Would you surrender your own beliefs in the cause of doctrinal unity?

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Active Member
Jun 3, 2023
United States
Hence the reason there are over
That's the problem with doctrinal unity in the strict sense. It's a one way street.
Blending in is not really doctrinal unity. I blend in at my church.
Eat the meat, and spit out the bones. - lol
Hence, the reason there are over 47000 protestant groups with two more being formed every month (at least that was the latest number that I found on a web search). Unity may only be accomplished when Jesus returns. I know that I don't plan on questioning anything that He corrects us on then. :) Cheers.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
That's an interesting question St. SteVen,
Personally, I'd just be a Christian shut-in. Which, I am anyhow, for a while now, lol.
It's better IMHO if we can find a Christian fellowship (face-to-face w/hugs and smiles).
But many folks have good reasons not to be there. I get it.
I got through some issues with church that would have sent many to NEVER return.

Spiritually, I am growing farther and farther away from current church.
(same denomination for 35+ years) But I love the people and the worship is awesome.
They are the closest to my doctrine.

We (the wife and I) attend a small group study. (cell group)
And she is very involved with women's ministries. Very good for her.

When you're married, a choice of churches effects both of you.
Assuming you want to attend together, which I recommend.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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I have been a Roman Catholic in the past, and they worship the same Godhead. I could still worship without converting or adhering to many of their peripheral rites and practices. I would probably blend in quite well with other Catholics that don't adhere as strictly to some of the teachings of the RCC. What would the RCC be willing to give up? I didn't think this was going to be a one way street. I have been a mormon, and they do not worship the same Godhead, so I parted ways with them decades ago. There is no going back. The JWs don't worship the same Godhead, so that would be a non-sequitur.
Hello yitaz, would you feel comfortable taking communion with Catholics? They believe in transubstantiation: "1 the miraculous change by which according to Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox dogma the eucharistic elements at their consecration become the body and blood of Christ while keeping only the appearances of bread and wine"

: an act or instance of transubstantiating or being transubstantiated

It's better IMHO if we can find a Christian fellowship (face-to-face w/hugs and smiles).
But many folks have good reasons not to be there. I get it.
I got through some issues with church that would have sent many to NEVER return.

Spiritually, I am growing farther and farther away from current church.
(same denomination for 35+ years) But I love the people and the worship is awesome.
They are the closest to my doctrine.

We (the wife and I) attend a small group study. (cell group)
And she is very involved with women's ministries. Very good for her.

When you're married, a choice of churches effects both of you.
Assuming you want to attend together, which I recommend.
"It's better IMHO if we can find a Christian fellowship (face-to-face w/hugs and smiles)."
Not so easy to find these days, and I have tried MANY times, and prayed MANY times for a group of Christians I would be able to "belong" to, not just try to "fit in". And "fitting in" seems to be the order of the day, wasn't like this in the 90's, in my experience. And the smiles today seem so plastic and fake, that is IF you even get one, lol.

35 years is a long time to be at the same church. It is not easy to leave a church, especially after 35 years. Many friendships could be destroyed-depending why you left. But, my conscience will never be at peace in the church's around me...

"I got through some issues with church that would have sent many to NEVER return." <---Same here brother, big time!

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Hence, the reason there are over 47000 protestant groups with two more being formed every month (at least that was the latest number that I found on a web search).
I think of the different denominations as all specialists in some area.
Similar to the medical field.

If you are Baptist, you would bring your demonized child to a Pentecostal church to get help.
Unity may only be accomplished when Jesus returns.
What I want to suggest with these two topics is that unity can come despite doctrinal disunity.
We can learn to accept one another despite our differences. Unified in love an acceptance.
If we would listen to one another instead of trying to correct others, we would unity.

Here's the other related topic.
Unity of the faith - at what cost?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States

Would you surrender your own beliefs in the cause of doctrinal unity?​

No, but I don't have to cram them down other's throats. I try to find a way to share truth with those who disagree while maintaining the bond of peace, as it says,

Ephesians 4:1-3 KJV
1) I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
2) With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
3) Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Ephesians 4:13-14 KJV
13) Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
14) That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Unity takes in both faith and knowledge, specifically knowledge of the Son of God.

Much love!

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
"It's better IMHO if we can find a Christian fellowship (face-to-face w/hugs and smiles)."
Not so easy to find these days, and I have tried MANY times, and prayed MANY times for a group of Christians I would be able to "belong" to, not just try to "fit in".
Yes, I understand. Appreciate your efforts.
And "fitting in" seems to be the order of the day, wasn't like this in the 90's, in my experience. And the smiles today seem so plastic and fake, that is IF you even get one, lol.
So true.
35 years is a long time to be at the same church. It is not easy to leave a church, especially after 35 years. Many friendships could be destroyed-depending why you left. But, my conscience will never be at peace in the church's around me...
Same denomination, not same church. Although it was 30+ years at our previous church. Yes, a long time.
The change has been good. We were in a lot of patterns that we needed to break out of.
My wife is flourishing. (I'm supportive) We moved to a far away city. The reason for the church change.
Got a letter of recommendation from our previous Pastor to transfer our membership. Nice.

Hard to imagine a trouble maker like me getting a Pastoral recommendation.
But there you go. I am a likeable guy. (which helps)
"I got through some issues with church that would have sent many to NEVER return." <---Same here brother, big time!
I can empathize. Ouch. So sorry you had to go through that. Many have been wounded.
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Dec 19, 2022
United States
"Unity takes in both faith and knowledge, specifically knowledge of the Son of God marks# 28"

Amen, brother, this underlined above is the total summation of being a believer & follower of our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ!
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
No, but I don't have to cram them down other's throats. ...
Thanks for your reply.
Been an interesting topic.

Many will claim they want doctrinal unity.
But when put to the question about whether they would surrender
their own personal doctrines, they say "NO WAY !!!!!!!!!"


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Yes, I understand. Appreciate your efforts.

So true.

Same denomination, not same church. Although it was 30+ years at our previous church. Yes, a long time.
The change has been good. We were in a lot of patterns that we needed to break out of.
My wife is flourishing. (I'm supportive) We moved to a far away city. The reason for the church change.
Got a letter of recommendation from our previous Pastor to transfer our membership. Nice.

Hard to imagine a trouble maker like me getting a Pastoral recommendation.
But there you go. I am a likeable guy. (which helps)

I can empathize. Ouch. So sorry you had to go through that. Many have been wounded.
Oh so sorry! Denomination...
And, 30 yrs. before that at the same Church. May I ask what denomination?

"Got a letter of recommendation from our previous Pastor to transfer our membership. Nice."

That was righteous, dude! Lol, but really was on his part.

"My wife is flourishing. (I'm supportive) "

Ahh, I see. What I cannot understand is why it even matters which silly denomination one is attached to, can we not all have at least, unity in Christ and Him crucified, buried, risen...?

"My wife is flourishing. (I'm supportive)"

You mean, your wife is flourishing in the church in the new city, but you, not so much? If so, yeah that can be troubling, but sure not out of God's reach!
Hard to imagine a trouble maker like me getting a Pastoral recommendation.
But there you go. I am a likeable guy. (which helps)

"Hard to imagine a trouble maker like me getting a Pastoral recommendation.
But there you go. I am a likeable guy. (which helps)"

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Ahh, I see. What I cannot understand is why it even matters which silly denomination one is attached to, can we not all have at least, unity in Christ and Him crucified, buried, risen...?
That's the point.
Unity anyone? We're hiring.
(the benefits package is out of this world)
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
This is a follow-up to the previous topic: Unity of the faith - at what cost? Link below.

Probably the biggest roadblock to Christian doctrinal unity is holding on to the freedom we have to determine our own beliefs.
Would you surrender your own beliefs in the cause of Christian doctrinal unity?

Unity of the faith - at what cost?

Just to be clear, I do not seek Christian doctrinal unity. Defined as EVERYONE surrendering to a predetermined set of beliefs.
I believe that unity comes when we accept each other no matter our differences.
That we seek to understand each other instead of rejecting those whose Christian doctrine may differ.
Which presents its own set of challenges, of course. But that's another topic. (I hope) - LOL
We are all called to surrender our own beliefs before God.
God is not a church body or leadership or denomination.

When we surrender/submit ourselves to God, He then bestows Grace, Faith, Salvation and the Holy Spirit.
The beliefs that we held which are truth remains and are reinforced with more Truth.
The beliefs that we held which were contrary to truth, God removes so that we may have greater understanding.

Doctrinal purity is essential and the LORD Jesus taught this when He walked the earth = John ch17
What is of equal and even greater virtue is forgiveness, love, mercy, patience, generosity and compassion = JESUS the Christ
These are not inseparable as these virtues all exist in God and come from Him = James chapter 1

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
We are all called to surrender our own beliefs before God.
What would that look like in practical terms? An example.

This topic, of course is asking about surrender our beliefs to the authority of a church, or fellowship of believers.
Like a difference of belief about something, like baptism. Say, you were baptized as an infant and were fine with that,
but your new church only recognizes "believer's" baptism. Would you seek to become re-baptized?
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
What would that look like in practical terms? An example.

This topic, of course is asking about surrender our beliefs to the authority of a church, or fellowship of believers.
Like a difference of belief about something, like baptism. Say, you were baptized as an infant and were fine with that,
but your new church only recognizes "believer's" baptism. Would you seek to become re-baptized?
Great question you asked.

In fact, i was raised a Catholic and "baby-baptized" as well as 'confirmed' unto the Eucharist.

When i was saved thru the "hearing of the Word" and thusly Born-Again by the Spirit, my hunger as a 'new-born' was for the Word.
As i read and prayed and studied i grew and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit did guide me to being baptized as an adult.

Salvation and study of the Word leads us to Discovery = some GOOD and some Bad, with Bad being our sins and GOOD being God
doctrinal purity is a natural Outcome when we desire to know our Heavenly Father, the LORD Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

FYI - i really do not like the phrase 'doctrinal purity' as people/religion will abuse that.

What i love is = "Thy word is Truth, sanctify them in the Truth" - John ch17
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Can two believers with differing views on doctrine BOTH have doctrinal purity? (unity)
That depends on what each view declares in relation to the 'doctrine' being observed.

pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib = no unity, unless they all agree upon = "the day or hour no one knows but only My Father"

the Word was God vs the Word was a god = zero unity
Yet, many will agree that = "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us"

What inhibits doctrinal unity is the question all should ask the LORD and seek to know His answer.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
What inhibits doctrinal unity is the question all should ask the LORD and seek to know His answer.
And I suppose the other question would be:
Do we need doctrinal unity?
Perhaps doctrinal unity was never meant to be.
Just something we thought was biblical. (not really)
There are other ways to find unity. (in doctrinal diversity)

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