In regard to what Jesus said to Peter, it appears that the Apostle John's presumption is in error.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Jesus tried everything to convince the Pharisees of their tragic error. Finally, resorting to satire. His satire applies to anyone who wants to be in the Pharisee-Extremist Country Club. You know, working self-righteously to be the greatest in God’s eye. You can cut off a whole world of sinners from your sanctified circle; but, then, you will still have yourself to contend with. What then? What about YOU? By such logic, what should YOU do when your Religion conflicts with your own body and YOUR BODY causes YOU to “sin”?

I'm sorry I've been sick with an infection. Also, the board has become overwhelming; where I wonder (everyday, especially when not feeling well) if it would be better to not come here anymore. what this board has become to me is a sifting through others words constantly to judge those words (talking about myself here)… sifting relentlessly through others words to separate into piles of "correct" or "wrong". it happens time -and -time again on here...seeing it in myself and in others.. waiting … sifting.. for that one ridiculous "error" or "absurd" thing one says to discard the rest of them. I don't want to be victory under a microscope … hinging anything on what I might say or contribute; because (I've come to learn)sooner or later the moment I do not agree with something you said or shared... I will go back into the area of cheese-heads which can't be taught? (i'm not saying you will for sure put me back there, but that has been the case always.) I don't mean that to be disrespectful...but it helps now that I think about it with Paul. How can Paul...even if he crashed and burned... return to cheese-head which can't be taught? what I mean is...the agony of that microscope shining on six chapters of "you go, Paul!" "Yes!" then a screeching "halt" dead end-smack the ground "uh oh Paul...there you go...return to the cheese-heads!" THAT is my biggest question. IF it is not based off of our errors, not based off our weaknesses, or not based off our clenched-fist-white-knuckled- soaring-to maintain-afloat-mid-air-best-give-it-a-try-efforts... How can Paul crash and burn so terribly; straight nose-dive into the asphalt... aflight for 6 chapters and then, plunged desperately down? that is the anxiety and fear I carry inside of counselor referred to it as "a fear based personality"(no, I don't think I was borne with a fear based personality).

Biggest question though … by what standard can Paul be discarded back, returned, into cheese-head land? After six chapters of it not being based off works but Grace? that fear based personality screams "this is a minefield." be careful, step and walking gently...for one wrong step and all the ones you have gained, safely, building up confidence to make the next step …a false confidence it is; because if the next step is wrong; there will be an "explosion!" where regardless of the ones.. steps... before … this explosion will define you as having failed the mine-field challenge indeed. That “minefield” changed to mine-field …as in “mine” who-that which belongs to Christ field. THE Mine-field….test. Everything …my anxiety, worry, dread, even my heart skipping beats inside my chest says “then stop walking it.” Why are you stressful and full of worry and anxiety? Just leave, Get off the mine-field. Just walk off from the challenge of impending “explosion” no matter how far you have achieved or come, troubling you to death…just walk off from being tested. Go relax somewhere away far away from “the mine-field” because your body is screaming …Alert!

makes me think of what you said of Paul’s plane crash…how right before a plane crash (I’ve never been in one so I’m not sure) but all the alerts go blaring, signaling, every light lit up on the dash in warning “we are going down at full speed” the sounds in the pit they show in the movies (all I have it to base it on); blaring all around; red alert, red alert! Parachute needed immediately!!!
—that is what my body seems to wean, signaling an alarm… leave the mine-field.

there was a point to the quote I choose to address, but I never got to it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
I'm sorry I've been sick with an infection. Also, the board has become overwhelming; where I wonder (everyday, especially when not feeling well) if it would be better to not come here anymore. what this board has become to me is a sifting through others words constantly to judge those words (talking about myself here)… sifting relentlessly through others words to separate into piles of "correct" or "wrong". it happens time -and -time again on here...seeing it in myself and in others.. waiting … sifting.. for that one ridiculous "error" or "absurd" thing one says to discard the rest of them. I don't want to be victory under a microscope … hinging anything on what I might say or contribute; because (I've come to learn)sooner or later the moment I do not agree with something you said or shared... I will go back into the area of cheese-heads which can't be taught? (i'm not saying you will for sure put me back there, but that has been the case always.) I don't mean that to be disrespectful...but it helps now that I think about it with Paul. How can Paul...even if he crashed and burned... return to cheese-head which can't be taught? what I mean is...the agony of that microscope shining on six chapters of "you go, Paul!" "Yes!" then a screeching "halt" dead end-smack the ground "uh oh Paul...there you go...return to the cheese-heads!" THAT is my biggest question. IF it is not based off of our errors, not based off our weaknesses, or not based off our clenched-fist-white-knuckled- soaring-to maintain-afloat-mid-air-best-give-it-a-try-efforts... How can Paul crash and burn so terribly; straight nose-dive into the asphalt... aflight for 6 chapters and then, plunged desperately down? that is the anxiety and fear I carry inside of counselor referred to it as "a fear based personality"(no, I don't think I was borne with a fear based personality).

Biggest question though … by what standard can Paul be discarded back, returned, into cheese-head land? After six chapters of it not being based off works but Grace? that fear based personality screams "this is a minefield." be careful, step and walking gently...for one wrong step and all the ones you have gained, safely, building up confidence to make the next step …a false confidence it is; because if the next step is wrong; there will be an "explosion!" where regardless of the ones.. steps... before … this explosion will define you as having failed the mine-field challenge indeed. That “minefield” changed to mine-field …as in “mine” who-that which belongs to Christ field. THE Mine-field….test. Everything …my anxiety, worry, dread, even my heart skipping beats inside my chest says “then stop walking it.” Why are you stressful and full of worry and anxiety? Just leave, Get off the mine-field. Just walk off from the challenge of impending “explosion” no matter how far you have achieved or come, troubling you to death…just walk off from being tested. Go relax somewhere away far away from “the mine-field” because your body is screaming …Alert!

makes me think of what you said of Paul’s plane crash…how right before a plane crash (I’ve never been in one so I’m not sure) but all the alerts go blaring, signaling, every light lit up on the dash in warning “we are going down at full speed” the sounds in the pit they show in the movies (all I have it to base it on); blaring all around; red alert, red alert! Parachute needed immediately!!!
—that is what my body seems to wean, signaling an alarm… leave the mine-field.

there was a point to the quote I choose to address, but I never got to it.

Hi, I am sorry you have been sick.

I have friends that have MS and I have family that suffer varied mental issues.
I have severe anxiety based on a dysfunctional upbring in an abusive family.

What you are questioning in yourself is good. Where do we stand with God is the ultimate question. Paul was chosen from among man by Jesus himself, ordained & inspired to preach the gospel unto the Gentiles. ( us )

We test the spirits that present themselves as being of God. What we do not test is God. Our spirit bears witness with the Spirit of God on things that are right. Paul was a human and fallible as we all are, yet through him we receive the Word of God.

It is NOT so bad being called an old lady cheese head in a box. I know who I believe in. It is God who receives my honour for the life promises he has fulfilled and is continuing to fulfil.

I will leave you in peace to be led of the Spirit. Praying for your suffering & weaknesses that they may prove your strength in God.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
In regard to my stating the Truth, that children are born innocent, you purport, “You have no children of your own--or you would not say such a thing.”

I was 47 the day I became blessed by the Lord with my one and only offspring — a son.

To have children at the blossoming age of 19 or 20, I suppose it could very easily change one’s entire Life; however, with me (at 47), my son was a wonderful addition to my Life. He is now 14, and becoming quite an amazing young man. At the risk of being chastised in here — about the folly of silly human pride, by some Church-Taught Christian — I am very proud of him.

Yes and, early on, we covered the very thing that we are now talking about in this room.

When he was no more than three and a half, I told him the Truth about himself and added some fatherly advise to go along with it. We had just finished a gleeful time on the swing (as usual, me pushing and little him holding on for dear Life, while laughing his little tail off). I got him up in front of me, and he knew I had something very serious to tell him. I said, “Nick, you are PERFECT. You are a PERFECT person.” You probably won’t “believe” what the little guy said back to me. He said, “Thank you.” It was the way he said it that was so out of the ordinary — especially for a three-year-old. Such a serious tone and his hard emphasis on, “Thank” (as he said it in his little voice).

To him, I responded, “Don’t you ever let anyone take that AWAY from you, not even me.” And, guess what? He said it again, “Thank you.”

He knew exactly what I was talking about.

And, Scott, just in you don’t know (as seems to be the case with everything else), I was talking about his absolute core soul — WHO HE actually IS — his very essence.

He knew I meant it, and he knew I was telling him the absolute Truth.

I didn’t plan saying ALL that to him. It just naturally came out that day. In retrospect, it turned out to be an important thing for a son to get from his father. Pretty cool. He was given permission by his father (his dad) to always continue to be exactly WHO he IS — exactly HOW his Father (in Heaven) created him. Not what the world (any outside influences; such as, family, school, work, books, the Internet, the Government, Hollywood, Wokeness, the Church, etcetera) might ever want him to be. Specifically, what any other person (dad, mom, sis, buds, girlfriends, wives, bosses, Biblical authors, preachers, etcetera) might ever want him to be. And, yes, Scott, that list includes me, myself and I. Actually, me at the very top of that list… his dad. For, in my humble, yet considered opinion, a dad should always try to be as great an influence as is humanly possible in his son’s Life.
Congratulations on having a son!

However, though there is nothing wrong with positive reinforcement and expressing love to the level of perfection, you should know better than to present the world as only being that way to a child. Your choice (of course)...and that is the point: The world is not all good, but equally evil, and in fact, not unlike what God did for Adam and Eve, He has also given everyone born into this world a similar choice of choosing what is good or evil every day--which is the better thing to tell a child growing up in a world where moth eats, rust destroys, where thieves break in and steal, and everyone dies. And therefore, when the time is right to also speak of the good news of Christ, and that we must also be born again of the spirit of God to be free of the world and its evils.

Everyone has choice, and we are not born in the world in the flesh perfect, but must be born again to be perfect, just as our Father in heaven is perfect.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Do you understand, Scott? I didn’t even want me “being a great dad” to get in his way, as he would continue onward in Life... in our father/son relationship.

The God’s-honest Truth is the exact opposite of “Original Sin.” We are not born with a sin-problem that leads to evil. We contract a very specific evil mental problem that leads to sin.

A little child does not have this very specific evil mental problem... yet. One is born into this world on God’s Factory Setting, PERFECTLY sinless.

Truly (or as Jesus would say, “Verily, verily”) if we were born in sin, then, what Jesus proposes as the solution to this very specific, evil mental problem — for a grown adult to be “born again” — would be redundant and totally useless. Completely ineffective.

@Waiting on him, brings up a very GOOD question — while we're waiting on you... in your absence (miss you, Victory).

“So why does Jesus say one must be born again?”

Carefully notice, Jesus does not say, “born in a brand-new special way” or “born correctly this time” or “born right” as opposed to being born “wrong.”

Jesus chooses his Words very carefully. And, he always keeps it simple.

“Born again.”

Follow the Jesus-Logic.

If people are born "Evil," what use would it be for us to be born again?

Jesus’ point?

We are not born Evil. We are born Very Good. We are born PERFECTLY sinless.

We have been hacked.

Say your computer gets hacked by an Evil virus. Does that mean your computer is Evil?

No, it simply means your computer missed the warning.

The error is human: We are stupid.

The answer is Divine: Terminate the virus and restart your Factory Setting.

The very real Power of Darkness is seen in the fact that the simple cure is sitting on the table, right in front of us. And, there, the cure has sat for the last two thousand years.

Obviously, what truly helps the O Silent Ones (as David refers to them) is anything that keeps us blind to the disease and stupid to the cure.

Diagnosis: We have a very specific, evil mental problem that leads to sin.

Good News: There is a cure. ALL you have to do is truly take it.

Jesus said: “Take my body, and eat it.”

Truly swallow this pill. It gives your brain a psychological RESTART coupled up with eternal ANTI-MALWARE and VIRUS PROTECTION.

It is beyond amazing (into the excessive depths of Diabolical) that the Church would invent “Original Sin” — a fairytale that keeps everyone blind to our very Real and evil mental problem. Verily, verily, we are blinded to the disease with fairytales, despite the fact that the disease, itself, is clearly named in the Scriptures.

This openly named virus is a very specific knowledge that inadvertently becomes engrained into our minds. It is ALL consuming. So much so, as adults, it is difficult for us to imagine it not being completely engrained in our minds.

This knowledge was NOT in the minds of Adam and Eve before they became Diabolically-Induced into... doing... what? What did Adam and Eve do?

They changed their minds.

This Scripturally-Named knowledge is also NOT in the minds of ALL little ones — newborns to one-year-olds.

Think about those two clues. Adam and Eve, before metanoeo (before their change-of-mind) and ALL little ones. Two unique and isolated test groups. Can you guess what very specific knowledge is, lacking in the minds of both?

VictoryinJesus knows the answer.

The Knowledge of Good & Evil.

Cause and effect. Our metanoeo — our change in thinking from the way we originally thought to the viral way we think now — is the direct result of us gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil. The Knowledge of Good & Evil is the Mother of ALL Sin.

But, no, let us not block pure Light with shadows, diversions and pet names. “Original Sin,” “The Fall of Man” nor “The Mother of ALL Sin.” Let us truthfully call this mental disease exactly what the Holy Spirit calls it in the Word of God.

“The Knowledge of Good & Evil.”
Wow--it's worse with you than I thought!

You don't even know what it is to be born again! News flash--it is to be born from above, to be born of the spirit of God--not to "restart your Factory settings." As it is written, "First the natural, and afterward the spiritual." As I said before, this life, this world, was created that "the man of sin should be revealed." Which is us in the flesh. The "Factory setting" was cursed to die, and that is the way one will stay if they are not also born again of the spirit of God. The only exception is Israel His chosen, who were taken with Christ dead unto resurrection. have yourself your own gospel--another gospel, other than what has come from God through Christ Jesus. You are just a man speaking as a man speaks by his own lowly understanding. And dropping His name and borrowing His occasional word here and there within your own understanding and philosophies about life--has its own fate. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it will all be over soon.

Nonetheless, you too have a choice.
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The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States

I do not mean anything disrespectful by the term, “The Box” or by the word, “cheese-headedness.” Would it be better for me to call it “brainwashed and unchangeable-headedness”? I will gladly do so, if you think that will help.

Right from the beginning, I encouraged ALL of these people in here to think out of the Box. LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. Give what the Holy Spirit has to say to you… a chance... to get the message through.

No dice. Her message is not getting through.

It is exactly what Jesus said about the Pharisees and their Religion-Closed heads. They have been prevented from hearing the Truth. It is not “Faith-agreeable” to them. It is certainly not 100% Paul-Agreeable. Some of it is. Problem is, they know not how to test the Spirits. They “believe” Peter. They put ALL their “Faith” — 100% — in what Paul has to say. And, yet, they totally disregard what Jesus and the Holy Spirit say.

Peter stood in the way of Jesus going to the cross. Because, he saw it as such a terrible thing happening to Jesus. He saw it as *EVIL.* Peter was not seeing things from GOD’S point of view; rather, from MAN’S point of view. Even worse, according to Jesus: MAN’S point of view, inspired by the Forces of Darkness.

Very tricky. Peter loves Jesus and does not want to see anything bad happen to him. A great example of the Forces of Darkness using “love” and “common sense” to ITS advantage. Less obvious for the average person to see, right in the moment, on the road to Jerusalem, where Jesus is plainly stating to Peter and the rest of the crew, his death by execution awaits.

The places where Paul’s message (given to him from the Forces of Light) gets taken over by the Forces of Darkness is much more obvious. So obvious, you do not have to be Jesus, or a prophet, or a genius to test the Spirits.

These are the questions to ask. Is the Spirit (Who is speaking) speaking from Light… or from Darkness? Of Life… or of Death? Of EVERYTHING… or of NOTHING?

John the Baptist and Jesus talk of the Baptism of Life. While what is speaking out of Paul is talking about “the Baptism of Death.”

Jesus tells us, in order for us to have Heaven, right here on Earth, is for each of us to become like a little child — each one of US taking BACK our PERFECT and sinless state of mind. While what is speaking out of Paul says, “Put AWAY your childish things” and "KILL the old man.”

Jesus stands face to face with true acceptors and tells them (people who have truly accepted that ALL their SIN has been taken AWAY), “Go in peace.” While what is speaking out of Paul says, “We need to destroy our bodies of sin.”

Jesus says, “If the Son sets you FREE, you are FREE. FREE-Indeed.” Paul throws What’s-Been-Done-For-Us-On-the-Cross off the airplane and, in its place, Paul gives us two roads that literally lead to Slavery. In print… and in practice.

Does what Paul wrote to paper “pass the test” in ANY of these instances?

Paul is above being tested! Do not LISTEN to what The Third One is saying! We must blindly accept everything Paul tells us, 100%!


Because of what our Religion tells us. From the Box: “Paul was chosen from among man by Jesus himself, ordained & inspired to preach the gospel unto the Gentiles. ( us )”

I am sorry if it hurts the delicate ear to have to hear it. The “gospel” of Paul “unto the Gentiles” has been proven totally useless. We have had 2000 years of it. It has proven itself nothing but a disaster. In practice, as we enter the “Baptism of Death” and KILL the “old man” by “destroying our bodies of sin,” how DOES this Diabolical gobbledygook help us defeat sin?

It doesn’t.

Christians and non-Christians alike are still wallowing in SIN. They still have… — as you, dear Victory, refer to it — …the sickness.

Granted, the Paul-Taught Christian is struggling with SIN. And, losing.

Why not try sending IT completely AWAY?


By truly accepting that, what’s been done for us on the cross, truly TAKES our sin AWAY.

ScottA says: “when the time is right to also speak of the good news of Christ, and that we must also be born again of the spirit of God to be free of the world and its evils.”

Whatgood news of Christ”?

ScottA has none to offer.

With ScottA, it is ALL gloom, doom and the end of the world. ScottA’s gospel is: “Jesus came to bring a SWORD, not PEACE!” Scott says, “We must be born again of the spirit of God to be free of the world and its evils.”

Pure Religion talking.

In practice? Does it sound like Scott is FREE “of the world and its evils”?

Tell the Truth Scott (if, for once, you are capable of doing so). Are you FREE? The type of FREEDOM that Jesus is talking about? FREE-Indeed?

Victory, I agree with you 100%. To me also: “the board has become overwhelming; where I wonder (everyday) if it would be better to not come here anymore.”

Should I leave this thread and move on? Or should I stop wasting valuable time knocking heads with the likes of Scott? Allow me to paint clear… the latest example: Scott totally disregards what my response is to his comment, about “each being born, according to their kind,” and he tells me, “Congratulations on having a son!” He does not even think to apologize for his ABJECT ERROR. Nor does he STOP FOR ONE SECOND to think: Gosh, maybe since I was SO SURE OF MYSELF and, yet I was DEAD WRONG, perhaps The Third One DOES KNOW what he’s talking about.

Not a chance of that.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Exactly why Jesus walked AWAY from the Capernaum-Idiots. It’s ALL about the “I’m-Right-And-You’re-Wrong” game. Scott has no interest in testing the Spirits in the matter of what he “believes,” nor in learning the Truth. God forbid, not a NEW Truth! For, that would mean… having to admit to himself that he does not know the whole Truth. Better to hold on to every single lie than to have to honestly admit anything like that!

Why did I share with him my personal Life — what I shared with him about my son? Because Scott purported: “You also assert that children are born innocent, which is not true, for each is born ‘according to their kind.’ Which must surely mean that you have no children of your own--or you would not say such a thing.”

I have a son, Mr. Capernaum.

And, so… what is Mr. Capernaum’s response… to the serious issue of our discussion (the fact that babies are born PERFECTLY innocent)? He says, “Congratulations on having a son!” Then back to, “The world is not all good, but equally evil.”

He could care a less whether I have a son or not. By his own logic, that fact that I DO have a son MEANS that I DO KNOW what I am talking about. So, back to the issue, right? WHY is there *Evil* in this world, Scott, instead of ALL-GOOD?

Scott could care a less.

Forget the Jesus-Solution. Change your minds back to IT’S ALL GOOD. One mind at a time. One leads to few, few leads to many and many leads to ALL.

NO! Scott’s solution is for God to destroy the world, while Scott and his “worthy” companions meet Jesus in the sky.

@face2face’s gospel is: “There is no good thing in human nature...nothing worth saving! Actually nothing an all powerful God could save!”

Do you see what I mean, Victory? They are still using the wrong language. Because they have been Church-Taught to do so. The Jesus-Word is RANSOM. NOT “saved. Jesus said, “Change your minds.” Jesus did NOT say, “Repent.”

The basics — ALL of what I have already covered… is stuck in the cheese — like breadcrumbs thrown at a block of cheese. It cannot get through. It is NOT our human nature that Jesus came to save.

The Living God created our nature, and He called it “Very Good!”

It is our way of thinking that Jesus came to RANSOM out of bondage. We have been kidnapped! Ever since we became slaves to The Knowledge of Good & Evil.

What good does it do to repeat ALL this? But… I keep doing it anyway.

“The heart” is the Hebrew Word in the Old Testament for “conscience.” Face2face suggests: Maybe your heart is different than the rest of mankind's? Jeremiah 17:9-10

Yes, IT is. I have been cured of IT. IT has been rendered… inconsequential.

Victory, you know what I am talking about. I am talking about “conscience.” They have not heard one Word of this. It is not their fault -- as if they were "bad people" or "dumb people." It is what Religion does to a person. Religion has built a block of cheese around these people’s heads. Nothing is able to get through.

Perhaps. I say… just perhaps… what would be helpful for ALL of us is to hear is a relevant conversation about ALL this, back and forth.

Victory, you are the only one in here, who has voiced a desire to “get well.” To “quit being sick.” And, you and I both know exactly what you mean. You specifically said that you were not talking about your MS.

You did not nor DO YOU agree with me on everything I have said.

Yet, you have sensed — with the help of the Holy Spirit — that there is Truth in what I have been trying to get across to you in here. You have taken issue with many of the things I have said. Yet, you have always done so respectfully — ALWAYS in a respectful way. And, most importantly, you have actually LISTENED to my answers and you have helped me to clarify what parts of my answers are garbled or misunderstood.

I have never called you a cheese-head, nor will I ever. Because, you are not.

Your ears are open, not concrete shut.

Your “friends” in here are begging for you to wrap six inches of cheese around your head, and not LISTEN.

Why? What are they so afraid of you hearing?

Here is the foundational issue that separates me and them. They “believe” that it is man’s nature that changed or “Fell” or “went *wrong*” or worse, “became *Evil.*”

Opposed to the Truth (confirmed in Scripture). It is man’s way of thinking that has changed, “went *wrong*” and “became *Evil.*” And… specifically… BECAUSE of man’s changed way of thinking... we have imagined, designed and created every Evil the world has come to know within this wonderfully GOOD thing — this very GOOD thing — that is the Creation of the Living God.

It is our way of thinking that is Evil — ever since we ate The Knowledge of Good & Evil. The brainwashed and unchangeable are calling God’s Creation EVIL.

Us choosing to eat The Knowledge of Good & Evil is what has turned God’s PERFECT Creation into a world, where as you say, “We are SICK.” As ScottA says, “where thieves break in and steal, and everyone dies.”

So what is the solution? According to ScottA, there IS NO solution. The world, God’s GOOD Creation, is doomed to DIE and PASS AWAY.

Victory, this board has become the exact same thing to me as it has to you:

"What this board has become to me is a sifting through others words constantly to judge those words (talking about myself here)… sifting relentlessly through others words to separate into piles of "correct" or "wrong". It happens time -and -time again on here...seeing it in myself and in others.. waiting … sifting.. for that one ridiculous "error" or "absurd" thing one says to discard the rest of them."

I don't want to be victory under a microscope…

I don’t want you to be that either.

And, I promise you, you won’t be that. Should we continue this conversation, one on one.

What I am suggesting is just the opposite.

The only way this can continue in here, is for ME (The Third One) to place myself under YOUR microscope, Victory.

I am not afraid to do so.

I welcome it.

I firmly “believe”… that is the very thing (the only thing) that can bring clarity to this. I am not saying that I know that it will. But, I do know that it is worth taking the chance… to see… if keeping this exchange exclusively between you and I (unless someone else has something very PERTINANT and very TIMELY to add to the discussion) will work wonders toward getting what needs to be gotten… across.

You ask:

“Biggest question though … by what standard can Paul be discarded back, returned, into cheese-head land?”

By the standard of Truth.

See? That wasn’t so difficult. Good question. I sincerely hope you have more. And, I hope you are feeling better. I know this subject matter is serious. But, let’s just relax and have some fun. Please don’t give up on me, Victory.

I promise. I will not give up on you.

The Third One


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
@The Third One,

When I went to school and studied about numbers I was given a book called "Arithmetic" or "Add and Subtract" as references for truth.

And, when I started to become interested in spiritual things, I was given a Bible as a reference for spiritual truths.

The Third One said:

“Then, at least put some clothes on him!” It never happened. In ALL forms of Roman crucifixion, the tunic is removed, leaving the victim to hang totally naked.

I can believe the above as I've read Adam and Eve were naked and ashamed after they sinned eating from the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. So to hang totally naked at the cross means our sins were laden upon Christ who knew no sin

Matthew 1:21 reads:
"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."

And you claim that Jesus NEVER SAVED anyone?

This is what happens when people bring in opinions rather than Scripture verses as references to prove their case.

I have not read every posts here but I've read enough.

To God Be The Glory
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The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States

The Word used in the Greek and Hebrew is "delivered" not "saved." Regardless, the Word Jesus actually uses is RANSOMED... not "saved." However, I never said nor have I ever "claimed"... "Jesus never saved anyone." Feel FREE to clarify yourself. I, for one, have no idea what you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Right from the beginning, I encouraged ALL of these people in here to think out of the Box. LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. Give what the Holy Spirit has to say to you… a chance... to get the message through.
No dice. Her message is not getting through.

what is odd to me is by arguing over Paul so much, offended by what you say concerning Paul...there has been no notice or comments concerning the multiple times you have said; "her" or "she". is that where your screen name comes from? It could be assumed you are 'the third one' in reference to yourself? or does your screen name have nothing to do with you, instead in reference to "her" or "she"? if not, can I ask about your screen name?

Jesus tells us, in order for us to have Heaven, right here on Earth, is for each of us to become like a little child — each one of US taking BACK our PERFECT and sinless state of mind. While what is speaking out of Paul says, “Put AWAY your childish things” and "KILL the old man.”

see, I don't see that. what if I told you that the reason I see so much helpful in your post... the majority of it... is because of what Paul penned? Not being in contradiction of, but for?

for example: Jesus said you have to become like a child. (very bold, imo) is the "you must" in conjunction with "you must" be born again.

Do you see a contradiction in what Paul penned? As of yet I do not see a contradiction in "Put away your childish things." To me this is in reference to put away
malice. this 'malice' being the childish things to "put AWAY" in "kill the old man" … I don't think it speaks of a literal man but the opposite. To me "put away childish things" lines up perfectly with what you keep saying concerning taking the master judge with his plantation owner purple trinket robe and condemnation ...all to the curb to 'put away' or 'bury'.
That "old man" being that which.... unless I am wrong the words you speak laced with contempt NOT Paul, or victory, or Scott but your pleading to be well and "rid of" “the sickness” ... "you must" de-robe, de-throne take out and get rid of Master Judge. BUT the words penned by Paul are so often used and mistreated (only my opinion); twisted to reinforce "the Judge" speaks for example: "silence women!" even the: one who is married cares for the world and how to please his wife, but he who is unmarried cares for the things of Christ.

but also were the words of Jesus Christ mistreated and twisted to reinforce "the judge" but instead there came a Lamb.

what Paul penned concerning put away childish things and "become men" isn't against you but instead for you. (or that is my opinion). like what you shared earlier about the lake of fire prepared for what is false. (big question) Is it (that prepared)against, or for destruction of ALL that is false?
I don't think Paul meant to put away literal children in “put away childish things” … but again how you have suggested also "change your mind"; which to me is the same as what Christ demonstrated with the child given unto Him. You spoke once that it wasn't an toddler but an infant given to Christ. to me it wasn't even an infant … but "a child for whom Christ died" which is always debated at every turn "who is one for whom Christ died for?" you can never win that one because there is a long sheet full of men's exclusions to being “a child for whom Christ died."

there is a verse which I am sure you have read: in malice be children; what is this... if not a agreement with 'put out' or take AWAY Master plantation owner (from your midst) with all malice. … yet in knowledge be you men. Is this not what you are saying? are you not pleading here for knowledge of "be you free" and to "put out or away the Judge"? or have I misunderstood your intent?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
QUOTE="The Third One, post: 1450160, member: 21926"]John the Baptist and Jesus talk of the Baptism of Life. While what is speaking out of Paul is talking about “the Baptism of Death.”[/QUOTE]

again, I don't see Paul speaking of "the Baptism of Death". Consider where Paul speaks of how even though he may appear to them as being a is for their perfection that by and through Paul's weakness that they are being 'offered and given' an open door... for them to be made strong(strengthened in Christ, a bond a love, restoration of brothers and restoration of relationship, comfort?). what stands out to me there is not the baptism into death but instead the baptism into life by bearing fruit... the attributes of Charity. Patience, long-suffering, hoping all things, believing all things, bearing all things, enduring all things…
so fully Paul is willing to be called all sorts of things, mocked by them, all the while they label him (Judging) Paul as indeed a reprobate … what Paul 'will have need of' is the fruit of 'Patience'. to me it is supernatural because all Paul can do is submit to the Spirit and "wait on" their "obedience unto righteousness" "that you be made perfect" that you be made "strong". “Live”
Is that the same you are waiting for in here? “Live!” i do not see this as obedience unto death... but obedience--movement-- unto "better"--movement unto "a change your mind".

there I am really confused when you said Paul only gives two choices; both slavery. Two, muddled together choices were both (as trickery) lead to death. Is Paul tricking them by even though they refer to him as a reprobate …the the Fathers perfection is …what did HE do for those reprobates yet dead in their sins? By sin..dead in their own judgements …who is preventing reconciliation of brother to brother there? Is it Paul in his trickery? Or their Judgement of Paul as being the reprobate?

Does Adam and Christ; both lead to death also?

consider what if by the Grace of God those judging PAUL a reprobate; disrobed and take master judge to the curb and fulfill the perfection spoken of in how the FATHER is perfect by loving their brother indeed; strengthening one they are outright calling “weak”. To me that whole passage is displaying who is really “weak” there and it isn’t Paul who openly says “I know you are perfect” because I know whom I trust. Just as you told your own son.

do you truly see the two lead to the same place...death? The difference is your son willing accepted and said “THANK you”. Is Paul not wanting them to do the same …how often Paul spoke encouragement to them throwing stones at him …saying I believe better of you. Was it by their actions? I don’t think so. But what you spoke of…with your son paraphrasing what I think you gave unto your son “be strengthened and hold on seeing no one robs or takes this one thing from you..not even me.”

is Paul not saying the same to them.
Over and over and over. Speaking over them as if it has already happened…reconciliation even before it is seen? In that same passage
2 Corinthians 13:6
[6] But I trust that you shall know that we are not reprobates.

Trickery into more slavery?

Jesus stands face to face with true acceptors and tells them (people who have truly accepted that ALL their SIN has been taken AWAY), “Go in peace.” While what is speaking out of Paul says, “We need to destroy our bodies of sin.”

bodies of sin

again … are you not saying the same thing? what attributes would you use to describe the Master planation owner Judge? what is "bodies of sin" if not gathering to shame one another, mock one another, to ridicule and stomp down: lying, cheating, stealing, blasphemy, false accusations, back-biting...all comes out of where? Stacey, the heart. Master judge with his long purple robe and finger pointing speaking vanity working—stirring up-reviling in brother against brother.

What bears reconciliation of brother to brother?

Jesus tried everything to convince the Pharisees of their tragic error. Finally, resorting to satire. His satire applies to anyone who wants to be in the Pharisee-Extremist Country Club. You know, working self-righteously to be the greatest in God’s eye. You can cut off a whole world of sinners from your sanctified circle; but, then, you will still have yourself to contend with. What then? What about YOU? By such logic, what should YOU do when your Religion conflicts with your own body and YOUR BODY causes YOU to “sin”?

the Pharisee-Extremist Country Club.
to me Paul doesn't disagree with you here either…consider the passage of one having his fathers wife
Paul sees a feast of sorts going on … where they are feeding on another's shame to plump themselves up. Christianity would refer to “this one” as a so-called-brother; but the passage seemed to do the opposite “you miserable comforters”

that is what scares me the most. is how this often happens all over in what is called Christianity. "Just look at those pitiful rejecters!" Judging... full-blown and in your face... their (weaknesses)shame=a plumping up for the so-called body to appear “glorious”. where Paul asked (paraphrasing): why are you glorying--masquerading around--over your brothers, shame?
similar to what is burned in the me this passage is not speaking about putting that brother out but instead supports what you share concerning Master Judge; the Pharisee-Extremist County Club … because (imo) Paul goes on to bring attention to the "extremist" in them ALL.

But no …if you mention it is the “extremist” in ALL …that doesn’t allow for finger pointing. BUT this passage penned by Paul through inspiration of the Spirit is taken and used to feed Master Judge so we all can masquerade around in another's shame to feel more powerful and plump.

We can grab onto “oh look, Paul judged” …so then we do keep the Judge …
"For I verily,
as absent from the body, but present in spirit, have judge already, as though I (Yet Not I, but Christ who lives in me) were present, concerning him that has done this deed."
"FOR the Love of Christ constrains us; because we thus judge, that if one died for ALL, the ALL were dead:
and that he died for ALL, that they which live should not hereforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and LIVED. how can He lead to slavery and death but instead to "Alive”
(2 Corinthians 5:16-20 in relation to putting that wicked one out.) again, what or who is put out.

maybe none of that makes sense but hopefully, in some part it is clearer what I mean by: agreeing with so much you have shared being helpful, but then at the same time taking a step back with questions? Mostly when I see what Paul penned helping with much of what you said…yet is Paul speaking death?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Wow--it's worse with you than I thought!

You don't even know what it is to be born again! News flash--it is to be born from above, to be born of the spirit of God--not to "restart your Factory settings." As it is written, "First the natural, and afterward the spiritual." As I said before, this life, this world, was created that "the man of sin should be revealed." Which is us in the flesh. The "Factory setting" was cursed to die, and that is the way one will stay if they are not also born again of the spirit of God. The only exception is Israel His chosen, who were taken with Christ dead unto resurrection. have yourself your own gospel--another gospel, other than what has come from God through Christ Jesus. You are just a man speaking as a man speaks by his own lowly understanding. And dropping His name and borrowing His occasional word here and there within your own understanding and philosophies about life--has its own fate. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it will all be over soon.

Nonetheless, you too have a choice.

Thank you.
You have said what I was going around and around trying to avoid

Done and dusted as some say in the U. K.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Hi, I am sorry you have been sick.

I have friends that have MS and I have family that suffer varied mental issues.
I have severe anxiety based on a dysfunctional upbring in an abusive family.

What you are questioning in yourself is good. Where do we stand with God is the ultimate question. Paul was chosen from among man by Jesus himself, ordained & inspired to preach the gospel unto the Gentiles. ( us )

We test the spirits that present themselves as being of God. What we do not test is God. Our spirit bears witness with the Spirit of God on things that are right. Paul was a human and fallible as we all are, yet through him we receive the Word of God.

It is NOT so bad being called an old lady cheese head in a box. I know who I believe in. It is God who receives my honour for the life promises he has fulfilled and is continuing to fulfil.

I will leave you in peace to be led of the Spirit. Praying for your suffering & weaknesses that they may prove your strength in God.

The other day as I walked through the living room…our five year old granddaughter Melody called me over, saying “Mimi, come and see this video… this child has a demon!” I was stumped to hear this coming from her and never expected she had somehow come across Christians on kid-YouTube…street preaching. standing with what looked like to be a child Melodys’ age …chanting loudly in public over the child “I rebuke this demon in the name of Jesus! Demon come out of him!” Immediately, as if she had just come across porn, I took the tablet away and told Melody “do not watch stuff like that.” …was I Wrong to do so?

Why am I sharing this?
Because about five years ago I would have applauded them. not so much now. How does it apply to this thread? Just thinking about how we can be so fully convinced and promote what we are convinced of… only to look back later and cringe; wondering how did I ever buy in to it? being as equally convinced of the opposite of what we initially thought.

Thank you for you concern and compassion.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
@The Third One ,

I like your personality and approach, easy, laid back. Methinks you are NOT a Peter though, but maybe of anothers character. Not that I see much in the other Apostles personalities except Peter, John, and Paul in their writings.
( whom I do include as an apostle)

I have sat in the rear seats a moment [ leaving the ride in God's hands] to see how you would receive other's approaches. You've certainly took on theefaith.......Lol, not that he will listen to you. His dogma is cemented from his wittle bitty toe to the last layer of derma
on his I'm sure he is busy preparing his almighty DOGMA rebuttal with a vengeance!

As I have said, Peter and I are very close in impulsivity, harshness and hard-core serious about God's word!

You are coming along in the lines of churchanity that I have felt many years. Having been of Pentecostal faith, I learned much. After I backsid and left God's faith, I lived rioutious in SIN.
When the Spirit convicted me after 17 yrs in the SLOP of the world, I repented. After my conversion, ( as Peter was told by Jesus ), I have prayed and sought God to direct me unto another "church".
Instead he revealed unto me the " gathering"!
He said where any 2 or 3 are gathered, I will be in the midst!
So far I have NOT been led to another " church", and man have I learned so much more in studying & prayer, alone with God !

So I've reversed my decision to not engage with you but rather to let God drive this bumpy ride with YOU at the wheel for a time.

Having seen some of your extent & intent, I am sure you will know any & every scriptural paraphrased reference I've given without myself writing down book, chapter, & verse.

To address someone's post put an @ in front of their full name as per their avatar. It will get their attention.
@The Third One

Hello L3astAm0ngManyB13ss3d,
(Not to derail your thread @The Third One ... you do have many points and obviously dig deep)
Anyhow sister, question: When you backslid back into the worlds cesspool, did you ever enjoy re entering the world? I ask this as in the mid 90's I walked away for many ears as well but, nothing good came of it and it left me empty. I'd see friends from the church I had left and it pinged my heart but, did not believe God would ever want me back. Eventually it was on my face begging Him to take me back, to reveal Himself to me. Needless to say, I don't think I ever really left Him as He was constantly on my mind, and tons of guilt feelings.
Glad we "turned around" :)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
I was 47 the day I became blessed by the Lord with my one and only offspring — a son.

To have children at the blossoming age of 19 or 20, I suppose it could very easily change one’s entire Life; however, with me (at 47), my son was a wonderful addition to my Life. He is now 14, and becoming quite an amazing young man. At the risk of being chastised in here — about the folly of silly human pride, by some Church-Taught Christian — I am very proud of him.

Yes and, early on, we covered the very thing that we are now talking about in this room.

When he was no more than three and a half, I told him the Truth about himself and added some fatherly advise to go along with it. We had just finished a gleeful time on the swing (as usual, me pushing and little him holding on for dear Life, while laughing his little tail off). I got him up in front of me, and he knew I had something very serious to tell him. I said, “Nick, you are PERFECT. You are a PERFECT person.” You probably won’t “believe” what the little guy said back to me. He said, “Thank you.” It was the way he said it that was so out of the ordinary — especially for a three-year-old. Such a serious tone and his hard emphasis on, “Thank” (as he said it in his little voice).

To him, I responded, “Don’t you ever let anyone take that AWAY from you, not even me.” And, guess what? He said it again, “Thank you.”

He knew exactly what I was talking about.

And, Scott, just in you don’t know (as seems to be the case with everything else), I was talking about his absolute core soul — WHO HE actually IS — his very essence.

He knew I meant it, and he knew I was telling him the absolute Truth.

I didn’t plan saying ALL that to him. It just naturally came out that day. In retrospect, it turned out to be an important thing for a son to get from his father. Pretty cool. He was given permission by his father (his dad) to always continue to be exactly WHO he IS — exactly HOW his Father (in Heaven) created him. Not what the world (any outside influences; such as, family, school, work, books, the Internet, the Government, Hollywood, Wokeness, the Church, etcetera) might ever want him to be. Specifically, what any other person (dad, mom, sis, buds, girlfriends, wives, bosses, Biblical authors, preachers, etcetera) might ever want him to be. And, yes, Scott, that list includes me, myself and I. Actually, me at the very top of that list… his dad. For, in my humble, yet considered opinion, a dad should always try to be as great an influence as is humanly possible in his son’s Life.

I think it awesomely amazing the exchange that took place between you and your son. We have spoken about my mom. the one memory at ninety-one she always regresses back to…always repeating it… are the words her father said to her: you are nothing but trouble. I see …what she wanted so desperately was for her father to say to her what you said to your son. “You are perfection.” But he didn’t take that path. And now it is too late for him to offer this acceptance to her. I’ve been there too.

this is only personal experience but now having five grandchildren. I didn’t see it in my children even though it happened. I just didn’t notice. What I see now is children do have something special until that something special is taken away. I literally have watched in my own grandchildren as that original message is overridden and a new message is planted…a new message written. I’ve seen as little by little they reach out and accept this new message “you are not worth time” “you fail” “you are stupid” “you can’t” and “you wont”. I can’t explain it well but I’ve seen lovingness, acceptance, non-judgmental, hopefulness and only wanting the exchange of these things with others in fellowship …morph into depression, torn-down, hopelessness and defeat…almost can see their slow walk into that imprisoned mind-set and shut themselves in behind bars of iron. until a light burns out little by little. Leaving in the wake of it untrusting, pushing-away of all things as no longer needful. Odd to me is how children do not have to come to a Christian board to learn or be taught the all-important message that ALL children are born sinful. It wouldn’t be a new message for them but the same ol condemning message where the fruit is undeniably obvious…by the works produced: rejective, forcing away, shut-down depressed, anxious, and angry. This message brings with it an acceptance or exchange from what was …to stone-hearted and plagued by all kinds of defects. yes, I do ask How? Once you have given the child-like away and accepted this new message that undeniably manifests its full works in what we like to call “a vessel” born to be taken and destroyed…once you have let it be taken away; the child-like trust, openness, acceptance and non-judgement of youth…how do you get it back?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Hello L3astAm0ngManyB13ss3d,
(Not to derail your thread @The Third One ... you do have many points and obviously dig deep)
Anyhow sister, question: When you backslid back into the worlds cesspool, did you ever enjoy re entering the world? I ask this as in the mid 90's I walked away for many ears as well but, nothing good came of it and it left me empty. I'd see friends from the church I had left and it pinged my heart but, did not believe God would ever want me back. Eventually it was on my face begging Him to take me back, to reveal Himself to me. Needless to say, I don't think I ever really left Him as He was constantly on my mind, and tons of guilt feelings.
Glad we "turned around" :)

Dear Sister, I was most miserable so I sought more pleasures of the world to appease it. Sex, drugs, alcohol, rejecting family. The further I got away from; the faster I ran into the cesspool.

I was only 18 when I first came to know Jesus from there I married ,had 2 children, taught SS, worked hard for my church family & God.

@34, I had started nursing college which took a lot of my time and as I love ppl, I like the other students. My mom used to say every night, " I want to wake up in Jesus's arms". She did ! I blamed the Lord so I was enraged & growing bitter and AWAY, instead of taking OWNERSHIP of the sin I was letting infect my heart.

I basically told God to " go to hell" and I dove head long into sin.( I hated it, it brought me NO happiness nor peace). It took me more than 17 yrs to wallow in the slope b4 I acknowledged the HS conviction. When I did, God's Spirit I thought was gonna beat me to death.
It hurt so bad for him to rehash the sins I was swimming in. Chaistisment from God is worse than any natural beating.

Anyway, I'm sorry, the story can get much longer on how awesome of a loving ,healing, and caring God we serve .
Short NO I never was at peace nor happy and I made horrible mistakes that I pray the ppl I hurt are healed by his love and forgiveness.

Thank you Nancy, glad we returned also.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
The other day as I walked through the living room…our five year old granddaughter Melody called me over, saying “Mimi, come and see this video… this child has a demon!” I was stumped to hear this coming from her and never expected she had somehow come across Christians on kid-YouTube…street preaching. standing with what looked like to be a child Melodys’ age …chanting loudly in public over the child “I rebuke this demon in the name of Jesus! Demon come out of him!” Immediately, as if she had just come across porn, I took the tablet away and told Melody “do not watch stuff like that.” …was I Wrong to do so?

Why am I sharing this?
Because about five years ago I would have applauded them. not so much now. How does it apply to this thread? Just thinking about how we can be so fully convinced and promote what we are convinced of… only to look back later and cringe; wondering how did I ever buy in to it? being as equally convinced of the opposite of what we initially thought.

Thank you for you concern and compassion.

You are welcome.
No ma'am I do not believe you were wrong to remove the tablet from her
( put a parental control on it ). Children are so trusting and open, usually saying things as they see them and more knowledgeable than we think.

Which also makes them susceptible to supernatural darkness. He is ever roaring about trying to destroy good and steal from God. Too much emphasis is placed on darkness and the enemy rather than God & his goodness & love.

We must preserve that trusting innocent spirit within our younger members and teach them all about God's love and his tenderness to mankind to fill them up with HIS GOODNESS.

I understand what you are saying, when I attended church, my children were small and during that era everybody seemed obsessed with the occult, satanic rituals, music, ect, [80's-90's] my children picked up on it even in church. It was like a scare tactic looking BACK to confuse the focus of God's children. A distraction if you will.

Today it's multiple gospels, doctrines, & dogmas that are claimed to be of God.

I advise ANYONE ..DO NOT LISTEN TO ME ! Get into prayer and into God's word, be led of his Spirit to teach you his doctrine and HIS TRUTH !


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
Dear Sister, I was most miserable so I sought more pleasures of the world to appease it. Sex, drugs, alcohol, rejecting family. The further I got away from; the faster I ran into the cesspool.

I was only 18 when I first came to know Jesus from there I married ,had 2 children, taught SS, worked hard for my church family & God.

@34, I had started nursing college which took a lot of my time and as I love ppl, I like the other students. My mom used to say every night, " I want to wake up in Jesus's arms". She did ! I blamed the Lord so I was enraged & growing bitter and AWAY, instead of taking OWNERSHIP of the sin I was letting infect my heart.

I basically told God to " go to hell" and I dove head long into sin.( I hated it, it brought me NO happiness nor peace). It took me more than 17 yrs to wallow in the slope b4 I acknowledged the HS conviction. When I did, God's Spirit I thought was gonna beat me to death.
It hurt so bad for him to rehash the sins I was swimming in. Chaistisment from God is worse than any natural beating.

Anyway, I'm sorry, the story can get much longer on how awesome of a loving ,healing, and caring God we serve .
Short NO I never was at peace nor happy and I made horrible mistakes that I pray the ppl I hurt are healed by his love and forgiveness.

Thank you Nancy, glad we returned also.

AMEN!!! How wonderful indeed a God we serve who loves us! NEVER GIVING UP to those whom He loves.

To God Be The Glory
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The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States

I’m still working on answering your previous post (the BIG one that you posted prior to the one that started this little exchange). My answer is coming along — I’ll have it done for you soon. But, I just had to pop in here, briefly. Because this is such a positive and helpful exchange (compared to ALL of the “knocking-head" points, which we are still banging AWAY at, in here).

Now, ALL of a sudden, L3astAmOngManyB13ss3d is speaking the Truth again. What a “miracle.” As opposed to lining up and banging heads... with me.

Victory, you are the cause of this.

Out of the box in which the lady lives (lol, come on, cheesy, you said you liked that title) comes: “Children are… more knowledgeable than we think.”

Guess why? Because they come from a place that is ALL GOOD.

That IS our Factory Setting: “IT’S ALL GOOD.”

I am going to repost what I posted earlier. Some of us in here were totally deaf when I first posted this. Perhaps we can LISTEN to it now, in the context of these latest postings. (Perhaps not. Perhaps it will still take more head-banging. I haven't got a concussion... yet)...

This is exactly the point Jesus is illustrating — specifically — by putting a little child on his knee and telling us to BECOME like this little child.

It is not difficult to imagine having no knowledge of “right” and “wrong” because ALL of us are born into the world in that condition and remain so as little children until we become infected with The Knowledge of “right” and “wrong.” At that point — exactly at that point — our innocence is truly gone.

This is the God’s-honest Truth. Somewhere between being a FREE, pure, PERFECTLY GOOD little child and becoming what you are now, you took on a yoke. Rarely does it happen before turning one. Usually, between one and two. Likely, no later than three or four. At some point, you gained your first knowledge of Good & Evil... and then, immediately, your knowledge of Good & Evil mutated into super-drive, like a cancerous brain virus.

You gained IT from everyone. What started in Adam and Eve (from one juicy bite) you gained the super-toxic, exponentially-multiplied variant of IT — from ALL. You gained IT from mom and dad, siblings, grandparents, friends, neighbors and teachers. You gained IT from books, plays, movies, TV and you certainly gained IT from the Internet. You gained IT from the entire world around you. And, when you were finally introduced to Organized Religion, your knowledge of Good & Evil became not only “God-endorsed” but ratified and put to freaking music.

Hand in hand with gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil, you bought into the concept of imperfection. And... then... you contracted the full-blown disease. You became irreversibly psychologically ill (irreversible outside of a “miracle”).

Prognosis: Terminal. You bought into and accepted the concept of “SIN” — the concept of right... & “WRONG.” You bought into this corrupting concept of the mind and (along with applying this concept to everything) you had no choice but to apply IT to yourself.

Let us clearly identify the fatal problem. Deprecation of self. It is a human problem beyond pandemic. IT is practically universal. IT is humanity’s problem. And, so (quite likely) IT is your problem. Your self-destroying self-diagnosis of self. A falsehood you came to truly accept, 100%, with no ifs, ands or buts.

Here is a tragic symptom of the deadly disease: There is both Good & Evil in humans — in ALL people. Yes, I have come to truly accept this as “Truth.” This means that SOME portion of WHAT I AM... is evil.

Brain cancer. More powerful than an atomic bomb.

Is Knowledge itself Really that powerful? Almost a dumb question (being what we know in our day and age) but, yes. Knowledge and the way we think is Really that powerful.

Only GOOD can come from the universal mindset of IT’S-ALL-GOOD.

BUT... uh-oh. We opened the door to a fatally destructive quest. Under the mindset of Good & Evil, we cannot help but ask the tragic question. What is “Evil”? (And, so, we imagined what IT is.) We no longer have to imagine IT. We have livid examples of IT ALL around us. We are ALL... taught... to think this way. Adam and Eve are the first “we.” (Victory, at your request, we could go into much more detail about Adam & Eve and then Cain & Able. This would give us GREAT INSIGHT as to what has actually happened to humanity... and how this very REAL unreal PANDEMIC got started.) Upon gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil, we changed our entire way of thinking. Upon changing our entire way of thinking, we changed our world.

God’s “very GOOD” created world became... convoluted. Complicated, to say the least.

A world once ALL healthy and pleasurable became a world that knew both healthiness & sickness, both pleasure & suffering beyond reason. A world once ALL caring and loving became a world that knew both care & murder, both love & cruelty. A world once ALL satisfied and well to do became a world that knew both satisfaction & hunger, both great wealth & utter poverty. A world, once ALL-FREE, became the world that knows both FREEDOM and slavery, Master and Slave, boss and underling — ruler and the ruled.

The human world is exactly as it began: a solidly-physical, conscious Reality. A solidly-physical, conscious Reality in which ALL people (ALL two of us) could have FREELY chosen eternal Life. Instead, we chose that which was forbidden to us. In doing so, we brought Death into our world. And, so... our world became a place to experience the terrible loss of loved ones as one awaits one’s own demise. A world in which ALL we saw and ALL we could imagine was ALL-GOOD... became the world we now see.

Can we ever get it back?

Jesus says we can. For, with God ALL things are possible.

Easier for a non-Christian to “get it back” than for a Christian. A Christian has to be deprogrammed first, in order to get Religion out of his or her way — in order to be born again.

Deprogrammed from what?

It is you guys who are saying it. Listen to yourselves:

L3astAmOngManyB13ss3d: “Too much emphasis is placed on darkness and the enemy rather than God & his goodness & love.”

Face2face: “There is no good thing in human nature...nothing worth saving!”

Gather around children. We have an intellectual speaker who has come ALL the way from Capernaum to speak to us. Now I know, you may think that being alive in this world is GOOD. You may think that this world was created by God, because He found it so very GOOD to do create it. And, you may think HE found it especially very GOOD to bring YOU into this world. But, you are ALL wrong! Wickedly-wrong! Dead-wrong! I would like to introduce to you, ScottA. He will tell you why we are ALL here… and exactly why God created this cesspool of a world.

ScottA steps up to the microphone: “This life, this world, was created that ‘the man of sin should be revealed’.”

ALL the children look back and forth at each other, with puzzled looks on their faces.

L3astAmOngManyB13ss3d says: “We must preserve that trusting innocent spirit within our younger members and teach them all about God's love and his tenderness to mankind to fill them up with HIS GOODNESS.”

The older “members” (hello) need this more than the youngest members among us!

Before we can even begin to truly accept what’s been done for us on the cross, WE must REGAIN that “trusting innocent spirit” FOR OURSELVES… as grown adults.

These days, it takes a very trusting spirit (in our generation) to simply take a FREE gift.

Why is it FREE?
What’s wrong with it?
There’s nothing FREE in this world.
If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is…

As infected adults, we have to clear the floor… just a little bit… before we can even begin to TRULY ACCEPT what’s been done for us on the cross. As dogmatized Christians? Oh, boy. We need a lot of help. We have found a GOOD helper in here to help us to BEGIN to get well. (Thanks Victory)

When you DO truly accept what’s been done for us on the cross, then (and only then) can you fully experience EXACTLY what Jesus means by becoming, “born again.”

Becoming exactly like that little baby Jesus was holding when he said it. “Unless you digress and become like this little child, you cannot get the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Victory, we’re making progress in here. Thank you for not running out on us!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
To God Be The Glory[/QUOTE]

I’m still working on answering your previous post (the BIG one that you posted prior to the one that started this little exchange). My answer is coming along — I’ll have it done for you soon. But, I just had to pop in here, briefly. Because this is such a positive and helpful exchange (compared to ALL of the “knocking-head" points, which we are still banging AWAY at, in here).

Now, ALL of a sudden, L3astAmOngManyB13ss3d is speaking the Truth again. What a “miracle.” As opposed to lining up and banging heads... with me.

Victory, you are the cause of this.

Out of the box in which the lady lives (lol, come on, cheesy, you said you liked that title) comes: “Children are… more knowledgeable than we think.”

Guess why? Because they come from a place that is ALL GOOD.

That IS our Factory Setting: “IT’S ALL GOOD.”

I am going to repost what I posted earlier. Some of us in here were totally deaf when I first posted this. Perhaps we can LISTEN to it now, in the context of these latest postings. (Perhaps not. Perhaps it will still take more head-banging. I haven't got a concussion... yet)...

This is exactly the point Jesus is illustrating — specifically — by putting a little child on his knee and telling us to BECOME like this little child.

It is not difficult to imagine having no knowledge of “right” and “wrong” because ALL of us are born into the world in that condition and remain so as little children until we become infected with The Knowledge of “right” and “wrong.” At that point — exactly at that point — our innocence is truly gone.

This is the God’s-honest Truth. Somewhere between being a FREE, pure, PERFECTLY GOOD little child and becoming what you are now, you took on a yoke. Rarely does it happen before turning one. Usually, between one and two. Likely, no later than three or four. At some point, you gained your first knowledge of Good & Evil... and then, immediately, your knowledge of Good & Evil mutated into super-drive, like a cancerous brain virus.

You gained IT from everyone. What started in Adam and Eve (from one juicy bite) you gained the super-toxic, exponentially-multiplied variant of IT — from ALL. You gained IT from mom and dad, siblings, grandparents, friends, neighbors and teachers. You gained IT from books, plays, movies, TV and you certainly gained IT from the Internet. You gained IT from the entire world around you. And, when you were finally introduced to Organized Religion, your knowledge of Good & Evil became not only “God-endorsed” but ratified and put to freaking music.

Hand in hand with gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil, you bought into the concept of imperfection. And... then... you contracted the full-blown disease. You became irreversibly psychologically ill (irreversible outside of a “miracle”).

Prognosis: Terminal. You bought into and accepted the concept of “SIN” — the concept of right... & “WRONG.” You bought into this corrupting concept of the mind and (along with applying this concept to everything) you had no choice but to apply IT to yourself.

Let us clearly identify the fatal problem. Deprecation of self. It is a human problem beyond pandemic. IT is practically universal. IT is humanity’s problem. And, so (quite likely) IT is your problem. Your self-destroying self-diagnosis of self. A falsehood you came to truly accept, 100%, with no ifs, ands or buts.

Here is a tragic symptom of the deadly disease: There is both Good & Evil in humans — in ALL people. Yes, I have come to truly accept this as “Truth.” This means that SOME portion of WHAT I AM... is evil.

Brain cancer. More powerful than an atomic bomb.

Is Knowledge itself Really that powerful? Almost a dumb question (being what we know in our day and age) but, yes. Knowledge and the way we think is Really that powerful.

Only GOOD can come from the universal mindset of IT’S-ALL-GOOD.

BUT... uh-oh. We opened the door to a fatally destructive quest. Under the mindset of Good & Evil, we cannot help but ask the tragic question. What is “Evil”? (And, so, we imagined what IT is.) We no longer have to imagine IT. We have livid examples of IT ALL around us. We are ALL... taught... to think this way. Adam and Eve are the first “we.” (Victory, at your request, we could go into much more detail about Adam & Eve and then Cain & Able. This would give us GREAT INSIGHT as to what has actually happened to humanity... and how this very REAL unreal PANDEMIC got started.) Upon gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil, we changed our entire way of thinking. Upon changing our entire way of thinking, we changed our world.

God’s “very GOOD” created world became... convoluted. Complicated, to say the least.

A world once ALL healthy and pleasurable became a world that knew both healthiness & sickness, both pleasure & suffering beyond reason. A world once ALL caring and loving became a world that knew both care & murder, both love & cruelty. A world once ALL satisfied and well to do became a world that knew both satisfaction & hunger, both great wealth & utter poverty. A world, once ALL-FREE, became the world that knows both FREEDOM and slavery, Master and Slave, boss and underling — ruler and the ruled.

The human world is exactly as it began: a solidly-physical, conscious Reality. A solidly-physical, conscious Reality in which ALL people (ALL two of us) could have FREELY chosen eternal Life. Instead, we chose that which was forbidden to us. In doing so, we brought Death into our world. And, so... our world became a place to experience the terrible loss of loved ones as one awaits one’s own demise. A world in which ALL we saw and ALL we could imagine was ALL-GOOD... became the world we now see.

Can we ever get it back?

Jesus says we can. For, with God ALL things are possible.

Easier for a non-Christian to “get it back” than for a Christian. A Christian has to be deprogrammed first, in order to get Religion out of his or her way — in order to be born again.

Deprogrammed from what?

It is you guys who are saying it. Listen to yourselves:

L3astAmOngManyB13ss3d: “Too much emphasis is placed on darkness and the enemy rather than God & his goodness & love.”

Face2face: “There is no good thing in human nature...nothing worth saving!”

Gather around children. We have an intellectual speaker who has come ALL the way from Capernaum to speak to us. Now I know, you may think that being alive in this world is GOOD. You may think that this world was created by God, because He found it so very GOOD to do create it. And, you may think HE found it especially very GOOD to bring YOU into this world. But, you are ALL wrong! Wickedly-wrong! Dead-wrong! I would like to introduce to you, ScottA. He will tell you why we are ALL here… and exactly why God created this cesspool of a world.

ScottA steps up to the microphone: “This life, this world, was created that ‘the man of sin should be revealed’.”

ALL the children look back and forth at each other, with puzzled looks on their faces.

L3astAmOngManyB13ss3d says: “We must preserve that trusting innocent spirit within our younger members and teach them all about God's love and his tenderness to mankind to fill them up with HIS GOODNESS.”

The older “members” (hello) need this more than the youngest members among us!

Before we can even begin to truly accept what’s been done for us on the cross, WE must REGAIN that “trusting innocent spirit” FOR OURSELVES… as grown adults.

These days, it takes a very trusting spirit (in our generation) to simply take a FREE gift.

Why is it FREE?
What’s wrong with it?
There’s nothing FREE in this world.
If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is…

As infected adults, we have to clear the floor… just a little bit… before we can even begin to TRULY ACCEPT what’s been done for us on the cross. As dogmatized Christians? Oh, boy. We need a lot of help. We have found a GOOD helper in here to help us to BEGIN to get well. (Thanks Victory)

When you DO truly accept what’s been done for us on the cross, then (and only then) can you fully experience EXACTLY what Jesus means by becoming, “born again.”

Becoming exactly like that little baby Jesus was holding when he said it. “Unless you digress and become like this little child, you cannot get the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Victory, we’re making progress in here. Thank you for not running out on us!

I always say the truth, nothing has changed, since I came here this year.
Either you're a lousy communicator or a rambler.

If you're speaking the truth, it is not coming across as solid, but I think YOU know exactly what you are doing.

I did NOT say I liked your name calling, but it is doable. The fairy tales/ horror story has got to be turned off however.

The only reason I try and tell you God's truth is bc of Victory and your confusing proselytizing with ____________!

You are on ignore BTW so this is a ONE off, like a one- night sit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
You are on ignore BTW so this is a ONE off, like a one- night sit.
I agree with you that @The Third One has a gift of "gab." He says many things without really saying any truths, and without any Scriptures to back up what he says (all opinions), for he speaks of this world's wisdom.

He sounds to be lacking in the things of God and who better to tell him than a child of God.

Myself have never put anyone in the "ignore list" as it only defeats my purpose. Consider what Peter conveyed in 1 Peter 3:15-17 which reads:
15) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is you with meekness and fear:
16) Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evil doers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation (conduct) with Christ.
17) For it is better, if the will of God be so, that you suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

To God Be The Glory
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