What I Expect In Heaven

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Internet buzz typically focuses mostly upon how to get to Heaven rather
what there is to do there.

Well; personally I have no interest in the celestial sphere of the kingdom of
Heaven. To me, it's a foreign country. I want to stay right here on earth
during Messiah's 1,000 year administration and visit all the places to which I
have never gone, do all the things I've never done, and see all the things
I've never seen.

The new cosmos won't be constructed till after Messiah's millennial rein on
this corrupt earth is over, and the great white throne event wraps. Which is
fine with me 'cause there's a lot left to see and do that I won't get around to
in this life. I plan on making very good use of those thousand years to tour
ever square inch of this planet-- on land and sea.

Can you just imagine having free rein of this planet with an immortal body
and perpetual youth, and no fear of war, violence, poisonous snakes, toxic
insects, or wild animals!? I can hardly wait. One of the first things I want to
do in Messiah's kingdom is hike the triple crown: the Pacific Coast Trail, The
Continental Divide Trail, and the Appalachian Trail. Yeah, Cirque of the
Towers here I come!!!

People hike the big trails for a variety of personal reasons. Some march thru
like soldiers to get it done and chalked up, while other's take their time and
savor every minute of the adventure-- all the sights, sounds, smells, and
wild things that they encounter along the way: even the dirt, the dust, the
bugs, the hazards, and the discomforts. They are in no hurry to get done
because if they hurry, they might miss something.

YouTube adventurer Jennifer Mabus (a.k.a. Starburst) is one of those. She
even stopped for a while to watch two small lizards battle out a territorial
dispute. Hiker trash passing by thought she was nuts and wasting time; but
Jennifer was in Nirvana, so to speak.

Well; that's me. I want the whole nine yards. Charging ahead to the end of
one of those wonderful trails is just not my idea of a heavenly good time.

Ps 16:11 . . You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence
is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
I expect to be quarantined upon arrival and shuttled off to a sort of Bible
gulag where I'll undergo intense indoctrination so that when I'm released
into the general population there will be no quarrelling and/or debating.

I also expect to be pushed thru a sort of finishing school where my manners
will be corrected to perfection so that I don't go about insulting folks,
stepping on their toes, and/or hurting their feelings with thoughtless
remarks and toxic rejoinders.

For many of us working stiffs, the first day on a new job is stressful and
quite an adjustment. The night before that first day can cause enough
anxiety to keep us awake worrying about what we might expect.

I'd imagine that, whether we end up in the right place or the wrong place in
the afterlife, we will be just as stressed on our first day there as the first day
here on a new job.

The anxiety associated with death is to be expected seeing as how most of
us have no experience at all with that particular journey. But I think the
majority of my anxiety in regards to death is related to what comes after.
Pity there are no guide books available in print to prepare us in advance for
the culture-shock tsunami with which we are sure to be slammed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Personally I have no interest in the celestial element of the kingdom of

Be careful what you wish for..;)
I'd be bored stuck on this material earth in a squishy fleshy body, so I'll plump for the spiritual realm of heaven..:)

"So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable...it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.. flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 15:42-50)


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Personally I have no interest in the celestial element of the kingdom of
Heaven. To me, it's a foreign country. I want to stay right here on earth
during Messiah's 1,000 year administration and visit all the places to which I
have never gone, do all the things I've never done, and see all the things
I've never seen.

The new cosmos won't be constructed till after Messiah's millennial rein on
this corrupt earth is over, and the great white throne event wraps. Which is
fine with me 'cause there's a lot left to see and do that I won't get around to
in this life. I plan on making very good use of those thousand years to tour
ever square inch of this planet-- on land and sea.

Can you just imagine having free rein of this planet with an immortal body
and perpetual youth, and no fear of war, violence, poisonous snakes, toxic
insects, or wild animals!? I can hardly wait. One of the first things I want to
do in Messiah's kingdom is hike the triple crown: the Pacific Coast Trail, The
Continental Divide Trail, and the Appalachian Trail. Yeah, Cirque of the
Towers here I come!!!

People hike the big trails for a variety of personal reasons. Some march thru
like soldiers to get it done and chalked up, while other's take their time and
savor every minute of the adventure-- all the sights, sounds, smells, and
wild things that they encounter along the way: even the dirt, the dust, the
bugs, the hazards, and the discomforts. They are in no hurry to get done
because if they hurry, they might miss something.

YouTube adventurer Jennifer Mabus (a.k.a. Starburst) is one of those. She
even stopped for a while to watch two small lizards battle out a territorial
dispute. Hiker trash passing by thought she was nuts and wasting time; but
Jennifer was in Nirvana, so to speak.

Well; that's me. I want the whole nine yards. Charging ahead to the end of
one of those wonderful trails is just not my idea of a heavenly good time.

Ps 16:11 . . You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence
is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever.

I expect to be quarantined upon arrival and shuttled off to a sort of Bible
gulag where I'll undergo intense indoctrination so that when I'm released
into the general population there will be no quarrelling and/or debating.

I also expect to be pushed thru a sort of finishing school where my manners
will be corrected to perfection so that I don't go about insulting folks,
stepping on their toes, and/or hurting their feelings with thoughtless
remarks and toxic rejoinders.

For many of us working stiffs, the first day on a new job is stressful and
quite an adjustment. The night before that first day can cause enough
anxiety to keep us awake worrying about what we might expect.

I'd imagine that, whether we end up in the right place or the wrong place in
the afterlife, we will be just as stressed on our first day there as the first day
here on a new job.

The anxiety associated with death is to be expected seeing as how most of
us have no experience at all with that particular journey. But I think the
majority of my anxiety in regards to death is related to what comes after.
Pity there are no guide books available in print to prepare us in advance for
the culture-shock tsunami with which we are sure to be slammed.
You're funny!

But, to give you a head start on that "intense indoctrination"...you might start by loosing the former religious indoctrination and speculations of these last days. As it is, you are potentially spreading the nonsense of unspiritually discerned scripture, such as the thousand year reign and the way you have perceived it as living a thousand years in heavenly bliss on "this planet with an immortal body." That does not represent the actual truth.

We could get into if you like...but I recommend just dropping the speculation--and by all means--go hiking!

Me on the PCT:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
I would like to visit Heaven's library where everything that's known and can
be known about the cosmos we live in is stored. Carl Sagan would've loved
that library because he went to his grave with a lot of unanswered
questions. But now they'll never be answered because Carl was, at best, an
agnostic, and at worst, an atheist.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
According to Matt 26:29, Luke 22:15-16, and Luke 22:28-30 Jesus' followers
will be capable of dining upon ordinary foods and beverages.

I look forward to that because at my current age of 78, I've lost much of
my senses of smell and taste. With the new youthful body promised to his
followers, my favorites will be a lot more palatable than now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
The supernatural circumcision spoken of by Colossians 2:11 makes it
possible for a sinner to enter Heaven completely free of human nature, i.e.
100% sinless.

I wish the nuns had told me that in catechism as it would've spared me
many years of anxiety relative to endless suffering in eternal flames.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
I started out in life with really good eyesight. The stars appeared as little pin
pricks of bright light, reading fine print was a piece of cake, and I could
almost see in the dark like a cat. That all began to wane right around the
age of 31 as astigmatism took hold.

Well; the astigmatism was an easy fix with glasses but then when I got
older, cataracts crept up on me and driving my car became very hazardous
'cause my vision was like looking thru a very dirty, foggy window. I couldn't
read street signs in time to make a safe turn nor could I accurately judge
the distance between mine and oncoming cars nor tell how fast they were
approaching. So left turns became an adventure, to say the least.

These days cataracts and astigmatism are relatively easy to correct (if you
can afford it) but I am looking forward to that day in Messiah's kingdom
when my sight will be just as good or better as what I had as a youngster.

Isa 35:5 . .Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
My right eye has been weak from birth so I've gone through life with only one and a half eyes..:)
Opticians have since told me that the wonky one could have been easily corrected from an early age, but I suppose I somehow slipped through the net.
I remember the school nurse gave me a letter to take home to my parents saying I needed glasses, but I think told them I didn't want glasses because my heroes Davy Crockett and Flash Gordon didn't wear them, so I didn't want any either..:)
I eventually bought myself a pair when I was about 18 and they helped a bit.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Isa 2:4 . . Neither shall they learn war any more.

There's roughly 45½ million men and women in a military worldwide.

Globally, defense spending adds up to roughly 1¾ Trillion dollars.

In one of his speeches; former US President John Kennedy said:

“Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles,
hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment
by accident or miscalculation or by madness.”

The world has become a powder keg. There's easily enough nukes around
the globe that if detonated, would likely send us all back to more primitive

In a famous comment, physicist Albert Einstein said:

“I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

In all my 78 years, I have yet to live even one decade free of the fear of
war; but I expect to in Messiah's kingdom.

Isa 2:4 . .They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears
into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation

NOTE: A US $1 bill is roughly 6.14 inches in length. One trillion of those
would make a chain of currency stretching something like 96,906,565 miles
which is roughly three million miles further than the average distance to the
Sun from the Earth. (The current national debt is 30x that amount)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
There is a growing concern here in the USA about crime and prison
overpopulation. Well; the good news is: Messiah's kingdom will have no
penal systems because He's going to rule in strict compliance with the law of
God wherein there are no prisons.

Fines? Yes. Reparations? Yes. Lashes? Yes. Burning? Yes. Hanging? Yes.
Stoning? Yes. Excommunication? Yes. But jails and prisons? No; confinement
will not be an option. Justice will be swift, punishment will be summary; and
there will be no appeals. People deserving capital punishment will get it that
very day; no languishing on a death row.

Isa 9:6-7 . . For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
government shall be upon his shoulder . . . Of the increase of his
government there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his
kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice.

In our world, only the rich can afford justice. Tort law is especially unfair.
Large multi billion dollar businesses can afford to stretch lawsuits out
indefinitely till their less fortunate opponents are financially ruined trying to
keep up. That won't happen in Messiah's world.

Ps 72:2-4 . . He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor
with judgment. He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the
children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor.

In my country, too many judges at the State and Federal levels are political
appointees, resulting in a very large percentage of their opinions reflecting
bias. It should be interesting to see how Messiah goes about regulating the
world to keep biased judges out of its judicial systems. (cf. Psalm 82)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
My neighborhood is popular with joggers. Well; one day, as a youthful
runner passed by, I noticed how springy their gate was. As they came down
on each foot in turn, they rebounded, i.e. bounced.

Well; it hit me that it had been quite a while ago that any of my steps were
bouncy. At 78, each time I come down on one of my feet, even when
walking, I come to ground with a solid jolt, as if my legs are made of wood;
especially since replacing my natural knees with artificial joints. I think it
might be time for me to get a pair of those fancy sports shoes that absorb
shock. In Messiah's kingdom, I'll be back to normal.

Mal 4:2 . . For you who revere My name, the sun of righteousness will rise
with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released
from the stall.

Isa 35:6 . .Then will the lame leap like a deer


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
What I expect in Heaven

Being mothered, pampered and fussed over by Nurse Christine Chappel forever..:)


Here she is tending the ailing Spock but he don't want her, huh there's vulcans for you..



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Relative to Star Trek:

I was very fortunate to enjoy the early years of my boyhood outdoors in and
around the San Diego river back in the decade of the 1950s. Much of those
outdoors are all gone now, bulldozed into oblivion to make way for shopping
centers, factories, golf courses, and housing tracks. Where once I might
encounter, at most, five or six people; are now hundreds.

There's a Star Trek fantasy called a holographic environment simulator -
a.k.a. Holodeck. With it, folks can re-create and visit historical events. Well;
I would really like it if God has something like a Holodeck with which I could
go back in time, so to speak, and revisit those 1950's environs as they were
when I was a boy before progress erased them forever.

* Speaking of the 1950s; Saturday matinee at the movies cost just 20¢ for kids.

They ran two features, previews of coming attractions, a cartoon, a
newsreel, and usually a bit of serial adventure like Flash Gordon. We could
stay and watch everything all over again at no additional cost. That 20¢
bought a lot of entertainment.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
.I would really like it if God has something like a Holodeck with which I could
go back in time, so to speak, and revisit those 1950's environs as they were
when I was a boy before progress erased them forever..

Yes, the nearest thing we can get to it nowadays is via Google Earth streetview to look around the areas where we used to live.
Even though the pics are modern, there are still enough places still standing that evoke lots of memories.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
I think it's normal to feel a bit of anxiety about meeting with Jesus one-on
one because we dread he may be someone with whom we cannot relate. But
not so. Jesus was on track to become a high priest. Well, that position has
always been men rather than angels for a very good reason: sympathy,
empathy, understanding, and compassion.

Angels haven't a clue what it's like to live down here on the earth as a
human being. Well; Jesus did it for something like 33 years from childhood
to manhood so he's better prepared to sympathize with our lot than are the

The Bible says there is no trial taken you but such as is common to the
entire human race (1Cor 10:13). Jesus wasn't shielded from any of those.
The Word not only came as a man, but he also lived as a man.

Jesus knows by personal experience what it's like to be unattractive.

"There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to
attract us to him." (Isa 53:2)

He knows by personal experience what it's like to be marginalized.

"He was despised and rejected" (Isa 53:3a)

He knows by personal experience what it's like to be blue and depressed.

"A man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief." (Isa 53b)

He knows by personal experience what it's like to be shunned.

"We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by."
(Isa 53:3a)

He knows by personal experience what it's like to be without pity.

"He was despised, and we did not care." (Isa 53:3b)

He knows by personal experience what it's like to be physically abused.

"Many who were appalled at him-- his appearance was so disfigured beyond
that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness" (Isa 52:14)

He knows by personal experience what it's like to be a victim of injustice.

"He had done no wrong, and he never deceived anyone. But he was buried
like a criminal" (Isa 53:9)

He knows by personal experience what it's like to be stabbed in the back.

"Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted
up his heel against me." (Ps 41:9)


So then, when we meet with Christ around the table in God's home, I don't
expect to meet a stranger to my way of life; no, I fully expect to meet a man
who's been around the block a time or two. Not only will he be able to relate
to my stories, but I in return will be able to relate to his. Sharing in Christ's
glory would have the nature of an entourage if not for the fact that I will
have the satisfaction of knowing that Christ, in a manner of speaking, came
from the same neighborhood as I to get to where he is today.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Heb 2:5-8 . .The future world we are talking about will not be controlled by
angels. For somewhere in the Scriptures it says: What is man that you
should think of him, and the son of man that you should care for him?

. . . For a little while you made him lower than the angels, and you crowned
him with glory and honor. You gave him authority over all things. Now when
it says "all things," it means nothing is left out. But we have not yet seen all
of this happen.

1Cor 6:2-3 . . Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if
you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do
you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this

From the gist of 1Cor 6:1-5 it appears the justice spoken of is relative to tort
matters rather than crime-- defined as wrongful acts other than breaches of
contract for which relief may be obtained in the form of damages or an
injunction; and there are many categories addressing just about every kind
of grievance imaginable. Well; I'm familiar with human activities but haven't
a clue what angels might have in dispute amongst themselves.

Apparently Messiah intends to delegate quite a bit of his administration's
business rather than attempt to do everything himself; but to be honest, I
don't feel capable of umpiring even so much as a little league game let alone
something like that depicted in 1Kings 3:16-28.