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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Youll have to get over it. Have you done not one single “wicked” thing this week, @amigo de christo? No getting mad at someone, not getting mad at yourself?

No sin was made in a week?

Someone wrote saying if we have no sin in us we are a liar and make God to be a liar.

… i sin. So i cant say i dont.

My heart aint screaming out to kill people or rape people or steal from people.
All error must be exposed . When or if we do err . So , do take that wicked song down . It has no part in a christains life .
When or if we do err , the worst thing to do is JUSTIFY IT . just REPENT OF IT . its real simple .
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
So now its time for another reminder that paul often warned the churches about .
BE NOT deceived , neither fornicators , homosexuals , liars , etc shall inherit the kingdom of GOD .
IS that hate TO REMIND the church that we ought not to even once do such things .
NOPE . truth is if churches are teaching or allowing such pratices to continue within their doors , THEY the ones in error .
WE are supposed to correct all sin within the church . We are supposed to warn out against all sin within the church .
YET , when i do it , most say i dont love , am judgemntal , self righteous and a hater . NOW why is that .
I know the answer to the question i asked . My question to all is simply this .
HOW come your teachers , your church leaders no longer warn against praticing that which is evil .
How come they remain mute on it . How come they allow it to continue in the churches .
AND if we think my warnings are harsh . How about we read the warnings from paul .
WHY is it some sins get overlooked in churches . WHY is it churches are not even reading about such things the apostels once
WROTE to the churches . Yet jimmy and others see me as hateful for reminding about such things .
Typical that you don't include more of Paul's words: "Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, men who engage in illicit sex, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, swindlers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God. And this is what some of you used to be. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 "... you WERE WASHED, you WERE SANCTIFIED, you WERE JUSTIFIED in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God." => That is what they USED TO BE, yet you omit that part and judge them for what they used to do! Don't you see your error! Your judgement of others has caused you to be spiritually blind!!!

You don't love; you are judgmental; you are self-righteous and a hater.

How can you come up with garbage like "HOW come your teachers , your church leaders no longer warn against practicing that which is evil"? Can you give any actual evidence of that? (Not your opinion, but proof.)

You are hateful! You are judgmental! You are deceived! You are filled with pride, exalting yourself above others, judging them and condemning them (thereby by insuation positing yourself as being righteous and holy). YOU ARE FILLED WITH PRIDE! YOU LACK LOVE AND COMPASSION! YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN A PHARISEE!

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Not only must i do so , out of love i must only increase to do so . My desire is GOOD for all peoples .
And time is running out and all i desire is GOOD for the peoples . Though the more abundantely i love
the less i be loved . Be that as it may , no matter the cost to me the exhortations must continue .

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
That age HAS NOT ENDED . you NEED to go and take that wicked song off that other post too .
STROKING . I tried to correct you for sending it but you would not heed the correction .
Your a part of the age that allows man to do what FEELS GOOD , not what is GOOD . now go and learn the difference .
Pay no attention to "amigo", Matthew. He is tragically deluded.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Judge not . again taken out of text . I aint your judge mathew . But the song has no place in the christain life .
I told you already that i used to love that old song once . I BE STROKING to the right i be stroking to the left
BUT something amazing happened at the day of my conversion . Evil became evil to me .
The song has no place for christains anymore . Sure when i was of the world i LOVE IT . Heck i loved many wicked songs
back then and could sing them word for word too . Now they appear evil to me . You need to remove that wicked song .
Listen to the Lord, Matthew, not "amigo".
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
This is not resting on our laurels, even our Lord Jesus was a good example to work, doing the will of His Father.

Can you see it?

Im doing it here.

The reason i give time to forums, is first and foremost to try to protect new or weak believers from heretics.
That's Job 1.

The other reason im here, is because in these end times, so many believers are worried, confessing, and confused.
And this confusion is always the same.....>Its that they have been moved away... led away.... from the "Simplicity that is in Christ" that they had when they were first Saved and were so happy and could understand it.
Now, some years later, they are filled with theology, commentaries, and confused about it all., and just want to argue.
So, what i do, is just take them back to the Cross so that they get their Faith restored and their focus back on the main thing.

Most of them dont realize that when faith is wrong, its dead..... See, many think that dead faith is no faith, but actually its both., and its worse if your faith is broken, then if its just cold..........But in both cases its dead.
Some wont go back to the Cross, as they have replaced the Cross with their "self saving".

I notice that you like to post really long cut and past posts... and long lists.

Here is a list for anyone who wants to know what can't get you to heaven.

1.) Water Baptism
2.) Mary
3.) Self Effort
4.) Commandment keeping
5.) Law
6.) enduring to the end
7.) holding unto your faith
8.) Trying to be like Christ
9.) Joining a Church
10.) Confessing sin
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Im doing it here.

ive about 10,000 + posts, and over 300 Threads written on just This fourm.
Ive about that many on others, and not quite as many, on a few.
Im only here 3 yrs, so, thats = "not resting on laurels"....thats a lot of work.

But here is the thing.
i have a life and a ministry outside this forum.

The reason i give time to forums, is first and foremost to try to protect new or weak believers from heretics.
That's Job 1.

The other reason im here, is because in these end times, so many believers are worried, confessing, and confused.
And this confusion is always the same.....>Its that they have been moved away... led away.... from the "Simplicity that is in Christ" that they had when they were first Saved and were so happy and could understand it.
Now, some years later, they are filled with theology, commentaries, and confused about it all., and just want to argue.
So, what i do, is just take them back to the Cross so that they get their Faith restored and their focus back on the main thing.

Most of them dont realize that when faith is wrong, its dead..... See, many think that dead faith is no faith, but actually its both., and its worse if your faith is broken, then if its just cold..........But in both cases its dead.
Some wont go back to the Cross, as they have replaced the Cross with their "self saving".

I notice that you like to post really long cut and past posts... and long lists.

Here is a list for anyone who wants to know what can't get you to heaven.

1.) Water Baptism
2.) Mary
3.) Self Effort
4.) Commandment keeping
5.) Law
6.) enduring to the end
7.) holding unto your faith
8.) Trying to be like Christ
9.) Joining a Church
10.) Confessing sin
Sorry you feel that way-thinking me a heretic-and @Ritajanice don't seem to have any discernment.
Tell you what-prove my posts wrong-I am not doing this for myself and very meticulous-you feel threatened-rightly so, I've hit a nerve and I don't agree with your post and "points"
You are not here to tell ME how to get to heaven friend.
And just to be clear-you are not the ONLY person that can expound on the Pauline epistles.
All good-are you with me-or against.
Choice is yours.

-and this does not impress me.

ive about 10,000 + posts, and over 300 Threads written on just This fourm.

Ive about that many on others, and not quite as many, on a few.

Im only here 3 yrs, so, thats = "not resting on laurels"....thats a lot of work.

But here is the thing.

i have a life and a ministry outside this forum.

-like you, I have a life and ministry outside this Forum.


New Member
May 8, 2023
Lake Houston
United States

An unbeliever is "under the law" : shows you that you are a sinner, with no Righteousness.
You need Christ, so that God can give you His Righteousness.

"Under Grace" : provides you with God's Righteousness as..>"The Gift of Righteousness", as proven by being born again.

Now...Here is the paradox. = is the eternal spirituality regarding being born again "in Christ", yet being a human on earth.

Your question is....."if im sinning and confessing, then how can i be RIGHTEOUS".?

So, thats very interesting, isn't it?
And if you look at it using the "natural mind" that does not receive or understand the things of God.... because they are "Spiritually Discerned", then how can you ever find peace when you think ...> "how can i be righteous, when i sin and confess"....... "How can i be righteous, when i have thoughts that would make a Pope blush".......

Now, im not going to teach it here, because i have written many Threads about this already, but.....>"where there is no Law, there is no Sin.....no transgression".
The Born again have been delivered from the Law., "the CURSE of the Law"... and exist "under Grace".


How to get out of that mind that can't understand how you can not always be perfect, but yet in God's eyes, you are always perfectly righteous....
How to get out of that wrong thinking, and into the RIGHT MIND?
The right mind is to always understand how God sees you which is the renewed mind, vs how you see you, which is the carnal mind....the mind of the flesh.
And until a born again person gets out of that carnal (natural) mind, they can't get into the right mind, and they can't believe right.
And until you believe right, your faith is wrong., yet, you can be born again, heaven bound.

So, you have to start here. Hebrews 13:9
You have to establish yourself, your thinking, your believing = in God's Grace.
You have to come to SEE yourself as always in God's Grace.. Always Redeemed. Always made sinless. Always made righteous. Always at peace with God..... And why?.... Because that mind is the same Mind that God has when He looks at His Born again.
That is how God sees YOU, if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious.
So, if you dont't have that mind, you have the wrong mind, and your faith is wrong.

Listen Saint.
God does not see what you do, as you see yourself.. He only sees what Christ has accomplished for you on The Cross, that has MADE YOU RIGHTEOUS, if you are born again.
The born again ARE BECOME>....>"THE Righteousness of God, in Christ", because we have been given "The GIFT of Righteousness".
So, you have to bring your mind and your faith, into this Right understanding of who you are "in Christ"....., and once you do, and you have this revelation, you are finally discerning where God established you to be by the Blood of Jesus,
This is REAL FAITH and its the renewed mind.

Look at this NT verse.

"As Jesus IS....so are the Born again, in this World".

= Thats a fact.
And it does not change because you have a mood swing, or a tantrum, or some issue with your behavior.
If you are born again, then you exist "in Christ"....>"one with God", and not of yourself, but ONLY because of the Cross of Christ.

your emotions and your deeds do not effect your standing "IN CHRIST",
Not ever.
You can't stop being born again.
Its done.
Rejoice !

If you are born again.....You are a NEW CREATION "in Christ". And that is always and only how you are to SEE YOURSELF, as that is always How GOD sees you, at all times, and forever.
Let THAT MIND rule your faith and God's Grace will begin to empower your Holy Living in a sustained way.
We can't do any good without the faith of God in our hearts. It's why we come to Jesus and He comes to us. He puts His faith in our hearts so we can do good and be His blessed sons. Doing good and righteousness is being righteous sons of God. But without faith we can't please Him.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
No, only those whom are drawn by God to Christ-elect/chosen/remnant-you should know me better by now.
Reread what you posted, put yourself in my shoes, and what would you gather from the posted verses?

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Go ahead, enlighten me brother.
Thanks for asking Joe, as you know with the sin of Adam things changed considerably. It was God's intent they fill the earth with perfect humans. With his sin, God had to take a different route to complete it. He foretold a seed that would bring this to completion that would become King of a Kingdom. Various steps through the millenniums have taken place, one of them being the future King to come to the earth to pay the ransom of soul for soul in what Adam lost.

While on earth he made a covenant with his faithful 11 apostles to be a part of that Kingdom on the last day of his life. In his ministry he revealed they would reside in heaven with him, and later it was revealed they would be kings and priests in the Kingdom of God. The number of those who will be leaving the earth is revealed at Rev 14:3, and you can read the why at Rev 5:9,10. Their covenant gave them a great privilege not only to set on thrones, but to be the bride of Christ Joe. Quite interesting really sir.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
The Devil and all the fallen angel believe in Jesus.

Everyone who went to Hell, this last 2000 yrs since the Cross, including those who are in Hell today.........that just died and went........all believe in Jesus......now.

Do you want to go to Heaven?

The you have to do this...

Jesus said...."You must be born again".

If you are not, and even if you had a good solid head knowledge of Christ...... you will go to Hell.
Because your spiritual father is not GOD.
See, to be born again........means...... you change spiritual fathers...

So, the people in hell, went to their spiritual father.

The BORN AGAIN, went to the Father of Jesus.
Everyone who went to Hell, this last 2000 yrs since the Cross, including those who are in Hell today.........that just died and went........all believe in Jesus......now.
Since the dead know nothing, their beliefs have not changed Be
Do you want to go to Heaven?

The you have to do this...

Jesus said...."You must be born again".
God chooses those who go to heaven, you simply cannot baptize yourself with holy spirit
If you are not, and even if you had a good solid head knowledge of Christ...... you will go to Hell.
Simple, you die. Everybody goes there when they die, even Jesus. He was the first to be resurrected from it, and the remainder will be resurrected out of it in the future, then having no more need for it since death will be no more, it will be cast into the lake of fire, gone forever. Isn't that great news Be?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Thanks for asking Joe, as you know with the sin of Adam things changed considerably. It was God's intent they fill the earth with perfect humans. With his sin, God had to take a different route to complete it. He foretold a seed that would bring this to completion that would become King of a Kingdom. Various steps through the millenniums have taken place, one of them being the future King to come to the earth to pay the ransom of soul for soul in what Adam lost.

While on earth he made a covenant with his faithful 11 apostles to be a part of that Kingdom on the last day of his life. In his ministry he revealed they would reside in heaven with him, and later it was revealed they would be kings and priests in the Kingdom of God. The number of those who will be leaving the earth is revealed at Rev 14:3, and you can read the why at Rev 5:9,10. Their covenant gave them a great privilege not only to set on thrones, but to be the bride of Christ Joe. Quite interesting really sir.
So, if I understand you correctly, feel free to correct me if I misunderstand you brother-Only 144,000 will be saved out from the whole earth?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
God chooses those who go to heaven, you simply cannot baptize yourself with holy spirit
A BIG AMEN!!..to this.

Only God Through the Holy Spirit can birth us in the Spirit, it’s a supernatural act that only God can do, through the power of the Holy Spirit, who acts on God’s behalf......

God leads the Holy Spirit to do his will...my thoughts and belief.

Romans 8:27

New International Version

27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

God is to powerful to birth us, it would kill us....that’s why he does it through the Holy Spirit....he sent his Son specifically for that divine purpose...that is the only way we can be reunited back to our spiritual Father in Heaven......through the name of Jesus and his precious Holy Spirit.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Sorry you feel that way-thinking me a heretic-and @Ritajanice don't seem to have any discernment.

I've not named you as a heretic.

I listed a belief system that is a Heretic.

Also, its insulting for you to make that comment about Ritajanace, and its carnal, because you made it only because she does not agree with your works based obsessing.
You want to post works and works, on a Thread that is giving Christ credit for our salvation.
Maybe you can understand that, and change your concept of Salvation?
So, you should not ask me to be understanding of you, and then attack another member.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Doing good and righteousness is being righteous sons of God.

Noone is "righteous" who is "doing good".

Righteousness is only something that God can offer a Believer.

"The Gift of Righteousness"

There are those who would teach that works are "righteousness".
But, you have to understand that a hell bound unbeliever can try to keep commandments, and give to the poor.
A hell bound unbeliever can do every Good WORK you can do, and so, are they righteous?
And neither are you righteous, by doing good works.
So, WORKS are never counted as "righteousness' by God.....never.
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