How to Walk in Righteousness

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Acts 20:28 - Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. 31 Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Oh come now. Wrangler writes: so much of what Epi says is meaningless. Your reply? “Yeah, but….”
And then you do an “@ whistle.”
You just enjoy the fighting and attention. Excitement to you.
ooh, ooh, take a swing at ME brah! Do it, do it!

I stayed silent for a long time hoping you would stop.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Acts 20:28 - Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. 31 Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.
This has happened to you already. I'm trying to rescue you out of the clutches of those wolves. If you lived from your inner would see that I am speaking truth in the face of the prevalent lies.

But if you live from the ego...the self-love that is puffed up by vain promises to the vanity of the flesh...that will be revealed as lies soon enough...then you will think I'm the wolf...


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
You entertain logical fallacies. As in..If I misread the bible...that doesn't mean it contains the truth!
Many have pointed out how your MO is to twist and misrepresent what people say.

I never said the Bible does not contain truth. I’ve said you are a charlatan, a false prophet, a deceiver.

True to your deceptive form, you reply to such things others have written as you taking it as a compliment, it says more about me than you, I’m guilty of the same thing and all manner of deflection, etc.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Not that I think you’ve tried to follow the conversation or actually read much of it but it’s not new revelation. And an actual false teacher would be the one saying he is speaking falsity.

Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God,
“When I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,
But rather for hearing the words of the Lord.
Yeah and what he teaches is part of that famine . Cause it aint the new covenant of GOD at all .
TO him preaching JESUS is religious , what was that word again .
I just wonder how paul would have handled epi . You do remember what paul
did to elaymus for trying to lead the deputy away from the faith .
I didnt make epi false nor an enemy of the gospel . HE MADE HIMSELF such .
The church needs to be preaching JESUS , FAITH IN HIM and to do good and to abstain from evil .
But if one wont point to CHRIST then the rest is vain .
To him preaching the gospel IS GETTING in the way of this so called new revelation of his .
WHICH aint really his , it didnt start with Epi . The mystery of inquity began long , long ago .
ITS just BLOWN up huge in this last generation .
Folks need to stop listening to the world . Stop heeding folks like oprah , pope francis
and men who have crept in . Rather they should HEED CHRIST and learn the bible so as they could
grow wise unto salvation through FAITH IN CHRIST .
There certainly is a famine of the true words of GOD going on within many places , they too busy
preaching this false social all inclusive gospel which TRODS the dire need of CHRIST right under foot .
Its real simple really . Preach the dire necessity of CHRIST and all things HE did teach .
Dont just preach do some good and your fine in whatever religion and god you follow . CAUSE that IS A LIE .
ITS preach JESUS and good works . YES REMIND the church to abstain from evil , YES remind the church to do good .
BUT DONT KICK CHRIST OUT OF IT . That is HIS PROBLEM and he will surely pay on the day of CHRIST
if he dont cease and dissist from it .
The man called me a religious biggot for what , for PREACHING CHRIST .
I get accused of being self righteous . YET I DONT POINT TO SELF , I POINT TO CHRIST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS .
HE is lost . And you are doing much harm to him by supporting such things .
You both are in dire grave danger . Its you all that preach self rigtheousness . AS FOR ME I POINT TO CHRIST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS
and THEN I SAY and THEN I REMIND all TO DO GOOD , to LEARN CHRIST . you all got this all backwards .
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Oh come now. Wrangler writes: so much of what Epi says is meaningless. Your reply? “Yeah, but….”
And then you do an “@ whistle.”
You just enjoy the fighting and attention. Excitement to you.
ooh, ooh, take a swing at ME brah! Do it, do it!
Not everybody is ready to stand for the truth. There are many who watch these threads who never comment. Of course the ego-driven religious types are bold and brash making all kinds of silly accusations...just to see if any of them stick.

They have no idea where I'm coming from or what I'm talking about. They assume I'm as much of a dilettante as they are.

Then there are a few who do post...who see PARTIALLY through the lies and slander. But they still have issues with what I'm saying. They see my trying every technique in the book to get the truth across...and don't see my motives they get lost in the fog. So then these are weak in faith although they do see many of the points.

I guess....don't despise the day of small beginnings.

But I see your concern and understand why you would say what you do.



Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Many have pointed out how your MO is to twist and misrepresent what people say.

I never said the Bible does not contain truth. I’ve said you are a charlatan, a false prophet, a deceiver.

True to your deceptive form, you reply to such things others have written as you taking it as a compliment, it says more about me than you, I’m guilty of the same thing and all manner of deflection, etc.
Amen to that!



Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Not everybody is ready to stand for the truth. There are many who watch these threads who never comment. Of course the ego-driven religious types are bold and brash making all kinds of silly accusations...just to see if any of them stick.

They have no idea where I'm coming from or what I'm talking about. They assume I'm as much of a dilettante as they are.

Then there are a few who do post...who see PARTIALLY through the lies and slander. But they still have issues with what I'm saying. They see my trying every technique in the book to get the truth across...and don't see my motives they get lost in the fog. So then these are weak in faith although they do see many of the points.

I guess....don't despise the day of small beginnings.

But I see your concern and understand why you would say what you do.

He can see the truth when it is spoken. I love him. He just needs to stop walking down the middle and see that it’s not a fun diversion. If I thought there was a great amount of time left I wouldn’t have spoken finally.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
God will judge me based on what I believe and what I do. Not on what any man or group of men tell me to do. or that I follow.

If I am in error. God will not give me a get of of hell card because I followed a man, a church or a so called prophet..
You do realize neither one of these two believes in the dire necessity of Christ .
And she cannot claim she does cause she constantly supports EPI who i know dont .
I got accused of religious dogmatism or whatever he said , for PREACHING CHRIST .
And i got accused of the man for being a zealous self righteous biggot .........
YET IS HE who points to SELF , to SELF . As for me and the lambs WE POINT TO CHRIST ALONE FOR OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS .
See the problem with this all inclusive social gospel is
they point to man to save himself and that he is saved no matter what god or path that he follows , SO LONG as they
DO . But we preach JESUS CHRIST and then we say DO GOOD WORKS , Abstain from evil and etc .
THEY preach it all wrong . The teaching should be BELIEVE YE IN JESUS CHRIST and then remind
and teach the church what JESUS did and the apostles later taught . BUT IF we take the dire need of CHRIST out of the equation
ITS ALL VAIN . And they cannot see this .
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Many have pointed out how your MO is to twist and misrepresent what people say.

Those "many" you say...are here to twist the meaning of the truth to justify their own ungodly ways. If I have fun with those attempts, I'm just interacting with the foolish rather than being as condemning as they are.

With the foolish I will play along. With the serious...but wait...where are the serious ones? Few are seeing how the truth is used as a garbage can and garbage is being venerated in its place as the truth. Should I take that seriously? If I do I will still be condemned for being too judgmental. If I laugh it will say I'm being a fool. So there is no winning with mockers. If you join them to do as they do they condemn you for mocking. In truth, you are just condemning yourself...
I never said the Bible does not contain truth. I’ve said you are a charlatan, a false prophet, a deceiver.
I said you IGNORE the truth as all who follow the ego also do. You have been trained to be puffed up in the part of you that needs to be crucified...IF you want to belong to Christ.

True to your deceptive form, you reply to such things others have written as you taking it as a compliment, it says more about me than you, I’m guilty of the same thing and all manner of deflection, etc.
I am reflecting your deception back onto yourself because you live there.

Do you realize that the DEEPEST of deceits is the Great Delusion that God Himself has sent into the world? Why would He do that? To condemn those who love the lie. Those who hate the truth God has NO truck with. God will delude the dishonest by presenting a scheme that only the ego driven nature in hypocrites would latch on to. It's from God...but not to a good end.

But all these things are far above your comprehension.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
All we can do is pray.. If they can;t see it and think this is some Game. There is nothing we can do. Let just pray that people who come in do not fall it..
We do need to be in prayer . The problem with many christain sites is
they wont correct this dangerous heresay . I truly do desire good for epi and stunned ,
but had this been my site , i would have had them leave . Not because i hate them but because
they are not hearing anything and rather are buckling down only more and more in this religious sensual stuff .
Since that wont happen i must expose it . I truly do wish they would repent , i truly do .
But they are getting worse and doubling down . This new , or what they think is new revelation ,
is robbing those who believe it of salvation and its gonna shut down the preaching of the gospel too .
More and more are beginning to believe now that GOD is fine with all paths , all religions
JUST do some good and you are fine . THAT mindset is a lie .
The mindset should be BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST and do good and abstain from evil .
But they leave the dire need to believe in CHRIST OUT . and that is serious bad news for them and for those who beleive this lie .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I have never seen someone so blind.

You make accusations, then when people confront you, instead of showing proof where your accusation is true, you act like a child

More evidence of your lack of the spirit.
I have seen folks this blind . Even in person . The man torro comes to mind .
years back i had a rather lengthy conversation with this man .
THIS is a delusion greater than any i have ever seen .
Even as i was speaking to the man i kept hearing , were it not for the grace of GOD that i would have believed his lie.
THIS IS A STRONG delusion . Because it caked up with the word LOVE , and to the flesh
it would seem as such a great and wonderful idea . AND YET to those who walk in faith , in the SPIRIT
we see it so clearly for what it is . ITS A LIE spun from the dragon to convince the world to worship this other image of god
WHICH AINT GOD , cause while it can say GOD is love and make this many path lie seem like love .
IT TRODS CHRIST UNDER FOOT as the WAY , the ONLY WAY TO GOD . Satan knows how to make things sound
so nice and caring and good . LOOK at what he told eve
HE didnt threaten her , HE told her basically this would be the best thing for her , that GOD knows ye shall be as gods
HE made it SOUND GOOD . He has cooked this all inclusive lie up and made it sound so well pleasing to the carnal minds of men .
YET to the lambs who follow CHRIST , we know its a lie . IT TRODS THE NEW COVENANT OF GOD by CHRIST
RIGHT UNDER FOOT . THAT alone shows me and proves to me this is all a lie .
Not only that but we also know its real big on the acceptance of certain sins too , and all paths .
THIS ought to tell us ITS NOT COMING FROM GOD at all . RATHER from he who desires to be worshipped AS GOD .
The lambs shall follow CHRIST . I Truly fear for their souls .

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
This has happened to you already. I'm trying to rescue you out of the clutches of those wolves. If you lived from your inner would see that I am speaking truth in the face of the prevalent lies.

But if you live from the ego...the self-love that is puffed up by vain promises to the vanity of the flesh...that will be revealed as lies soon enough...then you will think I'm the wolf...
You can't rescue people when you have not been rescued yourself.
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