How long does Salvation last ....and why.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
There is a false teaching, that creates the false perception that many believers maintain regarding the idea that you can break your fellowship with God.
The good news is : that this can never happen.
Its because your Fellowship with God is not based on you. Its only based on the Blood and Death of Jesus..its only based on = the Blood Atonement creating eternal PEACE between you and God, ... = at all times.

Listen, you dont maintain peace with God.
Its the blood and Death of Jesus that does this for you, = "the GIFT of Salvation".

Most believers have not been taught that being born again is to be eternally purchased.
You are actually "bought with a price" Paul teaches, and that price is the blood and death of Jesus.
One of the understandings of REDEEMED< is this idea of being "blood bought", by Christ's Blood.
To be saved, to be born again, is to be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
The idea is: "bought BACK".. or ransomed by the payment that is God as Christ as Christ on the Cross.

"Redeemed", is the idea of .... Lets say your child was kidnapped.
So, the kidnappers want a million dollars.. And if you pay it, you get your child back.
That money is your child's redemption.
And regarding our SOUL and our ETERNAL LIFE...... our Salvation.....this was paid for by the Blood of Jesus.
God's holy blood is THE ransom money that has released us from Revelation 20:11... from Death, Hell, the Grave, and "outer darkness", which is the "lake of fire".
So, the blood of Jesus, has released the BORN AGAIN from all those "captors", and eliminated the Judgement due us all for our sin that was coming to us after we met God.
The Blood of Jesus has redeemed us from THIS = situation.... John 3:36
Jesus's BLOOD is the PRICE THAT HAS BEEN PAID... for you so that God will take you and keep you.
WE dont pay it.
How could we?
God already did.
= Welcome to Redemption... Its Jesus on the Cross.

Now....IF fellowship was broken between us the born again and God, then God the Holy Spirit would not be communicating with us at all, as He would not be in us anymore.
So, that can't happen, as we can never stop being ""the Temple of the Holy Spirit".
We can never stop being "born again", and that does not mean water baptized and religious.
And the reason we are always in UNION with God, is because the same CHRIST on The Cross that created our fellowship with God, always maintains it....and maintains it for ETERNITY. "Christ in you, The Hope of Glory".
And that is the Blood of Jesus and the Death of Christ, that has restored us to God as "made Righteous".. That is this verse in operation.. Philippians 1:6

Listen , always remember that is not by your works or self effort that God took you and keeps you, but its only by the "finished work of Jesus on the Cross" that you are made worthy (righteous) to be accepted and kept by God... ...which is the only reason that God took you and keeps you. = (born again).

Its the Blood and Death of Jesus that created your eternal relationship with God to begin with, and its the same Blood and Death of Jesus that maintains it, and not our lifestyle or our behavior.
See... "it is not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to GOD's MERCY"......= is why we are always in fellowship with God and why we are kept in eternal fellowship with all times..
So then.... out goes the false theology that teaches you... "im being good to stay in fellowship with God", = as this is legalistic nonsense that you are taught by deceived self righteous people from a pulpit or on a forum or from a TV or DVD, or commentary, or Youtube video or Blog.


Here is the reality....when you blow it, when you fall, when you commit a "work of the flesh"..a carnal deed that you enjoyed.... you feel guilty and condemned and you believe that these feelings are proof of broken fellowship with Father God.. Well, disregard your feelings, as its the Blood of Jesus that Keeps God at peace with YOU, always.
See, Salvation is not YOU keeping peace with God......Salvation is the Blood and Death of Jesus keeping God ALWAYS at peace with you....irregardless of you.. as that is :"The GIFT of Salvation" and "the Gift of Righteousness"

And when you repent and confess and tell God how sorry you are, again....and then you feel better, and the next day you feel fine....that is not God restoring your relationship to Himself....that is you working out your guilt trip the way you've taught yourself how to do it the last 400 times over the years.
Thats your little mental ritual that helps you feel better.
See....God was at peace with you the whole time., but you were not at peace within yourself till you went through your guilt healing ritual (confession) that freed you from your own self affliction.. eventually.

Yes, really.

And here is something else that most believers dont realize, because they are never taught this spiritual reality.
When we, the born again, become the Temple of the Holy Spirit....= GOD moved in forever..
He moved IN.. for eternity and the born again became ONE WITH GOD, forever.
This is a permanent situation, Saint.
Being born again is not going to stop, its not going to end.
Remember that...
See...You have BECOME the BODY of CHRIST.....and that will never change.
God made you clean so that He could move in, and did, if you are born again and not just water baptized playing a false game of religion with yourself that you think is "christianity".
Its The blood of Jesus that is ...= the Gift of Salvation... that is the BLOOD Atonement, that God has provided so that He can accept you and keep you.

And God does not move out if you mess up a little more, or a lot.. as God does not see our sin or charge it to us....Romans 4:8 2 Corinthians 5:19....= because God's redemption has recreated us as a "new Creation". The born again are One with God and Christ. And in THERE, is no sin found. There is no sin found in Christ, and you are "in Christ" if you are born again.,
Not just water baptized, but literally BORN AGAIN.
And if so......= THAT is the real you, and not the person who is double minded and fleshy and prone to grow cold regarding the things of God.

Listen..., there is no getting God out of you, as "Christ in you" is an eternal SALVATION...and we are "ONE with God and Christ".. for as long as God LIVES, if we are born again.
We are...the born again.....and that makes us this..>"as CHRIST IS....So ARE the BORN AGAIN in this world"'' all times..

When we are born again, we are born again by "incorruptible seed" that REMAINS as our Born Again "new Creation in Christ". 1 John 3:9
So, that part, (the real US) is the born again Spirit that has been BORN AGAIN = Into God's Spirit by God's Holy Spirit.
Thats the REAL YOU, that is the Son/Daughter of GOD.... and that is the only YOU that God will ever see or perceive you to be, today, tomorrow, and forever.
The born again exist eternally as "the righteousness of God, in Christ".
HE does not see your faults or your little secret sins or your doubt, as you seem them.
He only sees you as : "The righteousness of Christ". "BORN AGAIN" a Son/Daughter of God.
And when you have that same mind, when we SEE ourselves as God always sees us....then you are walking in the Spirit in a "renewed" mind.... and not until.
Till then, you are not, and that is why most believers keep sinning and confessing and living in that wounded spiritual state of fractured faith.

Its interesting that in many churches, you are told you are born again, but you are never told into WHAT you are born again INTO ...and why or how.
So, its very simple Reader.....You are born again Spiritually by God's Holy Spirit...INTO GOD's Spirit.
This is why you are "in CHRIST" "made righteous".
And this is why your NT tells you, that... "as CHRIST IS, so are the born again, IN THIS WORLD".., and that is every born again believer.
See, the reason you are '"""seated in heavenly places, IN CHRIST"""< is because you are "One with God and Christ"....already and forever.
This means that all the born again are born again INTO God's Spirit......and that is where we EXIST. = for eternity as a SON/Daughter of God.
This is why you are IN The Kingdom of God right now, if you are born again, and not just water baptized.
And this is for ETERNITY you exist there, as born again.

So, being "in Christ".... is to be "ONE with God and Christ",= born again into God's Spirit.
And so, that is a "fellowship" that you can never break by not being perfect or having a faith crisis.
Good or bad Behavior has no effect on BIRTH, especially a Spiritual one that is created by God that has eternally placed you INTO God's Spirit, as a Son/Daughter of God.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
For all the boasting about God that your Hypergrace OSAS does the one thing God can't conquer in your theology is sin.
And that's why your teaching is so attractive to unsaved, not born again people who think they are saved but are not born again at all as evidenced by the fact they are still living in unrepentant, habitual sin; the sin you say indicates nothing as to whether a person is born again or not. And so your ministry stands at the ready to make sure these people continue in the delusion that they are born again and ready to meet Jesus when he returns when in fact they are not. You're building a house of straw. Assuming you yourself are saved, there is no reward for your labor waiting for you at the resurrection.

The original OSAS teaching taught correctly that the person who remains unconverted in a lifestyle of habitual, purposeful sin is not converted/born again. The new Hypergrace/Freegrace teaching that you defend rejects that Biblical teaching.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

The original OSAS teaching

We already know you dont believe that Jesus keeps you saved.
Yet you feel that urge to keep proving it?
You should try to overcome that flesh.


There is no such thing as "hyper grace"... There is only the Grace of God.

Find it here.

Romans 4:8

2 Corinthians 5:19

And, there is no such thing as the "original OSAS teaching".
This is just a creation of a self deceived person, and many have become this "cult of OSAS", pretending to teach what isn't actually reality.
That is your only reason to be here on my Thread(s).

There is no teaching by any preacher or denomination in a book, on a blog, on in a video, that says.. "you have a license to sin".
This concept is a lie created to try to DAMN the Grace of God as you are doing, and all who are in this "cult of osas" obsession.

You can't find a book, preachers, video, or denomination that teaches that Grace is a "license to sin".
This does not exist.
And the LIARS, teach that this is taught and believed, because they are in that cult that believes this lie and spread this LIE
Thats you, Ferris.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
There is a false teaching, that creates the false perception that many believers maintain regarding the idea that you can break your fellowship with God.

The good news is : that this can never happen.

The bad news is: you are wrong.

You have the “promises” memorized well.

Try to remember these things as well:

“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1)


“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” (Galatians 6:7-8)


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” (Galatians 6:7-8)

If you sow to the SPIRIT........your verse says.
You dont do that by trying to be good., as your Spirit is inside you.
So, to "sow to the Spirit" that is inside you, is only one EVERLASTING situation.
Everlasting, means ETERNAL.
= Its to receive Spiritual Union with GOD, as "the Gift of Salvation".
There is the ETERNAL "sowing to the SPIRIT"< having become born again, as a NEW CREATION in CHRIST.
Now, if you believe that you can sow to your SPIRIT that is inside you, by trying to be a good little boy today, then you are wasting your time, as usual., Michiah-Imla.

Do you have anything of value to offer my Thread or these members?
Ive seen nothing like this from you, in over 150 posts you have posted.
That's not good, but that is certainly what you do very well.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
And, there is no such thing as the "original OSAS teaching".
You're showing your ignorance.
The original OSAS teaching, which differs vastly from yours, came out of the Reformation 500 years ago. It's called 'Calvinism'. It's the 'P' in TULIP. Google all that, since it's apparent you are not educated about this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Jesus keeps me saved.
Write that down so you can stop lying about what I believe.

IF Jesus keeps you saved, then why dont you agree that you can't lose your salvation.

So whose the liar?

I teach that You can't lose your salvation, in many Threads, and have you missed one of them trying to argue that this is not the case?

Did you want to post your ONE VERSE for the 200th time, that you use like a broken parrot to try to teach what YOU MUST DO, >you say<, to keep from LOSING YOUR SALVATiON?

uh huh.
Thought so.
You're only kidding yourself, fella.
Believe it.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
That is your only reason to be here on my Thread(s).
I'm here to make sure people recognize your evil work of deceiving unsaved, unconverted, not born again people, ill-prepared to meet Jesus when he comes back, that they are somehow born again despite the testimony of their unchanged, unconverted life that says otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The original OSAS teaching, which differs vastly from yours, came out of the Reformation 500 years ago. It's called 'Calvinism'..

You are speaking of "TULIP".
Im not one of those.
I teach that Calvin is a heretic and a cultist.

I dont subscribe.

So, you are again wrong.

What next, as it'll be the same.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
There is no teaching by any preacher or denomination in a book, on a blog, on in a video, that says.. "you have a license to sin".
Like all lying and deceiving ministers, they will claim to not be saying what they are so clearly saying.
It's actually the hallmark of falseness.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)

and that is on THIS earth.
You can reap "10 fold". "100 Fold"..
That is the law of "sowing an reaping".

It is also true that the good deeds you do, out of a sincerity to serve God, will get you a reward in Heaven.

However, nothing you can do, can save you, as if it could, then Christ didnt have to die for you, Michiah-Imla.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Like all lying and deceiving ministers, they will claim to not be saying what they are so clearly saying.
It's actually the hallmark of falseness.

You are looking in the mirror, as usual.

So, as i said, you are only able to falsely imply, as you can never use a quote of mine.
Did you know that the devil is the false accuser?
Feel at home, Ferris?

You are a dishonest person, according to your behavior when you find my Threads and post to me, your innuendo, that never quotes.
And you'll do it again.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You can't find a book, preachers, video, or denomination that teaches that Grace is a "license to sin".
This does not exist.
When you claim that a 'born again' person can purposely sin the worst of sinful lives, and even willingly and freely denounce Christ and his blood in deliberate unbelief they remain saved because salvation is by grace not by faith or works you are in fact teaching that grace is your license to sin. I think you've deluded even yourself into thinking you are not teaching this.

If you do not think that's the description of making grace a license to sin please tell us what is. This is a direct challenge to you. Explain what it means, according to you, to make grace a license to sin. Don't evade, don't cloud the point. Tell us plainly how a person makes grace a license to sin - the thing scripture says we are not to do. Do that so we can see for ourselves that your teaching does not make grace a license to sin.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
There is no getting God out of you, as "Christ in you" is an eternal SALVATION...and we are "ONE with God and Christ".. for as long as God LIVES, if we are born again.
We are...the born again.....and that makes us this..>"as CHRIST IS....So ARE the BORN AGAIN in this world"'' all times..

When we are born again, we are born again by "incorruptible seed" that REMAINS as our Born Again "new Creation in Christ". 1 John 3:9
So, that part, (the real US) is the born again Spirit that has been BORN AGAIN = Into God's Spirit by God's Holy Spirit.
Thats the REAL YOU, that is the Son/Daughter of GOD.... and that is the only YOU that God will ever see or perceive you to be, today, tomorrow, and forever.
The born again exist as "the righteousness of God, in Christ".
HE does not see your faults or your little secret sins or your doubt, as you seem them.
He only sees you as : "The righteousness of Christ". "BORN AGAIN" a Son/Daughter of God.
And when you have that same mind, when we SEE ourselves as God always sees us....then you are walking in the Spirit in a "renewed" mind