No More Death

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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Where does our living spirit go when our physical body dies? If our spirit dies with our physical body then the eternal life Christ promises to all who live and believe in Him is temporal and dependent upon physical life.
Friend, Brother, Fellow Classmate in the Halls of Faith and Mercy in Jesus Christ,

i never said that our spirit/soul dies = NEVER

i gave you the confirmation of the Truth in John ch11 = Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies(body/flesh).
And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”

The moment a Believer in Christ dies physical death they leave their physical body and their spirit/soul goes directly to Heaven.

Their physical body gets buried in the earth where it waits/sleeps until the Second Coming of Christ and the Resurrection.
1 Thess 4:13-18


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
That would mean ALL the saints would be bodily resurrected into immortality, and every living person who remained in their mortal flesh was unsaved.

Yes! No more death. The saints are glorified with Jesus, and all who did not have the Spirit of Christ were none of His, and therefore were destroyed. No more births with the saints, and no more births among those destroyed, equals no more death!

Conclusion: AFTER Christ returns in flaming fire from heaven

NO ONE, who is mortal flesh on this planet, will be left alive, to repopulate this planet in the Pre-mil belief of an additional one thousand years.

Both Rev 2 and 19 speak of people being ruled over by the saints after the second coming so this claim you make contradicts scripture.

The arrival of Christ for the second time accomplishes many things including the vials of wrath and destroying the army of the beast at Armageddon as well as resulting in the beast and false prophet being cast into the LOF. There is one more thing mentioned during the second coming that many do not notice which is the future rule over the nations which proves there are unsaved mortals that are set aside for being ruled over by the rod of iron:

Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite (Aorist tense verb with PRESENT tense meaning) the nations: and he shall rule (FUTURE tense verb) them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth (PRESENT tense verb) the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Here rule/poimaino is in the FUTURE tense meaning it will happen at some point AFTER the second coming and battle of Armageddon while treadeth/pateo is written in the PRESENT tense meaning it is happening during this second coming. The treading and smiting are happening at Armageddon but not the ruling which proves mortals will be alive after Armageddon is over. This proves the Premill position because indeed there is a future rule of people who were not slain during the second coming that Christ and his saints will rule over.

Amillennialism wouldn't even exist if the first person to teach it bothered to check the verb tenses in Revelation 19.

A second witness to this:

Rev 2:25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

That is the second coming. Everything we read of next comes after the second coming:

Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

After "the end" comes, there is given power over the nations to those that are overcomers which naturally includes those who "are alive and remain" at the second coming. They will be given power over the mortal unsaved nations after Christ has returned not before it.

Compare that wording to these:

Mat_10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Mat_24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Mar_13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

These are survivors of the Great Tribulation. Same here:

Mar 13:9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
Mar 13:10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.
Mar 13:11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.
Mar 13:12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.
Mar 13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
Rev 2:27 And he shall rule (FUTURE tense verb) them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

After the second coming and after "the end" will the overcomers be given power over the nations, ruling them with a rod of iron. That proves the rod of iron rule over the nations for a thousand years does not even start until Christ has returned and has given overcomers this power to rule over the nations.

It is impossible to understand what happens at the second coming and what happens AFTER the second coming properly without understanding the verb tenses involved.

Since scripture does not contradict itself, there are no scriptures which state all mortals are slain at the second coming leaving none to be ruled over.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
There is no such thing as beginning stages of the mark. The mark is not currency or any form of it. The mark is created by the AC and is issued to people to control who can buy or sell, using whatever monetary system that is in place. The mark is not mandatory, nor does the bible state refusal of it alone is a death sentence.
If you think that "the mark" is not "Digital Currency", then you are saying that you can buy or sell anything and everything right now, without the use of the present economic system of "literal money" at all.
Brother, you are in good shape if you are doing that right now, because you will most definitely need to keep that going, when everything we need to live with, will be directly hooked up with their NEW economic
system of "Digital Money", aka Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs).

What is a credit card or debit card? It is nothing but PERMISSION to buy or sell on credit, without having literal "money". It is a form of "digital money", that's not quite there yet. However, the key thing to understand, is the word "permission". Through "credit cards", the Banking System ALLOWS us all to borrow from them, in order to buy and sell, using THEIR money.

Digital Money (CBDCs) is the next stage event, whereby the mark of the beast will be implemented.
NO ONE, being those of individuals, will be allowed or permitted to buy or sell anything without it, including governments and businesses.
Rev. 13
[17] And that no man might buy or sell,
1. save he that had the mark- individuals,
2. or the name of the beast- governments,
3. or the number of his name- businesses.

Here is a clue: what is a "bar code number"?
Of the three candidates above, which one now uses "bar codes", necessarily and extensively, for wholesale and retail buying or selling? It's the "mark" for businesses to use.
Do you now see it? Everything economically, is slowly advancing to the ultimate last stage, the mark of the beast.

Like the proverbial "frog in a water pot, slowly beng brought to boil", many out of ignorance, will be unable to escape their economic bondage to "the things of the world", when the mark of the beast is mandated upon all persons in the world.
1 John 2
[15] Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Both Rev 2 and 19 speak of people being ruled over by the saints after the second coming so this claim you make contradicts scripture.

The arrival of Christ for the second time accomplishes many things including the vials of wrath and destroying the army of the beast at Armageddon as well as resulting in the beast and false prophet being cast into the LOF. There is one more thing mentioned during the second coming that many do not notice which is the future rule over the nations which proves there are unsaved mortals that are set aside for being ruled over by the rod of iron:

Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite (Aorist tense verb with PRESENT tense meaning) the nations: and he shall rule (FUTURE tense verb) them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth (PRESENT tense verb) the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Here rule/poimaino is in the FUTURE tense meaning it will happen at some point AFTER the second coming and battle of Armageddon while treadeth/pateo is written in the PRESENT tense meaning it is happening during this second coming. The treading and smiting are happening at Armageddon but not the ruling which proves mortals will be alive after Armageddon is over. This proves the Premill position because indeed there is a future rule of people who were not slain during the second coming that Christ and his saints will rule over.

Amillennialism wouldn't even exist if the first person to teach it bothered to check the verb tenses in Revelation 19.

A second witness to this:

Rev 2:25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

That is the second coming. Everything we read of next comes after the second coming:

Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

After "the end" comes, there is given power over the nations to those that are overcomers which naturally includes those who "are alive and remain" at the second coming. They will be given power over the mortal unsaved nations after Christ has returned not before it.

Compare that wording to these:

Mat_10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Mat_24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Mar_13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

These are survivors of the Great Tribulation. Same here:

Mar 13:9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
Mar 13:10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.
Mar 13:11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.
Mar 13:12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.
Mar 13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
Rev 2:27 And he shall rule (FUTURE tense verb) them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

After the second coming and after "the end" will the overcomers be given power over the nations, ruling them with a rod of iron. That proves the rod of iron rule over the nations for a thousand years does not even start until Christ has returned and has given overcomers this power to rule over the nations.

It is impossible to understand what happens at the second coming and what happens AFTER the second coming properly without understanding the verb tenses involved.

Since scripture does not contradict itself, there are no scriptures which state all mortals are slain at the second coming leaving none to be ruled over.
But you don't understand what "as TIME" means - lol

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
If you think that "the mark" is not "Digital Currency", then you are saying that you can buy or sell anything and everything right now, without the use of the present economic system of "literal money" at all.
Brother, you are in good shape if you are doing that right now, because you will most definitely need to keep that going, when everything we need to live with, will be directly hooked up with their NEW economic
system of "Digital Money", aka Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs).

What is a credit card or debit card? It is nothing but PERMISSION to buy or sell on credit, without having literal "money". It is a form of "digital money", that's not quite there yet. However, the key thing to understand, is the word "permission". Through "credit cards", the Banking System ALLOWS us all to borrow from them, in order to buy and sell, using THEIR money.

Digital Money (CBDCs) is the next stage event, whereby the mark of the beast will be implemented.
NO ONE, being those of individuals, will be allowed or permitted to buy or sell anything without it, including governments and businesses.
Rev. 13
[17] And that no man might buy or sell,
1. save he that had the mark- individuals,
2. or the name of the beast- governments,
3. or the number of his name- businesses.

Here is a clue: what is a "bar code number"?
Of the three candidates above, which one now uses "bar codes", necessarily and extensively, for wholesale and retail buying or selling? It's the "mark" for businesses to use.
Do you now see it? Everything economically, is slowly advancing to the ultimate last stage, the mark of the beast.

Like the proverbial "frog in a water pot, slowly beng brought to boil", many out of ignorance, will be unable to escape their economic bondage to "the things of the world", when the mark of the beast is mandated upon all persons in the world.
1 John 2
[15] Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
What does 1 John 2:18 say?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Both Rev 2 and 19 speak of people being ruled over by the saints after the second coming so this claim you make contradicts scripture.

The arrival of Christ for the second time accomplishes many things including the vials of wrath and destroying the army of the beast at Armageddon as well as resulting in the beast and false prophet being cast into the LOF. There is one more thing mentioned during the second coming that many do not notice which is the future rule over the nations which proves there are unsaved mortals that are set aside for being ruled over by the rod of iron:

Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite (Aorist tense verb with PRESENT tense meaning) the nations: and he shall rule (FUTURE tense verb) them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth (PRESENT tense verb) the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Here rule/poimaino is in the FUTURE tense meaning it will happen at some point AFTER the second coming and battle of Armageddon while treadeth/pateo is written in the PRESENT tense meaning it is happening during this second coming. The treading and smiting are happening at Armageddon but not the ruling which proves mortals will be alive after Armageddon is over. This proves the Premill position because indeed there is a future rule of people who were not slain during the second coming that Christ and his saints will rule over.

Amillennialism wouldn't even exist if the first person to teach it bothered to check the verb tenses in Revelation 19.

A second witness to this:

Rev 2:25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

That is the second coming. Everything we read of next comes after the second coming:

Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

After "the end" comes, there is given power over the nations to those that are overcomers which naturally includes those who "are alive and remain" at the second coming. They will be given power over the mortal unsaved nations after Christ has returned not before it.

Compare that wording to these:

Mat_10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Mat_24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Mar_13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

These are survivors of the Great Tribulation. Same here:

Mar 13:9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
Mar 13:10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.
Mar 13:11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.
Mar 13:12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.
Mar 13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
Rev 2:27 And he shall rule (FUTURE tense verb) them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

After the second coming and after "the end" will the overcomers be given power over the nations, ruling them with a rod of iron. That proves the rod of iron rule over the nations for a thousand years does not even start until Christ has returned and has given overcomers this power to rule over the nations.

It is impossible to understand what happens at the second coming and what happens AFTER the second coming properly without understanding the verb tenses involved.

Since scripture does not contradict itself, there are no scriptures which state all mortals are slain at the second coming leaving none to be ruled over.
I will condense all of it into the correct time period. It's not about the nations of the unsaved, in some future 1000 years, but rather "the saved of the nations", which has been taking place ever since Pentecost, through the past 2,023 years.

We who ARE the saved, are NOW being ruled (sheparded) by Christ, through ALL who are "given the Morning Star" (His Holy Spirit)*, whose faith "stands in the "power of God" (His Holy Spirit). Rev 2:28, 22:16*, 1 Cor.2:5**.

ALL who have been born again, have been GIVEN a rod of iron (His Holy Spirit), to break us up and away from the mind of our earthen (clay) vessels and it's earthly desires. 2 Cor. 4:7***, so that we can enjoin His treasure, the mind of Christ within us. Mat. 6:21**** 1 Cor. 2:16****

For those false shephards, who do not have the Holy Spirit of God, we are not under their self imposed religious authority of false doctrines, and therefore do not have to listen to them, being much of church-ianity, whose "faith stands in the wisdom of men". 1 Cor. 2:5**.

* Rev. 2
[28] And I will give him the morning star.
* Rev. 22
[16] I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
** 1 Cor. 2
[5] That your faith should NOT stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
*** 2 Cor. 4
[7] But we have this treasure [His Holy Spirt] in earthen vessels [our mortal bodies], that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
**** Mat. 6:19-21
[21] For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
**** 1 Cor. 2
[16] For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
I will condense all of it into the correct time period. It's not about the nations of the unsaved, in some future 1000 years, but rather "the saved of the nations", which has been taking place ever since Pentecost, through the past 2,023 years.

We who ARE the saved, are NOW being ruled (sheparded) by Christ, through ALL who are "given the Morning Star" (His Holy Spirit)*, whose faith "stands in the "power of God" (His Holy Spirit). Rev 2:28, 22:16*, 1 Cor.2:5**.

ALL who have been born again, have been GIVEN a rod of iron (His Holy Spirit), to break us up and away from the mind of our earthen (clay) vessels**** and it's earthly desires. 2 Cor. 4:7***, so that we can enjoin His treasure, the mind of Christ within us. Mat. 6:21****

For those false shephards, who do not have the Holy Spirit of God, we are not under their self imposed religious authority of false doctrines, and therefore do not have to listen to them, being much of church-ianity, whose "faith stands in the wisdom of men". 1 Cor. 2:5**.

*Rev. 2[28] And I will give him the morning star.
*Rev. 22
[16] I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
**1 Cor. 2
[5] That your faith should NOT stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
*** 2 Cor. 4
[7] But we have this treasure [His Holy Spirt] in earthen vessels [our mortal bodies], that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
****Mat. 6:19-21
[21] For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Brother, you just erred by adding to God's words what He did not say = you are taking literal Truth and churning it to making a religion out of it.

the religion of Symbolism and Relativism

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
I will condense all of it into the correct time period. It's not about the nations of the unsaved, in some future 1000 years, but rather "the saved of the nations", which has been taking place ever since Pentecost, through the past 2,023 years.

We who ARE the saved, are NOW being ruled (sheparded) by Christ, through ALL who are "given the Morning Star" (His Holy Spirit)*, whose faith "stands in the "power of God" (His Holy Spirit). Rev 2:28, 22:16*, 1 Cor.2:5**.

ALL who have been born again, have been GIVEN a rod of iron (His Holy Spirit), to break us up and away from the mind of our earthen (clay) vessels**** and it's earthly desires. 2 Cor. 4:7***, so that we can enjoin His treasure, the mind of Christ within us. Mat. 6:21****

For those false shephards, who do not have the Holy Spirit of God, we are not under their self imposed religious authority of false doctrines, and therefore do not have to listen to them, being much of church-ianity, whose "faith stands in the wisdom of men". 1 Cor. 2:5**.

*Rev. 2
[28] And I will give him the morning star.
*Rev. 22
[16] I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
**1 Cor. 2
[5] That your faith should NOT stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
*** 2 Cor. 4
[7] But we have this treasure [His Holy Spirt] in earthen vessels [our mortal bodies], that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
****Mat. 6:19-21
[21] For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
The Holy Scriptures make CLEAR that there is both Literal and Spiritual.

There is a literal earthbound Jerusalem/Israel who currently are in bondage with her children, waiting for the Redeemer.

There is a Spiritual Jerusalem ABOVE which and is REAL and Who is the Mother of us all who are Sanctified.
There is a Spiritual Israel who is Christ and His Body = which is Both Literal and Spiritual.
There is the symbolic Dragon who is Both Literal and Spiritual = the Beast System on earth and Satan/spirit/fallen angels that Rules over it.

There are the Born Again, of the Spirit, Saints who are in Temples of flesh and their is the Temple of God who is Christ.
There is a counterfeit christ and it's church that is a whore and commits fornication with the kings of the earth.

There is the REAL Christ who is the Head and His Saints make up His Corporate/Collective Body.

There will be the Man of Sin who will be Revealed in his time as his corporate body is being assembled as we speak here on earth.
There will be a literal Mark that unites the corporate 'Man of sin' and attaches itself to the Head which is Satan.
Once this is complete = the Unforgiveable Sin has been committed by those who receive the Mark.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
Friend, Brother, Fellow Classmate in the Halls of Faith and Mercy in Jesus Christ,

i never said that our spirit/soul dies = NEVER

i gave you the confirmation of the Truth in John ch11 = Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies(body/flesh).
And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”

The moment a Believer in Christ dies physical death they leave their physical body and their spirit/soul goes directly to Heaven.

Their physical body gets buried in the earth where it waits/sleeps until the Second Coming of Christ and the Resurrection.
1 Thess 4:13-18

Okay, you agree when a believer dies, as those of Rev 20:4 are shown to have died, would you agree John is given to understand there is life after death and these early martyrs for the faith are alive in heaven spirit/soul and not yet returned to physical life?

Secondly would you agree that since these martyred saints lived and reigned, then physically died during a thousand years, the thousand years cannot equate to exactly ONE thousand years that will not come until Christ comes again?

Yes, the physical body of the faithful that returns to the earth after death must wait until the seventh trumpet sounds, the last day, in an hour coming before it is physically resurrected to immortality and incorruptible. That means John cannot literally see physical spirit/souls after they have died and gone to be with the Lord in heaven, and writes this to prove there is eternal life for believers, just as Christ, it matters not whether we live or die we shall always be with Him.
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Okay, you agree when a believer dies, as those of Rev 20:4 are shown to have died, would you agree John is given to understand there is life after death and these early martyrs for the faith are alive in heaven spirit/soul and not yet returned to physical life?

Secondly would you agree that since these martyred saints lived and reigned, then physically died during a thousand years, the thousand years cannot equate to exactly ONE thousand years that will not come until Christ comes again?

Yes, the physical body of the faithful that returns to the earth after death must wait until the seventh trumpet sounds, the last day, in an hour coming before it is physically resurrected to immortality and incorruptible. That means John cannot literally see physical spirit/souls after they have died and gone to be with the Lord in heaven, and writes this to prove there is eternal life for believers, just as Christ, it matters not whether we live or die we shall always be with Him.
You did not start the Day by saying "Good Morning Brother David"

So i will intervene = Good Morning rwb and all who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ - amen


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
The Holy Scriptures make CLEAR that there is both Literal and Spiritual.

There is a literal earthbound Jerusalem/Israel who currently are in bondage with her children, waiting for the Redeemer.

There is a Spiritual Jerusalem ABOVE which and is REAL and Who is the Mother of us all who are Sanctified.
There is a Spiritual Israel who is Christ and His Body = which is Both Literal and Spiritual.
There is the symbolic Dragon who is Both Literal and Spiritual = the Beast System on earth and Satan/spirit/fallen angels that Rules over it.

There are the Born Again, of the Spirit, Saints who are in Temples of flesh and their is the Temple of God who is Christ.
There is a counterfeit christ and it's church that is a whore and commits fornication with the kings of the earth.

There is the REAL Christ who is the Head and His Saints make up His Corporate/Collective Body.

There will be the Man of Sin who will be Revealed in his time as his corporate body is being assembled as we speak here on earth.
There will be a literal Mark that unites the corporate 'Man of sin' and attaches itself to the Head which is Satan.
Once this is complete = the Unforgiveable Sin has been committed by those who receive the Mark.

Those who are of literal earthbound Jerusalem/Israel who are still in bondage and still waiting for the Redeemer, because they have NOT faith! They are in darkness and unbelief, still denying the Messiah/Savior/Redeemer they have long waited for has ALREADY come. NOW, since His coming, by His cross and resurrection WHOSOEVER believes in Him HAS eternal life. The Gospel of salvation if for EVERY nation of the earth. Today, this age/time/day is for salvation!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
You did not start the Day by saying "Good Morning Brother David"

So i will intervene = Good Morning rwb and all who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ - amen

LOL, very rude of me, but I seldom begin with this greeting! Good morning to you as well.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
I will condense all of it into the correct time period. It's not about the nations of the unsaved, in some future 1000 years

Incorrect. The nations that will be ruled by the rod of iron are unsaved peoples of the nations, mentioned in Rev 2 and 19, and ruled during the 1000 years of Rev 20.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Incorrect. The nations that will be ruled by the rod of iron are unsaved peoples of the nations, mentioned in Rev 2 and 19, and ruled during the 1000 years of Rev 20.
One day IS TO THE Lord AS a thousand referencing NO "millennium", but rather God the Father's Age of Grace through His Son Jesus, having no time limit on it, as to how we count time.

However, Klaus Shwab DOES talk about the Elite's new age of THEIR millennium, in his recent book: "COVID-19: The Great Reset".

Yes, many, many professing Christians may be setting themselves up for THEIR FALSE form of a millennium.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
A thousand years IS TO THE Lord AS one referencing NO "millennium", but rather God the Father's Age of Grace through His Son Jesus, having no time limit on it, as to how we count time.

However, Klaus Shwab DOES talk about the Elite's new age of THEIR millennium, in his recent book: "COVID-19: The Great Reset".

Yes, many, many professing Christians may be setting themselves up for THEIR FALSE form of a millennium.

Exactly, a false Millennium they think is now when the scriptural one is set after the return of Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
Exactly, a false Millennium they think is now when the scriptural one is set after the return of Christ.

If this Gospel age is a false millennium, when was a thousand years of Rev 20:4 when these martyred souls lived and reigned with Christ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Brother, you just erred by adding to God's words what He did not say = you are taking literal Truth and churning it to making a religion out of it.

the religion of Symbolism and Relativism
Lol....Revelation is loaded with symbolism.
if you are not reading the NT-KJV in conjunction with the Textus Receptus Greek text, then the reference scriptures I included, in support of it, means nothing to you?
I condensed what I said. But I can get many more for support from the OT prophets.

When you interpret and expound upon your future wanna be Pre-millennium, I can fault you on the same charge, for referencing only the OT scriptures, which for your explanation, you would also be churning literal truth.

Paul said in 1 Cor. 2
[12] Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
[13] Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth,
but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Exactly, a false Millennium they think is now when the scriptural one is set after the return of Christ.
I am meaning the word "millennium" literally means a thousand years. However, in scripture, God reveals that one day  IS to the Lord  AS a thousand years and a thousand years AS one day.
You do the math. If you can!
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Those who are of literal earthbound Jerusalem/Israel who are still in bondage and still waiting for the Redeemer, because they have NOT faith! They are in darkness and unbelief, still denying the Messiah/Savior/Redeemer they have long waited for has ALREADY come. NOW, since His coming, by His cross and resurrection WHOSOEVER believes in Him HAS eternal life. The Gospel of salvation if for EVERY nation of the earth. Today, this age/time/day is for salvation!
This is all TRUE and as we who know would say = 'no-brainer'