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Do you believe someone can be Christian and support / defend aborting millions of unborn babies?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • No

    Votes: 25 89.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I have never resisted answering questions, although many won't like my answers because they are based upon Scripture, rather than some demonic political cult.
You still didn't answer! Don't ask questions if you can't answer questions! Defending babies is a "demonic political cult"? When you know Jesus you will be merciful not murderous!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
I believe that abortion is wrong but I also believe that a Christian should be able to accept that many non-Christian women believe it is okay.
As a Christian I think we should recognize that many people, Christian or not, make terrible decisions but still deserve dignity.
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Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
You still didn't answer! Don't ask questions if you can't answer questions! Defending babies is a "demonic political cult"? When you know Jesus you will be merciful not murderous!
We were not discussing babies. Taking the life of a baby, a living being is murder; but disposing of a fetus, a non-living being isn't an issue any more than having a poop!
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Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
Who declared you an expert on fetuses and babies? You know ZERO about babies. You keep evading my simple question. Why are you OBSESSED with killing babies?
I am only obsessed with the TRUTH of Scripture, and demonic anti-God cults like you worship, dedicated to proving that Scripture is a LIE, but your demonic cult has the truth!! That's the only thing that you have managed to prove so far, that you are a servant of Satan and his anti-Scriptural lies.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
We were not discussing babies. Taking the life of a baby, a living being is murder; but disposing of a fetus, a non-living being isn't an issue any more than having a poop!
Now you're comparing babies to "poop". I'm sure Joe Biden, Kamala, Pelosi, and the rest of the America hating Dems would agree with you.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I am only obsessed with the TRUTH of Scripture, and demonic anti-God cults like you worship, dedicated to proving that Scripture is a LIE, but your demonic cult has the truth!! That's the only thing that you have managed to prove so far, that you are a servant of Satan and his anti-Scriptural lies.
I love babies. If that makes me "a servant of Satan" then so be it. You know ZERO about babies!


Active Member
Oct 28, 2022
United States
The Adventist and Pioneer views:

"Few are aware of the fearful extent to which this nefarious business, this worse than develish practice, is carried on in all classes of society! Many a woman determines that she will not become a mother, and subjects herself to the vilest treatment, committing the basest crime to carry out her purpose. And many a man, who has 'as many children as he can support.' instead of restraining his passions, aids in the destruction of the babes he has begotten. {1870 JW, SOAP 100.2}​
"The sin lies at the door of both parents in equal measure; for the father, although he may not always aid in the murder, is always accessory to it, in that he induces, and sometimes even forces upon the mother the condition which he knows will lead to the commission of this crime. {1870 JW, SOAP 100.3}​
"But the effort to destroy the child is [101] many times unsuccessful, and the little one is born with murder in his heart, stamped there by the murderous intentions of his own mother. And what wonder that these inborn passions should lead him to the lowest depths of degradation both as regards the body and the soul! Many a child lives to mature years, dwarfed and deformed in body, and irritable and imbecile in mind, a disgrace to himself and to the race, who might have been a model of beauty and strength, both physically and mentally, but for the attempts of his parents to destroy his life before he was born. {1870 JW, SOAP 100.4}​
"And besides all this, the consequences of such a practice are most disastrous both upon the physical and moral nature of those whose souls are stained with this terrible sin. The general health of the mother is often ruined, and the generative organs seriously injured. No system can endure the shock produced by this unnatural crime without being more or less impaired, while many a woman meets death as a penalty for her sin; others live, but are never again in a condition to conceive, and often suffer constantly in consequence of their fiendish endeavors; while others still are enabled to bear children, but with such anguish as no tongue may tell, and the child thus born is frequently a curse to himself and all with whom he is connected." {1870 JW, SOAP 101.1} ..." - James Springer White (Husband to Ellen G. White, and prominent leader of Seventh-day Adventist Movement), A Solemn Appeal, pages 100.2-101.1​


"... SPIRITUALISM is the worst form of infidelity, because of its wonder-working, and snake-like charming propensities. We present in this article a few extracts, 1 showing from the writings of spirits and Spiritualists that the tendency of Spiritualism is ungodly and corrupting; that it leads to adultery, fornication, desertions, unjust divorces, prostitution, abortion, insanity, and suicide. {March 25, 1862 JWe, ARSH 131.9} ..." - James Springer White (Husband to Ellen G. White, and prominent leader of Seventh-day Adventist Movement), Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, March 25, 1862, page 131.9​


"Question 3.—Did Demosthenes, Aristotle, Socrates, and many other Greek philosophers teach morality? And if not did they teach immorality? {May 21, 1891 ATJ, AMS 162.6}​
Answer.—They taught what they called morality, but they taught and practiced what was really immorality. Solon and Zeno both practiced what was really immorality. The Greek worship of Venus like that of its Babylonian and Roman counterpart was but open prostitution. The celebration of the mysteries, which was the supreme rite of Greek worship, was but the practice of things unfit to be named, and of which the Scripture has well spoken that "it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret." Plato taught both the expediency and the lawfulness of exposing children to die in particular cases, and Aristotle counselled abortion. Both at Sparta and at Athens the exposure to die, or even the killing of infants, who were weak and imperfect in form, was practiced. Customary swearing was commended by the example of Socrates and Plato. Aristippus maintained that it is lawful for a wise man to steal, to commit adultery, and sacrilege when opportunity offered. Menander taught that a lie is better than a hurtful truth. Plato taught that "he may lie, who knows how to do it in a suitable time." And Socrates practiced such lewdness as is not fit to be named. {May 21, 1891 ATJ, AMS 162.7}​
So far indeed were the Greek philosophers from teaching morality that they both taught and practiced what would not be allowed in the category of common civility in our day. In short, if the Greek philosophers could be set down in the United States to-day and should attempt to practice here what they both taught and practiced in Greece, and counted it morality too, the whole gang of them would be in the penitentiary inside of a week, and that would be the place for them too. Because American civilization, to say nothing at all of morality, would not countenance it for a day. {May 21, 1891 ATJ, AMS 162.8} ..." - Alonzo Trevier Jones, The American Sentinel Articles, May 21, 1891, pages 162.6 – 162.8​


"... On the contrary, the philosophers countenanced, both by arguments and example, the most flagitious practices. Thus theft, as is well known, was permitted in Egypt and in Sparta; Plato taught the expediency and lawfulness of exposing children in particular cases; and Aristotle, also, of abortion. The exposure of infants, and the putting to death of children who were weak or imperfect in form, was allowed at Sparta by Lycurgus; at Athens, the great seat and nursery of philosophers, the women were treated and disposed of as slaves, and it was enacted that 'infants, which appeared to be maimed, should either be killed or exposed;' and [15] that 'the Athenians might lawfully invade and enslave any people, who, in their opinion, were fit to be made slaves.' The infamous traffic in human blood was permitted to its utmost extent; and, on certain occasions, the owners of slaves had full permission to kill them. ...{1888 EJW, FACC 14.1}" - Ellet Joseph Waggoner; Fathers of the Catholic Church, Chapter 1, the Heathen World, page 14.1​


"... "It would be unsavory to describe how far the worship of indecency was carried; how public morals were corrupted by the mimic representations of everything that was vile, and even by the pandering of a corrupt art. The personation of gods, oracles, divination, dreams, astrology, magic, necromancy, and theurgy, 1 all contributed to the general decay. It has been rightly said, that the idea of conscience, as we understand it, was unknown to heathenism. Absolute right did not exist. Might was right. The social relations exhibited, if possible, even deeper corruption. The sanctity of marriage had ceased. Female dissipation and the general dissoluteness led at last to an almost entire cessation of marriage. Abortion, and the exposure and murder of newly-born children, were common and tolerated; unnatural vices, which even the greatest philosophers practiced, if not advocated, attained proportions which defy description." {1888 EJW, FACC 25.1} ..." - Ellet Joseph Waggoner; Fathers of the Catholic Church, Chapter 1, the Heathen World, page 25.1​


“... It would be unsavoury to describe how far the worship of indecency was carried; how public morals were corrupted by the mimic representations of everything that was vile, and even by the pandering of a corrupt art. The personation of gods, oracles, divination, dreams, astrology, magic, necromancy, and theurgy, 4 all contributed to the general decay. It has been rightly said, that the idea of conscience, as we understand it, was unknown to heathenism. Absolute right did not exist. Might was right. The social relations exhibited, if possible, even deeper corruption. The sanctity of marriage had ceased. Female dissipation and the general dissoluteness led at last to an almost entire cessation of marriage. Abortion, and the exposure and murder of newly-born children, were common and tolerated; unnatural vices, which even the greatest philosophers practised, if not advocated, attained proportions which defy description. ...” - Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, Book II (Bethlehem to the Baptism in Jordan), Chapter 11 (In the Fifteenth Year of Tiberius Caesar).​

Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
Fetuses aren't alive? Where did you get that idea?
A fetus is an appendage, part of the mother's body. It does not become a LIVING BEING until it has exited the womb, the umbilical cord is severed, and it takes its first Breath of Life, coming from God. It is then that is becomes a 'viable' living being, able to survive on its own.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
A fetus is an appendage, part of the mother's body. It does not become a LIVING BEING until it has exited the womb, the umbilical cord is severed, and it takes its first Breath of Life, coming from God. It is then that is becomes a 'viable' living being, able to survive on its own.
But it can't eat without being fed by the mother, so maybe a baby isn't actually alive until it's a year old, when it takes the first Chew of Life and becomes a viable living being.

Your idea of when a baby becomes "alive" is completely arbitrary.
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Oct 28, 2022
United States

“... The custom of obtaining absolution for sins having been gradually introduced into the Latin Church, the popes took almost exclusive possession of this lucrative branch of revenue. Leo X then ordered lists and catalogues of sins to be drawn up at Rome, designating the sum that was to be paid to obtain absolution for them. Therein we find also permissions and dispensations which concern either the laity or the ecclesiastics, and for the obtaining of which payment was to be made, as is also the custom in the present day in several cases. This ecclesiastical budget is entitled: "Taxes of the Apostolic Chancery," and "Taxes of the Holy Apostolic Penitentiary." This monstrous abuse, as pernicious to morality as to religion, was, for several centuries, set working on a large scale, and procured considerable revenues to the court of Rome. To satisfy the reader's curiosity, we give here an extract of a few of the articles which are found in this work: {1922, HBS 264.2}​
For a town to be entitled to coin money, 500 drachms (gros). {1922, HBS 264.3}​
Remission given to a rich man for the wealth which he has absconded with, 50d. {1922, HBS 264.4}​
For a poor man, 20d. {1922, HBS 264.5}​
For a layman not to be bound to observe fasts commanded by the church, and to eat cheese, 20d. {1922, HBS 264.6}​
For permission given to counts to eat meat and eggs on forbidden days, on account of their health, 12nd. . . . {1922, HBS 264.7}​
For exempting a layman from a vow thoughtlessly made, 12nd. . . . {1922, HBS 264.8}​
For enabling a king and queen to procure indulgences, as if they had been to Rome, 200d. {1922, HBS 264.9}​
For permission to have mass celebrated in a forbidden place, 10d. {1922, HBS 264.10}​
For absolution at the point of death, for one person, 14d. . . . {1922, HBS 264.11}​
For the absolution of any one practising usury in secret, 7d. {1922, HBS 264.12}​
For the absolution of any one who has been intimate with a woman in a church, and has done any other harm, 6d. . . . . {1922, HBS 264.13}​
For the absolution of him who has connu charnellement any female of his kindred, 5d. {1922, HBS 264.14}​
For the absolution of him who has violated a virgin, 6d. . . . {1922, HBS 264.15}​
For the absolution of perjury, 6d. {1922, HBS 264.16}​
For the absolution of any one who has revealed the confession of another person, 7d. . . . {1922, HBS 264.17}​
For permission to eat meat, butter, eggs, and whatever is made of milk, during Lent or other fast days, 7d. {1922, HBS 264.18}​
For the absolution of him who has killed his father, mother, brother, sister; wife, or any other of his lay relations, 5 or 6d. . . . {1922, HBS 265.1}​
For the absolution of a husband who, beating his wife, causes abortion, 6d. {1922, HBS 265.2}​
For a woman who takes any beverage or employs any other means to cause her child to perish, 5d. . . . {1922, HBS 265.3}​
For an absolution for spoilers, incendiaries, thieves, and homicidal laymen, 8d. {1922, HBS 265.4}​
It would be supererogatory to give further extracts from a book which contains more than eight hundred cases subject to the apostolic tax.—"History of Auricular Confession," Count C. P. de Lasteyrie, (2 vol. ed.) Vol. II, pp. 131-135. London: Richard Bentley, 1848. ...” - The Handbook for Bible Students, Containing Valuable Quotations Relating to the History, Doctrines, and Prophecies of the Scriptures; 1922; Review and Herald Publishing Association; WASHINGTON, D. C.; South Bend, Ind.; Peekskill, N. Y.; Copyright, 1922; Review and Herald Publishing Association; Washington, D. C., pages 264.2-265.4 - Handbook for Bible students : containing valuable quotations relating to the history, doctrines, and prophecies of the Scriptures : Review and Herald Publishing Association : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
See also The Source Book For Bible Students, 1919, (citing the same source as the Handbook for Bible Students - "History of Auricular Confession," Count C. P. de Lasteyrie, (2 vol. ed.) Vol. II, pp. 131-135. London: Richard Bentley, 1848. ...”) Containing Valuable Quotations Relating to the History, Doctrines, and Prophecies of the Scriptures; 1919; Review and Herald Publishing Association; WASHINGTON, D. C.; South Bend, Ind.; New York City; Copyright, 1919; Review and Herald Publishing Association Washington, D. C.; pages 238.2-239.4 - Source book for Bible students; containing valuable quotations relating to the history, doctrines, and prophecies of the Scriptures, 1919 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


The History of Auricular Confession, religiously, morally, and Politically considered among Ancient and Modern Nations. By Count C. P. De Lasteyrie. Translated under the Author's Especial Sanction by Charles Cocks, B.L., professor Brevete of the University of France. Translator of Michelet's "Priests, Women, and Families," &c. In Two Volumes. Volume II. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street; Publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty 1848. Chapman, Elcoate, and Company, 5, Shoe Lane, and Peterborough Court, Fleet Street.​
pages 132-135 (page 135 for abortion)​


TAXAE CANCELLARIAE APOSTOLICAE ET TAXAE SACRAE POENITENTIARIAE APOSTOLICAE. Dat is, SCHATTINGE VANDE Cancellarie en Penitentie-kamer vanden Paus van Romen, gecollationeert, gedruckt ende geautentizeert (p.131.) nae't exemplaer van LEO X. tot Romen anno 1514. PAPAL CREST (INSIGNIA LEONIS X., 's HERTOGEN-BOSCH, By Stephanus du Mont, Boeckvercooper. 1664) - Taxae cancellariae apostolicae et taxae sacrae poenitentiariae apostolicae. Dat is, Schattinge vande Cancellarie en Penitentiekamer vanden Paus van Romen, gecollationeert, gedruckt ende geautentizeert p. 131. nae't exemplaer van Leo 10. tot Romen anno 1514 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Taxae cancellarie apostolicae et taxae sancte poenitentiariae apostolicae (Romae, 15, 14)​
Abortiendi causa potum sumere (page [Latin] Index Rerum Et Verborum, Taxae Apostolicae, section "A", PDF 205) (page 103-104; PDF 126-127, see also [German] Bladt-Wyser, Over de Taxa Cancellariae, PDF 211)​
Absolutio a partu abortino (page 103-104; PDF 126-127)​
[Left hand column; Latin] Absolutio pro marito qui (103-104) uxorem suam percussit : de qua peperit abortivum, & ante tempus g. vi​
[Left hand column; Latin] et idem pro quolibet alio laico g. vi.​
[Left hand column; Latin] Absolutio pro muliere quae bibit aliquem potum, vel alium actum fecit per quem destruxit foetum in utero vivificatum g. v.​
[Left hand column; Latin] Nota quod si praemissa committens sit clericus aut prespyter vel foetum destruxerit in utero materno vivificatum: fiet sicut super homicidio laicali, & eadem est poena: de qua quidem poena supra mentio est habita​
[Left hand column] Dispensario cum insertione absolutionis pro presbytero saeculari praesente vel absente super homicidio laicali per Fiat de Speciali ad cautelam g. xvi. xvii. xviii. & quandoque xix.​


Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
I love babies. If that makes me "a servant of Satan" then so be it. You know ZERO about babies!
Trampling upon Scripture in favour of being Satan's servant is a personal choice.

Doesn't matter what you love. It only matters whether or not you hate God and His Scripture!


Active Member
Oct 28, 2022
United States
Historical Accounts, including the mention of the TAXAE CANCELLARIAE (Taxes of the Holy and Apostolic Chancery and Penitentiary)
"... TAX-FEE​
Pope Pius II., in an epistle to John Peregal, acknowledges that the Roman court gives nothing without money; it sells even the imposition of hands and the gifts of the Holy Ghost; now does it grant the remission of sins to any but the rich.​
Before him, St. Antonine, archbishop of Florence, had observed that in the time of Boniface IX., who died in 1404, the Roman court was so infamously stained with simony, that benefices were conferred, not so much on merit, as on those who brought a deal of money. He adds, that this pope filled the world with plenary indulgences; so that the small churches, on their festival days, obtained them at a low price.​
That pontiff's secretary, Theodoric de Nieur, does indeed inform us, that Boniface sent questors into different kingdoms, to sell indulgences to such as should offer them as much money as it would have cost them to make journey to Rome to fetch them; so that they remitted all sins, even without penance, to such as confessed, and granted them, for money, dispensations for irregularities of every sort; saying, that they had in that respect all the power which Christ had granted to Peter, of binding and unbinding on earth.​
And, what is still more singular, the price of every crime is fixed in a Latin work, printed at Rome by order of Leo X., and published on November 18, 1514, under the title of "Taxes of the Holy and Apostolic Chancery and Penitentiary."​
Among many other editions of this book, published in different countries, the Paris edition--quarto 1520, Toussaint Denis, Rue St. Jacques, at the wooden cross, near St. Yves, with the king's privelege, for three years--bears in the frontispiece the arms of France, and those of the house of Medici, to which Leo N. belonged. This must have deceived the author of the "Pictures of the Popes" (Tableau de Papes), who attributes the establishment of these taxes to Leo X., although Polydore Virgil, and Cardinal d'Ossat agree in fixing the period of the invention of the chancery tax about the year 1320, and the commencement of the penitentiary tax about sixteen years later, in the time of Benedict XII.​
To give some idea of these taxes, we will here copy a few articles from the chapter of absolutions: Absolution for one who has carnally known hi mother, his sister, etc., cost five drachmas. Absolution for one who has deflowered a virgin, six drachmas. Absolution for one who has revealed another's confession, seven drachmas. Absolution for one who has killed his father, his mother, etc., five drachmas. And so of other sins, as we shall shortly see; but, at the end of the book, the prices are estimated in ducats.​
A sort of letters too are here spoken of, called confessional, by which, at the approach of death, the pope permits a confessor to be chosen, who gives full pardon for every sin; these letters are granted only to princes, and not to them without great difficulty. These particulars will be found in page 32 of the Paris edition.​
The court of Rome was at length ashamed of this book, and suppressed it as far as it was able. it was even inserted in the expurgatory index of the Council of Trent, on the false supposition that heretics had corrupted it.​
It is true that Antoine Du Pinet, a French gentleman of Franche-Comte, had an abstract of it printed at Lyons in 1564, under this title: "Casual Perquisites of the Pope's Shop" (Taxes des Parties Casuelles de la Boutique du Pape), "taken from the [page to page] Decrees, Councils, and Canons, ancient and modern, in order to verify the discipline formerly observed in the Church; by A.D.P." But, although he does not inform us that his work is but an abridgment of the other, yet, far from corrupting his original, he on the contrary strikes out of it some odious passages, such as the following, beginning page 23, line 9 from the bottom, in the Paris edition: "And carefully observe, that these kinds of graces and dispensations are not granted to the poor, because, not having wherewith, they cannot be consoled."​
It is also true, that Du Pinet estimates these taxes in tournois, ducats, and carlins; but, as he observes (page 42) that the carlins and the drachmas are of the same value, the substituting for the tax of five, six or seven drachmas in the original, the like number of carlins, is not falsifying it. we have proof of this in the four articles already quoted from the original.​
Absolution--says Du Pinet--for one who has a carnal knowledge of his mother, his sister, or any of his kindred by birth or affinity, or his godmother, is taxed at five carlins. Absolution for one who deflowers a young woman, is taxed at six carlins. Absolution for one who reveals the confession of a penitent, is taxed at seven carlins. Absolution for one who has killed his father, his mother, his brother, his sister, his wife, or any of his kindred--they being of the laity--is taxed at five carlins; for if the deceased was an ecclesiastic, the homicide would be obliged to visit the sanctuary. We will here repeat a few others.​
Absolution--continues Du Pinet--for any act of fornication whatsoever, committed by a clerk, whether with a nun in the cloister or out of the cloister, or with any of his kinswomen, or with his spiritual daughter, or with any other woman whatsoever, costs thirty-six tournois, three ducats. Absolution for a priest who keeps a concubine, twenty-one tournois, five ducats, six carlins. Absolution of a layman for all sorts of sins of the flesh, is given at the tribunal of conscience for six tournois, two ducats.​
The absolution of a layman for the crime of adultery, given at the tribunal of conscience, costs four tournois; and if the adultery is accompanied by incest, six tournois must be paid per head. If, besides these crimes, is required the absolution of the sin against nature, or of beastiality, there must be paid ninety tournois, twelve ducats, six carlins; but if only the absolution of the crime against nature, or of beastiality, is required, it will cost only thirty-six tournois, nine ducats.​
A woman who has taken a beverage to procure an abortion, or the father who has caused her to take it, shall pay four tournois, one ducats, eight carlins; and if a stranger has given her the said beverage, he shall pay four tournois, one ducat, five carlins.​
A father, a mother, or any other relative, who has smothered a child, shall pay four tournois, one ducat, eight carlins; and if it has been killed by the husband and wife together, they shall pay six tournois, two ducats. ..." - Voltaire (Jesuit): 60+ Works in One Volume - Philosophical Writings, Novels, Historical Works, Poetry, Plays & Letters; Candide, A Philosophical Dictionary, A Treatise on Toleration, Plato's Dream, The Princess of Babylon, Zadig, The Huron, Socrates, The Sage and the Atheist, Dialogues, Oedipus, Caesar ... Published by Musaicum Books; Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting - [email protected] ; 2017 OK Publishing; ISBN 978-80-7583-598-7 - VOLTAIRE: 60+ Works in One Volume - Philosophical Writings, Novels, Historical Works, Poetry, Plays & Letters


"... And yet medieval biographies of multiple Irish Catholic saints, including beloved Brigid of Kildare, reverently record abortions among their miracles, and medieval Irish Catholic penitentialists, priestly authorities who prescribed penances for sins and were often celebrated as saints themselves, treated abortion as a relatively minor offence. ...
...Ciarán of Saigir, after he rescued a nun named Bruinnech who had been abducted by a local king. “When the man of God returned to the monastery with the girl, she confessed that she was pregnant. Then the man of God, led by the zeal of justice, not wishing the serpent’s seed to quicken, pressed down on her womb with the sign of the cross and forced her womb to be emptied.” Bruinnech’s feelings about her rape, pregnancy, or abortion are not addressed, apart from her “confession”. ...
... When another nun, pregnant after “fornicating secretly”, had Cainnech of Aghaboe bless her belly, “at once the baby (infans) in her womb vanished without a trace”. ..." - Saints once did abortions – it was a lesser sin than oral sex


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
A fetus is an appendage, part of the mother's body. It does not become a LIVING BEING until it has exited the womb, the umbilical cord is severed, and it takes its first Breath of Life, coming from God. It is then that is becomes a 'viable' living being, able to survive on its own.
Then what was that that was SQUIRMING inside my wife for months? There's something really wrong with you. Why are you obsessed with killing them???
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Now you're comparing babies to "poop". I'm sure Joe Biden, Kamala, Pelosi, and the rest of the America hating Dems would agree with you.


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a remark made yesterday by President Biden:

On January 30, when President Biden was walking on the White House lawn, he was asked a few questions by reporters. One of them asked about Catholic opposition to publicly funded abortions. “Catholic bishops are demanding that federal tax dollars not fund abortions.”
In an angry reply, Biden pointed his finger and said, “No, they are not all doing that, nor is the Pope doing that.”

Biden’s monumental ignorance of basic Catholic teachings on abortion is startling.
From the day abortion was legalized by the Supreme Court in 1973, right up to today, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has not only opposed abortion, it has resolutely opposed publicly funded abortions. There is not a single bishop that Biden can name who agrees with him on this subject.

Indeed, as recently as January 27, the USCCB’s Pro-Life Committee, chaired by Bishop Michael Burbridge, sent a letter to House and Senate leaders about this issue. Burbridge said that the “government should never fund the destruction of innocent preborn children.”
For Biden to misrepresent Pope Francis is even more appalling.

On September 15, 2021, Pope Francis was unequivocal on this issue. “Abortion is murder.” He rightly observed that Catholic teaching is consistent with science. “Scientifically, it’s a human life. The textbooks teach us that. But is it right to take it out to solve a problem? This is why the Church is so strict on this issue because accepting this is kind of like accepting daily murder.

On October 10, 2018, Pope Francis posed an interesting set of questions. “How can an action that ends an innocent and defenseless life in its blossoming stage be therapeutic, civilized or simply human? I ask you: Is it right to do away with a human life in order to solve a problem? Is it right to hire a hitman in order to solve a problem? One cannot. It is not right to do away with a human being, however small, in order to solve a problem. It is like hiring a hitman.”

Biden is either profoundly ignorant of Catholicism, or he is lying through his teeth. Either way, for a man who loves to wear his Catholicism on his sleeve, he is a public embarrassment to Catholics the world over. Never has there been a White House occupant who more consistently seeks to sabotage Roman Catholicism than Joe Biden.
Contact White House Secretary: [email protected]

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Oct 28, 2022
United States
From the day abortion was legalized by the Supreme Court in 1973
Interesting History that Supreme Court in 1973.

“... In 1973, as a result of the Supreme Court decisions, “Roe V. Wade” and “Doe v. Bolton” abortion became legal in the U.S. for all nine months of pregnancy for virtually any reason. The decision of Roe v. Wade was the direct result of two women attorneys from Texas, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee. ...​
... Attorneys Weddington and Coffee made known they were looking for a pregnant woman so they could test the legality of abortion in the courts. Through referrals they discovered Norma McCorvey who claimed to be pregnant as the result of a rape. She was unmarried, unemployed, and pregnant for the second time. Her mother had custody of the first child and her family was not supportive. Norma McCorvey became “Jane Roe”. Henry Wade was the District Attorney of Dallas County Texas where Roe lived. ...​
... On January 22, 1973, Justice Henry Blackman ruled on both the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton legalizing the right for women to get an abortion for virtually any reason through all nine months of pregnancy. This was done by defining “health” as almost any consideration inclusive of physical, emotional, psychological, or social. This is a simplified summary of complex legislation, but the law remains the same today and has resulted in approximately 1.3 million abortions each year in the U.S. This equates to roughly 48 million babies lost to abortion since 1973. ...” - Abortion History » Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse#​


Roe V Wade:

Warren Burger (appointed by Richard Nixon) [Presbyterian]​
William O. Douglas (appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt) [Presbyterian]​
Thurgood Marshall (appointed by Lyndon Johnson) [Episcopal]​
Lewis Powell (appointed by Richard Nixon) [Presbyterian]​
Potter Stewart (appointed by Dwight Eisenhower) [Episcopal]​
Harry Blackmun (appointed by Richard Nixon) [Methodist]​
William Joseph Brennan, Jr. (appointed by Dwight Eisenhower) [Catholic]​
Dissenting Opinion William Rehnquist (appointed by Ronald Reagan) [Lutheran (ELCA)]​
Dissenting Opinion Byron White (appointed by John F. Kennedy) [Episcopal]​

The Roman Catholic Canon Law, defines who the "innocent" are, in regards those who have the "right to life". It is really interesting reading to see how these terms are defined, and carried out in practice.

One of the 'Justices' of the Supreme Court, during the Roe v Wade, was a Roman Catholic, named, “William Joseph Brennan, Jr.”, who “... voted to legalize abortion.” - Was Roe Vs. Wade Decided By a Republican Court?

Warren Burger (appointed by Richard Nixon) [Presbyterian]​
William O. Douglas (appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt) [Presbyterian]​
Thurgood Marshall (appointed by Lyndon Johnson) [Episcopal]​
Lewis Powell (appointed by Richard Nixon) [Presbyterian]​
Potter Stewart (appointed by Dwight Eisenhower) [Episcopal]​
Harry Blackmun (appointed by Richard Nixon) [Methodist]​
William Joseph Brennan, Jr. (appointed by Dwight Eisenhower) [Catholic]
Dissenting Opinion William Rehnquist (appointed by Ronald Reagan) [Lutheran (ELCA)]​
Dissenting Opinion Byron White (appointed by John F. Kennedy) [Episcopal]​

'Justice' William Joseph Brennan, Jr. was not Latae Sententiae excommunicate for several reasons, according to Canon Law, when practicing Catholicism in a protestant country.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Trampling upon Scripture in favour of being Satan's servant is a personal choice.

Doesn't matter what you love. It only matters whether or not you hate God and His Scripture!
Let me guess, you're a Dem? Dems love accusing others of what Dems do all the time!
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Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
But it can't eat without being fed by the mother, so maybe a baby isn't actually alive until it's a year old, when it takes the first Chew of Life and becomes a viable living being.

Your idea of when a baby becomes "alive" is completely arbitrary.
No! For thousands of years Halakhic law, "The fetus is considered part of its mother’s body rather than an independent identity until birth."
As for your suggestion that a baby cannot live without food, that also applies to those who are 80 years old.

But the bottom line, is what Scripture has to say, that a fetus does not become a living being until God breathes into its nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE. Gen 2


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Abortion is murder.

It is not about choice. The unborn baby doesn't get one.

It is not healthcare. The abortion industry only cares about making a profit, not about what is safe and healthy for women.

Many women do not know that their abortions could lead to them not being able to have children later in life.

Abortion disproportionately affects minorities. The founder of planned parenthood, Margeret Sanger was a racist and saw abortion and birth control as a way to control the population of blacks.

It is not about men trying to control women's bodies. Women, and especially post-abortive women are some of the leaders of the pro-life movement.

At 10 weeks, I had my first ultrasound for my current pregnancy. The baby looked like a baby. He or she reacted to the ultrasound probe, wriggled and jumped. He or she had a fast heartbeat.

I have volunteered at a pro life pregnancy center for a year. The staff and volunteers are all women and our clients come from all over the world.

If anyone reading this has had an abortion in their past, I want you to know Jesus has healing and forgiveness for you.

But I will fight for the unborn as long as I live, until unborn babies are protected and safe in America.

Psalm 22:10

10 I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly.