your choice. I've assumed you're a brother. But sometimes it's hard to tell.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
The 42 months of tribulation starts, when the antichrist is revealed in Jerusalem proclaiming to be God Messiah

"I Strongly Disagree" with your views on the 7th trump

Once again, the 7th Trump is the time of "Final Judgement" as seen in Revelation 11:18 below, (The End)

No further debate here on the 7th Trump, we have explained out positions, the horse is dead, it's all yours

Revelation 11:15-18KJV
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
No, the 7th Trumpet sounds.

Then we have chapters 12 and 13. They interrupt the 7th Trumpet. Just like Daniel 9:27 is interrupted in the midst of a week. That week is the days of the 7th Trumpet. Revelation 10:7 happens before Satan and the FP are mentioned.

Yes all things should be finished. Unfortunately they are put on hold for 42 months. The midst of the week is interrupted. That is why there is an AoD set up. This is after the final harvest. Satan's 42 months is not the final harvest, nor does it lead to the final harvest. The AoD causes the week not to end, but keeps abomination and desolation going for another 42 months. Jesus does not do those things in verse 27. Jesus leaves for Mount Zion, and Satan is given full authority to do those things for 42 months. There is not a battle nor a struggle.

Jesus confirms the Atonement Covenant with the many. There are found souls still named in the Lamb's book of life. These will have to physically die by being beheaded to remain in the Lamb's book of life. That is why it is stated that they are overcome. They have to go through the valley of the shadow of death via being beheaded.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Name 2 other historical sources for the events of 70AD? The Bible never states a 70AD event. Josephus and Tacitus were the only historians to mention 70AD. Give me one more quote from an early church father referencing 70AD.

The word desolation does not define the AoD. When Assyria and Babylon decimated Israel it was the cause of much desolation. Just saying armies makes countries they attack desolate does not even begin to describe what the AoD literally means. Antiochus Epiphanes made life desolate and abominable through the rituals committed in the temple. That was the AoD Daniel claimed would be set up.

Removing all the stones from all the buildings in Jerusalem and making it desolate is not the same thing. That is not setting up an AoD in the temple and declaring years of subjugation on a people. Rome did not set up an AoD in 70AD and continued to use that AoD to subjugate Israel. That would have fulfilled Daniel 9:27.

What was fulfilled was verse 26:

"And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined."

Jesus was the Lamb of God. The Cross happened. Jesus left the earth. The fulness of the Gentiles was experienced and Jerusalem was left desolate. Largely impart to Jesus' own people destroying their own way of life. Those Jews who crucified Jesus claimed His blood on their children and grandchildren. They agreed that if Jesus was innocent, they would damn the lives of their own children. God held them to that oath. Their children and grandchildren brought down the wrath of the Roman's which ended in 70AD with total desolation for hundreds of years.

One claim is that a Jew set fire to the temple. One claim is that a high ranking officer defied Titus and did it himself. Clearly it was not Titus' intention to level any of Jerusalem. But when Titus finally entered the city, he was so disgusted by how the Jews themselves were defiling their own temple, he allowed the whole city to be leveled to prevent it to remain as any reminder of a once holy place.

The Jews themselves had turned the temple into an abomination and desolation. They had no need of any Roman armies. This has already been quoted and posted somewhere. Yet you keep insisting that Luke's armies are Matthew's AoD. An AoD was never set up as Daniel described. And Daniel never described such an event in chapter 9 being some armies. Verse 26 happened at the first coming. The coming Prince happens at the Second Coming. Only then will verse 27 happen, if at all. During the days of the 7th Trumpet we will find out. Only at that point will we even see if prophecy will happen or not. We were given the worse case scenario. I am hoping for the best case scenario.
Josephus wasn't a church father, he was a traitor to his Jewish people, he left his military command in Israel, and joined the enemy in Rome, being their propaganda minister, being rewarded with a Roman palace, women, and monies for his service to the Roman Emperor

Your 100% correct, no early church fathers Justin Martyr, Iranaeus, Hippolytus, even mentioned 70AD, let alone claimed it was fulfillment of Matthew 24

The Jesuit Roman catholic was the inventor of the preterist teaching as seen below

Wikipedia: Preterism
Historically, preterists and non-preterists have generally agreed that the Jesuit Luis de Alcasar (1554–1613) wrote the first systematic preterist exposition of prophecy Vestigatio arcani sensus in Apocalypsi, published during the Counter-Reformation.

The term preterism comes from the Latin praeter, which is a prefix denoting that something is "past" or "beyond". Adherents of preterism are known as preterists. Preterism teaches that either all (full preterism) or a majority (partial preterism) of the Olivet discourse had come to pass by AD 70.

Interpretation of the Great Tribulation

In the preterist view, the Tribulation took place in the past when Roman legions destroyed Jerusalem and its temple in AD 70 during the end stages of the First Jewish–Roman War, and it affected only the Jewish people rather than all mankind.

Christian preterists believe that the Tribulation was a divine judgment visited upon the Jews for their sins, including rejection of Jesus as the promised Messiah. It occurred entirely in the past, around 70 AD when the armed forces of the Roman Empire destroyed Jerusalem and its temple.

A preterist discussion of the Tribulation has its focus on the Gospels, in particular the prophetic passages in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and the Olivet discourse, rather than on the Book of Revelation. Most preterists apply much of the symbolism in Revelation to Rome, the Caesars, and their persecution of Christians, rather than to the Tribulation upon the Jews.

Jesus' warning in Matthew 24:34 that "this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled" is tied back to his similar warning to the scribes and the Pharisees that their judgment would "come upon this generation", that is, during the first century rather than at a future time long after the scribes and Pharisees had passed away. The destruction in AD 70 occurred within a 40-year generation from the time when Jesus gave that discourse.

The judgment on the Jewish nation was executed by the Roman legions, "the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet." This can also be found in Luke 21:20.

Since Matthew 24 begins with Jesus visiting the Jerusalem Temple and pronouncing that "there shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down" (vs. 3), preterists see nothing in scripture to indicate that another Jewish temple will ever be built. The prophecies were all fulfilled against the temple of that time, which was subsequently destroyed within that generation.
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