Do all atheist deserve Hell?

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Do all atheist really deserve hell? what do you think?

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
“truth” is a word that i am hesitant to use now, personally
seems to kinda negate the other thing, too? dunno
“i deserved to go to hell, but now i know the truth, so i dont”
like that?

what i mean is, what if it isnt about “death, more abundantly” at all, but rather just whether one might be valued as worthless, and proverbially tossed into Gehenna, right now?
Being a sinner, deserving hell, doesn't make someone worthless. In fact, because we are all made in the image of God, the necessity of hell is all the more tragic and lamentable. We aren't worthless pieces of garbage; we are treasured, precious, irreplaceable and priceless. Jesus said, "blessed are those who mourn" and not only do we mourn for the grief we have caused one another. we deeply mourn for those who are lost.

Nonetheless, salvation begins with a simple truth: I am a sinner in need of salvation and I thank God almighty for his grace and mercy.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Being a sinner, deserving hell, doesn't make someone worthless. In fact, because we are all made in the image of God, the necessity of hell is all the more tragic and lamentable. We aren't worthless pieces of garbage; we are treasured, precious, irreplaceable and priceless. Jesus said, "blessed are those who mourn" and not only do we mourn for the grief we have caused one another. we deeply mourn for those who are lost.

Nonetheless, salvation begins with a simple truth: I am a sinner in need of salvation and I thank God almighty for his grace and mercy.
wadr i am not finding this “hell” in the Bible, anywhere? Tartarus (a Greek god) seems to be the closest analogy, and near as i can tell souls do not go there at all

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Hitler was nice as is Putin. as is anyone can be or come across as nice just like Joe Biden comes across as nice ? but do they have an agenda ? or are one truly possessed ?

But the Media especially can make anyone out to be nice even if they are outright bad as is Obama and Biden are totally Satanic in fact.

The Media can make even Jesus out to be bad and we see with the leadership of the Jews make Jesus out to be the bad one all the time, just like the Media make Trump out to be with outright lies and every trick in the book. It's warfare 24/7 with such as them, because they are trying to mislead the people and not to mention clearly working so as to dominate over all. They can not be open on every subject for it will expose them for what they truly are. So if Trump has an issue and is making a claim on any topic, why do they shut such down ? For if they had nothing to hide they would gladly follow up what a President claims as he was robbed, the election was stolen from him and clearly Biden said that he would steal the Election and he did set it up.
Now if the Media heard Trump say things that Biden has said, they would of never let it go !
If Trump said even to one person, could we steal the election ? the MSM would be all over such, not to mention if Trump said like Biden such a thing he would be impeached directly in fact !
You name it Biden is mister Teflon nothing sticks to that clown, because he is the medias man, they work to hide everything in fact, totally one sided

People believed that their local Priest was a nice dude as well, but he was molesting their children ! Such was all hidden for 40years etc by who, The Media in fact ! Is the Media Nice ? well just watch at how they play that game ?

Ever bought a car from a used car salesman, Nice dude clearly ! until ?

If any one comes across as really nice I think they have an agenda or something is not right with them.

Does Trump come across as nice ? I don't think that he is any ones fool nor does he suffer fools. and fool don't like Trump ! because he is no easy walk over. Not to mention the greatest President the USA has ever had by far and clearly the brightest.

Trump the “ brightest? “.... wow. Talk about drinking the Kool- Aid! Lol....Well, at least we know that Orange Hitler knows his Bible! He’s an absolute authority on the Book Of “ Two Corinthians”......He’s no more a “ Christian” than Fidel Castro was .....Trump has said on the record that he NEVER has asked for Forgiveness because he has never done anything that required asking for it.....that comes from the guy that has cheated on every one of his wives and has to give in to blackmail from porn stars that he has sex with....his traitorous thugs that tried to overthrow our democracy was going to hang his ever- loyal lap dog, Pence and Trump was cool with it.....and you say, “ Yeah, that’s my Man!”......Trump should be should you....
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Trump the “ brightest? “.... wow. Talk about drinking the Kool- Aid! Lol....Well, at least we know that Orange Hitler knows his Bible! He’s an absolute authority on the Book Of “ Two Corinthians”......He’s no more a “ Christian” than Fidel Castro was .....Trump has said on the record that he NEVER has asked for Forgiveness because he has never done anything that required asking for it.....that comes from the guy that has cheated on every one of his wives and has to give in to blackmail from porn stars that he has sex with....his traitorous thugs that tried to overthrow our democracy was going to hang his ever- loyal lap dog, Pence and Trump was cool with it.....and you say, “ Yeah, that’s my Man!”......Trump should be should you....
neither trump or biden knows CHRIST . They lost and we ought to pray they come to the saving knowledge of CHRIST
before its too late .
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Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Being a sinner, deserving hell, doesn't make someone worthless. In fact, because we are all made in the image of God, the necessity of hell is all the more tragic and lamentable. We aren't worthless pieces of garbage; we are treasured, precious, irreplaceable and priceless. Jesus said, "blessed are those who mourn" and not only do we mourn for the grief we have caused one another. we deeply mourn for those who are lost.

Nonetheless, salvation begins with a simple truth: I am a sinner in need of salvation and I thank God almighty for his grace and mercy.

I get your point, and I believe that there is “ good and bad” in everyone..... Hitler was kinder to his maids, drivers, etc than Churchill ever was.....Hitler was also kind to his pet German Shepard also , by most reports.....

Nevertheless , Jesus referred to Unsaved Gentiles as “ Dogs” and self- Righteous Religionists as “Snakes and Vipers” so we got that too.....

I certainly agree with you that all people , “ good” or “ bad”, as we humans measure these things, MUST see that they are Sinners in need of a Savior....the most Moral men in the world unfortunately will not “ make the grade” when it comes to making it to must be 100% Perfect to obtain Eternal Life......the Only way to get that “ Perfection “ is to have it IMPUTED to gets that by Believing the Gospel can find that in 1Cor15:1-4.......Believe that to the point of Resting in it and you are” good to go” , as they say....

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
A quick question not meant to be discouraging.
We know that the world contains people who, in the course of life, never see or touch a book. And they never hear the gospel message. What is to become of them?
If I may comment on this....?
For those who never hear the word or have knowledge of the true God or the scriptures, Romans 2:14-16 applies....

“For when people of the nations, who do not have law, do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused. 16 This will take place in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news I declare.”

This is God searching hearts. But these ones are genuinely ignorant by circumstance, not by choice. Their right heart condition is what will save them...

For the majority of humankind however, those who genuinely seek God, will not be ignoring the evidence for his existence, nor will they be ignoring the gospel message because they will be moved to search for the truth. Who or what moves them?

John 6:44, 65....Jesus said....
“No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. . . . .“This is why I have said to you, no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.”

So it is God who reads hearts and makes approach to him through his son, possible......but that also means that the opposite is true. If God is not “drawing” a person, it means that he does not find in them the qualities that would gain them entry. His chosen people were a prime example of all the qualities he detests.
They could not keep their covenants.....they broke their promises....refused to follow his instructions.....thought more of themselves and what they wanted, rather than what God wanted or how it affected their neighbors.

We are not the best judges of ourselves. When Jesus comes as the judge of all of us, he will reject “many” who claim him as their “Lord”......but they are completely unaware that he has never recognised them as his own in the first place. (Matt 7:21-23) That alone should give us pause to reflect on what it means to BE a Christian. We can call ourselves whatever we like, but only God knows where our heart is.

So, it’s really not all about us, because God is searching for us, as much as we think we are searching for him....
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Trump the “ brightest? “.... wow. Talk about drinking the Kool- Aid! Lol....Well, at least we know that Orange Hitler knows his Bible! He’s an absolute authority on the Book Of “ Two Corinthians”......He’s no more a “ Christian” than Fidel Castro was .....Trump has said on the record that he NEVER has asked for Forgiveness because he has never done anything that required asking for it.....that comes from the guy that has cheated on every one of his wives and has to give in to blackmail from porn stars that he has sex with....his traitorous thugs that tried to overthrow our democracy was going to hang his ever- loyal lap dog, Pence and Trump was cool with it.....and you say, “ Yeah, that’s my Man!”......Trump should be should you....
Trump and Hitler ? you now that Trump would never of got along with Hitler ! for starters Trump is not a Socialist in fact ! and if one bothered to listen to what Trump is truly on about, one would know that he is all about what made the USA Great ! He is he USA what it once was ! But Biden and such are trying to destroy the USA in fact and create a Communist hell hole full of total dimwits and low life's scum bag low life bludgers thief's, That's what Biden stands for totally !
Biden is the biggest criminal thief leadership of the USA ever, he is of Satan ! Just look at his works, it's all anti-Christ !

Look at Trump, he is a good looking rooster ? with great wealth and charm and the women all love him ? Sure some turned on him but that's the nature of dealing with such Snakes ? in that line of business.

Trump is good for the USA ! and that's a fact !

Biden is undermining the Nation on every level one can think of and kicks off a War and says demanding Escalate escalate escalate ! He caused the War ! a stupid War, not to mention one that has the ability to wipe out the USA totally, Biden is a 5yo brat brain dead total fool ! a Total Moron ! This is not the 1960's ! with backward 3rd rate rubbish weak Nuclear weapons that they had back then ! Is it worth this insanity that Biden peddles about another Nation Ukraine who is enemy number one regarding the USA ! Fact is that Ukraine people have totally despised the USA ?
Show me where the Ukraine people have ever loved the USA ? Never ! that's a fact ! No wonder Biden is having them Ukrainian people slaughtered with such glee ! he must be so proud of himself ! Oh no Nazis are in Ukraine :contemplate: :kiaora:The MSM ? who are they truly ? The same type that controlled Nazi Germany any one ? all totally so one sided and fantastic at duping the majority just the same.

The Satanist claim such total nonsense about that Trump tried to bring about any such thing that lead to that day at all in fact. It's an out right lie ! whipped up by total morons. not to mention who was it that created that, so as too take place, the old drunken drugged up Speaker Nancy ! What drugs is she on ! She is always off her face, dribbling Bat crazy loony ! total fool.

If Trump was wanting and going to get his side too do such a job, I am sure he would not muck about with doing something so stupid as what happened, Many USA City's coped munch more from total idiots that were backed by Soros etc to cause so much destruction for years, burning down looting running amok, supporting Killing Police etc etc all by the Socialist Satanist morons.

Nancy egged it all on and had her Mob within whip up creating the attack on the building. They instigated it ! Not to mention many just walked in and out saying next time their rights were violated by such a Satanic Mob, they would then come back and be just like the Mobs who went all out in many USA City's.

Look at Trump speak, he knows what he is on about, he does not read off an idiot card.
The MSM only attack Trump 24/7 but the SMS with Biden have to help carry the moron about babying him 24/7 It's True !

If Trump was as Biden does the MSM would be calling for impeachment so many times.
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Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Trump and Hitler ? you now that Trump would never of got along with Hitler ! for starters Trump is not a Socialist in fact ! and if one bothered to listen to what Trump is truly on about, one would know that he is all about what made the USA Great ! He is he USA what it once was ! But Biden and such are trying to destroy the USA in fact and create a Communist hell hole full of total dimwits and low life's scum bag low life bludgers thief's, That's what Biden stands for totally !
Biden is the biggest criminal thief leadership of the USA ever, he is of Satan ! Just look at his works, it's all anti-Christ !

Look at Trump, he is a good looking rooster ? with great wealth and charm and the women all love him ? Sure some turned on him but that's the nature of dealing with such Snakes ? in that line of business.

Trump is good for the USA ! and that's a fact !

Biden is undermining the Nation on every level one can think of and kicks off a War and says demanding Escalate escalate escalate ! He caused the War ! a stupid War, not to mention one that has the ability to wipe out the USA totally, Biden is a 5yo brat brain dead total fool ! a Total Moron ! This is not the 1960's ! with backward 3rd rate rubbish weak Nuclear weapons that they had back then ! Is it worth this insanity that Biden peddles about another Nation Ukraine who is enemy number one regarding the USA ! Fact is that Ukraine people have totally despised the USA ?
Show me where the Ukraine people have ever loved the USA ? Never ! that's a fact ! No wonder Biden is having them Ukrainian people slaughtered with such glee ! he must be so proud of himself ! Oh no Nazis are in Ukraine :contemplate: :kiaora:The MSM ? who are they truly ? The same type that controlled Nazi Germany any one ? all totally so one sided and fantastic at duping the majority just the same.

The Satanist claim such total nonsense about that Trump tried to bring about any such thing that lead to that day at all in fact. It's an out right lie ! whipped up by total morons. not to mention who was it that created that, so as too take place, the old drunken drugged up Speaker Nancy ! What drugs is she on ! She is always off her face, dribbling Bat crazy loony ! total fool.

If Trump was wanting and going to get his side too do such a job, I am sure he would not muck about with doing something so stupid as what happened, Many USA City's coped munch more from total idiots that were backed by Soros etc to cause so much destruction for years, burning down looting running amok, supporting Killing Police etc etc all by the Socialist Satanist morons.

Nancy egged it all on and had her Mob within whip up creating the attack on the building. They instigated it ! Not to mention many just walked in and out saying next time their rights were violated by such a Satanic Mob, they would then come back and be just like the Mobs who went all out in many USA City's.

Look at Trump speak, he knows what he is on about, he does not read off an idiot card.
The MSM only attack Trump 24/7 but the SMS with Biden have to help carry the moron about babying him 24/7 It's True !

If Trump was as Biden does the MSM would be calling for impeachment so many times.
Don’t automatically assume that I am soft- headed , brainless liberal that supports Biden simply because I have the sense to see that Trump is a disgusting man and a pig-ignorant politician.....

I am an Independent that favors many things that the decent Republicans Believe and fight for.....but it’s like the sign said that was seen in a lady’s yard—- “ I might be Republican , but I ain’t Stupid”..... if you really believe that Trump won the election , and if you truly believe that the riot that was perpetrated by the unpatriotic , Anti -Democracy and Gullible Goons Of Trump’s “ SAP BRIGADE” was just “ normal political discourse” you are a Stupid man.....
Trump is just a Con - Man, and an extremely Transparent one at that....if you did not catch on to the fact that he was a Con-Man year’s ago, YOU, my gullible friend, are the one that got “ Conned” —— you and your like- minded buddies were his “ mark” and nothing must be too painful for those of you that got duped to admit it.....unfortunately , the comedian got it right—- “ There’s no cure for Stupid”...... sad.....Covfefe .....
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
wadr i am not finding this “hell” in the Bible, anywhere? Tartarus (a Greek god) seems to be the closest analogy, and near as i can tell souls do not go there at all
The kind of “hell” believed by most religions, Christian and non-Christian, does not exist in the Bible.

Sheol and hades mean the common grave of mankind as opposed to an individual burial site.

Gehenna, like the lake of fire, is a symbol of complete destruction. Jesus said that body and soul are “destroyed in this place. (Matthew 10:28)
"Tartarus" is a condition of restraint placed on the wicked angels who sinned in Noah's day. (2 Peter 2:4)....its not any kind of "hell"
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
wadr i am not finding this “hell” in the Bible, anywhere? Tartarus (a Greek god) seems to be the closest analogy, and near as i can tell souls do not go there at all
The question in this thread is whether or not Atheists deserve hell. The question presupposes that hell exists and that people are placed there. If such a place did exist, the answer is we all deserve to be placed there.

In essence, it's a matter of what we deserve.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
I get your point, and I believe that there is “ good and bad” in everyone..... Hitler was kinder to his maids, drivers, etc than Churchill ever was.....Hitler was also kind to his pet German Shepard also , by most reports.....

Nevertheless , Jesus referred to Unsaved Gentiles as “ Dogs” and self- Righteous Religionists as “Snakes and Vipers” so we got that too.....

I certainly agree with you that all people , “ good” or “ bad”, as we humans measure these things, MUST see that they are Sinners in need of a Savior....the most Moral men in the world unfortunately will not “ make the grade” when it comes to making it to must be 100% Perfect to obtain Eternal Life......the Only way to get that “ Perfection “ is to have it IMPUTED to gets that by Believing the Gospel can find that in 1Cor15:1-4.......Believe that to the point of Resting in it and you are” good to go” , as they say....
Perfection is NOT a prerequisite to eternal life. Otherwise salvation is by perfection and not by grace. Rather, God is saving those with a unique "Inwardness", as expressed through acts of faith. As Paul says, we are saved By grace through faith.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
If I may comment on this....?
For those who never hear the word or have knowledge of the true God or the scriptures, Romans 2:14-16 applies....

“For when people of the nations, who do not have law, do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused. 16 This will take place in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news I declare.”

This is God searching hearts. But these ones are genuinely ignorant by circumstance, not by choice. Their right heart condition is what will save them...

For the majority of humankind however, those who genuinely seek God, will not be ignoring the evidence for his existence, nor will they be ignoring the gospel message because they will be moved to search for the truth. Who or what moves them?

John 6:44, 65....Jesus said....
“No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. . . . .“This is why I have said to you, no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.”

So it is God who reads hearts and makes approach to him through his son, possible......but that also means that the opposite is true. If God is not “drawing” a person, it means that he does not find in them the qualities that would gain them entry. His chosen people were a prime example of all the qualities he detests.
They could not keep their covenants.....they broke their promises....refused to follow his instructions.....thought more of themselves and what they wanted, rather than what God wanted or how it affected their neighbors.

We are not the best judges of ourselves. When Jesus comes as the judge of all of us, he will reject “many” who claim him as their “Lord”......but they are completely unaware that he has never recognised them as his own in the first place. (Matt 7:21-23) That alone should give us pause to reflect on what it means to BE a Christian. We can call ourselves whatever we like, but only God knows where our heart is.

So, it’s really not all about us, because God is searching for us, as much as we think we are searching for him....
Exactly. God judges the heart.

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Perfection is NOT a prerequisite to eternal life. Otherwise salvation is by perfection and not by grace. Rather, God is saving those with a unique "Inwardness", as expressed through acts of faith. As Paul says, we are saved By grace through faith.
It is “ Because” of God's Grace that the ONE that Demands Perfection is the same ONE that * GIVES” Perfection.....even though we were all once “ dead in trespasses and sin” and the “enemies of God”.... God Freely bestows us with an “ Imputed Perfection” That is neither earned or deserved....THAT is what Grace is all about.....God will give that Grace to anybody that sincerely asks for it.....the KEY to everything is seeing that you NEED it.....That was the purpose of the show that you can’t keep it and that you MUST have a Savior....” Turn to Me and I will Turn to you”..... yes, it’s that simple...


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
It is “ Because” of God's Grace that the ONE that Demands Perfection is the same ONE that * GIVES” Perfection.....even though we were all once “ dead in trespasses and sin” and the “enemies of God”.... God Freely bestows us with an “ Imputed Perfection” That is neither earned or deserved....THAT is what Grace is all about.....God will give that Grace to anybody that sincerely asks for it.....the KEY to everything is seeing that you NEED it.....That was the purpose of the show that you can’t keep it and that you MUST have a Savior....” Turn to Me and I will Turn to you”..... yes, it’s that simple...
That is not true. God does not impute perfection to us.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Don’t automatically assume that I am soft- headed , brainless liberal that supports Biden simply because I have the sense to see that Trump is a disgusting man and a pig-ignorant politician.....

I am an Independent that favors many things that the decent Republicans Believe and fight for.....but it’s like the sign said that was seen in a lady’s yard—- “ I might be Republican , but I ain’t Stupid”..... if you really believe that Trump won the election , and if you truly believe that the riot that was perpetrated by the unpatriotic , Anti -Democracy and Gullible Goons Of Trump’s “ SAP BRIGADE” was just “ normal political discourse” you are a Stupid man.....
Trump is just a Con - Man, and an extremely Transparent one at that....if you did not catch on to the fact that he was a Con-Man year’s ago, YOU, my gullible friend, are the one that got “ Conned” —— you and your like- minded buddies were his “ mark” and nothing must be too painful for those of you that got duped to admit it.....unfortunately , the comedian got it right—- “ There’s no cure for Stupid”...... sad.....Covfefe .....
If Trump says the election was stolen that's it !
Now Trump pointed out points and all of what Trump has to say about any point should be investigated totally ! But Biden has brushed any investigation away because he will be caught out !
I believe that the Judges etc responsible for looking into such things are totally in fear for their lives under a Mafia man like Biden and crew !

Everything that Trump claims should be investigated totally !
Just the point that any election station would drive the inspection people out ! proves a cover up ! and all who peddled that should be shot for treason !
Not to mention covering up the windows so inspectors can not see in !
Such above violated the Voting = fraud ! That's Fraud in fact and one goes directly to jail for such in fact !
What is the USA, just as some backward 3rd world African State ? That can not even manage Votes truly at all ? not to mention such total lack of regard for such a process !

The USA is a laughing stock ! to every Nation that understands the reality, of such a lack of due regard regarding the Voting system in fact ! Even looking back regarding Communist Russia it may of had more integrity maybe ?

So the USA Voting integrity is a total disgrace in fact ! you can not have a Nazi type gorilla tactics like the USA showed no regard for in fact ! All such shows the MSM up to be a total Whore ! not to mention that the majority of people are so pathetic that they follow the MSM ! Just like it was done in Nazi Germany ! the Media helped Hitler to power and it was the same with Communist Russia in fact, all peddled by the Media in fact !

We had fail safe things put in place after WW2 for such media grubs, but they worked away over the years and got rid of such Laws and now we only have a handful of such people who control the Majority of the Media. controlled by people who are way too wealthy and live in another world full of sick Freemasons and other secret society's, not to mention some of the most wealthy people in the world can say things like reducing the worlds population ? even wiping out 80% and get no come back ! not even questioned about such in the slightest ! Not to mention the majority must be that pathetic in fact ! Truly pathetic out standing pathetic, moronic stupid in fact ! to let such slide as a nothing issue ?
Was the creation of killing the 6 million Jews a non issue back in the days ? the Zionist newspapers printed years in advance regarding 6 million Jews would be killed ! that's before the event in fact.

When such powerful people make such claims The world goes to sleep in fact ! But how many people call such people out on such claims !

When such people like Joe Biden says he is going to steal the election ! why would he say such ? He was giving them the back up to go do such in fact !

Why would a person persons drive the people who inspect the vote counting out of the voting stations and not only that go and cover up the windows ! and it does not even end with that but outright falsification games play as well in fact.

If you want to be serious about fraud and people being bought or live in fear like people who are in the Justice system, who just turned a blind eye too it all !

Every point that Trump made should be totally gone over with a fine tooth comb regardless of what anyone says or claims, because he was the President of the USA and not some backwater 2 bit dumping ground.

You and such people are trying to hide what Trump says in fact ! What has happened is like as if a Communist Nation can just come in the front door in fact and set forth in power easy as pie.

History proves such came to power within Germany and every Communist Nation, they were duped !


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Don’t automatically assume that I am soft- headed , brainless liberal that supports Biden simply because I have the sense to see that Trump is a disgusting man and a pig-ignorant politician.....

I am an Independent that favors many things that the decent Republicans Believe and fight for.....but it’s like the sign said that was seen in a lady’s yard—- “ I might be Republican , but I ain’t Stupid”..... if you really believe that Trump won the election , and if you truly believe that the riot that was perpetrated by the unpatriotic , Anti -Democracy and Gullible Goons Of Trump’s “ SAP BRIGADE” was just “ normal political discourse” you are a Stupid man.....
Trump is just a Con - Man, and an extremely Transparent one at that....if you did not catch on to the fact that he was a Con-Man year’s ago, YOU, my gullible friend, are the one that got “ Conned” —— you and your like- minded buddies were his “ mark” and nothing must be too painful for those of you that got duped to admit it.....unfortunately , the comedian got it right—- “ There’s no cure for Stupid”...... sad.....Covfefe .....
I wonder if you have formed your opinion based on what you see on TV? If so, you were gravely misinformed.

And as for the "so-called" riot at the Capital. Well, you were misinformed about that also.
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